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The United States' top spy catcher said Chinese espionage agencies are using fake LinkedIn accounts to try to recruit Americans with access to government and commercial secrets, and the company should shut them down.
Dianne Fienstien.....damn no more chinese spy money....what will the DNC do without it.

The Cromwell

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President Donald Trump told a campaign-style rally in Indiana on Thursday that his administration is standing up for free-speech rights, warning that large social media companies could not be allowed to "control what we can and cannot see."


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President Donald Trump told a campaign-style rally in Indiana on Thursday that his administration is standing up for free-speech rights, warning that large social media companies could not be allowed to "control what we can and cannot see."
I know.... cool...

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The U.S. Supreme Court declined on Thursday to force the city of Philadelphia to resume the placement of children in need of foster care with a Catholic agency that refuses to accept gay couples as foster parents.


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It’s win win for fake conservatives!
Wait when the state start stopping paying for all these services, wait till your love lives with you because you can’t afford to pay the medical expenses!
I pray to god that YOU and your extended family doesn’t go thru this!!




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Stopping blaming farm subsidies on Trump. It's been going on for a long fucking time. Why didn't Clinton or Obama stop it during their 16 years in office? You guys waste so much energy blaming individuals when the problem is the system. Democrats and Republicans alike are feeding at the same trough but you guys want to castigate that one because his tail is curlier, or that one because it has longer ears. WTF?




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You do know the Most 'farm subsidies' do not get paid to farmers but to welfare programs.... as 90% of the Farm Bill is used for welfare programs like food stamps and cash aide.

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The Cromwell

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Projected spending on nutrition programs is $664 billion, and represents nearly 76.5 percent of all farm bill spending. ... The remaining 23 percent of farm bill spending is found in the other titles including crop insurance, conservation and commodity programs.Apr 12, 2018

Note that virtually all of that $664 billion goes back into the economy for purchasing food stuff grown by farmers, Food processed by food processors and grocery retailers pockets.
In other words virtually all of the spending on nutrition programs rolls directly back into the economy.
End nutrition programs and the economy takes 2/3 of a trillion hit.


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Projected spending on nutrition programs is $664 billion, and represents nearly 76.5 percent of all farm bill spending. ... The remaining 23 percent of farm bill spending is found in the other titles including crop insurance, conservation and commodity programs.Apr 12, 2018

Note that virtually all of that $664 billion goes back into the economy for purchasing food stuff grown by farmers, Food processed by food processors and grocery retailers pockets.
In other words virtually all of the spending on nutrition programs rolls directly back into the economy.
End nutrition programs and the economy takes 2/3 of a trillion hit.

You should do a breakdown of what foods are grown by farmers that Americans eat?! Let’s see it!
I disagree that ending food programs would take a hit in the economy!
It would take a hit on the pockets of the billionaires that runs these money laundering schemes!
People on food stamps shouldn’t be told what to get and what not to buy, they shouldn’t be on food stamps anyways!
The government should create jobs for these folks!
You want to end food stamps, stop sucking billionaires inverted dicks and put America to work!!
Other than that NAHHHHHH
TRUMP would divert those funds to his own corporations and he will start supply food on behalf of

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Note that virtually all of that $664 billion goes back into the economy for purchasing food stuff grown by farmers, Food processed by food processors and grocery retailers pockets.
In other words virtually all of the spending on nutrition programs rolls directly back into the economy.
End nutrition programs and the economy takes 2/3 of a trillion hit.

Pure bullshit.

The government has to take that money out of the economy, through tax.

You can't take $644 billion from the economy in tax, and then put it back into the economy and call that a gain. Unless you're fucking stupid.

Take a glass of water and pour the water into another glass. Do you have more water now? No. Fucking dumb ass.


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You should do a breakdown of what foods are grown by farmers that Americans eat?! Let’s see it!
I disagree that ending food programs would take a hit in the economy!
It would take a hit on the pockets of the billionaires that runs these money laundering schemes!
People on food stamps shouldn’t be told what to get and what not to buy, they shouldn’t be on food stamps anyways!
The government should create jobs for these folks!
You want to end food stamps, stop sucking billionaires inverted dicks and put America to work!!
Other than that NAHHHHHH
TRUMP would divert those funds to his own corporations and he will start supply food on behalf of


dude you seen these videos by Colin flaherty...there's a whole library of them...let me show you.



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Staunch promoter of multiculturalism for Australia, says multiculturalism is bad for Israel by Luke Ford

TDC Note – While this article is from 2015, personally, I believe it is more important today than ever before. With major push back across Europe and the U.S. regarding illegal immigrants it seems all to strange that Israel wants to keep their culture, their heritage intact and tell the rest of the world, “blend, meld – become “one world”” Israel will remain pure, but the rest of the world…well, whatever happens – happens!

Isi Leiber on Australia: “There is a need to sit together and establish a way in which Australians can recapture that spirit of multiculturalism which I think we are all proud being part and parcel of.”

Isi Leibler on Israel: “Multiculturalism has no place in Israel.”

Isi Leiber is an internationally known Jewish leader and former chairman of the board of directors of the World Jewish Congress and the former leader of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry. He was major proponent of multiculturalism, open borders, and cultural Marxism in Australia. He moved to Israel in 1999 and still advocates multiculturalism for Australia while advocating nationalism and homogeneity in Israel at the same time.

In 2012 he wrote this article explicitly praising the decline of Australia homogeneity. He gloats that Australia is no longer “exclusively white and primarily of British origin.” Leiber praises the downfall of the “racist exclusionary” White Australia Policy.

However, Leiber is now living in Israel and showing shocking hypocrisy. He writes article for the Jerusalem Post about the horrors of multiculturalism in Israel. He recently wrote in the Jerusalem Post that “this is a country which was set up and created as a Jewish country for the Jews.” Leiber has also stated “multiculturalism has no place in Israel.”

Isi’s wife Naomi is the president of Emunah, a Jewish women’s organization. She says that “assimilation and intermarriage” are the “greatest threats to world Jewry.”'

Read more: Staunch promoter of multiculturalism for Australia, says multiculturalism is bad for Israel


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Michael Jackson’s death at the age of 50 in June 2009 shocked thousands of fans worldwide but others are asking whether it was all an elaborate show.

'Elvis Presley is alive' and 10 more conspiracy theories
Jackson conspiracy theorists, known as “believers”, have long claimed that the singer is still alive, having faked his own death.

In early 2017, investment banker David Dunn took the stand in the US Tax Court in Los Angeles and said Jackson was “on the edge” of going bankrupt before his death - fuelling theories that the pop legend may simply have changed his identity in order to escape his financial problems.

In July last year, Hollywood hairdresser Steve Erhardt, who was a close friend of Jackson, claimed he had information about the star that “not even the family knows”.

In a post on Facebook, Erhardt wrote: “A tip for the believers, the Michael Jackson believers. You heard it here first, an announcement of sorts.

“And in a couple of months, or latest at the end of the year, you will be receiving some very good news. It’s almost unbelievable. And not even the family knows… but I do.”

No more news was forthcoming from Erhardt, but believers insist Jackson must simply have decided to remain in hiding.

Here are four more conspiracy theories about the King of Pop’s death.

Jackson's daughter thinks he was murdered
In 2017, Paris Jackson told Rolling Stone magazine that she was convinced her father had been murdered.

“All arrows point to that. It sounds like a total conspiracy theory and it sounds like bullshit, but all real fans and everybody in the family knows it. It was a set-up. It was bullshit,” she said.

Some online conspiracy theorists questioned whether she was pointing to a group such as the Illuminati.

Jackson’s will wasn’t signed by him
In 2012, five of the singer’s brothers and sisters - Janet, Rebbie, Randy, Tito and Jermaine - signed a letter to the executors of Jackson’s estate, John Branca and John McClain, accusing the pair of fraud, forgery, exploitation and abuse. The letter was published on gossip site Celebuzz.

Jackson’s siblings claimed that he was not in Los Angeles on the day his will was dated, 7 July 2002, and therefore could not have signed it. They also claimed that Jackson said he despised Branca and McClain and didn’t want them to have anything to do with his life.

Representatives for his estate responded: “We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael’s family whom he chose to leave out of his will.”

Jackson was killed for his music catalogue
La Toya Jackson has repeatedly said there was a conspiracy to kill her brother and that he knew he was going to die. He reportedly told her: “La Toya, I’m going to be murdered for my music publishing catalogue and my estate.”

Last year The Sun reported the existence of a note allegedly written by Jackson just weeks before his death that appears to support this theory. The note read: “They are trying to murder me.” Jackson continued that he was '“scared about his life” and that “the system wants to kill me for my catalogue”, according to the newspaper.

Jackson killed himself with drugs
On 28 August 2009, the LA County Coroner made an official statement classifying Jackson’s death as homicide. The coroner stated that he died from the combination of drugs in his body, including anesthetic propofol that Jackson’s personal doctor Conrad Murray had been giving him to treat sleep problems for two months prior to his death. Murray was eventually found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in 2011 and was sentenced to two years in jail.

Before his trial, Murray’s lawyer claimed that the singer “took desperate measures” because of his deteriorating finances. However, the judge refused Murray’s request for Jackson’s financial records.

Lawyer Howard Weitzman, representing the singer’s estate, asked: "Is the theory that Michael Jackson committed suicide, took his own life? I don't think that’s a salable theory."

A law enforcement official told ABC News that the star was “heavily addicted” to the painkiller OxyContin and was injected daily with that medication, along with Demerol.


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Elvis Presley fans worldwide are marking the 41st anniversary this week of the rock and roll legend’s death - but others are asking whether the King is still among us.

'Elvis Presley is alive' and 10 more conspiracy theories
Millions of devotees were left devastated when the King died suddenly from heart failure at the age of 42, while others refused to accept that the rhinestone-clad megastar had really gone.

Despite official reports confirming that the 42-year-old died of natural causes on 16 August 1977, some sceptics think the King has simply left the stage and is still out there. Others believe reports of his death are part of the conspiracy.

Here are some of the strangest and most intriguing theories:

The Black Helicopter
Some believe Elvis faked his own death, claiming that a black helicopter holds the key to his “disappearance”. The Sun points out there were sightings of a helicopter landing in Graceland, his mansion in Memphis, Tennessee, hours before Presley’s body was discovered. Fans speculate that Elvis was picked up from his home and flown to Bermuda, where he “lay low when he became tired of fame”.

The Groundsman
After faking his death and disappearing, Elvis returned to live at Graceland disguised as the groundskeeper, according to another theory. The Daily Express notes that attention recently turned to a “pony-tailed, grey-haired groundsman” working at Graceland. The video clips of the man posted on YouTube are accompanied by comments suggesting a resemblance between the groundsman and the King, who would now be 83. While some argue the man on the video appears to be too short to be Elvis, that hasn’t stopped the speculation.

Dodging the Mob
One of the most popular theories is that Elvis may have faked his death in order to escape from the Mafia. Gail Brewer-Giorgio’s 1988 book Is Elvis Alive? examines FBI documents suggesting the singer may have gone into witness protection.

“Do I know if Elvis is alive today? No, I don’t know,” Brewer-Giorgio told Time magazine. “But I know he didn’t die on 16 August.”

Citing evidence from FBI reports, the writer claims Presley was enlisted as an undercover agent to infiltrate a criminal organisation called The Fraternity, but had to disappear after he was suspected of being a mole.

The Tombstone Tell
Some “Alivers” believe that a clue about Elvis’s fake death can be found in the tombstone on his grave at Graceland. They argue that Presley’s middle name was intentionally misspelt as Aaron, instead of Aron, because the superstitious singer wouldn’t want his real name on a fake grave, AP reports. Those debunking the theory argue that later in life Elvis started spelling his middle name Aaron instead of Aron.

Fighting Mummies
One of the strangest and most entertaining conspiracy theories involves Joe Lansdale’s novella Bubba Ho-Tep, which was turned into a 2002 movie. The movie sees an elderly Elvis, played by Bruce Campbell, living out his days in a nursing home in east Texas. In the film, an ageing Elvis meets an ageing John F. Kennedy (Ossie Davis), who escaped his assassination attempt and has been “dyed black” for his own protection. The two team up to battle a cowboy-hat-wearing mummy who is terrorising the place. Gizmodo calls the film “totally insane” and possibly “the perfect B-movie”.

Home Alone
Another bizarre theory suggests that The King was a background extra in the classic movie Home Alone, which was released 13 years after his supposed death.

A scene midway through the film shows Catherine O’Hara’s character arguing with an airline employee in a bid to return to her son, whom she accidentally left at home on his own. In the background, a bearded character dressed in a sports coat and turtleneck looks impatient. Some conspiracy theorists believe this is Elvis.

The extra appears to have the same type of beard and mannerisms as the singer and the film is directed by Chris Columbus, who also directed Heartbreak Hotel, about a group of teenagers kidnapping Elvis. The theory goes that Elvis (alive and well) may have seen the first film and asked Columbus to appear in his next movie.

Macaulay Culkin, who plays Kevin McCallister (the letters from which can spell out “I am Elvis”), is seen ten minutes earlier in the film lip syncing to White Christmas with his hair slicked back in a tribute to the King.

South America
NME reports that the day after Elvis’ reported death, a lookalike was spotted at Memphis Airport buying - and subsequently using - a one-way ticket to Buenos Aires, Argentina.

“Reportedly the man looked like the pop star, and gave the name ‘Jon Burrows’ - an alias of Elvis used when booking hotels for him,” the music news site says. “Could it have actually been him?”

Sealed documents
According to the Daily Star, Elvis's father, Vernon, “ordered the King's autopsy report to be sealed for 50 years”.

“Tying into suspicions about his cause of death, many hope the final secret of what happened to the rockabilly lie in these documents.”

But even if his death was faked, Elvis would be unlikely to survive until the report finally can be opened, in 2027 - when he would be 92.

“Maybe the King ordered his dad to seal the final secret of his death until he was sure he could have lived out his days in peace,” the site adds.


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The question of Bigfoot’s existence comes down to the claim that “Where there’s smoke there’s fire.” The evidence suggests that there are enough sources of error that there does not have to be a hidden creature lurking amid the unsubstantiated cases.

Though sightings of the North American Bigfoot date back to the 1830s (Bord 1982), interest in Bigfoot grew rapidly during the second half of the twentieth century. This was spurred on by many magazine articles of the time, most seminally a December 1959 True magazine article describing the discovery of large, mysterious footprints the year before in Bluff Creek, California.

A half century later, the question of Bigfoot’s existence remains open. Bigfoot is still sought, the pursuit kept alive by a steady stream of sightings, occasional photos or footprint finds, and sporadic media coverage. But what evidence has been gathered over the course of fifty years? And what conclusions can we draw from that evidence?

Most Bigfoot investigators favor one theory of Bigfoot’s origin or existence and stake their reputations on it, sniping at others who don't share their views. Many times, what one investigator sees as clear evidence of Bigfoot another will dismiss out of hand. In July 2000, curious tracks were found on the Lower Hoh Indian Reservation in Washington state. Bigfoot tracker Cliff Crook claimed that the footprints were “for sure a Bigfoot,” though Jeffrey Meldrum, an associate professor of biological sciences at Idaho State University (and member of the Bigfoot Field Research Organization, BFRO) decided that there was not enough evidence to pursue the matter (Big Disagreement Afoot 2000). A set of tracks found in Oregon’s Blue Mountains have also been the source of controversy within the community. Grover Krantz maintains that they constitute among the best evidence for Bigfoot, yet longtime researcher Rene Dahinden claimed that “any village idiot can see [they] are fake, one hundred percent fake” (Dennett 1994).

And while many Bigfoot researchers stand by the famous 16 mm Patterson film (showing a large manlike creature crossing a clearing) as genuine (including Dahinden, who shared the film’s copyright), others including Crook join skeptics in calling it a hoax. In 1999, Crook found what he claims is evidence in the film of a bell-shaped fastener on the hip of the alleged Bigfoot, evidence that he suggests may be holding the ape costume in place (Dahinden claimed the object is matted feces) (Hubbell 1999).

Regardless of which theories researchers subscribe to, the question of Bigfoot’s existence comes down to evidence- and there is plenty of it. Indeed, there are reams of documents about Bigfoot-filing cabinets overflowing with thousands of sighting reports, analyses, and theories. Photographs have been taken of everything from the alleged creature to odd tracks left in snow to twisted branches. Collections exist of dozens or hundreds of footprint casts from all over North America. There is indeed no shortage of evidence.

The important criterion, however, is not the quantity of the evidence, but the quality of it. Lots of poor quality evidence does not add up to strong evidence, just as many cups of weak coffee cannot be combined into a strong cup of coffee.

Bigfoot evidence can be broken down into four general types: eyewitness sightings, footprints, recordings, and somatic samples (hair, blood, etc.). Some researchers (notably Loren Coleman 1999) also place substantial emphasis on folklore and indigenous legends. The theories and controversies within each category are too complex and detailed to go into here. I present merely a brief overview and short discussion of each; anyone interested in the details is encouraged to look further.

1. Eyewitness Accounts
Eyewitness accounts and anecdotes comprise the bulk of Bigfoot evidence. This sort of evidence is also the weakest. Lawyers, judges, and psychologists are well aware that eyewitness testimony is notoriously unreliable. As Ben Roesch, editor of The Cryptozoological Review, noted in an article in Fortean Times, “Cryptozoology is based largely on anecdotal evidence. . . . [W]hile physical phenomena can be tested and systematically evaluated by science, anecdotes cannot, as they are neither physical nor regulated in content or form. Because of this, anecdotes are not reproducible, and are thus untestable; since they cannot be tested, they are not falsifiable and are not part of the scientific process. . . . Also, reports usually take place in uncontrolled settings and are made by untrained, varied observers. People are generally poor eyewitnesses, and can mistake known animals for supposed cryptids [unknown animals] or poorly recall details of their sighting. . . . Simply put, eyewitness testimony is poor evidence” (Roesch 2001).

Bigfoot investigators acknowledge that lay eyewitnesses can be mistaken, but counter that expert testimony should be given much more weight. Consider Coleman’s (1999) passage reflecting on expert eyewitness testimony: “[E]ven those scientists who have seen the creatures with their own eyes have been reluctant to come to terms with their observations in a scientific manner.” As an example he gives the account of “mycologist Gary Samuels” and his brief sighting of a large primate in the forest of Guyana. The implication is that this exacting man of science accurately observed, recalled, and reported his experience. And he may have. But Samuels is a scientific expert on tiny fungi that grow on wood. His expertise is botany, not identifying large primates in poor conditions. Anyone, degreed or not, can be mistaken.

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A federal judge on Friday denied a request by Texas and other states governed by Republicans to immediately end a program launched by Democratic former president Barack Obama that protects immigrants brought to the United States illegally as children.

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A Senate hearing about reforming the U.S. Postal Service that could have scrutinized what Inc <AMZN.O> and others pay for package delivery has been delayed, three sources familiar with the matter told Reuters, moving back President Donald Trump's effort to hike the world's largest online retailer's rates.

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Verity Health System of California Inc, a non-profit operator of six California hospitals managed by billionaire former surgeon Patrick Soon-Shiong's NantWorks LLC, filed for bankruptcy on Friday to help resolve a cash crunch while it seeks a buyer.

The Cromwell

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Have we ever had a president that ocntinued to campaign after winning the election?

A need to fill his narcissistic ego?
Gods must be worshipped after all :)


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Have we ever had a president that ocntinued to campaign after winning the election?

A need to fill his narcissistic ego?
Gods must be worshipped after all :)
Both Clinton and Obama were called Campaigner in Chief..... no body wanted Bush to campaign for them.....

Only difference TRUMP admits to it.

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The Cromwell

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Both Clinton and Obama were called Campaigner in Chief..... no body wanted Bush to campaign for them.....

Only difference TRUMP admits to it.

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Holding rallys and collecting money? Sometimes weekly.
He was at a campaign fundraiser at one of his golf clubs during McCain's funeral.


Member For 1 Year
He was at a campaign fundraiser at one of his golf clubs during McCain's funeral.
What was he supposed to do, sit and pine for McCain, and cry over how he wasn't invited to the funeral? Given that they weren't exactly friends, McCain's allies are probably just as happy he didn't crash the proceedings to piss on McCain's corpse (literally or figuratively).


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We just finish bargaining with UC! They offered us 4.5% ATB for 4 years and everything remains the same except no layoff language protection...

Honestly asking as collective bargaining is not my forte.

ATB= Accross The Board?

4.5% is total increase over the 4 years or 1.125% / year? 4.5% each year would be extremely generous so that must not be what was offered..

The Cromwell

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“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker for a September article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

“And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it,” O’Donnell recalled Trump saying. “The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.”

“I think the guy is lazy,” Trump said of a black employee, according to O’Donnell. “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.”

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Washington lobbyist W. Samuel Patten pleaded guilty Friday to acting as an unregistered foreign lobbyist, and admitted to lying to the Senate Intelligence Committee and funneling a Ukrainian oligarch's money to Donald Trump's Presidential Inaugural Committee.

Patten's plea and cooperation agreement is connected to special counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation into Russian interference in the election and coordination with the Trump campaign -- even apparently reaching into former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort's inner circle in Ukraine.

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California lawmakers sent to the governor's desk for final approval strict "net neutrality" laws on internet providers that would defy sweeping Federal Communications Commission rules seen as a boon for the companies.


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Honestly asking as collective bargaining is not my forte.

ATB= Accross The Board?

4.5% is total increase over the 4 years or 1.125% / year? 4.5% each year would be extremely generous so that must not be what was offered..

ATB= across the board....
The last 4 years under contract was the same thing plus 2% steps... each job classification have 11-12 steps meaning under the contract you will get 4.5%atb plus 2% total of 6.5% each and every year under contract! Now, if you reach your MAX STEPS, you aren’t eligible anymore to get steps increases, meaning, you are only eligible to get ATB increases, and that’s why our bargaining members always make sure that ATB is always on the up side!

Bargaining timeline
A year ago UC said to us, we (union) Were asking for too much! UC offered to suspend the steps system increases and offered us 2% ATB for the next 3 years, (RETIREMENT)vesting period will be 10 years of service instead of 5, early retirement age will be 55 from 50 with 15 years of service from 10 and maximum retirement age will be move from 62years old to 67 years old with 25 years of service from 20 years of service WTF!! THEY WANT US TO DIE.!!!
and everything else is grandfathered except , new employees hired after July this year will now have the option of 401k or traditional UCRP= (UNIVERSITY of CALIFORNIA RETIREMENT PLAN)..

(Status quo)
Here’s how to be eligible...
Vesting period of 5 service years, don’t get confuse with 5 years of employment, they don’t calculate it like that! They only count the days your were actually working!!
You have to be 50 years old and atleast 10 years of service to claim retirement, this option is available for folks that wants to retire early from UC!
The next option is 20 years of service and you need to be 62 years old, this will be the maximum pension,You have the option to CASH OUT or Monthly payments!
UC has its own graph on how they determine payments per service year, we the union don’t have a say on that, because UC always refused, and they don’t want to be transparent about it,just like other STATES retirement plans..

After a successful 3 days strike in MAY, UC made moves but still not enough to cover basic needs to cover everything! COL in the OC is super fucking expensive, food, rent, state taxes, gas, etcccc....
But I believe UC would give in like what they always do! THEY DONT LIKE STRIKES!

I’m not really sure what’s going on with the other part of our union which is the (SX) bargaining unit. These are the non-patient care workers... What I know is UC wants to contract out the whole house keeping department and the kitchen, keep in mind that those two departments are run by contractors, meaning the managers and supervisors aren’t UC employees! Crazy right!
The parking people and the security department are already contracted out after UC fired all the managers 2 years ago!


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Yeah, and redhat sheeps should use whatever brain they have left to study over the weekend why they voted for this idiot and why they should vote him again.... motherfucker is worried about the deficit when it comes to paying American federal people working for the government but he’s not worried when he gives away billions to his friends and to his criminal enterprise TRUMP ORG!
Mofoker! Can somebody tell this mofoker it’s not his money! Stupid ass con bitch!



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This potus would hire temp workers just like in his MARA LAGOO to replace federal workers!.....
Lying corrupt mofok!
Why don’t you just exit permanently!



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Yeah, and redhat sheeps should use whatever brain they have left to study over the weekend why they voted for this idiot and why they should vote him again.... motherfucker is worried about the deficit when it comes to paying American federal people working for the government but he’s not worried when he gives away billions to his friends and to his criminal enterprise TRUMP ORG!
Mofoker! Can somebody tell this mofoker it’s not his money! Stupid ass con bitch!



Trump is much nicer than I would be. I'd fire all of 'em. What Federal employees do we need anyway except ICE and the Military?

You worried that the FDA employees that are trying to take away your vape ain't gonna get a raise, ej? :crazy:

Dummy. If it was my choice, they wouldn't get a check at all.;)


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Trump is much nicer than I would be. I'd fire all of 'em. What Federal employees do we need anyway except ICE and the Military?

You worried that the FDA employees that are trying to take away your vape ain't gonna get a raise, ej? :crazy:

Dummy. If it was my choice, they wouldn't get a check at all.;)

you talking about the shutting DEPTs? I’m for it!
Shut down
Cdcc fda da,museum, transport, foreign affairs,climate, social services,arts, hidden treasures,flight bullshit,fishery, forestry, shut the down the highways dept... they should conosolidate all these shits to one!


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U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday there was no need to keep Canada in the North American Free Trade Agreement and warned Congress not to meddle with the trade negotiations or he would terminate the trilateral trade pact altogether.


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U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday there was no need to keep Canada in the North American Free Trade Agreement and warned Congress not to meddle with the trade negotiations or he would terminate the trilateral trade pact altogether.

I agree with the con.... there’s a lot of corruption going on with this trade deals, a lot of politicians are benefiting from these international deals... trump should cancel negotiations and start from the start.... off course I’m gonna assume he’s honest!

Real talk
I think these international DEals should get cancelled... fuck the other countries
Fuck nafta and fuck the deal with the America’s



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U.S. President Donald Trump said on Saturday there was no need to keep Canada in the North American Free Trade Agreement and warned Congress not to meddle with the trade negotiations or he would terminate the trilateral trade pact altogether.

Good for him........................


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I agree with the con.... there’s a lot of corruption going on with this trade deals, a lot of politicians are benefiting from these international deals... trump should cancel negotiations and start from the start.... off course I’m gonna assume he’s honest!

Real talk
I think these international DEals should get cancelled... fuck the other countries
Fuck nafta and fuck the deal with the America’s


There is nothing wrong with trade deals. The key word being bilateral, between two countries.

Having a single trade deal between multiple countries causes problems. NAFTA and others are multi party trade deals and are no good. But having trade deals for each individual country is a good idea.


VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
There is nothing wrong with trade deals. The key word being bilateral, between two countries.

Having a single trade deal between multiple countries causes problems. NAFTA and others are multi party trade deals and are no good. But having trade deals for each individual country is a good idea.

Cancel all the deals.... deals will never be fair....
it’s Give and take.... trumps want his way or no way! Then fuck him and fuck is fake ass deal maker scheme!



Gold Contributor
Member For 3 Years

Yeah, and redhat sheeps should use whatever brain they have left to study over the weekend why they voted for this idiot and why they should vote him again....
I don't think there are a whole lot of people on the Federal payroll who voted for Trump to begin with. ;)

Good! There should be no such thing as a public-sector union to begin with. Don't like the job (and the pay and benefits) that we, the taxpayers are offering? Quit, and go find a job in the private sector!
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