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Jimi's Daily Health Articles

The Cromwell

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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Went to krogers and the only meat shortage I saw was in the prepacked sliced sandwitch meats everything else was close to totally full.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, do you have sprouts like mung or broccoli? I can’t grow them in soil, but I can sprout them from beans or seeds. I just have never done it yet.
Do it, you'll like them and they are at their peak of nutrition at that stage.:) Just lay them out in a shallow tray add a little water and cover, they will be ready to eat in 2 to 3 days if you are using fresh seed. It's the best form to consume them in.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee


As you know, censorship is alive and well.

Last week, without warning or reason, Twitter suspended all 3 of our Twitter platforms — TTAC, TTAV, and CancerTruth. Thank God, over the weekend, Charlene “found” an old Twitter account that they didn’t shut down, so please follow us @TyCharleneB.

In light of the current climate of censorship, we decided to record a series of interviews with the experts about this and other pressing issues.

One such pressing issue is H.R. 6666, aka the “TRACE” Act (formally known as the COVID-19 Testing, Reaching And Contracting Everyone Act), which was introduced by Illinois U.S. Representative Bobby L. Rush.

In a nutshell, the bill proposes mandatory testing at individuals’ residences, giving the government thugs “carte blanche” to break into homes and forcibly remove and quarantine anyone who tests positive for COVID-19. We’re not feeling too confident on the reliability of the test in light of the fact that a goat and a piece of pawpaw fruit both recently tested positive in Tanzania.

But on a deeper level, it doesn’t take a constitutional scholar to see that H.R. 6666 violates inalienable rights to one’s person, home and property, to one’s life, freedoms, privacy and security. It is a violation of the 4th Amendment, as well as the 1st, 5th, 8th and 9th Amendments to the Bill of Rights. It is an illegal act of forced medical treatment upon “We the People” and an invasion into our local communities.

In this first in a series of interviews covering censorship and medical tyranny, we interview Dr. Rashid Buttar on the COVID-19 issue as well as the H.R. 6666 “TRACE” Act.


“Big Tech” is already developing software to track the path of and people connected with COVID-19 infections and extrapolate who risky people are based on who they came into contact with and even where they went. Did you know that Apple and Google recently unveiled a joint effort on new tools that would use smartphones to aid in “contact tracing”? Some tech companies have proposed that people could be denied certain mobility, entry, even from making purchases, via cell phone tracking, facial recognition, temperature sensing and databases built from that tracking.

Is this Orwellian or what?

H.R. 6666 is unconstitutional, unacceptable and unlawful, and we demand that all representatives vote against this bill.

We DO NOT CONSENT to contact tracing, medical surveillance or forced medical intervention.

It’s time to draw a line in the sand.

Yours in health and liberty,


Dr. Buttar is an amazing person. And so are Ty and Charlene. Thanks for letting me know about this, Jimi. <3<3


Diamond Contributor
Member For 2 Years
ECF Refugee
OOPs looked and mine was 120 caps as well but still not a bad deal.

$10 is a good price. I realized that I bought Now brand, which makes good supplements too.

I finally feel a bit better after eating Zinc, Vitamin D3, Quercetin and Vitamin C like crazy. Plus some B vitamins. And kombucha for live probiotics.

Took like 6 weeks to kick in, though.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cooking at Home More? Here's What to Do with your Scraps

Maybe, before this all happened, your schedule was so hectic that you only dreamt of meal-planning or home-cooked meals.

Maybe, before all this, you had your favorite take-out joints saved on your food delivery app, or you met clients for dinner most nights of the week.

But now… a clear trend is emerging. According to a recent survey, 54% of Americans are cooking more in their homes than before the pandemic. 46% are baking more.

The volume of people making their own meals from scratch hasn’t been seen since the ‘50s.

And health care professionals, grocers, personal trainers, dieticians, and nutritionists alike are rejoicing: Even when you’re cooking “unhealthy” food at home, it’s likelier to be healthier for you than anything you’d eat at a restaurant.

Which is great news! Not only are we eating healthier by not eating out, but our confidence in cooking and experimenting has increased more than 60%.

That also means that our kitchen scrap output has massively increased. And since 54% of us are cooking more than we have before, we might not really think about how all those scraps impact the world…

You see, according to the EPA, 20-30% of the kitchen scraps we throw away end up in landfills. So what? They’ll decompose there, right?

Wrong. They actually get buried and layered between so many other things that can’t decompose, they have no access to oxygen. That means they rot instead, and release toxic gas (methane).


We could all be using those kitchen scraps to compost.

What is Composting?

Composting is a way to recycle organic materials back into the Earth. Instead of tossing your organic waste in the garbage where it will likely end up in a landfill, you can collect them and allow them to decompose in a bucket, a box, your backyard, etc.

When it decomposes, healthy microorganisms in the compost start to break down the physical matter and turn it into fertilizer for the soil, helping your vegetable garden, flower patch, or even in potted plants.

It’ll look dark and crumbly. But really, it’s packed with nutrients.

When you compost, you eliminate or reduce the need for the fertilizers you get at the garden store (which are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals), lowers the occurrence of methane gas production from landfills (thus impacting your personal carbon footprint), AND…

It encourages the production, and therefore eventual introduction to your body, of beneficial bacteria from the formerly living scraps.

We want those bacteria under our fingernails, on our skin, in our guts, and becoming part of the fabric of the food we eat.

Somewhat ironically, human history has led us to this exact moment…

Millenia of trying to outsource the production of the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on, and the other components of a full life have proven to us that most of the time, we’re sacrificing quality.

And in this case, it’s at a direct detriment to our health. Controlling our food supply from soil to plate helps the environment at large and our own health.

Here’s what you can compost…

Compostable Scraps

It’s just not kitchen scraps. Lots of other things can be composted! But let’s start with…

  • Eggshells
  • Avocado skins
  • Potato skins
  • Coffee grounds (and filters!)
  • Lettuce
  • Nut shells
  • Banana peels
  • Apple skins
  • Carrot tops and ends
  • Cabbage leaves
  • NOT onion skins, garlic skins, or citrus peels

Now, according to the EPA, a good compost pile should have:

  • Browns
  • Greens
  • Water

We covered greens – those are your kitchen scraps (grass clippings too!)

Let’s talk browns…

  • Dead leaves
  • Twigs
  • Tea bags
  • Cardboard
  • Paper (newspaper, printer, etc.)
  • Yard trimmings
  • Wood chips
  • Saw dust
  • Hay
  • Dryer and vacuum lint
  • Fireplace ashes
  • Hair and fur
  • House plants
  • Straw

That’s a pretty comprehensive list…

But if you do your own research, and find something else you’d like to add, go for it!

Stay tuned, because in a future edition, we’ll talk about various vessels you can use as a compost bin, how to take care of them, and when you know they’re done.

For now, try just getting your compost going by saving scraps or above-mentioned items.

We’ll get down to the dirty nitty-gritty next week.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's Health Thought:
“Any change, even a change for the better, is always accompanied by discomforts."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You’ve probably heard that your skin is your largest organ.

But did you know it’s an immunologic organ? Meaning: your skin is a major player in your immune system.

In fact, there are nearly 20 billion T cells (microscopic “soldiers” that seek out and destroy pathogens) in your skin -- far greater than the number of T cells in your blood!

When you think about that, it makes sense that certain nutrients boost immunity and beautify skin at the same time.

But which ones?

I tell all in this brand new video [click to watch]

In this video you’ll discover:

  • 3 nutrients that boost immunity and beautify your skin at the same time

  • The one nutrient that acts like rocket fuel for your immune system (I take this every day)

  • An ancient spice that’s about to become your immune system and skin’s best friend

  • The little-known link between immunity and accelerated aging (and how to reverse it)

  • And much more!
If the stress and lockdown of the past few months has made your skin look dry, rough, and bumpy…

Or, if you’re concerned about keeping your immune system strong when so many people are getting sick…

Then you don’t want to miss this video:

===> The Surprising Connection Between Immunity and Aging (watch now)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

This is not the same world it was six months ago.

We are feeling the effects of prolonged isolation, fear and uncertainty. These feelings are very real symptoms from a pandemic that cast the world in fear.

Did you know that how we love and care for ourselves and each other not only impacts disease but also resilience, depression, anxiety, sleep issues & more?

Now more than ever it is important to turn to self care!

My friend Razi Berry has spent 15 years as a publisher of case studies in medical journals. Through her research, Razi noticed distinct patterns in sickness and healing, patterns that are not widely understood or practiced.

These discoveries led her to team up with renowned teachers, healers, scientists, coaches and experts her free 7 part docuseries: Love Is Medicine.

In this docuseries, you will learn:

  • How to increase resiliency and immunity
  • How to overcome anxiety & depression, even during times of social distancing
  • Learning tools and strategies to cope in healthy ways
  • How we can heal by adjusting our mindset
  • How to heal your relationship with your environment
This series will provide you with actionable steps to further you on your healing journey, even in the midst of a pandemic.

The series is free to view starting May 21, 2020!

In Health,

Register Here >>


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Over the years I've had the chance to meet a lot of herbalists... and one thing I've noticed is that everyone ends up with their own unique approach to working with plants and people.

The same is true with astrologers...

Put them together and you have a super unique kind of practitioner.

That's why I'm so excited to be sharing my most recent podcast interview with my friend Kira Sutherland. She's a naturopath, herbalist, homeopath, nutritionist and medical astrologer, and is sharing some of her unique approaches to integrating plants, planets, and people in her clinical practice.

Check out the Medical Astrology in Practice podcast right here.

In this episode, Kira shares some incredible teachings:

  • How to use the birth chart to determine someone's unique constitution
  • Determining someone's level of sensitivity to herbs, helping you find the right dosage
  • Finding the root cause of someone's health concerns with the tool of astrology in conjunction with other evaluation methods
  • How to customize your protocols based on someone's unique astrological profile
I'm super excited excited for you to check this episode out, because it's actually quite rare to find someone that knows their plants, their astrology, AND is putting it to use in a clinical practice.

Click here to listen to Medical Astrology in Practice

Enjoy the podcast this week!


Sajah Popham, B.S. Herbal Science
Founder, The School of Evolutionary Herbalism
[email protected]
(833) 988-4433

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
Cooking at Home More? Here's What to Do with your Scraps

Maybe, before this all happened, your schedule was so hectic that you only dreamt of meal-planning or home-cooked meals.

Maybe, before all this, you had your favorite take-out joints saved on your food delivery app, or you met clients for dinner most nights of the week.

But now… a clear trend is emerging. According to a recent survey, 54% of Americans are cooking more in their homes than before the pandemic. 46% are baking more.

The volume of people making their own meals from scratch hasn’t been seen since the ‘50s.

And health care professionals, grocers, personal trainers, dieticians, and nutritionists alike are rejoicing: Even when you’re cooking “unhealthy” food at home, it’s likelier to be healthier for you than anything you’d eat at a restaurant.

Which is great news! Not only are we eating healthier by not eating out, but our confidence in cooking and experimenting has increased more than 60%.

That also means that our kitchen scrap output has massively increased. And since 54% of us are cooking more than we have before, we might not really think about how all those scraps impact the world…

You see, according to the EPA, 20-30% of the kitchen scraps we throw away end up in landfills. So what? They’ll decompose there, right?

Wrong. They actually get buried and layered between so many other things that can’t decompose, they have no access to oxygen. That means they rot instead, and release toxic gas (methane).


We could all be using those kitchen scraps to compost.

What is Composting?

Composting is a way to recycle organic materials back into the Earth. Instead of tossing your organic waste in the garbage where it will likely end up in a landfill, you can collect them and allow them to decompose in a bucket, a box, your backyard, etc.

When it decomposes, healthy microorganisms in the compost start to break down the physical matter and turn it into fertilizer for the soil, helping your vegetable garden, flower patch, or even in potted plants.

It’ll look dark and crumbly. But really, it’s packed with nutrients.

When you compost, you eliminate or reduce the need for the fertilizers you get at the garden store (which are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, and other chemicals), lowers the occurrence of methane gas production from landfills (thus impacting your personal carbon footprint), AND…

It encourages the production, and therefore eventual introduction to your body, of beneficial bacteria from the formerly living scraps.

We want those bacteria under our fingernails, on our skin, in our guts, and becoming part of the fabric of the food we eat.

Somewhat ironically, human history has led us to this exact moment…

Millenia of trying to outsource the production of the food we eat, the clothes we wear, the furniture we sit on, and the other components of a full life have proven to us that most of the time, we’re sacrificing quality.

And in this case, it’s at a direct detriment to our health. Controlling our food supply from soil to plate helps the environment at large and our own health.

Here’s what you can compost…

Compostable Scraps

It’s just not kitchen scraps. Lots of other things can be composted! But let’s start with…

  • Eggshells
  • Avocado skins
  • Potato skins
  • Coffee grounds (and filters!)
  • Lettuce
  • Nut shells
  • Banana peels
  • Apple skins
  • Carrot tops and ends
  • Cabbage leaves
  • NOT onion skins, garlic skins, or citrus peels

Now, according to the EPA, a good compost pile should have:

  • Browns
  • Greens
  • Water

We covered greens – those are your kitchen scraps (grass clippings too!)

Let’s talk browns…

  • Dead leaves
  • Twigs
  • Tea bags
  • Cardboard
  • Paper (newspaper, printer, etc.)
  • Yard trimmings
  • Wood chips
  • Saw dust
  • Hay
  • Dryer and vacuum lint
  • Fireplace ashes
  • Hair and fur
  • House plants
  • Straw

That’s a pretty comprehensive list…

But if you do your own research, and find something else you’d like to add, go for it!

Stay tuned, because in a future edition, we’ll talk about various vessels you can use as a compost bin, how to take care of them, and when you know they’re done.

For now, try just getting your compost going by saving scraps or above-mentioned items.

We’ll get down to the dirty nitty-gritty next week.
Ah yes more people cooking at home and more are seeing how much money they are saving vs eating out.
Do you really think they will go back to theirpre corona virus eating out levels when restaurants and such open back up?
Many will see how much money they save and will want to hold on to more money just in case.

Credit sales are down maybe 30% and personal savings rates are way up.

This frugal during a crisis thing will seriously slow down the recovery of an economy that is largely based on consumerism and credit purchases.
And depending on how long the virus crisis lasts may cause many to permanently to change their spending habits.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think there will be about 30 to 40% go right back to the way it was before. (Just to stuck on the American way:rolleyes:. But I am sure the rest will be cautious enough to save some. For us it ain't no different cause we don't eat restaurant foods, basicly because I can't eat that poison.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Strawberry Banana Blueberry Shake

Freezing berries doesn't damage their antioxidant content.

  • 1 cup frozen strawberries
  • 3/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/2 banana
  • 1/2 cup frozen pineapple
  • 2 cups spinach
  • water to desired consistency
  • 1 tbsp ground flax seed
  • optional – stevia to taste

  • Blend all ingredients on smoothie setting in Blendtec blender
  • Serve immediately and enjoy!

Prep time: 10 min
Serves: 2

Serve immediately and enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,

We just completed our Raw Food Mastery Summit 2020 and by popular demand, we created a 3-part video series answering a number of questions asked by listeners during the summit along with us interviewing each other!

We are excited to share with you our all new:

Our Top 3 Take-Home Strategies for Long-Term Raw Food and Plant-Based Success!

Click the link below to claim your spot.

In this series, you’ll learn:

  • How to make sense of conflicting health information
  • The importance of this one particular food group for health achievement
  • The 3 simple strategies that have kept us and many other long-term raw food enthusiasts on this path
  • Our answers to popularly asked questions from the summit
  • Mindset strategies for creating successful, highly effective, sustainable approaches to raw food and plant-based eating

In short, you’ll learn success secrets for a lifetime of supercharged health!

This event is our free gift to you and we are so happy to share it with you. This event starts today, so please click the link below to register:

Healthfully yours,

Drs. Rick and Karin Dina, D.C.

P.S. This gift will be available for a limited time. So, register now and discover Our Top 3 Take-Home Strategies for Long-Term Raw Food and Plant-Based Success and much more!

Click here to register:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s clearly understood among the scientific community that the immune system is critical to preventing and reversing cancer.

The question is, what does it take to improve your immune system?

In my documentary film Cancer; The Integrative Perspective, experts share the best ways to enhance the immune system and prevent and reverse chronic diseases like cancer.

In 8 days you'll be receiving a link to watch the film.

While there is a lot of information and many practical things you will learn during my film, I wanted to share this snippet from the documentary with you which discusses some of the things you can start doing right now to improve your immune system.

Click Here to watch this clip from "Cancer; The Integrative Perspective" about Enhancing the Immune System to Prevent and Reverse Cancer

Yours in health,

Nathan Crane

President, Panacea Community, LLC

Director, The Integrative Perspective

Founder, Inner Wisdom



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
G'day, Jimi!

Every 4 seconds, someone is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease.

It affects over 50 million people around the world, and it’s the 6th leading cause of death in the US alone.

According to the World Health Organization, it’s not slowing down any time soon -- stunning evidence shows that Alzheimer’s rates have INCREASED by 112% over the last 30 years!

12 of the world’s top doctors and neuroscientists have come together to create this groundbreaking, 5-part video series, Escaping Alzheimer's...

--->>And we'd love to have you join us for this important Alzheimer's docuseries (free & online)!

In the premier of this health docuseries, you’ll discover:
  • New, clinical treatment that may be "the future" of therapy
  • Why it takes mainstream medicine 20-30 years to catch up
  • Shocking evidence that Alzheimer's starts before any signs of memory loss
  • Why Alzheimer’s doesn’t have to run in your family to be present
  • A "forgotten" mineral that protects your brain
  • Why Alzheimer’s may NOT be a brain disease after all
  • 7 memory-saving secrets of the world’s healthiest people
  • And more!

Did you know that 99.6% of Alzheimer’s drugs FAIL?
It’s true.
That’s the highest failure rate among major diseases, including cancer.

Between 2002 and 2012, the Big Pharma tested 240 new Alzheimer’s drugs, and not a single one got approved.

Do you know why?

According to one top MD, it’s because Big Pharma doesn’t have a clue what causes Alzheimer’s disease.

Join us at this important event.

--->>Take a moment to register for the Escaping Alzheimer's Docuseries now!

To your health,
The Fast Way Team

The Cromwell

I am a BOT
VU Donator
Diamond Contributor
Member For 4 Years
I think there will be about 30 to 40% go right back to the way it was before. (Just to stuck on the American way:rolleyes:. But I am sure the rest will be cautious enough to save some. For us it ain't no different cause we don't eat restaurant foods, basicly because I can't eat that poison.
yeah likely 30% or so I agree. however depending on how long the economic impacts lasts more will be like our grandparents that lived thru the great depression and be much more cautious on spending.

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