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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
G'day, Jimi!

Is it time to talk about... your mental health?

With the stress of modern life (especially with the health and economic crises) coming at us from seemingly every possible angle -- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week -- these problems are going to get worse before they get better.

--->>Register for Dr. Elena Villanueva's mental health masterclass now!

Because the numbers are daunting:
  • Too many adults experience mental illness each year
  • Too many adults experience serious mental illness each year
  • Too many youth aged 6-17 experience a mental health disorder each year
  • 50% of all lifetime mental illness begins by age 14, and 75% by age 24
  • Suicide is the 2nd leading cause of death among people aged 10-34

Thankfully, Dr. Elena has had ENOUGH and is taking matters into her own hands, for YOUR mental health.

On Sunday, May 10, 9pm US Eastern, her new Mental Health Masterclass is going to pull the "invisible cloak" from mental health problems.

Dr. Elena will take a deep dive into the real, root causes of mental illness -- why it's so difficult to avoid in this modern age -- and reveal the fascinating new world of data-driven diagnosis and treatment that’s paving the way toward a brand new day for those suffering.

1 in 4 people worldwide will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives.

Currently, around 450 million people suffer from these debilitating conditions, placing mental disorders among the leading causes of ill-health and disability worldwide:
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Dementia
  • Parkinson's disease
  • Bipolar disorders
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Schizophrenia
  • Obessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Attention deficit disorder (ADD)
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Treatments are available but sadly...

Nearly 2/3 of people with a known mental disorder never seek help from a health professional.

Why, you ask? Misinformation and lack of results.

With mental disorders and related symptoms reaching epidemic proportions, now more than ever, people aren't sure about what approach to take, what medication to try (or avoid) and who to believe.

For this reason especially, Dr. Elena felt it was her duty to bring this masterclass to the general public so YOU can see the PROVEN data for yourself!

In her brand new Mental Health Masterclass, you'll learn to:
  • Protect your mental health from harmful over-the-counter prescriptions
  • Pinpoint, target and attack the root of your mental health issues
  • Discover the powerful, data-driven systems behind advanced approaches
  • Execute safe and effective approaches
  • And much, much more!

--->>We invite you to join us for this powerful (and important!) mental health masterclass today!

We can start living healthier lives, starting right now!

To your health,
The Fast Way Team

P.S. Dr. Elena is amazing, you'll see, so please take a moment to register (at no cost!) for this important mental health masterclass!


We are THE voice for all you need to know about Intermittent Fasting, Juice Fasting, Water Fasting and all other natural health lifestyle tips that go along with it.

Have an amazing (and healthy) day! No excuses!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Sometimes we forget how truly powerful we are.

Have you ever pondered how it is that you are sitting (or standing, leaning, dancing) where you are right now?

How did you get to this place in time? Alive and in one piece?

Guts. Grit. Genius.

This world isn't always an easy or cushiony place to live. You (and the generations of ancestors that preceded you) had to overcome thousands of dangers and other obstacles to deliver you to this moment. You are the living culmination of their collective brilliance and courage.

Whoa... so what do you do with this vital life force, this torch that has been carried so far? A true gift, but also a great responsibility...

Well, this is the subject of a pretty brilliant new documentary - Transcendence 2 that is screening online FOR FREE.

The answer to the question above has to do with evolving into greater capabilities - and reclaiming parts of ourselves that have been lost, like our connection with nature and spirit. And this is what Transcendence 2 is all about...

Click here to watch the trailer

You'll learn from the world's leading experts on nutrition, stress reduction, belief systems, emotional healing, trauma, meditation, spirituality, tapping, and more.

Here are just a few of the topics that will be covered:

  • Healing through cohesive mind and body work
  • Reducing stress by turning to plant-based medicines
  • Finding the courage to perform self-care
  • Boosting your immunity naturally - without any medications
This is a uniquely wonderful series. If you need a mindset reset - or just some powerful, loving guidance at this time - you'll find that here... along with some serious practices and suggestions for real transcendence.

Click here to reserve your spot!

Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Host of Remedy: Ancient Medicine for Modern Illness
& Founder of The Sacred Science


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food For The Soul

From an excellent research site,

Thank you for helping to create change worldwide! Some of the organizations whose products and events we carefully review may choose to provide a portion of sales to support our mission. You are receiving this email because you subscribed to Josh del Sol's updates via registration at either the 5G Summit and/or the Take Back Your Power website. To unsubscribe, please use the link just below.


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Million Faces Productions, c/o #339 - 14241 NE Woodinville Duvall Road, Woodinville, Washington [98072], United States


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The 5G Summit 2020: Worldwide Call To Action
with Josh del Sol & Sayer Ji (11 mins 35 seconds)

In this new video, Sayer and I unveil more details about the updated and newly-renamed 5G SUMMIT 2020, launching June 1-7. How is it that 5G wireless is rapidly expanding on a global level -- against the people's consent -- and despite THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies that indicate 5G is harmful to your health??

Declassified documents show that governments already had the science on MMW radiation... since the 1970's! Learn about the dangers and how to implement better solutions in your community. And participate in the mass-action campaign for 1 million notices to elected reps this year. We are waking up, educating humanity and taking back our future!!

» Watch the video (11 mins 35 seconds)
» Be sure to register & reserve your free spot!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

I have some great news!

You have one more chance to catch the latest breakthroughs in plant-based health!

The enormously popular Food Revolution Summit just ended and the response was so incredible that John and Ocean Robbins are offering the entire summit on-demand for two very special days.

It’s 100% complimentary, just sign up here!

All 25 interviews are laser-focused on practical steps you can take right NOW to feel healthier, younger, and more energized!

If you don’t have time to watch all 25, here are my top picks based on what your health goals are.

Protect against COVID-19 with Dr. Michael Klapper

Food, Health and the Coronavirus with Michael Klapper, MD - Discover which foods optimize immune function and which increase the risk factors for viral infections.

Eat for peak health with Dr. Joel Furhman

Eat for Life with Joel Furhman, MD - Find out what’s wrong with most “healthy eating” recommendations and the mind-blowing benefits of the healthiest superfoods on the planet.

Fight cancer with Dr. Kristi Funk

The Ultimate Cancer-Kicking Diet with Kristi Funk, MD - Learn the truth about genetics, soy, wine, and coffee, and how to protect against cancer while still enjoying amazing foods.

Drop pounds and keep them off with Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD

The Neuroscience of Sustainable Weight Loss with Susan Peirce Thompson, PhD - Find out why 99% of diets don’t work how to rewire your brain to be happy, healthy, and free.

Boost your longevity with Dr. Michael Greger:

The Best Foods for a Leak Body & a Healthy Life with Michael Greger, MD - Learn what the science really says about the best plant foods for a long and healthy life.

There’s tons of actionable information packed into these talks to help you feel your best at any age — just with the food you eat.

And you can get it all, on-demand, for 48 precious hours!

See the full list of incredible speakers and save your spot here!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

This is not the same world it was six months ago…




These are symptoms. Symptoms from a pandemic that has cast the world in fear.

A fear of getting sick, a fear of spreading the virus. We are ordered to hunker down, stock up on provision and wait…not sure of what will happen.

We are still waiting.

These events disconnect us from our routines, our environment, from others, even ourselves.

This is why now more than ever it is important to turn to self-care.

How we love and care for ourselves and how we love each other, not only impacts disease but also resilience, depression and anxiety, sleep issues and performance. Self-care is the true healthcare!

The naturopathic philosophy honors what is called the Vital Force, that invisible force that guides all living things towards growth, betterment, compassion and healing. It is love.

Our friend, Razi Berry, has embarked on an enlightening journey of Love is Medicine that will help you get back to feeling a sense of normalcy and who you really are through practicing self-care and self-accountability, even in times of self-isolation.

She shows you how we can choose to take back the reins from fate or genetics and we can rewrite our stories… and in this self-awareness, we learn, heal, adapt, and ultimately thrive.

Join the Love is Medicine Project, airing May 21.

In Razi’s documentary you will learn:

  • How to increase resiliency and immunity
  • How to overcome anxiety and depression, even during times of physical distancing
  • Learning tools and strategies to cope in healthy ways
  • How we can heal through our mindset
  • How to heal your relationship with your environment
  • To discover new motivations that create the optimal environment for the emotional and physical health of you and your family
In these isolated times, we can pivot, adjust, and evolve into something more. Right now, love heals fear.

To better health,

The GreenMedInfo Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!
We invite you to join us -- along with over 30 dedicated health practitioners, doctors, scientists, nutritionists and outside-the-box specialists sharing methods, tips, practical actions, new perspectives and stories of recovery -- at the Autism Recovery Summit!

Learn about current technologies, science and practical methods that will lead your child to greater speech, expression, calm, attention, sleep, development and overall health.

--->>Register now for the Autism Recovery Summit!

In this unique event, you’ll discover:
  • What your regular pediatrician hasn't told you
  • Steps for stimulating speech, development, sociability and happiness
  • Why food choices matter
  • How to get your picky eater to eat what you want
  • CBD, amino acids and other nutrients for the nervous system
  • Easy gut health solutions to improve anger, anxiety, bowel habits
  • Calming strategies for self-care
  • Help with defiance, anger, anxiety-driven behavior
  • How screen time and EMFs affect the brain
  • Simple solutions for sleep
  • New therapies and products that help with brain development
  • And more!

Your host, Luminara Serdar, BS, MBA, CPN, NMT, is a nutritionist and holistic healer who helps recover kids from autism using many strategies, including NeuroModulation Technique. She spent nearly 20 years in the biotech industry as a molecular biologist, product manager and consultant, and was involved with the human genome sequencing project.

She works with clients throughout the world helping kids restore their inner world so they can more effectively interact with their outer world.

Hope to see you at this important event!

--->>Register now for the Autism Recovery Summit!

To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. Know anyone who needs support with their child with autism? Please forward this email to friends, family, teachers and therapists today!
Sign in to your HealthMeans account now!
Have a question? Contact us!

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
New U.S. analysis finds that lab in Wuhan, China was “most likely” origin of coronavirus release

My unprofessional opinion is that it very likely came from there and spread to the local population due to sloppy procedures at the lab.
But was NOT intentionally released or intended for use as a weapon.

but again just like the president I am not a professional in this area, so just my opinion.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How true.

Have you been following the NEW covid 49? it's a mutant of 19, supposed to be twice as deadly:eek:.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My unprofessional opinion is that it very likely came from there and spread to the local population due to sloppy procedures at the lab.
But was NOT intentionally released or intended for use as a weapon.

but again just like the president I am not a professional in this area, so just my opinion.
I agree with release being non intentional but it is a weapons grade virus

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I agree with release being non intentional but it is a weapons grade virus

Lots are somewhat weapons grade. Smallpox, anthrax, etc but they are natural.

And considering rapid world travel stupid to release unless YOUR population is inoculated or somehow immune.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
VU Patreon
The 5G Summit 2020: Worldwide Call To Action[/URL]
with Josh del Sol & Sayer Ji (11 mins 35 seconds)

In this new video, Sayer and I unveil more details about the updated and newly-renamed 5G SUMMIT 2020, launching June 1-7. How is it that 5G wireless is rapidly expanding on a global level -- against the people's consent -- and despite THOUSANDS of peer-reviewed, independent studies that indicate 5G is harmful to your health??

Declassified documents show that governments already had the science on MMW radiation... since the 1970's! Learn about the dangers and how to implement better solutions in your community. And participate in the mass-action campaign for 1 million notices to elected reps this year. We are waking up, educating humanity and taking back our future!!
My brother sent me these pics (not very good pics) they have been installing 5g at night...hmm...above ground and below ground. He was video taping him and the guy told him to stop.

They already put the 5g in the schools, oh that was at night, too :huh:

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My brother sent me these pics (not very good pics) they have been installing 5g at night...hmm...above ground and below ground. He was video taping him and the guy told him to stop.

They already put the 5g in the schools, oh that was at night, too :huh:

Sent from....Somewhere on Tapatalk
They are putting them in schools now when no one is there to ask any questions:gaah:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Eggplant and Polenta Casserole

Eggplants contain potent antioxidant compounds which protect cells in the body from damage.

  • 2 tablespoons grape seed oil
  • 1 yellow onion, diced
  • 4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 2 pounds fresh plum tomatoes, peeled and chopped or 2- 14 oz can diced tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar
  • 1/2 tsp italian seasoning
  • 1/4 cup fresh basil chopped
  • 1 medium eggplant, sliced into 1/4-inch rounds
  • 1 log polenta, sliced into thinly
  • sea salt and black pepper to taste

  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees
  2. In a medium saucepan, heat 1 tablespoon oil over medium heat. Add the onion and garlic, and cook, stirring, until soft and lightly golden, about 8 minutes.
  3. Add tomatoes and salt, and cook, stirring occasionally, until sauce has thickened, about 30 minutes. Stir in vinegar, italian seasoning, basil and black pepper. Remove sauce from heat.
  4. Meanwhile, heat a large cast-iron skillet or grill pan over medium heat
  5. Lightly brush eggplant slices with the remaining tablespoon oil. Working in batches, lay slices in skillet in a single layer; cook until browned and they begin to soften, 2 to 3 minutes per side. Transfer to a plate.
  6. In a large skillet, add enough oil to coat the bottom. Add polenta slices and cook until slightly brown on both sides
  7. Spoon about 1/2 cup tomato sauce into a baking dish, spreading to coat evenly. Arrange eggplant slices snugly in a single layer. Spoon about 1 cup tomato sauce over eggplant, and arrange polenta rounds in slightly overlapping slices on top. Repeat with sauce and another layer of eggplant. Finish by dotting with remaining tomato sauce.
  8. Cover with foil and bake until bubbling, about 30 minutes
  9. Remove foil and continue baking about 15 minutes more
  10. Remove from oven, let cool slightly, and serve

Cook Time and Prep Time: 60 min
Serves: 4


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:
“What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything?"


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Much has been said, Jim,
...about the good things that have come from the COVID-19 pandemic. From reduced pollution and crime to increased community spirit and uplifting stories, many of us have even found time for home cooking and quality interaction with our pets!

There’s something else I have noticed, and that is an uptick in incidents of bravery and innovation. But I don’t mean gigantic, television newsworthy types of things. I am talking about regular people defeating self-limiting fears or self-imposed restrictions to become better versions of themselves.

Last weekend I was chatting with a friend, when she told me she had just conquered her intimidation of lighting the grill for barbequing. “Firing up the Weber” had always been something she waited for her husband to get home to do, but since he’s now working later into the evening, she wanted to step up a little and do it herself. Now she’s test-driving new recipes and feeling empowered!

Then a colleague sent me this story about overcoming a few of her own limitations. She explained:

"I wanted to put a video demonstration in my newsletter...the email service told me I needed to get it to them through a streaming service like YouTube. I never thought I would do anything like that. In the old days, I had the budget to hire a video crew who could light the shot, do sound checks and then edit everything to make it look great. All I had to do was write it.

This time all I had was a mobile phone and a selfie stick which I didn't know how to put together. I used natural light and did the best I could, given I had never used the video feature on my phone. Then my laptop died, so I had to trim the video on the phone and upload it to YouTube from there. Some quality was lost in the process, but at least I got it up there.

I have no idea where all of this will lead. We are still on a stay at home order through the end of the month. It may not be perfect, but I’ve started. That's what counts.”

Perhaps it’s a bit of necessity being the mother of invention, but regardless, for both women, a huge shift took place. That shift took them each from a place of “I don’t/can’t/have never...” to “I guess I could try.” And I am so inspired myself, that I have begun to look harder at some of my own stories about what I can or can’t do right now.

What about you? Have you “stepped up your game” at all during these past few months? I’ve love to hear about it....

Live your life for you,

VU Sponsors
