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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Have you had more aches and pains since the pandemic started? Or are you feeling more stress in your body than normal?
This will help Jump Start your way to feeling better!
I am honored to be a featured speaker during this 7-day immersion event, talking about Reset Your Nervous System to Conquer Chronic Pain.
Roughly 1.5 billion people are plagued with chronic pain worldwide. You are not alone, Jim, and we’re here to help!
If you’re looking for answers to break free from your pain and reclaim your quality of life, please join me for this no-cost, AVAIYA University online event:
This online healing event is brought to you by iKE ALLEN & Ande Anderson, Co-Owners of AVAIYA University (creators & teachers of transformational courses, books, films and online events such as Healing From Childhood Trauma, Overcoming Depression & Loneliness, Reversing Type 2 Diabetes, and many more).
Beginning January 19th, over 30 doctors, psychologists, scientists, experts and more will help you unlock your ability to heal, experience lasting pain relief, and live the life of vitality, peace & happiness that you deserve!
Click here to save your spot for this healing online event now, Jim .
After you register, keep an eye out for AVAIYA’s email for specific details on accessing these free healing classes. (Replays will be available for 24 hours after each class airs).
We begin tomorrow!
To your healing, health & happiness,
P.S. There are billions of people in chronic pain! Please forward this email to your friends, family and community – anyone who you think would benefit from these healing classes. Thank you for sharing!
Save your spot right here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's time to build a PARALLEL health care system that actually CARES about HEALTH


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mask Asphyxiation Disease “M.A.D.” now sweeping across America and the World​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Prime age mortality SPIKED by 50% across multiple states during the year of the “life-saving” covid-19 vaccine​



Diamond Contributor
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Investigation proves Pfizer vaccine offers less than 1% protection against COVID-19​



Cranky Old Fart
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Those who believe tyranny isn’t coming to Canada are in for a rude awakening​

This is so sad. I went to Nova Scotia 4 years ago or so for work. It's beautiful there and I wanted to take my wife there on vacation some time in the future. That will not happen now I'm afraid. :( I have some pictures I took there on IG, I'm gopher_byrd there as well...


Cranky Old Fart
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Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Prime age mortality SPIKED by 50% across multiple states during the year of the “life-saving” covid-19 vaccine​

"In fact, almost every state reported a spike in prime age mortality during the year of the life-saving covid-19 vaccine."

Life-saving, yeah right... :(


Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Diamond Contributor
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"In fact, almost every state reported a spike in prime age mortality during the year of the life-saving covid-19 vaccine."

Life-saving, yeah right... :(
My sister-in -law just got covid, she is fully vaxxed boosters and all. Seems like the one to get it the most are vaxxed, and the unvaxxed ones that do get it have a VERY poor immune system and that's prolly why ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

MIT scientist warns of major brain damage to kids from COVID shots​

Now honestly, would you or anyone in their right mind have their children be subjected to this EXPERIMENTAL VAX?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Jimi, this has certainly been the first time I’ve ever heard of a major heart problem called a “mild side effect…”

And the fact that it’s happening mainly in kids is especially alarming.

The press may claim it’s trying to contradict “misinformation” about the dangers of myocarditis, but a quick scan of the information from heart doctors’ websites…

…Information that hasn’t yet been hastily doctored and “updated” since the v@cc!ne started damaging kids’ hearts…

…tells a completely different story.

This is from the Texas Heart Institute:

“When the heart muscle becomes inflamed (myocarditis), it cannot pump as well because of damage to its cells and swelling (edema).”

The article goes on to say:

“When the heart becomes inflamed, it cannot pump as well because of damage to its cells and swelling (edema). The heart muscle may be damaged even more if your body’s immune system sends antibodies to try to fight whatever started the inflammation.

Sometimes, these antibodies attack the tissues of your heart instead. If too many heart muscle cells are damaged, the heart muscle becomes weakened.

In some cases, this process happens very quickly and results in heart failure or even sudden death.”

Recently the powers-that-be have been posting
“Fact-checking” articles that refute the idea that myocarditis can cause lasting damage… even leading to death… years after the illness.

However, up until the press got ahold of it, here’s what science had to say about the permanent damage myocarditis does to the heart:

“More often, the heart tries to heal itself by changing the damaged or dead heart muscle cells into scar tissue.

Scar tissue is not like heart muscle tissue because it does not contract and it cannot help the heart to pump.

If enough scar tissue forms in the heart, it can lead to congestive heart failure or dilated cardiomyopathy.”

This was the case up until now… why would it change just because this particular myocarditis is triggered by an experimental j@b?

The article goes on to describe how rare this disease is (well, used to be).

It was traditionally triggered by viral, bacterial or fungal infections, rheumatic fever (a complication of strep throat), chemical poisoning, or an autoimmune disorder (like lupus).

Today, the estimated number of j@b-related myocarditis cases per million is 162 in kids ages 12-15. That’s a very conservative estimate and doesn’t include those younger or older who have been affected.

86% of 12-18-year-olds who develop the heart condition after getting v@cc!nated have had a serious enough case to end up in the hospital… which makes arguments that it’s a “mild disease” completely invalid.

If you want to know more about this (and I heartily suggest that you do everything you can to learn more so that you can share this information with those considering the j@b for their kids), THIS MEDICAL JOURNAL PRE-PROOF does an excellent job of describing the risks.

Unfortunately, the publication pulled the article before it could be published.

And while there was no explanation as to why this important information was not allowed to go public, we can only guess that it had something to do with the fact that clearly, it conflicts with the message we are receiving from Big Pharma and the media.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your Daily Motivation​


Release the fear of not doing enough. You're doing the work and putting in the effort to improve yourself each day. Even when it does not feel like enough, you're growing.

Growth is often subtle. Every little step you take each day contributes to your growth. Maybe you stopped yourself from engaging with a negative thought.

Or you went to bed on time instead of staying up late. Even the smallest thing can make the biggest difference. The small things you’re doing are worthwhile.

They are enabling you to develop helpful patterns and habits that can change the trajectory of your life.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

In 2021, drug-resistant "superbugs" killed over 700,000 people worldwide — all thanks to the overuse of antibiotics.

In addition, chronic and infectious diseases are at an all-time high!

You might say this is one of the most serious health crises we have today.

That's why RIGHT NOW it's more important than ever to make sure your immune system is ready to protect you.

>> Watch the Immune Defense Summit

Here’s the problem: Too many people have a compromised immune system and they don't even know it!

Check out these 6 overlooked ways you could be weakening yours:

1. Bad sleep habits

2. Chronic constipation

3. Antibiotic usage

4. Feelings of anxiety, chronic stress, or grief

5. Electromagnetic exposure to WiFi and 5G cell towers

6. Root canal treated teeth and gum disease

...and a weak immune system can increase your risk of premature death from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and dementia.

But all of this is avoidable if you discover how to protect your innate immune powers:

>> Find out how at the Immune Defense Summit

For the first time ever, 28 of the world's leading health experts reveal the best ways to strengthen your immune system at home.

Keep in mind, this information is nearly impossible to obtain - because it's being actively suppressed by the mainstream media and government health agencies.

So, don’t miss this opportunity to help you and your family stay healthy.

Yours in health,


P.S. You may be surprised to see "antibiotic use" on the list of things that weaken your immune system. That's because 70% of your immune system is in your gut — and taking antibiotics also kills the friendly gut bacteria you need to stay healthy. Check out the Immune Defense Summit to learn how you can repair immune system damage caused by antibiotic use.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Functional Medicine & Mental Health​

Hi Jimi-

I know we're all feeling the extra burden of the current state of the world. And I know my patients and their loved ones are facing tougher circumstances which can bring about anxiety, depression, and other emotional struggles. Whether you, your kids, or another loved one is dealing with mood issues and mental health challenges, today I want to share some of the best functional medicine strategies for addressing the root causes of a person’s symptoms (rather than merely treating the symptoms themselves), and, how to manage stress.

We will start by discussing nutrients and herbs that can help, such as ashwagandha, rhodiola, & holy basil, before diving into other strategies you can implement. Enjoy!

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When I became an adult, I ended up with cystic acne and a sugar addiction. It was so embarrassing!

In reality, my condition was the all too common result of years of the Standard American Diet, an overuse of antibiotics, and a decade of taking birth control pills.

I tried everything I could think of to solve my acne and sugar issues...

Eating vegan

Gut Cleanses

Juice Fasting


Even a parasite cleanse

While I did make incredible strides in my health journey, it wasn’t until the birth of my son that the lingering effects of my childhood diet reared their ugly heads. I found myself riddled with anxiety, panic attacks, and insomnia. I wanted to enjoy being a new mom, but I wasn’t.

After returning home from an extended trip to France when my son was 2 years old, I finally came to terms that my health was not in alignment with my future goals. I was done just surviving. It was time to thrive!

This is when I really dove headfirst into functional medicine. Healing my gut and creating an individualized diet for myself. My health transformed!

  • I no longer needed naps
  • My joints stopped hurting
  • I fell asleep (and stayed asleep) every night with ease
I was finally able to live the life I wanted! I had the energy to show up as a great mom, grow my business, and make time for myself too.

My stress levels decreased and I started to believe in myself again!

Now I get to help people like you dramatically change your future, and I want to show you how in The Elevated Experience.

Click here to register for this 5 day training.

I’ll break down the 5 simple steps you can take to reverse burn out and get healthy again this year. I can’t wait to show you the system!

See you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Join Today's Live!

Dr. Carver takes a deeper dive into biological dentistry.

When: Today — January 19th, 2022, 1 p.m. (MST) // 3 p.m. (EST)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Adrenal Fatigue and Breast Cancer​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

If you haven't already heard, one of the most empowering & inspiring health events of the year starts TODAY!

It's called: The Ultimate Healthy Aging and Longevity Summit.

If you want to look & feel younger now, avoid disease, and live long, this summit is for you!

21 world-renowned healthy aging and longevity doctors and researchers each reveal their MOST LIFE-CHANGING SECRETS to look and feel your best now and to avoid and even overcome disease, and live long and well doing it.

Click here to watch this summit for free now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Recipe: Clementine Cranberry Oats

Clementines and cranberries are winter seasonal fruits, and they’re a classic combination for good reason!

The natural tang of the cranberries is balanced perfectly by the sweet, juicy orange.

In this delicious plant-based breakfast recipe, you’ll find an antioxidant-rich start to your day.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Article: The Healthiest Tea

In this article, you’ll learn:
  • Why tea is so good for you if you’re living with diabetes
  • Any teas and additives that you should steer clear of
  • And the healthiest teas you can be enjoying this winter!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How To Get Rid Of Diabetes Medications For Good [New Webinar]

When I consult with a new patient, the most common goal is somewhat surprising to many people...
It's not reducing blood sugar. it's not losing weight. It's not avoiding complications like neuropathy or eye problems. Those are all up there, in the top five, but not number one.
The number one goal for the majority of my new clients is... getting rid of diabetes medications. They want to avoid, reduce, or completely eliminate drugs for diabetes and blood sugar, including insulin.
The good news is that over 92% of our clients achieve that goal.
That's why I created a new webinar where I'll show you exactly how we do this with our clients, and what's possible for you.
The webinar is this Saturday, January 22nd at 12:00pm Eastern, 9:00am Pacific.
>> Register now by clicking here.
This webinar training will be about an hour, and will be jam-packed with valuable information.
Here's some of what I'll cover:
  • Is it possible to eliminate diabetes medications?
  • The three phases of diabetes reversal
  • Understanding common medication usage
  • The worst diabetes drug side effects
  • How to balance medications and supplements
  • The keys to eliminating diabetes medications
  • Q&A time with me!
This is a newly updated webinar training, and I'll be sharing some powerful information! If you're serious about your health, and want to avoid, reduce, or eliminate diabetes medications, join me for this free webinar.
See you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Benefits of Being Barefoot​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis and Bone Health
In people over the age of 50, 1 in 3 women and 1 in 5 men worldwide will experience osteoporotic fractures — a major cause of mortality and morbidity in the world. Are you worried about fractures, weakness and loss of mobility? Join us to learn easy, natural ways to build better bones so you can live a full, healthy and active life as you age. Enjoy learning from Natural Approaches to Osteoporosis & Bone Health from January 17-23. Register Here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Feminine Pelvic Power Masterclass
So if you’re a woman who’s been putting off taking care of pain, leaking, pressure, or discomfort “down there”. Our friend and colleague Isa Herrera, MSPT, CSCS has helped 15,000 women (to date) heal completely from intimacy pain, leaking, and other “lady parts” problems…WITHOUT meds, surgery, or injections. And she wants to show YOU how to do the same thing (without leaving your house - super important right now!) in a BRAND-NEW online Masterclass: The Feminine Pelvic Power Secrets Masterclass: 5 Steps to Being Strong, Leak & Pain-Free “Down There” Without Pills, Gadgets, or Surgeries, February 9-11.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What if the world’s leading scientists sat with you for an hour (each at no cost) to help you with your sugar habit?

I’m a little star-struck myself this year…

The upcoming Quit Sugar Summit is so full of super famous modern-day scientists studying the brain that I was nervous talking to a few of them…

Since day one almost 8 years ago now we have struggled to bring you the world’s top scientists, MDs, PhDs, authors, coaches, and everyday folks…

Anyone who could help you understand sugar’s effect on your body and that of your family.

Most have been working in anonymity for decades in labs and universities worldwide…

The Quit Sugar Summit shone a huge spotlight on their work and helped kick off a worldwide awareness around sugar and its effect on your body.

That coupled with the fact that the science keeps exploding and growing stronger - with new findings nearly every year…

This makes the QSS THE event of the year if your relationship to sugar (and how to change it) is of interest to you.

And even more importantly we have the coaches, chefs, addiction experts, and therapists who can show how to put all this amazing science to work in your life. ASAP.

Join us this year. (You must register to be notified of the speakers each day).

Register here ==>

Talk soon,

Mike & the Quit Sugar Summit Team

PS: This year we even brought on a veterinarian who explains how your beloved pets are suffering from the crap food they are being fed… And yes, when your pet is stressed YOU are stressed! Make sure to register so you know when everyone is speaking. We start in less than a week. Oh, and did I say there is no cost for any of this? Check it out here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The most powerful SECRET they don’t want you to realize you already possess​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Supply chain nightmare approaching as Canadian cross-border vaccine mandate goes into effect for U.S. truckers​



Diamond Contributor
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Male teen deaths skyrocket 53% following mass covid vaccination​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW: Major newspaper editorial board calling on governor to deploy Natl. Guard against unvaccinated citizens​



Diamond Contributor
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Ivermectin had to be smuggled in chocolate into North Devon District Hospital, Barnstaple to save this woman's life. She had been on CPAP mask ventilation with possible need for intubation


Diamond Contributor
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Horrific CIA Experiments & Programs Exposed by Victim


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

COVID-19 vaccine spike proteins are SHEDDING, giving people heart attacks, strokes and more​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Masterclass: What the Heck is Going on With My
Blood Work? 4 Tips to Reclaim Your Health Today

In this new Masterclass, you’ll discover the following:
  • What is the underlying biochemistry of diabetes and heart disease?
  • What blood work actually matters for your metabolic health?
  • What do the numbers actually mean?
  • How can you improve these numbers at the same time? (GUARANTEED)

So register for this Masterclass using the button below and have a copy of your blood work in front of you the entire time.

We’ll go over your numbers and help you make sense of them so that you know exactly what to do to begin your journey to exceptional health!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
"Our study was not designed to confirm COVID-19 as the sole cause of these symptoms. It is plausible that symptoms reported by patients in some of the studies examined were due to some other causes," said Ssentongo.

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