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Just gonna leave this for EJ & be done with it. Cut off all USA aid & let South Africa reap what they sow and when they start begging for money because of the famine they created and try exporting their starving refugees tell them we told you so & say no. As seems to be the consensus here - Fuck South Africa - but as many times as we say it now - I still predict that the USA will have to go in and fix it one day costing American lives and massive resources that we cannot afford to spare.



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Just gonna leave this for EJ & be done with it. Cut off all USA aid & let South Africa reap what they sow and when they start begging for money because of the famine they created and try exporting their starving refugees tell them we told you so & say no. As seems to be the consensus here - Fuck South Africa - but as many times as we say it now - I still predict that the USA will have to go in and fix it one day costing American lives and massive resources that we cannot afford to spare.

no money no blood.....let them fix it.

The Cromwell

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Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!

LMAO. this is getting pretty good and pretty much as I predicted if anyone wants to review my posts in this thread and the Trump worshippers thread too.

The Cromwell

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Damn! won't any of Trumps appointees except Sarah be loyal to trump and ignore the law?
Attorney General Jeff Sessions fired back at President Donald Trump Thursday afternoon, after Trump said he "never took control" of the Justice Department.

"While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations. I demand the highest standards, and where they are not met, I take action. However, no nation has a more talented, more dedicated group of law enforcement investigators and prosecutors than the United States," Sessions said in a statement.
sounds like something a president of the USA SHOULD say.


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Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!

LMAO. this is getting pretty good and pretty much as I predicted if anyone wants to review my posts in this thread and the Trump worshippers thread too.

Poor Crommie... you're impotent grasping makes me laugh.


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Fuck them ! If your white get the hell out save your life .

Let them make It Zimbabwe And fuck them if they starve !

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Zimbabwe is actually looking for White farmers...wouldn't it be ironic if the Boer moved to Zimbabwe and farmed until the Blacks in SA starved to death, and then moved back into SA.


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his logic is stupid when he says Whites should leave SA. they built is their homeland... as for the US involvment in SA...that is an entirely different issue, I don't support the US interfering in the goverments of forgien nations that pose no threat to the US. though the US is without doubt largely responsible for already interfering in the disaster that is present day SA. If you noticed I never called for any US involvement in the situation...The Afrikaneer people have faced this situation before under the British is concievable that like before they split away from the country and establish their own nation. In which case the chinese and or the globalist will no doubt arm the ANC in exchange for the strategic resources under the soil of SA....and all the people of SA will starve....heads I win tails you lose.

They built it, they benefited from it, now it’s being taken away from them... stay and die! Or just leave and continue life.... let them fucking starve, cut the aid to all Africa’s!



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Just gonna leave this for EJ & be done with it. Cut off all USA aid & let South Africa reap what they sow and when they start begging for money because of the famine they created and try exporting their starving refugees tell them we told you so & say no. As seems to be the consensus here - Fuck South Africa - but as many times as we say it now - I still predict that the USA will have to go in and fix it one day costing American lives and massive resources that we cannot afford to spare.

Nahhh..... we got no bizness in SA


The Cromwell

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Duncan Hunter crying it is all just a Big Liberal conspiracy.

Sounds a lot like Trump?


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Only business we have with SA is business.

Continued demonization of Africa’s by sending tax payers money for AID, ultimately land on CONTRACTORS HANDS!
We been doing this shit since 1960’s...
Communism is a good thing!


The Cromwell

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no one style of goverment will long endure.
It requires a careful blending bits of more than one system for the best results.

The Cromwell

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I mean most conservatives love parts of socialistic stuff in the USA.
Public water? Sewer, Fire, police, Public ambulance and paramedic service.
And if life threatening even medical treatement before insurance is verivied.
And very few of them want to pay the full cost of educating THEIR child. They want people with no children to subsidize their childs education.
Both primary and secondary educations.
Last edited:

The Cromwell

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Most people also like dams, aquaducts, Rural electrification.
In the 30's 9 out of 10 houses did not have electricity...

The Cromwell

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In short Conservatives/Republicans love socialism when it helps them but not when it helps someone else.


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no one style of goverment will long endure.
It requires a careful blending bits of more than one system for the best results.

The USA gave TAX PAYERS MONEY to the afrikas for aid in fear of communism spreading in the afrikas... most of that money never benefited the poor! Have China do it for the afrikas! It will be a good thing for...


The Cromwell

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Time Magazine's latest Trump cover shows president drowning in Oval Office

Hmm not quite like the fake cover of Trump being man of the year as displayed in his golf club houses.

trump drowining.jpg

The Cromwell

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Indicted Rep. Duncan Hunter: My wife handled my finances

LOL I guess the evil Demoncrat witch hunt line did not work for him?


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I mean most conservatives love parts of socialistic stuff in the USA.
Public water? Sewer, Fire, police, Public ambulance and paramedic service.
And if life threatening even medical treatement before insurance is verivied.
And very few of them want to pay the full cost of educating THEIR child. They want people with no children to subsidize their childs education.
Both primary and secondary educations.
so their you go Cromwell the perfect mix of everything should last forever

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The Cromwell

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Top Trump Organization official Weisselberg was granted immunity in Cohen investigation


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Top Trump Organization official Weisselberg was granted immunity in Cohen investigation
whole lot if nothing , Now they are off the Russian thing completely ,They will keep at it till they find someone who is willing to make up some kind of story that Trump did something wrong . Its a outrage they are now purely looking to destroy his businesses or one of his kids this has no longer have anything to do with Russia or the election or justice . This is a pure warning to anyone who tries to fuck up the deep state will be ruined some way or another . banana republic tactics . the constitution shredded ! American justice corrupt, intelligence and FBI political weapons .
God help us all !

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All smart SMART SA WHITES should leave SA for SAFETY reasons! That’s it! Nothing fucking racial about it! STAY IF YOU WANNA FUCKING DIE!
Many of them would if they could. Trouble is, no other country is willing to take them.

One guy I know is leaving, but it has taken the better part of 10 years for him to get residency in the UK.

The Cromwell

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Many of them would if they could. Trouble is, no other country is willing to take them.

One guy I know is leaving, but it has taken the better part of 10 years for him to get residency in the UK.
apparently Russia is gonna take 15 thousand Boer farmers.....15,000 of the most skilled farmers on earth...and we take the poor and illiterate of third world shitholes.....


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A former Trump World Tower doorman who says he has knowledge of an alleged affair President Donald Trump had with an ex-housekeeper, which resulted in a child, is now able to talk about a contract he entered with American Media Inc. that had prohibited him from discussing the matter with anyone, according to his attorney.
I guess if the kid was Black you wouldn't this kid you didn't care about.


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Many of them would if they could. Trouble is, no other country is willing to take them.

One guy I know is leaving, but it has taken the better part of 10 years for him to get residency in the UK.

These “LANDOWNERS” are WEALTHY bro.... they can live anywhere they want, and most of them wealthy white SA’s have Dutch citizenship!



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A former Trump World Tower doorman who says he has knowledge of an alleged affair President Donald Trump had with an ex-housekeeper, which resulted in a child, is now able to talk about a contract he entered with American Media Inc. that had prohibited him from discussing the matter with anyone, according to his attorney.
now we are down to former doormen how does this have to do with Russia or effecting the election ?
Witch hunt ! How is worth the millions spent !

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Trump said......
I have asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo not to go to North Korea, at this time, because I feel we are not making sufficient progress with respect to the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula... ...Additionally, because of our much tougher Trading stance with China, I do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization as they once were (despite the UN Sanctions which are in place)...

DUMBASS...... DONNIE thOUGHT NK would denuclearize after SELFIES! Using China (tariffs)to make progress in NK wouldn’t do anything!
Like I said before... YOU WANT PEACE IN THE KOREAS?
Until then it’s all BULLSSHIIITTTT......
Fucking gullible redhats!



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These “LANDOWNERS” are WEALTHY bro.... they can live anywhere they want, and most of them wealthy white SA’s have Dutch citizenship!
Bullshit. Most of them are descendants of people who moved to South Africa 200-300 years ago. They do not have Dutch citizenship anymore than descendants of people who arrived here in the US during colonial times have UK citizenship.

The Cromwell

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In an interview with Reuters, Trump, who held a landmark summit with Kim on June 12, said he believed North Korea had taken specific steps toward denuclearization, despite widespread doubts about Kim’s willingness to abandon his arsenal.

While insisting that “a lot of good things are happening” with North Korea, Trump complained that China was not helping as much as it had in the past because of its trade dispute with the United States.

Trump, who faced the North Korean challenge as soon as he took office in January 2017, said he had only been working on the North Korean issue for three months whereas his predecessors had been working on it for 30 years.

“I stopped (North Korea’s) nuclear testing. I stopped (North Korea’s) missile testing. Japan is thrilled. What’s going to happen? Who knows? We’re going to see,” he said.


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Bullshit. Most of them are descendants of people who moved to South Africa 200-300 years ago. They do not have Dutch citizenship anymore than descendants of people who arrived here in the US during colonial times have UK citizenship.

Do you know these “WEALTHY” white SA’s?
Don’t get confuse between the WEALTHY white SA’s and the white SA’s crackheads bro!



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Bullshit. Most of them are descendants of people who moved to South Africa 200-300 years ago. They do not have Dutch citizenship anymore than descendants of people who arrived here in the US during colonial times have UK citizenship.
Its OK cause they are white they can have their homes and businesses taken for no compensation. That's what ej is justifying! I think he should be ready to give up his home and job to anyone who thinks California is theirs . only fair

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In an interview with Reuters, Trump, who held a landmark summit with Kim on June 12, said he believed North Korea had taken specific steps toward denuclearization, despite widespread doubts about Kim’s willingness to abandon his arsenal.

While insisting that “a lot of good things are happening” with North Korea, Trump complained that China was not helping as much as it had in the past because of its trade dispute with the United States.

Trump, who faced the North Korean challenge as soon as he took office in January 2017, said he had only been working on the North Korean issue for three months whereas his predecessors had been working on it for 30 years.

“I stopped (North Korea’s) nuclear testing. I stopped (North Korea’s) missile testing. Japan is thrilled. What’s going to happen? Who knows? We’re going to see,” he said.

Gullible POS! Now hes being use in NK as a propaganda machine bullshit! The only US president that kissed NK ass!
What a dumbass!
You want peace in KOREAS?
GTFO of the Koreas, other than that BOMB that mofoker! Stop the bullshit!
It’s simple!

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