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I received good and bad news today, the two cancer tests I had did come back Negative, then again on the flip side he sent me right away for chest x Rays and pelvic X-rays. I am choosing to think of the poisitve today though! I was so miserable though after the tests he had me do today and what he put me thru that I came home took some meds and went to sleep. I was worn out. Over the next several weeks I have some tests to go thru and more vampire sticks! He told me this one has to be at the hospital lab because of the timing issue! Argh! It is ridiculous!
They are also looking at some auto immune juices!
At least it was some good news for you today, hopefully the rest comes back good and you start to feel better soon.


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My brother sent me that he was just at a funeral for a highly decorated officer and said Do You think they would do this to our fallen heros at Arlington National Cemetery? I think Not, but they are doing to other National Cemeteries in the Southwest in order to save water and yet behind this National Cemetery, Ft. Bliss just opened an Officers Only Golf Course and is watered three times a day. That they do have enough water for. Then at Riverside National Cemetery in Southern California, they do Not Allow The Marble Headstones to be placed why? I was told because it's easier to cut the grass.
The golf course uses recycled waste water.. or 'purple water'. They are thinking of doing that for the cemetery.. As it is, they save over $400000 a year in water fees alone by not having grass.


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No marble headstones are common practice here in many places as for fort bliss I have family that is in relations between soldiers and their families he told me that after the ground sunk they are not allowed to disturb the ground until the court approves or all the families are contacted and ok it in writing
Thats not true.. they started fixing the next day.. They do contact the relatives, but they control the ground.


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I received good and bad news today, the two cancer tests I had did come back Negative, then again on the flip side he sent me right away for chest x Rays and pelvic X-rays. I am choosing to think of the poisitve today though! I was so miserable though after the tests he had me do today and what he put me thru that I came home took some meds and went to sleep. I was worn out. Over the next several weeks I have some tests to go thru and more vampire sticks! He told me this one has to be at the hospital lab because of the timing issue! Argh! It is ridiculous!
They are also looking at some auto immune juices!

Getting closer to having it figured out. Hopefully they can get more answers soon and getting you back on your feet and with the kids.

I went twelve years without a diagnosis, misdiagnoses and outright accused of malingering before I came across the Doc that started me on the right path. I know how frustrating the whole medical game can be.


Vapor's Dream
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I was hoping to sleep better last night, but no such luck! The two results may have came back negative, but I still have to wait on these four other ones!! I have to say I was freaked out from the first call, then when I got to the oncologist, they put me in a room with all the heads holding wings! He did send me right down for two more tests, X-rays and over the coming weeks I have a few more to do.


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I was hoping to sleep better last night, but no such luck! The two results may have came back negative, but I still have to wait on these four other ones!! I have to say I was freaked out from the first call, then when I got to the oncologist, they put me in a room with all the heads holding wings! He did send me right down for two more tests, X-rays and over the coming weeks I have a few more to do.

Well I'm glad that so far the tests have come back negative. I'm sorry that you have to keep waiting for answers. It really is one of the worst forms of mental torture there is. :( You will get answers though and with enough distraction an trying to live in the moment it doesn't have to be quite so bad. That's how it works for me anyway. :)


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you got yours? I don't see mine yet, but then again, not really sure how to tell though.


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Yep I got an email about it too
Check your spam filter! Dunno why it was in my junk folder


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nothing in spam or email, guess Vaporwatch hasn't got to me just yet, or my email is slow, either way, it'll get there soon.


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Announcement: If you've been waiting for Mellow Melange, your wait is nearly over! It will start flying off the shelves again on Monday at 4 pm Eastern. It will be available in all nicotine strengths. It will also be available in all sizes, including ten 16 oz bottles! So if you've been wanting one of those, I wouldn't wait at all. Actually, no matter what size or strength you're looking for, I recommend acting quickly because Mellow Melange never stays in stock long!




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Announcement: If you've been waiting for Mellow Melange, your wait is nearly over! It will start flying off the shelves again on Monday at 4 pm Eastern. It will be available in all nicotine strengths. It will also be available in all sizes, including ten 16 oz bottles! So if you've been wanting one of those, I wouldn't wait at all. Actually, no matter what size or strength you're looking for, I recommend acting quickly because Mellow Melange never stays in stock long!




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She is Here!!!
Her name is Wonnder Aurora Wade. Six pounds 9 ounces 20 inches. She is really purple because she was born super fast and her face got bruised. She also had the cord around her neck several times. But she cried right away but then was very calm. It was an amazing experience. I videoed the whole birth. She was almost born in the tub...


  • 2014-11-07 22.38.13-1.jpg
    2014-11-07 22.38.13-1.jpg
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She is Here!!!
Her name is Wonnder Aurora Wade. Six pounds 9 ounces 20 inches. She is really purple because she was born super fast and her face got bruised. She also had the cord around her neck several times. But she cried right away but then was very calm. It was an amazing experience. I videoed the whole birth. She was almost born in the tub...
Congratulations Janet she's precious .

Sent from my KFTT using Tapatalk


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So I went with Katana, been curious about that one for, well since the first time I visited the site, and now it's on it's way to me soon.


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Reddit Exile
Announcement: If you've been waiting for Mellow Melange, your wait is nearly over! It will start flying off the shelves again on Monday at 4 pm Eastern. It will be available in all nicotine strengths. It will also be available in all sizes, including ten 16 oz bottles! So if you've been wanting one of those, I wouldn't wait at all. Actually, no matter what size or strength you're looking for, I recommend acting quickly because Mellow Melange never stays in stock long!

I still have a 30ml I have been hoarding...


Vapid Vapetress
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She is Here!!!
Her name is Wonnder Aurora Wade. Six pounds 9 ounces 20 inches. She is really purple because she was born super fast and her face got bruised. She also had the cord around her neck several times. But she cried right away but then was very calm. It was an amazing experience. I videoed the whole birth. She was almost born in the tub...
wow how precious. and such a beautiful name.


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Lol, forgot about that coming back, and I already used my credit for a 30 ml of Katana, I'll have money to make an order sometime after Xmas ( damn kids bleed me dry every damn year about this time) hopefully it'll still be available then, if not there's always next year.


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nope, but very intrigued by it, so had to get some coming my way, will be first thing to fill the fogger once that shows up


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She is Here!!!
Her name is Wonnder Aurora Wade. Six pounds 9 ounces 20 inches. She is really purple because she was born super fast and her face got bruised. She also had the cord around her neck several times. But she cried right away but then was very calm. It was an amazing experience. I videoed the whole birth. She was almost born in the tub...
Congratulations Janet! She's adorable!!! And what a beautiful, strong name too! :)
So I went with Katana, been curious about that one for, well since the first time I visited the site, and now it's on it's way to me soon.
I really love Katana. <3 It's not an ADV for me, but it's amazing! It's sweet, but in a mild way and somehow they managed to get a very natural floral taste in there. I generally don't like floral Vapes because they have that way too strong artificial perfumy taste. Katana isn't like that at all. It gets better as you keep vaping it too. :)
Someone remind me when the mellow melange is back lol!
I will if I'm on at that time. But it is tomorrow at 4 pm EST. I'm in CA, so 1 pm for me. Anyone who vapes 0 nicotine can get some right now.


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Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well, if not, you are included in my prayers.

I enjoyed the auction Friday and Saturday. For anyone holding and/or participating in a future auction, it might help to remember that there are people purchasing not to seek 'deals' but trying to help. This on a fixed and limited income. Purchases are made by bidding with what can be afforded while still trying to balance retail versus what little income is available. One could just give a straight donation, which would probably be lower than the amount given through participating in an auction. Bidding in an auction also helps stimulate the 'bidding' response in others thereby helping reach stated goals.

It can help to remember Hoyle's Law: No matter what the game, no matter what the rules, everyone should be bound by the same for each.

I am having a hard time staying awake today, despite the high nic I drip. Everyone take care, be good to all, and reap the benefits of Family. (/sermon)

Love and enjoy you all, take care. I hope to see you on tonight's show, if there is one.


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Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is doing well, if not, you are included in my prayers.

I enjoyed the auction Friday and Saturday. For anyone holding and/or participating in a future auction, it might help to remember that there are people purchasing not to seek 'deals' but trying to help. This on a fixed and limited income. Purchases are made by bidding with what can be afforded while still trying to balance retail versus what little income is available. One could just give a straight donation, which would probably be lower than the amount given through participating in an auction. Bidding in an auction also helps stimulate the 'bidding' response in others thereby helping reach stated goals.

It can help to remember Hoyle's Law: No matter what the game, no matter what the rules, everyone should be bound by the same for each.

I am having a hard time staying awake today, despite the high nic I drip. Everyone take care, be good to all, and reap the benefits of Family. (/sermon)

Love and enjoy you all, take care. I hope to see you on tonight's show, if there is one.
I agree with you 100% but why did you post it here instead of on the thread about the auction over here:

I mean I wasn't there long because there were mods bidding up the prices and then when they took away your win because they said it wasn't fair to the vendor that you got it for less than retail, it was simply ridiculous.


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Hey everyone! This is Sara here again reminding you that it's almost time for "The Vapor Watch Show"!!! Giveaways aren't guaranteed, but it is Watch's show, so they are likely. :) The show starts at 10 pm Eastern. Just go to or , enjoy the show and vape on!!!


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That's my Facebook "voice" if it seems weird and impersonal. I just didn't have enough time to do anything but copy and paste. :)


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That's my Facebook "voice" if it seems weird and impersonal. I just didn't have enough time to do anything but copy and paste. :)
Well your fb "voice" sounds just as good over here :)

Will we be hearing your real voice again on the show tonight?


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Sorry to sick to go sit in the rain tonight and freeze to watch the show
Ok, I'll bite... why would you have to sit in the rain to watch the show? Actually I just realized that you have limited access to wifi right?

Hope you feel better soon, it sucks being the stay at home parent and being sick.


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I don't have wifi my neighbor lets me sit on their porch and use it to watch but it's cold and rainy tonight but I might be getting something lined up work wise real soon


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I didn't have time to watch the show but stopped in to say hi. Watch was searching his office for something so I just did a drive by. Said hi and then said I couldn't stay because the wife wanted sex. Then I popped out.

Not sure if folks thought it was funny or creepy, LOL.


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I don't have wifi my neighbor lets me sit on their porch and use it to watch but it's cold and rainy tonight but I might be getting something lined up work wise real soon

I thought that is what I heard you say a bit back. It's nice to be able to get access from the neighbor. Too bad you don't have a repeater... unless you have a wifi router laying around, then you might have one if it supports it...

I didn't have time to watch the show but stopped in to say hi. Watch was searching his office for something so I just did a drive by. Said hi and then said I couldn't stay because the wife wanted sex. Then I popped out.

Not sure if folks thought it was funny or creepy, LOL.

A little of both :)
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