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FlavourArt Club ... formally known as the PureVapes thread


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hey guys , I need to try out my cuban and virginia. any recomendations on additions or what they go well with?

Cuban is very neutral, you could mix it with just about anything. You may want to try HIC's Light American Cig Replacement, it would give you a good feel for it. While the flavor doesn't change a lot it does get bolder, a little darker, with a long steep.

Virginia really isn't a favorite of mine, I like it best as an addition in a blend. I know a lot of people like it with just some AP added, but I've never tried it. I only use it as the main flavor in one recipe. It's a modified version of @we2rcool's English Blend(virginia 1.8, latakia .6, desert ship .6) it's very smooth, realistic tobacco but kinda plane to me. So.. yeah, Latakia gives you a kinda dark smokey note with a bright ?bitter? note and Virginia covers the middle ground.

I call my modified version Virginia Special. It takes a six week steep for it to get right with me.

Virginia 2%
Latakia 1%
Desert Ship 0.5%
Black Fire 0.5%


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I have quite a list - Bananas Foster, White Peach Cocktail, Cafe Amaretto, Dr. F'n Pepper, A&W Float, T-balls Vanilla, and so on.... I have to vape faster!

I got some of the flavors missing to try Will's Dr. F'n Pepper...I was going to sub INW for some but sale, and HIC makes NF Ginger sound awesome so I needed that. They didn't have Holiday Spice but I got some other spice thing. Could be holiday, it was the signature line, so IDK. I want to make a French Vanilla chai. Love the Twinings version when the weather gets cool.

That's about it besides version 10 or 11 of my unicorn- cloning TPR's Honey Fig Tobacco. I think I have all the stuff I need for that though. Been at it awhile. lol So far they've been vape-able but not there there yet.
Damn.. I forgot about the Dr. F'n Pepper...... I need to make that later today.

I made Wills Biscochitos and its yummy.. Ive capped it and gonna wait til Pumpkin day to re open. Thats a quality vape.

I mixed Hics Sweet Spiced Apple as per written and another I doubled all the ingredients. Its good stuff either way. I like very strong flavors so I cheat sometimes and up the flavors.

I also made Wills Cherry cream lifesavers thingy and it tastes just liike it sounds like it would taste like..which I like.

Ive been working on a Reeces peanut butter cup but Im just so damn picky about the Peanut butter part.... Its a fail so far. Ive used TFA, Lorans, FW and just ordered Caps. Ive mixed them and combined them, spit in them....... Im thinking I need some peanuts to throw in there.... Yeah... Gonna order me some peanut flavor next.

Smoky Blue gave me a good zinger the other day....called Sparkles. Its a flavorfull vape that will make you hit the back of your chair. A heavy fruit explosion if you like that sort of thing. 80% of what I vape is fruit concoctions, so I like it......but cant vape it all day...LOL

Its always nice to have someone elses tried and true recipies when you have no luck with your own, :rolleyes::);)

Thats my weekend report....:D


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Thanks for the report @Thunderball, I still have those on my list to mix. Next weekend.

I agree on the PB. To me it's not creamy enough so I have tried adding creamy things to it. It works but then the PB is light. :confused:

Edit: When you get CAP's PB, don't mix it stand alone! It won't work... trust me.


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In my best Silvio impression, "Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in."

I was going to take a break from mixing new ideas for a few days and happily vape my way through some leftovers.
Then someone sent me a recipe that is so intriguing, I just gotta try a vape version of it. I had that one sketched out on paper...
when someone asked about my gingersnap recipe if I'd considered adding lemon cream like Carr's cookies. I love those cookies, so tried that right away. Now I need to go cookie-shopping!
And I still haven't gotten back to the first one yet, but some of the more unusual flavor combos from these pages sure look good. Especially this one, which I just spotted while typing this.
I really am like a dog with -- SQUIRREL!


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That is so crazy. Last night, while vaping lemon meringue, I wondered what it'd taste like with a tiny dot of Marzipan.

A combination of Marzipan, Lemon Sicily, and TFA White Chocolate (contains custard note ingredients) is pretty tasty, but that white chocolate is a little rough at first. So I added Custard, which has that citrus zing that goes well with this. Then I realized I've done this before.:rolleyes: I came at it from the marzipan-custard side then, after seeing a (candy? dessert?) recipe with a great-looking photo. Pretty much any combination of marzipan, lemon sicily, custard tastes good; that white chocolate isn't necessary but adds a distinct candy impression.

Smoky Blue

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One-of-these-days, I'm gonna try that Absolute Pin. Anise and Irish Cream (that's the profile, right?) are among my favorites, and it would be a fun combination to make with FA flavors.

i dunno.. you might like it HIC.. me.. I had the real thing.. it was good, but not an every day vape.. too rich for me..
might have something on that line tho.. will have to dig..

meantime, I am thinking on an italian lemon popover.. hmm and a pecan turn over and some anise rum raisin cookies.. :D
just dont have the time today to mix, maybe tonight or tomorrow..

I have to do something with my strawberry plants now.. temps are dropping tonight and they still have babies hanging from them..
dirt!! :D i needs dirt and... *giggles.. :)

hope every one is having a good day!


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i dunno.. you might like it HIC.. me.. I had the real thing.. it was good, but not an every day vape.. too rich for me..
might have something on that line tho.. will have to dig..

meantime, I am thinking on an italian lemon popover.. hmm and a pecan turn over and some anise rum raisin cookies.. :D

hope every one is having a good day!
Is TFA the only pecan flavor out there? Is it pretty good ?

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Is TFA the only pecan flavor out there? Is it pretty good ?

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I just got the Pecan on Saturday, but haven't had time to play.

What's everyone working on?
I got a a bourbon mojito mix in the works. Coming together fairly well.

I have a Black Currant thingy in the works, 2 of them, actually. Then I got to looking at recipes and realized they're so close to 2 others, I might scrap them. Another idea popped into my head a while ago involving Coconut. Just wrote down flavor names. Will work more on that later.


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What's everyone working on?
I got a a bourbon mojito mix in the works. Coming together fairly well.
I just tweaked a Merlot...been working on it for a few weeks. 1st one sucked, got some other flavors so the 2nd was better but I just added a little more oak wood and some smoked plum.


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One-of-these-days, I'm gonna try that Absolute Pin. Anise and Irish Cream (that's the profile, right?) are among my favorites, and it would be a fun combination to make with FA flavors.

It was my favorite vape until I came to DIY. I did try to clone it, but none of my efforts even came close. Again, I suspect it's because they do some of their own extractions. But if anyone can do it, it's you, HIC!

I have been vaping this since Saturday and it is almost spot on for Absolute Pin. Origionally posted by LadyRed69 here on VU

Absolute Pin clone

12% Irish Cream (Cap)
8% Caramel Original (TFA)
4% absinthe (TFA)
2% Cinnamon Spice (TFA)


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I have been vaping this since Saturday and it is almost spot on for Absolute Pin. Origionally posted by LadyRed69 here on VU

Absolute Pin clone

12% Irish Cream (Cap)
8% Caramel Original (TFA)
4% absinthe (TFA)
2% Cinnamon Spice (TFA)

You think so? The TFA caramel has a very strange taste to me that I didn't taste in Absolute Pin!


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You think so? The TFA caramel has a very strange taste to me that I didn't taste in Absolute Pin!
The clone is really close, there is a slight difference that I cant seem to figure out and the Absinthe is slightly stronger in the clone. But I had planed to up the % on the Absinthe anyway. I have been really happy with it so far, may try a different Caramel on the next Batch but so far Im happy. :)

Smoky Blue

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I have been vaping this since Saturday and it is almost spot on for Absolute Pin. Origionally posted by LadyRed69 here on VU

Absolute Pin clone

12% Irish Cream (Cap)
8% Caramel Original (TFA)
4% absinthe (TFA)
2% Cinnamon Spice (TFA)

you might want to cut the caramel down in half ;)


sub that out for some ddl :D


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I have been vaping this since Saturday and it is almost spot on for Absolute Pin. Origionally posted by LadyRed69 here on VU

Absolute Pin clone

12% Irish Cream (Cap)
8% Caramel Original (TFA)
4% absinthe (TFA)
2% Cinnamon Spice (TFA)

I'm nuts for FA Irish Cream but haven't tried Capella's version. Am I missing something fantastic if I never try it?
TFA Absinthe is simply star anise essential oil, which IMO FA Anise is, too (perhaps with PG instead of alcohol). I use them interchangeably.
My favorite cinnamon flavor is FA Cinn Ceylon (or TFA Red Hots for candies).

If when I mix up a no-custard-notes, all FA version, I'll add Vienna Cream. (FA Irish Cream, Vienna Cream, Caramel are a great trio.) I'll have no idea what it's "supposed to" taste like, but that just sounds like a tasty bunch of flavors!


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...actually, it's an excellent opportunity to try out my "homevape" irish cream recipes, which use FA Whiskey and other FA flavors. :)
That sounds REALLY good Will have to try that with Kentucky Bourbon and Vanilla Bourbon :)


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Oh cool, just this morning I started playing with a rum mix. I've been diggin on some spearmint vapes!
While Candy Cane is good, minty, cool, or menthol vapes aren't for me. Candy Cane is the only mint I have on hand. This one is for someone else, kind of challenging to put aside my own personal tastes and judge it, personal preferences aside. But I think I have a good thing going, hope to finish it up tonight


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If when I mix up a no-custard-notes, all FA version, I'll add Vienna Cream. (FA Irish Cream, Vienna Cream, Caramel are a great trio.) I'll have no idea what it's "supposed to" taste like, but that just sounds like a tasty bunch of flavors!

No, nope, and nevermore, lol! I like Whiskey, Caramel, Cinnamon, Irish Cream (any combo, really), and I like Anise/Absinthe. But the moment Anise touches Irish Cream or Whiskey, it ruins both for me, regardless what (if any) other flavors are added. Just....ew. I really thought I'd like Irish Cream with Anise, so I'm surprised. Just makes me go :eek: lol! Next!

Smoky Blue

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No, nope, and nevermore, lol! I like Whiskey, Caramel, Cinnamon, Irish Cream (any combo, really), and I like Anise/Absinthe. But the moment Anise touches Irish Cream or Whiskey, it ruins both for me, regardless what (if any) other flavors are added. Just....ew. I really thought I'd like Irish Cream with Anise, so I'm surprised. Just makes me go :eek: lol! Next!

awww.. that is bad :oops::p
fa or tfa?


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awww.. that is bad :oops::p
fa or tfa?

I played with TFA Kentucky Bourbon, FA Whiskey, TFA Absinthe, FA Anise, FA and TFA Irish Cream (now there's one to just avoid, imo)... 3 different caramels, FA Cinn Ceylon, various creamy vanillas. Tracked down the horror to combo of whiskey and anise. Not my kinda combo. Obviously others love it. I'm back to my cookies, grimace has turned back to a smile. :D


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I dropped out of DIYing for awhile and when I come back .... WTH is everybody (on the other forum)????
Ah-HA! I found ja'.
Life is good again (sigh).
Now to catch up on 96 pages!

It is SO worth it, too. Happy reading!

hmm.. some body might like this one.. maybe..

Irish Roadside Tobacco

1.5% Virginia
3% Latakia
2% Cuban Supreme
3% Irish Cream

I have these.

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