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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Propaganda Exposed​

Sickness is BIG business these days, and far too often profits take priority over patients. Discover the TRUTH in this groundbreaking 9-day FREE event – “Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED]” – premiering November 1st.​

Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions Masterclass​

The Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions Masterclass is a complete resource where we will guide you to identify the root cause of your pain and develop your unique self-healing strategy.

Our mission is to provide you with effective, natural approaches to healing and share with you what works (and what doesn’t!) when it comes to healing your pain.

And we’re not just talking about physical pain. Mental, emotional, and spiritual pain can be just as debilitating as physical injury and are addressed in-depth as well.

Don't miss the opportunity to heal your pain, October 30-November 3 at the FREE Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions masterclass.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Natural Solution​
Ready to be equipped to use natural remedies to support your brain? Dive into The Natural Solution, airing November 6-19 and discover the transformative power of what you eat.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Image item
Hey Jimi!

As the holidays approach and we are faced with an onslaught of responsibilities and challenges, it's super important to check in with yourself so you can be present and loving with your family and friends this year. Take some time this week to develop this practice with us!​
breathe. create. share​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Truth About Chocolate, Cacao, and Carob​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

According to The National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), research shows that body dissatisfaction is a leading risk factor in the development of an eating disorder.*

HealthMeans wants to help raise awareness about the health risks, so we've unlocked a talk from the Learning Center to educate you on the impact an eating disorder can have on the body, specifically your bones.


Featured Talk from the HealthMeans Learning Center​
Did you know that every week we unlock a talk from the HealthMeans Learning Center and a few weeks later it is relocked? Be sure not to miss it while it is available!

This week we've unlocked the talk Eating Disorders and Bone Health with Mindy Gorman-Plutzer, CHC, CEPC, FNLP, in honor of Body Acceptance Week.

You'll Learn:
  • How do eating disorders affect bone health?
  • Functional nutritional approach to eating disorder recovery
  • 7 steps to recovery

--->>Best of all, you will learn a nutritionally guided strategy for healing from eating disorders. ... when you click here to watch/listen today!

Mindy Gorman-Plutzer brings 2 decades of nutritional counseling experience to her private practice as a certified functional nutrition and lifestyle practitioner, board-certified integrative health coach and certified eating psychology coach. She introduces a unique functional approach to resolve simple and complex health issues and the physical and emotional challenges related to or resulting from disordered and addictive eating behaviors. Combining her life experience with extensive training, she has created a system of strategies using functional nutrition, practical coaching techniques, results-oriented psychology, body-centered practices and mind-body science.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This one is gonna take a few posts but is too good to not put on

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WHY is the One Health fantasy so important to Fauci and the globalists?

Another reason the pandemic origin had to be a natural zoonotic event--otherwise why give WHO power to control our ecosystems?​

OCT 27
PPPR is a new acronym that stands for pandemic prevention, preparedness and response—as if anyone knows how to do any of these.
See, you connect all these things together and call it health, err, I mean One Health
All the big international, globalist organizations just love One Health:
CDC struggles trying to explain the importance of One Health, but they sure are enthusiastic about teaching everyone about it and spreading out a bit of $ to push the idea of One Health, even though it is really hard to explain how it benefits anything. Well, it might help save you from an infection caused by a bite from your pet turtle. Maybe.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
One Health is a major priority for the G20, as noted in the report of their
meeting in New Delhi last month.

So with all that interest, what is One Health? Apparently the powers that be have struggled with defining it, and claim there are over 60 definitions. Let’s look at a few:

If you understand that, you are a better man than I. Oops, better watch my pronouns. Let’s try again:

Got it? We are globalizing transformation in just about everything. I am certain that is a worthy goal for a Young Global Leader. BTW, while Klaus Schwab is GREAT at getting his Leaders installed in governments, none of them seem able to actually govern…at least not honestly. He has picked a bunch of good presenters, many who are easy on the eyes, but they lack depth, lack emotional range. Who are they, really? Shallow puppets like Gavin Newsom, Justin Trudeau and Jacinda Ardern played their part, and they played it well, but they could not perform without a script.

Well, if we can’t understand One Health, can we at least find out where it came from?

Even though it is meaningless, it is big and it has been sent out around the world with zillions of One Health grants.

And the globalists know that you win through indoctrination of students. The three names I circled are all employees or contractors of EcoHealth Alliance—just in case you were not yet aware that the globalists have a limited bench and have to keep reusing their players. But it is still gobbledygook.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The One Health basket just keeps growing. How many disparate areas can
you toss into it?
Just in case you had not figured it out by now, One Health is the key to the kingdom, the answer to society’s problems, and a ray of sunshine.
Here is a bunch more stuff that is included in One Health
But there is always a party pooper at every party. A few Chinese scientists venture to tell us the Emperor has no clothes. In very careful and difficult-to-comprehend language, of course.
Well that didn’t stop the One Health onslaught in the least. The Lancet just keeps those One Health articles coming. Now healthcare itself is polluting our world. One Health to the rescue!
But we all know this whole thing is total BS. As I stated in the European Parliament in May:
Is One Health the theoretical justification to reduce us to the level of animals?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Pain Meds & Leaky Gut​

Ibuprofen, a drug in the family of medications called Non-Steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs), can cause what is often referred to as ‘leaky gut syndrome’ (LGS). This is thought to lead to stomach ulcers that can result in upper gastrointestinal bleeding, the need for surgery and blood transfusions....



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Antioxidants Help Endometriosis Pain​

Endometriosis is a condition where the tissue lining in the uterus spreads and grows outside the uterus. Symptoms of endometriosis are not always apparent and can go undetected for long periods of time. When symptoms do present themselves it is in the form of pain, scarring, menstrual problems, and difficulty in conceiving....
Research now shows that antioxidants including vitamin E and C are help reduce pain associated with endometriosis. Women in the study reported a 43% reduction in symptoms compared to placebo. Endometriosis is often the result of too much estrogen circulating in the body....


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cardiac Arrests More Deadly on Weekends

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Your odds of surviving a cardiac arrest long enough to be admitted to the hospital are lower on the weekend than on a weekday. For one study, researchers analyzed data from nearly 3,000 patients worldwide who suffered an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and were treated with a publicly accessible automated external defibrillator (AED). Overall, 27% of patients survived to hospital admission, a rate that matches previous studies.

But those whose cardiac arrest occurred between 12 a.m. Saturday and 11:59 p.m. Sunday were about 20% less likely to survive to hospital admission than those who were stricken between Monday and Friday. The odds were also lower for older patients and those whose cardiac arrest occurred at home, the findings showed.

Special: Dr. Crandall Saved His Own Heart With This

Weekend survival odds may be lower because people could be less likely to be near a publicly accessible AED, and others may not witness the event, the study authors suggested.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We all want to avoid memory loss and Alzheimer’s disease. Both for ourselves and for our loved ones.

It is sad to say that in todays world, many people are often exposed to a wide variety of toxins and heavy metals that can accumulate in our bodies and cause a range of health issues.

Heavy metals are naturally found in soil, as well as contaminated air and water.

In any case, studies suggest that these toxins and heavy metals can result in the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Fortunately, there are steps we can take to prevent ourselves and our loved ones from developing these brain degenerating diseases.

—>>Join me at The Truth About Alzheimer’s Summit!

I'll be doing deep dive on Heavy Metals and Alzheimer's, as well as sharing my top strategies to protect your brain.

Mark your calendar for November 13-19, 2023!

—>>I’ll see you online at The Truth About Alzheimer’s when you register now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I think most parents and teachers would join me in their disdain for Halloween. The kids turn into monsters and then get sick.

It's worse than one bad night. The wake continues for weeks and impacts their brains and behavior at school.

All this sugar is terrible for them and we play along because it's a tradition.

I'm joined in this podcast by Dr Gina Nick who decided to do something about it. Her solution was so cool and elegant that I immediately invited her onto the podcast.
Screenshot 2023-10-27 at 9.27.43 PM
I'll be handing out her solution this week and invite you to listen to the podcast and do the same!


Dr. Pedram Shojai


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

You’re in luck, Jimi.

If you missed watching the docuseries Unbreakable: Destined To Thrive Reloaded…

Here’s your second chance to view it again, and not only is it F.REE, it’s completely on-demand so you can watch any episode you want all weekend long.

Register now and get instant access to all 9 episodes.

This groundbreaking docuseries reveals NEW shocking truths about CVD-19 and what Big Pharma and the "health experts" like Bill Gates have hidden from us…


🔴 Details about C0V!D envenomation

🔴 The connection between the coronavirus spike protein and cancer

🔴 Latest revelations about C0V!D — the bioweapon we’ve been told is a "virus"

🔴 The truth about the jab that they’ve sold as an "antivirus"

🔴 The newest, most effective treatments to reverse the effects from C0V!D envenomation and its deadly jab

Make no mistake Jimi, the pandemic might have ended, but our fight against C0V!D is far from over…

And if you want to win and secure a safe future for you and your family…

Take advantage of this opportunity and learn how you can truly save yourself from C0V!D.

Get instant access to all 9 episodes right here.

Dedicated to your health,

The Conquering Cancer team

P.S. Remember, this replay is available this weekend only.

You won’t get the information in this docuseries anywhere else. So make sure you don’t miss out on your second chance.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi

When you receive medication, you get VERY specific instructions for when and how to take it…

But have you ever noticed that with supplements, the directions are ALWAYS the same?

Every supplement bottle tells you to take 1 or 2 capsules with food, and that’s it…

And that’s a problem, because it’s NOT that simple.

Taking your supplements at the wrong time, and in the wrong way could make them ineffective or unsafe…

So today, we’re airing a new video from our new Supplements Explained Masterclass where Nathan Crane and our panel of doctors show you EXACTLY how to take your supplements…

As well as how to properly buy them, store them, and costly mistakes that you can avoid.

Watch the Doctor-Approved Guide to Buying, Storing, and Taking Your Supplements

Please make sure to watch this video now because it’s only available for 24 hours, at which point it will be made available to only those who’ve joined the masterclass.

What is it?

This comprehensive 10-part course is your complete roadmap to all things supplements to YOU specifically.

You’re also getting support from an expert panel that leaves no question unanswered!

But you’ll need to hurry, because this opportunity closes at midnight tomorrow.

Watch the Doctor-Approved Guide to Taking Supplements and claim your spot in the masterclass now

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
[Video] Pharmaceuticals Vs. Herbal Medicine: 3 Main Differences
What is the difference between pharmaceuticals and herbal medicine when treating diseases and ailments?
Watch the Video here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cinnamon, a common household spice, holds promising benefits for abdominal fat reduction.

Scientific Benefits

  • Induction of Brown Fat: Cinnamon extract was shown to increase brown fat levels, which burns calories instead of storing them.
  • Improved Insulin Sensitivity: Polyphenols in cinnamon can alleviate insulin resistance, reducing fat accumulation.
  • Lowering Fasting Blood Sugar: Helps manage diabetes and weight concurrently.
  • Reduced LDL & Triglycerides: Aids in cardiovascular health by lowering bad cholesterol and triglycerides.
Quick Recipe: Cinnamon Fat Burner Detox Water


-1-inch cinnamon bark

-4-5 lime wedges, mint leaves

-1 cup water

Instructions: Soak cinnamon overnight, add mint and lime in the morning.

For effective weight loss results, one cup of the Cinnamon Fat Burner Detox Water per day is recommended.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Turmeric Fat Burning Coffee

This fat burning coffee recipe will help you get into ketosis, burn fat and reduce inflammation quickly!

For many people, this is their breakfast…as the good fats help to provide satiety and the combo helps to balance blood sugar, increase energy and improve mental output.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Keto Pumpkin Crumb Cake
This keto pumpkin crumb cake is a low-carb, fat burning dessert recipe that is a great treat to have in the fall and winter seasons. It is full of fiber, healthy fats and natural sweeteners that do not impact your blood sugar.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
God's Natural Chemotherapy
Cancer is at an all-time high and people are looking for more natural chemotherapy treatments.

I believe deep within my spirit that God created us for incredible health & vitality and desires for us to look to nature to provide the resources for health & well-being. Our society has been trained to look first to man-made interventions and treatments.

However, I believe we honor and glorify Him by looking to His creation for the answers to our health goals. The more I study nature, nutrition, human physiology and biochemistry, etc. the more His majesty comes alive in my body, mind, & soul. Discover what I believe to be God’s natural chemotherapy.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Truth About Eggs
In this video, I answer the question…are eggs healthy? You will discover the surprising truth as I address this question in great detail!

Watch the video and check out the short narrative in the description box of the video to get a quick review of this powerful information.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Pumpkin Spice Latte

This pumpkin spice latte recipe is a lower carb version of the traditional high sugar holiday favorite.

We use healthy fats and natural sugar alternatives to provide great flavor and texture and an enjoyable experience while providing health benefits!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Strategies to Get More Benefits From Your Coffee

The truth is that coffee has some astounding health benefits, but depending on what kind of coffee you are drinking and how much, it can have some drawbacks.

If you are a coffee-lover and want to take full advantage of the benefits of this popular beverage safely, there are a few strategies you can try to improve your experience.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here’s what’s waiting for you:

  • A deep understanding of cancer & the multitude of treatment options available
  • Strategies to manage the physical symptoms & side effects of treatment
  • Tools to handle fear & uncertainty with strength & resilience
  • Insights into lifestyle changes that can improve your health & well-being
  • Access to a supportive community of experts & fellow patients
  • And more!
--->>We’ll see you online at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit when you register today!
Because health means everything,
P.S. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to gain knowledge and support.

--->>Join us at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Collards are a nutritional superstar.
They’re high in vitamins A, C, K1, and folate, as well as fiber. And more than 30% of their calories come from plant protein!
But aren’t collards high in oxalates? Should you be worried about pesticide residues? And how can you cook them so they taste good (without piling on the ham, lard, and sugar)?
Get the whole collards story (and some great recipes!) here.
Yours for loving foods that love you back,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Are you passionate about nutrition? Are you interested in being a mentor, guide, coach, advocate, or health professional? If so, we have an exciting event coming up tomorrow that you might love.
Tomorrow at 8 am PT / 11 am ET, we’re holding a free Plant-Based Nutrition Live Q&A event for current and aspiring leaders in the whole foods, plant-based movement. We’ll be joined by the world-renowned (and hugely beloved) Dr. Michael Klaper and dietitians Brenda Davis, Nichole Dandrea-Russert, and Roman Pawlak as we dive into the nuances and intricacies of plant-based nutrition.
We’ll take a thoughtful look at Omega-3s, vitamin K2, calcium, amino acids, B12, iodine, mineral absorption, oxalates, and other “anti-nutrients,” — and how to address digestive problems and many other critical topics.
Will you join us, Jimi?
Register for the Plant-Based Nutrition Live Q&A event here.
(Yes, we’ll send you a recording if you can’t make it live — just be sure to register.)
The latter part of the session will focus on answering questions about Food Revolution Network’s Plant-Based Coaching Certification. Keep reading to learn what it’s all about.
Why did we create this Certification program?
Because we truly are at a turning point.
More and more of us are waking up to the fact that what we eat is quite possibly the most important thing we can do for our health, for the health of the planet, and for the lives of animals.
More people than ever are looking for solutions to the crushing health epidemics like cancer, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, autoimmune disease, obesity, and dementia. People are searching to get healthier, to live longer, to reduce their carbon footprint, and to be more connected to their food.
Here at Food Revolution Network, we’ve seen firsthand the power of a whole food plant-based diet. Millions of people come to our website every month, and that number continues to grow.
But we can’t do it alone. There’s no substitute for the depth of transformation that happens when a person works with a coach, an ally, an advocate, or a healthcare provider — someone to guide them on their journey.
And that’s where you might come in…
For years, people have asked us to create a plant-based coaching certification program. But while other programs only teach nutrition (and many of them aren’t plant-based about it, either) and/or coaching, we knew we’d have to include three things:
1 - In-depth plant-based nutrition: specific healing foods, their benefits, and what the research says about how to help people with a variety of health concerns.
2 - Coaching skills: learning how to help people create lasting behavior change so they can get and stay healthy. (Based on the latest behavior science.)
3 - Impact skills: being able to make a great living doing what you love and pathways to scale your impact to reach wider audiences.
We just opened up enrollment for the second cohort of this program, and hundreds of wonderful people have already applied. There are still some spaces left. (But they might not last long!)
If you want to learn more, join us tomorrow!
>> Register for the Plant-Based Nutrition Live Q&A event here.
Hope to see you there!
Ocean Robbins
P.S. The Certification program is limited to 300 participants, so if you’re thinking about joining and haven’t already, don’t miss your chance to get your questions answered tomorrow. And if you want to find out more or apply now, just click this link for all the details.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever heard the following?

“I’m sorry to tell you, but diabetes isn’t reversible. You’ll be living with diabetes for the rest of your life.”

Thirty years ago, this statement was accurate because that’s what the diabetes research world thought was the truth.

But today, these statements have been proven to be no longer true. New scientific research has shown that:

  • Prediabetes is reversible in 80-90% of all cases
  • Type 2 diabetes is reversible in 80-90% of all cases
  • Eating the right foods can dramatically reduce your risk for heart disease, chronic kidney disease, and many forms of cancer
  • Eating the right foods can improve your gut health within days
  • Eating the right foods can help you lose weight and reverse many chronic diseases at the same time
This defeatist mindset still hanging around from decades ago has been damaging millions of people and their health. But it’s time to change that.

Whether you’ve believed that myth or not, it’s officially time to transform your perspective by attending the 2023 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit.

>> Click here to sign up for the FREE Blood Sugar Revolution Summit to uncover the truth about how to perfect your blood glucose using your food as medicine

If you’re determined to regain control of your health, then you’ll resonate with us, the hosts of the summit.

We are experts in all things diabetes, New York Times bestselling authors, and have been living with type 1 diabetes for more than 40 years combined.

We’ve made it our mission to share the truth about reversing insulin resistance – the underlying cause of high blood sugar and most diabetes complications.

What does that mean for you? Well, it means:

  • No more feeling like “there’s nothing you can do about it now
  • No more being told you’ll be on medication for the rest of your life
  • And no more living at an increased risk of chronic diseases
If you want to join us, on this journey to take control of our heart and diabetes health, then sign up for the groundbreaking and FREE online event.

You’ll get access to cutting-edge science and evidence-based research, learn from the top experts leading the charge to better health for all, and you’ll discover how to make changes to your lifestyle that are proven to work.

>> Get your free ticket to perfect blood sugar at the 2023 Blood Sugar Revolution Summit

See you there!

Cyrus and Robby
New York Times bestselling authors of Mastering Diabetes

P.S. Lose weight quickly and permanently. Transform your heart health in the next 30 days. Experience your A1c miracle. This is your blood sugar revolution, and we can’t wait to see you inside!

>> Click here to save your spot for this free groundbreaking online event and learn the keys to perfect blood sugar


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there Jimi,
As a member of our community, we are excited to share a special special limited time offer (sounds a little cheesy but it is true). It is access to the 5-Part Full Body Fix Series online exercise classes.

These classes have been designed exclusively for men & women over the age of 50 by the worlds-leading experts in “anti-aging fitness”.

These classes focus on being fit & injury-free in the second half of life.

Sure, we all know as we roll into midlife and beyond it’s harder to build muscle & lose fat… It’s harder to maintain energy, flexibility & endurance… And yes, it’s harder to work out without getting hurt…

However, this unique set of exercise classes will train your body to become resistant to injury.

They will also share the latest advances in exercise science to give you the greatest gains in mobility, strength & vitality in the shortest time possible – no matter your age or level of fitness.

So, yes, we encourage you to try these classes for yourself:

Click here & secure your FREE 5-class session.

Here's to your greater health.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s almost here, Jimi...
AI & Your Life: The Essential Summit!
Why attend this FREE online event taking place November 1st - 7th?
Because AI, if leveraged correctly, has the power to revolutionize healthcare and transform lives.
For example, did you know that artificial intelligence is able to identify those at highest risk of pancreatic cancer up to three years before an actual diagnosis? It’s true!
Sign up now for FREE to discover more incredible ways that AI is improving the health and wellness industry, including:
  • Personalized medical treatments based on your unique genetic makeup and health history
  • Early disease detection
  • Mental health support
  • Wellness apps and devices to help you achieve and maintain a healthier lifestyle and health goals
  • Telemedicine advancements
  • Enhanced, more accurate diagnostics
  • Remote monitoring including wearable devices that provide real-time feedback and alerts
  • Safer, improved elder care
  • And much more!
Regardless of how you may feel about the new frontier of technology and artificial intelligence (and it’s natural to be a little hesitant), there are so many developments worth learning about, and I hope you’ll take advantage of this exciting opportunity to learn about them!
Save your FREE seat at AI & Your Life: The Essential Summit!
P.S. This summit features 30+ of the world’s greatest doctors, innovators, researchers, scientists, healers, and thought leaders, including renowned master teacher and healer Deepak Chopra. Don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to learn directly from them! → Go here to sign up for FREE


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Heart Pumping Blissful Black Garlic Dressing​

Heart Pumping Blissful Black Garlic Dressing


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Blood Testing and Genetics​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Join us In-Person for Magical Sunday this week, if you're able.

Brunch begins at 10am.​

This Sunday, due to much cooler weather, we'll be moving indoors, as needed!

If you cannot make it to the New Mexico campus... our Magical Sunday Livestream begins at 11am MDT
from the sacred Lotus Kiva!​

Find the time in your location here.

Greetings, Jimi​

Master Mingtong Gu would like to invite you to join us either in-person on the campus or via Livestream on Sunday, October 29.

Here's the Livestream for this week:

A drum circle will begin in the Kiva at 11am MDT this week. Join us early for all the fun!

Then we'll move into Wisdom Healing Qigong Teachings Practice at 12:00-1:30pm led by Master Mingtong Gu

Click the image above to view a short video from your host, Master Mingtong Gu... a little teaser of what you'll experience during
Magical Sundays at The Chi Center...
This is the Final Magical Sunday of the Season!
Radiant Blessings from the New Mexico Team,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We're absolutely thrilled to share some fantastic news with you!

Have you ever thought about taking a deep dive into your health and wellness?

Well, the time has come for you to embark on a remarkable journey.

Introducing: Dr. Fuhrman's Guided Detox Program!
📅 Starting October 30th

If you're not yet familiar with Dr. Fuhrman's groundbreaking approach, you're in for a treat.

His philosophy seamlessly blends the latest scientific research with time-tested natural healing practices.

The centerpiece of this program is the combination of the delicious and powerful Nutritarian diet with the incredible potential of intermittent fasting – also known as time-restricted eating (TRE).

>> Watch this important message from Dr. Fuhrman
GDIF Video image 100423
Why Choose This Guided Detox Program?

🍎 Expert Guidance
Dr. Fuhrman himself will lead the way, ensuring you receive education, coaching, inspiration and support throughout the program.

🍃 Embrace Intermittent Fasting / Time-Restricted Eating
Prepare to experience the multitude of health benefits associated with shortening your eating window (8 to 10 hours) and extending your overnight fast (12+ hours).

Boost your metabolism, increase fat loss, and enhance cellular repair – all under the guidance of a trusted expert.

📚 Resources & Tools
You'll have access to top-tier resources and tools designed to empower and assist you throughout your detox journey.

🌍 Community Support: In our classroom discussions and private Facebook group, you’ll join a community that's committed to mutual encouragement, sharing experiences, and celebrating milestones together.

In today's fast-paced world, we often find ourselves weighed down by toxins and stress.

This detox is more than just a cleanse – it's an opportunity to recalibrate your body, reset your habits, and redefine your relationship with food.

Let's make a promise to ourselves. Let's strive for vitality, clarity, and optimal health.

Mark your calendar!
📅 This exclusive program kicks off on October 30th.

Don't let this chance to rejuvenate and revitalize slip through your fingers.

>> Join the Guided Detox Program Now

Take that first step towards a brighter, healthier future with Dr. Fuhrman.

Warm regards,
The Detox Team @


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My friend and colleague Dr. Isaac Eliaz is co-hosting Cancer Breakthrough Summit!
This is a free online summit. You can get access to the week’s interviews and all the free resources (eBooks and eGuides) when you register for this free event, which begins Tuesday 10-31-23. Grab the FREE eBook (below)

Discover The Little-Known Secrets That Thousands Are Using To Heal And Prevent Breast, Lung, Colon, Prostate, and Other Cancers at The 2023 Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.

Did you know that nearly half of all people in the world will face cancer at some point in their lives?

It’s currently the top cause of death, claiming the lives of 33% of those diagnosed.
But here’s the good news: Many people are surviving and thriving.
Cancer used to be a frightening word, but not anymore.
There’s an upcoming event where some of the most respected integrative oncology specialists in the field will share their insights.
They’re here to turn your fear into confidence!
It’s time to change the course of those statistics and be part of something bigger. I’m talking about the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, hosted by the renowned experts Michael Karlfeldt, ND, PhD, and Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc.


Here’s what’s waiting for you:​

+ A deep understanding of cancer and the multitude of treatment options available.
+ Strategies to manage the physical symptoms and side effects of treatment.
+ Tools to handle fear and uncertainty with strength and resilience.
+ Insights into lifestyle changes that can improve your health and well-being.
+ Access to a supportive community of experts and fellow patients.


Why should you be a part of this summit? It’s free, it’s happening soon, and it’s 100% online for your convenience!

Register today and get your FREE eBook Cancer Breakthroughs and Ultimate Prevention:


Did You Know ...

Between 30 and 50% of cancers can currently be prevented by avoiding risk factors and implementing existing evidence-based prevention strategies.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Healing Pain Sneak Peak: Connecting The Dots Of Chronic Pain Presentation with Sachin Patel​

Here's a sneak peak of Sachin Patel's presentation for the Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions Masterclass, airing TOMORROW!

In this comprehensive masterclass, Sayer Ji and some of our favorite experts weigh in and provide you with their own stories on healing pain and guide you to tools and resources that address pain from a holistic viewpoint.​


VU Sponsors
