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Even you must admit Isis needs to be exterminated !
Exterminated? Not if they will end their terrorism and such.

Geez Crommie, just when I thought you couldn't possibly say anything stupider
than the last lib-puke you brayed out, you go and prove me wrong.
This is another milestone in moon-battery for ya.

Seriously, and I mean this in the nicest possible way... please don't vote.


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This will be a big week for Infrastructure. After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is now time to start investing in OUR Country!



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This will be a big week for Infrastructure. After so stupidly spending $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is now time to start investing in OUR Country!

S7 trillion that they have receipts for. Who knows how much they really spent over there. If I found out it was $70 trillion, I wouldn't be surprised.

The Cromwell

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I am weary of the Nuke em all talk regarding muslims.

for some strange reason killing them and their families does not seem to make them more peaceful....


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Not if they will end their terrorism and such.

your reading comprehension sucks.


So, you think we should let murderers go if they promise not to murder anyone again? o_O

ISIS has burnt, beheaded, beat, raped and otherwise murdered thousands of civilians including women and kids and your proposal is to make them promise not to do it anymore? :sad:

There is something wrong with you. But, we already knew that. ;)

ISIS needs to be exterminated, not for what they may or may not do, but for what they have done already.


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Trump also will ask for a $13 billion increase over two years for opioid prevention, treatment and long-term recovery. A request of $23 billion for border security, including $18 billion for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and money for more detention beds for detained immigrants, is part of the budget, too.

13BILLION FOR OPIOD PREVENTION???? Wait a fucking minute! Am I reading this wrong? Trump wants 13 billion for opioid prevention? And long term recovery? He wants clinics and private recovery centers for the crack heads? I thought we have the jails for that?!
WTF! Wouldn’t be cheaper to stop producing it and explore alternatives like 420?
We all know it’s an effective tool.
Stop politicizing it!

23 billion for border security which is long overdue!

18 billion for the WALL and MORE “BEDS” FOR DETAINED “IMMIGRANTS”????????
I mean...... am I the only the one that thinks there’s something wrong here? The idiot wants money for the man n women that secure the border but at the same time he wants money for the “ILLEGALS”. (notice how the article said “IMMIGRANTS”)
he wants money for the wall and illegals???
can smart people explain this to me...I’m not so very stable genius to understand this shit?!


The Cromwell

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Trump also will ask for a $13 billion increase over two years for opioid prevention, treatment and long-term recovery. A request of $23 billion for border security, including $18 billion for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and money for more detention beds for detained immigrants, is part of the budget, too.

13BILLION FOR OPIOD PREVENTION???? Wait a fucking minute! Am I reading this wrong? Trump wants 13 billion for opioid prevention? And long term recovery? He wants clinics and private recovery centers for the crack heads? I thought we have the jails for that?!
WTF! Wouldn’t be cheaper to stop producing it and explore alternatives like 420?
We all know it’s an effective tool.
Stop politicizing it!

23 billion for border security which is long overdue!

18 billion for the WALL and MORE “BEDS” FOR DETAINED “IMMIGRANTS”????????
I mean...... am I the only the one that thinks there’s something wrong here? The idiot wants money for the man n women that secure the border but at the same time he wants money for the “ILLEGALS”. (notice how the article said “IMMIGRANTS”)
he wants money for the wall and illegals???
can smart people explain this to me...I’m not so very stable genius to understand this shit?!

Well he is a developer first and foremost.
Perhaps the Trump Casinos and some hotels can be bought by the government and turned into drug treatment places?


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years

So, you think we should let murderers go if they promise not to murder anyone again? o_O

ISIS has burnt, beheaded, beat, raped and otherwise murdered thousands of civilians including women and kids and your proposal is to make them promise not to do it anymore? :sad:

There is something wrong with you. But, we already knew that. ;)

ISIS needs to be exterminated, not for what they may or may not do, but for what they have done already.

Cromie is of the mindset they just need jobs ! Ya know no like Barry and Hillary said

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump also will ask for a $13 billion increase over two years for opioid prevention, treatment and long-term recovery. A request of $23 billion for border security, including $18 billion for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and money for more detention beds for detained immigrants, is part of the budget, too.

13BILLION FOR OPIOD PREVENTION???? Wait a fucking minute! Am I reading this wrong? Trump wants 13 billion for opioid prevention? And long term recovery? He wants clinics and private recovery centers for the crack heads? I thought we have the jails for that?!
WTF! Wouldn’t be cheaper to stop producing it and explore alternatives like 420?
We all know it’s an effective tool.
Stop politicizing it!

23 billion for border security which is long overdue!

18 billion for the WALL and MORE “BEDS” FOR DETAINED “IMMIGRANTS”????????
I mean...... am I the only the one that thinks there’s something wrong here? The idiot wants money for the man n women that secure the border but at the same time he wants money for the “ILLEGALS”. (notice how the article said “IMMIGRANTS”)
he wants money for the wall and illegals???
can smart people explain this to me...I’m not so very stable genius to understand this shit?!


It’s almost like wasting 553 million in a failed solar company ! Or 787 billion in stimulus and “shovel ready” infrastructure jobs that never happened . where that money go ?

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It’s almost like wasting 553 million in a failed solar company ! Or 787 billion in stimulus and “shovel ready” infrastructure jobs that never happened . where that money go ?

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Business as usual!



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It’s almost like wasting 553 million in a failed solar company ! Or 787 billion in stimulus and “shovel ready” infrastructure jobs that never happened . where that money go ?

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Maybe the lord will heal him @Arthur pray for him or pray to him


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Old Republicans: "we must reduce the deficit!"
New Republicans: "forget the deficit! Spend it all on tax cuts for the rich and corporations plus huge defense spending increases, and let granny and the poors pay for it."


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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It’s almost like wasting 553 million in a failed solar company ! Or 787 billion in stimulus and “shovel ready” infrastructure jobs that never happened . where that money go ?

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Same place the Republican spent money will go, into cronies pockets.


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Member For 4 Years
Old Republicans: "we must reduce the deficit!"
New Republicans: "forget the deficit! Spend it all on tax cuts for the rich and corporations plus huge defense spending increases, and let granny and the poors pay for it."


Granny won't pay for it, she'll be dead. And the poors,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, they won't pay either.

The youngsters will pay for it. Which is worse.


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Member For 4 Years
70 people dead in Russian plane crash 1 of those 70 ..... president of Uranium one . Yes the same man who paid Clinton ! Another weird coincidence in witness getting tragically killed I guess the other 69 are collateral damage

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I am sure you could do some numerology on that and come up with multiple demoncratic connections.


VU Donator
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70 people dead in Russian plane crash 1 of those 70 ..... president of Uranium one . Yes the same man who paid Clinton ! Another weird coincidence in witness getting tragically killed I guess the other 69 are collateral damage

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Man... I thought the clintons stop killing people... shit!



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Man, I thought Mexico was paying for the wall... MOTHERFUCKER!!!!!!


People actually believed him when he said that. Don’t know who’s dumber, trump for thinking Mexico would pay or the dupes who believed him. Honestly I don’t think trump is that stupid but he knew a lot of his supporters were and it worked like a charm. There are still idiots who think Mexico is paying for it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People actually believed him when he said that. Don’t know who’s dumber, trump for thinking Mexico would pay or the dupes who believed him. Honestly I don’t think trump is that stupid but he knew a lot of his supporters were and it worked like a charm. There are still idiots who think Mexico is paying for it.
have you been drinking the same water as the gay frogs ????? what about your flouride consumption....

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Interesting to watch how Trumps mega defecit budget works out with Republicans.
Support supposed party ideals or Trump?


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I’m sure if this was any other news anchor dip shits like pulseflake would have a field day...

Alex jones comes right out and says he’s playing a character but retards still support him. It’s like hipsters who think vice is edgy and underground when it’s practically CNN.


Meh. Every news media face is playing a character. If it was any other news anchor, they just don't admit it.


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Meh. Every news media face is playing a character. If it was any other news anchor, they just don't admit it.
Exactly. That’s why I trust none of them. Info wars is capable of doing decent reporting but Alex Jones’s is a total fraud and these days borders on a television evangelist.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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It never gets old for him. But old folk like to relive the glory days.
Drama, drama, drama....

This old guy has gained just enough wisdom to not follow fools.
And the good ol days is NOT coming back.
The only constant is change.


Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
People actually believed him when he said that. Don’t know who’s dumber, trump for thinking Mexico would pay or the dupes who believed him. Honestly I don’t think trump is that stupid but he knew a lot of his supporters were and it worked like a charm. There are still idiots who think Mexico is paying for it.

Mexico will pay for the wall.

It's unlikely it will be in an official capacity but the savings gained in a reduced drug and illegal immigration flow of money out of the US and into Mexico will more than make up the difference.
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