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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread

Smoky Blue

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LOL..I dont want to vape it.... Im wondering how I can make a juice out of FA to put in my water to flavor it. Im guessing I would just add some sweetner ? Stevia maybe ? Anybody try this ?
That sounds like an awesome idea there!


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Speaking of salt, does anyone who uses saline notice muted flavor or enhanced flavor?
I ran out a good while ago and have been using vg cut with DW and Everclear. I can honestly say I can tell the difference in taste and sinus/throat dryness. My wife and son can attest to this as well, although all they vape is a Cowboy baccy.
so far I think I am the only one in a world of saline users, but I cant vape it. to me any percent is like pouring a bag of salt in my mouth. I even made 2 identical juice in un marked bottles. did the ol switch a roo where are you and I could taste the saline. #hashtag coil-killer........ I dont maybe I am just not using it right but I gave up on it awhile back. I like my juice the way it is :)


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so far I think I am the only one in a world of saline users, but I cant vape it. to me any percent is like pouring a bag of salt in my mouth. I even made 2 identical juice in un marked bottles. did the ol switch a roo where are you and I could taste the saline. #hashtag coil-killer........ I dont maybe I am just not using it right but I gave up on it awhile back. I like my juice the way it is :)

Come to think of it I don't have gunked up coils now that I've stopped using saline. I wonder why it was doing that?


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so far I think I am the only one in a world of saline users, but I cant vape it. to me any percent is like pouring a bag of salt in my mouth. I even made 2 identical juice in un marked bottles. did the ol switch a roo where are you and I could taste the saline. #hashtag coil-killer........ I dont maybe I am just not using it right but I gave up on it awhile back. I like my juice the way it is :)

What ratios you using


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I think I tried several different things, including 10% DW. But the last few bottles I made I just used the saline solution (in a 50/50 mix more or less).


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I've been using a VG base with 80% VG, 13.5% DW, 4.5% SS, 2% PGA...I can't say that I could taste any saltiness as wllmc...just yesterday I made a VG base @ 85% VG, 10.5% DW, 2.5% SS, 2% PGA....haven't mixed anything with it yet.

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wow.. the only time i use saline, is as an additive, and never above .5%
I don't add any distilled water to my vg.. but if it is too thick, will drop a .5ml of vodka, 151 rum or everclear.. at the most.
never had any issues, but then I drip.


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What ratios you using
I have tried everything from 1% to 5%. started at 5 went to 1. tried the prescription kind , the amazon singles and made my own. tried steeping it and shake and vape. seems like most folks dont taste it.... I'll give it whirl again someday


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I have tried everything from 1% to 5%. started at 5 went to 1. tried the prescription kind , the amazon singles and made my own. tried steeping it and shake and vape. seems like most folks dont taste it.... I'll give it whirl again someday

maybe getting the correct % of DW & PGA mixed with the SS puts everything into the right perspective...I dunno, just an un-calculated guess
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Hey guys,

I just wanted to add my 2 cents on the saline solution thing. I followed AmandaD's instructions on a post at the other forum to make a 0.9% saline. I used kosher seat salt and distilled water. I took one tiny taste of the finished solution, and it was like licking a salt cube to me. So, I dumped half the solution and filled the 120 ml bottle with distilled water. So, I have no idea what the resulting saline % is, but probably around 0.4%-0.5%. That is doable for me, but still noticeable if I taste it. I think I'm just sensitive to it, which makes sense because I don't salt my food either, and find when others cook and use it to season or go to a restaurant, the salt content, to me, is always too high. But, I have noticed a difference with a few mixes I have made. I didn't know it was a coil-killer though. But, that would make sense as the salt would fuse to the coil when heated and accumulate after a while. I just never thought about it.

If you guys aren't using saline, does anyone use lemon juice or any other additive other than distilled water to thin VG? What does PGA do?


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maybe getting the correct % of DW & PGA mixed with the SS puts everything into the right perspective...I dunno, just an un-calculated guess
Ill try your base mixes sometime. I really want to see the POW POW!!! I always read about. making flavors pop etc. havent tried PGA yet

Smoky Blue

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Hey guys,

I just wanted to add my 2 cents on the saline solution thing. I followed AmandaD's instructions on a post at the other forum to make a 0.9% saline. I used kosher seat salt and distilled water. I took one tiny taste of the finished solution, and it was like licking a salt cube to me. So, I dumped half the solution and filled the 120 ml bottle with distilled water. So, I have no idea what the resulting saline % is, but probably around 0.4%-0.5%. That is doable for me, but still noticeable if I taste it. I think I'm just sensitive to it, which makes sense because I don't salt my food either, and find when others cook and use it to season or go to a restaurant, the salt content, to me, is always too high. But, I have noticed a difference with a few mixes I have made. I didn't know it was a coil-killer though. But, that would make sense as the salt would fuse to the coil when heated and accumulate after a while. I just never thought about it.

If you guys aren't using saline, does anyone use lemon juice or any other additive other than distilled water to thin VG? What does PGA do?

hmm yeps .5% saline :) bingo.

yes to lemon juice, lime juice, some alcohols.. but I avoid any golds or darks..
ap, ta, white vinegar, apple cider vinegar.. and a few others I cant think of off the top of my head.


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Hey guys,

I just wanted to add my 2 cents on the saline solution thing. I followed AmandaD's instructions on a post at the other forum to make a 0.9% saline. I used kosher seat salt and distilled water. I took one tiny taste of the finished solution, and it was like licking a salt cube to me. So, I dumped half the solution and filled the 120 ml bottle with distilled water. So, I have no idea what the resulting saline % is, but probably around 0.4%-0.5%. That is doable for me, but still noticeable if I taste it. I think I'm just sensitive to it, which makes sense because I don't salt my food either, and find when others cook and use it to season or go to a restaurant, the salt content, to me, is always too high. But, I have noticed a difference with a few mixes I have made. I didn't know it was a coil-killer though. But, that would make sense as the salt would fuse to the coil when heated and accumulate after a while. I just never thought about it.

If you guys aren't using saline, does anyone use lemon juice or any other additive other than distilled water to thin VG? What does PGA do?
same here. when I cook I season lightly and thats it. I hate fast food fries and stuff because of the salt. now pepper ...mmmmm ... pile it on :D I just use PG. usually my flavor mix is 3-6% then rest in PG. PG doesnt bother me like some people and I dont like SS or DW so far. usually I mix 10 PG and 90 VG. if its in the kayfun its usually 15/85.... the kayfun in the winter is 50/50 . you know the PG antifreeze debate lmao !


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same here. when I cook I season lightly and thats it. I hate fast food fries and stuff because of the salt. now pepper ...mmmmm ... pile it on :D I just use PG. usually my flavor mix is 3-6% then rest in PG. PG doesnt bother me like some people and I dont like SS or DW so far. usually I mix 10 PG and 90 VG. if its in the kayfun its usually 15/85.... the kayfun in the winter is 50/50 . you know the PG antifreeze debate lmao !
Have you tried the FA Black Pepper?


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wllmc has a recipe with cucumber and black pepper - but I can't find it now! And I bought the ingredients specially to make it LOL


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Question for the experts (or anyone that knows more than me): Does FA Fresh Cream mute FA Strawberry and other flavors?

Right now I'm using 1.5% FA Fresh Cream to 4.5% FA Strawberry, and the strawberry seems to barely be coming through. Should I lower the FA Fresh Cream some? It's good, but I could use more fresh strawberries.


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wllmc has a recipe with cucumber and black pepper - but I can't find it now! And I bought the ingredients specially to make it LOL
that wasnt me lol I want to try tho :D


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what zolt said. I would use 2-3% strawberry, a little fresh cream and a vanilla


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that wasnt me lol I want to try tho :D
I couldn't find it in a sample size, so had to get 10ml. I'd asked Nikhil about it. Said he was curious about it but didn't have it... I'd be willing to make him some, LMAO


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To all the cool Kids..... What are your thoughts about making a really in your face blueberry vape.

I have a decent one using TFA with a bit of peach, strawberry and blueberry extra. I am playing with the same flavors and want to be heavy on the blueberry , but am trying it with FA flavors and substituting the Blueberry with Bilberry.

Im at 2 % strawberry (cause its weakish) 1 percent white peach (and its so strong I have gone 1%, 2%,3% and now 4% Bilberry, and at 4% I can finaly taste the Bilberry over the white peach, but i think Im sitting right on that fence where the mix is starting to give me that dry tounge feel.....maybe will be perfumish if I add more Bilberry.

Im thinking to re do the mix with only .5% white peach, and maybe my bilberry will taste strong at only 3%....what do you think?

Or in your experience, is the bilberry just not as strong as TFA Blueberry extra ?

I guess I will end up experimenting with it anyway, just wanted some input on the Bilberry as opposed to TFA Bluberry extra. (I didnt try bilberry as a stand alone flavor....I know, I should have)

Or maybe I am going about this the wrong way with the other two flavors..... Hmm


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Gosh I think Bilberry is strong at even 0.5%, lol. I haven't had the Blueberry extra, so I won't be any help, really. I think you're on the right track with .5 peach, though. If you try 1.5 - 2% Strawberry, 2.5 Billberry and .5 white peach, you could always add more flavor if it's not right?

(not one of the cool kids, but trying to think it out)


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FA Bilberry at 0.5% is about the same strength as TFA Blueberry Wild at 10-12%.
If you want Bilberry to be the dominant flavor, lower the other fruits to .5%, or eliminate them.
I guess I'm stumped, as for an "In your face Blueberry", I sure wouldn't be adding Strawberry and Peach, YUK, IMO, LOL.
But you could mix the FA Bilberry with TFA Blueberry.
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I know crapola about this stuff, still a total noob, but when dealing with the actual in real life fruits adding apple and or grape juice can lighten and brighten berry flavors. Maybe not enough to actually taste it but to help make it pop.


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I think this is why ppl add 1-2 drops of lemon juice, ACV, or Malic Acid to some fruits.
Thinking most of the concentrated flavorings we use will have more impact to the flavor, rather that adding that "acidic pop".
There may be some exceptions though, as mixing certain flavorings can get some strange, (both good and bad), results.

Smoky Blue

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FA Bilberry at 2-3% is about the same strength as TFA Blueberry Wild at 10-12%.
If you want Bilberry to be the dominant flavor, lower the other fruits to .5%, or eliminate them.
I guess I'm stumped, as for an "In your face Blueberry", I sure wouldn't be adding Strawberry and Peach, YUK, IMO, LOL.
But you could mix the FA Bilberry with TFA Blueberry.

I'd try adding some apple.. and drop all that rest of the bit.. using the bilberry.. just a thought..
apple will brighten it up a hair..

I think this is why ppl add 1-2 drops of lemon juice, ACV, or Malic Acid to some fruits.
Thinking most of the concentrated flavorings we use will have more impact to the flavor, rather that adding that "acidic pop".
There may be some exceptions though, as mixing certain flavorings can get some strange, (both good and bad), results.

yeps.. tis true.. I <3 using my additives.. :)


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what zolt said. I would use 2-3% strawberry, a little fresh cream and a vanilla


The problem is that I started at .5% Fresh Cream and 3% Strawberry and could barely taste anything, so I had been advised to raise the percentages.

I'll bring them back down on my next bottle and maybe add a little vanilla flavoring (gotta look to see what I have).

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The problem is that I started at .5% Fresh Cream and 3% Strawberry and could barely taste anything, so I had been advised to raise the percentages.

I'll bring them back down on my next bottle and maybe add a little vanilla flavoring (gotta look to see what I have).

try some vanillin with that too.. around .5 to 1%


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SOMETHING just happened.

The last few tokes off my Nautilus have been EXTREMELY flavorful!

No changes. I've been using the same juice, same battery charge, came coil.

If this keeps up, I'll be a VERY happy camper!


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To all the cool Kids..... What are your thoughts about making a really in your face blueberry vape.

I have a decent one using TFA with a bit of peach, strawberry and blueberry extra. I am playing with the same flavors and want to be heavy on the blueberry , but am trying it with FA flavors and substituting the Blueberry with Bilberry.

Im at 2 % strawberry (cause its weakish) 1 percent white peach (and its so strong I have gone 1%, 2%,3% and now 4% Bilberry, and at 4% I can finaly taste the Bilberry over the white peach, but i think Im sitting right on that fence where the mix is starting to give me that dry tounge feel.....maybe will be perfumish if I add more Bilberry.

Im thinking to re do the mix with only .5% white peach, and maybe my bilberry will taste strong at only 3%....what do you think?

Or in your experience, is the bilberry just not as strong as TFA Blueberry extra ?

I guess I will end up experimenting with it anyway, just wanted some input on the Bilberry as opposed to TFA Bluberry extra. (I didnt try bilberry as a stand alone flavor....I know, I should have)

Or maybe I am going about this the wrong way with the other two flavors..... Hmm
to me white peach is pretty strong. 1% sounds right to me tho , might need to drop it a pinch but im with huck. I think bilberry is really strong flavor. but on the other hand I believe in the "whatevers clever" slogan, if it takes 4 or 5 % to taste good for you then juice it up lol. off the top of my head I would try 2-3% strawberry because I believe its a weak flavor also but delicious, .5% white peach 2% bilberry and maybe a little splash of raspberry or black currant or even maybe watermelon would be tasty, those would be .5% or less

EDIT and thats a ton of bilberry bet it would still drown out the strawberry. adding those little extras with a lower percent of bilberry might be what you are looking for
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SOMETHING just happened.

The last few tokes off my Nautilus have been EXTREMELY flavorful!

No changes. I've been using the same juice, same battery charge, came coil.

If this keeps up, I'll be a VERY happy camper!
awesome ! adding like 1% or so of a different strawberry may help also get the flavor profile you are looking for. but sounds like it just needed a little time and maybe to break in the coil and wick. thats part of my tips and tricks. I never rule out a flavor or a combo before I have vaped several mls. sometimes fresh coils and wicks just need broke in.


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awesome ! adding like 1% or so of a different strawberry may help also get the flavor profile you are looking for. but sounds like it just needed a little time and maybe to break in the coil and wick. thats part of my tips and tricks. I never rule out a flavor or a combo before I have vaped several mls. sometimes fresh coils and wicks just need broke in.

I'm only into about my third or fourth day with my Nautilus, but I'd been using this same recipe with my iClear X.I glassos up until this point. I've gone through a couple of bottles of this exact mix in those. Suddenly with this one, though...WOW. I'm pretty sure I need to cut back on flavors now.

We'll see what those new BVCs do for me and flavor. I hope to be able to find out tomorrow or Saturday.


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LOL..I dont want to vape it.... Im wondering how I can make a juice out of FA to put in my water to flavor it. Im guessing I would just add some sweetner ? Stevia maybe ? Anybody try this ?

Flavor Mixers, Go Splash, Crystal Light (etc.) all make flavoring you squirt in water. You can use drops of FA flavorings the same way. Just add flavorings to plain water, tonic water, soda water, mineral water, whatever. I use liquid Sucralose to sweeten, since I have a big supply and don't vape it any more, but you could use whatever you like for sweetness. Tonic water with FA Mandarin and FA Lime Tahiti is excellent! (I don't sweeten that one.) Kids like Pineapple-Coconut-Strawberry + sweetener in bubbly water.

We talk about vaping FA flavors all the time, but they are really excellent food flavorings, after all. I make some killer chocolate truffles with FA flavorings for Christmas gifts. I've made those for years, but with FA flavors, they're way better than the grocery-store extracts I used to use.


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In testing different flavors, I ended up mixing 1% each of honeydew and cantaloupe together. Tastes fine but it's "dry". Any way to fix that?

Edit: should have included that it's 50pg/50vg 6mg


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In testing different flavors, I ended up mixing 1% each of honeydew and cantaloupe together. Tastes fine but it's "dry". Any way to fix that?

By "dry" do you mean it could use something sweet (strawberry, meringue, some other sweet fruit)? Or it's dull and needs a lift (a little lime cold-pressed or kiwi, maybe?)

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