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Hohm wrecker g2


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The lowest Ive ever fired on my Hohm Wrecker G2 was a .02 Ohm build....I started firing all my coils on the G2 because it could take it, a .04 Ohm build KILLED my Quad Parallel Hammer of God box (melted the 510 stem and all) so that should give you a hint of how well the G2 is built.
I wont vape lower then .05 and I like it on a triple parallel box like my lethal or tres equis but I fire every single build on the G2 before it goes anywhere else.
This was some time ago so excuse the picture quality....
The lowest build Ive fired on the G2, now getting it down to .02 while building a few complex coils isnt a easy task like you would think...its hard to break the .05 ohm mark. 4 Staggerton variants and a pair of SSFCs were atop a So Horney RDA to drop it that low and it fired it up to color...

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I dont have pics of it showing resistance that low...beleive it or not I dont really pay attention to the screen when I build or fire them...buuut for those who doubt here is a .06 Ohm screenshot.....Ill try and make something just to show how low you could get...though I dont think I could build lower then .01...


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The lowest Ive ever fired on my Hohm Wrecker G2 was a .02 Ohm build....I started firing all my coils on the G2 because it could take it, a .04 Ohm build KILLED my Quad Parallel Hammer of God box (melted the 510 stem and all) so that should give you a hint of how well the G2 is built.
I wont vape lower then .05 and I like it on a triple parallel box like my lethal or tres equis but I fire every single build on the G2 before it goes anywhere else.

The lowest build Ive fired on the G2, now getting it down to .02 while building a few complex coils isnt a easy task like you would think...its hard to break the .05 ohm mark. 4 Staggerton variants and a pair of SSFCs were atop a So Horney RDA to drop it that low and it fired it up to color...

View attachment 66850 View attachment 66851 View attachment 66849

I dont have pics of it showing resistance that low...beleive it or not I dont really pay attention to the screen when I build or fire them...buuut for those who doubt here is a .06 Ohm screenshot.....Ill try and make something just to show how low you could get...though I dont think I could build lower then .01...
View attachment 66852
Like i mentioned up there^ just need some 10g ;)

Mista Malice

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My builds usually fall between .1 and .2 but occasionally I'll wind up below .1 and the g2 is the only mod that'll fire that in power mode. Well that and the slice

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Same.. I usually build at about .14 - .09 or so. The Snow Wolf has been solid, and it's handled everything I've thrown at it but this G2 looks pretty sick from everything I've seen. I have no TC experience so i'll probably just use it in power mode at first and read the the rest of this thread and the manual on how to use the TC on it.


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Does anybody know where to get a silicon sleeve or a cover for the G2 or if they make one for it? I was looking but haven't really seen anything for it.
Could make one but one that fit a sigeli 150 might fit....may need to cut out button/screen holes or open the entire front but the box itself is about the same


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the door on mine has a J stamped into it on the inside. I think it's unique because my first name starts with the letter J

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I don't know my DNAs and Wismecs read it at .1 my FSK boards and Yihi read it at .092 It's not that much of a difference so I'm not to worried.

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Yeah small differences isn't a big deal. Every mod reads a little different.

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Member For 4 Years
That is not a scratch, you will find the same mark by the upper magnets. I guess it might be how they match up doors and body's during assembly, possibly before anodizing or to identify the Machinist/CNC lot run etc. My Silver G2 has the same mark as your Black one and my Red G2 has a figure 8 on it's side.
I guess you're right.

Glad to know that you guys also got this mark on your G2.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I have a j,j a j,8 and a j,7 on my 3 but all 3 are colored in

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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On TC mode.... On wattage usually .08

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My dna is .1 in wattage mode. Every mod does .06 for TC mode usually and .1 for watt mode usually. G2 fires .007 in watt mode and TC mode. Slice fires down to .0000001 in any mode as well. It's one of the big draws of the fsk chip.

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Now I have to go and check mine.......never noticed them before. On the silver I have a 7,J......great, a magnet came off on the battery door, where's that crazy glue. In the G2's defense it is only the second time that has happened but the new Silver Slice did the same thing just a couple of days ago, silver trying to fuck with me. Blue J,J....Red 8,8.....Black 6,6. All the of them are colored in though.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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Now I have to go and check mine.......never noticed them before. On the silver I have a 7,J......great, a magnet came off on the battery door, where's that crazy glue. In the G2's defense it is only the second time that has happened but the new Silver Slice did the same thing just a couple of days ago, silver trying to fuck with me. Blue J,J....Red 8,8.....Black 6,6. All the of them are colored in though.
I had a magnet fall out on one but it was because a drunk golfing outing. The mod too a beating for sure. Even flew out of the golf Cart lol. A little gorilla brand 2 part epoxy works wonders

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This is the lowest chunkiest build I've tried in it and after having to screw the Atty in and out 5x it finally read it and stopped giving me a damaged atomizer message.



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I think I should call hohmtec and try to get a replacement the damaged atomizer message is annoying.


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Got my new Silver LE G2 in and was kinda bummed when I noticed what looks like a piece of glue that has come loose from the edge of the screen. The mod functions fine and other than being annoying I dont think its worth sending back for that.
2016-11-18 11-13-50.538.jpg
hopefully the rest of the screen doesnt come loose too.


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Got my new Silver LE G2 in and was kinda bummed when I noticed what looks like a piece of glue that has come loose from the edge of the screen. The mod functions fine and other than being annoying I dont think its worth sending back for that.
View attachment 66884
hopefully the rest of the screen doesnt come loose too.
take that shit apart and remove that piece of glue! don't waste time sending it back that's an easy fix! is it stuck to the window or just free floating? either way it's a super super easy fix!

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Got my new Silver LE G2 in and was kinda bummed when I noticed what looks like a piece of glue that has come loose from the edge of the screen. The mod functions fine and other than being annoying I dont think its worth sending back for that.
View attachment 66884
hopefully the rest of the screen doesnt come loose too.
I'm not positive because it's been a long time since I bought my last G2 but are you sure it's not the screen protector? Most mods come with a tiny film over the screen that's easily scratched. Start in the corner with your fingernail and see if it peels off.

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I'm not positive because it's been a long time since I bought my last G2 but are you sure it's not the screen protector? Most mods come with a tiny film over the screen that's easily scratched. Start in the corner with your fingernail and see if it peels off.

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Yeah its not the screen protector I thought that too until I took it off


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I don't know man those prices are pretty stellar across the board. I had to pull the trigger on 2 Ammits from Efun. Can't see that tank going any cheaper than $19.99. At that price I can wait for it.


AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I don't know man those prices are pretty stellar across the board. I had to pull the trigger on 2 Ammits from Efun. Can't see that tank going any cheaper than $19.99. At that price I can wait for it.
The griffin ijoy combo lux and engine are all priced the same they were last week. I'm hoping to see a drop. Yeah 20 for the ammit feels super cheap. If the griffin drops to 20 I'd be stoked

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Yeah, the rx2/3 has never interested me much after seeing how wonky the battery door can be. I would rather get the Smoant battestar with that new aged copper finish.

I am jonesing for a Yihi G Class but it is pricey at 219. The more I see pics the more I like it with the black leather. Love the centered 510 and Yihi always makes solid devices. That sucker might take my whole black friday budget but I want it.

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I don't know 41 bones for a piece of crap rx2/3 for 41 is NOT a deal.... I project huge price drops.

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I was talking more about the attys. When you can get a Serpent Mini, Engine, Conqueror, Crius, and a Goblin v3 all for under $20 a pop I think that's pretty cheap. As far as the 2/3 goes, I wouldn't pay $25 for it.

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AKA Anthony Vapes on Youtube
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I was talking more about the attys. When you can get a Serpent Mini, Engine, Conqueror, Crius, and a Goblin v3 all for under $20 a pop I think that's pretty cheap. As far as the 2/3 goes, I wouldn't pay $25 for it.

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Lol I agree on the 2/3 I have seen gearbest sell the Ijoy combo for under 20. If it reaches that again I'm sold. Right now it's like 23. The griffin 25 plus hasn't been less then 29 I'm hoping to get it for 25. The license is still 75 I want it under 70 with batteries and I'll jump

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I'm waiting for the Fuji son. Vapenw has a 15% off now till the 28th but I absolutely refuse to give them another penny.


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I was talking more about the attys. When you can get a Serpent Mini, Engine, Conqueror, Crius, and a Goblin v3 all for under $20 a pop I think that's pretty cheap. As far as the 2/3 goes, I wouldn't pay $25 for it.

Sent from my GT-N8013 using Tapatalk
I might have to check that out. I'm interested in the Engine and for $20 or less, it' a good deal!
BTW, I'm digging that copper finished Battlestar as well. About the only other mod that comes close to looking that nice is that rose gold/ bronze Finder 133, that thing is bad ass!


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Yeah, the rx2/3 has never interested me much after seeing how wonky the battery door can be. I would rather get the Smoant battestar with that new aged copper finish.

I am jonesing for a Yihi G Class but it is pricey at 219. The more I see pics the more I like it with the black leather. Love the centered 510 and Yihi always makes solid devices. That sucker might take my whole black friday budget but I want it.

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Yeah, I gotta admit when it comes to mods lately I've been on a quality kick. Sick of hearing about all these fucking Chinese shit boxes and people getting ripped off with poor support. Even when these companies do offer support it takes forever. Fucking Evolv has had my VT133 since the 11th. No update, no hey man we're working on it, no nothing. On people are going crazy because their Aliens are falling apart. I had a Coolfire die after 6 months and Innokin's response was sorry you're out of warranty. Suprisngly my RX200 has held up but even on that the 510 gets a little wonky once in a while. When it comes to mods I'm sticking with companies like Vape Forward, Vaporshark and Hohmtech for future purchases. It may cost a little more in the short term but in the long term it just makes life easier. I do love that new Yihi mod but damn that things expensive. Lol.

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I might have to check that out. I'm interested in the Engine and for $20 or less, it' a good deal!
BTW, I'm digging that copper finished Battlestar as well. About the only other mod that comes close to looking that nice is that rose gold/ bronze Finder 133, that thing is bad ass!

That finder is on my wish list for sure, love that antique copper finish.


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Yeah, I gotta admit when it comes to mods lately I've been on a quality kick. Sick of hearing about all these fucking Chinese shit boxes and people getting ripped off with poor support. Even when these companies do offer support it takes forever. Fucking Evolv has had my VT133 since the 11th. No update, no hey man we're working on it, no nothing. On people are going crazy because their Aliens are falling apart. I had a Coolfire die after 6 months and Innokin's response was sorry you're out of warranty. Suprisngly my RX200 has held up but even on that the 510 gets a little wonky once in a while. When it comes to mods I'm sticking with companies like Vape Forward, Vaporshark and Hohmtech for future purchases. It may cost a little more in the short term but in the long term it just makes life easier. I do love that new Yihi mod but damn that things expensive. Lol.

Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G900A using Tapatalk

Yeah, I am with you on, quality counts. I have never had a Yihi mod before, this is the first one that might get me to jump though.

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