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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

IRT’s Founder, Jeffrey Smith, continues our unrelenting work spreading the word on the dangers of not only traditional GMOs but also of this new era of genetic modification we call GMO 2.0. Here’s a sampling of recent engagements you can tune into.

Now Foods: Recently, Jeffrey met with the leadership of Now Foods, did a tour of the facility and presented recent trends with GMO's. He got some great advice on how to discern the good and the not so good choices in the vast supplement market as well. Check out this helpful video HERE.

Care More, Be Better Podcast: Recently Jeffrey was interviewed by Corinna Bellizzi, a cause-marketer and activist for social impact, sustainability and regeneration. They had a passionate discussion about the true destructive impact of GMOs on global health. You'll want to tune in HERE.

Mastering Mast Cell Summit - On October 18th Jeffrey presented at the Mast Cell Summit alongside some of the most experienced minds in functional medicine. If you missed Jeffrey's powerful presentation, check it out during the summit's encore weekend, October 28-29. Register for this free online event HERE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

TODAY: "Stress Metabolism" to "Fatigue Metabolism" to "Cancer Metabolism"​

There are three main ways that your body get shifted out of normal metabolism into fatigue and disease metabolism.
This process causes you to experience symptoms like fatigue and pain as you develop impaired detoxification and immunity, neurological degeneration, and metabolic disorders like diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.
All of these are essentiall on a continuum of broken energy metabolism.
So today in the Overcome Fatigue & Chronic Illness Masterclass, we will take a very deep dive into things like ...
  • Why fatigue, diabetes, and cancer are on the same continuum of dysfunctioal energy metabolism
  • The dark sides of nitric oxide, estrogen, and serotonin
  • Key leverage points in mitochondrial energy metabolism to shift out of "stress metabolism", "diabetes metabolism" and "cancer metabolism" back into "youth and vitality metabolism"
Register for the masterclass with one click or tap by clicking or tapping here.
Today is Day 2 of the masterclass, and we will unpack the information represented in the diagram below:
Try to attend live in order to be eligible to receive a free device worth $400 shipped to you at no cost.
>> Register with one click or tap

I can't wait to see you in the event!
Kind regards,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Just a Few Extra Pounds Raise Heart Risk

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

New research has found that gaining even a little weight over the years is enough to affect the structure and function of the heart muscle, potentially increasing the long-term risk of heart failure.

A team from the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas followed 1,262 adults with an average age of 44 for a period of seven years.

Special: Dr. Crandall’s Healthy Habits to Stop and Reverse Heart Disease

All participants were free from heart disease and other conditions that put them at high risk for heart disease. MRI scans of participants' hearts and various body fat measurements were taken both at the start of the study and again seven years later.

The researchers found those who gained as little as 5% during the seven years were more likely to have thickening and enlargement of the left ventricle — a well-established indicator of future heart failure.

The best ways to keep your weight under control are to follow a heart-healthy diet, such as the Mediterranean diet or the DASH diet, and to incorporate an exercise routine in your schedule. Doctors recommend heart-pumping aerobic exercise of 30 minutes a day at least five days a week in activities such as walking, running, swimming, cycling, or tennis


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Top 4 Supplements for Weight Loss!

Whenever I'm asked about healthy weight loss supplements, one supplement always springs to mind—the West African SpiceFruit™. The incredible SpiceFruit™ is packed with antioxidants and known to support metabolic health, as reflected in a study where participants lost 13.8 pounds on average in just 8 weeks!
Click below to learn about this incredible supplement along with three others that I recommend for healthy weight management.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Feeling Stressed? Eat These Foods!

Whether it's mental, emotional, or physical, stress can undermine your health. Research has shown that a well-constructed keto diet can naturally decrease stress, especially when you focus on eating certain stress-fighting keto foods! Get my list of top stress-busting foods at the link below.​
Naomi’s DIY Face Wash for Glowing Skin

We all want glowing skin—and while that starts on the inside, what you put on your skin matters, too! This DIY Face Wash for Glowing Skin recipe features whole foods-based ingredients designed to bring out your natural beauty. Give it a try—you’re only seconds away from getting the glowing skin of your dreams!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I was just at a cancer conference for doctors, Jim (they let me sneak in)…

And you know what I heard so many of them talking about?

Photodynamic therapy - using light and photosensitizers to heal from things like cancer. It’s the new hot thing.

Know who’s been using photodynamic therapy for over ten years?

Dr. Tony Jimenez, founder of the Hope 4 Cancer clinics in Mexico. And he even pairs light with sound for a greater effect.

Know who’s our guest on this week’s Going Integrative Plus community call, where real people get to ask the top holistic cancer doctors in the world anything they want each and every week?

Dr. Tony Jimenez!!

Know who’s sitting in on the call if you’re not part of Going Integrative Plus yet?

You!! :)

You can register to attend live or catch the replay here!!

If you’re not part of the community yet, I really can’t imagine why you wouldn’t want the ability to get answers to your questions directly from the top holistic cancer doctors on a weekly basis…

But either way, you can sit in this week for a chance to ask your questions and see what you’ve been missing!

I go to these cancer conferences, by the way, to ensure I’m bringing our community the best of the best each and every week, both in the knowledge I gain and the new doctors I get to bring into our world!

Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hypnosis Plus Meditation May Boost Relaxation Benefits​

Too stressed to meditate? A new treatment combining hypnosis with mindfulness has delivered promising results and may be a faster, easier way to chill out than traditional meditation.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

1 in 6 Adults Taking Psychiatric Drugs -- and Doctors Now Prescribing Them for Young Kids, Too​

Antidepressants are routinely used as a first-line treatment for depression, though studies show their effectiveness is on par with placebo and serious side effects such as violence and suicide are often ignored or hidden.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
As you’ll remember from prior updates, the attorneys who represent ICAN also represent the plaintiff who won a historic lawsuit against FDA to obtain the documents used to approve Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine. Every month since December 2021, FDA has been required to release thousands of pages of documents.
The October 2023 batch is supposed to be the second to last batch that is expected to be released for the age 16+ age group, which means there is the possibility that some of the most relevant data will be buried in these final documents. Of the 76,811 pages in the October production, the following are reports of interest:
  • Summary Monthly Safety Reports (SMSRs) – Each month, Pfizer sent detailed safety data to FDA, but this is the first time we’ve seen these reports. This production includes reports for December 2020 to September 2021. The September 2021 SMSR includes data on incidence of myocarditis, among other serious adverse events. As requested by European Medicines Agency, it also contains a cumulative assessment of rhabdomyolysis (life threatening muscle breakdown), which identifies 170 cases but concludes there is no causal association with the vaccine. This conclusion was reached in no small part by excluding 48 cases (including 46 cases that occurred either the same day of vaccination or over 41 days after administration on the basis of “implausible timing”) or by attributing the disease to “a strenuous exercise regimen,” “a fall,” “concomitant medications,” or, most interestingly, “co-reported events” including strokes, Epstein-Barr virus reactivation, COVID-19 infection, deep vein thrombosis, coronary artery disease, and Guillain Barré syndrome—all symptoms that just so happen to be associated with COVID-19 vaccines. The report did, however, observe that “[v]accine induced rhabdomyolysis including influenza vaccine, DTaP vaccine, herpes zoster vaccine, and Covid-19 vaccine had been documented” in literature.
  • HERO-Together Post-EUA Study C45910008 Interim Report – This study focused on a cohort of vaccinated healthcare workers and was intended to provide “early real-world safety information.” This interim report on initial safety data from the study was released in June 2021, stating that “[h]ospitalization was reported in 5.9% (6/101) of participants who also reported that they or their partner were pregnant at the time of vaccination” and there was an overall “safety event of interest” in 12.7% of participants.
  • Development Safety Update Report (April 2020 – April 2021) – This 578-page report summarizes safety data and provides summaries of the clinical trials in progress as well as the 11 serious adverse events that were considered by the Pfizer paid clinical trial investigators to be related to the study vaccines (though, unsurprisingly, Pfizer itself disagreed with its paid investigators on all but one of them). In Appendix 6, Pfizer lists a cumulative summary of adverse events from clinical trials, where (again, unsurprisingly) the most common reported events were: acute coronary syndrome, acute myocardial infarction, atrial fibrillation, cardiac arrest, cardiac failure congestive, and myocardial infarction.
ICAN encourages anyone interested to comb through the production and see the data on which FDA relied to license this vaccine. You can view the entire production here.
In the meantime, see the links below to catch up on some of ICAN’s other Pfizer documents updates:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
NEWSFLASH: Chronic Ketosis is not your goal
By Julie Gregory, Chief Health Liasion for Apollo Health

One of the most common misconceptions we get from folks trying to follow the Bredesen Protocol® is their mistaken aspiration to remain in a state of chronic ketosis. These participants erroneously think they’ll need to dramatically restrict their carbohydrates and consume gobs of dietary fat for the rest of their lives- yikes! It’s time to set the record straight: Chronic ketosis is not the goal of the program. Notice that the word FLEX (not KETO) is capitalized in “KetoFLEX 12/3” to bring attention to the concept of metabolic flexibility — your ultimate goal.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you ready to embark on a journey to a healthier, more vibrant you?

Join me for an exclusive Facebook Live event Wednesday October 25th at 2 pm EST/11 am PST, where I will connect with you as we talk about "mastering detox and intermittent fasting for better health."

🌟 Join me for this Facebook Live!

📅 Date: October 25th, 2023
⏰ Time: 2:00 pm EST/ 11:00 am PST
📍 Where: Facebook Live

I will be sharing his invaluable insights on the power of nutrition and intermittent fasting to achieve optimal health AND answering questions from YOU, my community.
Yellow Femme Influencer Wellness Livestream Facebook Cover
But that's not all!

This Facebook Live event also serves as a sneak peek into what awaits you in his upcoming Guided Detox program!

>> Join the Guided Detox Program for a Healthier You <<


Diamond Contributor
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Why did Tony Fauci risk everything to call for a coverup of COVID's lab origin? There was a lot more to it than protecting himself and NIAID for sponsoring Wuhan research

After years of pondering, this is what I think. Natural origin was CRITICAL to the entire global takeover​

OCT 25
I will show you some old slides and some I just made. If there are missing pieces or you don’t follow my reasoning, I am happy to build out the story. Let’s start today with how pandemics due to spillover from animals were to be blamed on climate change, and we had to gain control of climate change in order to prevent more devastating pandemics.
If they come from labs, this carefully constructed narrative falls apart and climate change is not so dangerous after all.
Great photo of a little bat, below. I’d love one for Halloween.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part 2

Note that David Morens and Jeffrey Taubenberger are two of Fauci’s top guys. Morens recently got in trouble for telling us how he avoided giving up documents to FOIA requestors by wiping them and using his private email address for business.

David Morens coauthored this article as well:

Do you see how this dovetails into 15 minute cities, and other controls on what humans are allowed to do and where they are allowed to go? If you read the Lancet COVID Commission reports from 2021 you will get the same flavor of how increased control over agriculture, mining, etc. is to be justified. Enough for tonight.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In today's bustling world, the art of incense often goes unnoticed and underappreciated.

While tinctures, teas, and essential oils usually take the spotlight, we tend to overlook a vital component of aromatic medicine: incense!

As healthcare professionals, our world transformed when we discovered we could make our own therapeutic incense blends at home, using the plants we cherish.

Just imagine having the ability to tailor your own unique herbal incense blends for medicinal purposes, sacred rituals or simple pleasure.

For a decade now our friend Evan Sylliaasen, founder of the Northwest School of Aromatic Medicine, has been crafting aromatherapeutic and ritual blends for his company Higher Mind Incense, one of the top producers in the United States. He's definitely seen what works best, and what doesn't work when it comes to incense crafting.

This craft is both an art and a science, and Evan is well-versed in the common pitfalls and mistakes that beginners often encounter when crafting incense.

The good news? He can help YOU avoid them!

Which is why he's put together the Hand-Crafted Incense Workshop Series.

--->>Learn how to make your own incense for healing, fragrant enjoyment, or spiritual purposes when you attend this complimentary, online workshop!
In this special workshop series, you’ll discover:

  • The traditional roots of aromatic medicine and the essence of aromatherapy
  • Uncover the myriad virtues and applications of incense and plant smoke
  • Explore the various types of incense and their unique qualities
  • Master the 4 Building Blocks of Incense Crafting, the foundation for every successful recipe
  • Plus, follow Evan's expert guidance through each step of the incense crafting process, from raw ingredients to the finished product
Whether you are a seasoned professional, a dedicated at-home healer, an incense enthusiast, or just beginning your journey into herbs and aromatics, this workshop series promises to elevate your practice to new heights of healing, beauty and fun!

--->>Join us for the series and get started on your path to making your own incense for yourself, your family, or those you serve today!
Because health means everything,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Life Mastery & Qigong​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

“I have been and still am a seeker, but I have ceased to question stars and books; I have begun to listen to the teachings my blood whisper to me.”
~Hermann Hesse



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer is not like the flu. It's not a simple cold or infection.
Cancer is a serious challenge that deserves our utmost attention and dedication.

You deserve to have all the information and treatment possibilities at your fingertips.

There are so many options out there, and you deserve to explore each one.

Why? Because you are unique.

Your journey, your body, and your needs are distinct to you. What works for someone
else might not be the best fit for you.

That’s what we’re here for. We want to empower you with the best tools and knowledge available so that you can approach this battle well-armed and well-prepared.

So join me at the free Cancer Breakthroughs Summit!

This online event is happening soon and you don’t want to miss it.

Hosted by my good friends and colleagues, Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, a highly regarded Naturopath and cancer care expert, and co-host Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, a pioneer in integrative medicine, the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit is a unique opportunity to tap into the collective wisdom of health professionals and scientists from around the globe.

With over 40 experts sharing their research, personal experiences, and practical advice on topics ranging from biohacking pet cancer to quantum healing, you’ll be armed with the knowledge to help you face health challenges head-on.

-->> Get the answers you need for putting an end to cancer


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"When the dog bites, when the bee stings, when I'm feeling sad, I simply remember my favorite things and then I don't feel so bad."​

~ Oscar Hammerstein II



Diamond Contributor
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Decoding the WHO's latest press release: Build better primary care so we can claim victory! Add digital health. Make doctors look into the eyes of patients, not the computer.

Yes, it is THAT contradictory and vague.​

OCT 25
Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Back to the future: harnessing the power of primary health care to transform our health systems

In marking the 45th anniversary of the historic Declaration of Alma-Ata, the WHO Regional Office for Europe calls on Member States to reframe and invest in PHC as the backbone of #HealthForAll

Astana, Kazakhstan, 24 October 2023----As the permacrisis [Mommy, what is a permacrisis?] of this day and age takes an ever-greater toll on health systems globally, urgently rethinking and prioritizing primary health care (PHC) as an essential pillar of universal health coverage is not an option, but a must. [They won’t buy our insurance plan unless you have provided a health care center where they can actually get care, after all.]. This requires governments and health authorities to refocus and restrategize on what PHC should be; innovate to harness current and future technological advances; and, ultimately, return to and strengthen the human connection between health providers and those they serve. [Does this mean telehealth?] This will bring about better health outcomes, foster individual and community well-being, strengthen earlier access to health services and help restore public confidence in the health sector. [Otherwise they won’t take that next shot we are preparing.]
This was the call to action issued by the WHO Regional Office for Europe, the Ministry of Healthcare of Kazakhstan and the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) Europe and Central Asia Regional Office, organizers of this week’s International Conference on Primary Health Care in Astana, commemorating both the 45th anniversary of the Declaration of Alma-Ata and the 5th anniversary of the Declaration of Astana.

Back to the future

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the impetus to innovate and transform health services delivery, demonstrating that change is both necessary and possible. [What are they talking about?]
“We’re essentially advising countries to go ‘back to the future’ – to reclaim the promise of achieving health for all through PHC, embedded in Alma-Ata 1978 and Astana 2018, and convert that promise into a reality that uses innovation, such as new technology that simply wasn’t available 45 years or even 5 years ago,” said Dr Hans Henri P Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe. [Why won’t they tell us what this shiny new technology is?]
“And as we work hard to leverage this digital transformation and make sure everyone benefits from it equally, [does that mean everyone goes to telehealth, even those who want to see a real doctor—or everyone gets an electronic record, even if they prefer health privacy?] let us not forget the human element. Compassionate care – for both physical and mental health – is what will allow us to truly leverage the benefits of digital tools and other technology, because compassion and solidarity are at the heart of what primary health care really is. In other words, we must strive to be digital but human.” [WTF?]

Kazakhstan’s inspiring example

At this week’s conference in Astana, representatives from many of the 70 WHO Member States attending from across the world shared their PHC experiences – challenges and successes alike. Among them was the host Kazakhstan, whose Minister of Healthcare, Dr Azhar Giniyat, spelled out her country’s triumph in primary health care, using the integration of mental health services as an example….​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Losing balance?

One of the real causes of men and women losing balance as they age is body misalignment.

You might not know this…

But when your body isn’t aligned properly, the tissues in areas like your legs and feet weaken…

And over time… This then leads to loss of balance and stability.

Now the bad news is, most people will live decades with their body’s misaligned which is why they then lose their ability to move unassisted in later life.

But luckily for you, a new exercise treatment has just been perfected…

And it supports the natural realignment of your body so you can quickly reverse problems with balance.

If you’d like to be shown how this exercise treatment works, click here.

You’ll then be able to register for an online event that’s going to show you how to use this special form of exercise to realign your body and get your balance back… for FREE.

Yes I want to be shown (step by step) how to get my balance back by realigning my entire body.
To your health,

The Cell Health Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Optimal Health Secrets with Dr. Monisha Bhanote | Nathan Crane Podcast Episode 36

Join me in this conversation with the brilliant Dr. Monisha Bhanote, a quintuple board-certified physician. Dr.Bhanote brings a wealth of knowledge on holistic well-being, specializing in cancer, chronic health issues, and much more. We delve deep into the intricacies of health and healing from an integrative and functional standpoint. Discover how to regain control of your well-being, reenergize your life, and achieve optimal health. You'll learn about lifestyle approaches, ancient medicine, and how to make your body function better on a cellular level. Don't miss this opportunity to gain insights that can change your life.

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Guided Detox and Intermittent Fasting for Ultimate Health with
Dr. Joel Fuhrman
Do you ever find yourself dreaming about the "good old days" – that time when you were slim and fit, felt great, had boundless energy and didn’t have to rely on a bunch of medications to get through the day (or deal with painful side effects)?

Well, it’s time to turn back the clock, and reclaim the life you want. And here’s the good news: You can do it without feeling hungry, counting calories or spending endless hours on the treadmill.

Even better: You can do it under the guidance of a doctor who is world-renowned for his expertise in nutritional and lifestyle medicine.

My good friend, the board-certified physician and 7-time New York Times bestselling author, Joel Fuhrman M.D., will show you the steps to incredible weight loss during his 3-week event.

It’s called the Guided Detox: Intermittent Fasting, and thousands of people from around the world have joined the event to discover how they can lose weight and transform their health using food as medicine.

The event focuses on sustainable weight loss through the use of intermittent fasting – also known as time-restricted eating (TRE).

-->> Register here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Free Webinar - How to Never Be Afraid of Cancer Again
Cancer is scary, and for good reason!

There's a massive lack of information available to the mainstream public about how to prevent and heal it...

And there's a lot of fear pushed by Medical Doctors and Pharmaceutical companies rushing patients into treatments they dont fully understand that often leave quality of life worse then when they started treatment.

But cancer doesn't have to be scary!

And in fact, you can be empowered to not only prevent a cancer diagnosis, but help your body heal from it without nasty side effects.

I'll prove it to you!

-->> Attend my next free webinar to learn how to overcome the fear of cancer and empower your body to heal and thrive - Go here for all the details


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Double Your Energy Levels in 3 Easy Steps!

If you’re like most people, every year that passes makes you feel older.

Significantly older.

And whether you like it or not, it’s very easy to become dependent on caffeine in order to get your brain firing…and stay firing all day.

When you wake up with low energy, it can feel like it’s almost impossible to feel "normal" again.

It turns out that new research shows that there’s a strong connection between your energy levels and your blood sugar and that when you discover this connection, you can turn back time using powerful techniques that work.

It turns out that there are a few timeless principles that can help you feel 10 years younger, and I’m excited to share them with you.

That’s why I’m excited to share the High Energy Lifestyle Playbook with you from my good friends and New York Times bestselling authors Cyrus Khambatta, PhD and Robby Barbaro.

-->> Learn how to double energy levels naturally here



Diamond Contributor
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Fauci's COVID Coverup #2. Without a natural origin, we would have trouble demanding hundreds of $ billions to get everyone up to speed to handle pandemics.

We would have little excuse to demand nations go into the bush and collect biological warfare agents for us, would we?​

OCT 25
There would be no justification to demand nations go out and catch dangerous viruses (a.k.a. “Potential Pandemic Pathogens”) then work on them and share them and create vaccines and drugs against them, or perhaps turn them into better bioweapons agents—if pandemics come from labs, not spillover.
In 2018, Daszak and his friends were pushing a multibillion dollar effort that he and his buddies would lead to find 500,000 new viruses in the wild. It would make them all rich.
The pandemic treaty, for which negotiations began in 20221, took Daszak’s plan and cut him out, demanding that nations do the virus explorations, then ship them off to the WHO’s BioHUB, where they will be looked after ever so carefully, right?
Countries who went along with the Biosecurity Agenda, searched for pathogens, shared them, siigned up for warp-speed produced vaccines with no manufacturer liability, agreed to let the WHO make their public health decisions for them could eat at the pandemic trough. But we wanted tens of billions in the trough, and the measly developed countries are not kicking in enough. Guess the poor countries will have to borrow the rest. And pay it back with interest. But we will give them a very long term, so the money won’t come due till most of us are already dead. Sounds good, eh?
While the statement below is from the G20 meeting in September 2023, the U.N. has issued similar reports about building a new international financial system and loaning out tons more money, particularly to mitigate climate change and pandemics.
An excuse to loan big bucks to the poorer nations, to effect a future takeover of their resources, and a scheme to pay them to get them to help out finding the viruses for the next pandemic. No wonder Fauci and Farrar (007, License to Overdose) were so keen to get this whole lab thing covered up.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Candida May Be Causing Your Mood Issues

Candida is a type of fungus that many (if not most) people will deal with from time to time. When dealing with a Candida overgrowth, you may experience symptoms such as horrific dermatitis (like a crusty scalp), blotchy skin rashes, jock itch, toenail fungus, and thrush (white coating of the tongue).

Evan Brand joins me for this deep dive into Candida issues, how these affect our mood, different treatment approaches, and a lot more!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello there,

We live in a society that worships youth.

And nowhere is that more true than in the medical profession.

While women need hormonal support most after 35, that’s the point where your problems are most likely to get dismissed as "normal" and "part of growing older".

I’m here to tell you - this is not right.

Your hormonal health should be a priority. And it can, and does, get better.

Start with this absolutely free book: Hormone Harmony Over 35.

Get it today to find out:

🔬 How to self-assess your hormonal health, and find out if what your symptoms are trying to tell you
🍃 The safest and best ways to detox for hormonal balance
👶 The secrets of the "youth hormone" and how to stimulate it
🌿 Holistic solutions to hormonal imbalance (it’s not all pills, injections and patches)

And much more!

I want you to know, this is no short ebook, it’s Dr. Michelle Sands’s whole book, completely for free! The chance to grab an expert’s book for free doesn’t come around often, so don’t miss out.

Get your copy here.

Yours in health,

Sarah Otto

Along with your free book, you’ll also get a complimentary pass to a masterclass you can’t miss: The Hormone Restoration Masterclass.

Don't miss out on the opportunity to learn about a natural and simple way to restore your hormones from renowned hormone expert, Dr. Michelle Sands.

She's revealing a HUGE secret about Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) that you never get to hear about.

Get your ebook and register here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Delicious Almond Crepes​



Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees and mix:

• 4 eggs
• 1/8 c. agave nectar
• 1/4 c. applesauce (unsweetened)

Set aside when blended well.

Take a 1/3-cup measuring cup, pour 1 scoop of JaylabPro Vanilla protein powder, then top the remaining space with almond flour.

Dump this first 1/3 c. measuring cup (filled partially with protein powder and partially with almond flour) into a separate bowl, then add the following ingredients:

• 1 2/3 cup almond flour
• 1/4 tsp baking powder
• 1/3 tsp salt

Mix dry ingredients into the wet, whisk till you get a thick batter, drop onto an ungreased cookie sheet (1-2 tbsp per crepe) with a tablespoon, and bake.

No need to flip, they will bake perfectly! Take them out when fully cooked, about 7-8 minutes. Put on a plate, add Greek yogurt (in the flavor of your choice-vanilla works great) in a line down the middle. Roll snugly, with the seam facing down onto a plate.

Microwave a handful of berries (your favorites) with 1 tbsp. agave, or just leave unsweetened. Microwave for 35 seconds till soft, and spoon your berry mixture over the top of the rolled crepe

Recipes yields 2 dozen crepes.

Nutrient Profile: (per crepe)

Calories: 67
Protein: 4 gms
Carbohydrates: 3 gms
Fat: 5gms


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
What kind of an impact do your diet and lifestyle have on your hair and nails?
What causes premature graying and loss of hair? What causes nail problems like brittleness and deformities? How much iron, zinc, protein, and vitamins like D, C, and B vitamins, are best? Is sun exposure a problem? What are the pros and cons of nail polish and various hair products?
We’ve got some answers!
Get the whole story on hair and nail health, here.
Yours for looking good and feeling good,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. The health of your hair and nails can say a lot about your overall well-being. Here’s how you can take care of them.


Diamond Contributor
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WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 123; Featuring: Dr. Alan Palmer D.C., C.C.S.T., Private practitioner, Professional Sports Dr and author of 1200 Studies – Truth Will Prevail 2

Wednesday, 10/25, our 123rd episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about overcoming the resistance we often experience when attempting to accomplish something of significance. Sometimes, we need to get out of our own way to make the important things happen. By having faith and taking one step at a time toward your purpose, you can get it done.
This week, Dr. Alan Palmer, author of “1200 Studies – Truth Will Prevail,” returns to the show. We deep dive into one of the most hotly debated topics of our time, discussing the documented Covid facts, and how we can avoid this happening again in the future. To learn more, visit
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Signs that you’re dependent on caffeine
Ever felt this before?

You wake up in the morning, and the thought of getting out of bed feels painful.

After hitting the snooze button 3 times, you finally muster up the courage to get out of bed, and the first thing you do is make a pot of coffee to kickstart your brain.

You wait 10 minutes, drink 1-2 cups of coffee, and finally feel the effects kick in.

As the day goes on, you go through the motions of your daily life, but under the surface, there’s a collection of emotions, including:

  • Feeling unmotivated to work
  • Feeling more irritable than normal
  • Wanting to crawl back into bed at any moment
  • A lack of interest in things that used to be fun
  • Avoiding social activities
  • Not wanting to move your body
If you’ve been here before or feel this way right now, then there’s amazing news for you – everything you’re experiencing can likely be reversed.

The reason is because new research shows that there’s a strong connection between your energy levels and your blood sugar.

And when you discover this connection, you can turn your life around quickly.

That’s why we're excited to invite you to join our FREE 2023 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit.

You’ll learn from 24 world experts about why your blood sugar is one of the most important indicators of your energy levels, body weight, and risk for chronic disease.

You’ll discover why insulin resistance is the silent condition that causes high blood sugar and sabotages your energy levels, and you’ll learn how to get out of this cycle once and for all.

Getting older doesn’t have to mean feeling old. And when you use food as your medicine, you set yourself up for long-term success.

>> Click here to join the summit and begin feeling 10 years younger

See you there!

Cyrus and Robby
New York Times bestselling authors of Mastering Diabetes

P.S. Getting older doesn’t mean you have to feel old. We have unlocked some of the secrets to giving your body the right fuel and filling you up with energy, and we’re here to share them!

>> Click here to get your FREE ticket to the summit today and join the revolution!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Simple Guide: Dry Brushing For​

Breast Cancer Healing​

Dry brushing is a quick, relaxing, and easy breast cancer therapy that you can do at home whenever you want. It supports your lymphatic, nervous, and immune systems all while providing a relaxing and invigorating self-care therapy. Dry brushing has certainly received some strokes of popularity lately. However, the practice has been around for centuries. It comes from ancient practices dating back over 5,000 years, to stimulate circulation and blood flow. Almost all historical civilizations documented the use of dry brushing for health and beauty, including Egyptians, Indians, Greeks, Romans, Native Americans, and Chinese.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


This is my annual Fall ritual that I not only prepare for Paxton, Jeff and me, but also love to giving as gifts to family and friends. And not only that, it's literally the gift that keeps giving as it lasts for up to 6 months in the fridge!!

Made with a blend of horseradish, turmeric, garlic, oranges, ginger, herbs and peppers, all harmoniously fermented in apple cider vinegar, this tonic is the ultimate secret to immune resilience.

Why Fire Cider Rocks:
🍎 Apple Cider Vinegar: Packed with antimicrobial properties that fight bacteria and help regulate blood sugar levels.
🌿 Horseradish: Naturally rich in antioxidants, it helps reduce inflammation and aids in respiratory health, particularly beneficial during sinus infections.
🌶️ Hot Peppers: Loaded with capsicum, high in vitamin C and iron, they reduce inflammation, aid weight loss, boost circulation, and promote bone health.
🧡 Ginger: The gingerol in ginger is a medicinal powerhouse. It's an antibacterial hero, fights germs, alleviates nausea, eases stomach pain, and tames inflammation.
🍂 Cinnamon: A treasure trove of benefits, used in Traditional Chinese Medicine, it packs antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties, guarding against illness and disease.
🍯 Honey: This golden elixir is teeming with antiviral, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, and antioxidant properties. It soothes digestive issues, comforts sore throats, and battles bacteria within.

I hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do and it helps you and your family stay sniffle-free all season



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
🧠 Do you know what fiber does to your brain?

Scientists studied over 3,000 health workers and the findings astounded them:

Those consuming more fiber saw a whopping 33% drop in anxiety levels.

There’s more: Increased fiber intake also meant a 50% reduction in depression risks!

And all it took was 10 more grams of fiber a day than the average American consumes.

Want to find out how to get this? (You need to hit 5 food groups, to do it right!).

You can find out during this limited screening of The Natural Solution - a brand new masterclass showing you the power of natural remedies and the REAL reason behind our health problems.

Join nutritionist Sarah Otto and 26+ world-renowned experts to find out the latest, science-backed recommendations for your brain at The Natural Solution:
  • 🌿 Learn about the herb known as the “natural SSRI
  • 💤 Discover one of the most common mineral deficiencies - and what happens when you address it (spoiler: better sleep and a calmer brain are part of it)
  • 🧠 Find out why neurodegenerative conditions are striking earlier, and how you can protect your brain, easily and from home
Natural remedies tap into your body's innate ability to heal and balance itself. No gimmicks, no fads - just real, scientifically-backed ways to enhance your well-being.

Ready to be equipped to use natural remedies to support your brain? Dive into The Natural Solution, airing November 6-19 and discover the transformative power of what you eat.

Don't settle. Thrive.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team​

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
New Zealand is a crime scene. In one clinic, in one day, 30 out of 30 people vaccinated have died.

Yes and the sad thing is they are proposing more "New Vaccines" :mad:
But they have the world buffaloedinto thinkin they need them:crazy:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,​

This week's newsletter explores the brain benefits of a heart healthy diet, who should receive new Alzheimer's drug treatments, the therapeutic potential of music, the link between the microbiome and Alzheimer's, and more...

-->> Women Over 40 Who Adopt DASH Diet May Have Lower Risk of Cognitive Decline - Healthline (October 2023)​

A heart-healthy diet was linked with less risk for cognitive decline during aging...

-->> Who Should—and Can—Get Lecanemab, the New Alzheimer Disease Drug? - Nature (September 2023)​

Aducanumab. Crezenumab. Donanemab. Gantenerumab. Lecanemab. Solanezumab - who should receive these treatments?

-->> Memorable melodies: harmonious healing - Dr. Healther Sandison (October 2023)​

Studies have shown that music therapy can stimulate neural pathways, potentially slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease...

-->> Demystifying hypnosis: from Mesmer to modern neuroscience - The Brain Docs (October 2023)​

Dr. Dean Sherzai dives into the practice’s past, and how it can be used to support recovery and better brain health...

-->> Alzheimer’s Symptoms Transferred via Microbiota Transplant - Neuroscience News (October 2023)​

A brand new study has confirmed a link between gut microbiota and Alzheimer’s disease...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

What's the first thing you think of when I say...


There's a good chance you immediately thought...


That's because the pharmaceutical industry has spent 40 years (and billions of dollars) promoting the idea that your cholesterol levels are associated with heart disease.​
But the latest heart health research is showing that cholesterol is NOT the enemy anymore - it's actually your friend!

That's just one of the many truth bombs being dropped during the Cardiovascular Docu-Class I'm hosting next week!

I want you to SAVE THE DATE because...

On Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM Eastern I'm going to give you access to the entire Cardiovascular Docu-Class!​
Most people don't know this but, cholesterol is ESSENTIAL for life.

Here are just a few of the critical things your body makes from cholesterol...

  • Female hormones (like estrogen, progesterone, and estradiol)
  • Male hormones (like testosterone)
  • Adrenal hormones (like cortisol and DHEA)
  • Vitamin D (sunlight + cholesterol = vitamin D!!)
  • Cell membranes (comprised of 30% cholesterol)
… plus, so much more!
This information could literally save your life or the life of someone you love dearly.

The Cardiovascular Docu-Class starts Tuesday, October 31st. So remember to watch your inbox on Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM Eastern when I'll be sending you access to the first episode.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The AFib-Stroke Connection

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

If you have atrial fibrillation (AFib), or heartbeat irregularity, your risk of stroke is increased, particularly if you are older. According to the Framingham Heart Study, people with AFib have a three to five times increased risk of stroke. Other studies have found that by the age of 80, AFib causes one out of every four strokes.

How does AFib cause stroke? Normally, the heart beats regularly, forcing blood out of the atria, or the upper chambers of the heart. The blood travels through the heart’s valves and fills the ventricles, or lower chambers, after which the blood volume is propelled and distributed to the rest of the body.

Special: The Hidden Heart Risk Even a Cardiologist Didn't See Coming

During an episode of AFib, however, the upper chambers of the heart do not contract strongly and regularly as they usually do to force blood out with each heartbeat.

Instead, the heartbeat is weakened, and some blood may not move forward into the ventricles as it should, and instead, tends to linger in certain parts of the atria, pooling there.

This increases the possibility that the stagnant blood will form clots, and even small blood clots can cause problems if they leave the heart and are released into the blood’s general circulation. This is because they can clog and plug the arteries in the body. If a blood clot travels to the brain, the result is a stroke.

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