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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Food for Thought


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Best Gut Grains to Stock Up On

Whole wheat has gotten the short end of the grain for the last decade or so in diet culture.

Paleo, Keto, Atkins – they all recommend ditching the grains to lose weight and calm an irritated digestive system. The prevalence of celiac disease and other gluten intolerances has birthed the cauliflower-as-pizza-crust movement – and there’s certainly nothing wrong with that!

But somewhere along the way, we forgot that grains are good for you… and good for your gut.

Here’s where we got lost: whole wheat grain is a different beast than refined white flour.

The reason we differentiate between “whole grain” and “refined grain” is that refined grains contain only one part of the original three components in grains – the endosperm.

Whole grains maintain their integrity by retaining each of the three parts of the original grain: the bran, the germ, and the endosperm.

What we end up eating most of the time is the endosperm, the inside layer. But we’re missing out on the outer layer of the grain (bran) and the core of the grain (germ). By separating the two outer layers from the inside layer, you can extend the shelf-life of grains and also achieve a desired evenness of texture in the food you ultimately cook with – the refined grain flour.

But… locked in the outer layers are vitamins E and B, phytochemicals that have been linked to preventing cancer development, healthy fats, and antioxidants.

It’s clear that not all of your grocery store grains are created equally.

What’s also become clear is that your gut bacteria benefits from the wealth of nutrients present in the combination of all three parts of the original wheat grain.

Here’s how.

What Grains Do for your Gut

Grains are fibrous – we all know that. What you might not know is that humans can’t digest fiber because we lack the natural enzymes required to process it.

So as the body absorbs the other nutrients in grains, the fiber continues its journey through the digestive tract and pushing waste out with it, helping keep us regular.

When fiber arrives at the large intestine, the gut microbes actually ferment it which turns fiber into short-chain fatty acids – specifically butyrate, acetate, and propionate.

Now, several things can happen at this point. Digestive tract lining cells can absorb the butyrate and use it as fuel, or the SCFAs are distributed as needed throughout the body via the bloodstream.

It’s important that intestinal cells receive this energy source. We want strong and powerful digestive cells because they maintain the integrity of the gut lining and help to prevent disorders like IBS, leaky gut, diverticulitis, and any other conditions involving permeated intestines.

A strong and complete intestinal lining keeps bad guys out, and good guys in, helping you avoid gut inflammation.

And specific grains have been shown to have specific effects on gut microbes.

Whole Grain Oats

Studies revealed that eating whole grain oat flour affected the gut’s microbial population.

Consuming more of this flour led to an increase in Lactobacillaceae, which is a beneficial gut bacteria responsible for producing lactic acid, which attacks harmful bacteria in the gut and prevents their population from growing.

While we’re all cooking from home, snagging whole grain oats at the grocery store can help you stay regular and regulated.


This is an ideal choice for those who are sensitive to gluten, since it’s naturally gluten-free.

It’s also high in fiber and niacin, a B vitamin, shown to improve gut health in healthy humans.

In fact, it’s used in Traditional Chinese Medicine to prevent slow digestion and reduce inflammation.

Including buckwheat in your diet can increase the Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium spp, Bifidobacterium lactis presence in your gut – all helpful and healthy gut bacteria.

Steam it, boil it, bake it – see if you notice a difference in your body after introducing it!

Maize Flour (Corn meal)

This isn’t your average American corn-enriched product. The Western diet is so full of processed corn, we’ve been taught to mistrust it – and for good reason.

But corn in its natural form, ground into powder, is actually good for you! For your gut, specifically.

Eating corn meal or corn cereal can increase the healthy population of Bifidobacteria in the gut. Natural sprouted corn contains plenty of fiber, antioxidants, phytochemicals, and resistant starch (which is a prebiotic and supports the function and growth of healthy gut bacteria.)

Corn meal, corn starch, and corn flour can all be used to reap these benefits!

But the list hardly ends there.

Brown rice and barley can also increase the presence of Bifidobacteria, Lactobacillae, Roseburia, and Eubacterium rectale.

Whole grain pasta and bread can lower inflammation signals and lower food intake without changing the bacterial composition of your gut.

Keep this in mind while you’re shopping: whole grain variety is the name of the game, especially when you’re introducing brand-new whole grain cultures, like millet, bulgur, quinoa, or sorghum. New gut bacteria is wonderful for a balanced profile!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ask yourself, “What if growing food sustainably, in a regenerative way, could solve many of the world's problems?” You could be a part of that solution. Find out more May 16th in the documentary Grow Food.

Food is fundamental to life. Unfortunately, unsustainable agricultural practices are taking a toll on the health of people and our planet. Grow Food celebrates creating life through sustainable practices - wherever you live.

Topsoil is the top layer of soil that is richest in nutrients. It takes years to cultivate. According to the World Wildlife Fund, “Half of the topsoil on the planet has been lost in the last 150 years.” Scientists say at this rate of soil degradation, we only have 60 years left of topsoil to grow food using extractive and degrading processes.

Discover a better way. Save your seat to a special online screening of Grow Food.

Jessica Smith and Joe Rignola share the story of Jim, a man who started with no land in the suburbs of Long Island. We follow him to discover what happened when he took the leap.

You’ll see firsthand the impact you can have by growing food - for us and the planet. You don’t need a huge garden or big backyard. No experience is necessary - just a desire to grow something - anything really. Helping to Solve Problems Like…

  • Degenerative and chronic disease
  • Hunger
  • Environmental issues
  • Drinking water contamination
  • Nutrient depletion in our food
  • Excess carbon in the atmosphere
  • Desertification of our soil due to industrial agriculture
  • Exposure to toxic agrochemicals like glyphosate
... and so many more…

By growing healthy plants that sequester CO2 from the atmosphere and store it in the soil, you have the potential to draw down the excess carbon in the atmosphere and build precious topsoil.

This helps the environment and helps strengthen the plant. (Think of it sort of like immune boosting for plants.)

Whether you want to garden or just want to understand more about the importance of sustainable practices, this documentary is timely and so important to watch.

Create the future you desire,
Dr Tom O’Bryan

P.S. What’s the story behind the food you eat? If you don’t grow it, you may not know it. This spring, I challenge you to grow at least one food - in a pot, windowsill, backyard, or raised bed. Skip the insecticides. Be kind to nature, and nature will be kind to you. Sign up now to discover how you can be a part of the solution.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

We just hosted a wildly successful Food Revolution Summit that inspired and empowered hundreds of thousands of people in 180 nations.

The response was so amazing that we’ve decided to offer the entire Summit on-demand for two very special days.

>> It’s 100% complimentary — sign up here!

A global pandemic makes one thing abundantly clear: Your health needs to be a priority. Not just someday, but right now.

And the truth is, the real foundation of your health is food.

For two days, you can hear my dad and colleague, best-selling author, John Robbins, interview Joel Fuhrman, MD; Vandana Shiva, PhD; Michael Greger, MD; Neal Barnard, MD; Daniel Amen, MD; Christiane Northrup, MD; Kristi Funk, MD; and many more of the top food experts on the planet.

And you can get it all, on-demand, for 48 precious hours. There’s tons of practical information to help you strengthen your immune system, and enjoy more energy, a clear mind, healthy circulation, and lasting wellness.

>> See the speaker lineup and join in the Food Revolution Summit (all interview access) for two days, right here.

Click the link to join in and listen to any or all of the life-changing presentations. But hurry, this is only available for two days.

Yours for great health,

Ocean Robbins

P.S. When you sign up for the Food Revolution Network’s 2-Day All Interviews Pass, you’ll get support and inspiration that will empower you to make those small daily choices that can create positive changes in your life. Are you ready to get informed, and to take charge of your health? Hear it all here now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,
In my 4-hour webinar on COVID-19 last month, I covered how we can best keep ourselves and our families safe from the coronavirus. I offered tips for optimal respiratory and hand hygiene, surface disinfection, proper mask usage, how to make my DIY sanitizer solution, sheltering-in-place, and what to do if you come down with the disease. I also discussed the source of the virus and how we can treat the cause and prevent future animal-to-human disease outbreaks.

All of those topics have been now been turned into videos that will be featured on over the coming weeks. If you don’t want to wait you can binge-watch them all at once and participate in the live Q&A by joining me for this unique webinar event.

Webinar Date & Time: May 27, 2020 at 2pm ET
Last Day to Register: May 25, 2020

This webinar is completely free for anyone and everyone to attend, but if you’re able to, please consider making a donation to help defray costs and support my work here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Every 4 seconds, someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease…It is a modern epidemic. It seems a cruel joke that more people are living longer, but not in their right mind….

But, it doesn’t have to be that way. Am I saying Alzheimer’s disease is preventable… Absolutely!

For education and inspiration, I want to invite you to participate in my friend, Dr. Josh Levitt’s video series Escaping Alzheimer’s.

Josh interviewed 12 of the world’s top doctors and neuroscientists to reveal the latest breakthroughs in Alzheimer’s therapy. I was honored to be among those interviewed.

Click here to register for the free educational event called Escaping Alzheimer’s.

Trust me, it is an event that you do not want to miss. You can watch all 5 videos for FREE – but only for a short while.

>> Click here now to discover this life-changing information

Take advantage of this offer today, it is on a limited basis.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi!

Before the emergent crisis, I had no idea I had medical colleagues who shared my views of conventional medicine as a sort of religion. But more specifically, of germ theory being scientifically bankrupt and leveraged as an instrument geopolitical and social control.

During this unique moment in history, the universe is challenging us to get clear on our beliefs and values and align with like-minds in an effort to reclaim our humanity.

That’s why it was a pleasure to come together with friends and colleagues, Dr. Andrew Kaufman and Dr. Barre Lando, to be interviewed by conscious thought leader Matt Belair, in a panel discussion questioning the mainstream narrative.

Watch Now

This is just one of the many discussions you can access for free on, that curates content from clinicians, researchers, and health experts around the world who are interrogating the story we are being told by mainstream media, regulators, and authorities.

Yours in reclamation ,

Kelly Brogan MD


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

Your best defense against today's (and tomorrow's) global health threats is a strong immune system.

Yet, too many still remain uninformed about the best protocols to prevent illness and defeat diseases like autoimmune disorders, cancer and heart disease.

It's time to give your immune system what it needs to protect your health at The Immune Defense Summit, a free and online event!

Jonathan Landsman has gathered 39 of the world's top experts in integrative medicine and science, to discuss the strengthening of your immune system.

The Immune Defense Summit will help you learn more about:

  • Infectious disease solutions (without toxic drugs!)
  • Latest advances in immune protective protocols
  • Alarming vaccine news (and safe alternatives!)
  • Strategies to reverse disease symptoms at the root cause
  • And more!
We'll see you online at The Immune Defense Summit, June 8-14, when you register today.

To better health,

The GreenMedInfo Team

P.S. When you register for The Immune Defense Summit, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides and helpful eBooks about living your most resilient life!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Have you been watching these fantastic speakers with us today?

There are tens of thousands of people watching the free Home Grown Food Summit—and Day #4 is coming to a close!

Today’s speakers offer so much incredible information for anyone who wants to eat veggies from their home garden, and get the whole family involved in the home-grown mindset!

Click this link to watch the Day #4 videos!

Just look at who's speaking today,
May 7!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Anyone wanting to watch this can use my link in this email

You're registered to watch my award-winning film titled Cancer; The Integrative Perspective in 13 days from today.

Once it's released at 9am Mountain Time, you will have a full 72 hour free replay period to watch the film online before it's taken down.

I suggest gathering friends and family and scheduling a watch-party at your home or community social club. Many people have found that being able to discuss the topics from the film with others is very useful.

In the meantime, I want to share with you an excerpt from my award winning documentary film Cancer; The Integrative Perspective talks about the "Doctor of the future."

Dr. Connealy attended the University of Texas School of Public Health, and then attended the University of Health Sciences Chicago Medical School. She completed her post-graduate training at the Harbor/UCLA Medical Center in Los Angeles, California.

Watch the video here.

Dr. Connealy soon realized that conventional medicine had very limited returns and did not always improve the health of her patients. Her patients were hungry for alternative approaches for improving their health. This led her to study integrative and complementary therapies, and since then she has revolutionized the landscape of medicine. Dr. Connealy feels that we must treat the patient with the disease and not the disease of the patient. She has discovered that many factors contribute to the disease process; therefore, many modalities must be used to reverse it.

Dr. Connealy treats the WHOLE person, and is open to all potential treatment possibilities. She has over twenty years of experience in finding the ‘root cause of an illness’, and has taken numerous advanced courses, including homeopathic, nutritional and lifestyle approaches, while studying disease, chronic illness, and cancer treatments. She has a true passion to change her patients’ lives, and give them their life back.

Click here to watch the excerpt of Dr. Connealy.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Quick one today.

I got an email lately from a collaborator of mine who’s an engineer with a background in physics.

He is personally convinced that EMFs are a huge issue for children -- and his 2 year old daughter is showing some signs of neurological issues. The problem? His wife is not.

So far, he’s been pretty unsuccessful at convincing his wife that EMFs might be negatively impacting their daughter’s brain development -- which is why he reached out.

Here’s my answer to him:

Hey, I'm glad you reached out.

A few videos that might help get your wife open to the idea of at least turning off the wifi at night, and starting to move towards the basic EMF mitigation steps:

Just a few I had in mind. My book is a good resource, but if she's really close-minded about the topic, then reading an entire book might be a stretch.

Is she aware that EMFs emitted by wifi, Bluetooth, cell phones, etc. are a Class 2B carcinogen, and that there's an on-going re-classification that will likely raise that to a 2A or Class 1 carcinogen? It's truly the next smoking. Hope this helps!


Most parents are not comfortable with the idea of letting their kids play with something that has cancer-causing effects, so this last argument often has a strong impact.

Two reminders before I go:

1) If you want to hear more about the EMF-brain development link, make sure to check out my talk on the Autism Recovery Summit. As always, registration is 100% free.

2) There’s still time to post a review for my newly launched “Smarter Tech Podcast” -- and get a chance to win one of 3 Enviro RD10 EMF meters! (retail value $140 USD each).

Alright, back to more research. Talk soon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Last week I decided to take a COVID-19 antibody test...

I've been honoring the social distancing orders since they were put in place on March 14th here in Vermont, only making the necessary trip to the grocery store once a week, keeping my distance and washing my hands.

I haven't been sick since COVID took over the media and our lives. But I was very sick before all of this. Sicker than I have ever been in my life.

It all started the first week in February. I had just returned from a networking event in Las Vegas. I was in close contact with thousands of people, shaking hands, hugging, and dancing in close quarters into the wee hours of the night (I typically don't get out much, as a mother of a 5 year old living in rural Vermont, so when the opportunity presented itself to go out dancing it Vegas, I jumped on it!)

After 4 long days of networking and attending parties, I flew home, exhausted. This was to be expected. I caught up on my sleep, got back on my supplement and eating regime, and things were starting to get back to normal...

Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. Body aches, fever (soaking the sheets type of fever), extreme exhaustion, digestive distress, a horrible cough that left me losing my voice, and the worst part... gasping for air.

Now, I pride myself on my lung capacity. I can hold my breath for almost 2 minutes, and I can run marathons back to back. However, when COVID hit me, I was winded just walking across the room. I spent days... weeks... on the coach.

I thought it was just a really bad flu. At this point I was aware of COVID happening in China, but it hadn't yet become a major concern here in the US.

I did get myself an albutuerol inhaler to help me breathe, and then I got to work filling the holes in my immune system.

Luckily, I have been working on my immune health for a while now, and I had my immune genetics to help guide me as far as what I needed to prioritize in order to make a full recovery.

After about 10 days, my voice returned, and my cough tapered down. My energy and breathing took a bit longer to recover, but after about 6 weeks, I felt 85% better.

Now, it's been a couple months, and I began to wonder if I in fact had COVID-19. So, I was able to get my hands on the IGG and IGM antibody tests.

My results came back positive: showing that I did in fact have COVID at least a month or so ago.

Why am I sharing this?

A couple of reasons...

  1. Covid-19 is real. It's not a hoax, it is a real condition.
  2. With a healthy immune system, you can recover from COVID-19 and live to tell the story.

What I really want to stress is the same message that I have been preaching since before COVID-19 came on the scene...

We have to take responsibility for our own health and use all of the tools available to us in order to become more resilient to disease and "harder to kill". If we make health a priority while we our well, then we don't have to worry as much if we get sick or when there is a threat to our health.

I strongly believe that the steps I have taken over the last year to fill the holes in my immune system (mold, histamines, and inflammatory markers) made a key difference in my ability to recover fully from COVID.

We all have holes in our immune system that are like open doors allowing viruses and bacteria to come in and take hold. We can look into our genetics and epigenetics to find and fill those holes so that we can better fight off anything that comes our way!

It isn't about taking every immune booster or anti-viral, it's about strategically giving your body what it is lacking - for some that's vitamin D, for others it's Melatonin, for others it's ashwaghanda or maitake mushrooms.

Knowing what you need most could be the difference between life and death.

To make it super simple, we have decided to offer a payment plan for the DNA Made Simple testing and program so that it can fit any budget. See below for details

Virtual Hugs,

Dr. Michelle


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
IMMUNE Genetics: DNA Made Simple


Knowledge is truly powerful and even more so in uncertain times.

To help you optimize your immune health even faster, we are offering our DNA Made Simple genetic testing, reporting and tutorial program with an easy payment plan.

Plus, if you already have 23 and Me or, you will save $100 using your existing raw data.

You'll learn:

  • How to identify your immune deficiencies, weaknesses and gaps
  • Your genetic health risks
  • Toxins, supplements and medications to avoid
  • Your vitamin levels and nutrient needs
  • Your optimal sleep schedule for immune health
  • Hormone production and metabolization
  • Your optimal macro and micro-nutrients to support healing and longevity
  • And much more...

=> Click here to fill the holes in your immune system and optimize your health based on your unique genetics


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jim,

Can you believe it's Day #5 of the free Home Grown Food Summit already?

We’ve already seen and heard from so many amazing experts, on a wide variety of topics from vermicomposting and humanure to fruit tree grafting and buying the right property—all while growing our own food!

Tens of thousands of viewers are enjoying and benefiting from this exclusive collection of sustainable, home-grown wisdom.

Don’t be left in the dust—watch with us!

Click this link to watch the Day #5 videos!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:
Never underestimate the power of food to balance your hormones and reduce inflammation."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!

Unlock Dr. David Jockers’ 59-page eGuide, Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing, and discover researched-based strategies and attain deep cellular healing.

(This is one of our most downloaded eBooks right now!)

--->>Download your complimentary eGuide Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing!

Our society is seeing an epidemic of chronic degenerative inflammatory diseases. Conditions like heart disease, diabetes, cancer, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s are all on the rise.

Our current medical system has no real answers when it comes to preventing these conditions and most people just assume they are a normal part of aging.

The truth is that our bodies were created with an innate ability to heal themselves.

Every day, it goes to work to help repair damaged cells and cellular components while getting rid of metabolic debris. Unfortunately, our lifestyle habits thwart this innate healing mechanism and overload our system with metabolic waste.

In this 59-page eGuide, you’ll discover how to activate and optimize the mechanism of autophagy, which is essential for the self-healing and self-regulating processes of the body.

Reading through and applying this information will make a huge difference in your life and save you from the unnecessary suffering that is plaguing mankind!

When you unlock this gift, you’ll also save a seat for the free, online Fasting Transformation Summit taking place on May 11-17, 2020 -- over 30 experts empowering you to live with a stronger, more powerful edge in life.

--->>Gain IMMEDIATE ACCESS to the 59-page Activating Autophagy: Your Guide to Cellular Healing now!

You can truly get started on better health today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Earlier this week I posted a video on my Facebook page announcing something special I'm planning.

And explained WHY I'n doing it.

You can see it here. (Or you can click on the image below)

And if you like reading or don't use Facebook, I summarized it below as well.

You'll definitely want to read or watch because it applies to you.

I've been thinking about this for awhile.

I've never done this type of program before in this way...

But I feel I must for THREE REASONS:

1. I’m MORE CONCERNED about your life, health, relationships, finances & happiness the REST OF THE YEAR.... than I am right now during our current situation.

And not just this year, but well beyond that,too.

There's so much uncertainty now, when you actually may 'have the time' at home...

How are you going to fit in your 'health' when life's back to normal (whatever 'normal' is).

The stress of taking care of your health.

The stress of money and finances and work.

The stress of the unknown.

People WILL experience these stresses, and have me asking...

2. Do people have the KNOWLEDGE, GUIDANCE, OR ACCOUNTABILITY to relieve these stresses in a healthy way?

In my 20+ years helping patients and clients, these are three major obstacles to getting started...

Making real progress...

Having long-lasting sustainable healthy success.

And lastly (possibly most importantly)...

3. Am I sharing my knowledge, talents, and experience to help people through this time (and what's coming)?

And not just 'survive' but actually grow and flourish.

Am I becoming the person I want to be?

The person I want my wife, three daughters, and family to be proud of.

Because I've been preparing my health, brain, and body for years...

Guiding so many others in their health journey...

Gaining knowledge and experience from every encounter.

I need to get this information to as many people as possible and guide them through it.

I know it'll be the best for your health, help fulfill my purpose and vision, and heal our world.

So, over the next two weeks, I'll share specifics of my 'covid Stress Relief Plan.'

Because I understand people are concerned about their finances, I have made this affordable.

For now, click here to tell me if you're "IN" or any thoughts you have.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
And here we are...

The final day of the 2020 Quit Sugar Summit.

YOU helped make this our biggest summit EVER.

So from the bottom of our hearts...thank you. ♥

But we're not done yet!

You have 24 hours left to dig into a mega-dose of information, inspiration and life-changing goodness.

So quit reading this and dive in:
Watch the Day 3 Encore here==>

Here’s today’s lineup:
  • Cristy "Code Red" Nickel
  • Dr. Gary Fettke
  • Craig Emmerich
  • Judy Cho
  • Pete Evans
  • Dr. Cate Shanahan
  • Molly Carmel
  • Autumn Smith
  • Wolfram Alderson
  • Dr. Mike Dow
  • Dr. Tom O’Bryan
  • Dr. Nasha Winters
  • Julia Ross
  • Kellie Logsdon
  • Samantha Glandish
  • Doug Reynolds
  • Antonio C Martinez II
  • James Goolnik
We'll see you inside,

Mike, Dani, and Dave
Your QSS support team

PS: If you’re still finding scheduling all these presentations an issue then just grab the speakers package with ALL of the speakers (and over $3,000 worth of bonuses) and watch the event on your own time.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I hope for many of you, your quarantine life has been productive, educational, and at the very last, a slower paced time to engage with family. I don’t know what the next month will bring, but I’m hopeful we will start to get out more and rebuild our communities.

Since a healthy body, attitude, and mind is more important now than ever, I wanted to share these episodes with you that all offer hope and solutions to some health issues that have been plaguing us long before this pandemic. From alternative cancer care… to pain and neuropathy... to thriving in menopause years… to living in a healthy home free from mold and other toxins…

Hopefully these shows will inspire you to continue to work on your health forever and ever.

As always, thank you for allowing me to share my health discoveries with you on a weekly basis. I could not do what I do without your continued support!

Be well all of you!
Episode #310 with Dr. Al Danenberg: Unconventional Cancer Care

This episode will share one doctor's unconventional cancer journey, and how his positive attitude, strategic diet variation, quality of life, and integrated protocols have shaped the outcome of his life. Dr. Al Danenberg was diagnosed with incurable bone marrow cancer shortly after retiring from his thriving periodontal practice. You will hear his amazing story about how he rejected conventional treatments and took his health into his own hands.

>> Go here to watch CHTV Episode #310

Episode #311 with Dr. Phil Lenoue III: An Integrative Approach to Pain and Neuropathy

I love taking CHTV on location, seeking out special healing modalities to bring to you. I'm especially excited about this one, because I'm visiting my friend Dr. Phil Lenoue. You might remember him from Episode 290, which was about Ultrasound Guided Neurofascial Hydrodissection.

This therapy intrigued me so much, I had to fly to Spokane, Washington to experience it for myself. Unlike many other approaches, this concept is very accessible; and it is where you’ll want to start when targeting chronic pain, neuropathy, and fascia (to name a few). Get ready to change your world with this inexpensive therapy... and stay tuned as Dr. Phil does a live demo.

>> Go here to watch CHTV Episode #311

Episode #312 with Dr. Mindy Pelz: The Menopause Reset

I had the best time with this incredible superstar, Dr. Mindy Pelz. Dr. Mindy’s passion is educating women on keto, fasting, and diet variation to impact their hormonal health. She is here today to discuss menopause, and how she was inspired by what worked in her own life and in her practice that led to writing a book on the topic. What she has created has been incredible for menopausal women and she’s here to share her amazing tools with you today. You can find Mindy on her own podcast and YouTube channel and in her vibrant FB group, called the Resetter Collaborative.

>> Go here to watch CHTV Episode #312

Episode #313 with Caroline Blazovsky: A Simple Way to Test Your Home for Mold

By now you know your home can be riddled with mold and other hidden toxins that are preventing you from getting well. In-home assessments can be pricey and inaccurate, and I know many of you are looking for a less expensive, more effective way to have your home evaluated.

This guest offers a groundbreaking solution to this ongoing issue. I'm excited to be speaking to America's Healthy Home Expert, Caroline Blazovsky. For almost 2 decades, she has been helping clients diagnose problems that may be lurking in their homes. Her method has earned her a national reputation as one of the top home consultants in the country.

If you want to upgrade the wellness of your living space, and suspect there's something lurking behind your walls, this is an important episode you don't want to miss.

Call Ashley at 888-600-0642 for if you would like to order one of these amazing tests.

>> Go here to watch CHTV Episode #313

Please check out new episodes every Friday at 10am eastern. You can find us on iTunes, Spotify, YouTube, and at Please leave a review when you have a chance, we always love to hear your feedback!

I hope your May is filled with new beginnings. Praying for health and abundance for all of you.

To your health,

VU Sponsors
