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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fox news would not exist if the Fairness doictrine was still in place.
Reagan enabled all the right wingnutz to spew their hatred and fear messages.
It has damaged the USA.
that has to be the most hypocritical and stupid thing you have said .

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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Might be fatal targets for the Republicans as most people on medicare and SS are Trump/Republican supporters.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A Obama appointed judge just decided to give no jail time to Pakistani IT Staffer Imran Awan because he “suffered enough”

In July, he pleaded guilty to a false statement he made on a loan application. Same thing that now has Manafort facing 80 years in prison

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and yet there is a guy serving 15 years for leaving bacon in a mosque............enuff...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fox news would not exist if the Fairness doictrine was still in place.
Reagan enabled all the right wingnutz to spew their hatred and fear messages.
It has damaged the USA.
yeah that freedom of speech throws a monkey wrench in your facist wet dreams bobbi....if you don't like that wingnutz message............turn the fucking dial.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So, that's where you get your lies from, a bald douche with a "front-hole"? :giggle:
I love that guy.......watching him helps me sleep better at night.... knowing this idiot is the average libtard makes me realize they are so screwed.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
MANAFUCK should start a GOFUCKME, let’s see how much redhats/idiots care bout this criminal!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
poor little libtards...they are suffering from nervous exhaustion..the DNC keeps fingering their frontholes,but just can't get it up.....this Maifort tease could send them all to therapy, or looking to the mexican gardner for satisfaction.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The retardicans go off about Dems being easy on crime, yet cheer a dipshit that throws his own people under the bus to conceal his own guilt. You can't drain the swamp without getting rid of the main swamp rat. Blow the dam!
trump did not throw anyone under any bus ,the guilty pleas are their personal mistakes nothing connected to Trump

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals...
I SAID THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN dumbest white nationalist

just keep swimming, just keep swimming......the DNC and the media are playing you like a cheap fiddle....hell I know what you are gonna think before you do...I just have to turn on's kind of funny to watch you dimwits get jerked around and used by the media elites....youre like little puppets on strings....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
trump did not throw anyone under any bus ,the guilty pleas are their personal mistakes nothing connected to Trump

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well they are screwed.... the Russian thing went nowhere they need something to keep the suckers on the hook....


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
just keep swimming, just keep swimming......the DNC and the media are playing you like a cheap fiddle....hell I know what you are gonna think before you do...I just have to turn on's kind of funny to watch you dimwits get jerked around and used by the media elites....youre like little puppets on strings....

You like cnn?



Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
MANAFUCK should start a GOFUCKME, let’s see how much redhats/idiots care bout this criminal!

none do we are not like libs who support anti American criminals like stozk

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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Trump is a criminal surrounded by criminals...
I SAID THIS OVER AND OVER AGAIN dumbest white nationalist

But yet you can't tell anyone what crime he committed?
You dummy

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Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
trump did not throw anyone under any bus ,the guilty pleas are their personal mistakes nothing connected to Trump

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Uh huh sure. Next, you'll tell me Reagan didn't throw Oliver North under a bus to protect his ass.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Shut it down.... fuck ssa!

See? You are a murderer. With no SSA, all retirees would receive a death sentence. Individual retirement accounts ain't shit, when the retardicans allow the banks to make those funds vanish.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
See? You are a murderer. With no SSA, all retirees would receive a death sentence. Individual retirement accounts ain't shit, when the retardicans allow the banks to make those funds vanish.

We have to stop politicians using it a political weapon to get votes!
Shut it down!



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