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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

The Cromwell

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The new coronavirus can infect organs throughout the body, including lungs, throat, heart, liver, brain, kidneys and the intestines, researchers reported Wednesday.

Two separate reports suggest the virus goes far beyond the lungs and can attack various organs -- findings that can help explain the wide range of symptoms caused by Covid-19 infection.
The findings might help explain some of the puzzling symptoms seen in coronavirus patients. They include blood clots that cause strokes in younger people and that clog dialysis machines, headaches and kidney failure.


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Whether you want to transform your health or create safe, toxin-free products to protect your health and sanitize your home, if you’re seeking evidence-based resources to teach you the ins and out of essential oils, save your seat for The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution.

When you register for this event, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, free guides and helpful eBooks and get a great DIY recipe for “NonToxic Hand Sanitizer”!

The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution will help you with:

* The science and efficacy of aromatherapy
* Practical uses and safety for the whole family (pets too!)
* Aromatherapy for immune system support
* Easy, non-toxic DIY hand sanitizer and cleaning products
* Tips for regulating blood sugar and balancing hormones
* Pain, stress and sleep remedies
* Culinary uses for essential oils
* And so much more!

When you register for The Best of the Essential Oils Revolution, you'll also unlock early access interviews, free guides, helpful eBooks and the DIY Dilution Chart.

Even healthcare practitioners who are aware of the benefits of essential oils may be reluctant to advise patients in using them. One of the problems is typical medical training doesn’t cover therapeutic uses. (This is a sad lapse in medical training, despite essential oil applications being used safely for centuries.)

Choosing high quality essential oils for a variety of purposes, including cooking, cleaning, and aromatherapy can be a challenge - and a powerful tool to support your home without toxins all around you and your family.

Whether you are looking for natural solutions to chronic health conditions, culinary uses, solutions for lowering your toxic burden, or you just love the smells of aromatherapy, you’ll find it all. My good friend, Dr. Z is the host, and I know you will enjoy this event.

Get the tools,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

P.S. Unlock Dr. Eric Zielinski's DIY Dilution Chart + Roller Bottle Chart + Carrier Oil Guide + Photosensitivity eGuide bundle designed for quick, on-the-go reference to ensure proper EO use for your entire family! --->>Download these complimentary essential oils reference guides!


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8 Mistakes Gardners Make and How to Fix Them
In this FREE class, you’ll learn about important topics like:

✅ Soil health
✅ Watering best practices
✅ How to deal with pests
✅ How to buy the best foods for your body
✅ How to prioritize your planting schedule
✅ And more!

Mental Wellness Summit
Are you still looking for solutions to stop struggling with your mental productivity and performance? Be sure to register now for the Mental Wellness Conference. It's online and FREE! And be sure to watch my interview on Saturday!



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Member For 5 Years
What Can Home-Made Elderberry Syrup Do for your Gut?

Judging by the national shortage of yeast in grocery stores, we can safely presume that we’re all getting creative with our at-home concoctions.

You can only make pasta alfredo so many times without starting to feel bloated, sluggish, and greasy. (Note: the number of times may vary from person to person. If you’re not sick of it yet, you’ve got an extra-high alfredo tolerance.)

Maybe you’re not there yet.

But if you have officially reached peak pasta capacity… the chances are that you’re not only expanding your gastronomical reach in the kitchen, you’re also looking for ways to repair the strength and health of your digestive tract.

After all, the gut loves variety, in the form of new and healthy bacteria, more than it could ever love the benefits of whole-grain pasta buried beneath cheeses and sauces.

And so lots of people have started branching out and considering alternatives to maximize our bodily efficiency, from gut health to immune strength. Sometimes, that means looking for nutritional supplements. For others, that means turning to special herbs and plants that occur naturally and provide troves of benefits…

Like, for example, the much-mythologized elderberry fruit. It’s so packed with nutrients, antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and fiber that it commonly appears in global folklore as a medicine.

And it works wonders on your digestive health.

Elderberry and the Gut

Elderberry, specifically black elderberry, is rich in polyphenols and flavonoids.

Polyphenols have been shown to aid and increase intestinal ease, specifically in terms of gas, bloating, and diarrhea.

Also, sometimes as little as 10% of ingested polyphenol molecules reach the intestines, and still manage to positively affect the bacterial profile of the gut.

And black elderberry juice helps to encourage the release of digestive juices, which keep the system running smoothly and prevent constipation.

Plus, antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols are all great at reducing inflammation which is essential for a healthy gut.

And as we know from continuous study, what’s good for the gut is good for the immune system, a critical concern at this time.

So let’s think about how you can introduce elderberry juice into your at-home creation repertoire…

How to Make Elderberry Syrup at Home

You can do a ton with elderberry syrup… pour it over pancakes, swirl it into yogurt or oatmeal, freeze it into ice cubes to add to water or tea, add it to a smoothie, drip it over ice cream, stir it into hot tea…

The list goes on!

And here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

All you need to make a 50-serving batch of elderberry syrup is ½ cup of dried black elderberries, 2 cups of water, 1 tablespoon of minced fresh ginger, and a ½ cup of honey.

Got your materials? Great.

Take your dried black elderberries, water, and ginger and heat them over high in a saucepan.

Let it boil, then turn the heat down to bring it to a simmer.

It should take about 20 minutes to reduce the water to half its original content – there should be about a cup of liquid left.

Pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer to get rid of any berry skins left. You can even press gently onto the backs of the berries with a spoon to get all the juice out.

Once the mixture has cooled to room temperature, add in the honey. Whisk it all together so it’s smooth!

Now, that concoction can last safely in the fridge for two weeks. If you plan to use it over time, you can freeze it and thaw the night before you need it!

Use it when you’re not feeling so hot, or when your gut’s been giving you trouble, or as a preventive measure!


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free screenings right now.

GROW FOOD (feature film)

With environmental and human health issues on the rise, the time to take action is now.

My friends Jessica and Joe, have set up a free online screening of Grow Food. It follows the story of a man who started with no land in the suburbs of Long Island and what happened when he took the leap.

It's screening free this weekend May 16th - 17th.

During his journey, you will hear from experts including Dan Kittredge, Will Allen, Doug DeCandia, Patty Gentry, and fellow food growers as to the impact we can have by growing food - for us and the planet.

If you garden, want to get started gardening soon, or care about the quality of food you serve to your family, you will want to see this and share it with your fellow food lovers.

Join here to watch Grow Food at no cost.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Get Jonathan Landsman's powerful, 21-page eGuide, Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections, and learn how to help prevent and reverse chronic disease!

--->>Click here to download your complimentary eGuide, Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections!

Many factors contribute to the development of chronic disease. But most experts agree that obesity, poor nutrition, sedentary lifestyle, smoking cigarettes, over-reliance on antibiotics and excessive alcohol intake lie at the forefront.

The fact is: health is seriously threatened by diseases that are caused by factors existing within our control. And this is both heartbreaking, and hopeful. Because it means the key to fighting modern plagues that jeopardize our health could be as simple -- and revolutionary -- as making proper lifestyle choices.

Grab this guide today to learn 21 safe, effective and affordable solutions to help prevent and reverse chronic disease.

--->>Click here to gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 21-page Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections eGuide now!

When you unlock this gift, you'll also save a seat for the free, online Immune Defense Summit taking place on June 8-14, 2020 -- over 30+ experts teaching you NEW strategies that BOOST your immune system, and keep you and your family SAFE from pandemics, viruses and chronic diseases!

You can truly get started on better health today!

Dr. Pedram Shojai

P.S. Don't miss out on Jonathan Landsman's powerful, 21-page eGuide, Slash Your Risk of Chronic Disease and Infections when you grab it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Need a pick-me-up this weekend? Check out the inspiring documentary that aims to answer one very important question:

What if growing our food sustainably, in a regenerative way, could solve so many of the world's problems?

Problems like…

  • Degenerative and chronic disease
  • Hunger
  • Environmental issues
  • Drinking water contamination
  • Nutrient depletion in our food
  • Excess carbon in the atmosphere
  • Desertification of our soil due to industrial agriculture
  • Exposure to toxic agricultural chemicals like glyphosate
... and so many more.

Most of the excess carbon dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere came from the soil.

By growing healthy plants that absorb CO2 and return it to the soil, we can clean up our environment AND grow more nutritious food.

Find out how in the online film Grow Food, it’s airing for free this weekend only!

It follows the story of Jim, a man who started with no land in the suburbs of Long Island, and what happened when he took the leap and began growing his own food.

This is a really remarkable story along with must-see information about our food system.

If you garden, want to garden, or care about the quality of food you serve to your family, you will want to see this and share it with your fellow food lovers.

Save your seat here!

The VegHealth Team

P.S. The time for a passive approach to our environment has passed. We only have 60 years of topsoil left using our current agricultural methods. Check out the film to discover how you can help change our future!


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Member For 5 Years
Dear Reader,

There’s a good chance Big Pharma would NOT want you to attend this live, online Ultimate Anti-Aging Summit

Why? Because their lab-made chemical cocktails can’t touch the impressive results that this all-natural “youth fuel” is yielding.

It’s not even close. Plus, Big Pharma makes money off of keeping people feeling sick and old. It’s not your health they have at heart.

But here’s the good news.

This Sunday, May 17th at 3:00 p.m. (Eastern Time), Dr. Fred Pescatore is going to reveal everything he knows about rewinding symptoms of old age and fighting age-related disease during his exclusive, first-ever Ultimate Anti-Aging Summit.

And you can be a part of it.

He’ll be releasing life-changing details on countless natural ways to help fight aging and age-related disease. Including…

  • The stunning “youth fuel” researchers say is helping REVERSE effects of aging and restore the minds, bodies, and energy levels of 70-year-olds until they measure up more like 25-year-olds
  • The Bulgarian longevity microbe that could be THE key to living 110 healthy, happy years
  • The clever eating trick that melts belly fat and fights diabetes symptoms. One study showed it can be so effective, some patients don’t have to rely on their meds anymore!
  • And much, much more
All you need to do to be part of this historic, uncensored online event is to click below now to reserve one of the few spots we have left!

Best of all, it’s FREE.

Reserve your spot for the Ultimate Anti-Aging Summit by clicking here, or hitting the special button below.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Welcome Jim,

Today, in video number 2, Dr. Rick interviews Dr. Karin! Similar to the format of video number 1, you’ll learn about Dr. Karin’s background, how she became interested in raw food, what she eats daily and why, the foods that she thinks are most important for nutrient content, and much more!

This video is chock-full of useful raw food nutrition information you won’t want to miss!

Get immediate access to video #2 here

Healthfully yours,

Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C.

PS: If you know of someone who would be interested in the information in these videos, please share the link below with them so they can view the entire video course from start to finish.

https://rawfoodmasterysummit.c om/minicourse-2020/

You will receive the email for video #3 THE DAY AFTER tomorrow.

PPS: Here is the link to Video #1, just in case you missed it:


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Member For 5 Years
5G wireless...

The industry claims it is safe for your health -- and they dismiss numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents -- while they are rapidly expanding it on a global level.

Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G -- because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

It's time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community!

--->>Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this online event!


You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they had no safety studies on 5G, and don't plan to do any.
Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation causes biological harm.

Despite this, the wireless industry is working with governments to deploy 5G -- it's a global, for-profit, human experiment... without our consent.

What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity -- millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other "rights-of-way" for existing utilities. Each tower emits radiation at levels known to cause weakened immunity, cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm... especially to our children, who are most at risk.

Join us at the 5G Crisis summit to discover:

+ 5G defined: research, facts and awareness
+ Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
+ Sources of wireless radiation and "dirty electricity" in your home
+ Link between 5G, Al and global surveillance
+ How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
+ Simple, empowering actions you can take
+ Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
+ And more!

Your guides for this event are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness.

If you're hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event!

--->>I'll see you online at The 5G Crisis Summit when you register today!


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Member For 5 Years
Hi there! Happy Thursday (or Friday for those of you on the other side of the world)! :) I hope you and your loved ones are doing well.

Today, I have something you will absolutely LOVE. It's the free worldwide online premiere of a brand new movie/docu-series titled:

Transcendence 2: Living Life Beyond the Ordinary.

The official release is happening on Monday.

I had the opportunity to take a sneak peak and it's soooo good. By the way, I'm in episode #5 (so make sure you watch it!). :)

There are 23 experts in this one that share their wisdom and the latest science of personal transformation.

When you reserve your spot, you'll also get immediate access to watch Transcendence 1 (in case you missed it last year).

Go here to reserve your spot now.

This film/docu-series explores the importance of clearing emotional and energetic blocks to heal your body, transcend limiting beliefs and create an extraordinary life.

You'll also learn how to:

- Set aside fear through mind-body exercises.

- Control feelings of panic, anxiety, and overwhelm.

- Reprogram your mind to overcome limiting-beliefs.

- Increase your immunity when your stress response is depleting the one thing that keeps you healthy.

- Redefine what’s truly important to you and what’s no longer serving you.

...and lots more!

Go here to reserve your free spot now.

Enjoy! This is going to be sooo good!

Sending you lots of love and light,


The Cromwell

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Member For 4 Years
My bottle of NAC capsules came in today. Smells like rotten onions.
If I sweat out that smell it will help to make people social distance around me.


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Pawel Wypychowsky, engineer extraordinaire from Poland, is back on the Smarter Tech podcast for the 2nd part of this discussion, recorded months after our first interview (part 1).

In this 2nd interview, Pawel shares surprising facts about the 5G rollout, reveals the different ways we’re already being exposed to high-frequency millimeter waves, and explains how this can impact our health.

He also dives into:

  • What frequencies are really used for 5G, and how the vast majority of 5G-enabled technologies are using frequencies similar to previous 3G and 4G generations
  • The main reason 5G is being rolled out, and what we can do about it
  • The different ways we’re already being exposed to high-frequency millimeter waves (mmW)
  • Why most new cars are already an important source of mmW radiation
This is a must-listen to say the least.

===> [New Podcast] The Truth About Millimeter Waves & 5G, Part 2 w/ Pawel Wypychowski

Part 3 of my interview with Pawel is coming up next week, and it’s one of the most important interviews I’ve done so far.

He shares his cutting-edge work which, in my opinion is the start of a scientific revolution, in the way we measure and assess how man-made EMFs impact human biology.

Stay tuned!



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The Delicate Science of Composting

In a previous issue, we talked about how we’re producing more kitchen scraps than we have in over 50 years… and how we can use those scraps to our advantage:

By composting.

We even went through a list of all the things you can compost so that you don’t end up soiling your whole pile.

Composting can accomplish many things, and has long been heralded by homesteaders as one of the most important steps in achieving self-reliance. It takes the farm-to-table movement one leap further…

Using the products of organic waste to help foment the creation of new organic materials for consumption eliminates the risk of herbicides and pesticides, reduces your own carbon footprint, saves you money at the grocery store and the plant nursery, and prevents your scraps from rotting in a landfill, giving off noxious gas.

But the process isn’t as simple as tossing all of your once-living trash into a bin and letting it roast in the sun, eventually yielding dark, fluffy fertilizer.

This is a delicate dance done by the deliberate.

The first step is to understand what’s happening so that you can set it up right.

What Happens in Composting

First, refer to the list in our previous article about organic waste that you can compost.

Essentially, know that you’ll need organic waste, soil, water, and air in order to compost successfully.

Here’s what happens…

The microbes and microorganisms in the soil start to eat away at the organic carbon-rich matter in the waste, breaking it down to its parts. In order for the microorganisms to do that, they need access to oxygen so that the process of aerobic respiration can do the work. The reason you need water is so that the microorganisms can multiply.

So we know why we need what we need.

Here’s how you achieve it…


Composting can be stinky.

So it’s best if your compost pile can be downwind from your house – not so far away that it’s a chore to get to it, but not so close that you can smell it through an open window (or so that your neighbors can smell it.)

You also want to make sure that the sun isn’t baking down onto it – some sunlight is good, certainly, but you don’t want to dry out your compost pile. It’s meant to stay moist.

Same goes for wind – wind is okay, but too much will blow your compost pile around!


What are you going to compost in?

Well, the truth is, you can use just about anything! An old trash bin, the bare earth (known as passive composting), an out-of-use fire pit, chicken wire, or a wooden box.

It can be super complicated – like building a three-tiered system by which composting materials at different stages of decomposition are relocated to different tiers – or very simple – just turning over your compost regularly in one big pot.

You can buy one online, build one yourself, or use a big container you have on hand!


When you’ve got your composting materials ready, it’s important to layer them in methodically, instead of dumping it all in at once.

An ideal arrangement could look like this:

  1. Bottom layer: Sticks, wood chips, twigs
  2. Next layer: Green and dried leaves
  3. Next layer: Grass clippings
  4. Next layer: Straw or hay
  5. Next layer: Kitchen scraps
  6. Final layer: Brown leaves

In between each layer, grab a spray bottle filled with water and spritz liberally, not to soak, but to moisten. Toss soil into each layer as well!

Another helpful guideline to follow while you’re layering is alternating carbon-rich materials with nitrogen-rich materials.

Carbon-rich: cardboard, twigs, bread, sawdust, dried leaves, wood clippings, etc.

Nitrogen-rich: kitchen scraps, grass clippings, garden clippings, etc.

Carbon-rich materials let the air and water flow through the pile so that everything can break down at the same rate.

And once you’ve got your pile going, turn it every day!

You can use a stick, a shovel, spade, hoe, whatever you’ve got at your disposal.

But the more you turn it, the more you’re making sure that every component of your compost is getting equal access to the microorganisms in the soil, the water in the nitrogen-rich materials, and the oxygen in the air.

In hot weather?

You’ll probably have your materials completely composted in 2-3 months.

In cold, it could be 6.

If it smells rotten, it’s likely not decomposing. Check your layering! Check your location. Check your water content. Rearrange. Start over!

In the end, you’ll know you’re done by the look (fluffy and dark) and smell… it should be musky, woody, earthy…

And then? Add it to your garden, to potted plants in your home, to the soil in your yard… Donate it to your community garden or save it to use, and start all over.


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Can Grilling Food Cause Cancer?

’m a fan of summer. The beach, the outdoors, more sunshine… not to mention backyard cookouts featuring our favorite mouth-watering foods on the grill.

With the temperatures heating up and many of us still stuck at home, the new "dining out" just might be the backyard BBQ!

Cooking food on the grill can be healthy, but it also comes with some major health concerns that you may or may not be aware of.

Have you heard about the DNA-damaging, cancer-causing chemicals like HCA's and PAH's that are formed when meats are cooked at high heat over the grill?

These compounds, also known as mutagens, form as a result of the natural amino acids and sugar in food reacting to the high heat.

Now, I don't want to spoil your summertime fun or ruin an American tradition, but I also want to protect your health...

So, today I am sharing my one-page Guide to Healthy Grilling.

It's a quick read to give you all the info you need about preventing mutagens from spoiling your meal, and some great ideas to make your next cookout a bit healthier, leaving your DNA happier as a result.

Click here to download your free Healthy Grilling Guide!


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Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi-
Anyone that follows Evan Brand and I, know we love to share awesome content with our listeners.

I got a chance to participate in the candida summit and I hope you enjoy the life altering information.

Check out some free info we have be clicking below. Some of my other friends also participated in the summit too.

There are some MUST SEE expert talks about candida this week you should definitely look into: Dr. David Jockers, Sayer Ji, Dr. Christine Schaffner, Dr. Taz Bhatia and Trudy Scott (topics below)!

AND, when you browse these talks, you also UNLOCK Evan Brand's exclusive eBook, Stress Solutions: Hack Your Stress, Calm Your System and Take Charge, plus 3 interview transcripts from his podcast, The Evan Brand Show.

--->>Listen to these COMPLIMENTARY expert talks and unlock these exclusive eBooks!

THE REASON: These complimentary talks (and eBooks) will help you understand and address the health impacts of candida overgrowth so you can increase your energy and resilience against exogenous pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and other toxins.

Even though candida is an important part of your digestive process, if unchecked, it can cause serious damage to your immune system and overall health. Whether you’re in need of healing OR enhancing, these are the candida solutions you've been looking for!

These experts will teach you the best ways to address candida overgrowth by leveraging existing technology, nutrition and advanced protocols.

--->>Listen to these expert talks and unlock these eBooks now!

Such incredible information, be sure to visit today and plan the rest of your week accordingly!

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