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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

On Sunday, we finished hosting the largest gathering of food revolutionaries in history. More than 320,000 people came together from 180+ nations to find out how to leverage the power of food to protect our health and our world.

The insights that this panel of world-leading experts shared were simply mind-blowing.

If you missed the free summit - I have great news. Right now, for two days, you can join in the Summit and enjoy TOTAL replay access - completely for free. Click here now to get your instant access.

For two days, you can hear any or all of the presentations you want, right when you want them.

So if you’re interested in what you need to know now about staying safe in the time of COVID-19; or what the latest research tells us about how to prevent heart disease; or if you want to know the truth about soy, probiotics (they might not be as good for you as you think!), sea vegetables, and mushrooms… you’re in the right place.

Get instant “on-demand” access to the 2020 Food Revolution Summit presentations now.

The truth is, you can prevent or even in some cases reverse heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, memory loss, constipation, fatigue, and many forms of cancer — just by eating healthy, delicious food. And in the time of COVID-19, with all that we keep hearing about how dangerous underlying chronic conditions are, the urgency to take care of your health is higher than ever.

The Summit may be over, but you still have a chance to listen to all 25 speakers during this 2-Day All-Access Experience, at no cost - and learn all the new information we uncovered about health, food, agriculture, legislation, climate science, and nutrition.

We created the Food Revolution Summit to help you take action and make positive changes that will give you more joy, more energy, and more health. After all, it’s not just about living longer. It’s also about living well. And one thing we heard in the summit is that the very same food choices that promote your health and wellness can also give you more joy, and more satisfaction, in every day of your life.

And now, it’s all about action. Go here to sign up for the 2-Day All-Access Experience, and I’ll see you inside!

Yours for thriving,

Ocean Robbins

P.S. Did you miss the 2020 Food Revolution Summit? No problem. Right now you can hear all the speakers and the entire Summit AT NO COST for this special limited-time 2 Day All-Access Experience! Click here now to get your instant access. I promise you’ll be glad you did!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Building Bridges Between Sister Skills

There is no such thing as useless knowledge.

Take a second to internalize that…

Nothing you know how to do, no fact you’re able to remember long past its alleged usefulness, no unmarketable skill or interest, is devoid of value.

Every proficiency you’ve ever earned – from PC Tetris excellence to being able to bake perfect chocolate chip cookies – all form and affect the consciousness you inhabit and think of as “yourself.”

Generally speaking, clinical psychology considers there to be two veins of intelligence: fluid and crystallized.

Fluid tends to refer to things we think are innate – like having a natural ability to make friends and obtain trust, or being great at solving riddles, or having a great sense of direction. This kind of intelligence is abstract, hard to quantify, and usually more akin to a talent than a skill.

Crystallized intelligence, however, is something learned – like how to study forensics, or how to lay an even brick wall, or driving a car. This intelligence has to be gained through experience and application, is measurable, and would more often be considered a skill than a talent.

Building upon those two intelligences, there are nine accepted intelligence types that can contain fluid or crystallized intelligences…

  1. Spatial: understanding the three-dimensional world around you and how the parts relate to each other
  2. Naturalist: understanding the way nature works and how life thrives within it
  3. Musical: understanding pitch, tone, harmony, rhythm, timbre, and sound.
  4. Logical/mathematical: understanding which way to quantify things, form hypotheses, and prove them
  5. Existential: understanding which questions to ask about who we are and what we’re doing here, and how to find the answers
  6. Interpersonal: understanding how to sense what people are feeling and why, and knowing what they need
  7. Kinesthetic: understanding how to coordinate your mind with your body’s efforts and output
  8. Linguistic: understanding which words to choose to effectively convey your thoughts and feelings
  9. Intrapersonal: understanding yourself, your motives, your wants, your needs, and what they mean

That’s a lot of information, right?

Let’s distill it down to what we’re talking about…

Thinking about building skills through the lens of intelligence varieties is an interesting strategy.

While we’re all at home during the pandemic, more and more people have been struggling to find new hobbies and skills, and getting discouraged when they find their chosen skill difficult to develop.

Some of us have fluid kinesthetic intelligence, but crystallized linguistic intelligence. The combination possibilities are endless.

In choosing a new skill to learn, or a new hobby to try on, it can be very helpful to narrow down the field of possibilities to micro skills you may already have that use the same intelligence varieties as the skill you want to learn.


Typing - Piano Playing - Cross-Stitching

How fast can you type? If you’re an office worker, probably pretty quickly. Think about the micro skills you need in order to type that fast…

Muscle memory. Seemingly intrinsic knowledge of the placement of keys on a keyboard. The ability to think of words as quickly as you can type them. A sweeping understanding of punctuation.

That sounds like… linguistic, kinesthetic, and spatial intelligence.

A skill you may be taking for granted could help you in learning to play the piano, thereby adding musical intelligence to your arsenal. Or helping you learn how to sew and cross-stitch, since you already have finger-deftness and strength.

Remembering Intricate Details from Books - Identifying Nature - Computer Coding

Did you read Game of Thrones and remember how all of the characters were related? Can you speak a latin-based language? How familiar are you with learning languages? Not just the kind we speak, but the kind we use to name flowers in nature, the kind we use to speak to computers?

Think about the common skills uniting all of the above... Rote memorization. Mental organization regarding the order in which words go. Quick analysis of minute differences. Holding pieces of knowledge in one place, just waiting to connect to others.

That sounds like… linguistic, naturalist, and mathematical or logical.

If you can do one of those three things, it’s likely you’ll have a leg-up learning the other two. If you can speak French or Spanish (even English), you have a better understanding of Latin roots than you think! Learning the technical names for wildflowers is a hop, skip, and a jump away.

If you can memorize those names or language vocab, you have a stronger memory muscle and might have an easier time learning to code.

Baking - Massage - Sculpting

How’s your kneading? The number of people baking bread from home has skyrocketed since the pandemic began… Maybe you’ve really gotten a feel for how long you need to knead, when and where to apply more pressure, which parts of your hand are more effective at sculpting, rolling etc.

That sounds like… spatial, kinesthetic, and logical.

What if you applied the same principles to sculpting, with a little ball of clay? To use your muscle memory to train your hand in where to apply pressure to someone’s back, someone’s shoulders?

Every micro skill that fuses with another in intelligence chemistry can be fused with yet another to expand your skill set.

Try this simple exercise: write a list of every skill you have. Riding a bike counts! Remembering how to swing dance counts. Cooking rice perfectly counts. Try to hit ten.

Then, write another list for each of those skills elaborating on the micro skills built into them. Try to come up with five for each mega skill.

What repeats are you seeing? Where do your strengths seem to lie? And what could you build out of what’s already in front of you?

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
How true.

Have you been following the NEW covid 49? it's a mutant of 19, supposed to be twice as deadly:eek:.

no have not but think I saw something on it in a headline somewhere.

But the virus will mutate that is certain. To a more or less deadly variant is the question.
And will immunity to one variant give immunity to the other?
with a lot of viral mutations herd immunity may become a moot point to a large degree.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I am also becoming more convinced daily that the killer aspect of this virus is NOT a pneumonia lung type of thing but a blood clotting, Heart Attack/stroke thing. And that the very dangerous cases of Kawasaki's syndrome in children is being caused by the disease.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
The new 49 is supposed to make the one we have now look like no more than a cold
As I said over in the check in thread. I am going by MY reopening plan not the governments or business's.
I am sure I will soon be mocked for wearing a mask in public but oh well. As I said I will go by my plan to keep my wife safe.

I recommend caution for you as well friend.

The risk factors will be with us for many months yet. Just becuase a place opens does not mean all will go there.
This thing is no ways near over yet.

have to go out tomorrow to pick up some weiner dog meds and they will go to Wally world. Mostly replenshment of food but will increase my stockpile a bit as well. The food availability issue may get much worse before it gets better. I really seriously hope that I am wrong on that but fear that I am not.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As I said over in the check in thread. I am going by MY reopening plan not the governments or business's.
I am sure I will soon be mocked for wearing a mask in public but oh well. As I said I will go by my plan to keep my wife safe.

I recommend caution for you as well friend.

The risk factors will be with us for many months yet. Just becuase a place opens does not mean all will go there.
This thing is no ways near over yet.

have to go out tomorrow to pick up some weiner dog meds and they will go to Wally world. Mostly replenshment of food but will increase my stockpile a bit as well. The food availability issue may get much worse before it gets better. I really seriously hope that I am wrong on that but fear that I am not.
Yeah that's how i see it too, it ain't safe till I deem it safe, rule of the house here.
They can mock me all they want I'm still wearing it till I am sure it's safe. If I got it , havin late stage 4 cancer I seriously doubt I would live through it.
Oh I am being very careful, everyone should be.

Honestly I think we'd be very lucky if it was over in months, It could go for a couple years if they don't get people to do much better than they are now with this shelter in place/mandatory mask law. Wearing the masks being a big factor in gettin it under control.
You're right, it will be some time before it's all over with. Some say it will be a yearly thing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Review Step-By-Step Sleep Protocols Tonight!


Meet Jill! Learn about how she overcame, and continues to kick fibro's butt!

“I was in the bed 14 to 16 hours a day. When I came to you, I was basically at my wits’ end. Even my husband was like, “I don’t know how much longer you would have lasted spiraling downhill like that.” My pain was in all of my joints, my wrists, the joints in my thumbs, my fingers, my back, my neck, my lower back, my knees, my ankles. I had pain everywhere along with the chronic fatigue. I would lay in the bed and all I could think about was how everything hurt. Even the spots in the middle of my arm like the size of a dime, in a certain spot it would just ache in a weird spot. I just had pain everywhere.

I would tell you one thing that’s real exciting for me is that – this is a credit to you, when I first started coming to you, you would say the things that you didn’t have in your line but you need to go get this or you need to get this. I would go to the herb shop up here where I live, it was good for me to get out of the house … they saw me consistently get better and better. One day the lady saw me, and she was like, “Are you the same lady that last time you came in?” I was like, “Yeah that’s me” and she goes, “You look great, what are you doing?” “I’m with this doctor in Birmingham, he’s helping me” and she just couldn’t believe it. They offered me a job, that’s where I work now at the herb shop. They gave me a job because they saw me get better and better, and they wanted me to be a testament to people that you can beat these things and get better.”



Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
My brother sent me these pics (not very good pics) they have been installing 5g at night...hmm...above ground and below ground. He was video taping him and the guy told him to stop.

They already put the 5g in the schools, oh that was at night, too :huh:

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk

People have been setting them on fire in England, maybe they were afraid. Fuck 5G. I wish I could avoid it!!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
They haven't named it yet, it's a mutant of the original strain that is far worse. I just called it 49 because it lasts 49 days


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It said that heating sucralose with glycerol could be toxic. That applies directly to juice with sucralose and VG. Yuch. I don’t use it, although I’m sure some juice I’ve bought uses sweetener.
A lot of flavorings have it too':eek:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
As I said over in the check in thread. I am going by MY reopening plan not the governments or business's.
I am sure I will soon be mocked for wearing a mask in public but oh well. As I said I will go by my plan to keep my wife safe.

I recommend caution for you as well friend.

The risk factors will be with us for many months yet. Just becuase a place opens does not mean all will go there.
This thing is no ways near over yet.

have to go out tomorrow to pick up some weiner dog meds and they will go to Wally world. Mostly replenshment of food but will increase my stockpile a bit as well. The food availability issue may get much worse before it gets better. I really seriously hope that I am wrong on that but fear that I am not.

Cuomo wants to open up parts of NY. I’m not thrilled about it. Plus I just got some masks. I don’t really care what he says or what others do, either. There’s not enough data anyway, imho.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Yeah that's how i see it too, it ain't safe till I deem it safe, rule of the house here.
They can mock me all they want I'm still wearing it till I am sure it's safe. If I got it , havin late stage 4 cancer I seriously doubt I would live through it.
Oh I am being very careful, everyone should be.

Honestly I think we'd be very lucky if it was over in months, It could go for a couple years if they don't get people to do much better than they are now with this shelter in place/mandatory mask law. Wearing the masks being a big factor in gettin it under control.
You're right, it will be some time before it's all over with. Some say it will be a yearly thing.

I think the reason Taiwan has so few cases, is because they wear masks. Even before corona. Until we know what’s going on, why should we rush into not wearing masks? I,get that we do t want the economy to fail, but masks are no big thing imho.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
A lot of flavorings have it too':eek:

And no one really tells you what’s in flavoring or juice. If I won’t eat sucralose, I definitely don’t want to vape it. But the crazy thing is that it might be less harmful eaten, rather then vaped!!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Member For 4 Years
Coronavirus IS causing deadly new inflammatory fever in some children, British study finds
  • The deadly inflammatory syndrome has similar symptoms to Kawasaki disease
  • A common feature of the disease is the inflammation of heart and blood vessels
  • A study of eight cases has suggested that the syndrome may be caused by coronavirus
  • NHS England has sent out an urgent alert to GPs to recognise the disease

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
And no one really tells you what’s in flavoring or juice. If I won’t eat sucralose, I definitely don’t want to vape it. But the crazy thing is that it might be less harmful eaten, rather then vaped!!
Like vitamin E? many things could be that way.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Like vitamin E? many things could be that way.

Well, the article mentioned sucralose and glycerol being heated, so it reminded me of VG and sucralose.

We can’t be totally certain about vaping certain things, though. And I know a lot of people use sucralose as sweetener.

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Well, the article mentioned sucralose and glycerol being heated, so it reminded me of VG and sucralose.

We can’t be totally certain about vaping certain things, though. And I know a lot of people use sucralose as sweetener.
I have a very bad reaction to many flavorings if vaped but can eat them just fine.
I get severe oral, throat and lung irritation. do not know exactly what ingredient but might be artificial sweeteners as those do not agree with me very well anyway.
Putrid sweet tastes horrible and leaves an after taste that lingers for around an hour.
I will go very thirsty before drinking diet drinks.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cuomo wants to open up parts of NY. I’m not thrilled about it. Plus I just got some masks. I don’t really care what he says or what others do, either. There’s not enough data anyway, imho.
Not a good idea at all to open where you are and a lot of places that they are opening, just be very careful my friend


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think the reason Taiwan has so few cases, is because they wear masks. Even before corona. Until we know what’s going on, why should we rush into not wearing masks? I,get that we do t want the economy to fail, but masks are no big thing imho.
Very true, I am goin to wear mine till I deem it safe.;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
And no one really tells you what’s in flavoring or juice. If I won’t eat sucralose, I definitely don’t want to vape it. But the crazy thing is that it might be less harmful eaten, rather then vaped!!
It's not good anyway, just stay away from the sweeter flavorings;), as far as the other chemicals who knows, kinda a gamble but look how many chemicals are in cigarettes:eek:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
I have a very bad reaction to many flavorings if vaped but can eat them just fine.
I get severe oral, throat and lung irritation. do not know exactly what ingredient but might be artificial sweeteners as those do not agree with me very well anyway.
Putrid sweet tastes horrible and leaves an after taste that lingers for around an hour.
I will go very thirsty before drinking diet drinks.

I can’t vape fruity flavors, but I can eat strawberry and oranges. But vaping those flavors makes me nauseous.

Diet soda is horrible, I agree. I never liked it, but I never drank that much soda anyway.

I’m waiting on flavors I ran out of to mix, and I vaped some juice I bought before the kids got sick. It was so sweet, I couldn’t believe it. I never add sweetener when I mix. I can’t believe people like to vape such sweet juice.

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