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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Keto is all the rage, and it certainly has benefits.

Unfortunately, a keto diet also has the potential to harm your hormones.

The high-fat foods that people regularly eat on keto — bacon, butter, pork rinds, cheese, even protein bars and most shake mixes — increase your body’s acidity.

This increased acidity leads to free radical damage and inflammation that can eventually manifest as hormone imbalance, which can lead to:

  • Weight gain
  • Brain fog
  • Increased joint pain
  • Hot flashes
  • Increased issues with menopause
So should you totally disregard keto?

My colleague & friend, Dr. Anna Cabeca (The Girlfriend Doctor) says, "No way!"

This new eBook reveals the "green" tweak that makes keto safer, easier, and more effective for women, especially those of us over 40.

The author, Dr. Anna, is an OB-GYN and she’s my go-to-girl for all things hormones and ketones. She's the author of the USA Today best-seller The Hormone Fix.

She's spent the last several years working with her female clients, testing and refining her keto approach, and the results have been astounding.

Get her new eBook to learn her tips to adjust a keto diet to fit YOUR needs!


Grab the Keto eBook Here! >>>


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

G'day, Jimi!

Get Dr. Eva Detko’s eGuide, Vagus Nerve 101, and learn why the vagus nerve is so critical to health and longevity and what you can do to improve your vagal tone!

--->>Download your complimentary eGuide, Vagus Nerve 101!

The vagus nerve is the longest nerve of the human autonomic nervous system. Its fibers connect to all of your body’s organs from the neck down (except the adrenal glands), making it the primary component of your parasympathetic nervous system.

Playing a key role in areas such as heart rate, breathing rate, gastrointestinal peristalsis, sweating, detoxification and more, optimal vagus nerve function is critical to maintaining one's health and longevity.

Because low vagal tone has been linked to:
+ Chronic fatigue
+ Fibromyalgia
+ Heart disease
+ Diabetes
+ IBS/IBD/SIBO/leaky gut
+ Autoimmune conditions
+ Neurological conditions
+ Cancer
+ And more!

You simply CANNOT properly address health issues -- like gut, immune system or brain disorders -- WITHOUT optimizing vagus nerve function!

In this 12-page eGuide, you’ll find strategies to increase your vagal tone, plus facts on polyvagal theory, indications of low vagal tone and the connection between strong vagus function and a healthy immune system.

--->>Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 12-page Vagus Nerve 101 eGuide now!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also reserve a seat for the free, online Mind, Body & The Vagus Nerve Connection Summit taking place on June 15-21, 2020 -- over 40 experts teaching you how to ACTIVATE the vagus nerve to REBALANCE your nervous system and help boost your immune system and overall health!

You can truly get started on better health today!

To your health,
The Fast Way Team

P.S. Don’t miss out on Dr. Eva’s informative guide, Vagus Nerve 101, when you unlock it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
We are excited to bring you a brand new free training with Plant Based Gabriel. If you haven’t heard of him yet, be prepared to be blown away. He is a bestselling author with so much energy your computer screen might break during the free training.

You’ve been warned, we are not liable for any damage done due to Gabriel’s high energy presentation.

His book, The Plant Based Diet for Beginners: 75 Delicious, Healthy Whole Food Recipes, is one of the most popular plant-based books ever published.
The information has helped thousand get started and transform their metabolic health with the power simple, easy to prepare recipes.

And now we’re glad to be sharing 3 steps to starting a plant-based diet with you. The free training is this Thursday, May 14th. You can register for free by clicking here.

In this webinar, you’ll discover:

  • What is a healthy plant-based diet?
  • Recognizing the Always, Sometimes, and Never foods
  • How to batch cook the simple starchy staples
  • Making this way of eating a fun lifestyle and not just a diet
>> Click here to register for this action-packed FREE training

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Jimi, ever hear of or try NAC? N-acetylcysteine?

Per Med Cram might help about the virus?
From a quick look see about the stuff it appears to do everything including wax your floors for ya :)

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
This is the answer: All the lockdowns could be ended NOW if just 4 out of 5 people would wear a mask

that combined with being courteous and cautious about the virus.

Of course if everyone at a jobsite got tested every day like the WH does it would be pretty safe too.

there is no way to be totally safe about this virus except to be a remote hermit for a couple of years with no outside physical contact.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Brush your teeth with honey? (why you should)

It’s common knowledge that sweet things are bad for your teeth and gums, so attempting to cure gum disease by eating honey is a little bit ridiculous, right?


What most people don’t know is that raw, natural honey has powerful antibacterial properties that are actually effective in treating gum disease and preventing tooth decay.

When I was a kid, it was drummed into me that sugar rots your teeth and causes cavities. However, the truth is that sugar does not cause tooth decay or gum disease - bacteria does.

The main “bad guys” destroying our oral health are bacteria and inflammation.

Inflammation in the gums, when not properly taken care of, can spread and affect the surrounding teeth and even the bones beneath.

It can lead to excruciating pain, receding gums and even loss of teeth.

Why use honey for healthy teeth and gums?

Even though honey has a high sugar content, its natural antibacterial properties destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth, preventing gum disease, tooth decay and even bad breath.
  • Research has shown that honey contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide, which is believed to be one factor in its antibacterial activity.
  • Honey not only curbs dental plaque and bacteria growth but it also reduces the amount of acid produced in the mouth, which stops the bacteria from producing dextran, a component of dental plaque that stubbornly adheres to the surface of the teeth.
  • Some honey is so strong against bacteria in laboratory testing, even outperforming antibiotics and other traditional forms of medication.
  • Unlike commercial products, honey only seems to destroy harmful bacteria, and leaves the good bacteria alone that should remain in the mouth.
Many scientists and researchers are developing honey infused toothpastes and mouthwashes… But you don’t need to pay a premium price for these commercial products. Just learn how to use honey at home!

Want to discover the best ways to use honey for healthy teeth and gums?

Click here now to get our free book on honey: THE HONEY PHENOMENON


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Friends!

While you have been sheltered in place, chances are you and your family have a few electronic devices that have turned into your new best friend. There is even a good chance you are reading this article on an electronic device. Have you been wondering about the harmful effects of too much screen time?

The shelter in place orders have caused many more of us to rely on technology, and caused an increase in the push for 5G technologies. Are you aware there could be a danger to your health? Did you know that there are over 500 clinical peer reviewed studies that show 5G is related to increased cancer risk, genetic damages, structural and functional changes of the reproductive system, learning and memory deficits, neurological disorders, and negative impacts on general well-being?
I attended an international conference of scientists and physicians in August of 2019 looking at the biological impact of electromagnetic and radio-frequencies. The data was appalling and galvanizing! We ALL need to learn what to do to protect ourselves, our families and our communities.

This month my new blog post, goes in depth on the effects of 5G on us and what the dangers might be, and provides a few ways to protect yourself.

You will also want to check out the new 5G Summit which airs for free June 1-7. Here you will learn more about the dangers of 5G from leading experts, and what you can do in your community to halt rollout. It can be done!

The industry claims it is safe for your health – and they dismiss numerous peer-reviewed, independent studies showing the risks it presents – while they are rapidly expanding it on a global level.

Hundreds of scientists from 40 different countries have reached out to the United Nations and the FCC, asking them to consider health risks and environmental issues before rapidly deploying 5G – because these researchers have studies that show adverse biological and health effects from EMF sources.

It’s time to better understand the dangers of 5G and learn how to implement better solutions in your community!

--- >>Learn more about the dangers of 5G wireless when you attend this online event!

You may have heard of 5G, it stands for fifth-generation cellular wireless. In a February 2019 US Senate hearing, the wireless industry was forced to admit they had no safety studies on 5G, and don’t plan to do any.

Meanwhile, there are thousands of independent studies concluding that wireless radiation cause biological harm.

Despite this, the wireless industry is working with governments to deploy 5G – it’s a global, for-profit, human experiment… without our consent.

What does it mean? 5G is a higher frequency, therefore it travels shorter distances than our current wireless signals, therefore exponentially more transmission devices must be installed to provide connectivity – millions more, in fact, on lamp posts, telephone poles and other “rights- of-way” for existing utilities. Each tower emits radiation at levels known to cause weekend immunity, cancer, sterility, DNA damage and other harm… especially to our children who are most at risk.

Join us at the 5G summit to discover:
+5G defined:research, facts, and awareness
+ Science about the dangers of 5G and EMF radiation
+ Sources of wireless radiation and “dirty electricity” in your home
+ Link between 5G, AI and global surveillance
+ How groups and individuals are successfully opposing 5G
+ Simple, empowering actions you can take
+ Individual solutions and safer, revolutionary technologies
+ And more!

Your guides for this event are Josh del Sol and Sayer Ji, two iconic health advocates who are known for changing the way we view and achieve improved health and happiness.

If you’re hungry for cutting-edge information with life-saving consequences, and want to be part of a movement dedicated to empowering ourselves and humanity, join us for this event!

--- >> I’ll see you online at The 5G Summit when you register today! You’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

Always have hope for Health, Healing and Home,

Dr. Margaret Christensen


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Jimi, ever hear of or try NAC? N-acetylcysteine?

Per Med Cram might help about the virus?
From a quick look see about the stuff it appears to do everything including wax your floors for ya :)

I just bought some of that. I’m hoping it will clear my lungs of whatever allergy or whatever it is that’s been bothering me since this winter.

Mike Adams had a good article on it.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
One thing I picked up is that in big doses it can thin blood so not for those with bleeding problems.
I did order a bottle from amazon though,

I got mine from eBay for a pretty good price. I got the Nutricost brand. They have decent stuff, imho.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
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Do this 2-minute Instant Action!

Send this NOTICE of NON-CONSENT to say NO to the "Big Brother" bill (HR 6666) and preserve YOUR CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS!
from Solutions For Humanity & Advanced Medicine

Saturday morning I received a message from Dr. Buttar on the urgency of a response to the "TRACE Act". We've launched this action, and already more than 27k have send the Notice.

Send this to your elected reps RIGHT NOW... we don't know how long it will stay up!!

If you live in the USA, click here Now to send the instant Notice


On May 1, 2020, 45 congress members co-sponsored Bill HR 6666, proposing to spend $100 BILLION dollars in 2020 to hire "contact tracers", coronavirus testers, and reporting agents. If passed, this would create an unprecedented new mega-industry for what appears to be a type of "medical martial law".

Proponents of this bill apparently want to hire a massive number of staff to enforce "social distancing", administer tests in our homes — apparently whether we consent or not — and apparently even grant themselves the right to take people who "test positive" from their homes!

The full name of this bill HR 6666 — yes, that's the actual bill number — is the "COVID-19 Testing, Reaching, And Contacting Everyone (TRACE) Act". As many of you know, what is referred to as "contact tracing" is more aptly called total Big Brother surveillance.

Ventura, California recently announced their own draconian measure threatening to forcibly test and remove people from their homes if "necessary"... though they subsequently backtracked probably due to the massive pushback.

As many of us have come to realize (not a comfortable process), there is INDEED an agenda to lock humanity into a so-called "new normal" reality of technocratic policing and constant monitoring. Self-appointed technocrats and their organizations want to have us vaccinated and tracked with wireless and, it strongly appears, biometrics.

But millions are waking up and sharing information. This is a fight for the soul of humanity, and we're learning what it means to combine love and action.


This instant action is the first step. It will be sent to each of YOUR elected reps, at the Federal, State and Municipal level.

We have about 80% coverage at the local level... i.e. so for most of you, you'll be able to instantly send to your Mayor and Councillors. Also, we currently have USA nationwide coverage, and hope to add several other countries shortly.

In this action, we'll use strong yet respectful language to 1) ask them to stop HR 6666 and all similar legislation, *AND* 2) remove our consent for all violations to our Constitutional Rights — including those occuring during this crisis.


Doing this simple action is powerful! In legal and contractual terms, there's a mechanism called "implied consent", or "tacit acceptance." That means that, once you've been notified of (or even learned about) a thing, if you haven't said NO, you've said YES.

Because this is a free-will universe, those that pull the strings in our society want us to be informed of their agenda... to be in fear about it... and to not go further than sharing information, signing petitions (which do not remove our consent), and perhaps demonstrating.

These types of actions are all well and good, but they do not go deep enough, because we can do all of these things and still be in a position of legally / contractually having consented to the situation — or, in contractual terms, to their "offer".

But when we begin to realize who we are, the power we have, and the terrible charade happening in our world that is intended to bind us, we can turn the tables, then create what we want instead. Removing our consent and standing with our unalienable* rights, granted by our Creator (as recognized in the Constitution), is a significant and powerful first step.

* unalienable: that which cannot be seprated from you.

If you live in the USA, click here Now to send the instant Notice


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(click HERE to download it for desktop)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


As you know, censorship is alive and well.

Last week, without warning or reason, Twitter suspended all 3 of our Twitter platforms — TTAC, TTAV, and CancerTruth. Thank God, over the weekend, Charlene “found” an old Twitter account that they didn’t shut down, so please follow us @TyCharleneB.

In light of the current climate of censorship, we decided to record a series of interviews with the experts about this and other pressing issues.

One such pressing issue is H.R. 6666, aka the “TRACE” Act (formally known as the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching And Contracting Everyone Act), which was introduced by Illinois U.S. Representative Bobby L. Rush.

In a nutshell, the bill proposes mandatory testing at individuals’ residences, giving the government thugs “carte blanche” to break into homes and forcibly remove and quarantine anyone who tests positive for COVID-19. We’re not feeling too confident on the reliability of the test in light of the fact that a goat and a piece of pawpaw fruit both recently tested positive in Tanzania.

But on a deeper level, it doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to see that H.R. 6666 violates inalienable rights to one’s person, home and property, to one’s life, freedoms, privacy and security. It is a violation of the 4th Amendment, as well as the 1st, 5th, 8th and 9th Amendments to the Bill of Rights. It is an illegal act of forced medical treatment upon “We the People” and an invasion into our local communities.

In this first in a series of interviews covering censorship and medical tyranny, we interview Dr. Rashid Buttar on the COVID-19 issue as well as the H.R. 6666 “TRACE” Act.


“Big Tech” is already developing software to track the path of and people connected with COVID-19 infections and extrapolate who risky people are based on who they came into contact with and even where they went. Did you know that Apple and Google recently unveiled a joint effort on new tools that would use smartphones to aid in “contact tracing”? Some tech companies have proposed that people could be denied certain mobility, entry, even from making purchases, via cell phone tracking, facial recognition, temperature sensing and databases built from that tracking.

Is this Orwellian or what?

H.R. 6666 is unconstitutional, unacceptable and unlawful, and we demand that all representatives vote against this bill.

We DO NOT CONSENT to contact tracing, medical surveillance or forced medical intervention.

It’s time to draw a line in the sand.

Yours in health and liberty,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,

Why should you care about the Vagus Nerve and what does that have to do with healing breast cancer?

The vagus nerve is responsible for slowing down your stress response and for activating your Immune System.

You CANNOT properly address health issues -- like gut, immune system or brain disorders -- WITHOUT optimizing vagus nerve function.

I was so excited to be interviewed for this summit because as a Bio-energetic Chiropractor, I know how important Vagus nerve function is!

Most women overstimulate their nervous system and become desensitized to chronic stress. Over time, this can lead to a variety of mental and physical health issues, including chronic inflammation, neurodegeneration, poor gut function, autoimmunity and cancer.

Learn to rebalance your nervous system when you attend this complimentary, online event!


The Mind, Body & The Vagus Nerve Connection Summit will help you understand:

+ The location and many functions of the vagus nerve

+ Ways to measure the health of your vagus nerve

+ The role of chronic stress and emotional trauma

+ Impacts of toxins, infections & EMFs

+ How to strengthen vagus nerve function

+ Physical and mind-based approaches

+ And so much more!

I'll see you online at The Mind, Body & The Vagus Nerve Connection Summit when you register today!


Dr. V

VU Sponsors
