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Garden time is coming


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
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Getting Your Timing Perfect For Succession Planting​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Do you may escape to your garden to get away from stressful or unhealthy relationships?

Do you long for more meaningful relationships or wish to find healing and growth through love, just as you nurture your garden to flourish?

Whether you're seeking to reignite the spark in your intimate relationship, navigate family disagreements, or bring more love and understanding into your interactions with the world, this event is for you.

You’re invited to join us for the first-ever online Power of Love Summit.
>>> Register now for FREE <<<

The Power of Love Summit: June 4-11
The Summit features a remarkable group of presenters, including relationship psychologists, social scientists, marriage and family counselors, health professionals, artists, storytellers, and spiritual leaders.

Please join Ocean Robbins, Deepak Chopra, Jane Fonda, Marianne Williamson, Michael Beckwith, and 50 more presenters…

>>> See details and register here for FREE

❤️ Boost Your Self-Love: Master self-care practices that affirm your value and enhance your self-esteem

🧡 Revitalize Your Love Life: Rekindle romance and intimacy with expert-led sessions addressing common relationship challenges

💛 Strengthen Family Bonds: Mend and deepen relationships with tools that foster understanding and respect across generations

💚 Embrace Healing Techniques: Participate in sessions that utilize love as a foundational tool for emotional and physical healing

This summit is the most comprehensive online event ever presented on the transformative power of love. It covers everything from self-love, romantic love, and family relationships to community love and love for our planet. 💚 Just as we nurture our gardens to grow and thrive, we can cultivate love in our lives to foster healing and growth.

In the words of Huey Lewis, the power of love makes the world go round! 🌎

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

The mission of this Summit is to inspire personal growth, strengthen relationships as well as love for ourselves, and help empower people to be a force for positive change in a world that needs more love, compassion and connection…

Don't miss this unique opportunity to explore the many dimensions of love and its incredible potential to transform our lives. Register Here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you ready to take your irrigation to the next level?

Wicking beds are amazing. Many urban growers I know, as soon as they learn about wicking beds, they become so excited that they start building one right away.

So what exactly is it?

It’s a garden bed with lining to hold water at the bottom. Water is drawn upward to the surface like a wick. Wicking beds are a water-efficient, self-watering way to irrigate your crops.

They are ideal for people with limited strength or mobility because you don’t have to carry heavy water containers. Plus, you can build the be to be a comfortable height so you don’t have to stoop down. That’s a win in my book!

My good friend Ray wrote a series on his experience with wicking beds (plus how to build one). Check it out and prepare yourself to get seriously stoked on this idea.

Article 1: Building my wicking bed

Article 2: Wicking beds 2.0

Article 3: Wicking beds 3.0


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Use Neem Oil on Plants to Prevent Garden Pests
Learn how to use neem oil on plants, a natural steroid causing insects to lose their appetite and interest in laying eggs.
How to Attract Dragonflies to Your Property
Do dragonflies eat mosquitoes? Learn how to attract dragonflies to your yard without a pond or by creating a garden pond for naiads to grow.
How to Stop Insects Eating Plant Leaves Naturally: Construct a Chicken Moat
Learn how to stop insects eating plant leaves naturally by constructing a chicken moat for effective garden pest control.
Do Ducks Eat Bugs?
Do ducks eat bugs? Learn how to put your web-footed friends to work in your garden while keeping your plants safe.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[FREE FROM TGN] A.I. and the Future of Food
As you've noticed, A.I. (short for Artificial Intelligence) is quickly creeping into many aspects of our lives. Our farms are no exception. This eye-opening interview, probably the most impactful interview The Grow Network has ever done, dives into the topic of A.I. and its growing effects on the future of food. Click here to watch free for 72 hours only!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Imagine strolling through your garden, the air filled with a sweet, citrusy aroma as you brush past clusters of lush green leaves. That’s the joy of lemon balm, a favorite among herbalists.

Today, Tara Ruth dives into the calming world of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis).

Tara explores the vibrant qualities of lemon balm, revealing how this wonderful herb can soothe your soul and body:

  • Stress Relief: Discover how lemon balm acts as a relaxing nervine to promote calm and uplift spirits, perfect for those challenging days.
  • Digestive Health: Learn about its role in soothing the digestive system and making meal times more comfortable.
  • Skin Care: Find out how topical and internal uses of lemon balm support skin health, reducing irritation and enhancing your natural glow.

Savor a cup of lemon balm tea as you read through the post—it’s a small but meaningful way to engage with the healing power of herbs. :)

Enjoy the read right here and the delightful aroma of lemon balm in your life!


John Gallagher


Our post also answers some burning questions about lemon balm:

  • Who should avoid it due to potential effects on thyroid function?
  • Is lemon balm more effective fresh or dried?
  • How can it support cognitive function?

Plus, discover unique ways to integrate lemon balm into your culinary adventures, like the lemon balm poppy seed cake recipe included in today’s postit’s a treat for the senses!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week’s edition of Home Gardener’s Weekly brings to you a wealth of resources with the goal of a healthier garden and a healthier YOU in mind! We have an amazing free guide to help you grow delicious kale, as well as an informative video all about identifying and preventing pests from munching on your garden greens. We are also sharing with you the Natural Health and Healing bundle from one of our partners, which is fully designed to help you achieve optimal health. That is only the beginning… this newsletter is filled with tips, tricks, and wisdom to get you well on your way to a healthy and happy garden, and an even happier you.​
Thank you for joining us on this garden journey. Together, we'll nurture the beauty of your garden and the well-being of your body and mind. 🌻

Happy Gardening!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱
If there is a topic that you would like to see in future newsletters, please let us know by replying to this email. This newsletter is for YOU and your gardening success!
This newsletter may contain affiliate links. If you click and take action, Grow Your Own Vegetables LLC may be compensated. We only recommend events and products that we love and that we know can be helpful to you as a home gardener.
Not interested in receiving Home Gardener's Weekly? Click here and we won’t send you future editions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[ARTICLE] Black Spots on Tomato Leaves? Save the Day With This Simple Organic Fix!
Black spots on tomato leaves don't spell the end for your garden when you use the following easy-fix treatment for this usually lethal fungus.
Click here to read the full article.

[FREE FROM TGN] The Miracle of Garlic eBook
See why garlic is touted as the "Kitchen Health Miracle" in this free eBook from The Grow Network. It can be more potent than Pharmaceuticals! This eBook is filled with EASY kitchen remedies for common colds, flus, sore throats, ear infections, and more! Plus, learn to boost immunity BEFORE you get sick! Click here to download it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Winning the War on Weeds
Don't let one defeat in the war on weeds discourage you from gardening. Learn different methods of weed control that work in combination to create weed-resistant annual and perennial growing spaces.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cultivator vs Rototiller
Cultivator vs. rototiller: What's the difference? Learn about the different rototillers, how they differ from cultivators, and what you might use for the task at hand.
Cardboard Weed Barrier for Gardening
How long does cardboard take to decompose? Find answers to using a cardboard weed barrier in your garden and to build soil with a no-till farming method.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[ARTICLE] Detoxing Soil

Marjory's new project, called The Soil Detox Project, will determine if specially developed soil microbes can clean up heavy metals, glyphosates, and other nasty chemicals from your soil.

We hope to provide a new way to counter chemtrails and pesticide drift from contaminating your backyard farm that is easy to apply and has proven results.

Click here to check out the details of Marjory's new project.

[VIDEO] The Power of Losing

Join Marjory as she shares a short story about how a loss was fun and powerful. You never know what will happen when you go for it!

Click here to watch this inspirational video.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Complete Raised Bed Carrot Growing Guide​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week’s edition of Home Gardener’s Weekly is a deep dive on all things microgreens and a healthier you!

🌿 5 Ways to Grow Your Own Greens video
🌿 Unlocking Nutrient Power in Microgreens Blog
🌿 FREE Microgreen Seed Varieties chart
🌿 Upcoming Live Microgreen Q&A Session
🌿 Winter Squash Guide for Harvest Club Members
🌿 Learn about the amazing GYOV Microgreens Course
🌿 FREE Food for Health Masterclass
Thank you for joining us on this garden journey. Together, we'll nurture the beauty of your garden and the well-being of your body and mind. 🌻

Happy Gardening!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Goji Berry Plant: Grow the Alpha Superfood in Your Garden
Wolfberries can be grown in anything from a one-gallon container to open fields. A critical factor in goji berry plant propagation is soil pH. It MUST be 6.8 or higher.
Protecting Raspberries from Birds
Don't let years of hard work go to waste. Protecting raspberries from birds saves berries for your kitchen!
Growing Blackberries on Your Homestead
Pick a nice sunny spot for planting and be sure it drains well. Like most berries, blackberries enjoy at least 8 hours of sun.
Black Raspberries (Rubus): 2020 Herb of the Year
The 2020 Herb of the Year is Rubus which not only includes black raspberries, but red raspberries, blackberries, and dewberries, too. I am going to specifically talk about black raspberries and how to grow, harvest, and store them.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Close-up of vegetables suspended by human hands, including an eggplant, a carrot, tomatoes, onions, a cucumber; click to view upcoming vides.
Mother Earth News Live logo; click to see video library.

For Your Radar​

Close up of tomatoes on the vine, some riper than the others; click to learn more about the upcoming webinar.

Wednesday, June 19 @ 1 PM CST

How Does Your Garden Grow?​

FREE WEBINAR The growing season is in full swing, and we’ve all experienced some successes and some challenges. Learn how our gardeners are making adjustments as the season progresses.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Weed-Free Garden​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here's my recent garden pictures

My broccoli, I have cut and devoured 15 heads so far, absolutely delicious


Here's a head I cut todayP1480487.JPG

Then here's my sweet peppers and onions in the background


Here's one of my 32 mater plants, if you look close you can see the maters forming



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
And finally a couple pic's of my Blue taders bloomin, my original plan was to plant my Red, whiten and Blue taders all at the same time, sorta a patriotic tader patch but with wife havin surgery again I had to plant each kind individually, the blue is hard to see but did the best I could.
My gold taders already bloomed and blooms fell off too


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Making Fermented Foods At Home
Start making fermented foods at home. Here are fermentation recipes and a review of health benefits of fermented foods.
Easy Pickling Recipe For Any Occasion
Wondering how to make pickles at home? Learn how to turn garden-fresh cucumbers into fermented, vinegar, and refrigerator pickles.
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How To Make Kombucha: SCOBY Culturing
Learn how to make kombucha. SCOBY culture care tips and more! Ferment your first batch of probiotic-packed kombucha with the help of a homebrew kit.
Fermented Beverages Your Way: Homemade
See what all the fizz is about by trying your hand at making your own fermented beverages.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Leave 'em BEE : The Busy Bees in Every Garden​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Milkweed and Monarchs: Why So Monogamous?​


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