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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cholesterol: What is it and What are Healthy Levels?
One of the most confusing topics for many people is cholesterol. It is often portrayed as bad for your health, but cholesterol is actually essential for good health.

Cholesterol is one of the most important molecules in your body and serves many necessary functions.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Post Viral Syndrome: Symptoms & Healing Protocol
Post-viral syndrome refers to a group of symptoms that happen after a viral infection. These are chronic symptoms that can last for days, weeks, months, and in some cases, even years after recovering from the initial infection.

Unfortunately, most doctors don’t know what to do with this, and other than some pain medication, you may not be getting much help. Fortunately, with the help of some functional lab testing, we can find the root cause of your issues and address them through nutrition, lifestyle, and supplementation.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do This To Get Rid of Saggy Skin
In this video, I go over a comprehensive strategy to get rid of loose, saggy skin. This is a bit longer because it is a comprehensive deep dive but check out the description box on the video for a quick review.

Watch the video here and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Our webinar with highly respected naturopathic oncologist Dr. Dan Rubin, it would in fact be more than fair to call him an “OG” of naturopathic oncology,

talking about how he uses the modified citrus pectin products PectaSol and ProstaCaid in his practice with his patients!!

If you saw our webinar with the founder of Econugenics, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, earlier in the year, you know just how compelling the research behind this stuff is…

And now you get to hear the real clinical experience side from a naturopathic doctor who’s seen cancer patients day in and day out for decades!!

We’re going live at 1 PM PT / 4 PM ET and you can sign up to attend + ask questions live / catch the replay / get the webinar only deal here!!

This was one of the most popular webinar deals for a supplement we’ve EVER had…

And if you took advantage of it last time, you’re probably ready for a refill…

And if you didn't, you’ll see what we’re talking about this time!

Either way, hope to see you on the call with Dr. Rubin and me later today!

Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team

@walton just watch this


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tara Ruth from LearningHerbs is here to share simple yet profound ways to integrate calendula into your daily life.

🌼 For Your Skin: Recognized as a top-tier skin care ally, calendula excels at soothing irritation and imparting a healthy glow.
🌼 For Digestion: Just a cup of calendula tea can have remarkable soothing effects on your digestive system.
🌼 For Immunity: Strengthen your immune defenses and alleviate sore throats with a straightforward calendula gargle.

Watch our two-and-a-half-minute video right here...

Curious to discover more?

In today’s post, Tara answers some of the most commonly asked questions about calendula, including:

  • What kinds of remedies can I create with calendula?
  • Is calendula suitable for sensitive skin?
  • How does calendula differ from marigold?

Uncover the soothing benefits of calendula by clicking right here.

Wishing you a beautiful day,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Why 80% of Us Are Deficient In Magnesium​

Magnesium deficiency is often misdiagnosed because it does not show up in blood tests - only 1% of the body's magnesium is stored in the blood.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
“Without courage, wisdom bears no fruit.” ~Baltasar Gracian

Greetings, Jimi​

Were you able to tune in to Lesson #1 of our Masterclass yesterday?
If not – you can view the replay here (which we’ve broken into segments for your convenience).
And remember – Lesson #2 goes LIVE today at 2:30 MDT!
Today we’re going to explore three simple yet profound practices for initiating transformational energetic shifts in yourself.
Including one simple “self-awareness” exercise (we call it The Trigger Experiment) that can help you change how you see and experience the world from the inside out.
Join us for Lesson #2 – LIVE – at 2:30 MDT.
Today's lesson takes everything we covered yesterday and gives you some clear tools and practices for turning concepts into action.
We hope to see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We live in a pretty exciting time as herbalists...

I mean never before in history has an herbalist had access to literally dozens of traditions, a global materia medica, and the ability to get it at the tips of your fingers (and an internet connection . . . )

But in a way it's a mixed blessing, because while it gives us vast resources for learning and becoming better at our healing art, it also leads to no small amount of overwhelm for the modern student.

I think one of the best ways to overcome this overwhelm is to understand that there are universal principles in the practice of holistic herbalism that show up cross-culturally throughout traditions around the world.

So whether you study Chinese medicine, Ayurveda, Greek medicine, Unani-Tibb, or traditional North American herbalism, there are universal principles at play within all of them. (Of course they all have their differences as well).

Why is that? Well to me, it's because they were all learning directly from nature. And no matter where you are in the world, it's the same Sun, the same Earth, the same Elements... the same fundamental patterns in nature.

And it's those patterns in nature that traditions of herbalism are built on.

This is all about having a well-rounded understanding of how medicinal plants heal us, how to approach working with people holistically, and ultimately having a system that gets us to select the right plants that get people healed.

Enjoy the content this week!

Take care, Jimi,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Still reeling from a Halloween sugar overload? I’ve got you covered.
Whether you're dealing with your own sugar guilt or navigating your child’s post-trick-or-treat sugar rush, my latest article is the ultimate guide to detoxing after an indulgent Spooky Season (no judgements!).
Discover the 5 foolproof strategies to regain control, stabilize your energy levels, and rebalance your body after indulging in that tempting Halloween candy.
You’ll also learn how to curb those persistent sweet cravings, discover how one organ plays a critical role in eliminating toxic sugar residues from your system, and gain tips to amplify your body's detox process!
Don’t let the post-Halloween sugar crash get you down. Boost your well-being with these easy, expert-backed tips…​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Parkinson's Solution Summit
November 14th to 20th
On Tuesday, November 14th through Monday, November 20th, over 40 brain health experts, including Dr. Dale Bredesen, will join hosts Dr. Kenneth Sharlin and Dr. Sandra Scheinbaum for The Parkinson’s Solution Summit. The risk of developing Parkinson’s disease increases with age, with most cases occurring in people over the age of 60. Worldwide, it is the second most common neurodegenerative disorder after Alzheimer’s disease. And in the United States, approximately 1 million people are already navigating this challenging journey.

Knowledge is power. Together, we can turn Parkinson’s from an unexpected challenge into a journey of strength and empowerment. It’s time to get back in the driver’s seat.

In his interview with Dr. Sharlin, available for viewing on Day 2 of the summit, Wednesday, November 15th, Dr. Bredesen will discuss the path to preventing & reversing neurological diseases, including related topics such as:
  • Parkinson’s, Lewy body, and some Alzheimer’s often have both dementia and some motor symptoms in common.
  • The latest in groundbreaking methods to prevent neurodegenerative diseases and the potential to reverse the progression of conditions like Parkinson’s.
  • The multiple contributing factors to neurological diseases Like Alzheimer’s, Lewy body, and Parkinson’s including toxins (such as organic toxins, mycotoxins, or metals).
  • Insights into the latest research and advancements in neurodegenerative disease management.
  • And much more ...
Register for FREE by selecting the button below.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
In under 24 hours, thousands from around the world will tune in for The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit.

This is your final reminder to join us and 30+ of the world’s leading experts in Ayurveda and natural wellness…

For an unprecedented three-day immersion in natural healing, longevity, and total wellness.

Claim your free all-access pass now, and join as many online sessions as you like:
Ayurveda Summit
Last call: get your free access to The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit >>>

Need help deciding if this Summit is for you? The answer is YES if you are:

  1. Searching for a better, gentler, more effective solution to an illness or health challenge
  2. In good health and seeking to improve and preserve your wellbeing and quality of life
  3. Curious about your unique needs as an individual and how to fulfill them for better health
  4. Trying to find the root cause of any stubborn pain, discomfort, or lethargy that won’t go away
  5. A professional seeking higher performance and productivity of your body and mind
  6. Stressed, anxious, overworked, and looking for a way back to peace and bliss
  7. A curious student of personal growth, spirituality, or a practice like meditation or yoga
  8. A peak performance enthusiast who wants to ignite your full potential
  9. Looking for answers as you navigate a time of change or adversity
  10. Supporting a loved one through a health crisis or time of healing

The time for clarity, solutions, and a way forward is now.

Claim your free access to the Summit, and harness nature’s wisdom to transform your life and your wellness:

Last call: get your free access to The Optimal Living Ayurveda Summit >>>



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hey Folks!​

Learning to incorporate herbal powders into your daily routine can be a real rollercoaster. Trust me, it’s not all ‘mix with a lil water and down the hatch’ like you might expect. Sure, there are some daring souls out there (like my crazy dad, Doc Jones) who DO mix powdered herbs with water and gulp it down like champs. But let’s be clear: those folks are a rare breed. As someone who’s been knee-deep in herbal medicine all my life, I can assure you the ‘lil water and down the hatch’ method is far from the norm. I myself tried it. Once...



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 344
Today, on The HighWire, another disaster has struck, this time in Acapulco as a major hurricane has left the popular coastal city devastated. With media coverage and help needed, we talk to disaster relief responders who’s team have been on the ground in Acapulco, to get the real story.
Then, Jefferey Jaxen gives an update on the WHO’s Pandemic Treaty racing to envelop the world with its overreaching amendments. What moves can we take to fight it? The bombshell issue of DNA contamination in the COVID is breaking out. Regulators are being forced to admit its presence, which is bringing the issue of COVID therapeutics, and whether we should be calling them ‘vaccines’ at all. Finally, we take a deep dive into the centuries-old Malthusian roots of global depopulation as seen through the eyes of top climate change advocates and Bill Gates himself.
Also, Del welcomes Jacob Wells, the co-founder of the ultra popular fundraising site GiveSendGo. Jacob talks about his motivations for starting the site, the challenges going up against GoFundMe and government opposition, and supporting those who endured government and popular cancel culture.

Heroes are Answering the Call! - TODAY, 11AM Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern, at The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Protecting Your Eyes as You Age

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

In 2012, actress Dame Judi Dench told the press that her eyesight was failing, and she was unable to read her scripts. The solution? Her daughter and her agent would help her learn lines.

Now in her late 80s, Dame Judi had been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common eye disorder that can cause blindness.

Special: The Little-Known 'Blue' Challenge to Your Aging Eyes

By 2050, it’s estimated that nearly 22 million older Americans will have to contend with some form of this condition.

But AMD isn’t the only vision problem that can develop as you get older. The most common are glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts.

More than 6 million Americans over age 65 have some type of vision problem. That’s why it’s important to take steps at every age to protect your eyes. Here are a few good ones:

• Eat eye-friendly foods that are rich in nutrients such as beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc. That means plenty of orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash, as well as cooked tomatoes. Choose dark leafy greens, berries, nuts and seeds, brown rice, and citrus, which also are high in vitamins A, C, D, and E. And enjoy fatty fish like ocean trout and salmon.

• Quit smoking or never start. It’s linked to an increased risk of AMD, cataracts, and optic nerve damage.

• Use sunglasses. Find ones that block out 99%-100% of UVA and UVB radiation.

• Don’t do digital damage. Break up computer and screen time. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 minutes, look about 20 feet in front of you for 20 seconds.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Long-awaited Organic Livestock and Poultry Standards Rule Finalized:​

The Organic Trade Association is celebrating the long-awaited strengthening of organic animal welfare standards by the U.S. Department of Agriculture. This action by the department is a major win for organic producers, consumers, and for all of you who have steadily advocated for more robust regulations. Learn more about this exciting news here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Crispy Egg over Toast with Avocado Butter:​

Indulge in breakfast bliss with Handsome Brook Farms' irresistible twist on the classic avocado toast. Brace yourself for an exquisite culinary journey as they unite the creamy richness of avocado butter with the perfect crispy egg on golden toast. Your taste buds will thank you! Elevate your morning ritual further by garnishing with your cherished organic seasonal herbs and spices. Don't deny yourself this delectable experience - Click now to unveil the ultimate avocado toast here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

Welcome to Day 3 of the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit! Are you ready?

Join us.
By being part of the summit, you'll uncover:

✨ Different paths to face cancer head-on.

✨ The crucial role of understanding cancer in overcoming it.

✨ A wealth of resources and choices available to those battling cancer.

✨ A welcoming community ready to stand by you on your cancer journey.

✨ How your emotional and mental well-being matters just as much as your physical health.

"See" you in 15!

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Written by renowned integrative oncology expert, Dr. Isaac Eliaz, this comprehensive 3-eBook collection draws from his 30+ years of experience.

He has performed groundbreaking cancer research, and has had clinical success, so his insights on cancer prevention & treatment are very valuable.

These books contain inspiring patient stories, and innovative treatment options that reduce side effects and enhance effectiveness.

Plus you'll get science-backed recommendations for your diet, supplements, and lifestyle, making this eBook bundle a complete roadmap to wellness.

Grab your copy while it is still available.

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Wow, episode 343 of the Highwire was very revealing of so called rock & roll artists who caved to health tyranny and censorship at the height of the Coofid.


Bruce Springsteen demanded only vaccinated audience at his shows.
Harry Styles demanded masking and proof of vax.
Maroon 5 demanded proof of negative covid test, or proof of vax.
Foo Fighters demanded proof of vax.

Gene Simmons (KISS) is shown in an interview in which he said, "This delusional, evil idea that you get to do whatever you want, and the rest of the world be damned, is really terrible. We gotta identify those people and bring them out in the open so you know who they are. If you're willing to walk among us unvaccinated, you are an enemy".

Queen's Brian May: "I beg you and plead you to get jabbed if you haven't already, because you need the help. I despair seeing people protesting against the vaccine, protesting against their rights being violated because they might have to wear a mask. Jesus Christ, guys".

Covers Neil Young's tantrum to Spotify, "him or me", demanding Joe Rogan be kicked off Spotify for his interviews with front line doctors over failures and harms of the so called vax. For Young it came down to "get rid of him or I'm leaving". Joe Rogan was hugely popular, so Spotify said "okay bye" to Young.

Joni Mitchell threatened to remove her music from Spotify, in solidarity with Neil Young. To her too, Spotify said "bye".

It shows Dolly Parton using the tune to "Jolene" to sing "vaccine, vaccine, vaccine vacceeeeeen. I'm beggin' of you, please don't hesitate".

Then Bigtree interviews a new band, "Defiant" with:

Dickie Barrett, kicked out of The Mighty Mighty Bosstones for refusing the vax
Pete Parada, kicked out of The Offspring for refusing the vax
Greg Camp (Smashmouth), whose wife marched in a protest against vax mandate laws
Johnny Rioux (Street Dogs), who simply did not trust an un-trialed emergency authorized vax
Joey Larocca (The Briggs)

The interview, of course, was about rock & roll and its meaning to the artists, in the face of government tyranny, in the face of the shutdown of their work during the height of the virus panic, in the face of a whole recording/concert industry that swallowed the narrative.

I don't mind whatever people decide to do for themselves, and this was the position of these men of Defiant who were interviewed, but to support government censorship of debate and discussion, to insist that everyone bow to health mandates, goes against one of the deepest meanings of rock & roll, which is rebellion against tyranny, preservation of your rights, standing up, teaching your children critical thinking.

Wow!!!!!! Comparing these real rockers of Defiant to the likes of Neil Young and Gene Simmons is like
comparing big fierce cobras to slimy little worms.

And bravo Del Bigtree for a series that would have been massively recognized and awarded in some other era before the enforcement of one fascist narrative.

And hooray for Spotify for refusing to cave to the demands of washed up so called rockers demanding censorship of the healthy presentation of informative interviews.

Last edited:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

The Congressional breakfast formal invitation to share with your members/Senators;

And a list of the evil globalist organizations leading us off the cliff, and a new link for my talk on the globalist pandemic preparedness agenda​

The final version of the invitation to the Congressional breakfast (just for members of Congress and their staff and media). Please encourage them to attend or send a staffer. Please encourage media to contact dede if they want an invitation. Thanks a million!
Another link for my talk on how the G20, World Bank, WHO, UN, EU and US are all conniving together, using the same plans, same language to bring in global governance using the Trojan horses of climate change and pandemic preparedness.
And these are the evil perpetrators of the One World agenda I spoke about at the rumble link above, using the same twisted concepts, same language, same entities to pull it off:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Cherries: Nature's Anti-inflammatory Sleep Aid​

Several studies have now confirmed that cherries not only increase sleep duration and sleep quality, but they are anti-inflammatory.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Discover results-driven, evidence-based natural medicine research on the health benefits of magnesium in the GreenMedInfo database.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Picture this…

The sweet, nutty flavors of butternut squash wrapped in soft, pillowy ravioli…

Each bite bursting of autumn, filling you with warmth and comfort.

That’s what’s in store for you with this week’s recipe…

But wait! There's a twist!

This dish has a weird autumn add-on that makes it BOTH super-tasty AND super-nutritious.

This ingredient is my personal go-to for adding a health kick to my family meals…

And trust me – Your body will be doing a happy dance when you introduce it :)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let's keep this strong spine train going full steam ahead...

I recently uploaded a new video demonstrating 5 simple exercises to strengthen & mobilize your spine.

I made the sequence as easy-as-possible for you to perform.

In fact, you don't even have to get up from your chair...

Welllll, sort of. You'll see what I mean with exercise #5:)

There is one caveat however:

For you to get the benefit from these exercises, you actually have to actually DO 'em.

Makes sense, right?

Anyway, check out this simple spinal exercise sequence...

Click here or on the image below.

Be Your Own Guarantee for your spine, health and life.

Dr. Ryan



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Have you ever thought you had a parasite?

If so, you'd know that your health can take a dramatic downturn. Although unwanted, feelings of fatigue, inflammation, and poor digestion become all too familiar. Worst of all, parasites often go unnoticed until they cause a host of health issues and require drastic intervention. While many doctors turn to antibiotics, I want to share 20 cutting-edge natural therapies to help eradicate parasites.

CLICK HERE to access the Gut Guardians eGuide, and discover natural anti-parasitic herbs and supplements. >>

The team at HealthMeans has partnered with Dr. John Dempster to bring you this eGuide, full of practical tools you can use to help eliminate a parasite naturally.

Parasites wreak havoc on the body and can cause unexplained weight loss, skin issues, allergies, and more.

Get ready to dive into herbs and supplements like wormwood, colloidal silver, gentian root, and even papaya seeds.

When you get the guide, you'll also receive a seat for the free, online Gut Reset Summit: Your Journey to Empowered Health.

Access the Gut Guardians guide HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ready to uncover some of the lesser-known non-vegan ingredients that may be lurking in your favorite snacks and meals? Whether you're a full-fledged vegan, thinking about making the switch, or just love learning about what goes into your food, you're in for a treat.
In this NB, we reveal 11 surprising hidden animal ingredients in food that might not scream "animal-derived food additives" but definitely fall into that category. We'll dive into what these ingredients are commonly used for, where they come from, and any sneaky alternative names they might go by.
1. Carmine (Also known as Cochineal Extract or Natural Red 4)
Common Uses: So, you know that lovely red color in your strawberry yogurt or your fruit-flavored candies? Well, that might be carmine. It's a red food dye that's used to make all things red and pink.
Source: Here's the surprising part – carmine is derived from crushing tiny female cochineal insects, which hang out on cactus plants. You might also see it listed as cochineal extract or Natural Red 4 on labels.
2. Isinglass
Common Uses: Love your beer and wine? Isinglass might be the secret behind their clarity. It's used in some alcoholic beverages to help clarify them.
Source: Isinglass comes from the dried swim bladders of fish, such as sturgeon. It's like fishy magic for your drink!
3. Palmitoylethanolamide (PEA)
Common Uses: PEA is not a common food additive or ingredient in everyday food products. It is primarily used in dietary supplements and certain skincare products due to its potential anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving properties.
Source: PEA is a bit tricky – it can be synthesized from palm oil, which comes from oil palm trees. So, not animal-derived, but it's still important to know where it comes from. However, you’d need to ask the manufacturer to know for sure.
4. Confectioner's Glaze (Also known as Shellac)
Common Uses: Ever wondered what makes your candies look so shiny? That's confectioner's glaze. It's used to give candies, fruits, and even some medicines that glossy finish.
Source: Confectioner's glaze, or shellac, is not a vegan friend. It's made from the resin secreted by the lac bug. You might also spot it under names like food glaze or resinous glaze.
5. L-Cysteine
Common Uses: L-Cysteine is like a hidden hero in your bread and baked goods. It's used to improve texture and make your favorites last longer.
Source: Here's the twist – L-Cysteine can come from various sources, including human hair, duck feathers, and even hog hair. If you're keeping it vegan, look for the synthetic stuff.
Synthetic L-Cysteine is often referred to as "L-Cysteine Hydrochloride" or simply "Cysteine Hydrochloride." Synthetic L-Cysteine serves a similar purpose as its naturally derived counterparts but is typically considered vegan-friendly
6. Guanine
Common Uses: Guanine adds shimmer and shine to cosmetics and some food products. You know that pearly effect you see in some eyeshadows and lip glosses? Guanine!
Source: Guanine isn't commonly used in food, but it's worth mentioning. It's derived from fish scales, which is quite the surprise.
7. Capric Acid
Common Uses: Capric acid might not be a household name, but it's used as a flavoring agent in some foods. It adds a little zing to certain dishes.
Source: Capric acid can come from animal fats, including goat's milk. It's not super common, but when you see it, it's good to be aware.
8. Pepsin
Common Uses: Pepsin is like a food detective; it helps break down proteins. It's used as a food additive to aid in digestion.
Source: Back in the day, pepsin was sourced from pig stomachs. But these days, most pepsin used in food is produced using fancy microbial fermentation methods, making it more vegan-friendly.
9. Cholic Acid
Common Uses: Cholic acid is an essential component in bile and is used in some pharmaceuticals.
Source: Cholic acid can come from the bile of cows and other animals. While it's not widely used in food, it's still good to know about.
10. Disodium 5-Ribonucleotides
Common Uses: Disodium 5-ribonucleotides might sound like a mouthful, but they're all about boosting the savory flavors in your snacks and processed foods. Think potato chips and instant noodles.
Source: They're often derived from yeast extracts, which can sometimes include non-vegan sources. Keep an eye out for these in your snack aisle adventures.
11. Inosinic Acid
Common Uses: Inosinic acid is another flavor enhancer, and it works its magic in processed foods to amp up those savory tastes.
Source: Like disodium 5-ribonucleotides, inosinic acid often comes from yeast extracts, which may include non-vegan sources. So, it's worth checking the labels.
Knowing about these hidden non-vegan ingredients empowers you to make more informed choices when it comes to your diet.
So, whether you're a committed vegan, exploring plant-based options, or just love knowing what's in your food, you're now equipped with some intriguing knowledge about these surprising animal-derived additives hiding in your favorite eats. Happy eating!
To Health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Walking barefoot in nature may seem odd, but a growing body of scientific research has revealed many health benefits associated with this practice. Known as “earthing” or “grounding,” walking barefoot on natural surfaces like soil, grass, or sand can increase antioxidants, reduce inflammation, improve sleep, ease pain, and much more.
Earthing involves direct contact between our bodies and the electrons in the earth. Studies have shown that being in direct contact with the earth — which has its own natural charge — can have a positive impact on our health.
In a new report from Biomedical Journal, researchers say “Grounding or earthing could be the anti-inflammatory antidote for modern man. It is one of the greatest-kept secrets when it comes to our health and aliveness and only a small part of the scientific community really understands the concept.”
Click below to learn about the many remarkable health benefits of earthing.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Recipe: Pumpkin Spice Harvest Smoothie



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Happy Friday Jimi!
Today's interview is with optometrist Dr. Jospeh Allen.
Our conversation motivated me to get my first ever eye exam as an adult. I've had 20/20 vision my whole life, but I've noticed in the last few years (my mid-forties) that fine print has gotten a bit harder to read.
I'm pleased to report that I passed my eye exam with flying colors. No eye issues and my close up vision has only diminished a teensy bit. Basically I need to keep a pair of reading glasses in the kitchen to read the ridiculously tiny print on supplement bottles. LOL
My eye health knowledge was pretty close to zero before this interview and I learned A LOT, including how eye exams can detect medical conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure. That blew my mind!
In our interview, Dr. Joseph Allen covers the causes of common eye conditions and eyesight deterioration, as well as eye myths, foods that can improve your vision or worsen vision, and so much more.
Topics discussed include:
-Why eyesight deteriorates with age [1:40]
-Do glasses weaken your vision? [7:32]
-The food group that increases your risk of eye disease [19:15]
-Eye floaters explained [28:55]
-The connection between your microbiome and eye health [32:52]
-How a plant-based diet reduces risk of eye disease [35:34]
-Eye myths debunked [37:45]
-The #1 vegetable for eye health. It's not carrots! [52:28]
-Serious conditions that can be detected early with an eye exam [53:30]
-And more!
I know you will love the valuable information from Dr. Joseph Allen. Enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
It’s never too late to get back in the driver’s seat.

You just need the right solution to pave the way to a thriving life in spite of Parkinson’s.

Solutions that blend conventional neurology with lifestyle medicine and systems biology to change the trajectory of your health.

Solutions that are so new, they’re changing the world as we know it.

So take that first step toward empowerment today by joining me at The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit.




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do you have questions about cancer or another health concern? You have come to the right place. Next Tuesday, you can ask our esteemed hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak just about anything!

REGISTER NOW for Season 2, Episode 21 of the Cancer Conversation: Ask Anything!

We Will be LIVE Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 5:00 pm PST / 8 pm EST

You are invited to join Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak, ND, as they tackle your most pressing questions about cancer, specific health concerns, and what it means to be truly well.

Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, our team of doctors is here to provide answers and guidance.

Don’t miss your opportunity to ask your questions LIVE this coming Tuesday!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Image item
Hey Jimi!

Not only is the Fall a transition time for our planet, it's a transition time for our body/mind. Understanding how to harmonize your body with these changes is essential for maintaining overall well-being.

Fall is a time when you might naturally feel like slowing down and turning inward. Fall is a season dominated by qualities like dryness, coldness, lightness, and mobility. These qualities can lead to feelings of anxiety, restlessness, and scattered energy. Breathwork practices that emphasize slow, deep, and mindful breathing can help promote stability, calmness, and focus.​
breathe. create. share​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Stillness is what creates love,
Movement is what creates life.
To be still and still moving— That is everything.

~Do Hyun Choe

Greetings, Jimi​

Have you been enjoying the Your Life’s Potential Awaits Masterclass so far?
If you weren’t able to tune in to Lesson 2 – you can view all the Masterclass replays here.
Here’s some of what we explored in the last lesson:
  • “The Whack-a-Mole Game” of Healing
  • The Trigger Experiment
  • The 3 A’s Practice
  • The Haola Paradigm
These simple, yet profound concepts and practices will help you diffuse the knee-jerk emotional reactions that put you at odds with people or experiences in your life and keep you repeating old patterns…
So you can move through each day with joy and grace.
Click here to go to the replay page.
And remember – Lesson #3 goes LIVE on Sunday at 2:30 MDT!
We’ll give you more tools and the details for moving forward! So, we hope to see you there!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Federal law requires HHS to send bi-annual reports to Congress detailing how it has made childhood vaccines safer. Yet, HHS has never filed a single report. ICAN’s attorneys have called HHS out on this multiple times, but it continues to shamelessly flout the law.
Lead Counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq. lays out the details here:

When Congress eliminated pharmaceutical companies’ liability for vaccines in 1986, it recognized that it eliminated the fear of losing money that drives companies to assure the safety of their products. Congress therefore made the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the parent department of the CDC and FDA, responsible for vaccine safety.
To assure HHS is actually performing this critical duty of assuring the safety of products injected into babies, the same 1986 law that eliminated pharmaceutical company liability also created a “task force” on safer childhood vaccines. This task force, made up of the heads of the NIH, FDA, and CDC, was supposed to make recommendations to the Secretary of HHS on how to make vaccines safer. And, as noted above, the law also required the Secretary of HHS to file a report with Congress every two years detailing its efforts to improve vaccine safety.
As many of you know, ICAN previously sued HHS for failing to file these reports with Congress and it admitted in 2018 that it never once filed a single required report with Congress. It also admitted that the task force had been disbanded in 1998!
After publicly shaming them for this misconduct, including in the Vaccine Safety Debate we had with HHS, you would think HHS would start filing bi-annual reports and the task force would start making recommendations. Sadly, our attorneys have confirmed neither has happened.
In response to ICAN checking in again in January 2023, HHS admitted that there are no still reports. Not one.
While HHS has a $2.95 trillion budget, it apparently doesn’t care about safer childhood vaccines—and never has. ICAN will continue to monitor the situation and share any important updates.
To support ICAN's continued legal efforts, click here to donate.
See below for more instances where ICAN has confronted health agencies over vaccine safety:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Few things for you today Jimi!

Reminder on Dr. Eliaz’s The Ultimate Cancer Prevention and Treatment Companion - Your Roadmap to Wellness guide!

Which will get you warmed up for the webinar we just did on the product he formulated :)
If you’re concerned with cancer, or aging whatsoever for that matter…

The replay of the webinar with naturopathic oncologist Dr. Dan Rubin we just did on Econugenics and their modified citrus pectin is a must watch!!

Dr. Rubin is one of the most highly respected cancer focused NDs out there…

Which is why I was a bit shocked to hear him be so bold as to refer to the PectaSol product as a "revolution for humanity" and a "medicine grade supplement."

New podcast + summary on PEACE in cancer and SO much more!! :)

Dr. Jim Roach’s holistic insights offer a refreshing perspective. His recent interview illuminates the healing power of tranquility and spiritual well-being.

Emphasizing the importance of a peaceful mind in the healing process, Dr. Roach advocates for a comprehensive care approach that integrates your life vision with vital aspects such as nutrition and relationships.

His guidance extends to dietary choices, suggesting a nutrition-rich diet and strategic fasting to complement chemotherapy.

The conversation with Dr. Roach also touches on the significance of sleep and particularly dreaming, exercise, and minimizing EMF exposure—core tenets of preventive healthcare.

He also encourages rethinking tumor management and explores the use of botanicals and supplements for a more proactive cancer fight.

I urge you to read the summary on our website or watch/listen to the interview. Dr. Roach’s approach is empowering for those seeking to prevent or reverse cancer,

-Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I hope your weekend started already with a great feeling :).

Are you ready to step up your eating habits this autumn?

Give your body a fighting chance against colds, coughs, flus, and infections as the weather cools, and start eating the nutrient-rich foods that will stave off illness and protect your health on a cellular level.

Click here to read our blog post and find out the 11 fall veggies you should DEFINITELY be adding to your diet…
A few weeks of healthy eating may be just the ticket to many happy, healthy months!​
Have a healthy rest of the week, Jimi.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hello Jimi,

In this episode, I’m speaking with Dr. Michael T. Murray, a naturopathic physician, widely respected author, and mitochondrial expert with over 40 years of experience.

In this podcast, Dr. Murray and I discuss:

  • Hidden-in-plain site, practical mitochondrial support that most of us are overlooking

  • The one diet you should probably avoid for healthy mitochondria (women, especially, need this info!)

  • The mitochondrial mistake over 50 million Americans make every week!

  • 3 nutrient must-haves for robust mitochondrial function
  • Are antioxidants actually good for us? Could oxidative stress be beneficial to our mitochondria?

  • The essential mitochondrial nutrient that comes straight from (you won’t believe this…) stardust!

→ You can watch/listen to the podcast HERE

Yours in health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Chocolate Keto Brownies

I absolutely love this recipe! Chocolate, coconut, avocado and stevia/monk fruit are 4 of my absolute favorite food combinations! This is a tasty dessert in that it is low-carb and high in good fats, antioxidants and prebiotic fiber.

If you are looking to make a tasty recipe for your spouse or significant other for Valentine’s or an anniversary, this is a good one and the rose on top is a really nice touch!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients
Our diets can both feed or starve cancer cells productivity by affecting multiple mechanisms which promote cancer. Cancer cells rely on the ability to multiply, repair, differentiate and evade apoptosis (programmed cell death).

The recent discovery of cancer stem cells has scientists looking at a whole new approach to preventing and treating cancer.


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