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The Cromwell

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Sanders: God 'wanted Trump to become president'


typical preachers daughter bullshit.
A preacher who turned to the godly profession of politics...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Sanders: God 'wanted Trump to become president'


typical preachers daughter bullshit.
A preacher who turned to the godly profession of politics...
sort of like how all you libtards were saying how all the bad weather ,torandos and hurricanes were God punishing is for electing have a short memory boobie.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
So..this whole abortion thing has got me thinking....if a being that cannot live outside it's mother's womb independently is just so much garbage....then why don't we let welfare queens die.apparently they can't survive without our help....or can they.........why don't we let caravans of fat latin americans with cell phones die in Mexico...apparently they will die without an American welfare check....or will they.......what gives.


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Member For 5 Years
So..this whole abortion thing has got me thinking....if a being that cannot live outside it's mother's womb independently is just so much garbage....then why don't we let welfare queens die.apparently they can't survive without our help....or can they.........why don't we let caravans of fat latin americans with cell phones die in Mexico...apparently they will die without an American welfare check....or will they.......what gives.

I guessing it's because they can't count on the babies to vote accordingly.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
sort of like the DNC wouldn't turn over it's servers tio the FBI, that supposedly got hacked by the Russians....

at first they were White Debils...then he was asked how he knew they were White Debils if they had ski masks and gloves on, then he did not mention to the police that they said anything about Trump or MAGA.......I really don't think the human debris of hollywood is doing this because they hate Trump I believe they are being forced to pull these stunts on orders from the people who own the media outlets.They are just reading a script .

I like Jericho's take on it..he had me laughing.

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Isn't it odd that liberals and femminist think a woman of her own choice can decide whether or not to end her child's life.....but that same woman can not choose how many cookies her child can eat at a school lunch, can not decide whether or not, and at what age her child can be exposed to transgender sex education in the classroom,can not choose whether or not to have her child vaccinated,whether or not she protects that child with a gun, whether she or her child can view Infowars on the internet ...she can't be trusted with those choices,but she can be trusted with the choice of life or death......


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Diamond Contributor
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Liberal Billionaire’s Alleged Role In A False Flag Operation Puts DNC In The Hot Seat
  • The billionaire allegedly behind the false flag operation in Alabama was planning to roll out a progressive voter database ahead of the 2020 election.
  • The Democratic National Committee’s top brass is staying quiet about connections to the liberal financier allegedly behind a misinformation campaign in Alabama.
  • Tech guru Reid Hoffman’s ties to a misinformation campaign in Alabama are leaving Democrat’s mission to revamp a voter database in limbo.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I can't wait to see a 29 FBI Agent SWAT Team Break into her House at 5am and Arrest this CIA Bitch for lying to Congress in a Political Act of they did with Rodger Stone. Hope they Take Feinstein at the same time too.


Rep. Matt Gaetz Announces “Justice for All Act” so All People Who Lie to Congress Are Treated Equally including Crooked Democrats (VIDEO)
that will never happen there are two standards for justice . If you fuck up just say your a Democrat pass .


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah, the entire goverment of Colombia was bought by the cartels from the President,and senators all the way down to the judges, prison gaurds to the street cops.The same thing has happened to Mexico, you'd have to be a damn fool, or an arrogant racist to think it isn't happening in the US....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I can't say I have ever actually met anyone who wore black face or a Klan hood, but I'm watching all this go down, I'm looking at the pictures from the yearbook, I'm reading the articles....and yet......I have yet to see a single hollywood deviate call for this guy to be punched in the face, no comedians calling him a "little prick" chubby soyboy producer calling for him to be put in a wood chipper, no hollywood whore saying the DNC is responsible for fostering a climate were this kind of thing could happen third rate comedy writer from SNL offering blow jobs to anyone who will kick the govenors a high school boy who smiles in the face an old lying ass American Indian who comes up to him and starts banging a drum in his infintely a worse human being to a liberal than a guy in a hood and robes....I think that says it all about where the average liberal's mind is today, as well as what the endgame of the propoganda mills, and the so called Black activist groups....I am patiently waiting for the calls to violence against the govenor from Cher and alyssia Milano....
Don't hold your breath. Cher & Alyssa couldn't care less about the Virginia Governor's Blackface or the guy on the bench in Kamala's campaign picture.

Not Presidential: Kamala Harris Posts Photo of Her and Stacey Abrams Laughing While Man is Passed Out or Dead on Bench in Background

Northam Will Not Resign, Claims He Wasn't In Racist Picture: AP

"Coonman" won't quit...(He picked his own yearbook picture)
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