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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I LOVE my naturopath. She really has become a friend over the years and she is an integral part of my healing team. This week I attended a live webinar that she hosted where she discussed some of the reasons why cancer develops and natural approaches to cancer care.

There was some really helpful information in it, and she also answered a lot of great questions from participants that provided even well-researched me with some new info! So, if you have an hour this weekend, check out the replay at the link below. She is also promoting her new online and self-paced cancer program, so just ignore those parts if you aren't interested, or don't if you are! But that's definitely not why I'm sharing it. I'm not getting anything for sharing this and she doesn't even know that I am; I just really appreciated the information she presented and the questions that were asked, and I know that it will help some of you

Check out the webinar replay here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mental Health Monday
Something we hear from cancer patients all the time, myself included, is that they couldn’t have gotten through it without their support system. Many of us are extremely lucky to have wonderful people who rush to support us through the worst of our days after our diagnosis. Some of us don’t have too many support people close to us for a whole variety of reasons. Then there are the days where we feel totally alone and misunderstood, regardless of whether we have loved ones close by. And right now, even those that do have great support networks are separated from many of the important people who make up those networks thanks to COVID-19.

With all of this in mind, I decided to create a little meditation for calling in feelings of support when we are away from our usual sources or when we don’t have a strong support network to begin with. I hope that it brings you comfort and encouragement whenever you need it. Click the link below to meditate now.

Click here to access the meditation on YouTube


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi

I am going to be brutally honest with you.

Part of me is so tired of reading and writing about COVID 19.

I so want to say “This story is soooooo BOOOORRRIIIIIINNNNG!”

Because it is. It’s getting old and boring because seemingly our population is not actually getting the wake up call.

I am witnessing people trying to deal with the problem by either hiding in fear or waiting for a drug.

But that is still symptom focused…..and that’s the OLD paradigm. That is NOT transformation or what is being called upon us. That does not progress us in any way.

It’s time to wake up to the new opportunity that is in front of us.

If you have been watching health for a while, you will know that this pandemic is no surprise. Scientists have been discussing the likelihood for a pandemic for years.

This is due to the health of our planet AND its people.

Also, there is a high chance of a second wave of this virus.

So my question is why aren’t you radically transforming your health right now?

Why aren’t you in committed action to create something radically different?

Your response/excuse is likely the same as it always is… be mindful of how you’re sabotaging yourself.

Studies find that only 12 percent of American adults are metabolically healthy. Metabolic health is defined by blood glucose, triglycerides, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, blood pressure, and waist circumference, without the need for medications.

That means only 27.3 million adults are meeting recommended targets for cardiovascular risk factors management. That’s not even THRIVING. That’s just meeting minimal risk requirements!

We know that those with metabolic syndrome are at high risk. You cannot just say you’re healthy because you’re not fat or don’t have a diagnosis.

You cannot simply go by standard lab work that says you’re within normal range.

“Normal” in the United States is sick.

I hope this email lights a fire under you bottom.

If you were waiting for an opportunity/wake up call, this is it.

Your health symptoms are your body’s way of communicating to you that there is an imbalance that gets to be addressed.

Let’s stop just talking about COVID 19 or waiting for someone else to figure out how to save us.

It’s time to save yourself. It’s time to choose YOU! It’s time to be 100% responsible for your health and make the commitment to yourself.

At the end of the day, we all know what really matters.

This pandemic has made that very clear.

What matters is your health.


Without your health, you have nothing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi ,

You’re coming, right?

To watch the FREE Home Grown Food Summit!… it starts TODAY at 9am CST this morning.

And it runs 24/7, until Sunday, May 10th with an incredible lineup of 36 presentations.

Three presentations you don't want to miss today:

  • "Compost" The Movie
  • Planting Fruit Trees
  • Herbal Medicine in Your Spice Drawer
(They take down the DAILY presentations at 8:59 a.m. CST every day, and replace them with NEW ones!

Once you register, be sure to check out the daily speaker schedule, so you don’t miss your favorites!)

My presentation airs this Saturday ;)

I wouldn’t miss it…

If you haven't yet registered, click here to get started today!

Peace & carrots,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

As the dad of a 2 year old one of the most important health issues affecting this upcoming generation is always on my mind -- I’m talking about autism.

Just like it’s unfortunately been the case with so many other chronic diseases, autism diagnostics have been on the rise, with a prevalence that has gone from ½,500 kids in 1997 to 1/68 kids in 2017. (1) The latest estimates might make this number go up to 1/36 kids. (2)

We also know that a small fraction of autism cases can be blamed on genes alone. So if it’s not a genetic disease… What is causing it? Now we’re getting into controversial territory -- but hey, I’m used to that.

What has become increasingly clear for me is that autism is a complex multi-faceted condition with a multitude of different “root causes”. Yes, these factors include EMFs -- but also an overload of chemicals and heavy metals, and a lot of other stressors which each contribute to the brain and nervous system overload we’re seeing in these kids.

The only way we’ll ever get out of this mess, help prevent kids from developing ASD in the first place, or even help kids already on the spectrum regain as much as their normal brain function as possible -- is if we seriously address all of these stressors.

I’m excited that events such as the Autism Recovery Summit are there to help parents learn what these factors are, and learn about the different solutions there are to help kids move towards recovery. This is information that is barely talked about in mainstream medicine, unfortunately.

===> Autism Recovery Summit 4: Healing Brain, Body & Being (May 25 to 31)

Luminara Serdar, host of the summit and autism recovery specialist, has interviewed more than 30 doctors, scientists and health experts who each tackle a different angle that can help any kid on the spectrum make huge leaps in behavior and life.

The lineup of speakers is incredible. I’ll be joined by experts like Dr. Jim Neubrander, Raun Kaufman and Kate Wilde of The Son-Rise Program®, Julie Matthews, Beth Lambert, Dr. Darin Ingels, Dr. Elisa Song, Dr. Jaban Moore, Dr. Christine Schaffner, and many more experienced leaders in the field who have been helping kids for decades.

In my interview, I share How EMFs Impact Brain Development.

This is something you’ll want to share with people you know who have kids on the spectrum. Thanks for spreading the word.

===> Autism Recovery Summit 4: Healing Brain, Body & Being (May 25 to 31)

Talk soon,






Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Psychological Cost of Repeated Emotional Beatdowns: Quarantine Edition

What does your quarantine routine look like?

Is it the utopian model of health, balance, rest, productivity, creativity, and reconnection that you just knew you’d achieve once all the obstacles of a life external were removed from your path? You know, traffic, errands, social dates, events, office time, gym obligations, etc.

We’ve discussed at length the collective trauma response we’re all experiencing, and why our homebound lives don’t feel like the “staycations” we imagined they would be.

Unsurprisingly, we’re not firing on all cylinders when we’re experiencing trauma.

But there’s another facet to that train of thought that psychologists are now studying in response to the COVID-19 crisis: allostatic load.

First given a name in 1993, it’s likely you haven’t heard the term. Allostatic load refers to the body’s response to repeated hits of stress and agitation.

Just like we feel repeated hits of dopamine when we post a new picture on social media and it gets tons of reactions, each blow to the nervous system compounds and stacks resulting in...

You guessed it – fatigue.

Bewitched, Body and Soul

As we’ve long understood, the body and the mind are connected. Stress can cause sleeplessness. Sleeplessness can cause gut issues. Gut issues can cause depression. And on and on.

When the mind experiences prolonged and repeated exposure to stressful events – news headlines, reminders of our situation, even slipping on a mask to go outside, etc. – the body experiences a physiological response.

In short? The mental energy we’re spending trying to keep up with unfamiliar stressors, in nature or in quantity, is exhausting us physically.

You see, allostasis refers to the way that the body uses homeostasis to temper physiological reactions in the body. A huge factor in maintaining that balance is predictability.

Society has been designed to stabilize inconsistencies and predict irregularity by removing it, for the most part.

Pre-quarantine, we made plans. We knew we’d be going on vacation with our families in July. We knew we’d be heading to the office in the morning, and which clothes were clean and available for use. We knew we’d be eating out a certain numbers of times per week, and had a good idea of where. We knew the weekend would bring soccer games, dinners out, tai chi in the park. We knew that the evening car ride would be accompanied by our favorite radio show.

We knew our jobs were safe (mostly). We knew when our income would arrive and where it would go.

We knew when we would next see our families and friends.

And now…

We just don’t.

The human mind is a pattern-creating, meaning-making machine. When we can’t make plans, and patterns can’t be tracked, and none of this makes sense, our brains go into overdrive trying to organize and catalogue all of it.

We’re collectively worrying for so much more of our days than we were before that it’s causing allostatic load. We’re doing less, and we’re less able to do it.

Not only that, but the previous palliative – seeing other people – that used to tell the brain and the body “Hey, you’re not alone. Look at this network! Look at this hive!” has been severed from our reach.

And so we have a brain dealing with a lack of human contact (turning that into danger and isolation), the absence of predictability, and an unending stream of bad news and stress.

The Antidote

There’s one more thing to note: We’re not moving as much. Undeniably.

When that happens, coupled with the fatigue of draining our brain’s energy resources, we tend to build up fat around our muscles. Immune cells like to populate around excess tummy fat, which causes inflammation.

Inflammation makes you tired.

Can we correct allostatic load right now? Probably not completely.

Can we mitigate its effects so that we can use this time at home in the idyllic ways that we want to? Definitely.

The hardest thing to do when you’re emotionally and physically exhausted is get up… But it’s the truest answer.

Think about how you can increase your body’s movement. Think about how you can control your daily stress-hit count. Think about how you can embed certainty into your routine.

Could you walk around your block as many times as it takes until you hit a mile, or practice a sun-salutation in the mornings, or institute a family Qi Gong or kickboxing practice right before dinner?

Could you block news websites or social media from yourself for a number of hours in the day, or flood your feed with positive content, or give yourself a break at work by learning how to draw flowers instead of engaging in online political discourse?

Could you ensure that every Thursday night is new-cuisine night where everyone agrees to learn a new dish from a different culture, or schedule Mondays as black-and-white movie night, or look forward to your two hours of uninterrupted reading time Sunday morning?

Could you engage in quality time with family and friends via video chat on a regular, rotating basis – so that your brain and body remember you’re not alone?

Don’t forget – we’re all only going through this for the first time.

Each of us wants to make the best of our time at home. Staying informed about what our bodies are doing is the first step to getting out of our own ways.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

This is an unusual time and many of us feel powerless, but I want you to know that you are not powerless. You are POWERFUL!

The choices you make each day can have a dramatic impact on your health and wellbeing, and your risk of disease.

As you know, your immune system is not only key to preventing and healing chronic diseases like cancer, but also infectious disease. And people with underlying health conditions have the highest risk for life-threatening infections. We all want to stay out of the high-risk category, right?

I created a program to teach you how to protect yourself, strengthen your immune system, and heal your body with evidence-based nutrition, exercise, detoxification, stress reduction, and more.

It's called SQUARE ONE.

This course is the culmination of my own experience healing cancer, over 16 years of research on survivors who've healed holistically, and from personally coaching hundreds of cancer patients one-on-one.

SQUARE ONE is normally a paid program, but I want to serve you in a big way... so I'm putting the entire SQUARE ONE Program online for you to watch for free this month!

Check out the trailer and get access to watch SQUARE ONE here

Is it ok if I overdeliver?

Right after you sign up, I'm also going to send you my Free Therapies Guide, which will show you the 10 most powerful healing therapies that cost you nothing. :)

I can't wait to share the SQUARE ONE program with you!

To your life and health!


p.s. Please note: If you want access to SQUARE ONE free screening this month you have to join my special SQ1 email group, jump over to this page and sign up. :)



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jim!
Is it time to talk about... your mental health?

With the stress of modern life (especially with the health and economic crises) coming at us from seemingly every possible angle -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- these problems are going to get worse before they get better.

--->>Register for Dr. Elena Villanueva's mental health masterclass now!

Because the numbers are daunting:
  • Too many adults experience mental illness each year
  • Too many adults experience serious mental illness each year
  • Too many youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year
  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-34

Thankfully, Dr. Elena has had ENOUGH and is taking matters into her own hands, for YOUR mental health.

On Sunday, May 10, 9pm US Eastern, her new Mental Health Masterclass is going to pull the "invisible cloak" from mental health problems.

Dr. Elena will take a deep dive into the real, root causes of mental illness -- why it's so difficult to avoid in this modern age -- and reveal the fascinating new world of data-driven diagnosis and treatment that’s paving the way toward a brand new day for those suffering.

1 in 4 people worldwide will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.

Currently, around 450 million people suffer from these debilitating conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Schizophrenia
  • Obessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Treatments are available but sadly...

Nearly 2/3 of people with a known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional.

Why, you ask? Misinformation and lack of results.

With mental disorders and related symptoms reaching epidemic proportions, now more than ever, people aren't sure about what approach to take, what medication to try (or avoid) and who to believe.

For this reason especially, Dr. Elena felt it was her duty to bring this masterclass to the general public so YOU can see the PROVEN data for yourself!

In her brand new Mental Health Masterclass, you'll learn to:
  • Protect your mental health from harmful over-the-counter prescriptions
  • Pinpoint, target and attack the root of your mental health issues
  • Discover the powerful, data-driven systems behind advanced approaches
  • Execute safe and effective approaches
  • And much, much more!

--->>We invite you to join us for this powerful (and important!) mental health masterclass today!

We can start living healthier lives, starting right now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Special Live With The Docs Presentation
As you may know, curing Lyme disease is at the very genesis of my practice and Microbe Formulas. With May being Lyme Awareness month, we will be dedicating our first Live With The Docs to this topic. Join myself and Dr. Todd Wednesday at 1 p.m. (MST)/ 3 p.m. (EST)!

SPECIAL BONUS: We are also giving away $150 in FREE Lyme resources just for RSVPing.

Save My Spot

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I had thought about it but I rarely:) eat fried foods

not really fried. More grilled or baked, they work the same as a convection oven.
I use no oil. Frozen fries just go straight in 14 min later lots of scrumptious fries. Same with fish.
Will try kebobs in the open front one.
Heck I even do frozen pillsbury biscuits in them. Not really quite as good as the oven for biscuits though.
Wife loves frozen hot wings in them.

did some chicken breasts a few times just put a bit of olive oil on the breasts and ran em thru the air fryer. pretty darned good.

they are on a grate so every thing that cooks out of the meat drips in the bottom away frm the food.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
not really fried. More grilled or baked, they work the same as a convection oven.
I use no oil. Frozen fries just go straight in 14 min later lots of scrumptious fries. Same with fish.
Will try kebobs in the open front one.
Heck I even do frozen pillsbury biscuits in them. Not really quite as good as the oven for biscuits though.
Wife loves frozen hot wings in them.

did some chicken breasts a few times just put a bit of olive oil on the breasts and ran em thru the air fryer. pretty darned good.

they are on a grate so every thing that cooks out of the meat drips in the bottom away frm the food.

I’d wondered if you needed oil with an air fryer. It would be really convenient if you could just cook stuff in there as is.

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