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Reply on twitter

Let's have the FBI and IC start the internal investigation for all of them if that what it takes to make agent orange happy...
I don't think so...
so dumb you know!!
Twitter beef!



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Quite honestly at this point I don't really care who is president. The point for me is that no one in any political seat is doing shit about a lot of important issues, instead they're focusing on stupid shit because all they care about is how much fatter their pockets can get. We need changes from the ground up in so many issues, but they're more worried about who will fund their next campaign and how rich they can get.


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9/10 times I share memes because I find them funny. They don't necessarily reflect my opinions or anything, they're just a dose of humor


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Chuck shummer should be working the deli counter at Katz . The man is a disgrace to NY and America!

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........and disgracing NY is no small feat.....I mean they got Huma and Wiener....Cumo.....

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Haha disgraceful people from new York.... Trump.

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Well he did grow up in San Francisco, so maybe all he know is lip service.
The San Francisco treat?

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So if they are not going to go after, then for fucks sake they need to stop talking about her. I swear, you would think it was an Obama / Clinton presidency because any time a Trump staffer gets asked a question, the first words out of their mouth is "Hillary Clinton" or "the Obama administration".

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Surely couldn't be his pinky sized dick.

Now we get to the real reason you don't like Trump. You saw his dick and it wasn't big enough for you.

For a guy that claims to not be gay, you sure have allot to say about dicks and blowjobs by men. You don't need to hide in that closet. Nobody cares.


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Now we get to the real reason you don't like Trump. You saw his dick and it wasn't big enough for you.

For a guy that claims to not be gay, you sure have allot to say about dicks and blowjobs by men. You don't need to hide in that closet. Nobody cares.
Size queens are picky bitches.


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President Trump accused former President Obama of wiretapping him during the 2016 election without providing any evidence to support the claim. CNN has reached out to the Trump and Obama administrations for their responses but have not heard back.

Keep an eye on his other tiny hand..... Deflection deflection deflection

Come on Bird you know they are not above that ! What evidence is there that trump was in on hacking the DNC ? If the DNC didn't Riggs the election against Bernie or pay people to disrupt Trump rallies the hacking would mean nothing . It's the DNC and Hillary fault they lost because they were exposed .

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Come on Bird you know they are not above that ! What evidence is there that trump was in on hacking the DNC ? If the DNC didn't Riggs the election against Bernie or pay people to disrupt Trump rallies the hacking would mean nothing . It's the DNC and Hillary fault they lost because they were exposed .

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I'm seeing it from a wider angle. He's the President of the United States. Without proof or at least coming out with some sort of reasonable circumstantial evidence, him publicly accusing the former President of the United States of participated in that level of fraudulent activity is like my 6 year old blaming my 7 year old swiping cookies. Not to mention it puts the public eye on a potentially false accusation being perpetuated in the oval office rather than what is happening elsewhere.
King Barry did the same, 'slight of hand,' move Everytime he extended unemployment, put in place a new government program, or signed another executive order.
It's like saying, 'dont look here kids' while stashing the video games. In this case though, his misdirection makes the office look more childish than a short bus.

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Come on Bird you know they are not above that ! What evidence is there that trump was in on hacking the DNC ? If the DNC didn't Riggs the election against Bernie or pay people to disrupt Trump rallies the hacking would mean nothing . It's the DNC and Hillary fault they lost because they were exposed .

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Not saying I know what's in the mind of bird but I'm pretty sure his blurb was a quote right off the wire... I think Trump having his phone tapped by the previous admin is far more believable than the story about the Russians hacking our elections. However, when you are making such a strong claim, provide a shred of proof, its the least you can do. Instead, trump tweets it and everyone is supposed to believe it? He tweets about espionage at the highest level like its high school girl gossip. He does not take it seriously so in turn, no one takes him seriously.


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Not saying I know what's in the mind of bird but I'm pretty sure his blurb was a quote right off the wire... I think Trump having his phone tapped by the previous admin is far more believable than the story about the Russians hacking our elections. However, when you are making such a strong claim, provide a shred of proof, its the least you can do. Instead, trump tweets it and everyone is supposed to believe it? He tweets about espionage at the highest level like its high school girl gossip. He does not take it seriously so in turn, no one takes him seriously.

@f1r3b1rd - Looks like we were posting at the same time pretty much saying the same thing.

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@f1r3b1rd - Looks like we were posting at the same time pretty much saying the same thing.
Pretty much exactly.
It's part of holding that office to a certain standard; rather, than making it akin to the national enquirer.
Even in small claims court evidence has to meet certain criteria. I just went back to working in corporate law, and even as Private Investigator, evidence has to have a certain level of legitimacy. Just making a wild ass claim on the tweeter machine is even beneath what I do.

Albeit you said it much more eloquently than I. Im sure the hardcore supporters will still find a way to explain this away because we are dumb for seeing it this way. Having a suspicion is one thing, but before making the accusation, evidentiary proof that can hold to a minimal legal standard needs to be presented. Otherwise it's more misdirection as smoke and mirrors.

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Pretty much exactly.
It's part of holding that office to a certain standard; rather, than making it akin to the national enquirer.
Even in small claims court evidence has to meet certain criteria. I just went back to working in corporate law, and even as Private Investigator, evidence has to have a certain level of legitimacy. Just making a wild ass claim on the tweeter machine is even beneath what I do.

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It's all fuckin crazy ! Serious shit being thrown around .

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Not saying I know what's in the mind of bird but I'm pretty sure his blurb was a quote right off the wire... I think Trump having his phone tapped by the previous admin is far more believable than the story about the Russians hacking our elections. However, when you are making such a strong claim, provide a shred of proof, its the least you can do. Instead, trump tweets it and everyone is supposed to believe it? He tweets about espionage at the highest level like its high school girl gossip. He does not take it seriously so in turn, no one takes him seriously.


The Dems in office have had no qualms about claiming Trump colluded with the Russians without proof.

No double standard there. :rolleyes:

But, that's how it works. They can say what they want without proof, but Trump can't do the same.

I noticed the official comment from Obama staff was that Obama did not order a wiretap on Trump, not that there was NO wiretap.

If there was a wiretap, it came from the Obama administration. Who is the head of the Obama Administration? If I remember correctly, Nixon himself did not order a wiretap on the DNC but he was held responsible.


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Pretty much exactly.
It's part of holding that office to a certain standard; rather, than making it akin to the national enquirer.
Even in small claims court evidence has to meet certain criteria. I just went back to working in corporate law, and even as Private Investigator, evidence has to have a certain level of legitimacy. Just making a wild ass claim on the tweeter machine is even beneath what I do.

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Nothing anti-trump or unreaspnable

The Dems in office have had no qualms about claiming Trump colluded with the Russians without proof.

No double standard there. :rolleyes:

I noticed the official comment from Obama staff was that Obama did not order a wiretap on Trump, not that there was NO wiretap.

If there was a wiretap, it came from the Obama administration. Who is the head of the Obama Administration? If I remember correctly, Nixon himself did not order a wiretap on the DNC but he was held responsible.

Nobody disagreed with you. I think the Russian claims are horseshit, I believe that the previous admin WOULD wiretap. But if you are not going to offer any evidence, don't make the claim. And even if you must make the claim, don't go about it like a gossiping little girl. At the very least he could get his BF Alex Jones to run a report on it.
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