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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Might hep to keep people keep an anti social distance from me :)
in my research on it I did discover that the unpleasant odor is normal.

Wonder why it’s onion scented, though. Have you take it yet? Did it give you an onion feel? :burp:

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Wonder why it’s onion scented, though. Have you take it yet? Did it give you an onion feel? :burp:
Yep been taking it a couple of days and yes a bit of rotten onion burp
I dunno on the odor. Perhaps onions make NAC when they rot?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Many people have been writing to us complaining of gaining weight during quarantine.

We’ve been receiving emails saying things like, “I’ve fallen off the wagon” and “Being at home is wreaking havoc on my eating habits.


It’s the extra time at home.

The constant stress.

And the extra effort required to avoid temptation when you’re next to the kitchen all day long.

Add to that the extra effort it takes to get to the grocery store, and you have yourself...

The perfect recipe for weight gain.

If you don’t have a rock-solid structure in place to keep you eating well, exercising frequently, and managing your stress levels, a quarantine can be a tough situation.

And it can lead to the feeling that your health is getting worse every day.

For this exact reason, we decided to put together a rapid response one-time-only webinar in which we tackle these issues head on.

>> Click here to discover how to get rid of unwanted quarantine weight gain

True, a quarantine can be challenging, but that doesn’t require that you:

  1. Throw out the hard work you’ve put in
  2. Delay the process of changing your lifestyle
  3. Get discouraged with your health...and give up

Want to know something important?

Your health matters.

The quality of your life matters.

And you are in control of your health (but you have to set up the correct structure first).

To learn how to get rid of those extra quarantine pounds, sign up for this one-time-only webinar.

We want to help you find your confidence and motivation – let’s do this together!

>> Click here to register for this FREE training and learn how to “undo” quarantine weight gain

Due to the time-sensitive nature of this content, we are only offering this training once.

There are only 750 seats, when they’re gone they’re gone!

See you inside!

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD & Robby Barbaro, MPH

P.S. These are challenging times, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your health or let your progress slip away. Join us for this one-time-only FREE training – we only have 750 seats, so make sure to get one.

>> Make sure to register for this training now to secure your seat!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Quarantine Doesn't Have to Mean Your Kids Don't Remember Sunlight

Some of the worst parts of childhood are the rainy weekends where you can’t go anywhere. Or those birthday-party-Saturdays when you’re sick and Mom won’t let you go. Or worse, when the world is alive and thriving and Mom and Dad are too busy to play with you.

And now, that rainy weekend is today, tomorrow, the next day, and possibly the next several months to a year. Is that alarmist? Maybe. Is it possible? Also maybe.

If you’re living with kids, they’re living out the worst possible version of that neverending rainy weekend.

Perhaps you’ve already had this thought…

Oh God. We’ve already done every indoor activity a human being can do. I’ll hear the Frozen 2 soundtrack in my head every morning as I rise to face another day of watching Frozen 2. These kids will be blind by the time they’re adults from blue screen overdose.

Or something like it.

And while the outdoors isn’t an option for everyone right now (especially if you’re in a part of the country considered a “hot spot”), plenty of us have access to nature that we aren’t even using… some of us, even in our own backyards.

The weather is getting nicer… Yes, in some parts of the country, there has been a polar vortex. In some places, April showers have extended to May.

But for the most part… we can all figure out ways to help keep our little future leaders of tomorrow engaged, curious, and active.

The truth is: They’ll never be more curious about the world than they are right now. And they need optimism and “undirected attention” more than ever. When children play inside, or in urban environments, they’re using what’s called “directed attention”.

In a way, it’s what you’re using too. It’s the kind of attention that doesn’t allow for distractions and demands narrow focus.

Being in nature, playing outside, noticing your surroundings is the opposite – and it reduces stress and fatigue in children.

Plus, everyone needs more vitamin D. Studies have shown that nearly half of American adults are short of the vitamin D they need to survive. And a study from the American Heart Association recently revealed that kids are spending on average between three and seven hours a day in front of a screen… so they’re not getting the Vitamin D they need either.

There are plenty of creative ways to mitigate this growing problem.

These are just a few…

Can’t Eliminate Screens Completely? Use Them Wisely

Step one: Can you safely take a walk? If yes, do so. Step two: If you can’t, perform in your backyard.

Let your kid take your phone and give them this simple instruction: Photograph everything that strikes their interest.

Then, when you get home, have them give you a guided tour of the walk you just took, showing you everything they photographed, what they thought was cool about it, whether they can identify the thing or not (if not, look it up together), and any fun facts they know about the thing they photographed.

Bonus points if you get the pictures printed and then create a scrapbook memorializing “Possibly Tuesday: The Day We Took that Walk.”

Grab a Notepad and a Pen

Bolstered by your simple tools, you and your kids are ready to embark on a humble naturalist’s journey: Identifying your local flora and fauna.

Maybe you already know what everything in your neighborhood is! Cool!

But if you don’t, this is the fun part. You start your walk, and point out a tree. Do you know what kind of tree it is? No? Try to draw it in your notepad. Make careful note of how thick the trunk is, what color and shape its leaves are, how tall it is, etc.

Move on.

Woah! See that flower bush? Can you name it? If not, record the color and shape of its petals, what it smells like, whether it’s prickly to the touch, etc. Draw it!

Go on like this for a while – don’t forget about birds and creatures – and when you’ve gathered enough information, return home and start your search engines. See if you can find the names of all the plants you noted!

Build a Home for Critters – Real and Imaginary

The best thing about building a fairy retreat is that there are no rules – fairies haven’t exactly weighed in on how they prefer their free abode offerings to look, so this is a completely creative and non-derivative activity.

Gather twigs. Moss. Cardboard. Pebbles. Grass. Make sure you’ve got wood glue. Stack your twigs like lincoln logs, glue the cardboard to the walls and then pebbles to that cardboard, or build a gorgeous little moss-covered A-frame.

Let your imagination be your guide.

Conversely, of course, if you’ve got a very pragmatic child on your hands, you could build a bird-feeder or frog dome or a treehouse for your squirrels.

Getting to see animals using their homes will thrill children and teach them about how much fun it can be to help others.

Stay tuned for more ways to keep your kids active outside…

We think it’s so important, we’re not going to stop talking about it any time soon!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In FOUR days, I am unlocking The Thyroid Secret documentary series so that you can watch the whole thing from home!

Starting Friday, May 22nd at 3 pm PT, in celebration of World Thyroid Day (May 25th), you will have access to watch every episode for FREE for 48-hours. Click here to save your spot (and while you're at it, save a spot for your neighbor too!)

Throughout the series, we will discuss important questions, like what’s really causing all these thyroid conditions, and why are so MANY people dealing with unexplainable symptoms?

And the best part? We share real, practical, tangible, and non-invasive steps to get better.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can you boost your immune system toooo much?

How much is too much? Immune boosting - is it always the right move? Join me at Noon EDT / 9 PDT on Facebook LIVE to discuss how to get a HEALTHY immune system on today’s Coffee with Dr. Tom.

Did you ever try to put your cell phone into the same outlet as a washing machine? Running 220 volts of energy to recharge a small object like your cell phone that only requires 110 volts of energy will overheat the electrical components and leave it completely useless.

The same is true with your immune system. If you are too aggressive with your immune system, you will burn your body out. You just won’t SEE that spark and puff of smoke you might see with your electrical objects.

You can have too much of a good thing.

Find out how to balance your immune system, so it is strong and can support good health.

Join me today at Noon EDT / 9 PDT on Facebook LIVE.


If our bandwidth allows, we will be live streaming TODAY’s Coffee with Dr. Tom on instagram, too! Click here to join us there!

The power is yours,
Tom O'Bryan, DC, CCN, DACBN , CFMP

P.S. For those who want to own the studies I cite and slides I create, plus video, audio & transcripts, definitely join the Coffee Club Membership.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Reader,

Are you worried about the increasing number of "senior moments" you're having?

Check out this quote from leading Alzheimer's doctor, Dr. Robert Kachko:"One of the most staggering statistics that I've seen is that by the time we feel the first symptoms of memory loss, about 80 percent of the brain damage has already occurred."Yes, you read that right...

Memory loss is often the first stage of Alzheimer's and dementia.

But I do have good news...

Because I recently interviewed Dr. Kachko -- and he also says that Alzheimer's is completely avoidable.

For the first time ever, he's ready to reveal his secrets -- live on camera.

See it here now

- Dr. Joshua Levitt

P.S. If you're worried about memory loss, Alzheimer's or dementia, I have great news for you today. There is hope. Click here to see the full interview now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!

Get GreenMedInfo’s 505-page eBook, Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs, and discover which foods and herbs just might be the first-line of defense for your health -- instead of modern medications!

This is one of the most downloaded eBooks we've ever offered!

--->>Download your complimentary eBook, Nature's Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternative to Drugs!

Far too much emphasis is placed on using drugs first, while the world-wide, centuries-old practice of using plants to prevent disease and restore health during illness often gets ignored.

Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs is meant to serve as a bridge between conventional and alternative healing practices. These days, we are given only one side of the story and not the other. Both need to be taken into consideration so that individuals can make informed choices regarding their health and that of their loved ones.

Worse yet, harmful side effects of medication are glossed over until severe illness, or death, jolts people into considering an alternative. Using evidenced-based dietary and herbal remedies, instead of pharmaceutical medications, could be the alternative you’ve been seeking for disease prevention and vibrant health.

--->>Gain immediate access to the 505-page, Nature’s Pharmacy: Evidence-Based Alternatives to Drugs eBook now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online 5G Summit taking place on June 1-7, 2020 -- over 40+ experts teaching you more about EMF and 5G dangers and how to implement better solutions in your community!

You can truly get started on better health today!

To your health,

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Hey Jimi,
Many people have been writing to us complaining of gaining weight during quarantine.

We’ve been receiving emails saying things like, “I’ve fallen off the wagon” and “Being at home is wreaking havoc on my eating habits.


It’s the extra time at home.

The constant stress.

And the extra effort required to avoid temptation when you’re next to the kitchen all day long.

Add to that the extra effort it takes to get to the grocery store, and you have yourself...

The perfect recipe for weight gain.

If you don’t have a rock-solid structure in place to keep you eating well, exercising frequently, and managing your stress levels, a quarantine can be a tough situation.

And it can lead to the feeling that your health is getting worse every day.

For this exact reason, we decided to put together a rapid response one-time-only webinar in which we tackle these issues head on.

>> Click here to discover how to get rid of unwanted quarantine weight gain

True, a quarantine can be challenging, but that doesn’t require that you:

  1. Throw out the hard work you’ve put in
  2. Delay the process of changing your lifestyle
  3. Get discouraged with your health...and give up

Want to know something important?

Your health matters.

The quality of your life matters.

And you are in control of your health (but you have to set up the correct structure first).

To learn how to get rid of those extra quarantine pounds, sign up for this one-time-only webinar.

We want to help you find your confidence and motivation – let’s do this together!

>> Click here to register for this FREE training and learn how to “undo” quarantine weight gain

Due to the time-sensitive nature of this content, we are only offering this training once.

There are only 750 seats, when they’re gone they’re gone!

See you inside!

Cyrus Khambatta, PhD & Robby Barbaro, MPH

P.S. These are challenging times, but that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your health or let your progress slip away. Join us for this one-time-only FREE training – we only have 750 seats, so make sure to get one.

>> Make sure to register for this training now to secure your seat!
I have lost around 20 LBS since January.
got maybe 5 more to go to get to where I want to be.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
It's that healthy home cooking opposed to the artery clogging eat out foods.:giggle:
Not really it is the Kratom diet.
Kratom is a very good appetite suppressant for me.
I actually got more salads and such when eating out.
Still eat mostly junk food. Big Deborah's cakes and such, eggos with lots of Aunt Jemime or orange rolls for breakfast, etc. Just had sloppy joes/manwitch and potato salad for supper.

eat pretty much like I always have just less of it.


My name is Lucy and I am a squonkaholic
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
VU Challenge Team
Member For 5 Years
Wow Lucy that's great, you have it made there my friend

I need my own tree though

Have a baby growing, but it will take years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Seriously though, your first and best defense against getting it is whipping out a health conscious cook book and using it for every meal, every day, every snack, every sip of anything :)

I got some Body Ecology books with recipes. Her take on nutrition is interesting since she’s into cultured veggies, non wheat grains, etc. The author is Donna Gates. She’s on the ball, and even works with autistic kids thru her Bed Rok diet. ( I think it’s mostly for “injured” kids.)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
A PSA for those of you with children in this time of coronavirus pandemic.
It is serious and can kill children. Watch after those Kiddos.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Today's question is one a lot of parents will want to listen to. It's about an inflammatory syndrome affecting children, related to COVID-19. What are the symptoms of this syndrome? In other words, what should parents look out for?

The illness is called pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, and its symptoms are similar to Kawasaki Disease. Some cases can be so severe, a child needs to be hospitalized and intubated.

Children will often develop a rash with this syndrome. They can have a fever four or more days. Their eyes may look red. The skin on their hands and feet may peel, and they might complain of abdominal pain. We talked to Dr. Ryan Stanton about it last week.

"The thing we know with COVID is it really just kinda sits along, and kinda rumbles along for weeks, and that's basically what this syndrome is sounding like," said Dr. Stanton. "It's just persistent symptoms that keep going and keep going until eventually, we transition into this other inflammatory process."

We know of four children who have this syndrome in Kentucky, and doctors are currently treating two of those children, an 11-year-old and a 10-year-old, in the hospital.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
A PSA for those of you with children in this time of coronavirus pandemic.
It is serious and can kill children. Watch after those Kiddos.

LEXINGTON, Ky. (WKYT) - Today's question is one a lot of parents will want to listen to. It's about an inflammatory syndrome affecting children, related to COVID-19. What are the symptoms of this syndrome? In other words, what should parents look out for?

The illness is called pediatric multi-system inflammatory syndrome, and its symptoms are similar to Kawasaki Disease. Some cases can be so severe, a child needs to be hospitalized and intubated.

Children will often develop a rash with this syndrome. They can have a fever four or more days. Their eyes may look red. The skin on their hands and feet may peel, and they might complain of abdominal pain. We talked to Dr. Ryan Stanton about it last week.

"The thing we know with COVID is it really just kinda sits along, and kinda rumbles along for weeks, and that's basically what this syndrome is sounding like," said Dr. Stanton. "It's just persistent symptoms that keep going and keep going until eventually, we transition into this other inflammatory process."

We know of four children who have this syndrome in Kentucky, and doctors are currently treating two of those children, an 11-year-old and a 10-year-old, in the hospital.

I’ve heard red eyes are or were a symptom of corona for adults. I’m not sure why. When I got sick in December, my eyes were red and itchy. I still have it off and on, but I put it down to allergies or flu.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I’ve heard red eyes are or were a symptom of corona for adults. I’m not sure why. When I got sick in December, my eyes were red and itchy. I still have it off and on, but I put it down to allergies or flu.
Yep for some adults red eyes and patches, etc on feet too.

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