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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
that's odd...they repeatedly informed us Tryevon was killed by a..."White Hispanic".....I am not sure I've ever met a White Hispanic,but somehow they felt that it was relevant....wonder why.
A Black thug like Mike Brown gets shot by a white cop while trying to take the cops gun and Ferguson is set ablaze...and yet An innocent White girl is murdered by an illegal Mexican due to the goverments refusal to enforce immigration laws.... and we aren't even allowed to know about it,much less allowed a "space" to burn down a nieghborhood or have the Justus department look into it......change is a coming.....and I have to point out the Dairy that hired this POS Yarrabee Farms.bears as much responsibility as the political class that funneled this murder into is my fondest hope Yarrabee Farms pays the price for their role in this poor kids murder.
as I understand it the employer actually ran an E-Verify when the guy was hired and the system did not flag him as an illegal and he somehow gamed the system - Strike that - I see the employer has after ICE called them out on it recanted and "Lang said Rivera provided a state-issued photo identification and social security card". Completely different story than released earlier. Excellent - use the opportunity to scare the crap out of the employers.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
as I understand it the employer actually ran an E-Verify when the guy was hired and the system did not flag him as an illegal and he somehow gamed the system - Strike that - I see the employer has after ICE called them out on it recanted and "Lang said Rivera provided a state-issued photo identification and social security card". Completely different story than released earlier. Excellent - use the opportunity to scare the crap out of the employers.
dude this guy has been hiring illegals for generations...he can smell an illegal, he doesn't need to check jack ....he, and everybody else in America knows what happened here....American childeren die so Pedro and his employeer can make a's totally fine to seperate American families with death. there is going to be no politician in America talking about how this family got SJW staging a protest at the farm over this family being seperated....our goverment and especially the Democrats have made it abundantly clear if they have to pave the way to power with our dead bodies they are more than willing to do it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
dude this guy has been hiring illegals for generations...he can smell an illegal, he doesn't need to check jack ....he, and everybody else in America knows what happened here....American childeren die so Pedro and his employeer can make a's totally fine to seperate American families with death. there is going to be no politician in America talking about how this family got SJW staging a protest at the farm over this family being seperated....our goverment and especially the Democrats have made it abundantly clear if they have to pave the way to power with our dead bodies they are more than willing to do it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There it is.......just because they are WHITE FARMERS!!!! He has no jurisdiction in SA they can do whatever they fucking want!

Genocide and theft of property are crimes against humanity EJ. If you weren't such a racist bigot you might just understand that. They are killing farmers and stealing their farms so corporations can acquire them and control the food supply of the population and starve or poison them as they see fit while paying the workers almost nothing.

Pull your racist head out of you ass and wake up already. I'm starting to lose my patience. That music you listen to has poisoned your mind my friend - exactly as it was designed to do. You are smarter than this.

Hopefully you are just trying to push Pulses buttons & get a rise out of him, but the subject is repugnant to me.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Genocide and theft of property are crimes against humanity EJ. If you weren't such a racist bigot you might just understand that. They are killing farmers and stealing their farms so corporations can acquire them and control the food supply of the population and starve or poisont them as they see fit.

Pull your racist head out of you ass and wake up already. I'm starting to lose my patience. That music you listen to has poisioned your mind my friend - exactly as it was designed to do.

Crimes against humanity?
Come on bro, you talk about it like the USA don’t do it! You losing your patience on what? Maybe you need to go out and get some fucking SUN!
WALK BRO! You can’t fix this!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Crimes against humanity?
Come on bro, you talk about it like the USA don’t do it! You losing your patience on what? Maybe you need to go out and get some fucking SUN!
WALK BRO! You can’t fix this!

You notice of course Barack Obama has been all over South Africa and hasn't condemned or denounce this? Gave a big speech what a month ago in the country & didn't even mention it. People starving in Africa and they want to kill the farmers to make it worse? That sounds like a good idea to you?

Watch how fast this shit ends when Trump gets in their asses and threatens to pull $597million annual US aid to that country & possibly freeze their assets in the US.
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VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You notice of course Barack Obama has been all over South Africa and hasn't condemned or denounce this? Gave a big speech what a month ago in the country & didn't even mention it. People starving in Africa and they want to kill the farmers to make it worse? That sounds like a good idea to you?

Watch how fast this shit ends when Trump gets in their asses and threatens to pull $597million annual US aid to that country & possibly freeze their assets in the US.

Oh shit! FUCK YOU MAN!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh shit! FUCK YOU MAN!

Are you aware that Zimbabwe initiated its own mass land expropriation program in the early 2000s? Under the direction of former dictator Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe seized and redistributed land from about 4,000 white farmers to landless blacks in an effort to compensate them for years of colonial rule.

As per Marian Tupy of the Cato Institute:
  • They redistributed the biggest and most fertile farms to supporters of the ruling party, most of whom had no farming expertise or experience.
  • Agricultural revenue declined by $12 billion
  • Agricultural productivity collapsed and widespread hunger ensued
  • This led to horrific violence
  • Total economic collapse of the country occurred and a half century of economic growth was wiped out
  • Hyper inflation ensued and country had to abandon its currency
  • Unemployment went to 90%, life expectancy plummeted, Infant mortality increased dramatically
  • This forced the government to rely on international aid to feed 25 percent of its population for years.
  • The expropriation initiative ended up enriching a small group of political cronies at the expense of millions of poor blacks and countless numbers died pointlessly.
  • Zimbabwe finally had to reach out to the white farmers whose land was seized and ask many to return and employ their expertise to help make the land fertile again and alleviate the crisis
“Zimbabweans might have seized the land without compensation 18 years ago, but they collectively paid for it through eight consecutive years of economic decline that led to job losses, deindustrialization and a loss of agricultural export revenues.”

I know in your eyes EJ it ain't my problem and I should mind my own business and step off. Honestly, I just as soon we pull our financial aid to the country completely for their humanitarian violations and allow them to repeat history to their own destruction and to reap what they sow, but it really pains me that the greed of a few who will profit by inciting racial hatred, division, murder, and land theft will create a pointless humanitarian crisis and loss of life of epic proportions knowing eventually we will only have to go in there and fix it some day costing our treasury untold billions and placing our troops in jeopardy yet again.

You might want to think about all that before you clap with glee like a trained seal and cheer that blacks are being manipulated into killing whitey and stealing their land for a privileged few.

What do you want to bet that Barack Obama will be one of those privileged few?
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He deserves prison time. Look. I know it's hard to pin a crime on a mob boss like Trump. After all, the only crime they could pin on Al Capone was tax evasion, because he was good at concealing evidence. Drain the entire swamp, and that includes the head swamp rat. Put them all in prison. Let's elect a real president, not some super rich criminal. Get the mob out of the white house, Congress, and Senate. Then, work on the governor's offices.
you can never get a regular person be president . You need a massive ego first to think you can be president you need lots of money to run for president ,you need to be connected to the right people . To get even close to that position you have stepped on toes ,done things maybe not so nice . you have defiantly made enimies .Nobody gets rich or president with being nice and pure .

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There it is.......just because they are WHITE FARMERS!!!! He has no jurisdiction in SA they can do whatever they fucking want!

really?............We already interfered with the goverment of SA...we put massive pressure on them to topple their last goverment and put the barbarians who run the goverment in power now....and it was libtards who interfered in their libtards are responsible for this will be responsible for the coming famine there as well.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Are you aware that Zimbabwe initiated its own mass land expropriation program in the early 2000s? Under the direction of former dictator Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe seized and redistributed land from about 4,000 white farmers to landless blacks in an effort to compensate them for years of colonial rule.

As per Marian Tupy of the Cato Institute:
  • They redistributed the biggest and most fertile farms to supporters of the ruling party, most of whom had no farming expertise or experience.
  • Agricultural revenue declined by $12 billion
  • Agricultural productivity collapsed and widespread hunger ensued
  • This led to horrific violence
  • Total economic collapse of the country occurred and a half century of economic growth was wiped out
  • Hyper inflation ensued and country had to abandon its currency
  • Unemployment went to 90%, life expectancy plummeted, Infant mortality increased dramatically
  • This forced the government to rely on international aid to feed 25 percent of its population for years.
  • The expropriation initiative ended up enriching a small group of political cronies at the expense of millions of poor blacks and countless numbers died pointlessly.
  • Zimbabwe finally had to reach out to the white farmers whose land was seized and ask many to return and employ their expertise to help make the land fertile again and alleviate the crisis
“Zimbabweans might have seized the land without compensation 18 years ago, but they collectively paid for it through eight consecutive years of economic decline that led to job losses, deindustrialization and a loss of agricultural export revenues.”

I know in your eyes EJ it ain't my problem and I should mind my own business and step off. Honestly, I just as soon we pull our financial aid to the country completely for their humanitarian violations and allow them to repeat history to their own destruction and to reap what they sew, but it really pains me that the greed of a few who will profit by inciting racial hatred, division, murder, and land theft will create a pointless humanitarian crisis and loss of life of epic proportions knowing eventually we will only have to go in there and fix it some day costing our treasury untold billions and placing our troops in jeopardy yet again.

You might want to think about all that before you clap with glee like a trained seal and cheer that blacks are being manipulated into killing whitey and stealing their land for a privileged few.

What do you want to bet that Barack Obama will be one of those privileged few?

Fuck ZIMBABWE AND FUCK SOUTH AFRICA and as a mater of FACT! FUCK AFRICA! Let China deal with Africa!!!

Stop the sending FAKE money to Africas and use TAX PAYERS money to help AMERICANS!
TRUMP said AMERICA first! Then he should mind his own BIZ! Worry about AMERICANS!

Pfffttttt...... you can’t fix Africa bro, it is what it is! The USA been sending FAKE money to Africa’s for a long fucking time and Africa’s is still fucking poor because of GREEDY MOTHERFUCKERS OVER HERE in the USA! PLEASE stop the HUMANITARIAN LECTURE!!

The SMART whites in SA left long time ago, they knew eventually the blacks will take over the country due to years of DEMONIZATION of the BLACKS! KARMA IS A BITCH!

My friends bf is SOUTH AFRICAN white and he’s been leaving here illegally since 2003, I should call ICE on his ass!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Fuck ZIMBABWE AND FUCK SOUTH AFRICA and as a mater of FACT! FUCK AFRICA! Let China deal with Africa!!!

Stop the sending FAKE money to Africas and use TAX PAYERS money to help AMERICANS!
TRUMP said AMERICA first! Then he should mind his own BIZ! Worry about AMERICANS!

Pfffttttt...... you can’t fix Africa bro, it is what it is! The USA been sending FAKE money to Africa’s for a long fucking time and Africa’s is still fucking poor because of GREEDY MOTHERFUCKERS OVER HERE in the USA! PLEASE stop the HUMANITARIAN LECTURE!!

The SMART whites in SA left long time ago, they knew eventually the blacks will take over the country due to years of DEMONIZATION of the BLACKS! KARMA IS A BITCH!

My friends bf is SOUTH AFRICAN white and he’s been leaving here illegally since 2003, I should call ICE on his ass!

your logic is stupid ..let me illustrate.....what if someone proposed all SMART Blacks should leave America and return to would find that repugnent and yet you think it quite reasonable to say a group of people who built the most succssesful nation on the African continient and who have lived in SA for over 300 years should leave.......explain....and if your friend is here illegally ICE on him please.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
really?............We already interfered with the goverment of SA...we put massive pressure on them to topple their last goverment and put the barbarians who run the goverment in power now....and it was libtards who interfered in their libtards are responsible for this will be responsible for the coming famine there as well.

First of all.... fuck the USA for interference!
Years and years of being NOSEY has to fucking stop! AMERICA FIRST!
Worry about American problems, American issues, American conditions, USE tax payers money for AMERICANS..... let other countries fuck them selves in the ass! Let them all die, africAs been stArving for years,let Africa’s and other countries fix them own issues!
AMERICA first!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
First of all.... fuck the USA for interference!
Years and years of being NOSEY has to fucking stop! AMERICA FIRST!
Worry about American problems, American issues, American conditions, USE tax payers money for AMERICANS..... let other countries fuck them selves in the ass! Let them all die, africAs been stArving for years,let Africa’s and other countries fix them own issues!
AMERICA first!

So NOW you do support building the wall?..and ending chain migration, and closing down all immigration...I'll send you a MAGA hat for free.

but you didn't answer my question...why do you think all SMART Whites should be forced out of SA, but all SMART Blacks shouldn't leave America.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
your logic is stupid ..let me illustrate.....what if someone proposed all SMART Blacks should leave America and return to would find that repugnent and yet you think it quite reasonable to say a group of people who built the most succssesful nation on the African continient and who have lived in SA for over 300 years should leave.......explain....and if your friend is here illegally ICE on him please.

Why would they proposed something like that? This country is MAJORITY WHITE and it will remain majority WHITE permanently!

Did you know that Hispanics are considered WHITES now on paper?!

Obama fucked SA, and trump should leave it just like that, it’s done deal!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Why would they proposed something like that? This country is MAJORITY WHITE and it will remain majority WHITE permanently!

Did you know that Hispanics are considered WHITES now on paper?!

Obama fucked SA, and trump should leave it just like that, it’s done deal!

Oh come now EJ this is your wet dream....this is what you have been advocating for ...this is the New Wakanda....and now the world gets to see how your racist fantasies gets played out......and how many Black Africans die in order for you to see it.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So NOW you do support building the wall?..and ending chain migration, and closing down all immigration...I'll send you a MAGA hat for free.

but you didn't answer my question...why do you think all SMART Whites should be forced out of SA, but all SMART Blacks shouldn't leave America.

I’ve always supported the fucking wall!
And I’ve always supported fixing our immigration policies! THE FUCK!

Just because I’m a trump hater, it’s doesn’t mean that I hate all his ideas for this country! Anything that he does for the AMERICANS,IM FOR IT!
But it doesn’t mean i won’t talk shit about him!!
My critics are beyond trump bro, I hate the whole fucking corrupt AMERICAN POLITICS!

All smart SMART SA WHITES should leave SA for SAFETY reasons! That’s it! Nothing fucking racial about it! STAY IF YOU WANNA FUCKING DIE!
That’s what I meant When I said SMART SA WHITES LEFT!

I should’ve said sa whites left long time ago cuz they were smart!

If American whites start killing blacks? I have 2 options
Stay and fight the white man!
Go back to the Phils!



VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Oh come now EJ this is your wet dream....this is what you have been advocating for ...this is the New Wakanda....and now the world gets to see how your racist fantasies gets played out......and how many Black Africans die in order for you to see it.

My wakanda is USA ONLY! and it’s a state of colored people.... yellow, white, brown, black, red, everybody that wants total independence from a corrupt demonic system! SCP!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I’ve always supported the fucking wall!
And I’ve always supported fixing our immigration policies! THE FUCK!

Just because I’m a trump hater, it’s doesn’t mean that I hate all his ideas for this country! Anything that he does for the AMERICANS,IM FOR IT!
But it doesn’t mean i won’t talk shit about him!!
My critics are beyond trump bro, I hate the whole fucking corrupt AMERICAN POLITICS!

All smart SMART SA WHITES should leave SA for SAFETY reasons! That’s it! Nothing fucking racial about it! STAY IF YOU WANNA FUCKING DIE!
That’s what I meant When I said SMART SA WHITES LEFT!

I should’ve said sa whites left long time ago cuz they were smart!

If American whites start killing blacks? I have 2 options
Stay and fight the white man!
Go back to the Phils!

and imagine if MLK had shared your views..he would have left for Africa.....or the Afrikanners could do what they did before...establish their own homeland like they did with the Orange free state....SA is on the brink of ruins, it would not be beyond the pale to assume other ethnic groups within SA would also like to leave SA and form their own independent nations.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
My wakanda is USA ONLY! and it’s a state of colored people.... yellow, white, brown, black, red, everybody that wants total independence from a corrupt demonic system! SCP!

yeah ..again that defies your logic....if the system is demonic to you racists of color...why do you not simply leave just as you advocate for the Whites of SA to leave....


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
and imagine if MLK had shared your views..he would have left for Africa.....or the Afrikanners could do what they did before...establish their own homeland like they did with the Orange free state....SA is on the brink of ruins, it would not be beyond the pale to assume other ethnic groups within SA would also like to leave SA and form their own independent nations.

He was a PUPPET!

Fuck SA! It’s done!



VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
yeah ..again that defies your logic....if the system is demonic to you racists of color...why do you not simply leave just as you advocate for the Whites of SA to leave....

You continuously refused to accept the TRUTH that Americans are a victims of a system!

When you all start killing us violently then like I said, I will have to explore my options!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
You continuously refused to accept the TRUTH that Americans are a victims of a system!

When you all start killing us violently then like I said, I will have to explore my options!

you didn't say said your Wakanda would be for other Racists of Color like yourself...the great vast huge number of Americans of all stripes think your idea is...addle brained and totally insane.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so you think we should abolish MLK Day as well as build the wall...............carefull ,,, sound like a............White Nationalist.

Yeah I think MLK day shouldn’t be celebrated as it should!
Build an ELECTRIC fucking wall with SNIPERS!

Fuck the white nationalist!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah I think MLK day shouldn’t be celebrated as it should!
Build an ELECTRIC fucking wall with SNIPERS!

Fuck the white nationalist!

so..the electric fence with this around America or around your Wakanda country?
Fuck Racists of Color.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you didn't say said your Wakanda would be for other Racists of Color like yourself...the great vast huge number of Americans of all stripes think your idea is...addle brained and totally insane.

COLORED PEOPLE! How many fucking times I should explain my self! COLORED FUCKING PEOPLE!



VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
so..the electric fence with this around America or around your Wakanda country?
Fuck Racists of Color.

The idea of an electric wall with snipers should be utilize by the USA!

SCP will do the same thing, but our wall will have GATE!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
COLORED PEOPLE! How many fucking times I should explain my self! COLORED FUCKING PEOPLE!

hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.....if everybody is colored.............why don't you just ej you are a racist POS tap dancing around the feel emboldened to be a racist of color ,because you see the power structure of America condones and supports racist policies and narritives toward Whites, and so you feel safe to express your racist attitudes, you are being programmed by the elites to your attention is drawn away from who really yanks your chain.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
hhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm.....if everybody is colored.............why don't you just ej you are a racist POS tap dancing around the feel emboldened to be a racist of color ,because you see the power structure of America condones and supports racist policies and narritives toward Whites, and so you feel safe to express your racist attitudes, you are being programmed by the elites to your attention is drawn away from who really yanks your chain.

I say it like that, because there’s a lot of colored people that hates they own colored people if you know what I mean!

FUCK THE ELITES, I’ll drop the rock my self if I could! I don’t follow, I don’t , I am my own ideology! Unlike you all!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I say it like that, because there’s a lot of colored people that hates they own colored people if you know what I mean!

FUCK THE ELITES, I’ll drop the rock my self if I could! I don’t follow, I don’t , I am my own ideology! Unlike you all!

you hate Whitey because CNN tells you to ,because the New York Times tells you to..because Evergreen College tells you to. because the music Industry tells you to,because Hollywood tells you to...becuase the elite want America destroyed,because without America there is nothing standing in their way of putting their boot on the neck of the entire world. They want America destroyed because freedom is the only road to human enlightenment and the only way to raise the conciouness of the race.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
you hate Whitey because CNN tells you to ,because the New York Times tells you to..because Evergreen College tells you to.becuase the elite want America destroyed,because without America there is nothing standing in their way of putting their boot on the neck of the entire world. They want America destroyed because freedom is the only road to human enlightenment and the only way to raise the conciouness of the race.

WTF are you talking about!
Who are they?


The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I am still waiting on Mexico to send a check to pay for building the wall.
Now they will have to pay for electricity too?

Will work out about like Iraq's oil paying for the Iraq war I expect.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years

they are not mostly in the US..they don't have an alligence to any nation, the don't claim any nationality they see the world belongs to them... thier bodies reside on every continient on the planet.look at the Rothschilds of Europe.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
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Mexico will pay for border wall and 'enjoy it', says Trump

Trump administration seeks $18bn from Congress for Mexico border wall
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Mexico will pay for border wall and 'enjoy it', says Trump
What's up bobbie..bored?...break all your banjo out of matches to play stumped by a crossword puzzle.or are you just killing time until the General store opens up to buy some more butthurt cream. you know you could save alot of money on buying that stuff if you didn't keep sticking your head up your ass.


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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
they are not mostly in the US..they don't have an alligence to any nation, the don't claim any nationality they see the world belongs to them... thier bodies reside on every continient on the planet.look at the Rothschilds of Europe.

NWO! Wow!
The rock has to drop! Do these people finance wars?



Platinum Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I'll just leave this here so you can all rail at how racist he is

Kimmel should be on soon to give you the taking points.

It's not racist.

It's globalist. ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
For once, ej logic is spot on, IMO. Though I question his motives. It's very hypocritical.

Fuck South Africa.

America first. ;)
his logic is stupid when he says Whites should leave SA. they built is their homeland... as for the US involvment in SA...that is an entirely different issue, I don't support the US interfering in the goverments of forgien nations that pose no threat to the US. though the US is without doubt largely responsible for already interfering in the disaster that is present day SA. If you noticed I never called for any US involvement in the situation...The Afrikaneer people have faced this situation before under the British is concievable that like before they split away from the country and establish their own nation. In which case the chinese and or the globalist will no doubt arm the ANC in exchange for the strategic resources under the soil of SA....and all the people of SA will starve....heads I win tails you lose.
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