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I'm fairly new to the community here and just happened upon this thread. What an awesome and unique thread...the OP must be an awesome vendor to be giving stuff away on the regular too... even if it is at random. What is this show you all are talking about though? Can someone point me to it please?


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I don't think I can can I? I thought since I was a teacher I couldn't
Why would a teacher be unable to file for SSDI? It's a federal division of social security that is specifically for people who are disabled and unable to work.


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Why would a teacher be unable to file for SSDI? It's a federal division of social security that is specifically for people who are disabled and unable to work.
Some teachers in the Teachers Union cant, I believe..


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Looks like Geiger artwork to me


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That is what I was thinking, but @InMyImage i will definitely look into!
Wow, after @Midniteoyl's post I did some poking around and Ohio is a state with a Social Security limitation, but it looks like the benefits may not be totally eliminated based on info at the STRS website for Ohio:

I'd definitely get in contact with them and find out exactly what you do qualify for, including any disability benefits that you may be eligable for from STRS.

Man teachers seem to get screwed from every-which way...


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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You mean the guy that does a bunch of the "Alien" art work?
If so, he has done some really bad ass stuff. I love biomechanical.
Guess he died this year :(
Yea, He was the king of sci-fi art. He even helped design the Alien from Alien.


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Good day to all, enjoying a Monday at home ( love those 3 day weekends every other week) Kinda boring though, youngest in school, and oldest has moved out, so sitting at home with nothing really to do. Guess I'll rebuild my Plume Veil again, don't wanna mess up the Fogger build.


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Good day to all, enjoying a Monday at home ( love those 3 day weekends every other week) Kinda boring though, youngest in school, and oldest has moved out, so sitting at home with nothing really to do. Guess I'll rebuild my Plume Veil again, don't wanna mess up the Fogger build.
Good morning @Demoniacal
So how you like the Fogger? I've been a little interested in them lately. That and the Lemo


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Good morning @Zamazam !!! How are you today?
Not bad considering I just got back from Hawaii. When you're a kid, snow was enchanting and fun. Then you had to shovel the walkway and driveway and it was a little less fun. Skiing and skating still brought enchantment to winter. Once we got old enough, driving in the snow and winter came. Snow was not enchanting any more. After college and many a kegger, professional work and vocation came. Getting up at O'Dark thirty in the AM to shovel the driveway and sidewalk is a chore. Snow and winter lost the enchantment of childhood as we drive on gridlocked highways to jobs we may or many not like in order to keep the economy chugging along. The only redeeming aspect of snow and winter is seeing the kids gleefully sledding and having a good time. They still have the enchantment of snow and winter in their minds. Growing up sucks.


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Good day to all, enjoying a Monday at home ( love those 3 day weekends every other week) Kinda boring though, youngest in school, and oldest has moved out, so sitting at home with nothing really to do. Guess I'll rebuild my Plume Veil again, don't wanna mess up the Fogger build.
Good morning @Demoniacal !! What's the best build you've found for the Plume Veil?


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Not bad considering I just got back from Hawaii. When you're a kid, snow was enchanting and fun. Then you had to shovel the walkway and driveway and it was a little less fun. Skiing and skating still brought enchantment to winter. Once we got old enough, driving in the snow and winter came. Snow was not enchanting any more. After college and many a kegger, professional work and vocation came. Getting up at O'Dark thirty in the AM to shovel the driveway and sidewalk is a chore. Snow and winter lost the enchantment of childhood as we drive on gridlocked highways to jobs we may or many not like in order to keep the economy chugging along. The only redeeming aspect of snow and winter is seeing the kids gleefully sledding and having a good time. They still have the enchantment of snow and winter in their minds. Growing up sucks. I remember the first time I every saw snow... We went to my Uncle's wedding right outside of Chicago when I was 9. My sister and I were soooo excited to finally see real snow that we started making snow angels in the airport parking it was so dirty and gross! But somehow still magical! lol


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Good morning @Demoniacal !! What's the best build you've found for the Plume Veil?
I keep trying new things, right now have triple twisted 30g 8 wraps dual coils running at .4 ohms and it's kicking great flavor and amazing clouds.
Good morning @Demoniacal
So how you like the Fogger? I've been a little interested in them lately. That and the Lemo
I love the Fogger, almost same amount of flavor I get from my Plume veil, a little less clouds, it does drink the juice pretty quick though at .8 ohm build.


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Thank God for Vapers TV, my TV in my room just took a shit, I'd be bored to death without VTV now, just need to figure out a way to hook my xbox into this ancient ass monitor though.


Evil Vulcan's do it with Logic
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Thank God for Vapers TV, my TV in my room just took a shit, I'd be bored to death without VTV now, just need to figure out a way to hook my xbox into this ancient ass monitor though.
Yea, my 10 yr old sony plasma screen in my den gave up the ghost last week. What a bitch, but I'm going TV shopping next week and gonna get a big LCD tv. The pisser is I have an analog Magnavox 19" TV from 1973 that is still working. Fuck, where has quality gone?


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Wish I had of noticed this thread sooner, but it's still very much appreciated!! How awesome is that? Just reply and maybe win something....
The giveaways in here are random, but very generous, welcome in, pull up a chair, and put anything down you're thinking about.


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Sorry for not engaging and/or posting. Still having migraine related problems. The aura, bright fog, gets so dense that I can't see. Extremely irritating when trying to watch the monitor.

Love you all, I'll be back when I can see.
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