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HCIGAR VT133/VT167 Dual 18650 DNA200/250


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Sorry sir. 28:00 min
No worries, I've actually sat through that review before. I was going to buy the Nano, then I bought another Tornado :). I would buy the Nano without hesitation, but I've grown quite fond of the Tornado chuff cap. I have now come to realize that I no longer like std 510 openings. Every tank/RDA that I "love" does not use a std restricted openings. Granted my 510 drip tip collection is very dated.

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:Update: the Mage is actually pretty good. Not great to me, but pretty good. My only gripe ATM now that things have settled is the top gets bloody hot! Will play around with TC to see if that controls the heat build up. The little playing around in TC was promising :). Will see...

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Anyone here with a Mage RTA? I just wicked it up with a simple 8 wrap SS317L dual slightly spaced coil. Underwhelmed. I'm a bit picky these days, I give a little to coils/wicks settling in but it should still impress me. Not getting that.

Here's what I be noticed in this short time;

1. Seems to need to use a drip tip. The built in dt gets way too hot at just 50w (power mode)

2. Chimney is so short that there is some hot ass spit back! Ewww

3. Tank over all is so short that the flavor that everyone seems to be raving about...does not seem developed enough.

4. Vapor production is not enough for me. I've had Kayfun back in the day that delivered more Ok I'm being cynical, but lacking in the vapor Dept for me.

Anyone with one have any thoughts??? What build are you using to reach the greatness that everyone's claiming to get with the Mage?

Please note I'm being quite cynical and impatient, but I am seriously curious about the build that those that love it are using :)

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I agree with you . Tank is way over rated . It was good on my first build but that I was just coming from a tfv4 tank . Since the supreme and a few others the Mage has been sitting on the shelf .

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Did you realize that this thread has become my only stop on forums?
I scan quickly other topics, rarely post, just come here to get the latest news on what I like.
Very efficient! Why waste time looking for ways to spend cash when it is all right here? Tanks, mods, wire, nicotine.
If somebody would post Olympic updates, I wouldn't have to leave the computer room. Which would be good this week as it is bloody hot and I have no central air.


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Ok guys im going to order a 133 from vapenw they seem to have a greAT price. I have a few questions can I put battery's in it and Vape in wattage mode ? Or do I have to hook it up in escribe point blank? Do any of you guys have any feedback about vapenw I've never ordered from them before thanks . Im using a istick 100 tc now and a kbox 200 hope the DNA blows these out of the water


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Ok guys im going to order a 133 from vapenw they seem to have a greAT price. I have a few questions can I put battery's in it and Vape in wattage mode ? Or do I have to hook it up in escribe point blank? Do any of you guys have any feedback about vapenw I've never ordered from them before thanks . Im using a istick 100 tc now and a kbox 200 hope the DNA blows these out of the water

VapeNW is legit. Yes you can vape in wattage mode straIt out of the box.


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Ok guys im going to order a 133 from vapenw they seem to have a greAT price. I have a few questions can I put battery's in it and Vape in wattage mode ? Or do I have to hook it up in escribe point blank? Do any of you guys have any feedback about vapenw I've never ordered from them before thanks . Im using a istick 100 tc now and a kbox 200 hope the DNA blows these out of the water
Yup, as Boost said, VapeNW is legit and where I got my VT133 from months ago. They ship fast, extremely fast delivery to west coast.

You can definitely use it straight out the box in Power mode. If you have any desire to use TC ( in my opinion where DNA boards rule), you will need to hook it up to eScribe.

Wingsfan- Steve has all you will need in his Signature as well as throughout this topic. It's really easy and all of us here are more than willing to help ya out along the way!

Congrats on the's really a great mod!

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Did you realize that this thread has become my only stop on forums?
I scan quickly other topics, rarely post, just come here to get the latest news on what I like.
Very efficient! Why waste time looking for ways to spend cash when it is all right here? Tanks, mods, wire, nicotine.
If somebody would post Olympic updates, I wouldn't have to leave the computer room. Which would be good this week as it is bloody hot and I have no central air.
Seriously, Xfinity claims to have the best scrapping of Olympic updates...pain in the ass to find the updates I care about without going on-line...

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Ok guys im going to order a 133 from vapenw they seem to have a greAT price. I have a few questions can I put battery's in it and Vape in wattage mode ? Or do I have to hook it up in escribe point blank? Do any of you guys have any feedback about vapenw I've never ordered from them before thanks . Im using a istick 100 tc now and a kbox 200 hope the DNA blows these out of the water
First off welcome to the club. I really think you are going to like your new mod.

In any TC profile if you scroll pass 600F and it disables TC. The mod also will shut TC off if you are using a non TC wire like Kanthal.

On page 7 of this thread, I've uploaded my ecig file. If you download it and then upload it to your mod via Escribe it will completely set up your mod. Mods internal resistance, case thermals, 7 TC profiles, 1 for Power Mode, custom screens and theme, battery discharge curve, etc.



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Did you realize that this thread has become my only stop on forums?
I scan quickly other topics, rarely post, just come here to get the latest news on what I like.
Very efficient! Why waste time looking for ways to spend cash when it is all right here? Tanks, mods, wire, nicotine.
If somebody would post Olympic updates, I wouldn't have to leave the computer room. Which would be good this week as it is bloody hot and I have no central air.
I'm in the same boat as you, no central air. It's been unusually hot, humid, and dry this summer in Michigan. It's supposed to be in the 90's again today and that's just the humidity :giggle:.



a touch oɟɟ
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First off welcome to the club. I really think you are going to like your new mod.

In any TC profile if you scroll pass 600F and it disables TC. The mod also will shut TC off if you are using a non TC wire like Kanthal.

On page 7 of this thread, I've uploaded my ecig file. If you download it and then upload it to your mod via Escribe it will completely set up your mod. Mods internal resistance, case thermals, 7 TC profiles, 1 for Power Mode, custom screens and theme, battery discharge curve, etc.


Hey Steve, does all this info also relate/transpose to the DNA75, or will it be a wait and see when your Lavabox M's arrive?


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Hey Steve, does all this info also relate/transpose to the DNA75, or will it be a wait and see when your Lavabox M's arrive?
The 8 profiles will work as long as I don't have any of the preheats set above 75. The custom theme should work as well.

The rest of the stuff will probably be different. I'll know more after I receive my Lavabox DNA75 due to be here tomorrow.

I plan on downloading my profiles and custom theme from one of my VT133's, then uploading them to the LB75. I'll probably run the case thermals test. I'm not sure that you can upload battery discharge curves in the 75. Like I said, I'll know more after I receive it.



a touch oɟɟ
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The 8 profiles will work as long as I don't have any of the preheats set above 75. The custom theme should work as well.

The rest of the stuff will probably be different. I'll know more after I receive my Lavabox DNA75 due to be here tomorrow.

I plan on downloading my profiles and custom theme from one of my VT133's, then uploading them to the LB75. I'll probably run the case thermals test. I'm not sure that you can upload battery discharge curves in the 75. Like I said, I'll know more after I receive it.

I just procured 2 VT 75 Nano's, and some various RTA's, to give TC a go.


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I know. I visualize a house being levitated off the ground due to the extreme amount of fans in use.:giggle:
Well out here in the west we use swamp coolers instead of central air . But those things suck when the humidity get up to 20 % . Heading east seems like 70% plus is the norm in the summer

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Curiosity how can you guys survive with no central air .

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When it's been this hot. I open the house up at night to try and cool it down. Then the next morning close it up until night time when hopefully it gets cool. Fans too lol.


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When it's been this hot. I open the house up at night to try and cool it down. Then the next morning close it up until night time when hopefully it gets cool. Fans too lol.

that's insanity... I don't care what anyone says... pure, insanity,

god created these cool things called window units.


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Hey Steve, does all this info also relate/transpose to the DNA75, or will it be a wait and see when your Lavabox M's arrive?

If you upload Steve's profiles, in the new updated Escripe all the setting can be used on the DNA75 boards. The dna75 is of course limited to 75 watts preheat or power mode.


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When it's been this hot. I open the house up at night to try and cool it down. Then the next morning close it up until night time when hopefully it gets cool. Fans too lol.

Well Steve you have more respect from me . Your man card must be gold plated . I can work in the heat . But dam can't sleep in it .

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I'm not sure that you can upload battery discharge curves in the 75. Like I said, I'll know more after I receive it.


Yup, I uploaded the curve for Samsung 30Qs that are permanently installed into my Therion. Getting batteries in and out of that thing is a pain...solution- married Samsung 30Q internal charging!

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Huh??? Also Gore is to blame for Climate Change....not years of disregard??? I've been had, hoodwinked, bamboozled!

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The whole thing is a fallacy as far as I'm concerned

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The whole thing is a fallacy as far as I'm concerned

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Well, there's plenty of fallacies in this world. Measurable climate change is not one of the "phenomenons" but hey. U see it as ya do :)

Funny, I love G Carlin and to be honest...everything he mentioned in that opener which was filmed well over a decade ago are serious concerns to this day! Asbestos??? Really are we denying the harm in improper handling of that?
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Well, there's plenty of fallacies in this world. Measurable climate change is not one of the "phenomenons" but hey. U see it as ya do :)

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would love to have the debate, just not here.
ive seen to much to put any stock in the hocus pocus.

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Indeed...not here, but always interesting to hear different perspectives :)

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EHH, could always start a thread in umadbro when I get off work later.
would actually be interesting to see what other people thought.
rather pointless, but could be fun.


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Since everyone else had their say, here's my take on it.

Green house gases and the green house effect are real, measurable things. If we had no green house gases in the atmosphere, Earth would be frozen solid. They help trap the suns heat.

To see what happens when there are none, look no further than Mars where it's -250. We can warm up the planet by introducing green house gases. Something as a species we are very good at.

To see what happens when you get into a runaway greenhouse effect look at Venus. Temperatures are 800 degrees in the sun or darkness.

Once it gets hot enough to start boiling away the oceans, you are into a runaway greenhouse effect.



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Since everyone else had their say, here's my take on it.

Green house gases and the green house effect are real, measurable things. If we had no green house gases in the atmosphere, Earth would be frozen solid. They help trap the suns heat.

To see what happens when there are none, look no further than Mars where it's -250. We can warm up the planet by introducing green house gases. Something as a species we are very good at.

To see what happens when you get into a runaway greenhouse effect look at Venus. Temperatures are 800 degrees in the sun or darkness.

Once it gets hot enough to start boiling away the oceans, you are into a runaway greenhouse effect.

Simple breakdown of science. We all love science, that's why we spend so much time with TC here- measurable science.

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considering the age of the planet, and the length of time man has been here, none of it is provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There is no way that a few cans of aerosol or Styrofoam containers are going to destroy a planet.
The day I believe that McDonalds and BP oil caused katrina, is the day I start putting on a tin foil cap. Is OIl drilling dirty? yes. Does it harm the environment? it sure can. But, oil and petroleum leaks happen naturally in nature. Just ask the catholic church about the inquisition. Ergo, the climate has been changing since before man walked the earth, and the climate will continue to change when the earth is done with us. Climate change is real, its just not a man made or influenced by mankind, its a natural process.


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Now if the DNA board had a real thermal coupling, so it really knew the temp of the coils were:giggle: Mod warming:D
Yes!!!! We should really start saying Temperature guessing. The algorithms we use are pretty good at "guessing". Would be nice to have a more accurate form of measurement indeed!

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considering the age of the planet, and the length of time man has been here, none of it is provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There is no way that a few cans of aerosol or Styrofoam containers are going to destroy a planet.
The day I believe that McDonalds and BP oil caused katrina, is the day I start putting on a tin foil cap. Is OIl drilling diry? yes. Does it harm then environment? it sure can. But, oil and petroleum leaks happen naturally in nature. Just ask the catholic church about the inquisition. Ergo, the climate has been changing since before man walked the earth, and the climate will continue to change when the earth is done with us. Climate change is real, its just not a man made or influenced by mankind, its a natural process.

No it was the HVAC industry that caused all the global warming.


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considering the age of the planet, and the length of time man has been here, none of it is provable beyond a shadow of a doubt.
There is no way that a few cans of aerosol or Styrofoam containers are going to destroy a planet.
The day I believe that McDonalds and BP oil caused katrina, is the day I start putting on a tin foil cap. Is OIl drilling dirty? yes. Does it harm the environment? it sure can. But, oil and petroleum leaks happen naturally in nature. Just ask the catholic church about the inquisition. Ergo, the climate has been changing since before man walked the earth, and the climate will continue to change when the earth is done with us. Climate change is real, its just not a man made or influenced by mankind, its a natural process.
TBH, there are a lot of half truths to what you said! My major disagreement with what you said is the lack of belief that man has any influence over the planet...impossible to be anyplace and not have some effect. You being in this forum has an effect. We can't look at this in "Silo".

I'm certainly not throwing "causation" around...influence is appropriate. In school and more importantly in engineering classes like the ones you attended, we learn and prove that every action has an equal or greater reaction...buff said really. That in itself proves that what we do has an influence, yeah?

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This was global warming in full effect this winter:p 39" after it was done.


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TBH, there are a lot of half truths to what you said! My major disagreement with what you said is the lack of belief that man has any influence over the planet...impossible to be anyplace and not have some effect. You being in this forum has an effect. We can't look at this in "Silo".

I'm certainly not throwing "causation" around...influence is appropriate. In school and more importantly in engineering classes like the ones you attended, we learn and prove that every action has an equal or greater reaction...buff said really. That in itself proves that what we do has an influence, yeah?

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to what degree of the influence though, you are taking my statement to the extreme; and ignoring the other half.
yes, we have an influence - oil drilling is dirty. that is out influence. is it influential enough to tilt the planet and its climate? NO, not a chance.
just like the bovine flatulence argument.... cow farts smell to high heaven. But, they are not a causative agent to climate change. If farts were that powerful, than my house with central Air, would be hotter than Steve's house without. The planets natural systems are more than capable of, as Carlin said, "shaking us off like a bad case of fleas"


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omg... I'm moving from New Orleans to Ohio in November/December...... this picture scares me

Have fun. This storm has us snowed in for 3 days. Had to climb out the window to get to the doors of the house:giggle:
This is in Virginia:eek:

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Have fun. This storm has us snowed in for 3 days. Had to climb out the window to get to the doors of the house:giggle:
This is in Virginia:eek:
Last edited:


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Global warming doesn't mean it's hotter everywhere all the time. It means the average temperature of the whole world is going up.

Some places will be hotter, some colder. Dry places can become wetter. Wet areas can become drier. It's called climate change.

There is no more use arguing that the average temperature of the Earth is going up than there is arguing 1+1=2 and not 3.

Some will believe whatever they want because the numbers don't fit their narrative.


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I don't want to hear anybody crying it's cold this winter:giggle: Yes the world goes through changes, as it has over the millions of years it's been here:rolleyes:


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I don't want to hear anybody crying it's cold this winter:giggle: Yes the world goes through changes, as it has over the millions of years it's been here:rolleyes:
Yeah, the body when infected with a disease will do its best to rid itself from the disease, that does not mean that there is no disease.

I will say just one last thing about this...the disregard that we seem to have about our influence and measurable changes and the pure science of greenhouse gasses... It would be irresponsible to automatically lump the drastic climate changes that we are all seeing as part of "nature"... Pointing back to George Carlin's satire... What he was trying to nail home is that the arrogance of believing that we can change the planet could be more widely adopted toward how we treat one another

Simply put, back then in what I believe 80 something when that was filmed...there was not as much "facts" and there were a lot of pressing issues that we could more effectively spend our time. Now with all the facts "education" that we have and how it ties into many social issues for people directly(the aftermath of the levies, contaminated water in Mi, communities that are in Exxon's backyard)'s hard to turn a blind eye

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I'm not into all this science stuff. All I know is its 92 degrees in NYC today and I'm sweating my ass off. I can't turn on the AC because John Kerry says that AC units kill more people than terrorists. So being the good liberal Nyer you all know me as I don't want to be placed on the terror watch list. I'll just patriotically sit here in a puddle of my own liberal pinko sweat. Lmfao.

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