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What Pusvape says about KY must be true, the inbreeding, etc.
KY is one of the 10 states that have an over 50% approval rating for Trump.

So your craft landed in KY by mistake!
Trump is far from perfect but he is trying to really get shit done not just talk about it like the others . He is a hard person to like but give the guy a chance he may actually do some good ...not bullshit hope and change ! Jobs and prosperity instead

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The Cromwell

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So your craft landed in KY by mistake!
Trump is far from perfect but he is trying to really get shit done not just talk about it like the others . He is a hard person to like but give the guy a chance he may actually do some good ...not bullshit hope and change ! Jobs and prosperity instead

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In KY for this human form incarnation.

Use ships to travel? How quaint.

Trump IS bullshit hope and change.

trump unicorn.jpg


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In KY for this human form incarnation.

Trump IS bullshit hope and change.

View attachment 102322

Come on Cromwell, your being like a obstructionist dems sitting on your hands cause you don’t like that Trump won . Your hating for the sake of hatred . You fuckin hate him I get it but he’s the boss if he does good things everybody wins ( wich he has been doing). Save your rage for when something bad actually happens

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The Cromwell

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Come on Cromwell, your being like a obstructionist dems sitting on your hands cause you don’t like that Trump won . Your hating for the sake of hatred . You fuckin hate him I get it but he’s the boss if he does good things everybody wins ( wich he has been doing). Save your rage for when something bad actually happens

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Respectfully, that is NOT a correct assessment of how I feel about Trump.

You are looking at it from a typically party biased position just like the partys want you to.

I lean more towards the humanist thoughts of the left than the Ive got mine screw you attitudes of the right.
But I follow NO party.
And I am registered to vote as No Party Affiliation.

Actually I follow NO crowd. I am not even a 'fan' of anyone or any thing. Well maybe vaping.
Never was a crowd follower. I was always the guy standing at the side or back if caught up in a crowd thing I could not get out of..

Trump is an asshole delusional Egoist and I am somewhat embarrassed that he was elected president of the USA.
The man cannot go a day without telling a lie for no reason other than to pump up his ego.
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Come on Cromwell, your being like a obstructionist dems sitting on your hands cause you don’t like that Trump won . Your hating for the sake of hatred . You fuckin hate him I get it but he’s the boss if he does good things everybody wins ( wich he has been doing).
Save your rage for when something bad actually happens




Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Respectfully, that is NOT a correct assessment of how I feel about Trump.

You are looking at it from a typically party biased position just like the partys want you to.

I lean more towards the humanist thoughts of the left than the Ive got mine screw you attitudes of the right.
But I follow NO party.
And I am registered to vote as No Party Affiliation.

Actually I follow NO crowd. I am not even a 'fan' of anyone or any thing. Well maybe vaping.
Never was a crowd follower. I was always the guy standing at the side or back if caught up in a crowd thing I could not get out of..

Trump is an asshole delusional Egoist and I am somewhat embarrassed that he was elected president of the USA.
The man cannot go a day without telling a lie for no reason other than to pump up his ego.

Cut the bullshit ! You hate the man on a deep personal level ! At least have the guts to admit the obvious!
Egotistical yes he is . Daily lies ? I haven’t seen any ? Has he been proven to have told major lies that effect the safety of Americans? No does he have egotistical exaggeration yes .

You claim no allegiance to any one or any party but your talking points and responses are cut and paste from Nevertrumpers and the DNC .

You may fool yourself you old coot but your a hater thru and thru .

Ray Charles can see that

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But I follow NO party.
And I am registered to vote as No Party Affiliation....
...Actually I follow NO crowd. I am not even a 'fan' of anyone or any thing.
Never was a crowd follower.

Trump is an asshole delusional....
bla blaa blahhhh bla bla.

Your self-assessment is what's delusional. But since you like to talk about yourself so much...

You are a card carrying member of the Complainer party. You are pretty much never PRO-anything.
You complain constantly... yet you have no position on any issue.

Babbling hysteria is the reason you are mocked in debate.
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Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Respectfully, that is NOT a correct assessment of how I feel about Trump.

You are looking at it from a typically party biased position just like the partys want you to.

I lean more towards the humanist thoughts of the left than the Ive got mine screw you attitudes of the right.
But I follow NO party.
And I am registered to vote as No Party Affiliation.

Actually I follow NO crowd. I am not even a 'fan' of anyone or any thing. Well maybe vaping.
Never was a crowd follower. I was always the guy standing at the side or back if caught up in a crowd thing I could not get out of..

Trump is an asshole delusional Egoist and I am somewhat embarrassed that he was elected president of the USA.
The man cannot go a day without telling a lie for no reason other than to pump up his ego.

LOL. Your complaints about Trump are superficial and childishly retarded.

He hates pets. He parked a helocopter where you don't think he should. Porn stars. He plays too much golf. He's making billions as President. Trump is an asshole, delusional and Egoist.

Your opinion of Trump is nothing but personal and based on jealousy. Your socialist leanings have little to do with it as you rarely even bring them up.

The Cromwell

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Most viewers of the SOTU ever? A lie.
And No I do not hate him on a deep personal level.

That leads to the dark side, where his followers are.

Ray Charles???

I suppose that haters think everyone else must be haters as well....


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Most viewers of the SOTU ever? A lie.
And No I do not hate him on a deep personal level.

That leads to the dark side, where his followers are.

Ray Charles???

I suppose that haters think everyone else must be haters as well....

Ok that is a egotistical exaggeration! Annoying yes . Deadly lie No .
It’s not like saying healthcare will be cheaper or if you like your Dr you can keep your Dr . When you knew it was bullshit . Or there is no such thing as Muslim terrorist!

Your a disappointment, that you can’t tell the truth that you hate him . You don’t know me and I don’t know you besides Cromwell why can’t you just tell the truth ? Who’s the bullshit for ? Yourself?

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The Cromwell

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Ok that is a egotistical exaggeration! Annoying yes . Deadly lie No .
And how did clowntoons lie about sex endanger anyone?
You of course had the same attitude about lies with Clowntoon as well?

I suspect politically motivated hypocrisy.

I just kinda have a thing about the president lying for no reason other than to boost his ego.
Lying for genuine national security issues I understand but to boost his ego....
I have no respect for anyone like that.
Had no respect for Clowntoon either.
although he was less of a loose warhead than the current one.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Cut the bullshit ! You hate the man on a deep personal level ! At least have the guts to admit the obvious!
Egotistical yes he is . Daily lies ? I haven’t seen any ? Has he been proven to have told major lies that effect the safety of Americans? No does he have egotistical exaggeration yes .

You claim no allegiance to any one or any party but your talking points and responses are cut and paste from Nevertrumpers and the DNC .

You may fool yourself you old coot but your a hater thru and thru .

Ray Charles can see that

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Crummie is a typical libtard cnut...he's a walking cliche....he goes along with the herd ...he desperately wants to be accepted...hell he'd vote for the Devil himself if he thought he'd get to hang out with the cool kids or kiss a real live girl...he's like steven colbert with less testosterne...he hates Trump because he knows it's what the dominat cultural narritive is what the TV tells him to hate.

The Cromwell

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Such an immature post there Pusvape.
A perfect example of a Trump supporter.
Hug your Trumpy Bear and go play a video game.


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And how did clowntoons lie about sex endanger anyone?
You of course had the same attitude about lies with Clowntoon as well?

I suspect politically motivated hypocrisy.

I just kinda have a thing about the president lying for no reason other than to boost his ego.
Lying for genuine national security issues I understand but to boost his ego....
I have no respect for anyone like that.
Had no respect for Clowntoon either.
although he was less of a loose warhead than the current one.

His lie about sex endangered no one but himself . I could care less about who he fucked .....just don’t have your wife turn around and preach woman’s rights to me .

You hate Trump , if he cured cancer tomorrow you would bitch he didn’t cure the common cold too .

Your a hater Cromwell

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Most viewers of the SOTU ever? A lie.
And No I do not hate him on a deep personal level.

That leads to the dark side, where his followers are.

Ray Charles???

I suppose that haters think everyone else must be haters as well....
I don't think viewership can accurately measured anymore.... as only Broadcast and cable viewership is counted. Groups count as 1 person and online FB or YouTube viewing is not counted.

No way to say how many watched.

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The Cromwell

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His lie about sex endangered no one but himself . I could care less about who he fucked .....just don’t have your wife turn around and preach woman’s rights to me .

You hate Trump , if he cured cancer tomorrow you would bitch he didn’t cure the common cold too .

Your a hater Cromwell

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All I can say is you are wrong.


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I don't think viewership can accurately measured anymore.... as only Broadcast and cable viewership is counted. Groups count as 1 person and online FB or YouTube viewing is not counted.

No way to say how many watched.

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Don’t tell trump



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Voting felons huh?!
Fuck you both parties!



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here’s something new
I love SEAN sanity! He lost his gawd damn mind!



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Those 2 faux news commentators have a lot of credibility!



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I personally believe none of the Russia nonsense coming from either side. They need to just quit, it’s embarrassing.


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I personally believe none of the Russia nonsense coming from either side. They need to just quit, it’s embarrassing.
Yeah I don't think Russia was or is anymore envolved with our elections than we get into theirs... OK we're screwed.

But so far the only collusion leading to a possible crime I've seen implicates the accusers.

Mueller needs to be fired (no foundational crime to establush SC)...or have his orders revised to include ALL candidates and parties.. not just Trump team.. as current order is to investigate Trump to exclusion of others.

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The Cromwell

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Yeah I don't think Russia was or is anymore envolved with our elections than we get into theirs... OK we're screwed.

But so far the only collusion leading to a possible crime I've seen implicates the accusers.

Mueller needs to be fired (no foundational crime to establush SC)...or have his orders revised to include ALL candidates and parties.. not just Trump team.. as current order is to investigate Trump to exclusion of others.

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Like Kenneth Starr?

China will be influencing our elections far more than Russia in the future.


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Like Kenneth Starr?

China will be influencing our elections far more than Russia in the future.
Ken Starrs investigation had actual crimes to least.. Mueller is investigation in search of crime...

But yeah Niether should have been appointed.

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The Cromwell

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Ken Starrs investigation had actual crimes to least.. Mueller is investigation in search of crime...

But yeah Niether should have been appointed.

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They both started out the same way.

Starr just continued investigating one thing after another.
Crimes or not had the smell of a witch hunt.
Much of Starr's investigations were in search of a crime as well.


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They both started out the same way.

Starr just continued investigating one thing after another.
Crimes or not had the smell of a witch hunt.
Actually there were people going to jail on the Starr investigation BEFORE he started... not to mention rape claims
His investigation just expanded things to The Clintons.

Crime in relation to Monica... that was just a bonus.

As far as Mueller is concerned until they prove Collusion which is not a crime.. they can't even accuse Trump of a crime. Mueller still as of today has no legal justification for his investigation. Only political justifications.

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The Cromwell

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Is falsifying government documents as to contact with the Russians not a crime?
Or lying about it?


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Is falsifying government documents as to contact with the Russians not a crime?
Or lying about it?
Can you list every person you have spoken to on the last 10 years? I know I would have to make additions and revisions to such a question... just regarding the last week.

Who and which lies? but yes and maybe its a crime.

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The Cromwell

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Can you list every person you have spoken to on the last 10 years? I know I would have to make additions and revisions to such a question... just regarding the last week.

Who and which lies? but yes and maybe its a crime.

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I would remember any contact with Russians :)

Wait are you a Russian?
If so do you need to register as a foreign agent?
And are you required to notify me of such status if I am a government official?


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As soon as the Democrats take control of the house n the senate
They will impeach trump...



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I would remember any contact with Russians :)

Wait are you a Russian?
If so do you need to register as a foreign agent?
And are you required to notify me of such status if I am a government official?
No, no and no... it your job as gov official to know these things and self report....

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The Cromwell

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No, no and no... it your job as gov official to know these things and self report....

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Yep so no correlation between me keeping track of every one I talk to and a govt official doing it?
It IS their job.
It is not my job.


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Gov server..... not surprised it's crashed.

Is available on FOX site and most other NEWS sites.

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