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Diamond Contributor
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What countries can do Right Now to slow down the WHO's global coup

Small countries can do this easily! They simply need to send a short note to the WHO opting out of the 2022 Amendments before December 1, saying they need more time to consider changes to the IHR​

OCT 22
The proposed amendments to the WHO's International Health Regulations, and a proposed Pandemic Treaty/Accord/Agreement/CA+ (it has been given many names) have been created as a means of transferring management and control of pandemics or other health emergencies away from nation states to the WHO. The proposed documents require nations to impose censorship, using only the WHO's public health narrative, and give the WHO vast powers to control what drugs may be used and which may be suppressed; control rapid vaccine development, manufacturing and deployment; create liability shields for these products; control travel at borders; require vaccine passports; and manage other aspects of life that are yet to be determined.
In May 2022, amendments that had been suggested by the United States to the WHO's existing International Health Regulations were approved which will speed up the adoption of future amendments. This was agreed in back rooms at the World Health Assembly's 2022 annual meeting, and there was no formal vote. The decision was made by "consensus" when no countries objected.
The amendments adopted in 2022 are still subject to the old rules, until the new amendments come into force in May 2024.
The old rules were that amendments would come into force 24 months after acceptance, and nations had a period of 18 months after acceptance to formally "opt out" of new amendments. Nations that "opt out" would be subject to the older version of the International Health Regulations instead of the new version.
The amendments adopted in May 2022 gave nations only 10 months in which to "opt out," not 18 months, and cause the new amendments to come into force after only 12 months, not 24 months. These new timelines will apply to amendments that will be considered in May 2024. However, under the existing rules that are still in force, nations have until the end of November 2023 to opt out of the 2022 amendments that speed up the adoption of future amendments, which is 18 months after May 2022, or until the end of November 2023.
Nations that send a very brief (even one sentence) formal opt-out to the WHO regarding the May 2022 amendments will then continue to have 18 months (not 10) to opt out of future amendments, and 24 months after they are adopted, not 12, before any future amendments apply to their nation.
This will slow down the coming into force of amendments that we anticipate will be approved in May 2024, since their approval only requires a 50% plus one vote of the 194 nation members of the World Health Assembly. Instead of coming into force for nations in May 2025, they will not apply until May 2026. And for nations who opt out of the 2022 amendments, they will gain an extra 8 months (from 10 months to 18 months) in which to opt out of future amendments, after they are approved.
In addition to slowing down the "warp speed" at which the WHO is trying to gain sovereignty over nations' health and emergency management, opting out sends a message to the world that your nation is not happy about what the WHO is doing. This could empower other nations to take the same step and will help shine a light on the proposed Treaty and amendments.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What Is Year-Round Particle Pollution?​

Particle pollution is a mix of very tiny solid and liquid particles in the air. “Year-round” refers to an annual average level that represents the concentration of particles day-in and day-out.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Foods That Reduce Blood Pressure​

  1. Garlic — A pilot study published in Pharmacotherapy in 1993, for instance, found that patients who consumed a garlic preparation that consisted of 1.3 percent allicin (the sulfur compound responsible for so many of garlic’s benefits) experienced a reduction in sitting blood pressure 5 hours after the dose, and a significant increase in diastolic blood pressure between 5 and 14 hours after the dose. Moreover, a 2009 study in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found that garlic’s cardioprotective properties were stronger in freshly crushed garlic than in processed garlic....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Beta Blockers

Common side effects associated with calcium channel blockers are fatigue, flushing, swelling of the abdomen, ankles, or feet, and heartburn. Less common side effects are changes in heart rate, tachycardia or bradycardia (slow heart rate), shortness of breath, difficulty swallowing, dizziness, numbness in hands and feet, gastrointestinal bleeding, chest pains, jaundice, and fainting.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Are you ready to uncover all the tools and knowledge you need to win to fight against cancer?​

Join the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit NOW and unlock these amazing benefits:
+ Get to know cancer and its treatment options
+ Discover strategies to handle symptoms
+ Find comfort and support for your emotions
+ Embrace positive changes in your lifestyle
+ Connect with a caring community
You can win this fight!

This special online event is happening soon, and you don’t want to miss it. Register for free today!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How much do you really know about estrogen?

Sure, we’ve all heard about how important it is for fertility and the menstrual cycle, but do you know everything else it does?

Or where it’s produced or why your body may be producing too much or too little?

Click here to read our blog post and find out the answers to all of the above questions plus more on the topic...
We’ll give you a 360-degree look at this critical hormone so you understand everything you need to know about estrogen, its role in your body, and how you can use it to maintain good health!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Guided Detox and Intermittent Fasting for Ultimate Health with
Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Do you ever find yourself dreaming about the "good old days" – that time when you were slim and fit, felt great, had boundless energy and didn’t have to rely on a bunch of medications to get through the day (or deal with painful side effects)?

Well, it’s time to turn back the clock, and reclaim the life you want. And here’s the good news: You can do it without feeling hungry, counting calories or spending endless hours on the treadmill.

Even better: You can do it under the guidance of a doctor who is world-renowned for his expertise in nutritional and lifestyle medicine.

My good friend, the board-certified physician and 7-time New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman M.D., will show you the steps to incredible weight loss during his 3-week event.

It’s called the Guided Detox: Intermittent Fasting, and thousands of people from around the world have joined the event to discover how they can lose weight and transform their health using food as medicine.

The event focuses on sustainable weight loss through the use of intermittent fasting – also known as time-restricted eating (TRE).

-->> Register here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Free Webinar - How to Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again
Cancer is scary, and for good reason!

There's a massive lack of information available to the mainstream public about how to prevent and heal it...

And there's a lot of fear pushed by Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies rushing patients into treatments they dont fully understand that often leave quality of life worse then when they started treatment.

But cancer doesn't have to be scary!

And in fact, you can be empowered to not only prevent a cancer diagnosis, but help your body heal from it without nasty side effects.

I'll prove it to you!

-->> Attend my next free webinar to learn how to overcome the fear of cancer and empower your body to heal and thrive - Go here for all the details


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Double Your Energy Levels in 3 Easy Steps!

If you’re like most people, every year that passes makes you feel older.

Significantly older.

And whether you like it or not, it’s very easy to become dependent on caffeine in order to get your brain firing…and stay firing all day.

When you wake up with low energy, it can feel like it’s almost impossible to feel "normal" again.

It turns out that new research shows that there’s a strong connection between your energy levels and your blood sugar and that when you discover this connection, you can turn back time using powerful techniques that work.

It turns out that there are a few timeless principles that can help you feel 10 years younger, and I’m excited to share them with you.

That’s why I’m excited to share the High Energy Lifestyle Playbook with you from my good friends and New York Times bestselling authors Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro.

-->> Learn how to double energy levels naturally here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Ultimate Parasite Detox

Do you know about the silent invaders that could be lurking within you causing disease?

The ones that, when left unchecked, might be the sinister masterminds behind your health issues?

Dr. Merritt, along with hundreds of other experts, suggests that parasites could be the silent culprits behind sudden and devastating declines in health.

I know this sounds like something out of a horror movie….

But it's REAL…. and it could be affecting you right now.

Here's the thing: Your doctor might not even be aware of this connection.

It's not something they're taught in medical school.

But it's a common practice in places like Egypt and Europe, where people regularly treat themselves for parasites.

So, what can you do?

-->> Read this BRAND NEW eBook, The Ultimate Guide to Parasite Detox: Reclaim Your Health Naturally



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improving Your Kids' Gut Health
Hey Jimi,

In this podcast with Evan Brand, we discuss the various ways you can improve your kids' gut health naturally. We share our favorite alternative and unconventional methods for dealing with gut bugs, how your kids’ behavior at school might be related to their gut health, and talk about the importance of having a stool test to address the root cause of various gut issues in both kids and parents alike.

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Improving Your Kids Gut Health | Podcast #204
In this episode, we cover:

Herbal tinctures
08:33 Chewable probiotics
10:16 Dealing with bacterial issues in the gut
14:19 Paleo templates, the 6-R process
24:02 Substituting vs. removing

>> Click here to listen to the show! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If your gut is a mess today, chances are, other parts of your health are suffering, too!

Are you having difficulties removing toxins from your body?

Have you been getting sick more frequently?

Is your digestion impaired?

All these conditions are rooted in your gut health!

--->>So today, we want to give you a guidebook that will help you improve your microbiome health - naturally!

This guidebook includes:

  • A complete list of gut-damaging habits that are ingrained in our daily life (you’ll be surprised by some of these!)
  • 8 simple remedies that can restore your microbiome (natural remedies you can find easily in the grocery store)
  • 5 delicious recipes to put theory into easy practice
  • And more!
Want to improve your gut for better overall health?

--->>This guidebook is the best place to start!

When you unlock this guidebook, you’ll also save a seat to learn from 25+ world-leading experts at The Natural Solution Masterclass taking place on November 6-19, 2023, where they will share potent natural remedies, delicious foods and breakthrough strategies that tackle the root causes of modern disease!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, discover the best foods, spices, nutrients, and more against autoimmune diseases in the brand-new...

Best Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease (Plus 5 Super-Nutrient Recipes), completely free for you right here!

There are over 80 autoimmune diseases. Some of the most common include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, celiac disease, IBS, psoriasis, and Hashimoto's.

And autoimmune diseases impacts up to 50 million Americans -- 75% of them women -- and these diseases are on the rise.

In this research-based new report from veteran health researcher, Sarah Otto...

You'll discover the the top foods and other natural remedies for autoimmune disease that are easily available to you.

You'll gain a clear understanding of WHY these foods, spices, and nutrients are so beneficial.

PLUS, Sarah provides you five new recipes utilizing top foods and spices, including for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert:

Head here for your free copy of The Best Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease (Plus 5 Super-Nutrient Recipes!)

And FYI, when you download your copy...

You'll also receive free access to Sarah's forthcoming new online Natural Solution series.

This powerful series empowers you to harness the incredible power of plants, herbs, and science-backed remedies, direct from the world's leading experts!

FINALLY, because one of the delicious new recipes in the guide, Omega-3 "Bliss Balls" (ideal for a healthy dessert!), features shredded coconut...

Here' a cute dad joke that makes my little kids giggle and is worth sharing with YOU:

What do you call a coconut that doesn't have milk?

A milk dud.


Enjoy the important learning in The Best Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease (Plus 5 Super-Nutrient Recipes) free for you right here, and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It's just ol' Arthur acting up...

"Ol' Arthur", in this case, is arthritis.

Now that the weather is getting cold here in Lansing, Michigan, I'm guessing I'll hear that statement A LOT more.

But, it's not only relegated to colder weather.

Patients, friends, family, people I talk to when out-and-about...

They say the same thing in the spring, summer, when it's about to rain, and every other time of year.

Arthritis was once thought of as a purely aging related problem...

A sign of wear and tear on the joints and/or discs.

That's partly correct.

When your foundation is faulty, that increases the imbalance throughout your body, throwing off your bio-mechanics.

Walking, sitting, bending, moving, lifting, and working will all be thrown off. (That's a technical term...😉)

This is very similar to your car being out of alignment -- parts of your tires will wear down faster than other parts.

And it will also create problems in other areas of your car, making them work less efficiently.

So yes, we want proper balance in our physical alignment.

But, there's another part you need to look at...

The chemical input and balance.

Meaning, the NUTRITION you put into your body.

Just like you need to put the right fuel into your car, the same goes for your nutrition.

The nutrition provides the raw materials for your bones, ligaments, and discs.

If the "fuel" is healthy and nutritious...

AND your gut can absorb the nutrients, you'll have strong joints and discs.

If not, well, you won't.

So you see, it's not just about the mechanics, the wear and tear...

Nutrition and gut health are a HUGE player in arthritis, joint pain, and other inflammatory issues.

That shouldn't come as too much of a surprise since at least 70% of our immune system lives in the gut.

But, it always seems to catch people off guard because arthritis is physical pain...

You feel it in your joints, not in your gut.

I know, I know... it can be confusing to understand.

That’s why nutritionist Sarah Otto created a new series called The Natural Solution.

In it, you'll understand how to overcome challenges like arthritis and joint pain by improving your gut health.

You’ll also be introduced to safe, affordable remedies for inflammation, detoxification, vagus nerve stimulation, and brain health.

It explains the process perfectly, and I appreciate the time, effort, and care Sarah put into it.

You and I need to take care of both aspects - the physical AND chemical - if we want to prevent ol' Arthur from popping up.

Head here to find natural solutions right for you...

And, of course. Be Your Own Guarantee for your health and life.

Dr. Ryan

P.S. Of course there are freebies and gifts... Sarah's NOT holding out on you!!

Here are three super-helpful resources: The Best Natural Remedies for Inflammation; The Best Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease; and The Best Natural Remedies for Gut Health.

Register here for The Natural Solution and get your three gifts now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Did you know nearly half of the world’s population will face cancer at some point in their lives?
It’s time to change those statistics…
Please check out the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, hosted by renowned experts Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, and Issac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc.
And definitely watch my talk “How Your Gut Health Directly Influences Disease” where I’ll walk you through:
  • The pervasive role that inflammation plays
  • The origins and development of diseases
  • Why gluten remains a concern, irrespective of Glyphosate’s presence
Cancer doesn’t need to be a frightening word…
Let us turn your fear into confidence with this powerful, free event.
  • Find a deep understanding of cancer and the array of treatment options available.
  • Learn strategies to help manage physical symptoms & side effects of treatment.
  • Discover tools to handle the fear and uncertainty with strength and resilience.
  • Gain insights into lifestyle changes that will improve your health and well-being.
  • Get access to an incredibly SUPPORTIVE community of experts and fellow patients.
Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain the knowledge and support you need to win the battle against cancer!
This Summit is sure to be an event that will change the course of your life.

To your health,
Dr. Tom O’Bryan

P.S. How would you like an inside look of Dr. Karlfedlt’s cutting-edge treatments, some that even most doctors don’t know about? Grab his new eBook: A Better Way to Treat Cancer. Click here for a free copy today and automatically reserve a seat for the Summit!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Watch LIVE or get Recordings!
* We send only 1 email reminder per summit day. To stop receiving the summit emails please click here.

I absolutely loved yesterday's "Auto-Immune" (Dr. Tom O'Bryan) and "Brain Health" (Jane Oelke PhD, ND) presentations.

In my interactive and highly engaging talk, we explored Lifestyle Medicine and Root-Cause Health Coaching Solutions in a very personal and practical way.

The best part was that all live participants committed to practicing ONE MICRO-HABIT for 3 days with us as a community reviewing and keeping us accountable.

Today, our speakers will focus on the benefits of Lifestyle Medicine group coaching and the need for a food revolution.

✅Join DAY 3 here NOW.

10 am EST | 15 UK
The Power of Group Coaching (with a group coaching demo)
Founder Lifestyle Prescriptions® University

11 am EST | 16 UK
Scaling Lifestyle Medicine with “Groups as a Service”
Author, Speaker, Functional Forum, Heal Community Community Builder, Healthcare Entrepreneur

12pm EST | 17 UK
Why we need a Food Revolution
Co-Founder Food Revolution Network

I can't wait. How about you?

See you soon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hidden toxins can be found in our everyday products and increase our risk of chronic diseases like cancer. Not only can these toxins be found in products that are absorbed in our skin, but they may also be in the air we breathe and the water we drink daily. Learning about the impact of these hidden chemicals and where they are commonly found can empower us to make better choices as consumers, limit our exposure, and create better health for ourselves and our families.
Today on The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dhru sits down with Dr. Yvonne Burkart, a board-certified toxicologist. Dr. Burkart shares the top sources of hidden toxins in everyday products, like cosmetics, cleaning, and household products. Dr. Burkart shares the latest research around toxin exposure, the most common toxic ingredients and where they can be found, and her top tips on protecting ourselves from exposure and optimizing detoxification in our bodies.​
Dr. Yvonne Burkart is a 22-year veteran of Toxicology with expertise in reproductive toxicity, particularly endocrine disruption, infertility, and cancer. She has also served as a Senior Toxicologist in the flavor and fragrance chemical industry, where she helped to ensure the safety of flavor ingredients, and is now a whistleblower on the lack of regulations in that field.
After going through her own health crisis from exposure to harmful chemicals and witnessing firsthand the power of a low-tox lifestyle, Dr. Yvonne began a mission to help consumers slash their toxic exposure with confidence and ease.
In this episode, Dhru and Dr. Burkart dive into:
  • Research confirming that hidden toxins in our cosmetics can turn on cancer genes in our bodies (2:32)
  • The implications of activating breast cancer genes in women (5:22)
  • The most common ingredients found in cosmetics that should be removed and everyday products that contain them (6:48)
  • Why companies continue to use harmful ingredients in their products (12:02)
  • The unknown behind what happens when you combine chemicals and use them on the body long term (14:10)
  • Why consumers generally believe the industry’s blanket statements that chemicals are safe for the body (17:10)
  • Why fragrances added to cosmetics or household products can be toxic and their impact on our body (18:34)
  • How hidden toxins can have an obesogenic effect (24:45)
  • Top 5 things toxins that should be avoided (26:46)
  • The power of glutathione, how to support its natural production, and supplementing with glutathione (33:05)
  • Other supplements that can help with detoxification (50:55)
  • The importance of breathing in quality air and filtering water (52:15)
  • Reconsidering using a paper cup for coffee (59:08)
  • Support the detoxification of microplastics and testing exposure (1:03:30)
  • What conscientious consumers can ask companies to provide them (1:07:25)
  • Products that Dr. Burkart has found to be surprisingly toxic (1:09:20)
  • Research showing that breast cancer amongst younger people is on the rise (1:14:33)
  • The turning point for Dr. Burkart and her personal journey with toxins (1:18:39)
  • Should natural flavors be avoided, and how consumers can avoid feeling overwhelmed (1:23:00)
  • Dr. Burkart’s tips for minimizing her children’s toxic exposure (1:35:08)
  • Final thoughts (1:38:47)
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 10/25, our 123rd episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep.123 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about overcoming the resistance we often experience when attempting to accomplish something significant. Sometimes, we need to get out of our own way to make the important things happen. You can get it done by having faith and taking one step at a time toward your purpose.
This week, Dr. Alan Palmer, author of “1200 Studies – Truth Will Prevail,” returns to the show. We deep dive into one of the most hotly debated topics of our time, discussing the documented Covid facts and how we can avoid this happening again. To learn more, visit​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part 1
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Analysis of the October 2023 Negotiating Text of the WHO's Pandemic Treaty/Agreement

This version of the Treaty is very similar to the June 2 version, but I felt an updated analysis was needed before the hearing on the WHO tomorrow​

OCT 23
[written by Meryl Nass, MD, October 22, 2023]
First, it should be noted that the names used for this document change with each draft, which is very confusing. The current draft omits the term CA+, and is titled:

Negotiating Text of the WHO convention, agreement or other international instrument on pandemic prevention, preparedness and response​

(WHO Pandemic Agreement)​

Advanced unedited version - 16 October 2023
This document is very similar to the June 2 "Bureau Draft" of the Treaty.
It needs to be understood that this treaty is based on fantasy, as none of its foundational assumptions is accurate. The Pandemic Treaty intends to create a complicated managerial structure with a new WHO Secretariat and Conference of the Parties to perform activities that have never been shown to prevent or respond to pandemics effectively or provide any other benefits. In fact, these efforts are most likely to increase pandemics and encourage the use of hasty regulatory structures and problematic, liability-waived drugs and vaccines produced too quickly.
All the Pandemic Treaty drafts so far rely on a set of incorrect assumptions. They include the following:
· The WHO is the directing and coordinating authority on international health.
· International spread of disease demands the widest international cooperation, ignoring the fact that international spread may be limited to only a few countries and will demand a different level of response, depending on the circumstances.
· Nations retain national sovereignty through their ability to pass health laws, while they will simultaneously be bound and accountable to obey the directives from the WHO on health.
· We were unprepared for COVID and this caused the pandemic's suffering, but now we know how to prepare for pandemics and simply need a central authority to direct us.
· Lack of equity led to failure to share drugs, vaccines, PPE--ignoring the fact that no nation had sufficient PPE or tests early in the pandemic, and that it was nations withholding generic drugs from their populations, not lack of equity causing many treatment shortages.
· Pandemics invariably arise at the animal-human interface, are natural in origin, and the vaguely defined "One Health approach" can prevent or detect them early.
· Increasing the capture and study of "potential pandemic pathogens" can be done safely and provide useful pandemic products, when neither has been true in the past.
· Pharmaceutical manufacturers will agree to give up some intellectual property rights. In fact, a Pharma manufacturers' association said this week it would prefer no treaty to this one.[1]
· The UN adopted a declaration on pandemic preparedness on September 20, 2023. In fact, 11 countries objected and the declaration was only approved by the UN Secretary-General.
· Censorship of "infodemics" is legal and desirable.
· Nations and the WHO must apply the "One Health approach," which includes efforts related to climate change and sustainable development, for health promotion.
· Health "coverage" (insurance) will provide the world's citizens access to a broad range of health care.
Here are some specific examples of what is wrong with the Treaty.
Article 3, #2. Sovereignty
"States have, in accordance with the charter of the United Nations and the general principles of international law, the sovereign right to legislate and to implement legislation in pursuance of their health policies."
This language fails to address the issue of the WHO assuming sovereignty for health matters over states through this treaty.
Article 3, #3. Equity
"Equity includes the unhindered, fair, equitable and timely access to safe, effective, quality and affordable pandemic – related products and services, information, pandemic – related technologies and social protection."
However, Article 9, #2 (d) states that parties shall promote "infodemic management," and infodemic is defined in Article 1(c) as false or misleading information. Article 18, #1 instructs the Parties to "combat false, misleading, misinformation or disinformation..." In earlier drafts the WHO spelled out that only the WHO's public health narrative would be allowed to spread.
Article 4, #3. Pandemic prevention and public health surveillance
"The Parties shall cooperate with the support of the WHO Secretariat to strengthen and maintain public health laboratory and diagnostic capacities, especially with respect to the capacity to perform genetic sequencing, data science to assess the risk of detected pathogens and to safely handle samples containing pathogens and the use of related digital tools."
While this language is more spare than in previous drafts, it does direct nations to perform genetic sequencing of potential pandemic pathogens (i.e., biological warfare agents) they find and to safely handle them, which requires high containment (BSL3/4) laboratories. Also in Article 4 is the need to "develop, strengthen and maintain the capacity to (i) detect, identify and characterize pathogens presenting significant risks..." indicating the directive for nations to perform surveillance to seek out such pathogens.
Article 6, #4. Preparedness, Readiness and Resilience
"The Parties shall establish, building on existing arrangements as appropriate, genomics, risk assessment, and laboratory networks in order to conduct surveillance and sharing of emerging pathogens with pandemic potential, with such sharing pursuant to the terms and modalities established in Article 12."
Article 1 (h) defined "pathogen with pandemic potential" as any pathogen that has been identified to infect humans and that is potentially highly transmissible and capable of wide, uncontrollable spread in human populations and highly virulent, making it likely to cause significant morbidity and or mortality in humans." Why does the WHO require nations to go out and find potential pandemic pathogens (a.k.a. biological warfare agents) and supply both samples and their sequences to the WHO, where they will be shared with pharmaceutical companies, research centers and academic institutions, as well as possible others and online?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part 2 of above
Article 8, #3. Preparedness monitoring and functional reviews

The parties shall, building on existing tools, develop and implement an inclusive, transparent, effective and efficient pandemic prevention, preparedness and response monitoring and evaluation system."

Yet 4 different monitoring systems have been used to gauge nations' readiness for pandemics and all 4 failed to predict how well they would do when COVID appeared. There is no acknowledgement of the failures of our assessment tools, nor discussion of whether there exist any useful assessment tools.[2] [3] And this begs the question why, if our means of assessing progress against pandemics failed, do we think that similar efforts are likely to be successful in future?

Article 10, #1 (d). Sustainable production

"The Parties encourage entities, including manufacturers within their respective jurisdictions, in particular those that receive significant public financing, to grant, subject to any existing licensing restrictions, on mutually agreed terms, non-exclusive royalty-free licenses to any manufacturers, particularly from developing countries, to use their intellectual property and other protected substances, products, technology, know-how, information and knowledge used in the process of pandemic – related product development and production, in particular for pre- pandemic and pandemic diagnostics, vaccines and therapeutics for use in agreed developing countries."

This and related sections are probably what make the pharma organization so upset with the Treaty.

Article 12, #4 (a) i (2) Access and benefit-sharing

"upload the genetic sequence of such WHO PABS (Pathogen Access and Benefits System) material to one or more publicly accessible databases of its choice, provided that the database has put in place an appropriate arrangement with respect to WHO PABS material."

There is additional discussion about the sharing of pathogens and the need to identify and upload their genetic sequences online where they will be accessible. This could also be called proliferation of biological weapons agents, which is generally considered a crime. In the US, "Select Agents" are those designated to have pandemic potential, and the select agent program[4] is managed by CDC and USDA. For safety, CDC must give permission to transfer select agents. Yet the select agent rules are ignored in this WHO Treaty. And in an apparent effort to handwave over existing rules, the drafts says in Article 12, #8,

"The Parties shall ensure that such a system is consistent with, supportive of, and does not run counter to, the objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Nagoya Protocol thereto. The WHO PABS system will provide certainty and legal clarity to the providers and users of WHO PABS materials."

Article 13, #3 (e). Global Supply Chain and Logistics

"The terms of the WHO SCL Network shall include: facilitating the negotiation and agreement of advance purchase commitments and procurement contracts for pandemic-related products."

Advance purchase commitments are contracts that obligate nations to buy products for pandemics in advance, sight unseen. Neither the manufacturer nor the nation knows what is coming, but once WHO issues a pandemic declaration, the contracts are activated and the US government will have to buy what the manufacturer produces. The 2009 swine flu pandemic provides a useful example. Advance purchase commitments led to tens of $ billions in vaccine purchases in North America and Europe for a flu that was less severe than normal. The GSK Pandemrix brand of vaccine led to over 1300 cases of severe narcolepsy, primarily in adolescents.[5] Rapid production of vaccines for which profits are guaranteed and liability is waived has never been a win for the consumer.

Article 14. Regulatory Strengthening

Nations are to harmonize their regulatory requirements, expedite approvals and authorizations and ensure the legal framework in place to support emergency approvals. This incentivizes a race to the bottom of drug and vaccine approval standards, particularly during emergencies.

[1] "As the body representing the global innovative pharmaceutical industry in official relations with the United Nations, IFPMA has issued the following statement in response. IFPMA Director General, Thomas Cueni said on October 17, 2023:

"It would be better to have no pandemic treaty than a bad pandemic treaty, which the draft circulated to member states clearly represents."'

[2] WHO Report: Independent Oversight and Advisory Committee for the WHO Health Emergencies Programme.

Interim report on WHO’s response to COVID-19 January-April 2020.

"The IOAC sees no clear relation between JEE scores and country preparedness and response to COVID-19, suggesting that existing metrics for public health preparedness and health care capacity do not reflect the full range of variables that affect a country’s response during a severe pandemic on a massive scale. The majority of countries appeared ill-prepared and struggled to implement public health measures in response to COVID-19. In the light of this pandemic, the IOAC recommends that Member States and the WHO Secretariat 6 review the IHR core capacities and existing tools and framework for national and international preparedness, and consider whether they need to be updated."





Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

When your doctor tells you, "It's just a part of aging, but we can manage the pain"...

Do you simply accept it?

If so, this series is not for you...

But for you, the health-curious, the ever-hopeful, the people who know that we’re made for vibrant health and we just need the right kind of help

This is for you:

Access the game-changing series that's reshaping how we think about health: 'The Natural Solution'.

Dive deep with nutritionist and dear friend, Sarah Otto and a lineup of 26+ world-renowned experts, unveiling nature's potent remedies that have stood the test of time.

Watch the limited-time free screening to discover:

🧠 Discover foods that can add years to your brain's health and might be why some people delay Alzheimer's by over a decade

❓ The subtle symptoms of the chronic condition doctors are not discussing: from joint pain to brain fog, even to cancer

🔥 The miracle spice that has lessened the pain for countless people (no drowsiness, no constipation, just feeling better)

This isn't just another health series - it's a practical toolbox, where the answers lie in our gardens, kitchens, and age-old traditions.

Say goodbye to short-lived “fixes” and embrace solutions that heal from the root.

Join now and transform your path to pain-free, vibrant health! 🌿🌟

>> Get your free pass for the limited screening here (hurry - registration closes soon)

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you know what causes arthritis?
It's commonly believed that arthritis is purely the result of aging and general wear and tear on the joints. Well, that belief is quickly becoming old news as new research emerges about the power of the gut to help treat arthritis, joint pain, and other inflammatory diseases. Could it be that improving your gut health could be the key to overcoming health challenges like arthritis?
CLICK HERE to learn more in the brand-new Masterclass: The Natural Solution. >>
Nutritionist Sarah Otto and her team at Goodness Lover have created this Masterclass to spread the word about the latest discoveries in this field, and it features 26 world-leading experts.
Beyond the improving your gut health, you will learn:
💆‍♀️ Safe, affordable remedies to soothe inflammation
✅ How to trigger detoxification in your body
🧠 Ways to grow your brain
🔴 How to stimulate the vagus nerve
And so much more!
I have no doubt that this Masterclass contains information that has the power to change your life. And if you tuned into our latest Masterclass series and loved the information you learned, then I know you will love this one too!
You can watch it for FREE here. >>
In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Time for a smile

Most but not all from Robert Malone's substack​

OCT 23
Seen in Canada
And the answer is simple. Turn off your TV and radio and save the cable bill.
My son (with his Tesla) will probably be furious with me for the next 3 cartoons:
I like this one below. It means PAY ATTENTION to what the universe throws at you and use it, or you will have to keep dodging the lessons till you learn them. Save time and aggravation and smarten up now. Good lesson to me.
Will we let the WHO take over ALL of our health, including issues that have nothing to do with spread between countries? We gave them an inch and they’re taking a mile.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
ICAN’s attorneys have now obtained internal CDC emails showing that its Director of the CDC’s Immunization Safety Office, Director Dr. Tom Shimabukuro, is asking Israeli health authorities to study a link between vaccines and asthma identified by the CDC.
Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq. details the new information here:

On September 28, 2022, Academic Pediatrics published a study with CDC authors titled, “Association Between Aluminum Exposure from Vaccines Before Age 24 Months and Persistent Asthma at Age 24 to 59 Months.” The study examined data from the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD), one of the four US vaccine safety monitoring systems, and found a positive association between vaccine-related aluminum exposure and persistent asthma.
In an email obtained by ICAN’s attorneys, Dr. Shimabukuro asked a director at the Israeli Ministry of Health to discuss whether it would be willing to study the issue using Israeli data. That’s the good news. The bad news is that he felt the need to make the request over the phone, and not put it formally in writing. It is also concerning that when the Israeli health director replied that it would be a couple weeks until her colleagues could get to it due to the high holidays, Dr. Shimabukuro responded, “No rush, it’s not super urgent.” That’s certainly a nonchalant attitude about the discovery of an alarming link between aluminum in vaccines and asthma!
Parents of children who suffer from asthma would likely disagree that the issue is not “urgent.”
ICAN has submitted additional FOIA requests for internal CDC communications concerning this study, and we will provide updates as we uncover actions (if any) taken by CDC to further investigate this issue.
See the links below for more of ICAN’s FOIA work:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer Conversation Season 2 Episode 20 Full Video​

What a memorable evening! We appreciate all of you who could join in this incredible Cancer Conversation with Dr. Connealy and Mitch Marczewski of The Nightbirde Foundation. Jane’s message of resiliency, hope, and courage in the face of adversity is truly admirable, and her legacy lives on through her foundation and her loving family. For those who were unable to tune in, the entire video is available via the link below.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Kiwis Fight Back, Vote Out Draconian Legislators; Filling the Demand for Safe Blood; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on Pfizer’s attempt to pull the wool over your eyes…again, The Push For Digital ID and Facial Recognition Software Continues, and America Has a Prescription Drug Problem; The Call To Re-evaluate COVID Vaccines Grows to include Childhood Vaccines; ICAN Legal Updates to Feature Video Featurettes with Aaron Siri, Esq.
Guests: R. Clinton Ohlers, PhD, Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A life without side effects
We stand at a critical moment in human history.

The pharmaceutical industry sells billions of dollars of medications for chronic diseases, filled with harmful side effects.

The weight loss industry profits by exploiting your emotions with harmful narratives about food and body image.

And somehow, despite the abundance of information available today, understanding how to control your blood sugar has become more confusing than ever.

More than ever, it’s time to stop the lies, stop the confusion, and stop the fear.

It’s time to expose the scientific truth about how to combat insulin resistance – the silent condition behind high blood sugar, weight gain, and low energy.

That's why my good friends and colleagues Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro, MPH have put together the 7th annual Blood Sugar Revolution Summit.

>> Click here to claim your free spot and get the latest cutting-edge blood sugar research, knowledge, and insights

The Blood Sugar Revolution Summit is a free online summit that explores the connection between high blood sugar, weight gain, and low energy…

And teaches you why YOU have the power to transform your life using your food as medicine.

You'll hear from 24 of the world's most respected experts, including New York Times best-selling authors, doctors, researchers, and authors, who all recognize that…

The most powerful medicine is the food you eat!

Are you ready to take your health to the next level? Ready to control your blood sugar, reach your ideal body weight, and stop jumping from one fad diet to the next?

>> Then click here to claim your spot and join the FREE 2023 summit now

We can’t wait to see you inside.

Yours In Health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever seen the little quote that says "May your coffee, pelvic floor, intuition and self-appreciation be strong."?

I remember before having a child seeing that quote and thinking to myself...."ODD!"

I, honestly, didn't understand what was the big deal around the pelvic floor.

No one mentioned to me anything about it while pregnant.

And the I was briefly told at my 6 week postpartum checkup to do some kegels.

That was the extent of my pelvic floor education and/or rehabilitation.

But our pelvic floor is soooooo important.

For so much more than not being our pants when we sneeze.

It affects our internal organs, our posture, our pain levels and our sex life!

In this episode of Disrupt the System, I speak to Dr. Sandra Bevacqua.

She is a PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology with additional expertise in Genetic Engineering, Nutrition and Human Biology.

Dr Sandra is a women's health expert specializing in female pelvic and sexual health, hormone balancing, nutrition, and blood chemistry analysis. She is also a bestselling author on Amazon with A Sense of Urgency! 7 Evidence Based Steps to Resolve Incontinence, Pelvic Organ Dysfunction, and Sexual Dysfunction.

What you will hear us cover is:

  • Dr Sandra's personal story about how she discovered the world of nutrition and how her own pelvic floor disaster led her to helping other women experiencing similar challenges.
  • Why having a strong healthy pelvic floor is important for women in general, especially as we get older.
  • Why having a healthy pelvic floor leads to better sex.
  • PLUS, we chat about many of the myths around kegels and 3 things you can start doing today to have a stronger pelvic floor.

You can listen on Spotify here.

You can listen on Apple Podcast here.

The podcast is actually available on other servers too. I just don't link them all.

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEVER ignore swollen feet and legs!
What many people shrug off as “part of getting old…”
Can actually be a sign of more serious issues related to the heart.
And it’s often a sign of one overlooked deficiency…

Learn More Here⇒


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Check out these favorite episodes of Rosie Radio!
I’m so excited to bring you some amazing new interviews to support your healing in 2023!

In the meantime, check out these recent episodes from Rosie Radio:

The Missing Link: How to Optimize Minerals for Energy, Brain Fog & Optimal Detox

with Barton Scott

  • 18 signs and symptoms associated with mineral deficiency you should look out for
  • The sinister effects of debilitating brain fog and fatigue
  • The truth behind cognitive decline and the essential mineral needed by your brain

Magic Tricks to Create Support When You’re Stressed to the Max!

with Deborah Fryer

  • How to value yourself without feeling guilty or shameless
  • What is “intentional creation” and why is it critical in building flow in relationships
  • What are the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine and why we need both to find flow and balance in our lives

How to Improve Flabby, Foggy and Fatigued with Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy

with Dr. Shawn Tassone

  • Common misconceptions about looking for a doctor to help optimize hormones
  • Why are women more sensitive to toxic environments
  • What to prepare before seeing an OB-GYN


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Would you like to gain insights from leading cancer doctors and real cancer conquerors who have triumphed over cancer?
Join Nathan Crane in a free, eye-opening webinar on Thursday October 26th at 7PM Eastern, where you'll discover the exact strategies they used to overcome cancer.

In this webinar, you will learn:
  • Cutting-Edge Healing Strategies: Learn the cutting-edge techniques that cancer conquerors rely on to accelerate their healing.
  • 10+ Years of Research: Benefit from over a decade of research compiled from both cancer conquerors and cancer doctors.
  • Understanding Cancer: Gain insights into what cancer actually is and how it can be naturally overcome.
  • Insights from Medical Experts: Discover the latest findings from integrative medical doctors who work closely with cancer patients every day.
  • Customized Healing Plan: Empower yourself to create a personalized healing plan that aligns with your unique needs.
  • The Single Most Important Step: Find out why taking this one crucial step can significantly boost your body's healing potential.
Don't miss this exclusive opportunity to learn from the best in the field and take control of your health journey.

→ Click here to register

Join us in this informative webinar and take the first step toward overcoming cancer naturally.

Yours in health,

Healing Life​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Rethink your pain relief
Dear Friend,
It’s estimated today that chronic pain impacts around 40% of American adults. And this doesn’t even include another 21 million dealing with more intensive, high-impact chronic pain that prevents them from living normal lives.
Opioid drugs don’t prevent or heal the source of pain. In fact, they slow healing, prolonging your pain. And, when used often, NSAIDs like ibuprofen or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can also have serious negative impacts on your health.
Sometimes called the “safest” pain medication, acetaminophen can be devastating for your liver. In fact, acetaminophen plays a role in nearly half of all cases of acute liver failure. And it’s the reason behind roughly 20% of all liver transplants!
Fortunately, there are many safe, effective, natural options that won’t put your vital organs at risk. Studies show that the right natural painkillers can make a big difference over time — by addressing the root causes of chronic pain, while modulating neurological pain pathways and supporting greater strength and vitality.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Eyes, Cancer, Vitality, Eating on a budget
* Stop receiving Lifestyle Medicine Summit Daily Updates.

✅ Click to watch DAY 5 LIVE.

You might have heard me say, "Be more specific!"

This applies to working with Lifestyle Medicine and addressing the root-causes of chronic symptoms.

Today's highly esteemed presenters will deep dive into specific organ symptoms and habits with actionable protocols.

October 24 @ 10am EST | 15 UK
✅ Natural Vision Improvement (Eye Health)
Research Professor at the University of Toulouse, Founder Clearsight Method

October 24 @ 11am EST | 16 UK
✅ How to Fix Your Energy and Live Life At Your Full Potential
Doctor of Oriental Medicine, Qi Gong Master, Founder The Urban Monk, Producer Vitality, Origins, Prosperity Movies

October 24 @ 12pm EST | 17 UK
✅ Cancer and Nutrition
World-renowned physician, scientist, cancer researcher, New York Times bestselling author

October 24 @ 1pm EST | 18 UK
✅ Healthy Eating for Busy People on a Budget
Registered Nurse, NBC-HWC, Corporate Health Coach & Health Educator

Watch live here ... and start by posting your question!

See you soon.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Body Signs of Nutritional Deficiencies

Nutritional deficiencies gone undetected or without cause for alarm over long periods can lead to life altering health complications. Different areas of your body can present with signs signaling to you that something is physiologically wrong.

Being in tune with your body’s needs and aware of these signs of nutritional deficiencies are critical to whole body wellness.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
10 Nutrients to Improve Thyroid Function
Thyroid function is very much determined by our micronutrient levels and our digestive health. Did you know that one of the best ways to support a healthy thyroid and overall well-being is with an optimal nutrition plan?

Thyroid function and its metabolic roles are reliant on nutrient feedback signals. Without specific nutrients, there is a lack of expression from a variety of physiological activities that ultimately cause a decline in total health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Bad Circulation: Symptoms, Root Causes and Support Strategies
Your circulatory system is a system in your body that includes your heart and blood vessels.

Good circulation is critical for heart health, immune health, brain function, wound healing, and other important functions. It supports your organs, tissues, and health, and helps your body to stay alive and thrive.

Bad circulation may increase your risk of some serious health issues, including serious cardiovascular problems. Supporting good circulation is critical for your health and well-being.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
GMO 2.0 Explainer (First In a Series)

What’s the basic difference between GMO 1.0 and GMO 2.0?

A lot of confusion exists out there - or really just a lack of information - on the new generation of GMOs that we call GMO 2.0. Here is a short explainer for starters.

Genetically modified organisms (GMOs or GMO 1.0) are typically plants that have been altered using genetic modifications, which can include newly inserted DNA. Though the term is most often used to describe plants, GMO bacteria, fungi, and other organisms do exist. This newly inserted DNA can be derived from a different, sexually incompatible organism or a sexually compatible organism.

Gene editing (GMO 2.0) techniques allow the genetic structure of an organism to be altered by adding, deleting, or altering DNA – the molecule inside cells that contains the genetic information responsible for the development and function of an organism – to enhance its genetic properties for specific outcomes or traits. Most gene edits do not introduce new genetic code but rather make changes to existing DNA.

In other words, GMO 1.0 introduces novel configurations of genetic materials typically derived from other organisms whereas GMO 2.0 modifies existing genetic material to create novel organisms. And therefore, anything with DNA is in play.


A quote from the co-creator of CRISPR (the most used gene editing tool), provides a perspective we here at IRT agree with:

“With our mastery over the code of life comes a level of responsibility for which we, as individuals and as a species, are woefully unprepared.”
Dr. Jennifer Doudna, from her co-authored book A
Crack in Creation


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Narrowing Down All Those Choices When It Comes to Supplements [Video]

Our Founder, Jeffrey Smith, recently visited NOW Foods, an important supporter of IRT and our work. During his tour, he went into their labs and picked up some great advice on how to pick from all those supplement choices on Amazon, etc. Click on the image below to check out our short video to learn more about this topic.


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