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Ukraine is still going on. We just don't hear about it in the news. But they are still going at it.

So you do watch WATCH THE NEWS!!
Fuck outta here!!



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All three have endudred relentless air strikes that targeted civilians and infrastructure making the countries uninhabitable. No comparison.

That just tells me that you didn't pay any attention to Ukraine.

No biggie. You believe what you want. If you don't see it in our media, it must not have happened.

The government coup in Ukraine gave west Ukraine control of the air force. They used the air power to attack East Ukraine. I'm afraid there are only minor differences, like who the planes belong to. Oh, and the major difference of having a border with Russia.


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That just tells me that you didn't pay any attention to Ukraine.

No biggie. You believe what you want. If you don't see it in our media, it must not have happened.

The government coup in Ukraine gave west Ukraine control of the air force. They used the air power to attack East Ukraine. I'm afraid there are only minor differences, like who the planes belong to. Oh, and the major difference of having a border with Russia.

You are comparing west Ukraine’s Air Force to NATO? Yeah I guess we should agree to disagree on this.


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Member For 4 Years
References to Red China went away with the death of the Soviet Union. .. The Red menace....

Secondarily it's a non PC term and would likely draw a hate crime charge.. prior to last november.

Heck you do know the association of Dems and the commies is why MSM uses RED for Republicans on maps.. that's the denial kicking in. Repubes used to call lefties Pinko's for a reason..... it wasn't a Homophobic term.

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You are comparing west Ukraine’s Air Force to NATO? Yeah I guess we should agree to disagree on this.

We can disagree on that and that the US only intervenes in Muslim countries and no white Christian countries. ;)

I have no such bias with race or religion in my opinions about US interventionism. We are either intervening in a country or we are not. And we are intervening in a white Christian country. Whether you agree with the scale or not. We used to heavily intervene in east Asian countries and still do on a lesser scale. It appears more geopolitical by country rather than race or religious in nature. Just sayin'.


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We can disagree on that and that the US only intervenes in Muslim countries and no white Christian countries. ;)

I have no such bias with race or religion in my opinions about US interventionism. We are either intervening in a country or we are not. And we are intervening in a white Christian country. Whether you agree with the scale or not. We used to heavily intervene in east Asian countries and still do on a lesser scale. It appears more geopolitical by country rather than race or religious in nature. Just sayin'.

Agree with that. I have sympathy for the people of Ukraine just like I do the rest of the refugees that are a result of our or anyone else’s intervention. I just think a lot of people forget why Europe is being flooded with migrants to begin with. I think Gahdaffi had some pretty prophetic words before he was lynched. We should have listened.

The Cromwell

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The color coding we're familiar with today didn't stick until the iconic (and extremely lengthy) election of 2000, when The New York Times and USA Today published their first full-color election maps. The Times spread used red for Republicans because "red begins with r, Republican begins with r," said the senior graphics editor Archie Tse, "it was a more natural association." The election, which didn't end until mid-December, firmly established Democrats as the blue party and Republicans as the red — denotations which will likely hold fast for some time to come.

The Cromwell

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Once the opportunity for profit from 'Red' Country's became a thing the right wing Ferringi's loved Red :)

The Cromwell

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Agree with that. I have sympathy for the people of Ukraine just like I do the rest of the refugees that are a result of our or anyone else’s intervention. I just think a lot of people forget why Europe is being flooded with migrants to begin with. I think Gahdaffi had some pretty prophetic words before he was lynched. We should have listened.
Arrogant Americans never listen....
We are #1 in all things why should listen to someone else?


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“Oh, but did we catch them in the act or what,” the president said. “You know what I’m talking [about]. Oh, did we catch them in the act!”

He added: “They are very embarrassed. They never thought that they were going to get caught. We caught ‘em. Hey, we caught ‘em. Oh its so fun. We’re like the great sleuth.”



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Dem MEMO is going to President genius desk for approval
He will approve the release for sure if it looks like this



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Agree with that. I have sympathy for the people of Ukraine just like I do the rest of the refugees that are a result of our or anyone else’s intervention. I just think a lot of people forget why Europe is being flooded with migrants to begin with. I think Gahdaffi had some pretty prophetic words before he was lynched. We should have listened.
who is this" we "you talk you think the people of the US or Europe have any control over the globalist you think the people of Germany who are being invaded had a voice in any of this ...who is the "we"....

The Cromwell

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This is a statement from a stable president of the USA?

President Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of being "Un-American" and maybe even treasonous for failing to applaud him during his State of the Union speech.

Trump says during a speech in Blue Ash, Ohio, that the Democrats last week gave off "bad energy" as he delivered his first State of the Union, failing to clap even at positive economic news.

Trump is calling their reception "un-American" and asks: "Shall we call that treason? Why not?"


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Arrogant Americans never listen....
We are #1 in all things why should listen to someone else?
...America is used as the military wing of the global elite who run the central banks of the world...our people have no voice in these forgien conflicts.just as both democrat presidents got us involved in two world wars the people did not want to enter, pushed the American people into war by creating false flags...this isn't an American thing, this is created in the boardrooms of the Rothschild banks. as long as the central banks can get dimwitts like you to smoke the opiate of politics and blame America or Russia, or whoever they can sit behind the curtain , and virtue signaling posers like yourself stay ignorant of who really starts wars. being a self loathing American is so edgy and being an obese femminist with purple's so 1968...


VU Donator
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This is a statement from a stable president of the USA?

President Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of being "Un-American" and maybe even treasonous for failing to applaud him during his State of the Union speech.

Trump says during a speech in Blue Ash, Ohio, that the Democrats last week gave off "bad energy" as he delivered his first State of the Union, failing to clap even at positive economic news.

Trump is calling their reception "un-American" and asks: "Shall we call that treason? Why not?"




Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is a statement from a stable president of the USA?

President Donald Trump is accusing Democrats of being "Un-American" and maybe even treasonous for failing to applaud him during his State of the Union speech.

Trump says during a speech in Blue Ash, Ohio, that the Democrats last week gave off "bad energy" as he delivered his first State of the Union, failing to clap even at positive economic news.

Trump is calling their reception "un-American" and asks: "Shall we call that treason? Why not?"
yeah I agree...we should call the DNC traitors for different reasons....they rigged the nomination and they weaponized the FBI to attack a political candidate violating his 4th amendment right, and they hired a forgien agent to help do it,and they lied to a FISA judge ....and yet all that doesn't seem to bother spend your time sifting through the minutea of every word that Trump utter in a vain attempt to make him a Russian spy while Obama and Hilary have committed high treason....really got your priorities straight....1) hate Trump n2) hate Trump 3) hate Trump 167) take a shower...

The Cromwell

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yeah I agree...we should call the DNC traitors for different reasons....they rigged the nomination and they weaponized the FBI to attack a political candidate violating his 4th amendment right, and they hired a forgien agent to help do it,and they lied to a FISA judge ....and yet all that doesn't seem to bother spend your time sifting through the minutea of every word that Trump utter in a vain attempt to make him a Russian spy while Obama and Hilary have committed high treason....really got your priorities straight....1) hate Trump n2) hate Trump 3) hate Trump 167) take a shower...
Kinda guilty until proven innocent there?
Yep a true Trumpy Bear Trumpeteer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Kinda guilty until proven innocent there?
Yep a true Trumpy Bear Trumpeteer.
after all the treasonous shit the DNC pulled this election you bury your head up your ass and try and deflect people's attention from it by having a meltdown over russian fairytales and vauge rumnors of pussy grabbing...nice try but I don't think it's gonna win you any seats in the mid terms.


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My prayers and best wishes are with the family of Edwin Jackson, a wonderful young man whose life was so senselessly taken. @Colts



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Julia Ketchum, a secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week. She didn’t think her pay would go up at all, let alone this soon. That adds up to $78 a year, which she said will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.

Fall RYAN took this paragraph and tweeted it! Dumbass was dumb enough to brag about $78 inclreased! WOW!


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Julia Ketchum, a secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week. She didn’t think her pay would go up at all, let alone this soon. That adds up to $78 a year, which she said will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.

Fall RYAN took this paragraph and tweeted it! Dumbass was dumb enough to brag about $78 inclreased! WOW!

Zealots are not generally known for high intelligence.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Agree with that. I have sympathy for the people of Ukraine just like I do the rest of the refugees that are a result of our or anyone else’s intervention. I just think a lot of people forget why Europe is being flooded with migrants to begin with. I think Gahdaffi had some pretty prophetic words before he was lynched. We should have listened.

Yep. But I took your post as an implied reason for why Europe should accept the refugees. That they would be accepted if they were white Christians and that since the EU backed the US intervention they should accept the refugees.

I think you've correctly identified the cause of the refugees but I think accepting them helps to cover for causing them. And it creates other problems.

Accepting the refugees does not solve the problem that created them and it creates more problems. That's what I'm getting at.


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Julia Ketchum, a secretary at a public high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, said she was pleasantly surprised her pay went up $1.50 a week. She didn’t think her pay would go up at all, let alone this soon. That adds up to $78 a year, which she said will more than cover her Costco membership for the year.

Fall RYAN took this paragraph and tweeted it! Dumbass was dumb enough to brag about $78 inclreased! WOW!



Only a retard would not know a $78 dollar increase is better than a $0 increase.

If you don't want the money Trump saved you, you can give it to the government. They'll take it. Or you can give it to me. Send me $1.50 a week or $78 a year.


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Only a retard would not know a $78 dollar increase is better than a $0 increase.

If you don't want the money Trump saved you, you can give it to the government. They'll take it. Or you can give it to me. Send me $1.50 a week or $78 a year.

Fuck you liar!
Only RETARD like you think that!



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fuck you liar!
Only RETARD like you think that!


This is how many $'s Julia Ketchum got from Trump's tax cut; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is how many $'s Julia Ketchum would have got from Dim's tax cut: 0

Conclusion; Trump's tax cut was better for Julia Ketchum.

78 is greater than zero. (greater means more). 78>0
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VU Donator
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This is how many $'s Julia Ketchum got from Trump's tax cut; $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

This is how many $'s Julia Ketchum would have got from Dim's tax cut: 0

Conclusion; Trump's tax cut was better for Julia Ketchum.

That mother fucker doesn’t even know what’s in it! RYAN tax scam was written long time ago!
Stop talking about taxes, you don’t pay none, you got nothing to say on this issue LOOTER
ur no different than JOSE!



Platinum Contributor
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That mother fucker doesn’t even know what’s in it! RYAN tax scam was written long time ago!
Stop talking about taxes, you don’t pay none, you got nothing to say on this issue LOOTER
ur no different than JOSE!


Shut the fuck up, you don't vote. You get the tax plan I voted for. You get to keep more money because I voted for Trump. ;)

You're dumber than my chickens. At least they know when I feed them more food and they know it came from me. :giggle:


VU Donator
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Shut the fuck up, you don't vote. You get the tax plan I voted for. You get to keep more money because I voted for Trump. ;)

You're dumber than my chickens. At least they know when I feed them more food and they know it came from me. :giggle:




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Member For 4 Years
For those not paying attention, Russian collusion is proven to be real. The facts are out.

The DNC and Hitlery Campaign paid attorney's to pay Fusion GPS to pay a British Operative to pay Russians for information about Trump.

That's an undisputed fact. The Clinton Campaign, DNC, FBI and DOJ colluded with Russians against Trump.


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For those not paying attention, Russian collusion is proven to be real. The facts are out.

The DNC and Hitlery Campaign paid attorney's to pay Fusion GPS to pay a British Operative to pay Russians for information about Trump.

That's an undisputed fact. The Clinton Campaign, DNC, FBI and DOJ colluded with Russians against Trump.

According to

Yes, they did all that to destroy trump as candidate, And they will not stop until he’s not the president anymore...
and if you think, THE RUSSIA GATE IS GOING AWAY, you have to fucking STUPID, to believe that.....



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ej.... We're gonna continue to MAGA all over yer ass.
You decide how to react... You can complain or invest in America.
What to do???

There is a prison convict axiom regarding options for when shit gets serious... Fight, fuck, or wash clothes.
Americans (the real kind) are ready to fight to MAGA...
Crommie chooses to "fuck", meaning he behaves as an obsequious yappy liberal whore who speaks as he's told.
And the clothes washers are fearful lemmings, who just wanna get along and conform.


VU Donator
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ej.... We're gonna continue to MAGA all over yer ass.
You decide how to react... You can complain or invest in America.
What to do???

There is a prison convict axiom regarding options for when shit gets serious... Fight, fuck, or wash clothes.
Americans (the real kind) are ready to fight to MAGA...
Crommie chooses to "fuck", meaning he behaves as an obsequious yappy liberal whore who speaks as he's told.
And the clothes washers are fearful lemmings, who just wanna get along and conform.

Really? Seems like most people just lay down and take it these days. A lot of tweeting and tough talk on the internet but no one is out in the street. It’s been over 50 years of admin after admin fucking over the people in the country and there has not been a meaningful act of collective resistance since the civil rights movement. We don’t even have a 3rd party for God’s sake.


VU Donator
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Member For 4 Years
ej.... We're gonna continue to MAGA all over yer ass.
You decide how to react... You can complain or invest in America.
What to do???

There is a prison convict axiom regarding options for when shit gets serious... Fight, fuck, or wash clothes.
Americans (the real kind) are ready to fight to MAGA...
Crommie chooses to "fuck", meaning he behaves as an obsequious yappy liberal whore who speaks as he's told.
And the clothes washers are fearful lemmings, who just wanna get along and conform.

I’m not the enemy bro!
I’m a realist... maga is only guaranteed 4years, then what?
You can’t drain the swamp, you can’t kill the elites and you can’t destabilize establishment, trump is part of all of those, he fooled you and continue to fool millions but that’s ok... you can continue to day dream or you can start being realistic, that a TOTAL RESET IS NEEDED not an IDIOT in the WH!


The Cromwell

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Parades like they have in France will MAGA.

"The marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France," a military official told the paper. "This is being worked at the highest levels of the military."


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Parades like they have in France will MAGA.

"The marching orders were: I want a parade like the one in France," a military official told the paper. "This is being worked at the highest levels of the military."
Everybody loves a parade...... yep military parades are corny propoganda. ... BUT they do make people feel good and give a country something to unite around.....

UNITY is not a bad thing.. we do after all live in the UNITED States.

Since we can't use the flag and anthem any more maybe a few tanks rolling in formation will work.

Sent from my SCH-I605 using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Really? Seems like most people just lay down and take it these days. A lot of tweeting and tough talk on the internet but no one is out in the street. It’s been over 50 years of admin after admin fucking over the people in the country and there has not been a meaningful act of collective resistance since the civil rights movement. We don’t even have a 3rd party for God’s sake.
what are you talking about...the Tea Party rose, and the vibrations of it created Trump the Alt-media has destroyed the corporate media Bernie Sanders
challeneged the DNC...sortta till he got paid off....both the GOP and the DNC establishments are on pretty shaking ground right now..Brexit in Europoe the rise of nationalist parties across the globe, the destruction of the EU...I think a helluva alot is going on.....their is a war on now between the globalist and the people of the world...and to tell you the truth I think this is just the start....the genie is out of the bottle kids. and the elite aren't gonna be able to put it back in the bottle..
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