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HCIGAR VT133/VT167 Dual 18650 DNA200/250


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Well you never know. A few years down the road and the VT133 might end up being the most sought after mods of all time. I sure wish I still had all of my comic books and baseball cards that were thrown out many years ago.
Isn't that the truth, especially my cards from the early 70's and some even from the late 60's.


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That's one of the reasons I cancelled the forth VT133 and VT75 order, I felt like at that point I'd just be hoarding them. Honestly, like I said all the other DNA200's were bought over time when something new came out that tickled my fancy. Heck even the first VT133 falls in that category. The second and third I would classify as hoarding for the impending doom. I thought about it and decided to cancel the order because I really feel like it would have been overkill. Plus we still have 2+ years to build up our Vape Apocalypse bunker :D

youre right, Steve. 9 is not hoarding. Ten is hoarding.
BAHAHAHA - nothin but love brother.
I figure, all total, we are all hoarders.

shit, I still have my first prorape kayfun- dusted it off for a comparison with the new generation


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OK guys so with my vt133. I just load the file wingsfan posted earlier or can I just use it in power mode straight out of the box??

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OK guys so with my vt133. I just load the file wingsfan posted earlier or can I just use it in power mode straight out of the box??
you can use it in powermode out the box.
load up the file and set everything up when you get the chance to, though.
But, its good to go in wattage mode right away.


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OK guys so with my vt133. I just load the file wingsfan posted earlier or can I just use it in power mode straight out of the box??
You can use it in Power mode right out of the box. If you go into one of your profiles and adjust the temperature past 600 iirc it will shut the TC off and you will see --- next to the temperature display. You can also just load up the file (change the file extension to ecig) and you will have it completely set up, custom screens for all the profiles, custom theme, mod resistance, case thermals, etc. It's your call.

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The last mod I got (can't remember if it was the 75 or 133) also had several TC profiles pre-loaded for Ni and SS so you could TC right out of the box also. Just adjust your temp and power.

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The last mod I got (can't remember if it was the 75 or 133) also had several TC profiles pre-loaded for Ni and SS so you could TC right out of the box also. Just adjust your temp and power.
preheat is set at its max by default though and in the middle for punch

theoretically you are correct, but more than likely those will want to be adjusted.
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preheat is set at its ma by default though and in the middle for punch

theoretically you are correct, but more than likely those will want to be adjusted.
Agreed, but if you just can't wait and don't want to mess with escribe at first, you could give it a whirl. But, the reason we love this chip so much is we can adjust it to get it right where we want tweaking in escribe.


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I went a lil overboard last night at's great deal turned into several more great deals.

Yep, I'm an official hoarder, No if ands butts about it.....:vino:

Woke this morning, had half a page of e-cig emails, all saying the same thing....SHIPPED.....:giggle:


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Perhaps bird.....but I'd bet they restock in no time.

If the 133 is as good as I anticipate, may as well get a few more.
This is really a good, solid mod imho. I was thinking about buying a few extra DNA200 chips to have in lieu of the deeming regs. Then I thought for the same price as the chip, I can get the whole mod. Seemed like a no brainer to me.



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Thanks steve.. I will load up that file later tonight when I get home. Loving the vt133 so far. It's smaller than I realized which is awesome. Can't wait to get into escribe. And thanks everyone for the help. Much appreciated!!


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Received mine a day earlier then expected, checked tracking while at work and it was showing out for delivery. Thanks USPS!
Aesthetically and the feel of it are great. Got the black and blue from fasttech, when ever they show.

Now for escribe. So much you can tweak on it. I love how you can load the settings you uploaded to compare, thank you. I am just starting ot build my own coils and am not using temp control. So I will probably use them for comparison and to use them for an ideas.

Even without changing anything and just using this on wattage, this fires right away and smoothly.


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Received mine a day earlier then expected, checked tracking while at work and it was showing out for delivery. Thanks USPS!
Aesthetically and the feel of it are great. Got the black and blue from fasttech, when ever they show.

Now for escribe. So much you can tweak on it. I love how you can load the settings you uploaded to compare, thank you. I am just starting ot build my own coils and am not using temp control. So I will probably use them for comparison and to use them for an ideas.

Even without changing anything and just using this on wattage, this fires right away and smoothly.
Your welcome, I hope you like the file. It's at least good for some ideas. The Kanthal profile is for power mode - TC is disabled on that profile. Perhaps instead of calling it Kanthal I should have labeled it as Power Mode. I can always change it. Here's a screen if you would prefer it to come up that way. Just load it into the Kanthal profile If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.



Edit I made the change and re-uploaded the file with the Power Mode screen.
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I put a new build on the SQuape X tonight, had a single coil in it and didn't like it at all. Dual 26g SS316L (UD V4 Material Profile) and this is the first time the VT133 asked New Coil. I said yes and locked it in at 0.29Ω temp at 450F and when I hit the fire button it was not in TC mode as the temperature reading was ---F. I put the SQX on another mod and got the same resistance so that was ok, put the VT133 in Kanthal mode and fire it at 35W and it vaped fine. Switched back to my SQuape profile and no TC. Changed Material to SE's 316L and the vape nearly blew my face off, TC was working but the initial vape was so hot I thought I fried the coils. All I can figure was that the Preheat Power which I had left at the default of 80W on 5 for 1s was kicking in, it never did this before.

So now I need to turn down the Preheat I am assuming, what is a good recommendation for that setting?

Thanks and here is a SQuape logo for anyone that wants it.



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I put a new build on the SQuape X tonight, had a single coil in it and didn't like it at all. Dual 26g SS316L (UD V4 Material Profile) and this is the first time the VT133 asked New Coil. I said yes and locked it in at 0.29Ω temp at 450F and when I hit the fire button it was not in TC mode as the temperature reading was ---F. I put the SQX on another mod and got the same resistance so that was ok, put the VT133 in Kanthal mode and fire it at 35W and it vaped fine. Switched back to my SQuape profile and no TC. Changed Material to SE's 316L and the vape nearly blew my face off, TC was working but the initial vape was so hot I thought I fried the coils. All I can figure was that the Preheat Power which I had left at the default of 80W on 5 for 1s was kicking in, it never did this before.

So now I need to turn down the Preheat I am assuming, what is a good recommendation for that setting?

Thanks and here is a SQuape logo for anyone that wants it.

View attachment 53122
I'm not sure if it's because SS316 TCR is so low, but I found it very finicky in TC. I ended up switching over to SS430 with much better results. That being said I run my SS TC profiles with preheat basically off. My preheat settings are 1w,1 punch, for 1 second.(1,1,1). I like SS430 better because it's TCR is ~50% higher than 316 (316 is on the low end of what our mods can accurately TC, hence finicky imo).




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I'm not sure if it's because SS316 TCR is so low, but I found it very finicky in TC. I ended up switching over to SS430 with much better results. That being said I run my SS TC profiles with preheat basically off. My preheat settings are 1w,1 punch, for 1 second.(1,1,1). I like SS430 better because it's TCR is ~50% higher than 316 (316 is on the low end of what our mods can accurately TC, hence finicky imo).



Ugh, I have a lot of reading up to do once I receive my VT133. This'll be my first experience with TC (bought a bunch of 24g SS316 for the occasion), and stuff like this is completely opaque to me. :huh:


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Thanks for the heads up. I was just on the site earlier today and no coupons...

I had to jump on this deal, under $80 shipped. My first Dna 200/133 device. I am a bit concerned about the software being a tobacco product:crazy:. I'm still running Vista and looking to get a new PC when support ends on Vista.

You should upgrade your vista to the new windows 10.. it is a free upgrade.. windows 10 will run smoother on your machine..


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All these replacement covers for the vt133 but for some reason nobody decided to make a white one.. I think the black vt133 would look bad ass with a white battery door cover.
There all authentic Hcigar Battery covers. There not third party covers. It was Hcigar for whatever reason choose not to make a white cover. This picture is from Hcigars's site showing the different colors available. Nothing stopping anyone from painting one any color they would like - the spares are cheap enough that you could get an extra one to experiment with.



Edit I bought 3 for around $15 shipped when Gearbest was blowing them out
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Just finally received these covers in the mail :)



A comparison picture to the covers that came on the mods

And the Merlin I was lucky enough to win in the contest :)
Thanks @roxynoodle and Augvape. It's been a great start to a day off :bliss:

Looking forward to getting my covers next week! And, I bought the Merlin from Eciggity over Memorial Day and received it today. Really looking forward to giving it a go!


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Lol, just put up the Triade for $125. I don't know how they do it. Get a 10% coupon code and your under $120.
I was just watching some videos on the Triade. I knew about it already, but there are some new videos out about them. And they use those physical reverse polarity protection rings like the Reuleaux DNA200 does. Twisted was showing it on his video.


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I was just watching some videos on the Triade. I knew about it already, but there are some new videos out about them. And they use those physical reverse polarity protection rings like the Reuleaux DNA200 does. Twisted was showing it on his video.
While I think that mod looks nice, I'm just not a fan of the 3 x 18650 form factor. I'm definitely going to pass on that one. For me personally, 133 watts is more than enough The VT133 feels great in hand and is more pocket friendly. I don't like the battery wrapper ripping mechanical reverse battery protection rings either (They do work beautifully as Ginsu blades on your battery wraps though :mad:). I wish these companies would quit being cheap and just use a daughter board for reverse battery protection as Evolv suggests when using the DNA200 chip in a design that utilizes 18650's. Thankfully Hcigar is using a daughter board in the VT133! :)

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Thanks, I was wondering about that. I've only put a battery in backwards once in years of vaping.
But, I'm happy this one won't quit working if I do.
Now, if only the postal gods will smile upon me...
Hi Buddy,:wave:
It's good to see you here. I posted a picture of the daughter board way back in the first post of this thread (it's in the third picture). I really think you are going to like this mod!

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Vape Mail Day :vapemail::bliss::hearts::stars::stars2:

Just finally received these covers in the mail :)



A comparison picture to the covers that came on the mods

And the Merlin I was lucky enough to win in the contest :)
Thanks @roxynoodle and Augvape. It's been a great start to a day off :bliss:

Built the Merlin and after a couple tries am VERY impressed. I tried the notch coil first and just found it difficult. It's such a wide coil that requires so much wick through the coil that it was impossible to get it to wick. Build a SS Clapton 6 wraps on 3.0 and it's a WOW!!!! Haven't put it on the VT133 yet, but using TC on the Knight V1 and it's great! I think this Merlin is a keeper! Thanks @roxynoodle


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@Wingsfan0310 I put your profiles on my 133. Thank you btw. Looks/works well in ni200. The only thing I changed was the battery for my 25r 2500mah and set the punch too 100w. I see you have all the details done. Nice. I guess being that they are all the same(vt133)I have no need to run case analyzer. You even set the cutoff at 3.09 so I left that as well. Currently vaping home brewed Addys yogurt, dual ni 2.5mm @.09, 65w and 440 temp. Beautiful vape.


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@Wingsfan0310 I put your profiles on my 133. Thank you btw. Looks/works well in ni200. The only thing I changed was the battery for my 25r 2500mah and set the punch too 100w. I see you have all the details done. Nice. I guess being that they are all the same(vt133)I have no need to run case analyzer. You even set the cutoff at 3.09 so I left that as well. Currently vaping home brewed Addys yogurt, dual ni 2.5mm @.09, 65w and 440 temp. Beautiful vape.
I'm glad you like it. The only thing people really would need to change would be watt hours (if using different batteries) and wattage/preheat/punch depending on their preference.

PS I have a battery discharge curve for 25R's I can send you if you would like. I don't think it would make much difference, but the offer stands. Just let me know.



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While I think that mod looks nice, I'm just not a fan of the 3 x 18650 form factor. I'm definitely going to pass on that one. For me personally, 133 watts is more than enough The VT133 feels great in hand and is more pocket friendly. I don't like the battery case ripping mechanical rings either. I wish these companies would quit being cheap and just use a daughter board for reverse battery protection as Evolv suggests when using the DNA200 chip in a design that utilizes 18650's. Thankfully Hcigar is using a daughter board in the VT133! :)

I never liked the 3 18650 setups either... Anyway cant wait for my VT133 to get here Tomorrow!!! Hopefully its the good Mail Lady and not the other lol

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