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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
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Coffee’s Effect on Diabetes​



Diamond Contributor
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*-- 3 Simple Switches for Better Health --*

Boost Your Immunity. Change Out Walking Alone to Walking Socially

There is nothing wrong with wanting to head out for a walk. Sometimes you want quiet, we've all be there. But did you know that if you walk with someone in your bubble, or even chat with someone on the phone while stroll, it can make a big difference in fending off inflammation and the cold, flu, and other viruses. That's because socializing tempers inflammation, which helps your immune system function better.

Deeper Sleep Without Aches. Switch Out Advil for Tylenol

If aches keep you awake, swap out over the counter drugs like Advil for Tylenol. Some nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like Advil give issues with sleep by blocking your body's release of the sleep hormone melatonin. However, a long-acting acetaminophen, like Tylenol, doesn't affect melatonin, allowing for a non achy slumber.

Lift Your Mood and Feel Happier. Swap Out Old Favorites for New Pop Music

We all have our favorite songs, and there's nothing wrong with that, but if you want to elevate your mood, turn on pop music you haven't heard before. A study in Science, found that listening to new music elevates your mood more than songs you're familiar with. The surprise changes in beats and melody fill your brain with dopamine, which makes you feel good.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you or a loved one has breast cancer, or would like to prevent breast cancer, please watch this important interview with famed breast cancer surgeon turned functional medicine practitioner.

Dr. Jennifer Simmons, MD inspires women around the world with her uplifting and practical approach to treating breast cancer naturally.

Her Live Q&A for our Health and Healing Club community was powerful.

-->> Here is a limited time replay; treating breast cancer naturally (Non members are only able to watch the video one time) Members have unlimited access.

During the interview we covered:

  • Is it healthy to fast while diagnosed with cancer
  • How many hours for time restricted is necessary for true healing when dealing with breast cancer
  • How do I quit my sugar addiction?
  • Why sugar is food for cancer and how to eliminate it from your life
  • Natural foods for HER2+ positive breast cancer and how to inhibit aromatase naturally
  • How much exercise is too much exercise when you have cancer
  • Are MRIs safe? How toxic are they to the body?
  • How thermography can benefit you
  • Functional medicine solutions for helping heal HER2+ breast cancer
  • Dealing with hot flashes when positive with breast cancer
  • Natural foods that support hormonal balance

-->> Watch the limited time replay here (Non members are only able to watch the video one time) Members have unlimited access.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

After looking at bloodwork for issues like neurodegeneration - they compared regular elderly people with no cognitive impairment, older people with mild cognitive impairment, and then old people with Alzheimer's to people in the hospital with the new kid on the block.

Any guess what they found? Some of the markers were higher than older people with full-blown Alzheimer's. Statistically significantly higher... not just a little higher that could have happened by random chance.

Whether or not it developed into a type of encephalopathy was a big predictor. Encephalopathy is the big word for brain diseases or damage that change the function of a person's brain.

They didn't mention anything like insulin resistance, but I would bet dollars to GF doughnuts that played a part of the outcome as well since we know about 80% of hospitalizations seem to be people with blood sugar handling issues or some form of metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance (remember, if a person isn't eating their way into insulin resistance then their cells are in a CDR or something to cause them to behave that way - the body doesn't make mistakes).

After seeing more and more people that are having trouble after the NKOTB - if you aren't focused on neurological inflammation (and possibly autoimmunity) then that could be a problem that needs to be addressed.

Of course, getting to the brain metabolically is half the fun. A person's brain can become a huge victim of their immune system if it isn't balanced or regulated.

Photo credit: BioMed​

Sadie POTS (Lyme disease & Pots)

Book a 20min Complimentary Discovery Call at


Diamond Contributor
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Dr. Tom O'Bryan

Dear Friends,

Today we revisit an episode with my great friend and colleague, Dr. Tom O’Bryan. As an internationally recognized, admired and compassionate speaker focusing on food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and the development of autoimmune diseases, Dr. Tom teaches that recognizing and addressing the underlying mechanisms that activate an immune response is the map to the highway towards better health. Today we discuss gluten, specifically, and you’ll hear the newest research on it, and learn whether or not there is ever a good time to consume it, even if you’re not sensitive or allergic.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sleepless Nights Damage Heart

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

People who get less than seven or eight hours of sleep at night are at increased risk of cardiovascular disease, including heart disease, heart attack, and stroke. Worse yet, researchers now say this can happen in just one week.

There are two types of cholesterol that circulate in the blood: LDL cholesterol, which is the “bad” cholesterol that builds up in the heart’s coronary arteries, causing heart disease; and HDL cholesterol, which can help whisk it away, reducing cardiovascular risk.

Special: Sleep Better With This Doctor's Natural Secret

Researchers from the University of Helsinki wanted to find out why lack of sleep was linked with cardiovascular disease, so they analyzed people sleeping in a laboratory setting.

They looked at the impact of sleep deprivation on genes regulating the transport of cholesterol around the body — and on the actual levels of cholesterol in the blood.

Researchers found the genes regulating the transport of cholesterol around the body are less active in sleep-deprived people than those who get a good night's rest. They also found that these people had higher levels of LDL cholesterol in their blood and lower levels of HDL cholesterol.

Most importantly, they discovered that such changes occurred only after one week, according to the study, which appeared in Scientific Reports.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Today’s email is a little bit long because I want to cover something truly important. I recently shared on my Base Hits call that there are 100 TRILLION cells in your gut, and an astonishing 70-80% are immune-related.
So we should all be doing great, right? Obviously not.
One of the biggest problems is that toxins find their way into the gut and kill off your good “immunity-bacteria,”... and cause you to store fat. (Fat that is loaded with toxins.)
Studies show these toxins sometimes leak through your gut lining and enter your bloodstream*
Then your immune system then recognizes these foreign molecules and attacks them — resulting in chronic inflammation*... weak immunity... and more weight gain.

It’s a vicious cycle, and the ONLY way to stop it is by removing the toxins from your microbiome. Please click here to learn more.
You MUST get these pollutants out of your cells and out of your gut microbiome. This is the only way to have the immunity, body shape, or overall health you want for the rest of this year.
This was the painful discovery made by one of the True Cellular Detox founders, Warren P. Phillips M.S., the most knowledgeable detox expert I know...
(Click below to watch my webinar with Warren.)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

With all that's going on these days, I know things aren't easy for many people.

For this reason, I want to share an inspirational movie with you today that will instantly elevate you. It is truly life-changing.

The reviews for Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back have been phenomenal.

In fact, this film has been selected by many film festivals around the world and has been nominated for several awards (including “Best Documentary”).

Go here to reserve your free ticket now.

I want you to know that if you're going through a tough time in your life right now (whether it's something big or small), or maybe you're just feeling stuck in your life, this film WILL help you.

It will shock you, inspire you, and you’ll walk away with a new lease on life!

In fact, you’ll discover how you can be happy right now (even if your life isn’t perfect).

Go here to reserve your free ticket now.

The stars in this film include Sonia Ricotti, Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Dr. John Gray, John Assaraf, Marci Shimoff, and so many more experts!

They show you exactly HOW to turn your life around quickly and achieve great success in ALL areas of your life (health, wealth, relationships, career, etc.).

So, make sure you make it a priority to watch it ASAP (it’s available for a limited time).

Go here to reserve your free ticket now.

Grab your popcorn, sit back, relax, and enjoy the movie!

To your greatest life in 2022!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
Are you ready to get off sugar and start taking control of your health for good?
You're in luck!
In just a few days you’ll be able to tune in live for the 8th Annual Quit Sugar Summit.
It runs from January 24 - 30th, 2022, and is a full week packed with incredible speakers like Dr. David Perlmutter, Dr. Dale Bredesen and Dr. Richard Johnson!
-->> Register for the Quit Sugar Summit Now!

The summit is 100% virtual and 100% free.
There will be over 60 speakers from around the world talking about how to get free from sugar!
Just a small sampling of the topics and life-changing benefits they speak about:
  • Natural, steady weight loss with no crazy exercise
  • Improve your mood quickly
  • Many people cut back or totally eliminate medications of all kinds
  • Make more satisfying food choices...
  • Increased energy - finally wake up refreshed!
  • Better concentration
  • Learn to care for yourself in a deep way
  • Take back control of your health
By registering you can watch for free for seven straight days!
-->> Don't miss the Quit Sugar Summit starting Jan. 24th!
It's going to be an incredible event.
Be sure to check out Dr. Perlmutter's interview!

We know you will find this event valuable,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi friend,

Did you know that food choices play an important role in your bone health?

Maybe you’ve been told to supplement with calcium and vitamin D…

Unfortunately, for those with osteoporosis and osteopenia, the extent of nutritional guidance often ends there, without mention of the BEST source of the calcium and other minerals your bones need to stay strong and healthy — FOOD!

Discover practical tips for improving your metabolic health and adding beneficial nutrients into your diet to enhance your bone-health program.

>> Join me at the Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health event happening now!

My friend Margie Bissinger, has worked as a physical therapist with clients with osteoporosis and osteopenia for over 25 years. In her experience with many bone screening programs, she noticed that one commonality in participants with the highest bone density scores during those events was a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. This led her to gain a better understanding of the role food plays in osteoporosis prevention.

Many of the expert talks, during this empowering event address the importance of diet and nutrition in building and maintaining bone health, including mine tomorrow.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Xenogen Hypothesis: Why Viruses Are Vectors of Resilience
Sayer Ji discusses an alternative explanation for the role of viruses in informational transfer within biological systems, and how conventional views on both bodily symptoms and viruses overlook the elegance and intelligence of nature. He covers the topic in relation to COVID, the conventional medical system, natural health, and related topics.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


We seem to have segregated into two dialectic camps—the caricature of the conventional, mask-wearing, vaccine-loving, germ-fearing, doctor-obliging, tell-me-what-to-do-next-to-be-safe secularists—and the I’ll-take-care-of-my-own-health-thanks, body-loving and trusting, pharma-dissing, down-with-The-Man, natural healthers and homesteaders.
There’s a third camp, however, which is I affectionately refer to as the New Agers who often both believe in the sacredness of the body, the power of the natural world, non-duality, and the meaning in all there is—and also love their masks, vaccines, and hate germs, illness, and are terrified of death.
I remember first encountering this particular cultural sect when I began to note a number of spiritual gurus touting their virtuousness about the virtues of antidepressants as if spirituality could possibly encompass the elective self-negation, rejection, and repression that is inherent in the choice to medicate one’s crises. I wrote an open letter in response, and remain perplexed about the seeming preponderance of New Agers who seem to be cheating on their own principles.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Nazi SS-Covid Police faced with justified backlash and standoff against women in Boston restaurant who had no vaccine passport and still ordered food for dining in​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Plan to “tag” as many people as possible under guise of COVID pandemic revealed; New cryptocurrency system controlled by global elites​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

If hospitals had utilized the Zelenko protocol with intravenous vitamin C and vitamin D, then covid-19-associated deaths would be virtually nonexistent​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Missing Pieces In Your Plan To Heal Autoimmune, Digestive, and Other Chronic Disease


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ATTENTION: please forward this email to others to help overcome censorship and spread the truth about your natural birthright of health and wellness, far and wide!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Don't let your emotions make your decisions. Emotions can cloud our judgment and lead us to make misguided decisions.

You can acknowledge your feelings without letting them control you. Whenever you feel emotionally overwhelmed, get some rest or engage in activities that improve your mood.

Pause to consider how your emotional reactions can affect the decision you're about to make. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you review them and gain a different perspective.

Take a moment to analyze and label your emotions so you can develop a more realistic view of the situation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey Jimi
My friend, Jonathan Otto, spent literally hundreds of hours battling censorship for telling the TRUTH about the pandemic.

He interviewed over 30 different vaxx experts and, for no logical reason, most platforms wouldn’t let him talk about what he discovered.

But this weekend only, you have a front row seat to watch all 10 brand new episodes from his SHOCKING docuseries...


You won’t see this on CNN (censored)

This series contains the most up-to-date vaxx information covering everything from new variants to boosters.

More experts, more shocking revelations, more information that’s been HIDDEN from you.

Jonathan and his team know that they will be canceled again and again just like they were last year, so be sure to watch this important series NOW before it’s taken down.

Watch all the episodes on replay here!

Stay safe,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Graves Disease and Hyperthyroidism - New Solutions/New Supplement
Hey there,

Dr. C here.

Have you struggled with hyperthyroidism from Graves’ disease? If so, please join me January 25, 2022 at 4:30 pm PT, 5:30 pm MT, 7:30 pm ET, for a webinar about some new ways to help. Register Here

I recently gave you an overview of several new solutions for thyroid symptoms. Now I’m going to talk about each in much more detail.

This next topic will be about hyperthyroidism, especially from Graves’ disease and toxic nodular goiter. In the webinar I’ll talk in depth about:

  • The risks of untreated hyperthyroidism
  • What tests you should consider
  • How diet affects your symptoms
I also will cover which nutraceuticals have shown to benefit those with hyperthyroidism.

We will talk about the roles they play in:

  • Reversing the disease process
  • Lowering symptoms
  • Preventing cardiac complications
  • Benefiting Graves eye disease
  • Stopping the inflammation from hyperthyroidism
Those who attend will learn how one would use these supplements in conjunction with medical treatments to slow the thyroid and dietary therapies.

We will be live on zoom. I’ll be happy to cover your questions so that you can learn how to apply this information given your unique needs. Register Here

I’ll look forward to seeing you soon!

To your best health,

Dr. C


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Poll: Should Americans Lose Their Jobs If They Refuse The Vaccine?​

Posted on November 8, 2021

The Biden Administration is considering requiring companies with 100 or more employees to be fully vaccinated, or test negative for COVID-19 at least once a week. What do you think?
(To Vote: Click your response. Next, click the “Vote Now!” button. Then, click “Anonymous Vote.” Thanks!)

Should Americans Lose Their Jobs If They Refuse The Vaccine For COVID-19?​

  • Yes, vaccines should be mandatory
  • No, employees have a right to choose
  • No, as long as they commit to regular testing
  • Undecided

Vote Now! (and see the results)Just show me the results.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What Is TMAO? And Why Should You Avoid It?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Poultice a Dislocated Elbow [VIDEO]

Learn how to poultice a dislocated elbow with comfrey, plantain, and mallow in order to soothe the injury and speed its healing.

Watch the video.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Develop Healthy Habits Early for Heart Health

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

If young people develop a healthy lifestyle early in life, it will pay off in middle age, even if they harbor genes that put them at increased risk of heart disease, a recent study shows.

Researchers from Northwestern University used data collected from about 3,000 people who they followed for more than 20 years. Called the CARDIA study, it is designed to track cardiovascular risks in young adults.

Special: Fight Fatigue With This Doctor's Secret Weapon

The researchers analyzed data such as blood pressure, cholesterol, blood sugar, body mass index (BMI), alcohol intake, tobacco use, diet, and exercise from participants to define a low cardiovascular disease risk profile and healthy lifestyle factors.

The majority of people who maintained five healthy lifestyle factors from young adulthood were able to remain in this low-risk category in their middle-age years. The healthy lifestyle factors were a lean BMI, no excess alcohol intake, no smoking, a healthy diet, and regular physical activity.

The study found that even people with a family history of heart problems were able to have a low cardiovascular disease risk profile if they started living a healthy lifestyle when they were young.

This supports the idea that lifestyle may play a more prominent role than genetics in the development of heart disease.


Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Join the
Cancer Conversation
How Does Cancer Develop?
The Role of Oxidative Stress, Free Radicals,
& Antioxidants With Immune System Dysregulation
January 26th - 5 PM PST​
Hi Jimi,

Did you know that a MAJORITY OF CANCER is caused by environmental factors & lifestyle decisions?

The food you eat, the water you drink, the air you breathe . . . .

All these ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS have an impact on the chemistry of the cells in your body every day.
>> Join the Conversation on Oxidative Stress & Cancer - January 26th at 5 PM <<

The result is OXIDATION, and if our bodies do not have the proper amount of ANTIOXIDANTS to neutralize FREE RADICALS, our cells undergo a state of oxidative stress.
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part 2 of above article
The result is OXIDATION, and if our bodies do not have the proper amount of ANTIOXIDANTS to neutralize FREE RADICALS, our cells undergo a state of oxidative stress.

OXIDATIVE STRESS can damage the body’s cells, leading to a range of diseases, including CANCER, autoimmune conditions, and expediting the aging process.

>> Reserve Your Seat - What Is Oxidative Stress, & How Does It Cause Cancer? <<

So, what is oxidative stress?

To put it as simply as possible, oxidative stress is an imbalance between UNSTABLE MOLECULES called free radicals, and the antioxidant molecules that stabilize them.

This state of IMBALANCE is when oxidation stress damages our cells, proteins, and our DNA (genes), leading to mutations and ultimately CANCER.

Join us on January 26 at 5 PM PST to participate in the live ongoing international cancer conversation and discuss:
  • What is cancer, and how does it develop in the body?
  • How oxidative stress occurs in the body, and the damage to our body's cells
  • Relationship between free radicals, antioxidants, and damage to the DNA
  • NutrEval Lab Testing to assess the body's antioxidants, nutrients, & 125 other biomarkers to take corrective action.
Why Use the NutrEval FMV Profile?

The NUTREVAL FMV PROFILE is both a blood and urine test that evaluates over 125 biomarkers and assesses the body's functional need for 40 antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, amino acids, digestive support, and other select nutrients.

At Cancer Center for Healing, we use the data from NUTREVAL to create custom IV therapy programs to address DEFICIENCIES and take a data-driven approach to combat OXIDATIVE STRES for the treatment and prevention of cancer.

To your health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part 3 of above article
Patient Resources & Helpful Links:

Finding a cancer clinic and care team that meets your expectations, needs and goals is one of the most important aspects of the cancer journey.

At Cancer Center for Healing, we understand how critical the decision-making process is, and the anxiety that often comes with it.

Below are resources and links to help you take the next steps on your journey to healing & learn your treatment options for any stage and type of cancer:

To your health,
Dr. Daniel Roney, DC​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Article: Charlotte’s Story

In this article, you’ll learn:
  • The truth behind carbohydrates and why they’re so good for you
  • How having the right information is crucial, regardless of how dedicated you are to your health
  • And how Charlotte turned her story of struggle into one of success!



Cranky Old Fart
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Nazi SS-Covid Police faced with justified backlash and standoff against women in Boston restaurant who had no vaccine passport and still ordered food for dining in​

Good for them! More of us need to stand up to this BS!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Article: 10 Winter Vegetables to Enjoy

In this article, you’ll learn:
  • Why it can seem tricky to stay healthy over the winter
  • Why winter vegetables are such a great addition to your diet
  • And our 10 favorite winter vegetables (with one or two bonuses!)



Cranky Old Fart
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Diamond Contributor
ECF Refugee
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Focus on what you can control. When you do that, you ground yourself in the present and empower yourself to think constructively.

This can trigger positive emotions and reduce stress. Instead of giving your power away to factors you cannot control, retain it and focus on things you can actually control.

Be intentional about how you spend your energy. Practicing mindful breathing will help you stay in the present, and better manage anxious thoughts.

As a result, you'll be much more likely to put yourself in the most favorable situations.

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