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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
People tend to view vacations as a time of relaxation, meaning limited activity and stress. Unfortunately, depending on the length of your vacation, your fitness levels can quickly degrade if you ignore exercise and most physical activity. Some reports suggest a decline in aerobic power between 5% and 10% in only three weeks. Additionally, most studies imply the fitter you are, the quicker the reductions can occur. While taking a week off to rest and enjoy might not make much of a difference, you should include some form of exercise to maintain your current fitness levels if you plan on vacationing for longer.

Incorporate Aerobic Exercise Into Your Vacation

Exercise does not have to be torture or consist of miles on a treadmill. You can have fun while incorporating aerobic exercise into your vacation; to demonstrate, consider playing beach volleyball, walking along the shoreline, taking a hike, or going on a leisurely bike ride. People tend to overthink exercise, assuming it has to include strict routines and methods. Still, as long as you can maintain moderate aerobic activity for at least 30 minutes a day, you are good.

A Simple Body Weight Exercise for the Hotel Room

If your hotel has a gym, by all means, take 20 to 30 minutes to do your typical workout. However, if you do not feel like venturing through the lobby in your workout gear, consider doing a simple hotel room workout. The activity relies on body weight, balance, endurance, and your luggage. To increase your heart rate, set a timer for 15 to 20 and see how many circuits you can complete.

You want to start with bodyweight squats. Stand with your feet about shoulder-width apart. With your back straight and your arms fully extended in front of you, squat down slowly into a sumo-like pose. To complete the squat, return to a standing position, keeping your arms in front of you. You will want to do 20 reps before moving onto the next exercise.

Without hesitating, transition into an incline pushup position. Place your hands, palms down, on the edge of the bed or a desk, with your feet on the floor. With your body angled out, approximately 45 degrees, push down then up slowly. Perform 15 reps before moving onto the third exercise.

For the third exercise, grab a piece of luggage. You will be performing one-arm luggage rows. Stand with one leg extended behind you and the opposite leg bent slightly in front. Bend slightly at the waist, keeping your back straight. Whatever leg is extended back, you want to use the same side arm to slowly pick up and then lower the bag, keeping your back straight. Perform 10 reps before moving onto the fourth and final exercise.

For the last exercise, lay flat on the floor with your legs bent, forming a pyramid. Keep your arms extended at your sides with palms on the floor. To perform a reverse crunch, you will use your abs to lift your legs, keeping them bent. Bring your knees above your chest and then bring them back down, being sure to engage your core the entire time. Perform 10 reps to complete the circuit. Then, repeat all four exercises and keep repeating until your timer sounds.

To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

5 Signs You’re Depressed​

  1. Loss of interest
    People who are depressed lose interest in things they once enjoyed. This is a great sign to look out for because you can easily catch it if you’re observant. Loved ones who are no longer interested in common pleasures of life such as socializing, exercising, and engaging in a hobby they once loved are likely to be depressed.
  2. Change in sleeping patterns
    Depression can cause excessive sleep or insomnia which is often accompanied by fatigue and lethargy throughout the day.

  3. Drastic change in eating patterns
    People who are depressed typically experience appetite changes. They can either eat more or less and can be noticed by a drastic change in weight.

  4. Anger and irritability
    Depression is emotionally taxing and can leave people short tempered. If you notice any changes in disposition with yourself or others, especially when it comes to patience, know that depression is likely the underlying issue.

  5. Thoughts of suicide
    Suicide is sadly the last symptom of depression. Although hard to detect among individuals (keep an eye out for the previous signs) if you yourself are having thoughts about harming yourself or taking your own life, seek help and therapy immediately. Likewise, experts say to always take mentions or threats of suicide from others seriously.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I just finished reading this ebook on cellular regeneration, and I can tell you it's full of gold!

From intestinal regeneration to heart regeneration, from regenerating your liver to your brain, it's filled with practical and evidence based solutions for helping your body regenerate, heal, and thrive.

-->> Read this ebook here

While your cells are capable of self-destructing, they’re also capable of regenerating, which means your body can create new cells to replace those that are damaged, and in so doing turn over new cells to regenerate the tissues and organs made of them.

When you get used to the idea that your body is in a constant state of flux, it can serve as a point of motivation. The things you do today — such as what you eat, how you move and where you focus your mind — can very much physically alter your physical state tomorrow.

By actively consuming certain foods and plant compounds, you can supercharge your body’s innate ability to regenerate, liberating your healing potential and increasing your vitality at any age.

-->> Read this empowering eBook and take action to support regeneration for long-term health and vitality.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) and hunger hormones

Olive oil is actually a fresh-pressed juice, and I bet you have a bottle in your kitchen right now. When added to your meals, it works naturally to reduce your appetite and keep you feeling full for hours longer. Here’s how it works.

You have two “hunger hormones” that regulate how hungry you feel throughout the day.

Ghrelin tells your brain that you are hungry and urges you to eat. Leptin, on the other hand, signals your brain to feel satisfied and content, allowing you to eat less without even trying.

If you’ve attempted to lose weight only to feel frustrated and hungry throughout the day, it may well be because these two hunger hormones are out of balance.

Fresh EVOO supports these hunger hormones.

As reported in Science Daily, research at the University of Vienna has shown that among all foods tested, “Olive oil had the biggest satiety effect.” This is due to olive oil’s high concentration of oleic acid (around 75%). Oleic acid is an omega-9 fatty acid that is converted to the lipid hormone oleoylethanolamide (OEA), studied to reduce hunger and subsequent food intake. [1]

Fresh olive oil can be enjoyed as part of a meal (for example: drizzled on salad or fish, used as an ingredient in fresh pesto or chimichurri) or you can also try swallowing a tablespoon of EVOO about 30 minutes before a meal. You’ll be amazed at how it reduces your hunger by mealtime.

Of course, you want to use the freshest and most nutritious EVOO possible, which isn’t always available in standard grocery stores.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,

According to the International Journal of Hyperthermia, “Hyperthermia helps your Immune System recognize cancer cells more effectively”.

Yet I am amazed that many women on a healing journey do not take advantage of supercharging their body with Hyperthermia.

Join me for an informative Masterclass about hyperthermia, the power of crystals and negative ions, all combined into 1.

WHEN: Thursday January 27th at 2 PM Eastern (New York).

WHERE: Simply click here for more details and to register.

We only have a limited number of people that can join this webinar, so make sure that you register early.


Dr. V

P.S. YES – it will be recorded for those who register
Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Splenda vs Stevia:
Which Fake Sweeteners Are Safe?
Watch here
Hi Jimi,
Did you know that there is an artificial sweetener that, chemically, is almost identical to a now BANNED pesticide?
Or that one of the most commonly used sugar substitutes is responsible for 75% of the documented adverse reactions people have had food additives (all food additives, not just sweeteners).
If you didn’t, go watch this new YouTube video now.
In it I reveal which sugar substitutes are safe and which ones you should avoid at all costs.
Some artificial sweeteners have serious long term health consequences if you eat them regularly, so it’s important that you know what to avoid.
Click here to watch my new video: Which Fake Sweeteners Are Safe?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Mold toxicity affects all bodily systems. But it really does a number on your liver.
Your liver needs to work well to detox mold. Unfortunately, mycotoxins overwhelm your liver and make that difficult.
This is true especially if you’re one of the unlucky ones with genes that impair mycotoxin detox. Could you be one of them?
Learn all the ways that mold causes mayhem in your liver, along with liver-loving tips and tools to upgrade your detox game in my new article below!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Stop Using THIS – Your Health Depends on It!​

Remember the early days of the pandemic, when Lysol wipes were as valuable as gold?
Since then, it seems like sanitizer, cleaners, and disinfectants have been everywhere.
Well, it turns out an abundance of research shows that those disinfectants can be extremely hazardous to your health.
But don’t worry! Making your own non-toxic cleaners at home is easier than you think!
Especially with the help of my friends Dr. Z & Mama Z. They created a FREE DIY Cleaners Recipe Book that gives you step-by-step instructions on how to kick those harmful store-bought cleaners to the curb.
Learn how to replace toxic chemicals with all-natural ingredients that promote your health…while saving money too!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What Causes High Blood Pressure?

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Much of the time, doctors don’t know why some people develop high blood pressure and others do not. Hypertension that occurs for no known reason is called “essential hypertension,” and it accounts for 90% of the cases (although genetics, obesity, poor diet, and lack of exercise probably play a role).

The other 10% of cases are known as “secondary” hypertension, caused by an underlying medical condition, such as:

Special: Healing Powers of Common Kitchen Syrup Will Surprise You

  • Cushing’s syndrome, in which the adrenal glands produce too much of the hormone cortisol
  • Coarctation of the aorta, a congenital birth defect that results in a too-narrow aorta (the heart’s main artery)
  • Kidney disease
  • Aldosteronism, which is a tumor on the adrenal gland
  • Thyroid problems
  • Sleep apnea, a common sleep disorder
The good news is that when the cause of secondary high blood pressure is found and treated, blood pressure often returns to normal.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There's WHAT in my food?
We all know that feeling...

You open the fridge to take out some leftovers or open a "suspicious" food container (that's been in there far too long), and you find...


Ugh... that's never fun.

You would NEVER eat that, right?

Of course not! Eww! However, you might be surprised to learn this:

Approximately 25% of the world's crops, including grains, nuts, wine, spices, tea, and coffee, are contaminated by mold and mycotoxins.

Other foods that grow mold easily include grain-fed meat, dairy products, alcohol, cocoa, popcorn, and dog food.

You may not be able to see it, but often, it's there.

For some people already struggling with chronic illness, these are foods that can become difficult to tolerate, causing symptoms like headaches, IBS, depression, insomnia, rashes, and sneezing, among others.

If you are sensitive to "moldy foods," there is a good chance that you have been exposed to airborne mold as well.

Fortunately, there are simple ways to avoid mold in food and restore your health after toxic mold exposure!

—>>Learn how at the complimentary and online Toxic Mold Masterclass!

Along with case studies, helpful resources, checklists, and step-by-step guides to help you fix your home and address your health concerns, our event experts will discuss essential testing and treatment options for mold toxicity, home assessment methods, strategies for immune system support, and at-home mold detox practices.

The Toxic Mold Masterclass experts will teach you about:

  • How to test food products
  • Food vs. building & environmental exposures
  • Considerations for water & air quality
  • Tests for mycotoxins & systemic health
  • How antioxidants battle toxins
  • Tips for calming the top 10 mold symptoms
  • The link between mycotoxins, dysbiosis & leaky gut
  • How to read labels & make better food choices
  • And so much more!
My great friend, Bridgit Danner, is a well-known functional health coach who experienced severe environmental illness when exposed to toxic mold, became very sick, and was unsure she'd ever recover. With patience and perseverance, she learned that simple, day-to-day choices were the most effective in restoring her health.

She's here to share that wisdom and possibility with you!

You'll never again need to ask yourself; there's WHAT on my food?? <=

Be sure to mark your calendar from February 21-27, 2022!

This is an important event, and I hope to see you there.

In health,


P.S. When you register for the Toxic Mold Masterclass, you'll also unlock early-access interviews, complimentary guides, and helpful eBooks about navigating toxic mold exposure!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Guest email from Teddy today Jimi! :)

Have Have had a whole lot of folks asking how Rocky’s doing present day after the eczema diagnosis and making our skin disease event.

Teddy made this for our post on social media announcing our one year later video.

Thought she said everything that needed to be said better than I could so I thought I’d just share it with you here. :)


It’s been a year since I opened up about Rocky

Getting to the point of being able to openly talk about the severity of the eczema on his body felt like I was admitting my failure to him.

I couldn’t fix him on my own despite what I thought childhood cancer had taught me. And what was worse was I knew deep down I caused it.

24 hours after his birth, I developed a uterine infection that went septic. It was rare but incredibly life threatening. We were in the hospital for a week on IV antibiotics and then another 2 weeks on oral antibiotics.

It was devastating for our family knowing I had to take antibiotics but we knew there is a time and a place for them and this was the time if I wanted to see my babies grow up.

I continued nursing with many of our doctor friends advocating it was still the best for him. I don’t regret it anymore because of what nursing also gave us, and I don’t know if the outcome would have been different were he on formula.

Everything seemed ok until at one month he developed a weird rash on his forehead that wouldn’t go away despite all the creams we tried. His body was also unable to keep down the probiotics we were giving him.

Every day I would anxiously look at his rash praying it would start to shrink but instead I watched as it spread across his body.

The war chest of creams we acquired, the probiotics he couldn’t stomach, the baths that stopped providing relief, the clothes designed to keep him from attacking himself, the sleepless nights…

The day I woke up and knew I was in over my head. I couldn’t help him on my own and I knew it.

The realization eczema is not just a baby rash. It is a full blown gut dysbiosis that perpetuates even more gut havoc as the rash spreads and the staph infection becomes an uncontainable wildfire on the skin with every inch feeling like a burn victim.

After I opened up in that first video, we had a flood of people reaching out with advice but there was one doctor that literally changed out lives… Dr. Sheila Kilbane.

Now we’re one year out and this is our update.

Don’t you think this type of treatment should just be standard of care for people with severe eczema??


Ryan writing again - if you’re any kind of YouTube user do me a favor and subscribe to the new channel!

They decided to stop showing our original one to anyone so we made a new one that we’re excited to start posting weekly videos to! Help us get out the good word!!


ALSO, if you caught my email yesterday on Purity Woods Age Defying Dream Cream (or if you didn’t)…

I got a FLOOD of people either thanking me because it’s exactly what they’ve been looking for, OR telling me they already use it and will never use anything else. :)

Just noticed Purity Woods also has this great Nature’s Top 10 Most Effective Anti-Aging & Longevity Ingredients to Use on Your Skin ebook they put together as well.

Goes into:

  • The 5 ‘worst offenders” when it comes to skincare product ingredients (ALWAYS check labels for these)…
  • Skin expert advice, including the 3 ‘Golden Rules’ to follow when choosing your products…
  • Why you should be skeptical when you see cosmetics calling themselves “organic” or “natural” (don’t be conned by company hype)…
  • The top 10 SAFE ingredients that keep your skin healthy and youthful-looking…
  • And much, much more…
Like I said yesterday, there aren’t very many companies at all “doing it right” even on the “natural” side…

this report gives a really good deep dive on what to avoid and what to look for!

(and you can get the deal I sent yesterday on it with that link as well) :)


PS… Crazy to think the before shots in the thumbnail were only a year ago!! What a whirlwind…



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Today’s podcast episode is now live!

This week, we meet 41-year old Claire from Glasgow, Scotland.

Claire is a new mother to a two-year-old boy, and in a loving, supportive marriage.

But she privately struggles with post-partum depression and weight concerns that are undermining her ability to live joyfully.

After undergoing intensive fertility treatments and finally giving birth to her son, Claire can’t help but feel that she should be in a different emotional place: enjoying early motherhood, feeling fulfilled, and looking to the future with positive anticipation.

Instead, she’s finding herself fixated on food and weight, and struggling to find the motivation to engage with things that make her life meaningful.

Tune in to hear Marc David work with Claire on how she can turn this important corner of her life as a woman and new mother.

Click here to watch on YouTube!

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi jimi,

I'll admit that I've got a sweet tooth...

But what do sugar, sweeteners or dried fruits do to us, if anything?

The fact is, sweet substances are infiltrating our lives. Often hiding behind 200 names (and counting)...

According to Dr. Joan Ifland, one of the leading experts on food addiction, a key measure of addiction is how fast that substance reaches the brain.

She says: "We know, for example, that sugar reaches the brain faster than any addictive drug, in half a second. This is compared to *******, which might be 10 seconds." - that means sugar reaches our brain 20x faster than *******. No wonder the food industry tries to hide it everywhere!

Watch the whole interview on how food companies hook us as part of our upcoming summit here.

And that's just the tip of the iceberg:

  • High-fructose corn syrup
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • Zero-calorie products
  • Blood sugar levels and insulin
This whole topic deserves a deep dive and we'll break it all down during The 2022 Truth About Weight Loss Summit:

>> Click here to get complimentary access

You'll learn first hand from Dr. Robert Lustig for example. Many consider him THE authority on sugar. Join us and discover what happens in our bodies when we consume different forms of sugar.

Don't worry - desserts and carbs are NOT off the table. Quite the contrary: if you follow the science, you can enjoy them without feeling guilty or worrying about gaining weight.

If you ask me, that alone is worth joining the summit for.

In total we've prepared 40 brand new presentations for you, plus you'll enjoy live interactions, cooking demos and recipes and much, much more.

So click here and reserve your complimentary spot right away.

Here's an overview of our daily themes:

  1. The true cause of the obesity epidemic (5 speakers)
  2. The science of permanent weight loss (5 speakers)
  3. Why traditional diets fail (4 speakers)
  4. Protecting your health – when body fat triggers diseases (4 speakers)
  5. Bad genes vs. good habits: Set yourself up for health (4 speakers)
  6. Winning the mental game of weight loss (4 speakers)
  7. How to crush cravings and food addiction (4 speakers)
  8. Exactly what to do and what not to do to lose weight (5 speakers)
  9. Key takeaways & practical tips on getting started (5 speakers)
This will be a life-changing event with presentations from Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Dr. Michael Greger, Dr. Neal Barnard, Dr. Barbara Rolls, Dr. Doug Lisle, Dr. Alan Goldhamer, Dr. Will Bulsiewicz, Mastering Diabetes, Dr. William Li, Dr. John McDougall and many more, including Dr. Herman Pontzer, the researcher how busted one of the biggest weight-loss myths by studying a tribe in Africa...

And we go beyond weight loss:

Our experts will cover diabetes, GI health, heart disease, inflammation, psychology, oils, hormones, cooking tips, exercise...

In short:

Whether your priority is weight loss, health or you simply want to be part of a better future, this summit is for you!

>> Click here now and secure your spot (it only takes a few seconds).

And after you've registered, please consider forwarding this email to anyone who's got a sweet tooth just like me :)

Thanks so much!

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s absolutely heartbreaking, Jimi...

And, at the same time, absolutely infuriating.

They are kicking people off the waiting list for organ transplants, based on their v@cc!nation status.

If anyone doubts that it’s true, you can put those doubts to rest by showing them this video:

Shamgar Connors is being denied a kidney transplant that he desperately needs because he has not gotten a C0VlD v@cc!ne.

He’s on daily dialysis and has been waiting for years already, but because he refuses to get the j@b, they have taken him off the list and he is now facing certain death.

His “inactive” status on the transplant list means that he couldn’t get a kidney even if someone offered it to him.

To make matters even more infuriating, Shamgar has already contracted C0VlD and recovered… meaning that he has natural immunity to the disease.

You can hear the discussion between Shamgar and the doctor at the transplant facility in this video.

The attitude of the doctor is appalling… considering that this is a man’s life hanging in the balance, and an untested, experimental v@cc!ne is what’s standing between him and the chance at life.

I’m asking a favor from you:

Please, watch this video. Then, please share Shamgar’s story all over the place.

Forward this email. Post the link to the video on social media. Text it to your friends and family.

Let’s get Shamgar’s story out there… he’s not the only one facing this sort of draconian policy, and the world needs to know just how far this has gone.

Maybe, if enough people are aware and speak up, changes can be made that will save Shamgar’s life…

And the lives of others who are facing the same dreadful fate.

Truly, it’s a matter of life and death.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Superior Advantages of Natural Remedies Over Prescriptions


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Steve Kirsch: It is Up to People to Decide What to Put in Their Bodies


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The NIH is funding a new animal experiment center in Texas to develop vaccines for EBOLA… when will the next “lab leak” go down?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

A simple amino acid treatment protocol helps covid-19 patients recover faster​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Since covid first appeared, doctors, scientists, microbiologists have been getting murdered – what’s really going on here?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Ghost World audiobook now available for download: How to survive the post-vaccine die-off and radical economic fracturing – full download of MP3 files and PDF transcript​



Gold Contributor
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New Member
Reddit Exile

Ghost World audiobook now available for download: How to survive the post-vaccine die-off and radical economic fracturing – full download of MP3 files and PDF transcript​

morning my friend, have a great day. if you have one bad moment then laugh and have two good moments.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


You can create a new story for yourself. Reflect on how much you have grown. Reframe your situations and change the limiting stories you tell yourself.

Start looking around for evidence that the new story is true. Focus on what experiences you want to create.

This will enable you to recognize the opportunities that will get you where you really want to be and make better decisions every day.

Let go of what no longer serves you. Embrace feelings of peace and deep gratitude for everything.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

How are you keeping up?

Seven absolute Rock Stars in the world of sugar education, sugar research, sugar addiction, and most important of all…

EVERY one of the speakers today can show you how to change your relationship with sugar if you so desire.

Join QSS Day 3 here:


Plan your day well…

Self-care is one of the pillars of success in getting off sugar - start by planning the day well.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Can Parasites Cause Thyroid Problems?​

Hi Jimi-

Welcome to another episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast!

Parasitic infections are insanely common among my patients. Among the infections that I treat most frequently are giardiasis, which may cause diarrhea, gas, and an upset stomach, greasy stools; cryptosporidiosis, which may cause stomach cramps, stomach pain, nausea, and vomiting; and toxoplasmosis which may cause flu-like symptoms, including swollen lymph nodes and muscle aches or pains.

If you're struggling to get to the root of your weight, energy, mood, and concentration issues, you may have an infection. Be sure to check out this podcast to learn more!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

The power of film changed my father's life.
Over 15 years ago, Laurentine and I shared the interviews with my father that later became our first film, Food Matters. I don't know if my father would still be here today without this information.

This is why I want to share this incredible film from my friend Sonia Ricotti on how to bounce back from heartbreak, pain, setbacks, and more.

>> Watch this limited-time global release of Unsinkable: The Secret to Bouncing Back right here (for free).

It's a free film on navigating difficult times in your life. And I know that so many people are struggling today with everything going on right now.

This film isn't about food or nutrition, but it covers something so fundamental to human survival. It follows the inspiring true story of what happened to Sonia after losing everything and shows exactly how anyone can go from hitting rock bottom to experiencing massive success, inner peace, and happiness, no matter the current circumstances.

The film features experts like Bob Proctor, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Lisa Nichols, Jack Canfield, Les Brown, Marci Shimoff, and so many more.

This is a limited-time global screening, so save your spot today to Unsinkable.

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I was shocked when I first heard there was cancer in my body.

And not just me…

New studies have confirmed that every person alive has at least some cancer cells inside their body. Even a healthy 15 year old!

And that’s when I asked myself…

What’s the difference between someone who has cancer… and someone who doesn’t?

And here it is in a nutshell:

When someone has cancer, it means the body has lost its ability to clear away old, damaged, and mutated cells.

This is a game-changing epiphany.

Because it means that our body was made with the ability to clear away cancer cells.

And if we give it what it needs, it may be able to resolve cancer better than treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

And this is why I’m so excited to share my recent interview with AJ Lannigan.

Because together, we talk about a simple, all-natural solution to restoring your body’s innate immunity — or the ability to clear away the mutated cells that cause cancer in the body.

Here’s where you can watch this interview, free.

I believe that restoring this "Innate Immunity" is set to become one of THE cornerstones of cancer care.

In fact, there’s already two Phase-II clinical trials in progress for a pharmaceutical drug made with Beta Glucan.

And there’s already approved drugs in Japan and other countries in Eastern Asia.

Thankfully, today you have the opportunity to get ahead of the curve.

In my interview, AJ will share the little-known solution that can turn on your body’s Innate Immunity — something that’s backed by over 190,000 studies — that you can do from home, all naturally, without a prescription.

Watch the interview here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
How do we integrate the many solutions being offered to the freedom, health, and truth communities into our daily lives?
In January 2021, The Fredom Cell Network launched The Greater Reset Activation, a solutions focused event offering an alternative to the World Economic Forum’s Initiative: The Great Reset.
They offer an alternative to the WEF’s top-down, centralized, authoritarian vision. Their desire is to help all people find community and liberty by providing practical steps and knowledge for co-creating a world that respects individual liberty, bodily autonomy, and choice.
We invite you to join us for 5 days of discussion about the diverse opportunities available for those who seek to live in harmony with humanity and the planet, while respecting our innate freedom. The Greater Reset 3 will focus on activating 5 themes:
January 26 - Liberate Your Mind, Body, and Soul
January 27 - Agorism & Paralllel Networks
January 28 - Permaculture & Food Independence
January 29 - Take Back Our Tech
January 30 - Building Free & Conscious Communities
Now, more than ever, it is of vital importance that the free hearts and minds of the world rally together to build parallel structures so we may be liberated from the tyranny of The Great Reset.
Join us for The Greater Reset 3: Integration, STARTING TODAY, January 26 to 30.

To better health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This Week’s Recipe: Cookies For Your Heart

Love cookies but you’re cutting back on sugar? Here’s a healthier alternative for you!

This melt-in-your-mouth cookie recipe will make for a great guiltless sweet treat that you can easily bake at home. While all the ingredients are plant-based, we made sure taste wasn’t sacrificed.

Enjoy! ❤️


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The surprising truth about cancer (and where it’s hiding in your body right now)

When someone has cancer, it means the body has lost its ability to clear away old, damaged, and mutated cells.

This is a game-changing epiphany.

Because it means that our body was made with the ability to clear away cancer cells. And if we give it what it needs, it may be able to resolve cancer better than treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

And this is why I’m so excited to share my recent interview with AJ Lannigan.

Because together, we talk about a simple, all-natural solution to restoring your body’s innate immunity — or the ability to clear away the mutated cells that cause cancer in the body.

Here’s where you can watch this interview, free.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Stroke Symptoms to Watch For

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

The brain is an oxygen guzzler — it uses a full quarter of the body’s entire supply. Because a stroke stops oxygenated blood from getting to the brain, the longer this organ goes without it, the more likely damage will occur.

That’s why prompt stroke treatment is of the utmost importance. You should never ignore the onset of any new neurological problem, but any of these seven requires immediate attention:

Special: Top Cardiologist Reveals Secrets for a Healthy Heart

  • Weakness or numbness on one side of your body
  • Drooping on one side of your face
  • Difficulty reading or understanding speech
  • Slurred speech
  • A sudden, extreme headache, often described as “the worst headache” a person has ever had
  • The loss of peripheral vision
  • Difficulty walking
Any one or more of these symptoms should alert you to call 911.

Don’t drive yourself or ask someone else to drive you. Today’s ambulance crews are trained to bypass local hospitals and take you directly to a comprehensive stroke center.

Dr. Chauncey W. Crandall is author of Dr. Crandall’s Heart Health Report newsletter. He is a Yale graduate and is chief of the Cardiac Transplant Program at the world-renowned Palm Beach Cardiovascular Clinic in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida. He practices interventional, vascular, and transplant cardiology.


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