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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love.
But the greatest of these is love."
~ 1 Corinthians 13:13


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We know it’s late (it’s after midnight here) but we had to send this to you and let you know about something we’ve been working on today to solve a little problem we’ve been facing.

We’ve had so many wonderful people sending us emails and submitting support tickets about all kinds of things...

... from personal stories, to wanting to thank us, to missing an episode and wanting to still be able to see it, to questions about ordering, etc.

And we wanted to thank you for reaching out and we’re working hard to reply personally to everyone.


We’ve had so many emails and tickets about missing episodes that we had to do something about it ...

So we’re excited to announce...

We’re going to have a 48 hour replay marathon of EVERY SINGLE episode all weekend long! Woo Hoo!

Go here to watch all 9 episodes right now for free!

But that’s not all!

We’re also going to extend the 60% off + “Buy One Get One FREE” through Sunday night at midnight as well.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Exciting news today…!

Registration is open and FREE tickets are now available for Marjory Wildcraft’s 6th annual:

2020 Home Grown Food Summit

For gardening geeks and soil nerds like us, this is one of my favorite events of the year. It always delivers…

And this year will be no different!

Remember, we're entering an era where we ALL need to become "gardening geeks". And quickly. No more room to delay.

Once again, Marjory has gathered 36 expert presentations that promise to reveal the BEST secrets to become free of relying on supermarkets, and guarantee your supply of food and medicine!

Plus, presentations on how to grow a ton of food when you’re short on space … how to compost EVERYTHING … how to ensure your harvest even when mother nature does the unpredictable… and so much more.

The speaker lineup for 2020 includes big names like:

Ronnie Cummins, Katrina Blair, Mike Adams, Melissa Norris, Joel Salatin, Dr. Patrick Jones, David the Good, Justin Rohner, Tom Bartels, and Jason Matyas …Just to name a few!

If this will be your first year attending the Home Grown Food Summit, you should know:

It’s a 100% online and FREE for you to attend.

It kicks off this Monday, May 4th.
And runs 24 hours a day, for 7 days!

This year Marjory has set up over 35 video presentations for you to enjoy, covering topics that include:

  • How To Start Your First Vegetable Garden Without Breaking The Bank
  • Reduce Your Garden Gamble: 3 Strategies To Win The Vegetable Jackpot
  • 5 Elegant Ways To Grow Food VERTICALLY
  • Herbs Aren’t Kale: How To Grow Medicinal Herbs At Home
  • Growing A Year’s Worth Of Fruits & Vegetables In Your Backyard
  • 10 Strategies For Growing Food In A Changing Climate
  • Victory Gardens: Myths, Facts, History, & Inspiration
  • Temperature & Timing: Natural Systems For A Successful Food Garden
  • Kitchen Medicine II: More Medicinal Herbal Wonderments In Your Spice Drawer!
… And that’s just the beginning!

This event takes place 100% online, so you can watch it all from home but...

You MUST register NOW to hold your seat!

Only registered attendees will get the complete schedule, so don’t wait and miss out.

In a world of increasingly insecure food systems, you will want to mark your calendar from May 4th – May 10th.

And I'll see YOU on the inside!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

If you have any questions about the safety of vaccines and wonder if there is any truth about the side effects of vaccines, I would encourage you to watch these episodes.

Are there any benefits to vaccines?

Should you get the yearly flu shot?

This 9-part documentary totally blew the roof off what I thought I knew about vaccines… in every possible way.

From the history, through what we know today and even what we can expect to see in the future, the experts who participated in this event were second to none. And the information was transformational for me!

And if you missed it... You can catch up this weekend. It will be worth your time!

You can watch the entire series back-to-back, but this is your very last chance to see it all for FREE.

If you get to watch, no worries! Go here and watch the entire replay weekend right now.

I liked it so much I’m sharing it with my friends, family and my community.

This information can have such a huge impact on you, IF you take the time to listen.

Oh yeah, as if putting up the entire series weren’t enough, Ty and Charlene will be hosting a 2-part Expert Roundtable this weekend, with Part 1 airing Saturday at noon Eastern and Part 2 airing Sunday at noon Eastern. On the roundtable are experts like Dr. Rashid Buttar, Dr. Sherri Tenpenny, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Bobby Kennedy, Del Bigtree, and Dr. Andrew Wakefield.

I’ll see you there!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!
Whether you’re trying to heal from a chronic illness or fight an acute infection, you cannot properly heal when your nervous system is out of whack.

Anecdotal evidence and published scientific studies show that experiencing prolonged stress negatively impacts the immunological state... and that prolonged elevated psychological stress is associated with increased risk of infection by respiratory viruses!

--->>Understand how stress impacts your immunity when you join us at our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

Because of the demands of modern life and the prevalence of unresolved emotional trauma and lack of ability to handle stress effectively, many people can activate their sympathetic (fight-or-flight) response very readily, but they often struggle to switch it off because of low vagal tone.

This limits the ability to activate the rest-digest-detoxify-heal part of the nervous system, and over time, this leads to chronic inflammation and poor gut function, and consequently, can result in pretty much any chronic disease, including autoimmunity and cancer.

Our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit will discuss:
  • Functions of the vagus nerve
  • The vagus nerve’s role in immunity
  • Connection between healthy vagus function and healthy gut and biome
  • Links between infections, mitochondrial and vagus function
  • Boosting function of the vagus nerve
  • And so much more!

By applying these strategies, you can improve your nervous system and immune system function in a matter of weeks, and take your healing to the next level!

--->>Learn how you can balance your nervous system when you join us at our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

Eva Detko, PhD, MSc, mIAHT, has spent the last few months gathering the right experts, information and protocols to help you understand the importance of toning and strengthening your vagus nerve function for optimal health.

Every day she helps her clients overcome complex health issues by helping them restore their autonomic nervous system balance, which is critical to healing from any chronic condition.

She’s here to help you by sharing that wisdom.
To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. When you register for our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
Good day, Jimi!
Whether you’re trying to heal from a chronic illness or fight an acute infection, you cannot properly heal when your nervous system is out of whack.

Anecdotal evidence and published scientific studies show that experiencing prolonged stress negatively impacts the immunological state... and that prolonged elevated psychological stress is associated with increased risk of infection by respiratory viruses!

--->>Understand how stress impacts your immunity when you join us at our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

Because of the demands of modern life and the prevalence of unresolved emotional trauma and lack of ability to handle stress effectively, many people can activate their sympathetic (fight-or-flight) response very readily, but they often struggle to switch it off because of low vagal tone.

This limits the ability to activate the rest-digest-detoxify-heal part of the nervous system, and over time, this leads to chronic inflammation and poor gut function, and consequently, can result in pretty much any chronic disease, including autoimmunity and cancer.

Our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit will discuss:
  • Functions of the vagus nerve
  • The vagus nerve’s role in immunity
  • Connection between healthy vagus function and healthy gut and biome
  • Links between infections, mitochondrial and vagus function
  • Boosting function of the vagus nerve
  • And so much more!

By applying these strategies, you can improve your nervous system and immune system function in a matter of weeks, and take your healing to the next level!

--->>Learn how you can balance your nervous system when you join us at our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit!

Eva Detko, PhD, MSc, mIAHT, has spent the last few months gathering the right experts, information and protocols to help you understand the importance of toning and strengthening your vagus nerve function for optimal health.

Every day she helps her clients overcome complex health issues by helping them restore their autonomic nervous system balance, which is critical to healing from any chronic condition.

She’s here to help you by sharing that wisdom.
To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. When you register for our Mind, Body & Vagus Nerve Connection Summit, you’ll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!

You can use Clove and Lime essential oil on your vagus nerve on your neck. It stimulates the parasympathetic response.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Compromised immunity due to candida overgrowth [starts Monday]

Good day, Jimi!
Our Candida Summit starts on Monday!

With the right conditions, there’s no limit to where candida will spread, and, when rampant, it can compromise your immunity and increase the risk of autoimmune conditions and other chronic diseases... not to mention the intense sugar cravings, brain fog, bloating, depression, anxiety, digestive issues and low energy it can cause!

Candida overgrowth can compromise the gut barrier and contribute to leaky gut; your gut is a critical part of your immune system.

--->>This is why it’s paramount to register for The Candida Summit now to learn how it’s related to immune health!

Increased intestinal permeability allows toxins, bacteria, viruses, and partially digested food particles to enter the bloodstream, which can trigger a multitude of symptoms and increase the risk of autoimmune conditions.

Today it has become even MORE crucial to maintain a strong, healthy immune system.

You can use all the preventive antiviral/antimicrobial approaches under the sun, but if you don't address the underlying candida overgrowth, your results will be limited, as will your immunity.
Addressing candida overgrowth is critical to increasing your resilience against exogenous pathogens, including viruses, bacteria and other toxins.

--->>Overcome candida and boost your immunity at The Candida Summit, free and online May 4-10, 2020!

You can truly get started on better health today!

To your health,
Bob & Bobby
Co-founders, Health Talks Online

P.S. When you register for The Candida Summit, you’ll also unlock early access to interviews, free guides and helpful eBooks about candida.
Sign in to your HealthMeans account now!
Have a question? Contact us!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One of the greatest frustrations I dealt with early in my journey was not knowing how to get help to heal.

I knew that there was a whole branch of medicine (often called functional or integrative medicine) that was devoted to healing the root cause of disease…

And finding one of those doctors (who was actually *good* and could help me) was HARD.

But when I tried all these supposedly-great biohacks touted by greats like Dave Asprey and Ben Greenfield…

I was getting mediocre results.

I was still dealing with exhaustion, I wasn’t losing weight (in fact, I’d recently mysteriously GAINED 45 lbs), and my periods were all over the place.

By this point, I’d spent years eating super clean, no gluten or other inflammatory foods, top-quality water, no wifi in my house (the whole place was hard-wired), and the functional neurosurgeon that I’d been learning from had biohacks that were hit-or-miss for me (and the other women in our community).

What was I missing?

I was at least finding doctors that would run the labs that I’d request, but they didn’t seem concerned about my symptoms or helping me get to the bottom of them.

One doctor actually told me that my hormones were "supposed" to decline as I got older … I was 38, and my levels were showing full 55+-aged menopause.

I finally found a doc to support me with bioidentical hormone replacement therapy… which was awesome, but there was a reason my hormones were jacked and I wanted to get to the bottom of it.

It seems my biggest challenge was figuring out the protocols I needed to do in order to truly heal at a deep level.

You don’t have to stay "stuck" with a doctor who doesn’t seem to have the protocols you need to get to the bottom of your flabby, foggy and fatigued.

I’m hosting a special webinar just for you Jim called How to Escape the Doctor Trap to Lose Weight, Enjoy Radiant Energy and Feel Like Your Best Self ...Finally!

A few weeks ago, Sarah messaged me about her Hashimoto’s disease.

She’d just been diagnosed six months prior, and she recalled sitting in her doctor’s office in tears, devastated at this news.

Her doctor was compassionate and wrote her a prescription for her condition. "Keep me posted on how you are feeling," he said. "I want to know what symptoms you’re experiencing and to hear how things are going."

Sarah left feeling supported, like she was going to get the help she needed to get well again.

Her Hashi’s symptoms got worse, and when she updated her doctor on her experience, he began to treat her like she was a complainer, just looking for something to blame for being unhappy in her life. Rather than helping her with her symptoms, he offered to put her on anti-depressants.

The struggle to get help from a medical team that takes your health goals seriously has been one of the most intense, terrifying, overwhelming struggles of my life and I don’t want anyone in the Healing Rosie to flounder like I have!

Don’t miss How to Escape the Doctor Trap to Lose Weight, Enjoy Radiant Energy and Feel Like your Old Self Again!

The truth is, there is a reason that you’re dealing with these crazy flabby, foggy and fatigued symptoms, and it’s not your fault Jim.

You don’t have to believe doctors when they tell you that your labs are fine, or that your diagnosis has no treatment options outside of prescription drugs or surgery.

You can lose weight, have radiant energy and get your life back!

You are worth it Jim!

I hope you’ll sign up and plan to join me today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Light and Dark
My sister reminded me this week that is was the one year anniversary of Orenda Cancer Community and Blog and the real start of my work as an integrative cancer care advocate. Starting Orenda was a huge step for me in my journey with healing from cancer, and this past year has been one of immense self-reflection and learning, so I would have thought that I would have remembered its anniversary!

I'm blaming COVID-19. It has upended everything and changed our everyday normal, distracting us terribly; I can barely keep track of what day of the week it is now, let alone when it's an important date, the days all feel so similar. When huge, unexpected, and negative things happen to us, it feels like life and time stands still. For about six months after I was diagnosed, I remember feeling like I was in this little bubble where time and everyday life couldn't get to me. I was so consumed by cancer and healing and research that I probably would have forgotten my own birthday if it wasn't for my family.

When dark things happen, it can feel like everything else stops, and that only adds to our feelings of isolation and fear and anxiety. But the truth is that they don't stop, they continue on, but perhaps outside of our current awareness. And I think that was a very important reminder for me this week. Even when terrible things like cancer and COVID are happening to us, there are still so many beautiful, happy, wonderous things continuing right along beside them. Darkness cannot stop the light because it needs it, it needs the balance it creates. Afterall, we wouldn't have darkness if there was no light in contrast, and vice versa. Sometimes all we need is a little nudge from someone to be reminded that there is still good happening all around us, like the anniversary of something wonderful.

I want to thank you all so much for being here, for reading what I write, for supporting me and one another, for committing to your health and wellbeing. It means so much to me that I am able to help others through my experience; it means everything really. It has helped me just as much as it has helped anyone else, and it has brought more meaning and joy than I thought possible to something so dark and terrible.

Thank you, thank you, thank you! Today, I am grateful for all of you and for this past year together. To many more!

Happy Healing ❤️

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