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you can't even do that without stealing it from somebody else


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And the government!
You can’t change shit!
Unless drop the rock, the big rock

the banks own the goverments...why do you think the put a banker as president of Italy, until the italians bootred him out..who do you think Macron is he worked for the Rothschild bank before being made president of have to drop the rock on the banks.The bankers are hiding behind flags.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I know you don’t like war, blame your country asshole!

He does....I think he is trying to get those in this country who idolize those who perpetuated it to realize for the first time we have a POTUS working to stop the cycle and pull their heads out of their collective asses and recognize that...Unfortunately the Kimmel effect is difficult to break.


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the banks own the goverments...why do you think the put a banker as president of Italy, until the italians bootred him out..who do you think Macron is he worked for the Rothschild bank before being made president of have to drop the rock on the banks.

Dropping the rock on the banks doesn’t change anything! It will be replace by another bank! Come on bro! The system will never change! NOBODY can change it! trump sounds like he would, pffftttt as soon as he’s done, we fucking back to normal!
Drop the big fucking rock! Shit, I’m ready



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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He does....I think he is trying to get those in this country who idolize those who perpetuated it to realize for the first time we have a POTUS working to stop the cycle to pull their heads out of their collective asses and recognize that...Unfortunately the Kimmel effect is difficult to break.

Oh man, let’s be realistic here, that cycle you’re talking about will never break!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Dropping the rock on the banks doesn’t change anything! It will be replace by another bank! Come on bro! The system will never change! NOBODY can change it! trump sounds like he would, pffftttt as soon as he’s done, we fucking back to normal!
Drop the big fucking rock! Shit, I’m ready

get rid of central banks..get rid of fiat currencies....problem solved...they start wars to put us into debt to the central banks, that's why we have so many create more debt.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
get rid of central banks..get rid of fiat currencies....problem solved...they start wars to put us into debt to the central banks, that's why we have so many create more debt.

Hmmmmm, this is getting deep!
I got to look up on this!



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Member For 4 Years
Whats the harm in cutting the guy some slack & supporting him while he tries?

Shit.......... I tried
And that’s why i don’t talk shit a lot about him anymore unless I’m going thru withdrawals



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh man, let’s be realistic here, that cycle you’re talking about will never break!

Not as hard as you may think. The people need to wake up, stop buying into propagandized hate & divisiveness, band together and say no more. Trump has put more of these satanic pedophiles behind bars than any president in history & has shown he is empowering the people. He has exposed the elite for who they are and is teaching the people how they are controlled.

There are a lot more of us than them. Once we wake up - They are done.


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Member For 4 Years
Not as hard as you may think. The people need to wake up, stop buying into propagandized hate & divisiveness, band together and say no more. Trump has put more of these satanic pedophiles behind bars than any president in history & has shown he is empowering the people. He has exposed the elite for who they are and is teaching the people how they are controlled.

There are a lot more of us than them. Once we wake up - They are done.

That’s what I’m fucking waiting for! Shit!
Dude... let’s go burn it!



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Member For 4 Years
Had this happened to Obama or Clinton, the impeachment papers would already be on the Speaker's desk.


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Obama had 200 million in campaign violations They paid a fine .

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Member For 4 Years

Funny that Hillary's emails aren't an issue compared to this !

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funny how none of them were guilty of anything to do with Trump or Russian collusion .

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Member For 4 Years
Oh yeah ...let's see..illegally bombed Libya,and destroyed it's goverment killing thousands of innocent people...used the IRS to target political enemies...ran guns to al queda in Libya and Syria...sacrficed and lied about what happened in Bengahzi to get relected.....if he wasn't Black he'd be in jail.
you forgot all the cash to Iran

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Member For 3 Years
And yet we still have assholes that swear he is the best president we will ever have. Sad.
No, during my lifetime, that was Reagan.

But I still wake up every morning, grateful that someone managed to beat HRC, and early in the primaries, I concluded that Trump was the only one who had any chance at all of doing so.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
After all we cannot have someone being investigated by the FBI as president.
Lock em up!
but we can have an FBI weaponized by the Democrats that lies to a FISA court in order to violate the constitution and spy on the DNC's political is not bad enough that the DNC wants it's own private Statsi, they also have decided any election they lose is to be nullified....the DNC is trying to erase our rights to vote, they are what they have always been...the Klan...just as in the past the DNC lynched black republicans, in order to nullify their vote.. they are now lynching Black and White republicans.....some things never change....the DNC's new Klan wears black masks now as well as white hoods.
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