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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food for Thought


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What’s one of the first things that most people are told to do when they have autoimmune disease and decide to go a more holistic route?

They’re told to start an autoimmune paleo (AIP) diet.

But here’s the thing, so many people suffering from autoimmunity are actually getting more and more food sensitivities, even while being on AIP. They are finding themselves unable to eat an increasing amount of foods.

Isn’t AIP supposed to heal them?


So many start an AIP diet as a way of healing without any education or knowledge around how food restrictions and leaky gut supplements might actually make them worse.

The AIP diet is designed to only be a PART of fuller and more comprehensive protocol to manage symptoms and/or put the disease in remission.

Loss of tolerance (oral and immune) are key reasons why many with autoimmune disease don’t get better.

Right now it’s super important to improve immune resilience with COVID-19 and other infections being so prevalent.

If you are lone wolfing in your health and think that the AIP diet alone is going to help you, be forewarned that you are likely doing further damage.

This is why it’s important to work with an expert.

Yes, Dr Google is amazing.

But you are not a medical professional nor should you need to become one in order to thrive.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,

I knew when my friend Dr. Mark Hyman mentioned he was giving away his Sleep Master Class (for free!) that I had to share it with you.

Sleep is a foundational part of great health, and most of us aren’t getting the quality or quantity we need.

Poor sleep means poor brain function, blood sugar imbalances, unhealthy food cravings, and mood swings.

It puts you at risk for chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, obesity, depression, and Alzheimer’s. It’s a bigger problem than you might think.

Dr. Hyman’s 8-part Sleep Master Class is a comprehensive resource that will totally change the way you think about sleep and will help you elevate your health to another level.

He’s joined by five other experts in the field of Naturopathic and Functional Medicine, many who have been in my past series, including Dr. Afrouz Demeri, Mike Mutzel, and Dr. Judy Hinojosa. They take a deep dive into actionable steps you can use right away to optimize your sleep.

In the Sleep Master Class, you’ll learn:

  • When and what to eat for optimal sleep
  • All about the major sleep disorders and what to look for
  • How light exposure throughout the day impacts your sleep at night
  • How alcohol impacts sleep and why women are more affected than men
  • Why mouth breathing can be disruptive to quality sleep and what to do about it

And Dr. Hyman will also cover:

  • How toxins can impact your ability to get good rest and how to limit them
  • Practices to reframe stress and have a calm, restful evening routine
  • How to optimize hormones and nutrient status to support your circadian rhythms
  • Which tools and gadgets are worth trying to support optimal sleep
  • And so much more!

This course has everything you need to heal your relationship to sleep.

Click here to access Dr. Hyman’s Sleep Master Class, for free.

We all deserve optimal health—getting enough high-quality sleep is an essential piece of that framework. Check out Dr. Hyman’s Sleep Master Class to start getting better sleep tonight.

Wishing you vitality,

Dr. Pedram Shojai


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,

Lately I’ve been spending much more time contemplating the state of my fridge and pantry than I ever did before the coronavirus pandemic. Never before have I paid so much attention to what produce is about to go bad, which is often followed by a desperate attempt to use all my vegetables before anything goes to waste.

Then it dawned on me: why wasn’t I preserving all this amazing produce instead?

There are many ways to preserve different foods, but let’s focus on the art of pickling as well as its lesser known cousin, quick pickling, which is also known as quickling.

In a nutshell, pickling takes fresh produce, combines it with some salt, vinegar, and whatever spices you want in a jar to create a delicious, tangy product with a long shelf life.

The process of pickling includes essential steps that ensure there are no organisms in the jar that would spoil the pickles. When correctly processed, pickles should last on the shelf safely for up to 18 months.

Pickles can be processed two ways. You can use the boiling water method, in which you submerge your jars for at least 10 minutes in boiling water. If you’ve got a pressure canner, you can use the pressure canning method by following the directions provided by the manufacturer of your pressure canner.

Pickles should last up to 18 months unopened, but once you open a jar of pickles, treat it as you would any other refrigerated food in a jar that’s no longer sealed.

To learn all about pickling and recipes for different pickles, relishes, and chutneys, download this guide (pdf) from The Old Farmer’s Almanac.

Do you need pickles right now? Try making quickles!

Quick pickling does not require any specialized equipment for processing. Simply combine your vegetables with your brine of choice, let them sit or cool for an hour (or less depending on the recipe), and enjoy.

Quickles must be kept in the refrigerator and should be consumed within two weeks. Quickling is the perfect way to add some homemade crunch and tang to your meals while making sure no veggies go to waste.

There are countless pickle recipes out there, and most are pretty easy to experiment with and adapt according to the ingredients you have on hand.

If you need some inspiration to begin your pickling journey, here is a simple recipe for awesome quick pickled onions to add to your next sandwich:

Quick Pickled Red Onions


Note: I usually use red onions with this quickle recipe, but this time I substituted shallots instead without any problems.


  • 1/2 cup apple cider vinegar
  • 1 tablespoon sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Kosher salt
  • 1 red onion, thinly sliced

  • Combine the apple cider vinegar, sugar, and kosher salt with 1 cup water in a bowl. Stir until the sugar and salt dissolve.
  • Place sliced red onion in a jar then pour vinegar mixture over your onion.
  • Let sit at room temperature for 1 hour.
  • These quickles will last for 2-3 weeks in the refrigerator.
Happy quickling!


Pearl McLeod

Outreach and Development Associate

Center for Food Safety


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here’s one of the most important questions we could ask right now: What if growing food sustainably, in a regenerative way, could solve many of the world's problems? Here’s the great answer to the question: You get to decide - and be part of that solution. Find out more by grabbing your seat at the upcoming, award-winning documentary Grow Food.

Food is fundamental to life. Unfortunately, unsustainable agricultural practices are taking a toll on the health of our planet (and our people).

  • Topsoil is the top layer of soil that is richest in nutrients. It takes years to cultivate.
  • According to the World Wildlife Fund, “Half of the topsoil on the planet has been lost in the last 150 years.”
  • Scientists say at this rate of soil degradation, we only have 60 years left of topsoil to grow food using extractive and degrading processes.
It’s time to discover a better way.

Save your seat today for a special online screening of Grow Food.

Jessica Smith and Joe Rignola share the story of Jim, a man who started with no land in the suburbs of Long Island. We follow him to discover what happened when he took the leap.

You’ll see firsthand the impact you can have by growing food - for us and the planet.

You don’t need a huge garden or even big backyard.

No experience is necessary - just a desire to grow something - anything really.

You will learn the steps to solving problems like...

  • Degenerative and chronic disease
  • Hunger
  • Environmental issues
  • Drinking water contamination
  • Nutrient depletion in our food
  • Excess carbon in the atmosphere
  • Desertification of our soil due to industrial agriculture
  • Exposure to toxic agrochemicals like glyphosate
  • And more!
By growing healthy plants that grab CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, you have the potential to draw down the excess carbon in the atmosphere and build precious topsoil.

This helps the environment and helps strengthen the plant. (Think of it sort of like immune boosting for plants.) Whether you want to garden or just want to understand more about the importance of sustainable practices, this documentary is timely and so important to watch.

To your health,

Dr. Christine Schaffner

P.S. What’s the story behind the food you eat? If you don’t grow it, you may not know it. Sign up now to discover how you can be a part of the solution.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Reader,

It’s a shocking but little known fact

Weak lungs makes you FIVE times more likely to die from heart disease.

Do you know how strong your lungs are?

Your doctor probably checks your blood pressure every time you visit, but not your lung strength – even though the simple and painless test to measure it literally takes a single second.

And it’s a CRITICAL, but over-looked indicator of your overall health.

To learn what it is(and how to naturally improve it), click here.


Karen Reddel
OmniVista Health Learning

P.S. In my decades of experience reporting on major health breakthroughs, I can honestly say I’ve never seen a protocol address the neglected sphere of lung health. But breathing is what keeps us alive one moment to the next. Weak lungs result in MORE lung disease, MORE heart disease, MORE diabetes, and multiply your risk of premature death. Follow these simple steps today to strengthen your lungs, breathe better and LIVE LONGER.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Welcome to Commusings, our weekly newsletter designed for deep thinking, quiet reflections, and unhurried self-care. Here's what's inside:

Podcasts: To My Fellow Mothers in Quarantine + What Drug Companies Don't Disclose // Meditation: The Frequency of Gratitude // Yoga: Hip Happy // Teacher Wisdom: Just Moving vs. Embodied Movement // Behind-the-Scenes: How Commune Does Sourdough

• • •

Last week, my wife-for-life, Schuyler, commemorated 50 orbits around the sun.

From the forced monasticism of quarantine, I etched her a clumsy love letter, alternately irreverent and doting. Having been yoked for 32 years, Schuyler and I have lost our taste for sanctimony and revel in verbal jousting. I share an excerpt with you here:

I sought in you an absurd collection of archetypes;
Nurturing mother offering her soft breast
And lithe nymphet capable of whimsical handstands.
Resilient feminist bread-winner and occasional wanton Jezebel.

Despite the lack of script,
your thespian pedigree has served you (and me) well.
You have played each character with aplomb and warrant nominations for numerous supporting roles.
The world anxiously awaits your next casting: nurse.

I sit here, sheltering-in-place on Mother’s Day, watching her pirouette from task to task; wrangling our three daughters, keeping businesses afloat, sparring with Zoom to stream her next class.

And I am enveloped by a profound sense of awe and gratitude, not just for her, but for all mothers who walk the razor’s edge of both baking and earning the bread, nursing both child and parent.

I envision, somewhat ridiculously, Schuyler as Durga the Hindu goddess, with a dozen arms, bearing not the weapons of ancient India but the tools of modernity: battered iPhone, corporate prospectus, digital thermometer, cast-iron pan, reusable diaper, kitty litter box, father’s bedpan, and wheelbarrow of mulch.

Mothers manage not just to tame chaos but conduct it into symphonies, transforming dots of disparate color into a Little Girl in a Blue Armchair.

Where patriarchy has attempted to standardize every component of life in the name of growth and operational efficiency, the mother perceives a sustainable beauty in the interconnected web of variety.

In this way, mothers are the holders of the sacred. They recognize the value in the unique and interrelated; the hand-sewn dress, the heirloom necklace, the local yoga studio, the garden-grown cock-eyed carrot.

Mother Nature, too, find its symbiosis in the vast bio-diversity of distinct plants and animals, each of whom she casts to play a small role in the glorious theatre of life.

For mothers, there is no single right answer or one single way to determine it. There is no false pride. There is nuance. There is “yes and…”

During Covid-19, we have witnessed our global female leaders foster social cohesion through a delicate balance of decisiveness and empathy. Without either chest thumping or sanctimony, female heads-of-state have produced superlative results through distributed leadership and emotional intelligence.

Norway’s Prime Minister Erna Solberg deferred medical decisions to the scientists and took the unusual step of directly addressing the country’s children, telling them in two press conferences that it was “permitted to be a little bit scared.”

Armed with a doctorate in quantum chemistry, Germany’s Angela Merkel kept her country’s fatality toll under 5,000 through calm, clear public exposition and an unparalleled marshaling of the health care system.

Jacinda Ardern, New Zealand’s premier, went hard on early quarantining, while also delivering empathetic “stay home, save lives” videos from her couch. She embraced a kindness-first approach urging New Zealanders to look after their neighbors, take care of the vulnerable, and make sacrifices for the greater good.

Notably, Ardern gave birth to her first child last year in Auckland’s public hospital while serving as Prime Minister, becoming the first world leader to take maternity leave while in office. Only 18 people have died of Covid-19 in New Zealand.

Women make great leaders for the same reason they make great parents; they flourish in the grey zone between question and answer, mystery and manifestation. And this is what makes our mothers – the great ones, the difficult ones, the complicated ones, the devoted ones – endlessly fascinating to us.

Our entire life is a journey back to our mothers, back to the peaceful belonging of the womb, back to the oneness; a re-matriation with the divine, the reunion of Jesus and Mary. As T.S. Eliot wrote, “to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time.”

We pause today to honor all mothers, including our Mother Earth. And to pray this fraught time can serve as a modern Annunciation, that a new savior will be born within the divine mother of each of us, one that inspires us to craft beauty from chaos.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi

Happy Mother's Day! Here's what you'll find in this email:

  1. Build immunity and your microbiome with food preservation
  2. Eat4Earth Encore Access
Register for the webinar now and get started preserving your harvest.

In this webinar you’ll discover:

  • 6 simple ways to save food for later so you can stock your pantry full of fresh goodies.
  • A counter-intuitive strategy for saving 40% on your grocery bill every year.
  • How to think like a restaurant owner and create a system for preserving the harvest during peak season so that you can put creative meals on your table year round.
  • How a Harvest Into Meals food preservation system can stock your kitchen with essentials in just a couple hours.
You'll also receive your downloadable Quick Guide to discover which preservation methods are right for you, making cooking dinner so much simpler ;)

Click here to join me for this complimentary webinar.

Eat4Earth Encore Access for Mother's Day
If you never got enough time to check out the interviews, here's another chance to get another 48 hours of viewing time. And if the timing of this email isn't quite right for you to take advantage of it, drop me a line when you are available to watch, and I'll send you another link.

Click here within the next 48 hours to get another 48 hours of viewing.

Have a great Mother's Day!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jim

Happy Mother Day!

Happy mother's day to the mama’s out there with little ones.

To the mama’s with big ones.

To the mama’s that have lost.

To the mama’s that never had an opportunity.

To the mama’s of fur babies.

To the step mama’s.

And to the mama in each and every person on this matter their gender.

Mother’s day is a day to celebrate the mother archetype and energy in everyone.

And healing the mother wound within ourselves is crucial when it comes to radically transforming your health.

Here’s the thing Jim.

None of us had a perfect mother and were mothered EXACTLY the way that we needed at every moment of our lives. (even those that may feel that their mother was close to perfect).

There’s no such thing as a perfect mother and therefore there will always be space for healing and growth.

Whether you had a mother that coddled you or a mother that neglected you or a mother that was somewhere in the middle….we learn how to mother ourselves by the way that our mother raised us and by the way she practiced loving boundaries for herself.

Learning to mother ourselves, practice loving boundaries, to allow ourselves to be supported by others and implement regular self care (without any guilt) is a major part of the spiritual evolution needed in order to radically transform your health.

Tomorrow begins my 5 day challenge, The Root Cause.

I will be digging deeper into the emotional root of health conditions. If you haven’t joined yet, click here. There are over 500 women signed up!

I have found time and time again that women with chronic conditions such as leaky gut, autoimmunity, hormonal imbalance or adrenal fatigue all have something in common…..they have not mastered the art of mothering themselves.

So as we celebrate Mother’s Day today in the United States, I want to encourage everyone (and especially mothers) to spend some time nourishing themselves, having loving boundaries and asking for support.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Do you feel like you’re cooking ALL the time right now?!

Our friend, Stacey Murphy, has a shortcut to help make things easier for you :)

She’s sharing exciting and easy ways to preserve fresh produce and herbs so that healthy foods are only a few minutes away!

We’re talking drying, dehydrating, canning, fermenting, freezing, and more!

And yes, you can preserve food from a garden, the farmers market, and even the grocery store when you know what to look for.

It takes the same amount of time as cooking your meals for the week, but instead, you have healthy meals for MONTHS!

Stacey just released a brand new training to help you stock your kitchen with nourishing foods in just a few hours.

In the free live training, you’ll discover:

  • 6 safe ways to save food for later so you can keep your pantry full of fresh goodies
  • A surprising strategy to save 40% on your grocery bill every year
  • How to think like a restaurant owner and create a system for preserving the harvest during peak season
  • How to stock your kitchen with essentials using a simple Harvest-into-Meals preservation process
Imagine how you’ll feel when you have a kitchen full of fresh, healthy meals just waiting for you and your loved ones to enjoy.

Sign up for the complimentary training here!

See you there,

The VegHealth Team

P.S. When you sign up you’ll also get a downloadable Quick Guide to discover which preservation methods are right for you.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, grandmas, and female guardians out there!

Moms could be one the most powerful forces in the healing revolution.

Moms make many of the food buying decisions for a family, and can reshape what kinds of foods and products our society votes for with our dollars.

Moms rise up against injustice when they realize the chemical onslaught being forced upon our children, as childhood chronic diseases skyrocket from poor nutrition, and increased processed junk foods.

Moms are the nurturers and healers with the intuition to soothe us, and transmit love when we need it most.

It's not an accident that we refer to our biosphere as "Mother Earth".

Today we celebrate all mothers. Whether biological, emotional, spiritual, or anyone who is motherly as a role model to those who need it.

Thank you!!

As we all continue our healing journey, looking to best protect ourselves and our families, I thought I'd share a list of some of the healing ingredients that moms likely already have in the house.

*The following is for educational purposes only and is not medical advice. These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to treat, diagnose, prevent, or cure any disease.


- Thyme is useful for lung congestion, respiratory tract infections, sinus congestion, colds, flu, whopping cough, bronchitis, and pneumonia. Thyme can also be used for urinary tract infections, digestive upset and diarrhea.

Garlic - Garlic is not only anti-fungal and antiviral, but is also used to decrease plaque in arteries, enhancing cardiovascular circulation and preventing heart attacks. Garlic can be used to dispel parasitic worms, and treat infections of the GI tract as well as the lungs.

Rosemary - Rosemary enhances circulation, and soothes the nervous system. Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant, making it beneficial for preventing oxidative damage. Rosemary also promotes cognitive function and memory, and relieves mental fog and depression.

Turmeric - Turmeric is a powerful anti-inflammatory and immune system regulator that inhibits platelet aggregation, prevents cataracts, and has also been linked to prevention of Alzheimers disease and certain cancers. Turmeric is used for arthritis, Crohn’s disease, gastric ulcers, jaundice, menstrual difficulties, gallstones, toothache, and liver damage.

Cayenne Pepper - Cayenne increases circulation, promotes digestion, lowers cholesterol and enhances absorption. Although external application of cayenne can cause inflammation, small internal doses can actually be anti-inflammatory. Additionally, cayenne can reduce pain, as each dose raises the tolerance for pain to the pain messenger of the nervous system. Cayenne can be used for conditions such as stomach ulcers, atherosclerosis, and allergic reactions.

Ginger - Ginger is useful for digestive upset and for bile secretion, enhancing digestion and ultimately absorption of nutrients. Ginger also enhances circulation, eases headaches and nausea.

Cinnamon: Cinnamon “warms” and enhances the organs of digestion. Cinnamon also causes contractions of the uterus and is useful in the treatment of menstrual cramps.

Coffee: Caffeine narrows blood vessels in the brain and helps you think more rapidly and clearly. Elsewhere in the body, blood vessels expand and enhance coordination. Coffee opens up the bronchial tubes, assisting asthmatic breathing, and relieving congestion caused by colds or flu.

Oregano: Oregano has been shown to stimulate the immune system, lower blood glucose levels, and can be used for indigestion, colds, flu, fever, bronchitis and asthma. Pure oregano oil can severely irritate the skin and should be used carefully.

Cardamom: Cardamom seeds are used for colic, gas and for preserving food. Cardamom’s essential oils inhibit the growth of yeast, fungi and bacteria and can be used in formulas for thrush, vaginal yeast infections and candida overgrowth.

Sometimes, some of the most powerful healing items could be right under our nose all along!

To a healing future,
The Need To GROW / Earth Conscious Life

P.S. Don't forget, if you're inspired to start gardening (and trust me, now is the time) the GardenSoxx are still on discount with our coupon code of TNTG10. As you saw in The Need To GROW, Soxx go anywhere, and solve many gardening challenges before they happen. This system is one of our favorite ways to make it easier for beginners to get started. Learn more HERE and get your garden growing!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear jimi,

Since this new strain of coronavirus began changing everyday life for people across the globe, we’ve all been wondering:

Why do some people get seriously ill, while others don’t even know they’re infected?

Of course, we’ll wait to get definitive answers from the doctors and scientists who are studying this specific virus—but the core of this question made me think about Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D., and his groundbreaking work.

For decades, we’ve been taught that genetics played the largest role in our susceptibility to disease, but Dr. Lipton discovered the exact opposite. Environmental factors—including our thoughts and beliefs—play a much larger role in the diseases we experience (and anticipate with fear) than our genes.

In other words—while genes may be the blueprint for your body, YOU are the architect.

And isn’t that a much more empowering outlook?

That’s why we’re excited to present this incredible FREE healing video workshopBecome the Master of Your Biology—where Dr. Lipton puts you back in the driver’s seat by explaining how your thoughts and beliefs control your biology.

Here’s what you’ll learn:
Video 1: Don’t Be a Victim of Your Genes

Learn how changing your thoughts and beliefs can actually change your gene expression—plus, the surprising cause of all disease!

Watch for Free
Video 2: The Connection Between Beliefs and Cancer

Explore how your beliefs can cause mutant genes to read as normal ones (and vice versa)—meaning you have ultimate power over your health.

Watch for Free
Video 3: How Natural Immunity Is Created

Understand the way babies create natural immunity, how your tonsils are designed to support your immune system, and what you must do after taking antibiotics.

Watch for Free
We hope you’ll join us for this free video series and learn that you have the power to influence your personal health—no matter what your DNA says.

Best wishes,
Reid Tracy
CEO, Hay House

P.S. If you know anyone who would benefit from this free series, please feel free to forward this email to them. It truly is empowering information that everyone deserves to have.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Don't Forget to Live
One of the best unexpected gifts of cancer for me (besides the fact that there were any gifts at all) has been how much better I have gotten to know myself since being diagnosed. When we are challenged and pushed to our perceived limits, that is when we really discover how far we can go beyond those often self-imposed boundaries.

Starting Orenda has also offered me the same opportunity to dig around in my mental and emotional roots and learn new things about myself. This week, I was writing the blog post I shared on stress and weight loss. If you haven't read it yet, in it I discuss that one of the reasons I feel I lost weight after I was diagnosed was because I can quite easily succumb to a very singular focus. When my attention is directed at something in this way, whether that's something small like answering an email or something big like research, nothing else is as important as whatever it is I am focused on in that moment.

I brought this up in the blog because when I'm working at home without the scheduled breaks of the school day, I can forget extremely important things, like realizing at 4pm that I haven't eaten yet that day, and I'm sure that didn't help my weight loss. But it was while writing this post that I realized it's not just that I become so focused I forget to do things like eat; it's also that subconsciously my mind actually reduces the importance I give to anything else while I am concentrating in this way and is therefore able to forget about those other things for a while, including that most basic of survival needs, food.

If you are the same, you know that this singular focus can be a great thing to have access to. It can make us very productive and motivated people, which is fantastic for work (or when spending six months researching integrative cancer care because you've just been diagnosed). However, it can also be detrimental to our health and wellbeing when we are so focused that we forget to take time for the things that are equally or more important, like spending undistracted time with loved ones and making time for self-care (or eating!).

If you have this tendency, you are likely finding that it is worse right now when you are in crisis because of cancer and/or stuck at home because of COVID. That laser focus may have honed in on worrying about cancer and your future. It may have set its sights on work, because your living area is now also your work area and the two can so much more easily blend into each other. Maybe you are using that focus as a distraction from the craziness of the world or your diagnosis, and so you are throwing all of your focus onto one thing, whether that's work or hobbies or something else.

Today, I want to remind you, because sometimes it is so very hard to remember ourselves: don’t forget to break away, to take a look around. Spring is blooming, and the world is bursting into beauty; don’t become so singularly focused on cancer, COVID, or work that you forget to live.

Happy Healing ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I hope you’re doing very well.

I have some incredible news. During this past time, I’ve had the opportunity to interview 30+ world-class experts in search of every single secret about Fasting - the most ancient, inexpensive, and POWERFUL healing strategy known to mankind.

A strategy that naturally cleanses the body of viral-infected cells, amongst other awe-inspiring benefits.

But I understand...

For some people, applying the fasting lifestyle can seem complex and unreal. However, this is one of the core reasons I spent time interviewing many of my friends and experts in the field; to convince you why you need to start fasting, and share how I overcame IBS and skin cancer due to it.

This is my truth. Fasting saved my life and has been a highly therapeutic and healing lifestyle for Angel and I.

If you’re curious about starting your own fasting transformation journey, and want to be just as inspired as I was when starting out… You need to gain instant access to the Fasting Transformation Summit starting TOMORROW for FREE.

Click here to save your seat now.

Trust me, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity.

Lastly, I promise that throughout the summit, you will learn all about:

  • Unknown strategies to reduce inflammation and enhance immunity
  • The many health conditions that can benefit from fasting
  • Debunked common myths about fasting
  • How to get started IMMEDIATELY
  • And so much more.
Remember, this summit includes 30+ experts speaking on the subject starting tomorrow May 11th through May 17th.

I hope to see you there,

Be Blessed!

Dr. David Jockers


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!

With immunity on our minds lately, I hope you’re thinking about the foods you’re eating... and not eating.

Because food can be a gift for your immune system, or a curse.

For one thing, consider sugar.

Oh, I know it can be tempting...

... but it’s NASTY stuff for your immune system.

It puts your white blood cells (you can think of them as immunity cells) into a temporary coma. Which stops them from protecting you.

I haven’t had sugar once in 2020, because my partner, John, and I made a pact we wouldn’t eat sugar all year.


(Not too hard for me, since the first time I ate no sugar for a year. And I learned that life is still just as sweet without it! But John ate a LOT more sugar than I do, so he was scared to do it — and we’re both so glad we did!).

I’ve been eating a TON of grapefruit. Sometimes, I even eat 4-5 a day! Just because I love them and crave them.

But what else am I eating, because they’re good for immunity, in a variety of ways AND they’re delicious?

3 foods for immunity:

  • Brazil Nuts. These large nuts are high in selenium, which stimulates the production of antibodies (used by the immune system to identify and neutralize foreign objects). Eat 2 a day if you can.
  • Coconut Water Kefir. I’m paying extra attention to my gut health because I know it’s absolutely critical for strong immunity. I wouldn’t want to be in need of medical care right now. It’s tough to come by, I’ve read. Kefir is one of the easiest, most cost-effective ways to get tons of live probiotics to your gut. This fermented drink is easier to make than you might think. I use organic grains and organic coconut water to make mine (and NO sugar!). See how I make it.
  • Rose Hips. What are these? They’re the fruit of the rose bush. These tart little berries are high in the immune booster vitamin C. Drink them in a tea blend, or make your own tea, or use rose hips powder in smoothies (it adds a delicate floral flavor and a sense of calm).

    Rose hips are also in my favorite vitamin C supplement. (Reply to this email if you want to know what it is. It’s made from entirely whole superfoods high in C, NOT from ascorbic acid, which is synthetic and a very inferior source.)
If you don’t have these foods and beverages on hand, don’t worry. There are so many other whole foods you can enjoy to help you be strong and healthy, come what may.

I wrote an article that discusses many of my favorite hacks to improve your body’s ability to fight anything that it needs to.

Check it out, and you might discover something new to incorporate in your meals:

30 foods, herbs, and spices to keep on hand for a strong immune system.

To your health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

It's a special day for Mom's round the world, including me.

My oldest son who I haven't seen since Jan 31, 2019 called me today for Mother's day and we had a woenderful talk.

He visited for Christmas then left on New Year's Eve for a job as part of a political campaign that required him to travel until he (fortunately) made it back to DC before all the quarantines.

My youngest son who lives in Austin is coming over later for a "social distancing" dinner outside in the back yard.

I am blessed to be the mom to these two wonderful boys,

I wish my own Mom was here with me today. I wish my boys had had the opportunity to meet her.

It was so painful to lose her.

Her doctor didn't talk to her about her diet and never warned her about the risk.

I believe that she still be with us - she’d be age 85 - if her doctors had taught her the things I teach my clients and students.

For many people, Mother’s Day is a happy day.

And it can be super painful for those who …

... have lost their mothers, especially when Mom died way too young, like mine

… are trying really hard to become a mother without success… this was me a long time ago

… have lost babies during pregnancies - I lost 9 in first trimester miscarriages

… have lost children to accidents or illness - I have a few friends in this situation and it’s so painful

... and for those who are estranged from their mothers or their children - several of my friends are in this boat and it's so hard

So please send a virtual hug to all mothers today.

And if your mother is still alive, call her or spend time with her and tell her how much you love her.

If you have kids, tell them how much you love being their mother.

And if you are feeling pain today, reach out to a friend or partner for support, and do something special for yourself.

You deserve it.

I wish my own mom was here today to hug. I’d tell her how much I love her and appreciate all the sacrifices she made for me.

With lots of love,

P.S. Reply with a virtual hug if you feel me and let me know your story. My mission in life is help transform our broken medical system so people like my Mom are not lost to preventable diseases!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
reFreshing SLEEP & Fasting for Super Brain Health

Every day, your body goes to work using a process called "Autophagy." It's an essential mechanism happens when your body either repairs or gets rid of old or excess cells (like fat) that don’t serve a purpose or benefit your health.

Autophagy in our brain cells helps them function sharper and quicker giving us better mood, memory and mental processing. And it DRAMATICALLY reduces our risk of developing dementia and other brain degenerative conditions.

Two important processes that activate autophagy are reFreshing sleep and fasting.

Our sleep cycle and circadian rhythm is intimately tied into autophagy. Autophagy is in part regulated by light & dark cycles. Sleep is where your brain repairs and recovers, and much of that comes from activating autophagy.

What about fasting?? Fasting for more than 6 hours begins the cleansing phase, tearing down old damaged cells. This cleansing catapults your body into the building stage, allows the body to adapt, & enhances neuronal connections... ie BRAIN FUNCTION.

Now for the brain topper: Fasting up to 36 hours boosts Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) up 400%!! BDNF protects healthy brain cells, promotes growth of new brain cells, and stimulates release of growth factors to help brain cells survive. And when you have LOW LEVELS of BDNF, it can lead to dementia, Alzheimer’s, memory loss and other brain processing problems.

Anyway, you can learn so much more about activating autophagy in your brain and body in this Activating Autophagy eGuide.

And when you download it, you'll also have a seat for the free, online Fasting Transformation Summit that STARTS TODAY! Over 30 experts will share EVERYTHING you need to know about fasting create to live with a stronger, more powerful brain and life.

Holy cow!! Check out the all the new nerve connections after fasting!

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