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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Safeguard your heart and lungs in cold weather

Dear Friend,
Our health can be dramatically affected by the seasons — and in late fall and winter, we tend to notice these effects most. Cold weather and less sunlight are linked to many biochemical changes in the body that can challenge our physical and mental/emotional wellness — from increased inflammation and stress to seasonal depression and respiratory infections.
During the colder months, your heart and lungs— aka your cardio-respiratory system — need extra support. These two powerhouse organs work closely together to ensure that every cell, tissue, and other organ in your body is nourished with fresh oxygenated blood.
But colder weather brings several challenges that can seriously affect your cardio-respiratory health and increase your chances of a heart attack, stroke, serious respiratory infections, and other risks. For example, cold winter temperatures raise the risks of heart attacks by up to 50% or more compared to summer. Some data show the risks of a heart attack or stroke are highest in sub-freezing temperatures.
Find out why your heart and lungs are more vulnerable during the colder months — and get my list of must-have supplements for staying well all season long.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,
A Parkinson’s diagnosis is filled with moments of frustration and uncertainty.
“Will I still be able to walk and move freely?”
“Will I still be able to speak clearly?”
“Will I still be able to spend quality time with my family?”

These are all questions you may ask yourself following a diagnosis.
The good news is that there is tremendous hope.
Because no matter what stage you are on your journey, there is a tremendous amount that you can do to take control of your health destiny.
It’s never too late to get back in the driver’s seat.
With the right tools you can pave the way to a thriving life in spite of Parkinson’s.
That's why we're excited to share with you a brand new event: The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit.
This online summit is for patients, caregivers, advocates, and healthcare professionals seeking real solutions to see a real difference.
This event is hosted by neurologist Kenneth Sharlin, MD, and psychologist Sandra Scheinbaum, PhD. Together, they interviewed dozens of the world’s leading experts in various fields to help you find real solutions!
You'll gain:

  • Expert Insights: Discover innovative approaches to managing both motor and non-motor symptoms.
  • Community Support: Connect with a supportive community that understands your unique challenges.
  • Easy Access: Enjoy the flexibility to access the summit sessions from the comfort of your home using your favorite device.
The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit is more than a collection of expert talks. It aims to equip you with the tools you need to take an active role in managing your condition.
You’d be hard-pressed to find the knowledge and tools at this event elsewhere, let alone in one place.

-The Science of Prevention Team

P.S. -
The Parkinson's Solutions Summit is your chance to gain invaluable insights, connect with like-minded individuals, and discover new possibilities.
-->> Click here to reserve your seat!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Do thyroid medications raise cancer risks?

This is a tricky subject. A new study suggests they might. Other studies have had conflicting conclusions. One of you asked about this risk.

I wrote a detailed new blog explaining it. The basic answer is that there may be an increase in some cancer types for some people on thyroid medication.

The blog explains how to determine if it applies to you and provides simple steps you can take to help.

Check it out, and let me know if you have further questions. I’m here. All you have to do is hit reply. Click Here

To your best health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. C here.

Are you ‘protein puzzled’? Everyone knows they need it, but it’s not easy. So many protein sources are foods people avoid due to allergies, iodine, or intolerances.

Join me for a special Ask Dr. C Live on Thursday, November 16th.

Ask Dr. C: Your Protein Plan: Making it right for you.

During this event, I aim to unravel the mysteries of protein and leave you with a personalized understanding of your own protein needs.

In this webinar, you can look forward to discovering:

1. The nuances of plant-based versus animal-based proteins.

2. The significance of protein timing in your daily routine.

3. Insights into effective protein supplements that complement your diet.

4. Unveiling the daily protein requirements tailored to your unique lifestyle.

5. The correlation between thyroid health and protein intake.

You already know that protein matters. It can take much work to do it right. Join me for this special event and learn how you can easily understand and achieve your personal protein needs.

Register HERE and join me live!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Unpopular Cholesterol Facts
Click Here to Watch Episode 8


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Are you the kind of person who has the same breakfast every single morning?

I want to challenge you to try something new for breakfast! Varying the foods you eat is important for your gut, and who knows... you might even discover a new favorite recipe. I want to share one of the easiest breakfast recipes that my whole family loves to have.

CLICK HERE to access the Buckwheat Porridge with Berry Compote recipe. >>

This recipe is similar to your traditional oatmeal, but it swaps the oats for buckwheat.

It has a nuttier flavor and packs a punch of nutrients making it a perfect breakfast option to fuel a long day.

Add any spices you like, but don't skip out on the berry compote. It helps balance the flavor of the buckwheat to create a breakfast that feels cafe worthy.

I would love to hear if you try this breakfast and what you think! Take a photo, and post it in the Food Matters Community Group HERE. >> (Request to join if you're not part of it yet!)

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

#511 The Science of Water and Maximizing Hydration with MJ Pangman​




Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Let’s get right to the science Jim,

How did 70% of people with depression and 73% of people with anxiety experience symptom relief in just 10 minutes per day?

Not only that…but with a solution that is quick, completely free, and available anywhere?

The participants in these studies implemented the incredible, hidden-in-plain sight work championed by my friend and research expert, Ari Whitten, M.S.

Today, you have the chance to get his new eGuide—Energy Breathwork: How to Use Breathing to Supercharge Your Energy Levels and Squash Anxiety in Just 10 Minutes A Day—for free!

Click here to download the Energy Breath-work eGuide for anxiety, depression, and PTSD.

You’ll soon discover:

  • How, in less than 10 minutes per day, you can enjoy a more calm, centered, and balanced approach to life…along with more energy and vitality!

  • The brain-based connection between breathing and anxiety that no one is talking about…not even your doctor

  • One straightforward practice that improves your mental health and helps you crush your fitness goals, enhance your metabolism, slow down aging, and increase resilience

Not only that, but when you download the eGuide, you’ll secure complimentary access to Ari’s Breathing for Energy Webinar, which supports you in your journey to live anxiety, depression, and stress-free

Download your FREE Energy Breath-work eGuide today, and start enjoying your new life!

To better health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

TONIGHT - brain fog, insomnia, anxiety, pain, diabetes, liver disease, heart disease​

All of these issues (and many others) are often caused by "silent" gut inflammation, meaning that the gut inflammation is not producing noticeable symptoms in the gut itself.
TONIGHT at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern in the "Gut Health Mastery" masterclass you will learn how silent gut inflammation causes such a wide range of symptoms and diseases.
If you have struggled to solved these issues, what you've been missing may have been investigating the gut connection and/or treating that correctly.
Join us tonight for the Gut Health Mastery masterclass ...
>> Register for the masterclass with one click or tap right here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The 7 Major Factors Causing Autoimmune Conditions

One in every 10 people is affected by an autoimmune condition. You may be one of them. You may be at risk. And you most likely know people with an autoimmune condition.

In this article, I want to talk about autoimmunity. You will understand what autoimmunity is. I will go over the most common autoimmune conditions.

I will discuss the connection between autoimmunity and the cell danger response (CDR). I will go over the 7 major factors causing autoimmune conditions.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Sinus Congestion: Causes, Symptoms & Support Strategies
Are you dealing with sinus congestion? Having a chronic stuffy and runny nose is not fun, yet it is more common than you think.

Many people are dealing with chronic sinus congestion due to chronic sinus infections, seasonal and environmental allergies, mold, food sensitivities and other reasons.

If you are one of those people struggling with chronic sinus congestion, you don’t have to suffer anymore. You can try some natural support strategies to support your immune health and improve your well-being.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tune in TONIGHT at 5 PM PST/ 8 PM EST for Season 2, Episode 21 of
The Cancer Conversation: Ask Anything!

If you have questions about cancer or another health concern, you have come to the right place. Tonight, you can ask our esteemed hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak just about anything!

We Will be LIVE Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 5:00 pm PST / 8 pm EST

You are invited to join Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Brittany Ptak, ND, as they tackle your most pressing questions about cancer, specific health concerns, and what it means to be truly well.

Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2023, at 5 pm PST / 8 pm EST

Whether you or a loved one are facing a cancer diagnosis, have been grappling with another health issue, or want to ask general questions about how to get—and stay—well, our team of doctors is here to provide answers and guidance.
Don’t miss your opportunity to ask your questions LIVE this evening.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Incredible Benefits of Collagen: From Gut Health to Bone Strength
Hey Jim,

When optimizing health and revitalizing our body's natural functions, a few proteins play a significant role, such as collagen.

As the most abundant protein in the human body, collagen constitutes approximately 70% of the body's protein content.

But what exactly is collagen, and why is it vital for our overall health? Let's delve deeper into the benefits of this remarkable protein and understand its significance!

>> Click here to learn more! <<

Collagen, often called “Nature's Architecture,” is a fundamental component of numerous species' biological structures. Envision the foundation of a majestic building – it is robust, solid, and integral to maintaining the entirety of the structure. This analogy aptly illustrates the role of Collagen and its triple helix structure within our bodies. It facilitates the elasticity of our skin and the flexibility of our tendons, preventing them from rupture.

Moreover, Collagen is not exclusive to humans; it is ubiquitous throughout the animal kingdom, from microscopic organisms to the formidable blue whale, underscoring its evolutionary significance.

>> Click here to learn more! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Collagen-Rich Foods for Healthy Joints, and Skin

In this blog post we're talking about one of the most healthy substances you can include in your diet: Collagen! Frankly, most people get most of their protein from muscle meats. That’s a problem because they’re not getting the knuckles, the bones, and the cartilage, as we would from old-fashioned soups. These are the parts that provide more collagen, which is crucial for our joints, cartilaginous tissue and ligamentous tissue. Learn more in the blog!

>> Click here to check out the article! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Tomorrow, Wednesday, November 8th, at 2pm Pacific time (3pm Mountain, 4pm Central, 5pm Eastern), we are having a live herbal Q&A with Thomas Easley!

Thomas Easley is a renowned Clinical Herbalist, founder of the Eclectic School of Herbal Medicine, and bestselling co-author of The Modern Herbal Dispensatory: A Medicine-Making Guide.

LearningHerbs Live with Thomas Easley
will be hosted by yours truly and my HerbMentor Radio co-host, Tara Ruth.

Thomas will also give a tour of his really cool herbal AI chat bots. 🤖 I know this sounds weird, but I checked it out and it's REALLY cool.

You can choose to watch this on either Facebook OR YouTube. Simply click on one of these links when we are live...

This is the link to watch on Facebook

This is the link to watch on YouTube

Both links are the exact same live broadcast, and we can read your questions from either site. For YouTube, you have to be logged into your YouTube/Google account to ask a question in the chat.

So, think about a question or two that you might have for Thomas and we'll see you on Wednesday (tomorrow) at 2pm Pacific, 5pm Eastern!

This is a rare opportunity and is going to be super fun, so please try to make it live.

John Gallagher

P.S. Herbal Q&As are an invaluable opportunity to deepen your understanding of herbal medicine. The variety of questions from others opens doors to knowledge and perspectives you might not have considered, making it a rich experience not to be missed!

If you can’t make it to the live event, no worries! You can catch the replay anytime on our Facebook or YouTube pages. However, we do recommend joining us live for the opportunity to interact and ask questions directly.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Widely used U.S. food additive banned in the EU linked to cancer, DNA damage​

BANNED in the European Union, this food additive is EVERYWHERE in the United States​

And people wonder why they get cancer :facepalm:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
5 Superfoods That Reduce Cholesterol

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Certain foods can help bring down high cholesterol levels naturally, without the potentially dangerous side effects of medication. Here are five superfoods that can drive down blood cholesterol levels:

Oats. Start your day with a bowl of oatmeal or cold oat-based cereal like Cheerios that delivers 1-2 grams of soluble fiber. Add a sliced banana for even more heart-healthy fiber. Soluble fiber is broken down to form short-chain fatty acids that help block the formation of LDL cholesterol, which can cause arterial damage.

Special: How to Keep Your Doctor From Lecturing You About Cholesterol

Beans. These healthy foods are also rich in soluble fiber and take a long time to digest, so you feel fuller longer. There are so many choices, from navy and garbanzo to lentils and black-eyed peas, that you won’t soon run out of options.

Nuts. Studies have shown that eating just two ounces of nuts daily can lower LDL cholesterol. Although they’re 80% fat, it’s unsaturated fat that helps lower LDL levels, decreases your risk of developing blood clots, and may improve the lining of your arteries. Walnuts, almonds, and hazelnuts are three very heart-healthy options.

Foods fortified with sterols. Sterols and stanols are plant extracts that help prevent the body from absorbing cholesterol from food. Many manufacturers add sterols to products such as granola bars, spreads, and yogurt.

Fatty fish. Eating at least two servings per week of salmon, trout, mackerel, or other cold-water fish instead of red meat has many heart-healthy benefits. Meat tends to boost LDL cholesterol levels, while fish contains omega-3 fatty acids that drive LDL down and boost the healthier HDL cholesterol. Omega-3 fatty acids also help prevent inflammation that can cause dangerous plaque buildup in the arteries, leading to heart attack or stroke.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Honey Plus Coffee Beats Steroid For Treating Cough​

One of modern medicine's most celebrated 'miracle drugs' are steroids, but a recent double-blind, randomized clinical trial found that honey plus coffee outperformed prednisolone in treating symptoms of post-infectious, persistent cough.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Human Trafficking & Your Laundry Products - What's the Connection?​

In this powerful interview, Sayer Ji discusses the revolutionary new model of business Truly Free has introduced to the world, where you are helping people, the planet, and YOURSELF, voting for a better world and life with your dollar.

Stephen Ezell, founder and CEO of Truly Free takes us down the rabbit hole on how his company became a major leader in mission-driven, earth-friendly, and anti-human trafficking advocacy. You'll learn:​

  • Why conventional laundry detergent is so harmful to the environment and your health​

  • Why recycling plastic is NOT a long term or effective solution to environmental issues​

  • How is company was inspired by his son's health crisis related to being exposed to toxic laundry products​

  • How he prayed for an answer to how to end human trafficking that is working, on saved sex worker at a time​

  • Why the world is changing and a mass awakening is happening to fix the underlying problems of society​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We get our bearings for the journey ahead by recognizing that we are already home. ~Duane Elgin, The Living Universe

Greetings, Jimi​

Home. The word means something different to each of us…
For you, “home” could be a place, a person, or a profound sense of connection…
Yet no matter where or who your “home” is, the feeling of home is the same for us all: Safety. Familiarity. Relaxation. Ease.
In our first 3 Masterclass lessons, we’ve begun to realize how Wisdom Healing Qigong welcomes us home to ourselves – to find a sense of ease within.
As we journey into the 2nd half of our Masterclass, the wisdom imparted in the first 3 sessions has set the stage for profound transformation, with 3 more lessons poised to deepen this impact.
There's a palpable energy of excitement and anticipation throughout each of these lessons—and an eagerness to see what each new lesson brings. They are awesome.
And today we will step inside the nurturing container that is our Qigong For Life Mastery membership portal with a guided virtual tour — plus a sample practice you can do along with us!
Join us today November 7, at 2:30 MST, to explore this invaluable resource.
If you're prepared to embrace the gentle journey back to your core, to rediscover the harmony within that's been awaiting your return, our Qigong For Life Mastery program is your hearthstone.
This is where you can put down the reins of external control and…
  • Open your heart to acceptance and abundance.
  • Transform physical and emotional patterns, unlocking new potentials for healing.
  • Cultivate a life brimming with health, joy, and deep-seated fulfillment.
We warmly invite you to enroll in our Qigong For Life Mastery Online Training and Membership Program and start exploring this space we’ve created where your inner healing can be nurtured, and your true potential can flourish. Click the green button below.

We look forward to seeing you for Session 4 of our Masterclass this afternoon!

Radiant blessings,



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Mini Potato Hash
(full recipe in this email below)
Enjoy this colorful and wholesome dish as a meal or a delicious side!

  • 1 1/2 lbs mini potatoes cut into small 1/2 to 1" chunks
  • 1/4 cup low-sodium vegetable broth
  • 2 medium onions chopped
  • 1/2 root celeriac peeled and grated
  • 1 medium green pepper chopped
  • 1 medium yellow pepper chopped
  • 1 cup kernel corn fresh or frozen
  • 4 leaves spinach chopped
  • 1/2 tsp black pepper
  • 2 tsp paprika
  • 1 tsp dried rosemary crumbled
  • 1 cup tomatoes halved
  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil and cook the potatoes for 7 to 10 minutes or until the potatoes are just starting to soften. Drain and set aside.
  2. In a large pan heat up the vegetable broth and add the onion, garlic, and celeriac root. Sauté for 5 minutes.
  3. Add the green and yellow peppers and continue to saute for another 5 to 7 minutes or until they have softened. Add a little more broth as needed so the vegetables don’t stick to the pan.
  4. Add the black pepper, paprika, rosemary and mix thoroughly.
  5. Add the cooked potatoes and corn and cook for another 5 minutes. If you are adding the tomatoes to the cooking dish add them now. If you are going to use the tomatoes as a garnish or side dish leave them for when you plate the hash.
  6. Lastly, add the spinach and stir until the leaves are wilted. Serve immediately.

NOTES: You can prepare and cook the potatoes the day before and keep in the refrigerator until you are ready to use them in the hash.You can also use other types of potato.The tomatoes and spinach can be used as a side dish with a sprinkle of lemon juice.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Next time you’re feeling overwhelmed or stressed, try one of these easy yet highly effective breathing exercises:

Abdominal breathing – Sit somewhere quiet, dark, and pleasant, in a comfortable chair. Place your right hand on your belly and your left hand on your chest. As you inhale, focus on filling your lungs without moving your upper chest or abdomen. The only movement should be in your diaphragm. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouths, trying to sustain a 6- or 8-count on both the inhale and exhale. Sustain this breathing for 10 to 20 minutes.

Breath focus – This technique combines deep breathing with relaxing visualization techniques for maximum effect. Sit or lie somewhere comfortable and close your eyes. Draw in a deep breath, filling your abdomen and chest as much as you can. As you’re inhaling, picture the air infusing your body with relaxation and peace (however it works to visualize that for you). Feel it spreading throughout your body. When you exhale, visualize expelling all the tension and stress, relaxing every muscle in your limbs, torso, and face. You can pair this with a mantra—for example, “I breathe in peace, and breathe out anxiety and stress”—if it helps. Continue for at least 10 minutes, though you can try for up to 20 minutes at a time.

Progressive muscle relaxation – Lie down on the floor (on a Yoga mat or blanket) or on your bed. Extend your legs and let your arms relax by your sides. Inhale through your nose, and as you do, tense the muscles in your feet. As you exhale, release the tension in your feet and feel the muscles relax. On your next inhale, tense the muscles in your calves, then relax them on the exhale. Keep moving steadily upward, tensing muscles on the inhale and relaxing them as you breathe out. Keep going until you finish off with the muscles in your face, then finish with a few minutes of deep breathing in a fully relaxed state.

Equal in and out – This is an easy technique that you can do anywhere, anytime. You can do it lying in bed, or in any chair—in the office, on the bus, on an airplane, pretty much anywhere you feel the need to de-stress. Focus on your inhalation, breathing in through your nose for a count of five. Then exhale through your mouth and sustain the breath out for a count of five. Keep breathing at this equal in and out count. Try extending it so you breathe for six seconds, then seven, and work your way up to ten seconds in and ten seconds out.

Modified lion’s breath – Sit in a comfortable chair. Inhale through your nose, filling your belly and lungs fully. On the exhale, open your mouth wide and expel the air with a “HAH!” sound. Repeat this for 5 to 10 minutes.

Give these five breathing exercises a try the next time you’re feeling stressed, and I promise you’ll walk away from your breathing session feeling a great deal more relaxed and at peace.​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, an old Irish proverb goes, "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book."

So, to help you in a big way with the sleep part of that "prescription," here's...

The 12 Best Foods to Help You Sleep Better

If you appreciate this article, please do SHARE your comments at the end of it.

Because you'll discover...

> The top foods for the top Zzzs

> 3 foods you must AVOID before bedtime

> A free 7-step guide to optimal sleep

Head here now for the new article


Gold Contributor
Member For 2 Years
New Member
Reddit Exile
Hi Jimi, an old Irish proverb goes, "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book."

So, to help you in a big way with the sleep part of that "prescription," here's...

The 12 Best Foods to Help You Sleep Better

If you appreciate this article, please do SHARE your comments at the end of it.

Because you'll discover...

> The top foods for the top Zzzs

> 3 foods you must AVOID before bedtime

> A free 7-step guide to optimal sleep

Head here now for the new article
just listen to a doctor before you go to bed, that should put you to sleep!

Bliss Doubt

Platinum Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I read Jimi's health thread almost every day, and I don't think I've seen this. If it has already been posted, apologies.

Italy bans lab grown meat over health concerns (including turbo cancer):

I believe that ban is only of lab grown meat, not concoctions made from various kinds of vegetable proteins. I hope so.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

“The seed of mystery lies in muddy waters. How can I perceive this mystery? Water becomes still through stillness. How can I become still? By flowing with the stream.”
~ Author unknown

Greetings, Jimi​

There’s a lot happening in Your Life’s Potential Awaits…
We’re going live with our second-to-last Masterclass session today at 2:30pm MST/4:30pm EDT and exploring some of the miraculous transformations experienced by members of our community...
These stories are a mirror reflecting the potential that lies within you; beacons of hope and inspiration for what's possible.
Join us here at 2:30 MDT to hear firsthand how Wisdom Healing Qigong can help you step into a life of greater purpose, abundance, and connection.
And make sure to tune in for the finale tomorrow November 9 at 5:30pm MST/ 7:30pm EST, when Master Mingtong Gu joins us to share a special, brand new teaching!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Coffee Enemas: Just what you need to know​

Disclaimer: Always check with your primary care physician begore adding any type of therapy or lifestyle change.
If you are feeling tired and toxic, it could mean your body needs help with detoxing.
We live in a highly toxic world—from chemicals in tap water and beauty products and women’s products to even your dental care. Our bodies often can’t handle flushing out all the toxins on their own, so detoxing with coffee enemas can provide much-needed drainage and prevent serious illnesses. Parasites, constipation, liver dysfunction, candida, viruses, IBS, yeast infections, low energy, brain fog, etc., are just a few of the ways your body is telling you it needs help detoxing.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

This Week on the​

Stories That Heal Podcast​

Each week we are honored to bring you The Radical Remission Project "Stories That Heal" Podcast! We launched on November 1 with six inspiring stories from Radical Remission survivors and the healers who have helped them overcome the odds. Now, tune in for this week's episode where Co-Directors Liz Curran and Karla Mans Giroux talk about Karla's inspiring story of Stage IV breast cancer and seven years with N.E.D.!​
Karla was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003 and underwent a unilateral mastectomy, chemo, and radiation. Eleven years later, in late 2014, she received a metastatic breast cancer diagnosis. This diagnosis did not align with her goal of living to be 100+, so she decided to do all that she could to manage this challenge. Karla embarked on a holistic healing journey to help herself regain optimal health and longevity. With her integrative approach to healing, she is blessed to report “no evidence of disease” (NED) since 2016! Her passion has led her to share what she has learned so that everyone with a diagnosis can have a better chance of overcoming the odds.

Listen on Spotify, Apple, Google or wherever you listen to your podcasts.

Visit us at to check out all our episodes.

Find out more about coaching with Karla at


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Ever tried to steer clear of bitter foods? You might be missing out! From chicory to chocolate, and from arugula to artichokes, many bitter-ish favorites are not only delicious but also packed with surprising health benefits.
Get the whole story on the sweet side of bitter foods right here.
To better health,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Some of the compounds in bitter foods turn out to be good for your digestion, blood sugar balance, and weight management — and can even help to fight cancer! Here’s what you need to know about bitter foods.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Is Organic Food Worth It? What You Should Know​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

WITH THE WIND WITH DR. PAUL - SHOW 125; Featuring: Greg Glaser, JD General Counsel and National Coalition Director for Physicians for Informed Consent; Litigator for CHD

Wednesday, 11/8, our 125th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul talks about what it means to have the kind of strength that develops from a place of weakness and brokenness. He reminds us to have hope no matter how much we are currently struggling because it is through these experiences that a deeper, more powerful strength will be birthed from within.
According to the government's own data, the vaccine that they propose has never been proven safer than the disease it targets. Not once. They've never proved it. They've never had an epidemiological study, which is just... Sufficient statistical strength to prove it. And we show that in each of our documents, no matter what vaccine you're looking at.”
— Greg Glaser
This week, attorney Greg Glaser joins Dr. Paul and DeeDee Hoover to discuss important issues surrounding medical exemptions, informed consent, his latest work around free speech litigation, the need for control group data, and so much more. Check out for more resources!
Watch the show here!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Fuhrman and Jenna Fuhrman here, and we're thrilled to share the exciting news with you! Part 2 of the Eat to Live Podcast: Fad Diets is officially live!

If you enjoyed Part 1, jump back in.

Are you ready to break free from these misconceptions and supercharge your health?

Have you ever been told that nuts and seeds are enemies of your weight loss journey?

We're here to tell you that the OPPOSITE IS TRUE!

Dr. Fuhrman reveals the scientific studies that back the benefits of nuts and seeds for cardiovascular health and weight loss.

In Fad Diets: Part 2, Dr. Fuhrman tackles the tough questions and debunks the dangerous myths that have been undermining your health.

Have you been advised that an extremely low-fat diet is the way to go?

That egg whites and low-fat dairy are your best protein sources?

Discover why a 15% dietary fat percentage is the real magic number.

But here's the thrilling part: In Part 2 of the Fad Diets podcast, we're not just talking about fad diets.

We're unleashing the power of plant-based nutrition. It's not just about losing weight; it's about transforming your life!

Think improved gut health, boosted metabolism, and boundless vitality.

We'll talk about sustainable and holistic plant-based protein sources that outperform red meat – hands down.

In a world obsessed with trends, we're here to tell you, it's time to choose health over hype!
Eat to Live Podcast


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Dear Jimi,​

This week's newsletter explores the link between the microbiome and Parkinson's, things dementia experts never do, the link between fluoride and cognitive issues in children, the role of sex hormones in Alzheimer's, and more...

-->> 7 Things Dementia Experts Would Never, Ever Do - Huffington Post (November 2023)​

IBrain health specialists share the habits to avoid to best care for your mind...

-->> The Intriguing Connection Between the Gut Microbiome and Parkinson’s Disease - David Perlmutter, MD (October 2023)​

Recent advances in research have unearthed a fascinating link between PD and the gut microbiome, leading many to rethink their understanding of the disease’s origins and progression...

-->> Study Links High Levels of Fluoride to Cognitive Impairment in Children - Integrative Practitioner (October 2023)​

Long-term consumption of water with excessive levels of fluoride may be associated with cognitive impairment in children, according to a new pilot study by Tulane University...

-->> Brain Health Declined More Rapidly in Over 50s During the Pandemic - Technology Networks (November 2023)​

Brain health in over 50s deteriorated more rapidly during the pandemic, even if they didn’t have the virus, reports a new study...

-->> Sex hormones may play a key role in how Alzheimer's disease develops in the brain - Medical News Today (October 2023)​

Researchers from the University of Western Ontario have found female sex hormones play a significant role in how Alzheimer’s disease manifests in the brain...

To your health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Today's thought:

"Always give without remembering and always receive without forgetting"​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
There comes a time when you start to age faster, feel tired quicker, become more irritable and put on some weight — thanks to hormone imbalances.

As a result, your energy, mood and confidence drop…

And it can be a struggle to regain them without restoring your hormones back to what they were when you were younger.

Many doctors will tell you that this is completely "normal" and that it comes with age.

But even if it is "normal", why should you settle for that…

When you can feel younger, more energetic, more confident, and most of all, happier… just by doing a few simple things?

If you want to learn the secrets to addressing hormone imbalance and get back to feeling like yourself again…

And better yet, without EVER setting foot in a doctor’s office or changing your daily routine…

Dr. Michelle Sands is inviting you to watch her masterclass completely F.REE for a limited time.

How to restore your hormones to end hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, fatigue and more.

Dr. Sands is a leading expert in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and will share a lot of valuable insights and practical tips through this 60-minute masterclass, including:

✅ The 2 BIG reasons many doctors are unwilling to prescribe hormone restoration, and what they aren’t telling you

✅ How to know exactly what’s causing you to age rapidly, feel tired, fat, old, and moody

✅ How to get a custom hormone balancing prescription to reverse aging, maintain a healthy weight and improve energy

And a lot more!

So if you want to regain your energy, youth and vitality (and maintain it well beyond your golden years)...

Go here now to watch Dr. Sands’ masterclass at no cost before it goes offline.

To a longer, healthier and happier life,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Spike Protein and Autoantibodies to ANXA2: The Driving Force Behind Long COVID?

It was known in 2010 that Spike Protein molecular mimicry may induce ANXA2 autoantibodies.​

Anti-annexin A2 antibodies bind to SARS-CoV S2 protein and anti-S2 antibodies bind to immunoprecipitated annexin A2. (A) Recombinant S2 protein was coated on ELISA plate with different doses as indicated, then incubated with control IgG or serial doses of anti-annexin A2 antibodies followed by HRP-conjugated anti-rabbit IgG. Cultures were developed using specific substrate ABTS and detected using an ELISA reader. Experiments were carried out in triplicate, and the averages of the relative OD as mean ± standard deviation (SD) are shown. (B) Annexin A2 was immunoprecipitated from various doses of A549 cell lysate using anti-annexin A2 antibodies. Cultures were then incubated with 5 μg/ml of control IgG or anti-S2 followed by HRP-conjugated anti-mouse IgG. Experiments were carried out in triplicate, and the averages of the relative OD as mean ± SD are shown. *p < 0.05; **p < 0.01; ***p < 0.001.
The results you are studying above are not from cutting-edge SARS-CoV-2 research. No. What you are seeing above are the results of a study done in 2010! It was known in 2010 that molecular mimicry of the Spike Protein and ANXA2 was inducing autoantibodies to ANXA2. This may explain a very large part of the pathology of Long COVID.
Readers of my research know that from Day One I have been warning about the (obviously, to me, engineered) molecular mimicry of the Spike Protein and its potential to induce autoimmune disease. This is why I have been so concerned about using the Spike Protein in any therapies. Period.
This was the conclusion reached in 2010:
The local alignment by JEMBOSS-Water analysis showed that the sequence similarity between annexin A2 and two regions on S2 (residues 927–937 and residues 940–951) are 50 and 66.7%, respectively. Our results strongly suggest that SARS-CoV-induced autoimmunity raises an alert not only for effective therapy but also for the development of a safe vaccine.
Annexin A2 on lung epithelial cell surface is recognized by severe acute respiratory syndrome-associated coronavirus spike domain 2 antibodies
Why is this so important, and why would it contribute to the development of Long COVID? Because ANXA2 is essential for breaking down fibrin clots.
ANXA2 is a key player in cell surface fibrinolysis by acting as a co-receptor that orchestrates activation of endogenous tissue plasminogen activator tightly involved in fibrin clearance. Therefore, dysregulation of ANXA2 mechanism may contribute to thrombotic events observed in COVID-19.
And, this is precisely what is happening in those with COVID.
Let us now focus our attention to a paper which was published just last week. This one on SARS-CoV-2:
We determined the kinetics of ANXA2 gene expression in lungs of AC70 hACE2 Tg mice by measuring mRNA levels over the time course of 4 d.p.i. and showed that transcriptional expression of ANXA2 was significantly downregulated between 1-2 d.p.i. The fibrinolytic potential of ANXA2 and its dysregulation have been well documented in vivo and in vitro. ANXA2-null mice (AnxA2-/-) manifested increased fibrin depositions in multiple organs, including lung, heart, and kidney compared to wild type mice, suggesting its importance in maintaining a balanced hemostasis.
The authors of the current SARS-CoV-2 paper claim there is no clarity on the role of autoantibodies in COVID pathogenesis. Yet, isn’t it abundantly clear?
As mentioned above, the exact role of autoantibodies to ANXA2 in the COVID pathogenesis remains unknown and is currently under further investigation. We demonstrated that association between ANXA2 and S100A10 was reduced at 4 d.p.i., the time point when anti-ANXA2 antibodies were presented. Cesarman-Maus et al. [52] raised the hypothesis that anti-ANXA2 autoantibodies may promote hypercoagulation and fibrin deposition by inhibiting t-PA-dependent plasmin formation. This led us to hypothesize that during acute SARS-CoV-2 infection the levels of t-PA may remain sufficient to sustain an effective fibrinolysis, however, the induction of anti-ANXA2 antibodies might negatively affect t-PA binding by disrupting the formation of AIIt complex.
Characterization of Unique Pathological Features of COVID-Associated Coagulopathy: Studies with AC70 hACE2 Transgenic Mice Highly Permissive to SARS-CoV-2 Infection
Again, I cannot even begin to understand why the Spike Protein was used in a gene therapy. Why? And why did the vast majority of doctors and scientists agree it was a “safe and effective” idea?
I will continue my work and seek to find treatments to address this issue.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Why Probiotics May Make You Feel Worse: Unpacking the Hidden Side-Effects
Hey Jim,

Probiotics, touted for their many health benefits, have become a staple in the modern health-conscious consumer's diet. While they have a rich history of promoting gut health through fermented foods, they might only sometimes be the silver bullet for everyone.

This article delves into why probiotics might make some people feel worse, focusing on their relationship with histamine production and fermentable carbohydrates.

>> Click here to check out the article! <<
Centuries ago, our ancestors did not have the luxury of modern-day refrigeration. Yet, they discovered the art of fermentation, a preservation method that inadvertently introduced beneficial bacteria into their diet. Fermented foods like sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt, and pickled vegetables were staples in various cultures, from Asia to Europe. These foods extended the shelf life of raw ingredients and provided a rich source of probiotics, particularly lactobacillus species, that positively influenced the gut's health.

>> Click here to continue reading! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improving Your Kids' Gut Health

In this podcast with Evan Brand, we discuss the various ways you can improve your kids' gut health naturally. We share our favorite alternative and unconventional methods for dealing with gut bugs, how your kids’ behavior at school might be related to their gut health, and talk about the importance of having a stool test to address the root cause of various gut issues in both kids and parents alike.

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

The craziest thing happened when we had all of these experts in our studio filming the Cardiovascular Docu-Class...

Over and over again the connection between a healthy heart and healthy lungs kept popping up!

So while we had everyone in the studio we decided to film (you guessed it)...
Click Here to Watch The Best of Lung Health
Right now, with the world feeling afraid of a respiratory disease, it's more important than ever to make sure your lungs are as healthy as possible.

COVID aside, lung diseases are still big-time killers...

  • Respiratory diseases — like asthma, COPD, emphysema, lung cancer, cystic fibrosis — are the 3rd leading cause of death in the world.
  • Lower respiratory infections — like pneumonia, bronchitis, and tuberculosis — are the 4th leading cause of death in the world.
The 18 presentations in the Lung Health Docu-Class will open your eyes to just how much you can do to protect your family from these killers.

So for the next 24 hours we're featuring "The Best of Lung Health Docu-Class" — a compilation of some of the most powerful moments from that docu-class — condensed into one amazing presentation.

If you're worried about respiratory health then you definitely don't want to miss this!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Roger Jahnke - The Power of Chinese Medicine

Join me as I delve deep into the wisdom of Dr. Roger Jahnke, a 45-year veteran of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong, and Tai Chi. Discover how this ancient modality can transform your health and well-being. Learn how to tap into your body's natural healing abilities and prevent diseases. Don't miss this opportunity to empower your health naturally!

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Intriguing new science of the heart

For centuries, the heart has been seen as the center of our emotions, courage and wisdom.

New research shows the human heart is much more than an efficient pump that sustains life – it may also be a source of wisdom and intelligence that we can call upon to live with more balance, greater creativity and enhanced intuitive capacities.

All of these are important for increasing personal effectiveness, improving health and relationships, and achieving greater fulfillment in your life.

Learn how (and why!) heart-centered practices can improve your health and happiness when you…

—>>Download your complimentary eBook, Science of the Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance!

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