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They should look a MIKE PENCE!
He’s the one that oversaw the criminal campaign!



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Member For 4 Years
well see that's easy isn't it ...somebody can say
EJ is a pedophile
EJ is a drug dealer
EJ is a gay prositutue in the blank...saying stuff is easy.
ej is a vicious pimp

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The Cromwell

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We have to stop politicians using it a political weapon to get votes!
Shut it down!

Ohh the Republicans loved spoending the SS surplus and issuing junk bonds to cover thewir theft.
the reason they hate it is that they are required to pay back the surplus so not as many tax dollars going to their supporters.
Republicans do not like to pay debts they love bankruptcy though.


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How soon some forget when the Iran Contra scandal was. Leave it to Time and Pussape to tell us that was all on Clinton.
I know exactly when Iran/Contra was and although Reagan was President, GHWB was Ollie North's boss - at least he was the one giving the orders. If you think differently, you are naive.

The Clinton's were just running the Arkansas end of things for GHWB & the Seal pipeline.
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Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I know exactly when Iran/Contra was and although Reagan was President, GHWB was Ollie North's boss - at least he was the one giving the orders. If you think differently, you are naive.
Yet, GHWB still got elected, and the idiots liked him so much, they elected his austistic son.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yet, GHWB still got elected, and the idiots liked him so much, they elected his austistic son.
Didn't matter who was elected, GHWB ran them all until Trump. Regan tried to do thing his own way & GHWB reminded him who was boss with a bullet delivered by a MK victim.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I know exactly when Iran/Contra was and although Reagan was President, GHWB was Ollie North's boss - at least he was the one giving the orders. If you think differently, you are naive.

The Clinton's were just running the Arkansas end of things for GHWB.
tru words.


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Member For 4 Years
Yet, GHWB still got elected, and the idiots liked him so much, they elected his austistic son.
it had nothing to do with them liking him it had to do with who the DNC ran they ran Dukakis....whose gonna vote for that....I think the parties get together and purposelly put up candidates they know will lose against the guy they want to win, so it gives the apperance your vote counts.


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Member For 4 Years
Didn't matter who was elected, GHWB ran them all until Trump. Regan tried to do thing his own way & GHWB reminded him who was boss with a bullet delivered by a MK victim.
yep..just like GHWB was in Dallas the day Kennedy got shot....coincidence.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Didn't matter who was elected, GHWB ran them all until Trump. Regan tried to do thing his own way & GHWB reminded him who was boss with a bullet delivered by a MK victim.
Never trust the ******* Import Agency. Bad things happen to anyone that tries to get in the way of organized crime.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Never trust the ******* Import Agency. Bad things happen to anyone that tries to get in the way of organized crime.
So how can you support HRC & the Dems? You think she gave up the life when she left Arkansas? You think she didn't convince Slick Willy to take down that Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building to destroy their records to avoid that federal Probe among so many other crimes against humanity?

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
So how can you support HRC? You think she gave up the life when she left Arkansas? You think she didn't convince Slick Willy bo take down that Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building to destroy their records to avoid that federal Probe among so many other crimes against humanity?
I didn't, but I couldn't support Trump either. Want to improve America? Quit placing criminals in political office! All we ever get is "the lesser of two evils". No matter who wins, we still get a corrupt career criminal. And then people wonder why this country is so fucked up.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I didn't, but I couldn't support Trump either. Want to improve America? Quit placing criminals in political office! All we ever get is "the lesser of two evils". No matter who wins, we still get a corrupt career criminal. And then people wonder why this country is so fucked up.
and looking around at the news you don't see an unprecedented amount of politicians on both sides of the aisle not seeking reelection or getting caught up in scandals or even arrested? You didn't see the entire state of Virginia Supreme Court indicted? Look around...they are dropping like flies on both sides of the aisle.

By your own words I would think you would applaud Trump for that.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
and looking around at the news you don't see an unprecedented amount of politicians on both sides of the aisle not seeking reelection or getting caught up in scandals or even arrested? You didn't see the entire state of Virginia Supreme Court indicted? Look around...they are dropping like flies on both sides of the aisle.

By your own words I would think you would applaud Trump for that.
If Trump were not a corrupt career criminal, I probably wouldn't despise him. The problem is that he has already victimized so many Americans, that he is deplorable. Take a look at companies of his that failed, after he used those companies to steal money from private citizens. Trump University is just one of those.


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If Trump were not a corrupt career criminal, I probably wouldn't despise him. The problem is that he has already victimized so many Americans, that he is deplorable. Take a look at companies of his that failed, after he used those companies to steal money from private citizens. Trump University is just one of those.

If he put hrc to jail
I’ll vote for him next election



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If Trump were not a corrupt career criminal, I probably wouldn't despise him. The problem is that he has already victimized so many Americans, that he is deplorable. Take a look at companies of his that failed, after he used those companies to steal money from private citizens. Trump University is just one of those.
He was a Democrat his whole life, and made his money in NYC real estate and the Gambling industry so that's not surprising. No one who voted for him thought he was an angel. All I have ever heard floated about him is only small potatoes in the grand scheme of things compared to the rest of the swamp. I never looked into the whole Trump University thing so I can't really comment on that other than to say he might have put his name on a business run by the wrong people - again, I'm not qualified to comment. With he number of businesses he was running, it is not surprising he would have a few failed ones along the way & I know he refuses to pay contractors who do not deliver or try to run up the tab. That is business in the big league, like it or not. I always heard he had a fairly good reputation among his employees though.

Yes he went through 4 bankruptcies and it turns out that was the perfect experience to oversee the bankruptcy of the United States of America and lead it into a recovery - Make no mistake - That is exactly what is going on here.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
If he put hrc to jail
I’ll vote for him next election

Unfortunately that won't happen until after 2020 (I believe). I actually think he is hoping to run against Hillary again in 2020.

Not only will she go to prison, we may actually see a long drop with a short rope.

The Cromwell

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Anyone ever stop to think that the USA has been running kinda under martial law since right after 9-11?
And what effects this may have on US society at large?

With the USA the terrorists won. We are fairly well terrorized and that was their goal.

Not just 9-11 but we keep on legislating closer to martial law all the time.

Lady Sarah

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
He was a Democrat his whole life, and made his money in NYC real estate and the Gambling industry so that's not surprising. No one who voted for him thought he was an angel. All I have ever heard floated about him is only small potatoes in the grand scheme of things compared to the rest of the swamp. I never looked into the whole Trump University thing so I can't really comment on that other than to say he might have put his name on a business run by the wrong people - again, I'm not qualified to comment. With he number of businesses he was running, it is not surprising he would have a few failed ones along the way & I know he refuses to pay contractors who do not deliver or try to run up the tab. That is business in the big league, like it or not. I always heard he had a fairly good reputation among his employees though.

Yes he went through 4 bankruptcies and it turns out that was the perfect experience to oversee the bankruptcy of the United States of America and lead it into a recovery - Make no mistake - That is exactly what is going on here.
He deserves prison time. Look. I know it's hard to pin a crime on a mob boss like Trump. After all, the only crime they could pin on Al Capone was tax evasion, because he was good at concealing evidence. Drain the entire swamp, and that includes the head swamp rat. Put them all in prison. Let's elect a real president, not some super rich criminal. Get the mob out of the white house, Congress, and Senate. Then, work on the governor's offices.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Anyone ever stop to think that the USA has been running kinda under martial law since right after 9-11?
And what effects this may have on US society at large?

With the USA the terrorists won. We are fairly well terrorized and that was their goal.
Look around....We narrowly avoided the destruction & overthrow of the United States to a Global UN Corporitocracy. What effect has it had? Are you blind...Do you not see the media stoked racial division, hate, violence, shootings, etc?. Did you miss a war for profit industry that had us sacrificing our sons & daughters to a meat grinder in near constant war killing humans throughout the world for profit so a criminal enterprise can traffic guns, drugs, humans & children for sex & sacrifice, body parts on demand (inner city shootings ie Chicago), etc,? Did you not see the exportation of our industry, wealth and the all out assault on our freedom, privacy and rights? Do you not see a fully propagandized media lying to the public and employing mind control techniques on the public at will? Do you not see everyone walking around with an electronic device that carries all their personal info and monitors every single communication and shares it all with the all mighty state? Do you not see people getting beaten in the street for trying to exercise free speech and wholesale censorship of ideas while some call for the abolishment of free speech so they can rig another election? Do you not see a deep state staging school shootings and terrorist attacks to justify revocation of the 2nd? The only thing that saved us was the 2nd and some true patriots in our military that said no more.

We owe them a debt that most people out there can never truly appreciate & may never know. It amazes me that so many in this thread cannot appreciate scope, scale and gravity of the situation you are now in and rail against the president trying to save your country, rescue a dying economy, restore industry, jobs and your own liberties because Jimmy Kimmel cried on tv & told you to. Utterly astounding!
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He deserves prison time. Look. I know it's hard to pin a crime on a mob boss like Trump. After all, the only crime they could pin on Al Capone was tax evasion, because he was good at concealing evidence. Drain the entire swamp, and that includes the head swamp rat. Put them all in prison. Let's elect a real president, not some super rich criminal. Get the mob out of the white house, Congress, and Senate. Then, work on the governor's offices.

LOL... hahaha ur funny!



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Member For 4 Years
I'll just leave this here so you can all rail at how racist he is

Kimmel should be on soon to give you the taking points.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
He deserves prison time. Look. I know it's hard to pin a crime on a mob boss like Trump. After all, the only crime they could pin on Al Capone was tax evasion, because he was good at concealing evidence. Drain the entire swamp, and that includes the head swamp rat. Put them all in prison. Let's elect a real president, not some super rich criminal. Get the mob out of the white house, Congress, and Senate. Then, work on the governor's offices.
fucking brilliant.,,,libtards have gone full retard......"I don't know of any crime he committed but he belongs in prison.", you and EJ and Bobbie make about as much sense as..............

The Cromwell

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I did not even vote for his son.

The eye doctor that had never held any public office.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
that's odd...they repeatedly informed us Tryevon was killed by a..."White Hispanic".....I am not sure I've ever met a White Hispanic,but somehow they felt that it was relevant....wonder why.
A Black thug like Mike Brown gets shot by a white cop while trying to take the cops gun and Ferguson is set ablaze...and yet An innocent White girl is murdered by an illegal Mexican due to the goverments refusal to enforce immigration laws.... and we aren't even allowed to know about it,much less allowed a "space" to burn down a nieghborhood or have the Justus department look into it......change is a coming.....and I have to point out the Dairy that hired this POS Yarrabee Farms.bears as much responsibility as the political class that funneled this murder into is my fondest hope Yarrabee Farms pays the price for their role in this poor kids murder.
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I did not even vote for his son.

The eye doctor that had never held any public office.
nobody has held public office ...before they do.....kind of like nobody burns down a garage.... until they do...nobody is born into public office...unless their name is Kennedy........or Bush....Ron Paul is despised by both parties having his name is not exactlly a plus in America.
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