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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Gov server..... not surprised it's crashed.

Is available on FOX site and most other NEWS sites.

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Fake news...
Can't believe any of them.
Those in real power have succeeded in discrediting information distribution among the masses.
Of course the loss of true journalism did not help and the move to Enquireristic style did not help.
I blame the elimination of the Fairness doctrine to a certain degree.
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Member For 4 Years
Our govt has degraded into a big dog and donkey show.

Fixed that for ya.

Here's the dog,


And the donkey.


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Member For 4 Years
I see how you fixed that like fake news does :D

Speaking of fake news, why don't you tell us again about how Trump is getting richer by being President and how when somebody said you were a menstrual candidate you thought they meant MENSA.:giggle:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Speaking of fake news, why don't you tell us again about how Trump is getting richer by being President and how when somebody said you were a menstrual candidate you thought they meant MENSA.:giggle:

You really need to get off the net and do your 10th grade homework.
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Member For 4 Years
You really need to get of the net and do your 10th grade homework.

LOL. This from a dipshit with 3 times as many 'net' posts in 1/3 the time as me.

Take your own advice, asshat.

Hearing that from you is like a fish telling me I spend too much time in the water while I take a shower. :crazy:

God Damn, libtards is dumb.:giggle:
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release that
Remove that
No more investigation...



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You all should check out the moderate rebel podcast. I discovered it in the hospital and found it to be a good listen. I've always been a fan of Norton and Blumenthal, they make a good team.

The latest episode about vice is especially informative.


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Member For 4 Years
I personally believe none of the Russia nonsense coming from either side. They need to just quit, it’s embarrassing.
On the contrary...they need to be jailed..after over a year the DNC has nothing to show for their efforts to tie Trump to any collusion to effect the outcome of the election...on the other hand...Hilary Obama and the entire head of the DNC were exposed rigging the nomination process to push out Sanders..Wasserman-Schultz fell on her sword and take the rap and resgined from the chairmanship. she took a bullet for the team....then the same people who stole the nomination paid a forgien agent to falsify a doisser knowing it was a lie to submit to the FISA court in order to spy on the Trump campaign...and influence the election...they should be in jail...the reason that the DNC wants the illegals made citizens, is beacuse after all the crimes the DNC has committed in the last year, the independents are veering away from them and even democrats disgusted with the DNC lies are jumping this point the only solid base the DNC has is illegal mexican's rapeugees from the ME, and inbred hillbillies from Kentucky who think MENSA is a man/pig love association.


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On the contrary...they need to be jailed..after over a year the DNC has nothing to show for their efforts to tie Trump to any collusion to effect the outcome of the election...on the other hand...Hilary Obama and the entire head of the DNC were exposed rigging the nomination process to push out Sanders..Wasserman-Schultz fell on her sword and take the rap and resgined from the chairmanship. she took a bullet for the team....then the same people who stole the nomination paid a forgien agent to falsify a doisser knowing it was a lie to submit to the FISA court in order to spy on the Trump campaign...and influence the election...they should be in jail...the reason that the DNC wants the illegals made citizens, is beacuse after all the crimes the DNC has committed in the last year, the independents are veering away from them and even democrats disgusted with the DNC lies are jumping this point the only solid base the DNC has is illegal mexican's rapeugees from the ME, and inbred hillbillies from Kentucky who think MENSA is a man/pig love association.

Wouldn’t you spy on trump?
Come on bro, trump is a CON MAN/LIAR!
You old enough to know his past!?
Or like everybody else refused to look?!
You kept repeating yo self about
Hrc,obama,Sanders MOVE THE FUCK ON
trump is the president, be happy about it!

What bout the GOP LIES?
They both disgusting!
Shut the fuck up!
Go to sleep!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Wouldn’t you spy on trump?
Come on bro, trump is a CON MAN/LIAR!
You old enough to know his past!?
Or like everybody else refused to look?!
You kept repeating yo self about
Hrc,obama,Sanders MOVE THE FUCK ON
trump is the president, be happy about it!

What bout the GOP LIES?
They both disgusting!
Shut the fuck up!
Go to sleep!

are you serious EJ...are you really this far you comprehend the scope of what happened....we had a cabal of people who pretty much decided under Obama to pack the FBI with political appointments in order to steal an election...they stole the nomination, they attempted to steal an election...and they were openly exposed....they got caught....if they don't obey the law no citizen is under any obligation to obey any laws.


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On the contrary...they need to be jailed..after over a year the DNC has nothing to show for their efforts to tie Trump to any collusion to effect the outcome of the election...on the other hand...Hilary Obama and the entire head of the DNC were exposed rigging the nomination process to push out Sanders..Wasserman-Schultz fell on her sword and take the rap and resgined from the chairmanship. she took a bullet for the team....then the same people who stole the nomination paid a forgien agent to falsify a doisser knowing it was a lie to submit to the FISA court in order to spy on the Trump campaign...and influence the election...they should be in jail...the reason that the DNC wants the illegals made citizens, is beacuse after all the crimes the DNC has committed in the last year, the independents are veering away from them and even democrats disgusted with the DNC lies are jumping this point the only solid base the DNC has is illegal mexican's rapeugees from the ME, and inbred hillbillies from Kentucky who think MENSA is a man/pig love association.

I didn’t really know much about the memo until time posted an article yesterday. I knew it was out there but not the contents. Sounds like they actually have something that will stick so hopefully heads roll. Not sure what it has to do with Cromwell and Mexicans but I’d be happy to see watzwemen and others get fucked over this.


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are you serious EJ...are you really this far you comprehend the scope of what happened....we had a cabal of people who pretty much decided under Obama to pack the FBI with political appointments in order to steal an election...they stole the nomination, they attempted to steal an election...and they were openly exposed....they got caught....if they don't obey the law no citizen is under any obligation to obey any laws.

What’s new? So fucking what?!
Both parties DIRTY! They got caught and??
There’s a nunes memo and
There’s a Democrat memo! WHY do we have 2 memo? do you even find that stupid? OH! you didn’t know bout the Democratic memo? Fox News didn’t say anything about that?!
Here’s another one!
They release the memo
2 days before the SUPERBOWL?! HUH!? I wonder why?!
The other memo is gonna be release on Monday! After the Super Bowl, so they can talk about it the whole week.

Justice don’t apply to them bro... you know that!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
What’s new? So fucking what?!
Both parties DIRTY! They got caught and??
There’s a nunes memo and
There’s a Democrat memo! WHY do we have 2 memo? do you even find that stupid? OH! you didn’t know bout the Democratic memo? Fox News didn’t say anything about that?!
Here’s another one!
They release the memo
2 days before the SUPERBOWL?! HUH!? I wonder why?!
The other memo is gonna be release on Monday! After the Super Bowl, so they can talk about it the whole week.

Justice don’t apply to them bro... you know that!

you're full of shit EJ you don't believe this for one moment yours and Crummies both, posing as cycnical realists or nihilists is all a big are only pretending this so you can excuse the crimes of the DNC, you are only trying to legitamize ALL crime, so that Obama's and Hilary's crimes go unpunished..if Trump got caught doing what Hilary and Obama did both you and the Hillbilly would be demanding he be both are running defense for the DNC.It is a rather clumsy and transparent canard.


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Member For 4 Years
I didn’t really know much about the memo until time posted an article yesterday. I knew it was out there but not the contents. Sounds like they actually have something that will stick so hopefully heads roll. Not sure what it has to do with Cromwell and Mexicans but I’d be happy to see watzwemen and others get fucked over this.
What mexicans has do with it is...since the end of the civil war when blacks were given citizenship and the vote they always voted republican,because Lincoln was a republican. the DNC created the KKK in order to stifle the black vote but blacks voting put the DNC in a the DNC turned it's sights on immigrants and creating balkanized communities sperating them from assimilation in order to buy their votes through wardhealing ..a la Tamany Hall in NY...this is why the DNC claims America NEEDS immigrants....we don't...the DNC needs poor uneducated immigrants to vote for them...With Veterans dying in VA hospitals.. their rate of suicide, their troubles, with Homlessness rampant in America, with the failure of America to fight the war on poverty, with violence in our inner cities,with dangerous drugs napalming the country...The DNC focuses on what....on illegal aliens this is the issue they have turned 90% of their energyand resources on...not the suffering of a single American citizen,but on immigrants....why....why....because they know especially now that they have lost a huge slice of the vote...the DNC conspired to steal the election so they could pass amnesty and secure for themselves political control and economic control for the next 100 years....for the DNC to survive it is imperative for them to get amnesty...if liberals if the DNC gave a flying fuck about mexicans they would have used their political clout for the last 50 years to put pressure on Mexico's elite to share the wealth with the masses like they did in South Africa.....but they never have...the DNC doesn't care about mexicans...they care about illegals being able to vote in American elections.


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you're full of shit EJ you don't believe this for one moment yours and Crummies both, posing as cycnical realists or nihilists is all a big are only pretending this so you can excuse the crimes of the DNC, you are only trying to legitamize ALL crime, so that Obama's and Hilary's crimes go unpunished..if Trump got caught doing what Hilary and Obama did both you and the Hillbilly would be demanding he be both are running defense for the DNC.It is a rather clumsy and transparent canard.

You lost your gawd damn mind!
WTB THE RNC CRIMES HUH? Oh, you don’t wanna go there? Ok!
Stop acting like the DNC is the devil here, the RNC is in the same league bro....
You know what they say when you are crossing an intersection?!

Leave Cromwell alone!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You lost your gawd damn mind!
WTB THE RNC CRIMES HUH? Oh, you don’t wanna go there? Ok!
Stop acting like the DNC is the devil here, the RNC is in the same league bro....
You know what they say when you are crossing an intersection?!

Leave Cromwell alone!

I BAM's like comparing a mugging to mass try and legitamize crime only so the DNC can continue to committ them once the DNC is in power you would be Mr.Law and Order.


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What mexicans has do with it is...since the end of the civil war when blacks were given citizenship and the vote they always voted republican,because Lincoln was a republican. the DNC created the KKK in order to stifle the black vote but blacks voting put the DNC in a the DNC turned it's sights on immigrants and creating balkanized communities sperating them from assimilation in order to buy their votes through wardhealing ..a la Tamany Hall in NY...this is why the DNC claims America NEEDS immigrants....we don't...the DNC needs poor uneducated immigrants to vote for them...With Veterans dying in VA hospitals.. their rate of suicide, their troubles, with Homlessness rampant in America, with the failure of America to fight the war on poverty, with violence in our inner cities,with dangerous drugs napalming the country...The DNC focuses on what....on illegal aliens this is the issue they have turned 90% of their energyand resources on...not the suffering of a single American citizen,but on immigrants....why....why....because they know especially now that they have lost a huge slice of the vote...the DNC conspired to steal the election so they could pass amnesty and secure for themselves political control and economic control for the next 100 years....for the DNC to survive it is imperative for them to get amnesty...if liberals if the DNC gave a flying fuck about mexicans they would have used their political clout for the last 50 years to put pressure on Mexico's elite to share the wealth with the masses like they did in South Africa.....but they never have...the DNC doesn't care about mexicans...they care about illegals being able to vote in American elections.

Can you prove all these allegations?
stop embarrassing yo self!
Stop it!



VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years's like comparing a mugging to mass try and legitamize crime only so the DNC can continue to committ them once the DNC is in power you would be Mr.Law and Order.

so..... what your saying is
RNC good dnc BAD?



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Member For 4 Years
@ej1024 is right about one thing, no one will go to jail.

That is likely true. No one will go to jail. If anybody in a position to make that happen thought it was possible or probable, the information would never be released to the public. The Dems have been leaking to the public to sway public opinion against Trump because they know they have no legal case for Russian collusion. They leak information, such as the dossier(it was never officially used by any Campaign), because they know it cannot be proven. They've been leaking for over a year because they know they have no real case. If they thought they had a real case, they would not risk ruining it by leaking.

The Repubs are in a different boat. The Dems have been leaking like crazy and they(R's) have been quiet about the facts, only discussing things the Dems have leaked. Most of the media wouldn't report it even if they did counter leaks anyway and maybe they were holding out for possible charges. Who knows. But if the Dems are going to pursue the Russian collusion angle in the court of public opinion, they need to counter that in the court of public opinion. Rather than leak as an "unnamed source" they released official information using their own names.

If they can't, or won't, charge the FBI/DOJ and those in other agencies for their misconduct, they can counter the anti-Trumpers in the court of public opinion. They gave us the counter argument to do just that.

In other words, even without anyone going to jail, the public knowing more of what is going on is a good thing. It's a step in the right direction.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years's like comparing a mugging to mass try and legitamize crime only so the DNC can continue to committ them once the DNC is in power you would be Mr.Law and Order.

Can I point out that you're arguing with ej? Just call him a stupid cunt and move on. :D


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#hashtag release the GOP memo is done...
#hashtag release the democrat memo next!
One dumb memo after the other...
Fucking IDIOTS!



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You lost your gawd damn mind!
WTB THE RNC CRIMES HUH? Oh, you don’t wanna go there? Ok!
Stop acting like the DNC is the devil here, the RNC is in the same league bro....
You know what they say when you are crossing an intersection?!

Leave Cromwell alone!

Yeah but the DNC is who got caught. Obama, Hillary, the entire department of justice, and many other places are infected with liberalism.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
#hashtag release the GOP memo is done...
#hashtag release the democrat memo next!
One dumb memo after the other...
Fucking IDIOTS!

Thw dems have to write their memo for it to be released..... and they had to wait for the Nunes Memo to write the Dem memo.. more circular investigation.

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Yeah but the DNC is who got caught. Obama, Hillary, the entire department of justice, and many other places are infected with liberalism.

Got caught with what? Abusing power, collaborations?That’s normal dude, don’t act like it’s NEW to you! They all do it!
Dude, seriously!
Liberalism is in our faces daily, it’s all over the place, stop talking about it like it’s A disease!
You are liberal too, you just don’t know it!

I’m gonna include you in the
GOP good
DNC bad



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Member For 4 Years
Thw dems have to write their memo for it to be released..... and they had to wait for the Nunes Memo to write the Dem memo.. more circular investigation.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk

Actually, the Dems wanted to release their own memo at the same time, but the gop leadership voted NO!
Which makes a whole lot of sense, they wanted major attention on it...



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THIS DUDE IS DONE! As a matter of fuck I thought he was done after that Uber ride to the WH?! GOOD gawd our elected officials are fucking idiots!

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