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The Cromwell

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Mexico will pay for the wall.

It's unlikely it will be in an official capacity but the savings gained in a reduced drug and illegal immigration flow of money out of the US and into Mexico will more than make up the difference.
the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus will kick in some money as well I am sure.

We/you may pay some for the wall in higher food costs from tariffs on imported foods and autos, etc.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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There are 30 or more of Trumps staffers that do not yet have complete security clearances after more than a year.


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Lmfao Mexico are paying for the wall. You realize trump just slashed the corporate tax rate& the companies pay effectively $0 in taxes anyway? Even then it’s still cheaper to manufacture in Mexico...

from tweeter



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Here’s another one

Mexico are "paying" for the wall numbskull. Plenty of new $taxes from Companies leaving there and coming back to #MAGA $ChhhChing!



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Mexico will pay for the wall.

It's unlikely it will be in an official capacity but the savings gained in a reduced drug and illegal immigration flow of money out of the US and into Mexico will more than make up the difference.

If the wall ever gets built and if it even works. I don't think it will be very effective unless they increase the number of border control personal and they won't do that now. Once there is a wall the argument will be "but we have a wall, why do we need more people?" A wall would work if it was something like they have in Gaza and the occupied territories but that's just not possible here. My prediction, the wall be a big disappointment to those who wanted it so bad.


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the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus will kick in some money as well I am sure.

We/you may pay some for the wall in higher food costs from tariffs on imported foods and autos, etc.

It's simple economics. Drug money that flows out of the country into Mexico due to the drugs flowing from Mexico into the States, would largely stay in the US rather than go to Mexico. That's less money(in the billions) going to Mexico.

Illegals working in the US send money to family in Mexico. Fewer illegals working in the US means fewer dollars being sent to Mexico. And of course, wage increases from the reduced labor force increases tax revenue.

No Easter Bunny or Santa Clause needed.

22 Billion Dollars found: Photos of a Mexican drug lord's home after ...


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It's simple economics. Drug money that flows out of the country into Mexico due to the drugs flowing from Mexico into the States, would largely stay in the US rather than go to Mexico. That's less money(in the billions) going to Mexico.

Illegals working in the US send money to family in Mexico. Fewer illegals working in the US means fewer dollars being sent to Mexico. And of course, wage increases from the reduced labor force increases tax revenue.

No Easter Bunny or Santa Clause needed.

22 Billion Dollars found: Photos of a Mexican drug lord's home after ...
Do you really think our govt wants to stop drugs coming into the country? I think its a source of funding for whatever they are up to, like the CIA was doing in the 60's and 70's with the ****** from Vietnam. The obama admin was arming cartels and HSBC along with other banks helped launder their money.


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If the wall ever gets built and if it even works. I don't think it will be very effective unless they increase the number of border control personal and they won't do that now. Once there is a wall the argument will be "but we have a wall, why do we need more people?" A wall would work if it was something like they have in Gaza and the occupied territories but that's just not possible here. My prediction, the wall be a big disappointment to those who wanted it so bad.

They are already working on increasing the number of border patrol agents, significantly. It takes time.

To say they won't is inaccurate. It's already been ordered. The problem is not that it won't be approved, it has, it's that the standards are high and it takes months to hire a qualified person and weed out non qualified people.


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Do you really think our govt wants to stop drugs coming into the country? I think its a source of funding for whatever they are up to, like the CIA was doing in the 60's and 70's with the ****** from Vietnam. The obama admin was arming cartels and HSBC along with other banks helped launder their money.

I think the 60's and 70's are over and the US budget is so large and convoluted now that the CIA can fund themselves through "accounting errors".

There are billions unaccounted for in the budget. They don't need to run drugs anymore.


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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Do you really think our govt wants to stop drugs coming into the country? I think its a source of funding for whatever they are up to, like the CIA was doing in the 60's and 70's with the ****** from Vietnam. The obama admin was arming cartels and HSBC along with other banks helped launder their money.
Just continuing the legacy of the previous several presidents.


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I finally figured out who Trump reminds me of most. The Ferengi Grand Nagus!

That makes sense since libtards would love to live in a fictional moneyless society.

Let me know how that replicator works out for ya in the real world. :teehee:


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That makes sense since libtards would love to live in a fictional moneyless society.

Let me know how that replicator works out for ya in the real world. :teehee:
As usual, you turn everything into something involving the word libtard. It seems to be all you have.


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I’m sure if this was any other news anchor dip shits like pulseflake would have a field day...

Alex jones comes right out and says he’s playing a character but retards still support him. It’s like hipsters who think vice is edgy and underground when it’s practically CNN.

yeah...he trolls dipshits like you,and then laughs at them when they lose their's funny.


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wow dude that was cutting...I mean that was a really raiper like wit...where do you come up with these.
Keep showing us how smart you are. I guess we now know your motivations are simply to ridicule others. Amazing maturity.


Diamond Contributor
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I finally figured out who Trump reminds me of most. The Ferengi Grand Nagus!
fucking brilliant...6,000 years of human civilization to draw upon and you come up with...Star Trek...I guess refrences to childeren's space fantasies is your definiton of "Maturity"
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Keep showing us how smart you are. I guess we now know your motivations are simply to ridicule others. Amazing maturity.
I'm sorry ...did I grab your pussy to hard....unlike you my social standards weren't driven into me by a midwesteren amish grandmother.


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Trump followers seem to resent education and intelligence.
I can understand why :)

LOL. Star Trek The New Generation is education. :giggle:

It wasn't an education that the geeks were watching for.

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You fuckers crack me up...
thanks for making my 12 hours go fast!


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Obama is the most powerful person in the world dontcha know?

And Hillary too apparently.

and maybe he was the antichrist.
He caused Trump to be president.
the orange man on a pale horse?

Bible say anything about small hands?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obama is the most powerful person in the world dontcha know?

And Hillary too apparently.

and maybe he was the antichrist.
He caused Trump to be president.
the orange man on a pale horse?

Bible say anything about small hands?
we will have to differ to you Cletus ...none of us has the experince that you have in the mad rambelings of half-baked would know.
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