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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Halloween!!

I've got a special treat for you to prepare you for the season of celebration, centered around sweets, food, and alcohol.

Today we will be tempted by bowls of candy sitting around our homes, but this is just the beginning.

Grandma’s apple pie, Aunt Edith’s special cookies, the dessert trays sent to the office, Christmas cookie swaps, and New Years eve booze are just a few of the sweet temptations that are synonymous with the holidays.

Stuffing yourself with sugar may not seem like that big of a deal, especially since these special occasions only come once every year!

But sugar and sweets impact your body in more complex ways than you might realize. In fact, almost every part of your body suffers the repercussions. Even if you can’t visibly see damage.

And if you are a woman over the age of 35, declining estrogen makes us even more sensitive to the negative impacts of sugar.

We all know that sugar (even if it is organic) packs on extra pounds and drains our energy, but there is much more...

Researchers say that sugar can age your body on a cellular level as quickly as cigarettes.

Sugar suppresses your immune function for several hours after consumption.

As if that wasn’t bad enough — sugar creates a surge of feel-good brain chemicals that trick you into going back for more. That’s just one of the reasons sugar is so addictive!

However, that good feeling doesn't last, and instead you're left feeling regret and frustration.

The question is; Do you need a sugar detox?
  • If you constantly need a sugar-fix to get you over that afternoon slump....
  • If your sweet tooth is controlling what you eat, despite your best effort to eat healthy...
  • If those miniature foil wrapped confections are continuing to haunt you...
  • If you noticed you are feeling heavier and more bloated than you were before the holiday season began...

Then you probably need a sugar detox!

Here's a secret: it's NOT your fault.

Sugar is super addictive, and cutting back isn't always easy (especially for women struggling with perimenopause and menopause hormone decline).

But it doesn't have to be so hard... if you know what steps to take.

This is why I created the 5 Day Sugar Detox

It is my special treat for you.

During this FREE 5-day Sugar Detox, I'll show you how you can cut down on sugar without giving up on delicious food (nope, you won't be eating celery sticks all week).

I want you to be able to experience what it’s like to no longer have to deal with the brain fog, the constant fatigue, and the bloating caused by excess sugar.

And you won't be alone... we are doing this together!!

And now is the perfect time to squeeze in a quick sugar detox right before Thanksgiving, Christmas and the New Year (and you can do it again after those celebrations or any time you fall off track).

And, this 5 Day Sugar Detox is completely free, no strings attached. (No trick, just a treat for you!)

=>Click here to Detox Sugar with Us for free!

Virtual Hugs,
Dr. Michelle

P.S. Feel free to forward this email to a friend or family member and have them join the challenge with you!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

I don’t think I’ve ever opened two of our Going Integrative Plus community calls up to everyone, Jim but this is too good not to!

We’re having the legendary Donnie Yance on answering your questions!!

That name might not mean quite as much to you as it does to the integrative oncology fanboy over here…

but trust me when I say he’s a really big deal and you’re going to get a ton of profound insights on this call. :)

Donnie’s a master herbalist and nutritionist who’s been studying and working with cancer for decades…

and for many years now has been training other integrative cancer doctors in the system of medicine he created through his Mederi Foundation…

and many of THOSE doctors are now among the best holistic cancer doctors out there.

He’s one of those guys with a memory you just can’t comprehend and has used it to master everything from epigenetics, cancer pathways, laboratory medicine, molecular oncology, etc, etc…

From a true integrative perspective, using everything from herbs and ancient healing methods to the best of what the conventional guys use at the right time and place.

If you’re still not a part of our Going Integrative Plus community, where YOU get to ask the best minds in holistic approaches to cancer anything YOU want each and every week…

Well, I just really don’t understand why not. :)

But maybe between last week having Dr. Tony Jimenez, the founder of the best known integrative cancer centers in North America…

Back to back with Donnie this week, you’ll start to get the idea of how special this community is and how much work we’ve put into making it the most helpful thing possible. :)

You can register to sit in (whether you’re a member yet or not) on the call here!!


Speaking of legendary holistic cancer doctors…

Reminder we’ve got our Econugenics modified citrus pectin / PectaSol webinar coming up this week…

Which was formulated by the great Dr. Isaac Eliaz…

And we’ll be talking with ANOTHER one of the greats in naturopathic oncology, Dr. Dan Rubin, about how HE uses it in his practice!

And again, as far as a specific product having a ton of peer reviewed research backing it up (instead of just research on the ingredients of a particular product)…

PectaSol is one of the most studied natural products you can find!!

For everything from cancer, to cardiovascular disease, immune function, inflammation, fibrosis, neurological support, healthy aging….

It’s one of the most versatile, good for just about everything products you can TRUST out there!!

Dr. Rubin will also be talking about how he uses the ProstaCaid product, which is the PectaSol base with a blend of other prostate specific ingredients. :)

You can sign up to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the webinar only deal here!!


Aaaand rounding it out for a Dr. Eliaz double up…

You can read his super comprehensive 11 Things Your Cancer Program Needs to Address to warm up for the webinar!!

This is for his Cancer Breakthroughs event which starts in a couple days and has a ton of great cancer doctors in there…

and me!

You can get the book and sign up to watch some of the talks here. :)

Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
“Something has happened To my understanding of existence That now makes my heart always full of wonder and kindness.”~ Hafiz

Greetings, Jimi​

TOMORROW our new Wisdom healing Qigong Masterclass goes LIVE!
This Masterclass is a pathway to self-discovery and connection to all the beauty and untapped potential that lies dormant within you.
Join us HERE tomorrow – Wednesday, November 1, 2023 at 2:30pm US Denver Mountain Time as we chart your journey of self-discovery and connection to all the beauty and untapped potential that lies dormant within you.
(Find the time in your local area here.)

Your Life’s Potential Awaits!

A Wisdom Healing Qigong Masterclass

Awaken Your Inner Power to Heal and Thrive in Every Aspect of Life​

We recommend bookmarking this replay page to your web browser to have it readily accessible – yet if you misplace the link, not to worry.
We’ll send you gentle reminders. So make sure to check your inbox regularly throughout the series!
  • Lesson 1: November 1, 20234:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm Mountain / 1:30pm Pacific:Topic: It IS possible to make real, long-lasting change and fully realize the highest vision for your Life.
  • Lesson 2: November 2, 20234:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm Mountain / 1:30pm Pacific:Topic: Making the substantive change you want to see in your Life.
  • Lesson 3: November 5, 20234:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm Mountain / 1:30pm Pacific:Topic: Self-Empowerment: Choosing to walk your personal journey of growth and healing.
  • Lesson 4: November 7, 20234:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm Mountain / 1:30pm Pacific:Topic: Virtual Tour/ Demo.
  • Lesson 5: November 8, 20234:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm Mountain / 1:30pm Pacific:Topic: Membership Case Studies.
  • Lesson 6: November 9, 20234:30pm Eastern / 2:30pm Mountain / 1:30pm Pacific:Topic: Masterclass Finalé and Qigong for Life Mastery Secrets.
(Find the time in your local area here.)
No matter if you're stepping onto this path for the first time, looking to deepen your existing practice, or are adept at Qigong, this Masterclass is tailored to offer transformative insights for all.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

It’s time! We’re starting the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit with a bang!

Join us.
In just 15 minutes, you'll get access to all the Day 1 presentations.

🔍 Learn More About Cancer
Discover more about cancer and the different ways it can be treated. Dive into the intricate world of cancer science, demystifying complex terms and concepts.

💪 Feel Stronger About Your Decisions
Feel more powerful when it comes to making choices about your health. By the end of the summit, you'll know more and can decide what's best for you.

❤️‍🩹 Handle Physical and Emotional Challenges Better
Find out how to cope with the tough parts of this disease, both in your body and your feelings. Get tips on how to feel better physically and emotionally.

🤗 Meet A Community Who Understands
Meet others who are going through the same things as you. Connect with people who can give you good advice and help you not to feel alone.

🌈 Make Positive Changes for Yourself
Get ideas and confidence to make your life better in many ways. Learn how to live well, even with cancer, and feel more hopeful about the future.

See you on the inside!

To your health,

P.S. You can also immediately stream our talks on your schedule instead of planning your life around them.

>>Get DrTalks Premium Here<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Check out this week’s video blog to find out how 5 little words transformed the way I thought about myself—and how they can do the same for you.​
In the video, you’ll uncover:
  • The top 4 reasons women struggle with our self image
  • How affirming your body can uplift the women around you
  • Plus the 10/30 challenge I use to get back on track when my self care is slipping

I hope you enjoy the video, my friend.
Now it’s your turn. What is one thing you LOVE about your body? (Bonus points if it’s your great butt!) Let’s affirm ourselves together in the comments.
To kinder thoughts & words,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
November 2023​

'Stories That Heal' Podcast - Streaming Now!​

Oh Happy Day!

We are thrilled to announce that the Radical Remission Project's “Stories That Heal” Podcast launched today with six incredible episodes! This has been a true labor of love and we hope you will find these interviews as inspiring and uplifting as we did.

Look for a new podcast release every Wednesday!

Find us on Spotify, Apple, Google or wherever you listen to your podcasts. Visit our podcast page here to easily listen to all the episodes.​
Please be sure to subscribe, follow, and like our episodes. We would be truly grateful for reviews, too, which help us find sponsors so we can keep bringing you these inspiring survivor and healer stories. If you would like to learn more about becoming a sponsor or advertiser, email [email protected].

Keep reading for information on how you can register for the FREE Cancer Breakthroughs Summit happening online right now. You will also find all our upcoming workshops, our Radical Remission Care Packages, details on how you can support the Radical Remission Foundation, and what we've been reading!

In health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, Jimi.

Dr. Jorgensen ran a successful dental practice for over a decade. But she had unexplainable issues with her gut and memory, and eventually neurological symptoms like numb hands. She had trouble holding the tools to do her dental work.

Ultimately, she uncovered the cause of her illness…mercury poisoning.

She was shocked to discover how many standard dental procedures use highly toxic materials and their connection to breast cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

Dr. Jorgensen went to work reexamining her traditional dental education. She fully recovered and now uses her personal experience and years of research to help patients in her fully holistic practice.

But how do you find a dentist like her?

>> Click here to register for her free Holistic Dental Masterclass and learn:

  • The non-negotiable tool a holistic dentist must have
  • The 5 questions to ask when interviewing dentists
  • 2 certifications a holistic dentist should have
  • Online options that can help you find a holistic dentist in your area.
In just a few clicks, learn how to find a holistic dentist you can trust from one of the world’s leading experts in holistic dentistry.

>> Click here to transform your oral and full-body health in the Holistic Dental Masterclass.

This is powerful information! It can save your teeth and your life.

To your highest health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Today, I’d like to introduce you to Dr. Michelle Jorgensen, Jimi.

Dr. Jorgensen ran a successful dental practice for over a decade. But she had unexplainable issues with her gut and memory, and eventually neurological symptoms like numb hands. She had trouble holding the tools to do her dental work.

Ultimately, she uncovered the cause of her illness…mercury poisoning.

She was shocked to discover how many standard dental procedures use highly toxic materials and their connection to breast cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's.

Dr. Jorgensen went to work reexamining her traditional dental education. She fully recovered and now uses her personal experience and years of research to help patients in her fully holistic practice.

But how do you find a dentist like her?

>> Click here to register for her free Holistic Dental Masterclass and learn:

  • The non-negotiable tool a holistic dentist must have
  • The 5 questions to ask when interviewing dentists
  • 2 certifications a holistic dentist should have
  • Online options that can help you find a holistic dentist in your area.
In just a few clicks, learn how to find a holistic dentist you can trust from one of the world’s leading experts in holistic dentistry.

>> Click here to transform your oral and full-body health in the Holistic Dental Masterclass.

This is powerful information! It can save your teeth and your life.

To your highest health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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A short post on how fake informed consents were obtained for COVID vaccines in some jurisdictions

Written by me in April 2021, but relevant as we consider litigation for COVID crimes​

How governments fool you into thinking you have given a legal consent, when you haven't
Much of the country has been induced to undergo an illegal procedure (becoming an experimental subject without informed consent) by federal and state governments.
The government has knowingly violated the law. The law says that subjects cannot be offered valuable benefits to participate as a research subject, nor can they be coerced.
The law says an Institutional Review Board (IRB) must review the experiment and approve it, which has not been done. What IRB would approve an experiment in which hundreds of millions participate but few data are collected? Or approve an experiment that fails to provide informed consent? None. They would break the law if they approved it.
The law furthermore says that subjects must be given informed consent. Below I have reproduced a form that claims to be a consent form, from Rhode Island, but it is not. It does not list the potential risks and benefits of the vaccine. It offers no benefits to subjects sickened by the vaccine, suggesting only that they notify their doctor if they become ill. It fails to inform them of the Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program, which is the subjects' only avenue to receive benefits if they are injured by an experimental vaccine.
The US government has created a "fact sheet" for vaccine recipients, and this consent form asks recipients to say they have "viewed" the fact sheet. It does not ask them to say they have "read" the sheet, nor that they have been given the opportunity to ask questions, nor to say that anyone has explained the risks, benefits and alternatives to them. Normally, an informed consent form lists possible risks and benefits and subjects sign a paper which has that information on it. In the case of Covid vaccines, the "fact sheet" is separate from the so-called Consent Form. How many have received the form or read it remains undocumented.
Below is what purports to be the consent form for Covid vaccination in the state of Rhode Island. It is not. It is simply a piece of paper that is designed to make subjects think they have been consented, with the hope that this will preclude lawsuits. It is an example of willful misconduct by federal and state authorities. Acts of willful misconduct should cost them the liability shield granted by the PREP Act.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

"I remind myself every morning: Nothing I say this day will teach me anything. So if I’m going to learn, I must do it by listening."​

~ Larry King



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

Parkinson’s Disease affects roughly one million people in the U.S. and 10 million worldwide, yet there are still many unknowns when it comes to pinpointing an exact cause.

While many scientists have identified certain genetic mutations that are present in roughly 10 to 15% of all Parkinson's cases, even having these genetic issues does not necessarily mean you will develop Parkinson’s disease. It is clear that environmental factors such as toxins, infections, and life stressors are critical for the development of disease.

When I am treating Parkinson's patients, I pay close attention to infectious ideologies. Chronic infections, either tick borne or viral are found to be the underlying triggers for some people.

I’m also paying attention to the gut as a major player. Gut specific infections or imbalances contribute to the onset of Parkinson’s related symptoms.

I’m honored to be speaking as a part of the Parkinson’s Solutions Summit, November 14th - 20th, hosted by Dr. Kenneth Sharlin and Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum, leading experts in Parkinson's Disease.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Secrets to Addressing Lyme and Parasites
Hey Jimi,

It’s Dr. Justin Marchegiani here! I am really excited to bring back this important podcast with Dr. Jaban Moore. In this show, we dive into the areas of Lyme and parasites, which are increasingly common.

Lyme disease is most well-known as a tick bite infection than cause cause sometimes debilitating symptoms that can last for years. For this episode, Jaban Moore joins me to discuss different strategies to address Lyme from food templates and lifestyle modifications to medical strategies that effectively address Lyme.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<
The Secrets to Addressing Lyme and Parasites with Dr. Jaban Moore | Podcast #375
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegian​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Reduce Inflammation & Improve Joint Mobility

Inflammation is a process in which your body’s white blood cells and immune proteins help protect you from infection and things like bacteria and viruses.
In this episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast, I'm joined by Evan Brand to discuss how and why your immune system triggers an inflammatory response – even when there isn’t anything to fight off.

>> Click here to check out the podcast! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 124; Featuring: Dr. Ken Stoller, MD; Functional MD, Retired Pediatrician, and Author

Wednesday, 11/1, our 124th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Click to watch!
In his From the Heart Segment, Dr. Paul talks about the conflict in Israel and Gaza and how it drives him to pray, seek a higher power, and ask for intervention in our world. While none of us on our own can fix this, we can be united spiritually, asking for the Almighty to bring healing and peace where it’s needed most.
I think the most important thing is to be prepared. And that means having the necessary treatments and supplements on hand so that if you do get sick, you're not scrambling to figure out what to do."
— Dr. Ken Stoller
This week, Dr. Ken Stoller joins Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover to discuss his book, “Incurable Me,” and dig into his journey from traditional to functional medicine and hyperbaric oxygen expert treating chronic disease. Dr. Stoller emphasizes the importance of doing your own research and shares tips on ways we can be prepared for all types of illnesses we may encounter. To learn more, visit
Click to Purchase!
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Toni Galardi: Healing Breast Cancer

Join us in this episode as Dr. Toni Galardi shares her remarkable journey of conquering breast cancer with resilience. Discover her evidence-based strategies and transformative insights that enabled her to heal herself. Learn about the vital role of addressing emotional trauma in cancer healing, her holistic approaches, and high-dose Vitamin C IV therapy.

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Biblical Super Herb for Joint Pain

There’s an incredibly potent, effective, anti-inflammatory remedy for sore joints that you can easily find in your local health store today.

But if you lived back in biblical times, this wouldn't be the case.

Because in ancient times, this herb was so valued that it was one of the precious gifts brought by the Wise Men to the baby Jesus!

It’s a good thing times have changed today because science has now discovered this herb contains a unique ‘blocking’ molecule. Meaning it has the rare ability to specifically target and block the ‘leukotrienes’ that attack healthy joints and cause inflammation and pain.

This makes it a particularly effective natural remedy for osteoarthritis, and it is also very beneficial in other ways…

In fact, this herb has not only been studied for its potent anti-inflammatory and anti-arthritic properties, but researchers are now exploring its potential for fighting bacterial and fungal infections, diabetes, and even cancer.

This is just ONE of the anti-inflammatories we all need to know about. These are natural, potent remedies that change lives.

-->> Find out more in the new free ebook - The Best Natural Remedies for Inflammation


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
You're about to discover the top 12 headache-causing foods and food additives, and the 5 smartest steps to take against it, in...

12 Foods and Food Additives That Trigger Migraines (and other types of headaches) -- my brand-new article for YOU!

If you appreciate this helpful article, Jim, please do leave a COMMENT at the bottom of the page.

Because in it, you're about to find out:

  • The 11 documented non-food migraines / headache triggers
  • 8 top foods and drinks that may trigger migraines / headaches
  • 4 food additive / chemical triggers
  • 5 key steps to take to determine which may be YOUR triggers
  • An important recommendation regarding using supplements
  • And more!
Head here now for 12 Foods and Food Additives That Trigger Migraines

FINALLY, because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine"...

And because ice cream makes in appearance in the new article....

Here's a silly dad joke that makes my kids giggle and is worth sharing with YOU:

What's an electricians least favorite ice cream flavor?

Shock a lot.


Enjoy the important learning in the new 12 Foods and Food Additives That Trigger Migraines right here for you, and enjoy your day!

To Living Long and Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Emerging Research: Your Breast Microbiome​

and Breast Cancer​

Your microbiome and breast cancer are directly connected.
There’s emerging and exciting research—solutions—that focus on microbiome health and breast cancer healing. This article will dive into a few insights and solutions, so please keep reading to learn more and take action. However, if you only remember one thing from this article, it should be this: your gut/microbiome IS your immune system. About 80% of your immune system lives in your gut. Therefore, when your gut is sick, it can’t naturally fight off infection, bacteria, illness, and diseases. An unhealthy gut is also a root cause of unbalanced hormones. Click here to learn how your estrogen quotient ratio (Eq Ratio) affects breast health.

Gut Microbiome 101​

A newly researched breast cancer risk factor is the dysfunction of the gut microbiome. However, what actually is a microbiome? Great question. The basic answer is this: The gut microbiome is the trillions of microbes living in our gastrointestinal (GI) tract. A dysfunctional microbiome is called “dysbiosis” and can lead to a range of health challenges.
Your microbiome includes everything from bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites—and it expands past your gut. Your skin, vaginal flora, mouth, respiratory tract, and breasts are a few other places that have their own microbiomes. Healthy microbiomes can ensure both the human and the organism benefit and live together in harmony.
Factors that disrupt this harmony include:
  • Bad diet
  • Antibiotics
  • Inflammation
  • Lack of quality sleep and movement
  • Environmental toxins
  • Stress
  • Lack of probiotics
  • Certain physical and mental health illnesses


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions Masterclass DAY 3 is LIVE!

⭐Today's Presenters: Sayer Ji, Dr. Andrew Saul and Jonathan Otto.
These presentations will be available to view TODAY ONLY!

This a complete resource where we will guide you to identify the root cause of your pain and develop your unique self-healing strategy.

And we’re not just talking about physical pain. Mental, emotional, and spiritual pain can be just as debilitating as physical injury and are addressed in-depth as well.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

1899 Merck Manual Promotes "Dried Ovaries of Cow," "Cannabis Indica," and "Papaya Enzyme," To Treat Disease​

At the turn of the 20th century, in NYC, for one dollar, you could have grabbed yourself what was at the time, the most comprehensive medical book ever published in a Western language -- one that clearly acknowledges the many ways foods and plants heal serious disease.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Ancient cultures believed that the health of our mind and spirit has a big impact on what occurs in the physical world around us... and modern science now agrees.

One way to look at it is that “thoughts create chemicals” inside us. So the ways you think about your life, your relationships and your world profoundly affect your mental health and – by extension – your physical health.

Most of us know what a relief it can be to “get things off your chest.” But as ancient humans understood, the healing power of story goes much further and deeper than that.

When you express, in words, the deepest feelings and stories of your life, something miraculous occurs. Speaking your truth soothes your nervous system, releasing hormones like oxytocin, dopamine, nitric oxide, and endorphins, which are agents of bodily repair and pleasant feelings!

Once your nervous system is relaxed, you can rest well, fight illness, and focus on living your best life. You can release relationship pressures, break unhealthy cycles, and clarify your purpose.

According to Dr. Suzanne Koven (a highly regarded internal medicine practitioner and published medical writer) of Harvard School of Medicine, stories are central to medicine.

There is even a new type of medical therapy called Narrative Medicine. The patient is encouraged to talk about his or her job, romantic relationships, family ties, and sense of purpose in life, and only then does the discussion come around to physical health.

This is how you get to the root of illness. “Aha!” moments arise from telling your stories, helping the pathways to health and happiness come clearer into view.

Healing is not always an obvious process. But when you take the time to connect with who you really are and what your heart is trying to tell you, you might just feel a fundamental shift in your body and spirit.

A great starting point is to ask yourself these 5 questions:

  1. What is preventing me from being peaceful / happy in this moment? (If it’s something material, what feeling of relief would that thing bring me?)
  2. When is the last time I put myself outside my comfort zone? What was it, and what was my motivation for doing it?
  3. What is one difficult conversation that I’ve been putting off having with my spouse, best friend, or close family member (mother, father, sibling)?
  4. What is one difficult conversation that I’ve been putting off having with myself?
  5. Years from now, when I’m breathing my final breaths, what advice would this future me give the now me?
Knowing the truth of what is holding you back – right in this moment – is a critical step on the path of self-empowerment. It takes a little bit of bravery to go there, but it’s well worth it!

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
“In order to change the structure of energy, you need to experience the energy itself as much as possible, otherwise you don’t know where to begin to change the structure.” ~ Mingtong Gu

Today is the day, Jimi​

At 2:30 MDT we’re going LIVE with Lesson #1 of our new masterclass. You may join HERE.

Your Life’s Potential Awaits!

A Wisdom Healing Qigong Masterclass

Awaken Your Inner Power to Heal and Thrive in Every Aspect of Life​

Here’s a peek at what we’re going to cover in today’s lesson:
  • Master Mingtong's Healing Journey through Qigong, inspiring you to take bold steps towards your own healing and life mastery.
  • Starting with Wholeness; Mind-Body & Emotions: embracing the principle of “Integrative Oneness” to navigate life's challenges and cultivate long-term wellness and happiness.
  • The “Secret Sauce”: Enjoy a guided meditation, connect with your highest self, and pave the way for the life you envision.
  • And more…
The whole team at The Chi Center has been working diligently for months to prepare this masterclass, and we couldn’t be more thrilled to finally share it with you!
Join us for Lesson #1 – LIVE – at 2:30 MDT TODAY.
Your Life’s Potential Awaits! And we’re here to help you answer the call.
We look forward to seeing you on Zoom in a few hours!

Radiant blessings,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
This week's newsletter looks at a brand new masterclass airing soon, a new book on how to improve mental health with food, some great tips to get in your steps, some interesting ways in which psychedelics may change your brain for the better, and more...

-->> The Natural Solution Masterclass - Goodness Lover (Starts Nov. 6th)​

In this brand new, limited-screening masterclass, 26+ world-leading experts will introduce you to safe, affordable solutions you can use today to target the true causes of your symptoms. In each of these 8 powerful episodes, experts will share their best science-backed remedies that they’ve seen work again and again: for their patients, for their families, and for themselves!

-->> Calm Your Mind with Food - Dr. Uma Naidoo (Pre-order Now)​

Dr. Uma Naidoo, MD—board-certified Harvard Nutritional Psychiatrist, professional chef, nutritional biologist, and bestselling author of This Is Your Brain on Food—is back with a new book on anxiety, Calm Your Mind with Food. This revolutionary full-body approach to relieving anxiety, including anti-anxiety recipes and meal plans, is just what we need to face today’s anxiety epidemic.

-->> How to actually walk 10,000 steps per day- MBG (March 2020)​

Check out these 9 tips for sneaking in more steps...

-->> Over 7 Million Americans May Have Undiagnosed Mild Cognitive Impairment, Study Suggests - Technology Networks (October 2023)​

Two new USC Dornsife studies suggest that of the 8 million Americans who have MCI, more than 90% don’t know it — an especially worrisome finding since early diagnosis is key to delaying onset of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease...

-->> 5 Ways Psychedelics May Change the Brain - Dr. Austin Perlmutter (October 2023)​

This research is literally mind-bending...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Image item
Hey Jimi!

We are thrilled to introduce two new experienced and passionate breathwork instructors who have joined our app to enrich your wellness journey. Meet Shai Rowe, Founder of Breathe With Shai AND Gypsy Bast, Founder of Breath Angel. We're delighted to have them as part of our growing community of breath & wellness experts.

To experience Shai & Gypsy, please visit them on Breath Master Row!​
Block 6th
Block 10th
breathe. create. share​


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile

Image item

Hey Jimi!

We are thrilled to introduce two new experienced and passionate breathwork instructors who have joined our app to enrich your wellness journey. Meet Shai Rowe, Founder of Breathe With Shai AND Gypsy Bast, Founder of Breath Angel. We're delighted to have them as part of our growing community of breath & wellness experts.

To experience Shai & Gypsy, please visit them on Breath Master Row!​
Block 6th
Block 10th
breathe. create. share​
now they are teaching us how to breath!!!

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I really like Dr. Lee Merritt. She has her own website, but not all of her lectures and interviews are found there.

I watched this today. It was originally uploaded to her Rumble channel about five weeks ago.

A lot of paradigm smashing info in it, very interesting. Ways that habits have not been linked to health conditions but should be, ways that habits and health conditions have been wrongly linked, and how some pharmaceuticals make some conditions worse.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

8 Delicious and Nutritious Immune-Boosting Teas​



Diamond Contributor
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Hopefully, no one has posted this....

World Economic Forum co-founder’s son calls for the arrests of COVID jab pushers for ‘democide’​



Cranky Old Fart
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ECF Refugee
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Hopefully, no one has posted this....

World Economic Forum co-founder’s son calls for the arrests of COVID jab pushers for ‘democide’​

Wow, he didn't drink his dad's cool aid...


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

If you couldn’t watch yesterday’s presentation or missed some of the key speakers you were eager to listen to, don’t fret. All presentations will be live until 6:00 PM ET tonight.

For your convenience, here’s a brief summary of three of the Top Presentations.

1️⃣ Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, a leading expert in the field of integrative medicine, kicked off the day with a moving talk on the intricacies of the cancer healing journey.

2️⃣ Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO, LAc, DiplOM uncovered 10 considerations for healing your body’s terrain.

3️⃣ Antonio Jimenez, MD, ND provided the differences between conventional and integrative cancer treatment approaches.

Interested? Watch all the presentations until 6:00 PM ET today.

Watch Them Here<<

✅ Remember to check your inbox this evening for our email. It will contain the link to view Day 3 of the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.

Until this evening,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Jimi

Got a question for you…

How do you achieve happiness and fulfillment in life?

And when I say happiness, I’m not talking about things like fast cars, shopping sprees, or eating sweet and salty foods that only give you a temporary high…

I’m talking about things that really give you a sense of lasting, profound happiness.

You know, the kind of feeling that can make you say "I’m living the best life I can ever live!"

For nearly two decades, I’ve dedicated myself to discovering the ultimate answer to this question…

So I can share it and change as many lives as possible.

This has been my life’s work since I overcame homelessness, alcohol and drug addiction, and narrowly escaped death at the age of 18…

Since then, I’ve learned how to be the healthiest, happiest version of myself…

And I’ve had this deep desire to learn what can really help someone find their passion and purpose so they can live the best life possible.

I’ve learned so much through my years of research and travels across the world in looking for answers…

But if I can distill them all into just a few key lessons, I’d say there are three core principles for profound health, happiness and fulfillment.

>> And I share them with you and much more in this video.

Hope you walk away from it with valuable insights on how you can find your purpose in life!

To your lasting happiness,

Yours in health,
Nathan Crane
President, Panacea Community, LLC

P.S. If you want to know more about what makes a fulfilled life, I’ve got a book out on Amazon titled 27 Flavors of Fulfillment: How to Live Life to the Fullest!

Here, I gathered 27 of the world’s most esteemed experts to share their keys to lasting happiness, health and abundance…

So you can find and fulfill your life’s purpose without settling for anything less!

You can grab a copy of my book here.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
In celebration of the release of our first-ever published cookbook, Real Superfoods, Food Revolution Network invites you to join in for our five-day Real Superfoods Challenge, kicking off November 7 and continuing every day until November 11!
Register for the totally free Real Superfoods Challenge now.
You’ll learn how to make original, delicious plant-based recipes with entertaining cooking demos, delightful (and priceless) learning sessions, and even a live Q&A with the FRN team.
Each day of the Challenge, we’ll focus on a unique real superfood. You’ll get:

  • Deep Dives into Health Benefits: Learn why each superfood is a nutritional powerhouse.
  • New Recipes: Discover delicious and easy-to-prepare recipes featuring the superfood of the day.
  • Live Recipe Demonstrations: Watch as we show you step-by-step how to make these nutritious dishes.
  • Lifetime Skills: By the end of the Challenge, you'll know how to incorporate a variety of superfoods into your meals to elevate your health and add vitality to your everyday life.
  • Plus, a chance to join the Food Revolution Network’s thriving membership community, WHOLE Life Club, with a $1 trial and a special discount.
Let’s celebrate the healthiest foods on the planet, and learn how to make them super delicious — together.
Register for the challenge here, and join us for an unforgettable adventure of culinary delights, featuring the real superfoods!
Yours for elevating your life one superfood at a time,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Great news: Real Superfoods: Everyday Ingredients to Elevate Your Health is a bestseller! So far, the response has been incredible. Did you already get it? Order yours right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
4 Ways to Use Apple Cider Vinegar

Anyone who is interested in natural health knows about apple cider vinegar. This ancient tonic has significant health benefits that can be applied to any lifestyle.

I have covered apple cider vinegar extensively on my website for its versatile benefits. There are 4 ways to use apple cider vinegar that I have found extremely helpful for improving blood sugar stability, supporting good digestion and supporting ketone production in the body.


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