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Sorry for not engaging and/or posting. Still having migraine related problems. The aura, bright fog, gets so dense that I can't see. Extremely irritating when trying to watch the monitor.

Love you all, I'll be back when I can see.
Tell that migraine to go away and get to feeling better looks like your getting extra prayers tonight

Just Me

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Good Morning!!!


Vapor's Dream
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Wow, after @Midniteoyl's post I did some poking around and Ohio is a state with a Social Security limitation, but it looks like the benefits may not be totally eliminated based on info at the STRS website for Ohio:

I'd definitely get in contact with them and find out exactly what you do qualify for, including any disability benefits that you may be eligable for from STRS.

Man teachers seem to get screwed from every-which way...
Thank you so much!!! Have had a rough few days, so I really appreciate the help here!


Vapor's Dream
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Wish I had of noticed this thread sooner, but it's still very much appreciated!! How awesome is that? Just reply and maybe win something....
Welcome to our little slice of heaven! Yes giveaways are nice, but I love the atmosphere here more than anything! Great friends great times! And for one, I am going thru a scary time right now medically, and I feel like I have a custom support group here, feels more like old friends talking and supporting each other, better than winning in my opinion! :);)


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@Damwow, I replied over in the 'new' Mod Envy Channel post. As soon as I get my software up and running, I plan on broadcasting in the wee hours of the morning. Chronic insomnia just might turn out to be useful. This should happen within a week.

p.s. So glad you seem to be doing so much better.


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Sorry for not engaging and/or posting. Still having migraine related problems. The aura, bright fog, gets so dense that I can't see. Extremely irritating when trying to watch the monitor.

Love you all, I'll be back when I can see.
Talk to your doc about Zomig nasal spray it works really well but does make me a bit tired and there is a bit of taste in the back of your throat


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Well dr apt over no new meds yet wooohoooo but getting sent for test on my heart now


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I was going to be super cheesy and say they might find it abnormal that it's made of :)


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Howdy peeps. I'm feeling better. Though the snow (in Arkansas in November?!?!?!) and extreme cold ain't helpin!


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What are they testing your heart for? They could just ask us in this thread. We all know your heart is big. ;)
They are trying to figure out what's going on they don't have a clue yet diet is great and still gaining weight and swelling up all the time


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They are trying to figure out what's going on they don't have a clue yet diet is great and still gaining weight and swelling up all the time

I had that happen to me before. In my case it was caused by a medication. It was scary and gaining weight when I didn't do anything to deserve it was just wrong! I hope they figure out what it is and are able to fix it quickly. :)


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I had that happen to me before. In my case it was caused by a medication. It was scary and gaining weight when I didn't do anything to deserve it was just wrong! I hope they figure out what it is and are able to fix it quickly. :)
I have a few docs pulling hair out trying to figure it out I'm 5'8" and now at 335lb so they need to figure it out soon


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I had that happen to me before. In my case it was caused by a medication. It was scary and gaining weight when I didn't do anything to deserve it was just wrong! I hope they figure out what it is and are able to fix it quickly. :)
I always said that I didn't deserve to gain weight, but it didn't matter, especially after my last surgery which made "sendentary" look active.


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Well I've definitely gained weight at certain times and totally deserved but this particular medicine caused me to gain 60 lbs in 6 months!!! I didn't eat more or exercise less at all. The doctor just figured that I was eating more and in some kind of denial. Luckily I knew that it started right after starting that medication and that was the only thing that changed around that time. I stopped taking it and didn't gain a pound more. Unfortunately it didn't come off as easily as it came on. :mad: Stupid medicine! Stupid Doctor! :(:mad::mad:
I still have a couple of resentments about that


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I had that happen to me before. In my case it was caused by a medication. It was scary and gaining weight when I didn't do anything to deserve it was just wrong! I hope they figure out what it is and are able to fix it quickly. :)

I was put on steroids after a bad bout with bronchitis last year, I blew up like the Michelin man. Once the Dr. saw the side effects he took me off the steroids and put me on a strong diuretic. It gave me a new perception on taking a pee.


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I've been on and off high dose steroids for years and I'm on 5 meds for breathing all can cause me to gain but I've gained amost 30lb in about 1.5 months


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I've been on and off high dose steroids for years and I'm on 5 meds for breathing all can cause me to gain but I've gained amost 30lb in about 1.5 months
Wow that really sucks. I thought that I had it bad gaining 35 pounds within a year of my surgery at the end of Jan 2013. I've since managed to drop 7-10 of those but I'm range bound now and heading into winter I normally gain about 10 pounds because the diet gets more carb oriented than the summer. Although the last 2 summers have not taken the normal upswing in protein since it has become harder for me to run the grill.


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Wow that really sucks. I thought that I had it bad gaining 35 pounds within a year of my surgery at the end of Jan 2013. I've since managed to drop 7-10 of those but I'm range bound now and heading into winter I normally gain about 10 pounds because the diet gets more carb oriented than the summer. Although the last 2 summers have not taken the normal upswing in protein since it has become harder for me to run the grill.
It is starting to limit my mobility a lot and that makes find a job a bit harder


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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I've been on and off high dose steroids for years and I'm on 5 meds for breathing all can cause me to gain but I've gained amost 30lb in about 1.5 months
With my experience, in mind I'd say the steroids are the cause of your weight gain. They were for me, I gained 22 lbs in 15 days, mostly water, but still it was a bad situation.


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Steroids are part of it I know but without them I don't breath it's not the only problem several test have came back wonky


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I'm glad you're feeling better @BigGunn :) It is kind of odd that it's snowing there right now, isn't it?

Snowed Sunday night (not much, about a half an inch), just been colder than a well digger's butt in brass undies since then. And yeah, think it's our earliest recorded snowfall in ages.


Vapor's Dream
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@Damwow, I replied over in the 'new' Mod Envy Channel post. As soon as I get my software up and running, I plan on broadcasting in the wee hours of the morning. Chronic insomnia just might turn out to be useful. This should happen within a week.

p.s. So glad you seem to be doing so much better.
Oh My God! I am in so much pain today I want to pull my hair out!


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Sending some empathy your way @Damwow and @cherrycakes. I'm really glad to say that I've been pretty comfortable today given how much I've effort and discomfort I've been through the last week dealing with my son's health issues. Only have 1 more Norco till Friday though so hopefully I'll continue to keep under the patch's threshold.


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I'm glad to hear that @VaporWatch is successful enough to be so generous.

Looking forward to seeing what he has up his sleeve next ;)


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Not bad considering I just got back from Hawaii. When you're a kid, snow was enchanting and fun. Then you had to shovel the walkway and driveway and it was a little less fun. Skiing and skating still brought enchantment to winter. Once we got old enough, driving in the snow and winter came. Snow was not enchanting any more. After college and many a kegger, professional work and vocation came. Getting up at O'Dark thirty in the AM to shovel the driveway and sidewalk is a chore. Snow and winter lost the enchantment of childhood as we drive on gridlocked highways to jobs we may or many not like in order to keep the economy chugging along. The only redeeming aspect of snow and winter is seeing the kids gleefully sledding and having a good time. They still have the enchantment of snow and winter in their minds. Growing up sucks.

@Zamazam I think I hate you...I love the winter and the snow. But I have always dreamed of going to Hawaii.


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Sorry y'all I've not been on much today but was having a good day so I spent it playing with my kids and helping some with homework you know do what you can when you can I hope everybody else had a good day also


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Sorry y'all I've not been on much today but was having a good day so I spent it playing with my kids and helping some with homework you know do what you can when you can I hope everybody else had a good day also
Good for you. Glad you got to enjoy the day!


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Good morning everyone! :) My morning was good- until I realized that it was Thursday, not Then I had to seriously hurry...ugh. How is your day so far? Directed @ everyone...
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