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So, you are saying you are constipated because your Hershey highway is packed too tight?
You seem to be a tortured soul who is torn between soliciting people to bring their dicks to him on a public forum.. and a seemingly provencial to be you.I'm sure with some proffesional help you can figure it out.


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Get back to your bathhouse in San Fran, napkin boy.

You come unarmed for a battle of wits.

I hear constipated people are angry people. Is that your problem? You haven't pooped today?



Your "wit" consists of dick jokes, poop jokes and alien butt probes? The wit of an 8 year old boy.

Try getting dicks and poop chutes off your mind and try again.


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So ... I never got an answer.
Is there any evidence?

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as much as there is evidence of Putin throwing an election, as much proof as concentration camps for muslims as much proof as white supremacy,as much proof as the death of the first much proof as Trump is Hitler....and yet you find it SERIOUS SHIT when Obama is examined.....


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You seem to be a tortured soul who is torn between soliciting people to bring their dicks to him on a public forum.. and a seemingly provencial to be you.I'm sure with some proffesional help you can figure it out.
You seem to be a lonely soul with ZERO friends. If you lived in reality, maybe this wouldn't be an issue for you.

Maybe you could get into a shrink, and they could prescribe you some pills for your dysfunction. You might even be able to intelligently (a STRETCH I know) debate political subject without have to resort to toddler like retorts.


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That is some lame ass shit.....Obama was caught red handed illegally tapping the phones of our allies there were formal complaints made by our didn't answer the question..I Obama can bomb Libya illegally assassinate an american citizen in Yemen without due process illegally...why would I doubt he would tap a political enemies phone illegally

Trump's raid on Yemen killed an 8 year old US citizen just a month ago. One of the reports I read said she was left to bleed in the street in front of her family for hours. I haven't heard you condemn that barbarity.

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as much as there is evidence of Putin throwing an election, as much proof as concentration camps for muslims as much proof as white supremacy,as much proof as the death of the first much proof as Trump is Hitler....and yet you find it SERIOUS SHIT when Obama is examined.....
So there is no proof....
And it's just a president of the United States throwing a baseless accusation at a former president of the united States.....

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Your "wit" consists of dick jokes, poop jokes and alien butt probes? The wit of an 8 year old boy.

Try getting dicks and poop chutes off your mind and try again.
And your retorts consist of stupid, fat, retarded, birdbrain, leftist, democrat, ect. You have the wit of a inbred, that blows horses.

No one likes you, so you foist yourself on others here, because no one else will give you the time of day.

Act like dipshits, and you can't be shocked when you get treated like the dipshits you are.


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So let's say trump has Obama red handed tapping his phone, what's he going to do about it? Same thing his doing about Hillary, nothing. He will puff his chest out, get his fanboys all worked up into a frenzy and then move on to the next tweet.


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And your retorts consist of stupid, fat, retarded, birdbrain, leftist, democrat, ect. You have the wit of a inbred, that blows horses.

No one likes you, so you foist yourself on others here, because no one else will give you the time of day.

Act like dipshits, and you can't be shocked when you get treated like the dipshits you are.


I gave you a reasoned response yesterday, with actual facts, and you sent me a box of crickets. Today you came back whining about the size of Trump's dick and defending Obama all while claiming that dick, ass, alien butt probes, poop and now sex with horses is "witty".

noun: wit; plural noun: wits
  1. 1.
    mental sharpness and inventiveness; keen intelligence.
    "he does not lack perception or native wit"
    synonyms: intelligence, shrewdness, astuteness, cleverness, canniness, sense, common sense, wisdom, sagacity, judgment, acumen, insight; More
    brains, mind;
    informalgumption, savvy, horse sense, smarts, street smarts
    "he needed all his wits to escape"
    • the intelligence required for normal activity; basic human intelligence.
      "he needed all his wits to figure out the way back"
  2. 2.
    a natural aptitude for using words and ideas in a quick and inventive way to create humor.
    "a player with a sharp tongue and a quick wit"
A person that believes dick and ass jokes are "wit", is dumb.

When I call you dumb and retarded, I'm not being witty or claiming to be witty. I'm stating an observation.


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So let's say trump has Obama red handed tapping his phone, what's he going to do about it? Same thing his doing about Hillary, nothing. He will puff his chest out, get his fanboys all worked up into a frenzy and then move on to the next tweet.

It's about votes and support. The Dems are trying to discredit Trump through implication that he's a Russian spy. He is returning the favor.

Very smart. Like I said earlier, it works for him. People like a President that will fight back.


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Trump's raid on Yemen killed an 8 year old US citizen just a month ago. One of the reports I read said she was left to bleed in the street in front of her family for hours. I haven't heard you condemn that barbarity.

What report said that ? So our soldiers are barbarians now ? You think they would leave a child to bleed to death on the street ?

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So let's say trump has Obama red handed tapping his phone, what's he going to do about it? Same thing his doing about Hillary, nothing. He will puff his chest out, get his fanboys all worked up into a frenzy and then move on to the next tweet.

No he will put him in jail . Hillary is on borrowed time . That's why she keeps her mouth shut

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No he will put him in jail . Hillary is on borrowed time . That's why she keeps her mouth shut

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I doubt that will ever happen.
She will die before she sees the inside of a cell.

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What report said that ? So our soldiers are barbarians now ? You think they would leave a child to bleed to death on the street ?

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I'll find the article I initially read, it may have been the army times. Yea I absolutely do believe that they would leave a child to bleed in the street if the area was not secure. War, in my opinion, is barbaric. Just because an honorable man might be at the helm of that barbarism doesn't make it any less so.

Shot in the neck and left to bleed to death over the course of two hours.
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No he will put him in jail . Hillary is on borrowed time . That's why she keeps her mouth shut

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Borrowed time until what? another failed run at the presidency? When he was kissing her after his victory, was that like The Godfather kiss of death? Trump never intended to try Hillary, she knows it, he knows.

The Cromwell

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I suppose they won't mind if we pull our military out of Germany. The money saved can be better spent elsewhere anyway, or better yet, not spent at all.
But Trump is is going to increase military spending.

Along with spreading false news about wiretapping and such...

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But Trump is is going to increase military spending.

Along with spreading false news about wiretapping and such...
Next thing we will hear about will be the spies that Obama has in trumps inner sacrum.

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But Trump is is going to increase military spending.

Along with spreading false news about wiretapping and such...

Which is still better than Gary Whats-his-name who was only going to increase illegal aliens.

Along with not being able to name a world leader or know what an Aleppo is and such...


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Trump has serious mental issues.

sorry Trump supporters that you hitched up to a wagon with square wheels.

LOL. Where's your wagon, smoking a bowl with Cheech & Chong?

That wagon didn't even have any horses hitched to it.


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No he will put him in jail . Hillary is on borrowed time . That's why she keeps her mouth shut

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Really dude?
Hillary wasn't even on the hook, you just don't realize it. Trump isn't going after ANYONE.
Trump WILL NOT go after either one. Bank on it.


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Is it denial or delirium when you unquestionably believe in something?

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LOL. You don't believe Trump is President?

Yes, I believe he is. One of us is delirious and I don't think it's me.

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Trump is President. Nobody else is.

He is. I've said that several times...
Trying to flip the script isn't going to work.

But; our illustrious leader is now reminding me more of a paranoid schizophrenic patient, claiming people are after him without any proof, rather than head of state.

I can't wait for his next speach. He is the best thing to happen to late night tv in history.

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Dolt 45s tangent tweets:

Terrible! Just found out that Obama had my "wires tapped" in Trump Tower just before the victory. Nothing found. This is McCarthyism!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Is it legal for a sitting President to be "wire tapping" a race for president prior to an election? Turned down by court earlier. A NEW LOW!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

I'd bet a good lawyer could make a great case out of the fact that President Obama was tapping my phones in October, just prior to Election!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

How low has President Obama gone to tapp my phones during the very sacred election process. This is Nixon/Watergate. Bad (or sick) guy!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) March 4, 2017

Obamas response:
“A cardinal rule of the Obama administration was that no White House official ever interfered with any independent investigation led by the Department of Justice. As part of that practice, neither President Obama nor any White House official ever ordered surveillance on any U.S. citizen. Any suggestion otherwise is simply false.”

I'm testing out a new popcorn maker tonight!


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I'm still waiting for condemnation of the 8 year old American citizen killed in Yemen recently. Short of that, I'd like to hear why her 16 year old brothers killing was any more deserving of condemnation. Both were American citizens, both were children, both were innocent.

Now, it could be that this is all just a matter of policy. After all, trump did say we should be going after not only the terrorist, but their family members as well...

Based on that statement, was the killing of Nawar (that was her name) premeditated? Or was that just more "I'm gonna put Hillary in Jail" type rhetoric? See why it's problematic when the most powerful man in the world just randomly farts things out of his face without thinking about it first?


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claiming people are after him without any proof,

You mean like, Trump is in collaboration with the Russians. That kind of claim?

Trump is only doing the same thing as the Dims do and I don't see you saying they are mentally unhinged.

In fact, both claims come from news stories and both use unidentified sources. I find it hilarious that people like you call Trump out for doing the exact same thing they have been doing to him.

No no, I get it. If Trump does what everyone else does, he's mentally unstable. :xD:

But the Dims get a pass when they do it. :inlove:
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I'm still waiting for condemnation of the 8 year old American citizen killed in Yemen recently. Short of that, I'd like to hear why her 16 year old brothers killing was any more deserving of condemnation. Both were American citizens, both were children, both were innocent.

Now, it could be that this is all just a matter of policy. After all, trump did say we should be going after not only the terrorist, but their family members as well...

Based on that statement, was the killing of Nawar (that was her name) premeditated? Or was that just more "I'm gonna put Hillary in Jail" type rhetoric? See why it's problematic when the most powerful man in the world just randomly farts things out of his face without thinking about it first?

If you keep stretching like that, you'll pull a muscle. :)

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You mean like, Trump is in collaboration with the Russians. That kind of claim?

Trump is only doing the same thing as the Dims do and I don't see you saying they are mentally unhinged.

In fact, both claims come from news stories and both use unidentified sources. I find it hilarious that people like you call Trump out for doing the exact same thing they have been doing to him.

No no, I get it. If Trump does what everyone else does, he's mentally unstable. :xD:

But the Dims get a pass when they do it. :inlove:
You must be determined to ride that trump crazy train all the way down the line.

Did that proof of Obama tapping his phone already come to light?


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The Cromwell

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The denial is the fact that Gary lost and Trump is President. Trump has the better wagon.

It's bit silly to claim otherwise. Trump is President. Nobody else is.

still with derision and diversion.
I never said that trump was not president.
Just that he is a lying sack of shit.

Trump can't help being a lying sack of shit.
However people who choose to follow him can help it.

The Cromwell

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Bunch of LIARS... all of them
Fucking democrats and fucking republicans... it's a fucking cycle!

idiots seem to think that because I make fun of Trump and say he is a lying sack of shi that I must like the other side.
I don't like any of them.
Damned absolutist limited thinkers.
Only not this way or that way and usually miss the correct way.

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idiots seem to think that because I make fun of Trump and say he is a lying sack of shi that I must like the other side.
I don't like any of them.
Damned absolutist limited thinkers.
Only not this way or that way and usually miss the correct way.
Yup! Everyone is convinced that you have to be on one of two sides and nothing in between exists.

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idiots seem to think that because I make fun of Trump and say he is a lying sack of shi that I must like the other side.
I don't like any of them.
Damned absolutist limited thinkers.
Only not this way or that way and usually miss the correct way.

HA! I couldn't say it any better...



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still with derision and diversion.
I never said that trump was not president.
Just that he is a lying sack of shit.

Trump can't help being a lying sack of shit.
However people who choose to follow him can help it.

LOL. No, you said:

Trump has serious mental issues.

sorry Trump supporters that you hitched up to a wagon with square wheels.

Which is ridiculous on it's face. The man is President. He made Billions. You can't fill his shadow let alone compare to him mentally. What's even funnier, here you are on the internet with no accomplishments near his, making baseless claims yourself. Where is your proof? You got medical records to back up your claims?

Make your case that your baseless claims without proof are any different than Trumps. Or, do you admit that you have serious mental issues yourself? Is it only Trump that has to prove what he says or do you hold yourself to the same standard? Let's see the documentation.

C'mon, you set the standard. Back up your claims.

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Political fan boys are fun to poke with a sharp stick of truth though.
Don't you enjoy how quick they are to prove your point?

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I have not seen anyone on a ballot in a long time that I would vote FOR.
I just pick the smallest sack of shit usually, hold my nose an pull the lever.


I hate to point out the obvious but if you pulled the lever, you voted FOR someone. At least, that's how it works for every other living person in the world. Maybe it's different for just you?
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