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Garden time is coming


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi, Jimi!

Did you know that powdery mildews are one of the most incredibly destructive fungal species?

To date, there are roughly 900 species of powdery mildews impacting over 10,000 species of plants in 200 countries across six continents. Whew, that’s a lot of big numbers! 😮‍💨

The economic impact of powdery mildew is too vast to calculate, causing field loss all over the globe. Because of this, management is vital to protecting your garden. That’s why we created this complimentary eGuide for growers that explains how to prevent and manage powdery mildeEG.

📗 Download The Powdery Mildew Guide HERE 📗

By preventing and managing the powdery mildew in your garden, you not only protect your area but also help prevent the spread to others. And the good news is that the strategies for preventing and managing powdery mildew don’t take a lot of time and effort.
3D Image of the Powdery Mildew Guide

Inside the The Powdery Mildew Guide, you’ll learn:

🦠 The difference between powdery mildew and downy mildew
🌦️ The life cycle and growing conditions, so you know when to watch out
👀 Natural prevention strategies
✂️ Strategies for mechanical and biological control
💦 Last resort organic dusts and sprays

Why sacrifice your harvests when you can easily prevent and manage powdery mildew? 🤔

When it comes to protecting your garden, the right strategies help ensure that you keep more of your harvests.

📗 Get The Powdery Mildew Guide HERE 📗

To your disease-free harvest!

🌱 The Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Keep Your Tomatoes From Getting Blossom End Rot​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We’ve all seen the footage and heard warnings from scientists. In just a few years, we could reach a point of no return, with climate change threatening our very existence.

But you can be part of the change! This new riveting and hopeful film tells us what we can do that could make all the difference.

>>> Watch Eating For Tomorrow and find out what we can do to help heal our planet.

Eating for Tomorrow Narrated by Academy Award Winner Kate Winslet - Join Free Screening Event

As gardeners, we understand the profound impact we can have on the environment. Eating For Tomorrow is a spellbinding and award-winning film that will open your eyes and show you how we really can turn things around.

Featuring Oscar-winner Kate Winslet, Sir Richard Branson, Tony Robbins, Indigenous elders, and the world’s leading environmental experts, this film will open your eyes and show you what we can do to solve the climate crisis.

Change IS possible.

>>> Stream Eating For Tomorrow FREE while it’s available this week.

For example…

… People used to smoke in doctor’s offices, and now we know better.
… Cars didn’t used to come with seatbelts, and now we can’t imagine not wearing one.
… Women used to not be allowed to vote, have jobs, or open bank accounts on their own.

As a gardener, you’re already a changemaker. You know that every seed you plant and every vegetable you harvest is a step towards a more sustainable future.

A better world is possible, and that’s what the Eating For Tomorrow film is all about!

🌱 Grow Your Own Vegetables Team 🌱

–This award-winning film has generated rave reviews. Check out a few…

“This film needs to be screened all around the world. In every school and to every politician.”
“This documentary has totally changed the perspective of myself and what I see.”
“This left me speechless. This is a must-see.”

>>> Don’t miss catching the film while it’s available free for a limited time



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I have always been interested in wealth. I grew up in a family that hovered above the poverty line, and like most people, I thought "wealth" meant accumulating a large amount of money.

After my first career as an electrical engineer and consultant, I studied with Roer Kiyosaki (of Rich Dad, Poor Dad) and launched my own real estate investment business. I did well and amassed a portfolio of 65 houses I was leasing to tenants with the option to buy.

I had built a successful career and was earning a good income for me and my family.

Even though the business was doing well, my intuition kept telling me something was wrong.

Being successful in real estate meant carrying a lot of debt. If the tenants could no longer afford rent, I could easily get stuck with a lot of highly leveraged properties and no income to pay them off-a terrifying prospect that kept me up at night.

Essentially, foreseeing the crash of 2008, I decided to unwind my investments.
I understood that we were about to enter a period that would be extremely difficult and affect everyone.

Throughout human history, humans have faced challenges that involve tremendous upheaval and hardship: natural disasters, civil wars, hyperinflation, totalitarian regimes, plagues, and pandemics.

The recent global pandemic has shown us how quickly these changes can happen, from lack of access to medical care and unemployment to empty grocery store shelves.

Our entire way of life is extremely vulnerable.

I wanted to learn everything I could about how people had survived such crises in the past. Security and medical access are big issues, but while doing the historical research, I saw over and over again that the most difficult part of navigating a tumultuous period is consistent access to food.

I do not come from a farming background, nor was my family the "live off the land" type, so I set out to learn everything I could about how to grow food.

I started with my own garden and several of my favorite vegetables.
After a while, I added a few animals I could raise on my own.

Pretty soon, I became interested in herbal medicine...

I spent hours studying gardening books and watching instructional videos to develop my skills.

I knew I wanted to produce deeply nutritious, organic, clean food in a truly sustainable way so I could always feed my family.

As my family and I continued to see success from our efforts, I decided to share my knowledge with like-minded others.

I put together a workshop for my neighbors to teach them they could make better use of their backyards.

My workshop became so popular that I got calls to turn it into a video that could reach others outside my community.

I filmed a video and a website about it in 2009, and The Grow Network was born.

I'm not advocating that people live completely off the grid unless that's what the want.

I get my bloodwork checked every year.

I buy things in stores when I want to.

But I also know that the bulk of my needs can be met in my own backyard.

It's truly empowering and a purposeful way of life. And you can do it too!

From now until the end of July, we've made the most viewed presentations from The HomeGrown Food Summit available for free viewing.

Click here to watch now.

***The above is an excerpt from Marjory's book, "The Grow System: The Essential Guide to Moder Self-Sufficient Living-from Growing Food to Making Medicine" ***

If you haven't already read the book, or you'd like another copy to gift, click here to purchase one now.

The reviews speak for themselves...


[ARTICLE] Three Sisters Garden: Grow More Food with Less Work
A small garden that produces high yield and enriches your soil—yet needs minimal care? Say hello to the Three Sisters garden agricultural tradition. Click here to learn more.

[VIDEO] The Almond Project Update
The Omens have been coming in and are being prepared for processing. Click here to watch this one-minute video update.

[FREE FROM OUR FRIENDS] Use Food to Activate Fat-Burning Hormones
Despite what you might've been told, weight loss goes deeper than simply "calories in vs calories out." Where are those calories coming from? What does your lifestyle look like? Is your body in balance? What are your hormones doing? These and more are pieces of the puzzle regarding sustainable weight loss.

In this masterclass, you will learn:
  • The actual cause of weight gain that you probably don't know about.
  • The 2 most important hormones for weight loss.
  • The top foods to eat and avoid to keep your weight hormones stable.
  • The significance of the mind-body connection when it comes to losing weight, including how visualization and meditation can help you rebalance your hormones & lose weight.
  • And much more!
Click here to start watching now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healing Herbs List: Safe and Effective Herbal Home Remedies
Growing up in a large Lebanese family, herbs and spices were not only used to flavor food but to cure common ailments. I distinctly remember ginger for upset tummies, and barley water for babies recovering from illness.
How to Make White Wine Vinegar Flavored With Herbs
I was walking through my herb garden with a local herb expert, Rita Heikenfeld, when she spied my patch of scallions all a-bloom. She exclaimed, “Oh Erin! You have to get those flowers off before they go to seed. I’m going to get you a recipe for flavored wine vinegar!”
Growing Sweet Basil: Don't Let Good Basil Go Bad
Do you have any experience growing sweet basil? I've had a lot of success in growing herbs outdoors, but growing basil has always been our most successful crop.
Home Remedies for Headaches Using Essential Oils and Herbs
As a lifelong sufferer of headaches (I had my first migraine at age 6!), I’ve found that very often I get better relief from my headaches when I use essential oils and herbs rather than over-the-counter painkillers and without any of the nasty side effects.
A Guide to Growing Chives
Whenever I think of growing herbs outdoors here at Timberlakes, I think about growing chives. Chives are about the sturdiest and most dependable herb variety we grow, and they take acclaim for the longest productivity period each year.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Companion Plants for Pest Control
In this video, Noreen Thomas of Doubting Thomas farms shares how her farm uses strategic companion planting as organic pest control against flies.
Invisible Deer Fence
Maintain your garden aesthetic and learn how to keep deer from eating plants by replacing bulky fence posts with an invisible deer fence.
Gardening Problems and Solutions
Hear from fellow gardeners on their gardening problems and solutions and experiences, and glean some new gardening practices.
How to Scare Crows Away: Make a Garden Scarecrow
Learn how to scare crows away -- and other pest animals -- by making a garden scarecrow from scrap materials that you have on hand.
What Is Eating My Plants?
What is eating my plants? From bugs to birds to animals, find out how to keep your garden pest free without the use of chemicals.

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