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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

It’s one thing to hear from a supplement company about how amazing their product is, Jimi…

but as we all know, sometimes you get really worked up about something…

only to take it to your holistic doctor and have them kind of rain on your parade.

(However, I like to think that wouldn’t happen with any of the products WE feature around here, of course.) :)

So this week, I’ve arranged for you to hear directly from one of the best naturopathic oncologists in the world on how he uses someone else’s products!!

We’ll be doing a live webinar with Dr. Dan Rubin, one of the most respected cancer specializing ND’s in all the land…

About how he uses modified citrus pectin, specifically PectaSol by Econugenics, in his practice for people concerned with cancer!

And I suppose it’s not all that surprising that one of the best cancer NDs in the world loves it…

because it was developed by one of the best cancer MDs in the world, Dr. Isaac Eliaz!

We had Dr. Eliaz on a while back giving the full blown presentation about it himself…

but I thought it would be neat for us to have a chat with Dr. Rubin about how he uses it with his patients as well. :)

And as a refresher, this was one of the first products we gravitated to after Ryder was diagnosed, as it just does SO much in one shot it’s kind of hard to beat the value…

It’s mainly known for blocking galactin 3, which is a survival mechanism in the body which we need activated in response to danger…

But just like stress and chronic inflammation, in today’s world, it gets basically stuck in the on position and can actually CAUSE stress and chronic inflammation itself.

Once you start learning about this, you'll want to start taking PectaSol for this reason alone…

BUT it’s also an AMAZING detoxifier…

And the big thing is just the vast amount of peer reviewed research there is on it for everything from cancer to cardiovascular disease, immune function, inflammation, fibrosis, neurological support, healthy aging….
and the list goes on!

Anyway, this will be fun! Dr. Rubin and I always have a good time together talking about healing stuff so I’m looking forward to the deep dive with him on one of our favorite products.

You can sign up to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the AWESOME webinar only discount Econugenics has lined up for this here!!

Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Are you around?

We're about to get started with an event that you won't want to miss.

How to Achieve Maximum Weight Loss with this 3-step System

What we're about to teach you is life-changing information.

Not kidding.

We have thousands of success stories at this point to back it up.

Get your questions ready!

And no, there are no “dumb” questions. Chances are, if it’s on your mind, then it’s on someone else’s mind as well.

It’s going to be interactive, educational, and fun.

You won't want to miss this one!

>> Click this link to access your FREE training starting at 2:00pm PST/ 5:00pm EST
See you inside!
Cyrus and Robby​


Diamond Contributor
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The WHO is part of the cabal that seeks to vaccinate poultry, continue culling commercial birds unnecessarily, and test methods of reducing the food supply. Fearmongering.

Remember when eggs cost nearly a dollar each last year? Guess why. See how they are already demanding that nations share deadly viruses they find and also give WHO the sequences?​

OCT 30

Ongoing avian influenza outbreaks in animals pose risk to humans​

Situation analysis and advice to countries from FAO, WHO, WOAH​
12 July 2023
The current outbreaks of avian influenza (also called “bird flu”) have caused devastation in animal populations, including poultry, wild birds, and some mammals, and harmed farmers’ livelihoods and the food trade. Although largely affecting animals, these outbreaks pose ongoing risks to humans. [This harmed farmers because one positive test means all the birds must be culled—even though a cooked bird does not transmit virus, and even if they did, the virus has mutated and is no longer harmful to humans.—Nass]
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH) are urging countries to work together across sectors to save as many animals as possible and to protect people. [This means vaccinate as many as possible and cull as many as possible.]
Avian influenza viruses normally spread among birds, but the increasing number of H5N1 avian influenza detections among mammals—which are biologically closer to humans than birds are—raises concern that the virus might adapt to infect humans more easily. In addition, some mammals may act as mixing vessels for influenza viruses, leading to the emergence of new viruses that could be more harmful to animals and humans.
The goose/Guangdong-lineage of H5N1 avian influenza viruses first emerged in 1996 and have been causing outbreaks in birds since then. Since 2020, a variant of these viruses belonging to the H5 clade has led to an unprecedented number of deaths in wild birds and poultry [due to culling of over 100 million] in many countries in Africa, Asia and Europe. In 2021, the virus spread to North America, and in 2022, to Central and South America.
In 2022, 67 countries in five continents reported H5N1 high pathogenicity [that is the name, but it is often non-pathogenic to birds and non-pathogenic to humans] avian influenza outbreaks in poultry and wild birds to WOAH, with more than 131 million domestic poultry lost due to death or culling in affected farms and villages. In 2023, another 14 countries reported outbreaks, mainly in the Americas, as the disease continues to spread. Several mass death events have been reported in wild birds, caused by influenza A(H5N1) clade viruses.​
Monitoring the recent surge in outbreaks among mammals

Recently, there have been increasing reports of deadly outbreaks among mammals also caused by influenza A(H5)—including influenza A(H5N1)—viruses. 10 countries across three continents have reported outbreaks in mammals to WOAH since 2022. There are likely to be more countries where outbreaks have not yet been detected or reported. Both land and sea mammals have been affected, including outbreaks in farmed mink in Spain, seals in the United States of America, and sea lions in Peru and Chile, with at least 26 species known to have been affected. H5N1 viruses have also been detected in domestic animals such as cats and dogs in several countries, with recent detections of H5N1 in cats announced by authorities in Poland.

“There is a recent paradigm change in the ecology and epidemiology of avian influenza which has heightened global concern as the disease spread to new geographical regions and caused unusual wild bird die-offs, and alarming rise in mammalian cases,” said Dr Gregorio Torres, Head of the Science Department at WOAH.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Part 2 of above article
Assessing the risk to humans
Sporadic influenza A(H5N1) clade virus detections in humans have also been reported, but remain very rare, with 8 cases reported since December 2021. Infections in humans can cause severe disease with a high mortality rate.
[Not a single human has died from this in years, despite humans doing the culling] The human cases detected thus far are mostly linked to close contact with infected birds and contaminated environments.
"With the information available so far, the virus does not appear to be able to transmit from one person to another easily, but vigilance is needed to identify any evolution in the virus that can change that,” said Dr Sylvie Briand, Director of Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Prevention, WHO. “WHO is working closely with FAO and WOAH, and laboratory networks to monitor the evolution of these viruses, looking for signals of any change that could be more dangerous to humans. We encourage all countries to increase their ability to monitor these viruses and to detect any human cases. This is especially important as the virus is now affecting countries with limited prior experience in avian flu surveillance."
Studies are underway to identify any changes in the virus that may help the virus to spread more easily among mammals, including humans.
“The epidemiology of H5N1 continues to rapidly evolve,” said Keith Sumption, Chief Veterinary Officer, FAO. “FAO brings attention to the need for vigilance and timely sharing of genetic sequences to monitor the molecular epidemiology for risk assessment and better disease control.” [He lied about One Health—see my earlier One Health story this week—think he is lying about bird flu too?]
Curbing the spread of avian influenza
Given the unprecedented spread of the A(H5N1) avian influenza virus among birds and mammals, and the potential risk to human health, the tripartite partners—FAO, WHO and WOAH—[All three are part of the ‘quadripartite’ that are responsible for making One Health the next big thing] urge countries to take the following actions:
  • Prevent avian influenza at its source, mainly through enhanced biosecurity measures in farms and in poultry value chains, and apply good hygiene practices. WOAH members, in consultation with the poultry sector, may consider the vaccination of poultry as a complementary disease control tool based on sound surveillance and taking into account local factors such as circulating virus strains, risk assessment and vaccination implementation conditions.
  • Rapidly detect, report and respond to animal outbreaks as the first line of defence. When an infection is detected in animals, countries are encouraged to implement control strategies as described in WOAH standards.
  • Strengthen influenza surveillance in animals and humans. To allow for early response, risk-based surveillance in animals should be enhanced before and during high-risk periods. Animal cases of avian influenza should be reported to WOAH in a timely manner. Genetic sequencing should be conducted periodically to detect any changes in the viruses already present in the area or the introduction of new viruses. In humans, the following should be prioritized: (i) surveillance for severe acute respiratory infections and influenza-like illnesses, (ii) careful review of any unusual epidemiological patterns, (iii) reporting of human infections under the International Health Regulations, and (iv) sharing of influenza viruses with WHO Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (GISRS) Collaborating Centres for Reference and Research on Influenza. [We need to find some avian flu virus that is deadly to humans and are relying on you to identify them and get them to us, quick!]
  • Conduct epidemiological and virological investigations around animal outbreaks and human infections. Surveillance should be enhanced to rapidly detect and investigate further suspected animal and human cases.
  • Share the genetic sequence data of viruses from humans, animals or their environments in publicly accessible databases rapidly, even before peer-reviewed publication. [Share the biological weapons with us, NOW!]
  • Encourage collaboration between the animal and human health sectors, especially in the areas of information sharing, joint risk assessment and response.
  • Communicate the risk. Alert and train healthcare workers and occupationally-exposed persons on ways to protect themselves. The general public as well as animal workers should be advised to avoid contact with sick and dead animals, and to report these to animal health authorities. They should also be advised to seek medical care if unwell and to report any exposure to animals to their healthcare provider.
  • Ensure influenza pandemic preparedness at all levels.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Funnies that aren't funny

Especially the UN Undersecretary for Communications who think the UN owns the science. That is kind of funny, isn't it? She thinks she owns science? She is the UN's top PR person? Maybe she does..​

OCT 30

“We’re not sure what caused Dumbo’s demise, but we do know it wasn’t the shot.”
Really? Now there is some chutzpah for you. I did hear her say that in a video so can vouch for the statement. I guess she didn’t realize the peons might see her speech too, not only the WEFers.
Maybe she does own the science, after all.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Are you ready to tap into your inner wellspring of energy and vitality?

>>>Watch this 10-minute Qigong practice: La Qi: Awaken Your Lifeforce Within

Life's stresses can disrupt your energy flow and inner balance.

It's frustrating to feel drained and out of sync with your true self.

Join us in this session to harmonize your energy and connect with the universal life force.

Watch the video now to begin your journey towards balance and vitality.

If you find this session enlightening, please like, share, and leave a comment about your experience.

Also, don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more empowering content.

Ready to Awaken Your Lifeforce Within?

Watch the video now: Qi: Awaken Your Lifeforce Within

To your vibrant health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
10 Enzyme-Rich Foods to Add to Your Diet for Better Digestion and Health
Hey Jimi,

Enzymes play a crucial role in breaking down food and making nutrients available for absorption, which can help reduce symptoms like bloating, gas, and indigestion.

One of the most well-known functions of enzymes is in the digestive process. They help to break down the food we eat into smaller, more readily absorbable molecules. For example, enzymes in the mouth and small intestine help break down carbohydrates, proteins, and fats into their components. The body may then absorb these smaller molecules and utilize them for energy, growth, and repair.

Incorporating these enzyme-rich foods into your diet supports healthy digestion, better nutrient absorption, and increased energy levels. Check out this week's article to learn which top 10 enzyme-rich foods I recommend!

>> Click here to learn more! <<
Why Do I Have Low Digestive Enzymes? How to fix it!
Adding enzyme-rich foods to your meals and snacks ensures your body has the tools to properly digest and absorb nutrients. So why not try them and see how they can benefit your health and well-being?

>> Click here to check out what I recommend! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello, Jim!​

Did you know that nearly half of all people in the world will face cancer at some point in their lives?

It’s currently one of the top causes of death, claiming the lives of 33% of those diagnosed.

But here’s the good news: Many people are surviving and thriving!

Cancer used to be a frightening word, but it doesn’t have to be.

There’s an upcoming event where some of the most respected integrative oncology specialists in the field will share their insights.

They’re here to turn your fear into confidence!

It’s time to change the course of those statistics and be part of something bigger. We’re talking about the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, hosted by the renowned experts Drs. Michael Karlfeldt and Isaac Eliaz!

--->>Learn more when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for October 31 - November 6, 2023!​
Here’s what’s waiting for you:

  • A deep understanding of cancer & the multitude of treatment options available
  • Strategies to manage the physical symptoms & side effects of treatment
  • Tools to handle fear & uncertainty with strength & resilience
  • Insights into lifestyle changes that can improve your health & well-being
  • Access to a supportive community of experts & fellow patients
  • And more!
--->>We’ll see you online at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit when you register today!
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Are you ready to learn how to overcome chronic digestive issues and elevate your health?

Creating a healthy gut microbiome is important not just for digestive issues, but also every other part of your health, even areas you may not realize. To achieve optimal wellbeing and restore digestive harmony, you can't merely look at your symptoms. You have to look at addressing the root cause of any issues.

CLICK HERE to learn more during The Gut Reset Summit. >>

The team at HealthMeans have gathered 35+ gut-health experts in this free, online summit to address the chronic digestive challenges plaguing tens of thousands of people globally.

In this summit, you will learn:

  • Strategies to help improve your digestion and tips to increase nutrient absorption
  • Hidden triggers that can derail your gut health, including what drives food cravings
  • Connections between the gut & your mental health
  • How maintaining good gut health can decrease inflammation and why food intolerances are on the rise
  • Essential information on gut-friendly foods, fasting, cleansing & detoxification
  • And much more!
If you're ready to elevate your health and say goodbye to persistent gut-related issues, you won't want to miss this summit.

You can register HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 11/1, our 124th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 124 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart Segment, Dr. Paul talks about the conflict in Israel and Gaza and how it drives him to pray, seek a higher power, and ask for intervention in our world. While none of us on our own can fix this, we can be united spiritually, asking for the Almighty to bring healing and peace where it’s needed most.
This week, Dr. Ken Stoller joins Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover to discuss his book, “Incurable Me,” and dig into his journey from traditional to functional medicine and hyperbaric oxygen expert treating chronic disease. Dr. Stoller emphasizes the importance of doing your own research and shares tips on ways we can be prepared for all types of illnesses we may encounter. To learn more, visit​
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Here are three comprehensive, well-researched reports that you'll want to add to your library:

1. Natural Remedies For Inflammation

Inflammation is a driving factor for a barrage of diseases, pains and aging. Get the "Ultimate List Of Anti-Inflammatory Ingredients" and 5 recipes with this report.

2. Natural Remedies For Gut Health

Gut health impacts our mood, health, energy, weight loss success, immune system... This report covers the "superfoods you need to boost your gut health" and gives you 5 gut-loving recipes.

3. Natural Remedies for Autoimmune Disease

With autoimmune diseases your body fights itself and often they sneak up on you... In this 80+ page report you'll learn about the supplements, dietary protocols, at-home remedies to calm the autoimmune storm and get 5 health-boosting recipes.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Fennel For Painful Periods: A Clinically Proven Drug Alternative

Painful periods (primary dysmenorrhea) afflict approximately 25% of all women, with estimates for adolescents reaching as high as 90%. Given the prevalence of this disabling condition, and that treatment usually involves NSAID drugs and sometimes oral contraceptives - both of which have serious, even life-threatening side effects - natural alternatives are desperately needed. So what better place to look than your spice rack, which an under reported body of clinical research indicates may offer solutions at least as effective as drugs.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Have you ever been told that your pain, sickness or disease is just a normal part of aging?

That it runs in the family, or you just got dealt a bad hand?

I've heard this so many times from patients and clients over the years.

And I'll tell you what I told them.

That is a lie!

Our bodies are meant to thrive!

We just have to learn how to empower them with natural solutions.

And no better way to learn how to do that then watch this brand new game-changing series that's reshaping how we think about health: 'The Natural Solution'.

Dive deep with nutritionist Sarah Otto and a lineup of 26+ world-renowned experts, unveiling nature's potent remedies that have stood the test of time.

This isn't just another health series - it's a practical toolbox, where the answers lie in our gardens, kitchens, and age-old traditions.

Say goodbye to short-lived “fixes” and embrace solutions that heal from the root.

Join now and transform your path to pain-free, vibrant health!

>> Get your free pass for the limited screening here (hurry - registration closes soon)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We know that environmental toxins can lead to higher rates of chronic disease. According to today’s guest, some of these same toxins, many of which are still highly prevalent today, can be direct contributors to your likelihood of getting Parkinson's disease and possibly other brain disorders. If you are curious about prevention and limiting your exposure to toxins, this episode is for you.
Today on The Dhru Purohit Podcast, Dhru sits down with neurologist Dr. Ray Dorsey to discuss the root causes of Parkinson's disease and how environmental toxins, like trichloroethylene (TCE), radically increase our likelihood of developing it.
Dr. Dorsey shares the decades of research behind why Parkinson’s is on the rise, how toxins can impact our mitochondria and the role of misfolded proteins in developing this disease. He also shares practical steps we can take to limit our exposure, especially at an early age, and reduce our risk of developing this disease through lifestyle and dietary interventions.​
Dr. Ray Dorsey is a neurologist and researcher known for his groundbreaking work in the field of Parkinson's disease. After completing his undergraduate studies at Stanford University, Dr. Dorsey earned his medical degree from the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. He then pursued further training in neurology, completing his residency at the University of Pennsylvania, followed by a fellowship in movement disorders at Columbia University.
In addition to his clinical work, Dr. Dorsey has significantly contributed to Parkinson's disease research. His work on the Parkinson's Progression Markers Initiative (PPMI) and other research projects has advanced the field's knowledge and treatment options. Dr. Dorsey also co-authored the groundbreaking book titled Ending Parkinson's Disease: A Prescription for Action. The book delves into the current state of Parkinson's disease, highlighting the limitations of existing treatments and emphasizing the need for a more comprehensive, patient-centered approach.
In this episode, Dhru and Dr. Dorsey dive into:
  • The three environmental toxins responsible for the rise in Parkinson’s disease (2:06)
  • What is trichloroethylene (TCE) and the recent news about it (3:15)
  • How toxins impact our mitochondria (5:41)
  • The true heroes who have helped sound the alarm about the harmful effects of TCE (10:10)
  • Dr. Dorsey’s journey in learning about the role of toxins in developing chronic disease (14:34)
  • The importance of both outdoor and indoor air quality for longevity (17:05)
  • The earliest cases of Parkinson’s disease (27:22)
  • The link between pesticides and Parkinson’s disease (29:35)
  • The research around toxins and Parkinson’s disease as a largely preventable disease (31:55)
  • The traditional medicine approach to disease (35:56)
  • What individuals should be thinking about to prevent Parkinson’s disease (39:34)
  • Dr. Dorsey’s training and thought process behind Parkinson’s disease before his research (43:00)
  • The role of misfolded proteins (44:56)
  • How exposure during early periods in life can impact the development of Parkinson’s (52:30)
  • A map of the areas contaminated by trichloroethylene (55:54)
  • Testing to determine toxin exposure (58:06)
  • What a person with a Parkinson’s diagnosis can do and the importance of minimizing additional exposure (1:02:35 / 58:45)
  • Dr. Dorsey’s dietary recommendations and reducing consumption of ultra-processed foods (1:04:24)
  • Dry cleaning and exposure to toxins (1:12:35)
  • Is there a safe level of trichloroethylene (1:16:38)
  • The role of exercise in prevention and for anyone diagnosed with Parkinson’s (1:23:46)
  • Additional research needed on this subject (1:24:37)
  • Resistance around the role that toxins play in the diagnosis of Parkinson’s (1:26:20)
  • The correlation between rates of pesticide and rates of Parkinson’s (1:33:23)
  • Where to follow Dr. Dorsey’s work (1:37:32)
Wishing you health and happiness,
Mark Hyman, MD​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Parkinson’s can make every single day feel like a struggle.

Your feet seem like they’re stuck on the floor.

It now takes you minutes to put on your favorite shirt and jeans.

You feel like you’re swallowing tennis balls every time you eat, and even speaking has become a challenge.

You may have been told there’s nothing you can do about it, but that’s not true.

You have the power to regain control over your mobility and your life.

We understand the challenges you face.

We want to be there for you, to provide knowledge and let you know there is a path forward.

We’re here to lighten your load and provide you with the toolbox to build your treatment plan.

Take that first step toward empowerment and join us at The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit.


This online summit is for patients, caregivers, advocates, and healthcare professionals seeking real solutions to see a real difference.

Two functional neurology and psychology trailblazers will be hosting the summit: Kenneth Sharlin, MD, and Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD. Together, they’ll interview dozens of the world’s leading experts in various fields to help you find real solutions.

You’d be hard-pressed to find the knowledge and tools at this event elsewhere, let alone in one place.

☑️ Expert Insights

Discover innovative approaches to managing both motor and non-motor symptoms.

☑️ Community Support

Connect with a supportive community that understands your unique challenges.

☑️ Easy Access

Enjoy the flexibility to access the summit sessions from the comfort of your home using your favorite device.

The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit is more than a collection of expert talks. It’s a lifeline of hope, empowerment, and a brighter tomorrow. It aims to equip you with the tools you need to take an active role in managing your condition.

You have the strength to overcome these challenges, and we’re here to guide you on your journey.

To your health,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Share this email with others committed to reclaiming their freedom and independence. Give them the gift of health and knowledge.

Register now. It’s completely fr-ee.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 343: THE DEFIANT
Rock Legends Who Stood Their Ground on COVID, Debut New Band, The Defiant; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on New Scrutiny over the WEF’s agenda, Excess Deaths Debated in UK and Australia Hearings, Johnson & Johnson Try A Third Time to Escape Wave of Lawsuits Over Talc Baby Powder; Beloved Vet, Dr. Dym, talks about vaccines and pets, and much more.
GUESTS: Dr. Michael Dym, VMD, Dicky Barrett, Pete Parada, Johnny Rioux, Joey LaRocca, Greg Camp of The Defiant​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sick of IBS and chronic digestive issues? Bloating, gas, pain, constipation, loose stools, heartburn, and other gastrointestinal symptoms are often indicative of underlying health problems that need attention.
I’m one of dozens of health experts sharing their knowledge on how to reverse chronic gastrointestinal issues.
Make sure you catch my interview on simple next steps for eliminating irritable bowel syndrome.

Confused, don’t know what to eat?​

Are you scared, not knowing what to eat anymore because your choices are becoming more and more limited and might cause symptoms?
Enjoy 33 tasty, gut-friendly snacks, appetizers, meals and desserts that won’t trigger discomfort and will stop the guesswork when it comes to eating.
—>> Gain immediate access to the Healthy Gut Institute Recipe eBook now!
Reclaim your gut health when you grab your copy today!
You’ll also reserve a seat for the free, online Gut Reset Summit: Your Journey to Empowered Health taking place on Nov. 27 – Dec. 3, 2023, where over 35+ experts will teach you more about how taking care of your gut can help optimize and elevate your health to the next level.

Yes, you can truly get started on better health today!​

P.S. Say goodbye to bland food and hello to delicious, symptom-free dining! Unlock Dr. John Dempster’s Healthy Gut Institute Recipe eBook today
All the Best,
Dr. M


Diamond Contributor
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I will be speaking about the WHO and the connections multiple international organizations have to a one world agenda. In 80 minutes

7 pm ET. See below​

OCT 30

Popular Rationalism

One of My Favorite Ethical Physicians - Dr. Meryl Nass, MD - Monday 7pm ET - THE WHO COUP​

The IPAK-EDU Science Webinar has become a prestigious event, heralding those who hold the banner of objectivity high.​

James Lyons-Weiler
Oct 27, 2023
Join us this Monday. 7pm ET - IPAK EDU Director’s Science Webinar for

Meryl Nass, MD - Monday 7pm ET - THE WHO COUP​

Sign Me Up!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Defeat Diabetes and Prediabetes​

I'm looking for 3 people this month to join me for two 90-day challenges where the goal is to help them get their blood sugar stabilized at normal levels and improve other symptoms (e.g. low energy, extra body fat) and markers (e.g. inflammation, cardiovascular risk factors) that may be related to their high blood sugar.

If you:

  • Have high blood sugar that is not responding as well as you would like to the approaches that you have tried so far (e.g. meds, keto,/carb restriction, fasting, etc)
  • Are ready to get control over your blood sugar (instead of it controlling you) and be able to live your life without worrying so much about your blood sugar
  • Want to get off meds (safely in coordination with your doctor)
  • Want to skyrocket your energy and mental clarity, drop extra body fat, and experience other benefits of improved metabolic health
  • Want to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, and dementia that are directly related to diabetes
  • Want a bio-individualized diet that satisfies you, works for you, and even enables you to indulge occasionally without feeling guilty or worrying about it affecting your health
  • Are committed to getting help and support, won't give up at the first sign of struggle, are not lazy, take ownership, and are willing to put in the work ...
... then hit reply and say "Yes" and include your phone number.

I will connect with you to go over the details and see if you are a fit for this program.

Talk soon,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
If you have type 2 diabetes or prediabetes, Halloween can be especially tricky to navigate. So, instead of indulging in candy this year, treat yourself to healthier blood sugar balance with intermittent fasting.
Researchers have found that intermittent fasting can be just as successful for weight loss for type 2 diabetics as reducing calorie consumption by 25%.
According to the study in JAMA Network Open, participants who restricted their eating between noon to 8 p.m. lost more weight in six months than those who simply cut back on calories.
Is intermittent fasting the key to regulating your blood sugar levels and managing type 2 diabetes? While time-restricted eating is not for everyone, an increasing number of studies support its use for a range of health conditions. Click below to read more about the benefits of intermittent fasting and the best way to practice it for better health and wellness.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Discover the best foods, spices, nutrients, and more to boost your gut health and overcome gut issues in the brand-new...

Best Natural Remedies for Gut Health (Plus 5 Gut-Loving Recipes), completely free for you right here

(Jim, you'll see two other excellent new health reports you're getting, too, along with free access to The Natural Solution!)

There are around 100 trillion microbes in your gut representing around 5000 species of bacteria and other microorganisms -- and weighing in total around 5 pounds.

Achieving a healthy balance of these microorganisms, which includes boosting the right ones and eliminating the wrong ones, is a "golden key" to overcoming gut, brain, and other health issues and elevating your overall health and longevity.

In this research-based new report from veteran health researcher, Sarah Otto, you'll discover the essentials on how to do so!

You'll find out the top foods and other natural remedies for gut health that are easily available to you.

You'll gain a clear understanding of WHY these foods, spices, and nutrients are sop beneficial...

...And you'll learn the 7 worst foods for your gut.

PLUS, Sarah provides you five new recipes utilizing top foods and spices, including for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and dessert:

Head here for your free copy of The Best Natural Remedies for Gut Health (Plus 5 Gut-Loving Recipes!)

Again, you also get the two other very helpful new health reports you'll see as a gift, too.

And even better, you'll also receive free access to Sarah's forthcoming new online Natural Solution series.

This powerful series empowers you to harness the incredible power of plants, herbs, and science-backed remedies, direct from the world's leading experts!

FINALLY, because smiles and laughter are always "good medicine"...

Here's a silly dad joke my kids love that is worth sharing with YOU:

Do you know what REALLY takes a lot of guts?



Enjoy the important learning in The Best Natural Remedies for Gut Health (Plus 5 Gut-Loving Recipes), free for you right here, and enjoy this Halloween day!

To Living Long and Well,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jim,

Are you tired of the meal prep headache? Does the thought of finding healthy, delicious, and quick meal ideas leave you overwhelmed?

We've got just the solution for you!

Whether you're a busy professional, a parent juggling family meals, or someone who's looking to make healthier choices and save some money, we've created something that's going to make your life a whole lot easier.

Introducing our comprehensive video on "How to Meal Plan Like a Pro."

In this tutorial, we're going to unravel the secrets to meal planning that can simplify your life. We've loaded this video with practical tips, expert strategies, and a step-by-step guide to help you breeze through your meal-planning journey.

You'll discover how to:

✅ Streamline your grocery shopping.

✅ Save precious time in the kitchen.

✅ Always have delicious and nutritious meals within arm's reach.

✅ Nail your weekly meal prep with ease.

✅ Make smart ingredient choices that support your health goals.

No more frantic last-minute meal decisions or food waste – we're here to bring organisation, efficiency, and stress-free meal planning into your life. It's time to transform your eating habits and integrate healthy choices effortlessly into your daily routine.

The secrets to stress-free meal planning are just a click away! Watch the video now.

To a healthier you,

Sarah Otto


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 10 Most Inflammatory Foods to Avoid

Inflammatory foods are major players in the development of much of the suffering in our society. This is because the process of inflammation is at the root cause of most chronic health issues.

No wonder you want to learn what foods you need to eliminate and what diet to follow to reduce inflammation, pain, and disease. It can feel confusing to find the right dietary advice with so many options available.

The truth is that eating healthy is actually rather simple. Once you understand what foods may damage and what foods may protect your health, you can finally eat a nutrient-dense diet without a worry, healing your body with every bite.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
10 Day Kidney Cleanse for Better Energy & Skin Health
Your kidneys are a pair of bean-shaped organs located on each side of your spine below your rib cage. They help to filter and return blood to your bloodstream while filtering and removing waste and toxins from your body.

Protecting your kidney health is critical for your energy, skin health, and overall well-being.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do This To Get Rid of Saggy Skin
In this video, I go over a comprehensive strategy to get rid of loose, saggy skin. This is a bit longer because it is a comprehensive deep dive but check out the description box on the video for a quick review.

Watch the video here and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



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Member For 5 Years
No Gallbladder: Strategies to Improve Digestive Health after Surgery
Did you know that about 600,000 people get their gallbladder removed each year? Did you know that about half of these people still experience digestive problems even after surgery?

It doesn’t have to be this way. You can support your digestive health after surgery to create smooth digestion and live without symptoms. If you don’t have a gallbladder or about to go through gallbladder removal surgery and want to improve your digestive health, this article is for you.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Guess what?

The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit starts TODAY.

And believe me, this is an opportunity you don’t want to miss.

Wondering why you should join us? Here are 3 reasons:

1️⃣ Expert guidance and support: Our experienced hosts understand the challenges you face daily in your cancer journey. They’ll provide you with actionable insights to naturally reverse your symptoms. You can ask questions and connect with others who understand the unique struggles of battling cancer.

2️⃣ Access to leading speakers: Our lineup of expert speakers includes leading researchers and practitioners in the field of cancer. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from their latest findings and innovative treatment strategies.

3️⃣ Renewed hope and motivation: You may think your health is broken, but our hosts are dedicated to empowering everyone to take an active role in their healing journey. Through their success stories, you’ll find a renewed sense of hope to overcome your difficulties.


Don’t miss out on this opportunity to transform your life and heal from cancer. Register now and join us for the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit. It starts today.

To your health,

Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Are you tired of those symptoms stealing your life? The Cancer Breakthroughs Summit is here to help you find solutions. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Join us now<<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Healing Pain: Root Causes & Solutions Masterclass DAY 2 is LIVE!

⭐Today's Presenters: Sayer Ji, Dr. Peter Osborne and Dr. Eric Berg.
These presentations will be available to view TODAY ONLY!

This a complete resource where we will guide you to identify the root cause of your pain and develop your unique self-healing strategy.

Our mission is to provide you with effective, natural approaches to healing and share with you what works (and what doesn’t!) when it comes to healing your pain.

And we’re not just talking about physical pain. Mental, emotional, and spiritual pain can be just as debilitating as physical injury and are addressed in-depth as well.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Magnesium's Pain-Relieving and Anti-Inflammatory Effects​

Did you know that magnesium has the power to both relieve your pain and help you reduce inflammation throughout your body?​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Magnesium: Major Factor in Hypertension

Dr. David Brownstein, M.D., writes:

Approximately 75 million people in the United States over age 20 have high blood pressure.

After age 55, it’s estimated that Americans face a 90% chance of developing it.

The “good” news is that a doctor can diagnose high blood pressure (also called hypertension) in just a few minutes. All too typically, the doctor will then prescribe an antihypertensive medication and advise the patient to take it for the rest of his or her life. In fact, this drug treatment is often not needed.

Special: More Than 50% of Older Americans Fail to Get Enough Magnesium

Conventional doctors rarely concern themselves with the underlying cause of elevated blood pressure. More than 95% of cases are simply labeled “essential hypertension,” meaning there is no known cause.

Many times, the cause is a mystery because nobody has bothered to search for it. My experience has clearly shown a direct relationship between low magnesium levels and hypertension — and lack of the mineral is a huge factor in the spread of this risky condition.

Another thing I have discovered is that even if blood tests show normal magnesium levels, the vast majority of patients with hypertension will significantly improve by supplementing with magnesium.

Magnesium helps to relax the smooth muscles of blood vessels, resulting in less resistance to blood flow, which helps to lower blood pressure. The mineral also reduces nerve and muscle excitability. In addition, magnesium helps optimize circulating levels of the hormones norepinephrine and serotonin, and levels of nitric oxide.

Nitric oxide is a powerful vasodilator — a substance that opens blood vessels for better flow. It is interesting to note that nearly all synthetic anti-hypertensive medications work to reduce blood pressure by a similar mechanism. However, all of those drugs are associated with severe adverse effects.

Diarrhea, the only adverse side effect of magnesium, is easily solved by lowering the dose. Studies have clearly shown the benefits of magnesium. One found that 625 mg per day caused a significant decline in blood pressure.

That effect of magnesium was similar to the best anti-hypertensive medications. The initial workup for anyone with high blood pressure should include testing magnesium levels (red blood cell and/or hair mineral levels) and a trial of oral magnesium — before using medications.

Diuretics, the most commonly prescribed anti-hypertensive drugs, accelerate magnesium loss and lead to deficiency. In addition, lack of magnesium hinders the use of potassium in cells. But oddly enough, diuretic drugs also lower potassium levels.

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