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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Yeah Right...the streets of Chicago are just loaded with gangs of ski-masked white Trump supporters carrying bleach & ropes @ 2am yelling this is MAGA country! Please! They wouldn't last 5 minutes out there without ending up on a slab at the morgue.

Hate Hoax? Lefty Actor Claims Trump-Supporting Homophobic Bigots Carrying Bleach and Rope Beat His Ass at 2 AM in Chicago

These people are really stupid & so completely full of shit

:giggle::giggle:Already this Story is Falling Apart:giggle::giggle:
HERE WE GO-> Chicago Police Claim There is NO REPORT Attackers Shouted “This is MAGA Country!” At Actor Jussie Smollett


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
the truth is irrelevant.
Obviously the media feels that way as do the DNC, DEMS, liberals, the Meuller Investigation, FBI, CIA, MI6, NATO, The EU, the Queen, & the Pope, but I think the lion share of the American People are sick of the bullshit. Now we just gotta get them to get off their asses, put on a yellow vest & get out there & make that known.

Sad when the French have more balls to get out there and fight for freedom than Americans do.

Thing is WHEN Americans do, they will be packing an arsenal that will rival many third world militaries


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Obviously the media feels that way as do the DNC, DEMS, liberals, the Meuller Investigation, FBI, CIA, MI6, NATO, The EU, the Queen, & the Pope, but I think the lion share of the American People are sick of the bullshit. Now we just gotta get them to get off their asses, put on a yellow vest & get out there & make that known.

Sad when the French have more balls to get out there and fight for freedom than Americans do.
We trust our TV more than they do......and their diet is far better than ours....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Gotta love that Sharia Sonsour & the DNC want to implement here in the US. Here I just thought they threw them off tall buildings (not tall enough to kill them outright, just enough to break a good many bones so as to enhance the experience as the crowd below beats them to death). Guessing the LGBTQXYZ folks will pretend this ain't happening too until Sharia is implemented then scream at us on the way down or up for that matter depending on the method used.

Iranian Regime Publicly Hangs Man Guilty of Homosexuality

They can't say we didn't try to warn them
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The Cromwell

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Diamond Contributor
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Major Trump “Accomplishment” Falls Apart, POTUS Loses Giant Factory Deal . While Trump had confidently celebrated a deal in which Foxconn would be building a giant plant in Wisconsin for advanced liquid crystal display panels, it seems as if the president had made the announcement far too soon. He is now being humiliated, as Foxconn has recently announced that the plant is no longer happening. Louis Woo, special assistant to Foxconn CEO Terry Gou, said:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Major Trump “Accomplishment” Falls Apart, POTUS Loses Giant Factory Deal . While Trump had confidently celebrated a deal in which Foxconn would be building a giant plant in Wisconsin for advanced liquid crystal display panels, it seems as if the president had made the announcement far too soon. He is now being humiliated, as Foxconn has recently announced that the plant is no longer happening. Louis Woo, special assistant to Foxconn CEO Terry Gou, said:
S0,....what,the russian spy bullshit fell apart and this is the best you can come up with......I long for the old days when you were fixated on the urine of prositutes.


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Catholic church will not excommunicate Gov Como even tho he is Catholic and legalized baby murder . Cardinal Dolen says god forgives so its not a good look for the church ...... So hey anything goes fuckers just make sure you say sorry before ya die ! No repercussions any more for anything ! Wool!


Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Amazon getting shit in NYC for new headquarters, workers want to unionize! Ha ha you may not pay tax in NY amazon but your gonna pay tax ! Nothing is free in NY . welcome to the Empire state assholes !


Bronze Contributor
Member For 1 Year
Catholic church will not excommunicate Gov Como even tho he is Catholic and legalized baby murder . Cardinal Dolen says god forgives so its not a good look for the church ...... So hey anything goes fuckers just make sure you say sorry before ya die ! No repercussions any more for anything ! Wool!

You know what else makes the church look bad? Killing Babies!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Catholic church will not excommunicate Gov Como even tho he is Catholic and legalized baby murder . Cardinal Dolen says god forgives so its not a good look for the church ...... So hey anything goes fuckers just make sure you say sorry before ya die ! No repercussions any more for anything ! Wool!
......oh yes there is you wear a MAGA hat and there are plenty of repercussions.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well of course ,kill all ya want just don't wear the hat ....that's offensive
Can't understand how they can be so confident people will not rebel in their liberal bastions with the Dems going right off the cliff full Nazi. Libs may be in the majority in the City, but there are large swaths of NY that are Red Country. These are all 5 G test markets aren't they? Is this a full scale stress test to fully test the control advantages 5 G gives them?

Lets see if we can truly exert the control we think we can type of thing? Have you been monitoring for conservative outcries in NY Arthur?
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Catholic church will not excommunicate Gov Como even tho he is Catholic and legalized baby murder . Cardinal Dolen says god forgives so its not a good look for the church ...... So hey anything goes fuckers just make sure you say sorry before ya die ! No repercussions any more for anything ! Wool!
How about the VA Govenor?

STUNNING: Virginia Governor Echoes Barack Obama’s Shocking Statements — Promotes MURDER of Live Babies After Birth (VIDEO)

Virginia House Majority Leader Discusses Democrat Bill to Snuff Out a Baby’s Life During Birth (VIDEO)

SHOCK: Democrat Virginia Governor Ralph Northam Endorses the Murder of Babies — AFTER THEY ARE BORN! (VIDEO)
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
We are now yet again in Liberal Dystopia Territory. NJ introduces Bill to prevent gestating farm animals from being Slaughtered while across the river in NY they applaud the slaughter Human babies up until the moment of birth.

EXCLUSIVE: Over the moooon! Brianna the pregnant cow's dramatic rescue from New Jersey slaughterhouse incited bill that will protect future gestating farm animals from being butchered
  • Chief Animal Control Officer John Decando tells 'Brianna's Law' will be discussed before a committee before being voted on in Trenton, NJ
  • If passed, the bill would prohibit the sale of 'gestating' cows for slaughter
  • Brianna the Cow was rescued last month after she jumped out of a moving double-decker trailer on its way to a slaughterhouse
  • She was taken to Skylands Animal Sanctuary & Rescue in Wantage where she was discovered to be pregnant and gave birth to baby Winter two days later
  • 'I knew I had to do something for the sake of these animals. I feel like Brianna was trying to give us all a message,' Decando said
Animals have more rights than unborn human babies?
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Gold Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Leftist: I’m pro choice

Me: Can I choose my health care?

Leftist: No

Me: Can I choose my method of self-defense?

Leftist: No

Me: Can I choose how my money gets spent?

Leftist: No

Me: Then what can I choose?

Leftist: You can choose to kill a baby in the womb after 9 months


Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Leftist: I’m pro choice

Me: Can I choose my health care?

Leftist: No

Me: Can I choose my method of self-defense?

Leftist: No

Me: Can I choose how my money gets spent?

Leftist: No

Me: Then what can I choose?

Leftist: You can choose to kill a baby in the womb after 9 months
It's my body..can I choose not to take your vaccines.
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