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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


We all approach life from our own lens, built out of our experiences and expectations. If someone doesn't value you, that doesn't mean you aren't worthy to be loved and respected.

Do not let yourself believe that the other person is right in rejecting you. They may not know everything about you and your journey.

Besides, they have their own biases and preconceived notions that have nothing to do with you. Don't just assume that the judgment they make on your worth is true.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Surprising Health Benefits of Oatmeal​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
MCT Fats Found In Coconut Oil Boost Brain Function In Only One Dose
Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), the primary type of fat found within coconut oil, have been found to boost cognitive performance in older adults suffering from memory disorders as serious as Alzheimer's -- and not after months or even days of treatment, but after a single 40 ml dose!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

In a number of our interviews with different natural health gurus, there is one herb that keeps coming up again and again. It's revered for enhancing brain function and has been used in India and China for thousands of years for its positive effect on memory, clarity and focus...

The crazy part? It grows all over the place and most of us westerners think it's a weed when it grows in our yards...

The herb is called Gotu Kola and there is one woman who knows it like the back of her hand. On a visit out to Hawaii, I had the honor of hanging out with Genna Wolkon of Kauai Farmacy who gave us a deep-dive into this powerful plant and how it can be used to heal and turbocharge your brain.

Click here to watch a short clip on Gotu Kola now!

This is one special herb - I hope you learn as much about it from Genna as we did!

Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

7 Ways to Support Emotional Trauma Release​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Surprising Things That Can Cause a Stroke

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

We are aware of major risk factors for strokes such as smoking and being overweight, but Reader's Digest has now identified several other surprising culprits that could increase a person's risk of suffering a stroke. Here are six surprising things to pay attention to in order to help prevent suffering a stroke:

Special: Coffee — Lowers the Risk of a Stroke

  1. Diet drinks. Researchers have found a link between the consumption of artificially sweetened drinks and an increased risk of stroke. While these findings are not definitive, other studies have found diet sodas can trigger headaches, breakouts, mood swings, and depression.
  2. Flu. At least two separate studies have found flu or flu-like symptoms can increase the risk of stroke within weeks following the illness. This might partly be due to the inflammation that accompanies the flu.
  3. Illegal drug use and binge drinking. Stimulants such as ******* or methamphetamines can cause strokes even in young and healthy adults, studies have found. Meanwhile, a night of binge drinking can trigger a serious cardiovascular event such as heart attack or stroke.
  4. Noise pollution. Living or working in a noisy area can be detrimental to your health. Aside from frustration and lack of sleep, noise pollution can also increase the risk of stroke.
  5. Bleeding gums. Researchers have found a link between gum disease and increased risk of stroke and other serious cardiovascular events. Experts do not understand the exact relationship between the two but suspect that inflammation from the bacteria in the gums might be to blame.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

You brush, you (try to remember to) floss… but do you give much more thought to the importance of your oral health?

Science is now showing that oral health problems are linked to everything from Alzheimer’s to cancer to heart disease, as the mouth is directly connected to the gut, brain and central nervous system.

What’s more… doctors are now realizing that standard oral health practices — from fluoride to fillings — may be causing more harm than good.

Because the mouth is a window to the rest of the body, oral health issues can serve as an early warning sign for all sorts of diseases and conditions, and for the same reason, figuring out and addressing what’s going on in your mouth can help prevent and even reverse disease.

Years ago, I had a client come to me with a severe skin outbreak on her abdomen that had all the signs and symptoms of fungal infection.

During the intake process, I discovered that she had an old dental crown covering a tooth that appeared to be weakening her nervous system.

My suggestion to her was to first get her tooth and crown checked out by a holistic dentist to see if indeed it was causing problems.

Sure enough, the crown was poorly placed and the tooth it capped had an active infection.

The wonderful holistic dentist cleaned up the infection, recrowned the tooth, and within a week my client’s abdomen was clear.

Oral health is the most overlooked and under recognized contributor of symptoms throughout the body.

So how do you care for your mouth in the best way possible?

>> Learn how at the complimentary and online Dental-Health Connection Summit!

Join investigative journalist Shivan Sarna for a series of interviews and masterclasses covering the emerging science in oral health: from new approaches to cavities and root canals, to oil pulling, tongue ties, sleep apnea, jaw health and protecting your oral microbiome.

More than 40 holistic and biological dentistry experts, dental hygienists, microbiologists, physicians and others will share their wisdom on every aspect of oral and dental health to help you start healing your mouth right away to promote health and well-being throughout your body.

This is definitely an event worth checking out.

See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Fauci admits covid “vaccines” are spreading disease​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Upcoming Events & FREE Stuff!​

P.S. Don’t forget to get registered for these free online summits and get the FREE registration gifts, here are a few:



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,
Gluten free diets are the rage right now. Should you avoid gluten?
The protein in wheat flour known as gluten has been associated with numerous unwanted health conditions including gastro intestinal symptoms, bloating, gas, irritable bowel, leaky gut, as well as allergies, brain fog, anxiety, depression, fatigue, inflammation, and pain.
For some giving up gluten makes a HUGE difference in their health-For others, not so much. But how do you know?

Is there really something to this “gluten free diet stuff?”

My colleague and friend Dr. Peter Osborne is THE gluten expert! Peter has appeared on both of my summits and while we don’t agree on everything, we do agree you diet plays a BIG role in your health or lack of…..and you should know how gluten may or may not be affecting your health.
I want to invite you to join Peter for his FREE online Gluten Master Class.
If you’ve been interested in learning more about gluten, should you avoid, why and how would you know or you’re a well seasoned gluten free advocate, you’ll want to catch this FREE event. Register and get access to FREE reports, guides and of course the Class itself.
P.S. Enjoy learning from Dr. Peter Osborne’s educational 54-page eBook, The Leaky Gut Solutions Guide, when you unlock it now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Exercise and other types of physical activity produce endorphins that help reduce stress. Making exercise a part of your routine can greatly improve your overall well-being.

Many of us tend to skip exercise due to our busy schedules, but living a sedentary lifestyle and not exercising at all can cause a host of health problems.

At the very least, make a conscious effort to stand up at least once an hour. Walk for at least 30 minutes a day. Create smaller goals so you can have more frequent victories to celebrate, which in turn will keep you motivated to keep exercising!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi
Gluten sensitivity is a relatively new subject that is still being studied worldwide, and the science behind it is evolving extremely fast.

Therefore, much of the recent research in this field is unknown by many medical practitioners, leaving many patients in the dark about the connections between gluten and disease.

The information in this 10-module masterclass will take you on a journey that illuminates those connections and gives you all the information you need (and the scientific research to back it up) to help you remove gluten from your life.

Discover what gluten is and why it’s important to you, when you...

Join me at the FR-EE and online Glutenology™ Masterclass!


Because of his passion to educate the world about gluten sensitivity, Dr. Peter Osborne created this comprehensive masterclass backed by 20 years of clinical experience and research on gluten sensitivity.

And he’s excited to share his knowledge with you.

Plus, when you register for The Glutenology™ Masterclass today, you’ll also unlock early-access modules, complimentary guides and helpful ebooks about living your most resilient life!

So be sure to register for the masterclass right here

To your greatest health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

*-- Pros and Cons of Using Aloe --*

Wounds: Aloe vera is a time-honored treatment. Alexander the Great used the clear gel-like sap in the middle of its leaves to heal his wounded soldiers' wounds. And while there's some evidence it can help some types of wounds, it may delay healing in others. Talk to your doctor about whether aloe products are right for your injury.

Burns: One of the most common uses for aloe is burns. A number of studies show that aloe ointments and creams can help burns, including sunburns, heal more quickly. Some substances in the aloe ease swelling and speed up healing, and others help your body repair the skin.

Cold Sores: There still needs to be more science to back this one up, but some research shows aloe might help slow the growth of the virus that cause cold sores. Aloe extract cream may also help cold sores heal faster.

Constipation: Aloe works as a laxative if you swallow it. That is, it may make you poop if you haven't been able to go. But it can cause serious stomach cramps, diarrhea, and other unpleasant symptoms, and the FDA says there isn't enough research to be sure it's safe.

Aloe Effects That You Want to Avoid: When taken orally, just a gram a day could shut down your kidneys. You might have a bad reaction to aloe if you're allergic to garlic, onions, tulips, or other members of the Liliaceae family.

Drug Interactions: Creams and gels are mostly OK, but the oral form can change how some of your medication works, especially diuretics, digoxin (Lanoxin) for heart issues, blood thinners like warfarin (Coumadin), and diabetes meds.

Remember that aloe vera is a dietary supplement, not a regulated drug. That means it's hard to know exactly what's in any aloe product. Tell your doctor about all supplements and medications you take, including aloe.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. David Jockerss

Dear Friends,

Today we welcome author of the keto metabolic breakthrough and the fasting transformation, Dr. David Jockers. Dr. David Jockers runs is the host of the Dr Jockers Functional Nutrition podcast.

You all know we love fasting here on Cellular healing tv, and i can’t think of a better person to have this conversation right now. From cancer to disease prevention, to weight loss and muscle gain... we cover it all.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Iron Deficiency Anemia on the Rise​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, hope you are doing well today.

Two of the smartest, most important things you can do to look and feel your best, avoid and possibly even overcome disease, and live long are:

1) Eat more nutrient-dense foods that are also loaded with antioxidants.

2) Eat a wide range of these superfoods to ensure your body is getting the full spectrum of benefits.

And that's why I'm certain you'll greatly appreciate this new 22-page research-based report that will help you do both...

Get "The Top 20 EMERGING Superfoods for Peak Health & Longevity" completely FREE right here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


I recently sat down with Henna Maria to discuss transformation, tyranny, and the ways in which our society has been entrained to suppress ourselves and our feeling states in order to secure safety, approval, and connection.
In a culture that dismisses emotional intelligence and encourages divesting of self-trust, it makes sense that the average citizen would parentify—and blindly obey—authorities deemed to know better than they do.
If we lose sight of the fact that those of us on a path of reclamation, too, were once hoodwinked by mainstream media, government, and the orthodoxy of science, we further abandon ourselves and engage in a war with the self that never ends.
In this in-depth interview, I share the details of my own path to liberation, the role of fear and childlike psychology involved in obedience with abusive authorities, and the importance of identifying the ways in which we are participating in abuse and tyranny in order to secure liberation and reclaim our power.
Yours in sovereignty,
Kelly Brogan, MD


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever noticed how some people just seem to prosper and thrive no matter what is happening around them — even during the most challenging of times?

If you’d like to be one of those people, Jim, I invite you to attend this FREE masterclass from our good friends Natalie Ledwell and John Assaraf:

Natalie and John are both legends in the field of personal growth and brain reprogramming, and they reveal the astonishing neuroscience behind why your own brain blocks incredible opportunities and keeps you from experiencing the prosperity and joy you deserve.

In this online workshop, you’ll discover the simple, practical, research-backed steps to “get out of your own way” and let the gifts of the Universe shower you!

You’ll even experience an exercise that can stop any self-sabotaging pattern right in its tracks!

Sign up now for FREE and get on track to greater success in every area of your life!

To becoming your best self,

Laura Trumbull
Community Director
Evolving Wisdom

P.S. The world is in deep need of thriving, self-actualized people to be leaders during these times of seismic change, and when you’re operating at your best, you’re best able to impact the world!

Save your FREE seat now and get rewired for success!>>


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Can I ask what inspired you to join our Food Matters Community?

It might have been after watching one of our life-changing films, or you might have been inspired to take your health into your own hands. Maybe it was even for delicious, healthy recipes that help your body to heal, but most likely it was a mix of them all.

And that's exactly why I want to invite you to explore our truly transformational Food Matters Clean Eating Program.

Discover more about the Food Matters Clean Eating Program.

Our team of in-house nutritionists has designed this program to help you regain your confidence in the kitchen, take the overwhelm out of cooking, and help reset your mind and body over 21 days.

This program is 100% gluten-free, dairy-free, and refined sugar-free, and in just 21 days, you'll be able to:
  • Lose excess weight.
  • Transform your eating habits.
  • Boost your immune system.
  • Increase your energy (big time!)
  • Reduce the appearance of skin conditions like rosacea, eczema, psoriasis, and more.
  • Regain your confidence in the kitchen.
  • Stop wasting time counting calories.
  • Sharpen your mind and remove the brain fog.
  • Reset your metabolism and kick the cravings.
  • Help to prevent chronic diseases, including cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and more.
The best part is you'll get to learn how to prepare nutrient-dense meals that the whole family can enjoy (that are budget-friendly and easy to prepare!), and be supported every step of the way!

Because trust me, we know that it's not easy to commit to turning around your life - but we also know that it's always worth it. And that's why we want to be there for you. We're starting together on Monday, August 16.

Explore the Food Matters Clean Eating Program here!

We look forward to seeing you inside the program.

In good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi,

Restless Leg Syndrome​

Restless leg syndrome is a disorder in which there is an urge or need to move the legs to stop unpleasant sensations.
Restless legs syndrome may affect up to 10% of the U.S. population. It affects both sexes but is more common in women and may begin at any age, even in young children. Most people who are affected are middle-aged or older.
RLS is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed. In many people it is not diagnosed until 10 to 20 years after symptoms begin.
Once correctly diagnosed, RLS can often be treated successfully- however please know treating the symptom, restless leg syndrome is not the answer. Finding the cause and correcting the cause(s) is the answer.
RLS leads to sensations in the lower legs between the knee and ankle. The feeling makes you uncomfortable unless you move your legs.

These sensations:​

  • Usually occur at night when you lie down, or sometimes during the day when you sit for long periods of time
  • May be described as creeping, crawling, aching, pulling, searing, tingling, bubbling, or crawling
  • May last for 1 hour or longer
  • Sometimes also occur in the upper leg, feet, or arms
  • You will feel an irresistible urge to walk or move your legs, which almost always relieves the discomfort.
    RLS is often unrecognized or misdiagnosed. In many people it is not diagnosed until 10 to 20 years after symptoms begin.
    Once correctly diagnosed, RLS can often be treated successfully- however please know treating the symptom, restless leg syndrome is not the answer. Finding the cause and correcting the cause(s) is the answer.
    RLS leads to sensations in the lower legs between the knee and ankle. The feeling makes you uncomfortable unless you move your legs.

    These sensations:

    • Usually occur at night when you lie down, or sometimes during the day when you sit for long periods of time
    • May be described as creeping, crawling, aching, pulling, searing, tingling, bubbling, or crawling
    • May last for 1 hour or longer
    • Sometimes also occur in the upper leg, feet, or arms
    • You will feel an irresistible urge to walk or move your legs, which almost always relieves the discomfort.

    Restless Leg SyndromeRestless Leg Syndrome​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Get the real safe and effective treatments to COVID19 and refuse this damaging experimental vaccine​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"We basically broke the news to America that we could treat Covid-19 and markedly reduce hospitalization and death."


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Prevent Alzheimer's: Watch all episodes free this weekend


Diamond Contributor
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Pentagon set to make all troops take experimental COVID-19 vaccines despite the injuries that are occurring to younger people, giving another advantage to Russia, China​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

CDC is HIDING data showing that covid vaccines are failing miserably in dealing with the Delta variant​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

US Physicians will now lose their medical license for reporting vaccine injuries and providing informed consent to patients​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Keep your skin healthy with cocoa butter, nature's moisturizer

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