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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you often suffer from IBS and chronic digestive issues, you might be extra conscious with what you’re eating.

In fact, you may be so scared of experiencing those symptoms again that you don’t know what to eat anymore, thinking whatever you consume will cause problems.

And if you don’t eat at all, that can cause a whole new set of problems that can worsen your overall health.

The truth is that chronic digestive issues are caused by poor gut health, and to fix that, you’re going to have to eat.

To help you out, Dr. John Dempster is offering his Healthy Gut Institute Recipe e-book to you for F.REE.

Get your copy of the recipe e-book here.

Discover 33 gut-friendly, delicious recipes that prove healthy food doesn’t have to be bland, but can be as tasty as they come too!

From snacks and appetizers to full meals and desserts, these recipes are some of the most effective ways to fight common symptoms of a bad gut.

When you get your copy, you’ll also reserve your spot for the upcoming Gut Reset Summit: Your Journey to Empowered Health

Get ready to finally fix your gut and keep it that way with the help of 35 experts who will teach you the best practices so you can optimize and elevate your health to the next level.

This special online event happens from November 27 - December 3, and packs a lot of insights that can help you become disease-free.

So what are you waiting for?

Grab your recipe e-book + reserve your spot for the Gut Reset Summit here.

To your healing,


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Reddit Exile
Dr. Roger Jahnke - The Power of Chinese Medicine

Join me as I delve deep into the wisdom of Dr. Roger Jahnke, a 45-year veteran of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qigong, and Tai Chi. Discover how this ancient modality can transform your health and well-being. Learn how to tap into your body's natural healing abilities and prevent diseases. Don't miss this opportunity to empower your health naturally!

-->> Watch or listen here
every day we hear of ways/things that can make us healthy. if all of these things work there must be only a few people ever get sick. its odd how modern medicine and modern state of the are machinery cannot cure things such as the common cold/flu/asthma yet all of these experts say what we all know, don't look for answers on google. ask people in the desert/jungle who have no education but the highest expected life span. i mean if you are having marriage problems, who would you listen to, either Liz Taylor who will tell you she was not at fault ever, or a family in their latter years who have raised 10 kids and been married 60 yrs. the old couple like jungle people don't use or ask for this thing called money, their advice is learned by their bodies and not by a group of miracle workers.


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Reddit Exile
There comes a time when you start to age faster, feel tired quicker, become more irritable and put on some weight — thanks to hormone imbalances.

As a result, your energy, mood and confidence drop…

And it can be a struggle to regain them without restoring your hormones back to what they were when you were younger.

Many doctors will tell you that this is completely "normal" and that it comes with age.

But even if it is "normal", why should you settle for that…

When you can feel younger, more energetic, more confident, and most of all, happier… just by doing a few simple things?

If you want to learn the secrets to addressing hormone imbalance and get back to feeling like yourself again…

And better yet, without EVER setting foot in a doctor’s office or changing your daily routine…

Dr. Michelle Sands is inviting you to watch her masterclass completely F.REE for a limited time.

How to restore your hormones to end hot flashes, mood swings, weight gain, fatigue and more.

Dr. Sands is a leading expert in Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) and will share a lot of valuable insights and practical tips through this 60-minute masterclass, including:

✅ The 2 BIG reasons many doctors are unwilling to prescribe hormone restoration, and what they aren’t telling you

✅ How to know exactly what’s causing you to age rapidly, feel tired, fat, old, and moody

✅ How to get a custom hormone balancing prescription to reverse aging, maintain a healthy weight and improve energy

And a lot more!

So if you want to regain your energy, youth and vitality (and maintain it well beyond your golden years)...

Go here now to watch Dr. Sands’ masterclass at no cost before it goes offline.

To a longer, healthier and happier life,
best cure is,,,,stay away from doctors. or take a sack with you to hold in front of them when they talk so that you can collect all the crap and spread it on your vegie patch.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
every day we hear of ways/things that can make us healthy. if all of these things work there must be only a few people ever get sick. its odd how modern medicine and modern state of the are machinery cannot cure things such as the common cold/flu/asthma yet all of these experts say what we all know, don't look for answers on google. ask people in the desert/jungle who have no education but the highest expected life span. i mean if you are having marriage problems, who would you listen to, either Liz Taylor who will tell you she was not at fault ever, or a family in their latter years who have raised 10 kids and been married 60 yrs. the old couple like jungle people don't use or ask for this thing called money, their advice is learned by their bodies and not by a group of miracle workers.
The problem is so many are actually afraid to try the the natural ways, they depend on big pharma's petroleum based chemicals :rolleyes:


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Ashwagandha Improves Hypothyroidism

Dr. Russell Blaylock, M.D., writes:

The herb ashwagandha (Withania somnifera), also called Indian ginseng, has a number of useful properties, including improving memory and obsessive-compulsive disorder, preventing neurodegeneration, and benefiting immunity.

Special: Millions Suffer From Chronic Conditions — Don't Know It's Their Thyroid

It also has anticancer properties. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled study involving 50 people with subclinical hypothyroidism (mild hypothyroidism that is not clinically recognized), researchers found that ashwagandha improved objective measures of thyroid function significantly in all the subjects.

This is significant because a large number of people suffer from hypothyroidism but are rarely diagnosed by physicians who do not understand subclinical conditions, and only look for obvious cases.

Ashwagandha not only corrects the condition, it also protects the brain and improves mood.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When I say “leaky gut” you’re thinking of diarrhea, constipation, bloating… just gut discomfort, right?


Leaky gut might cause NO gut symptoms at all. Instead, it might cause:

🚨 Joint pain and swelling

🚨 Brain fog

🚨 Memory issues

🚨 Autoimmune flare-ups

🚨 Numbness and tingling

🚨 Hormonal imbalances

Jim, in many ways, your gut is in the driving seat of your health.

And when your gut is leaking… well, a lot of things can go wrong.

So, tune in to find out the remedies that actually work in episode 3 of The Natural Solution: “Your Leaky Gut Solution: The Latest Science Meets Age-Old Remedies

👉 Watch it here!

Discover tonight:

🦠 How toxins are crossing into your blood and circulating around your body – causing havoc

😣 The underlying causes of leaky gut, from food choices to lifestyle factors (and also why it often goes unnoticed)

🌿 The tried-and-tested remedies you can try to restore your gut “zippers”, from the comfort of your own home

And more!

Be sure to tune in and watch tonight’s episode here.

(If the link above isn't working for you, you can copy and paste into your browser)

I’ll see you soon :)

To a healthier gut and a healthful life,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I wish I was writing with better news.
You may remember that in 2021, after a decades-long legal fight, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finalized the rule that banned all food uses of a toxic chemical called chlorpyrifos. It was a major victory because this pesticide can permanently damage the developing brains of children.
Heartbreakingly, the 8th Circuit Court ruled in favor of industry and overturned the rule.
It’s unconscionable that industry continues to try to use this chemical, subjecting children to learning disabilities. After two years under a chlorpyrifos ban, it’s clear this pesticide isn’t needed to grow crops.
With you by our side, we will fight this decision and we will win. The stakes are simply too high not to.
Chlorpyrifos is one of many in a class of chemicals known as organophosphates, which includes sarin nerve gas. Developed by the Nazis during World War II, organophosphates like chlorpyrifos were then repurposed for agricultural uses and are now used on a variety of crops, like corn, wheat, apples, citrus, broccoli, and dozens of other fruits and vegetables.
Earthjustice and our partners have spent decades working to ban these kinds of harmful chemicals and we aren’t going to stop now. The court told the EPA it must consider whether there are any safe food uses of chlorpyrifos — but an abundance of scientific evidence already shows there aren't. We'll reach out again soon to share ways you can encourage the EPA to do the right thing and reinstate the ban. In the meantime, know that with the support of people like you, we are working overtime to ban chlorpyrifos and ALL the other organophosphates from food.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Free Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Summit 11/28-12/4

The PCOS SOS Summit
November 28th to December 4th
Join Dr. Bredesen and over 40 health and wellness experts at the free online event hosted by Dr. Felice Gersh and learn the most effective strategies for treating and controlling PCOS. This free online event starts on Tuesday, November 28th, and ends on Monday, December 4th.

To many medical professionals, Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is just a condition of irregular periods that can be controlled with birth control pills and, if you want to get pregnant, fertility treatments.

PCOS symptoms include unpredictable menstrual cycles and diet-defying weight gain to the silent battles with self-image due to hair loss, facial hair, and stubborn acne. It also increases the risk of autoimmune disease, diabetes, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. You can reclaim your health and well-being with the proper knowledge and tools.

Dr. Bredesen's interview will be available for viewing on Day 2 of the summit, Wednesday, November 29th. He will discuss the link between PCOS and Alzheimer's disease. From his interview, you will learn:

● How PCOS and Alzheimer's disease share many of the same factors.
● The role of inflammation, insulin resistance, and hormones in both conditions.
● Tips for reducing risk and reversing cognitive decline.
● And much more ...

Take advantage of the informative interviews offering actionable changes you can make today to prevent PCOS and cognitive decline. Select the button below to reserve your free spot.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I want to share something with you all. With the holidays comin up and all the toxins in our everyday life I would like to share my favorite homemade Liver detox. Your Liver has to process everything you eat, touch, or breath in so it just makes sense to take care of this vital organ. this cocktail kinda tastes strong but it works great, just chug it like a 21 year old chugs a shot of whiskey.
Give your Liver a break someday you might be very thankful

This detox is done once a day for 20 days, you'll feel cleaner.

In a 10 oz glass combine
the juice of an Organic Lemon, definitely get organic on this one
2 ounces of GOOD EVO
4 ounces clean (filtered) of warm water
Just as much organic cayenne pepper

Stir well and chug er down ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Friend,
Do you need a rejuvenating boost to get through the fast-approaching holiday season? Thanks to less sunshine, colder weather, dry skin, holiday stress, and cravings for high-carb comfort foods, winter can be a challenging time to feel your best. Plus, it’s extra tough to stay well when you’re constantly surrounded by germs and viruses such as the flu.
The good news is that keeping healthy and vibrant can be simple when you incorporate rejuvenating health tonics into your daily routine. These energizing beverages are supercharged with powerful immune-supportive herbs, spices, and other botanicals to strengthen your immune system, lift energy and mood, help tackle germs that sneak through, and relieve symptoms should illness strike.
Click below for my favorite cold-weather beverages — these make it easier to shake the winter blues and thrive during the colder months.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Our Congressional breakfast symposium was a huge success

Watch the entire 3 hour event. This is probably the first time a single event has linked various ways that global governance and control is being attempted​

Epoch Times streamed the entire event, which can be watched below. This is something you need to share, discuss, and deeply understand.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Juicy turkey drenched in gravy…

Tangy cranberry sauce… Your grandma's signature stuffing...

Thanksgiving’s just around the corner…

But before you dig into your first bite, there’s something you need to know:

Beneath the surface of some of your favorite dishes lurks a hidden adversary…

A sneaky foe that’s ready to send you rushing to the bathroom while everyone else enjoys seconds.

That’s because gluten doesn’t just live in obvious places like dinner rolls and pumpkin pie crusts…

It ALSO loves to hide in some of the most unsuspecting places…

And here’s the kicker:

A mere 100 mg of gluten – no more than the size of a few breadcrumbs – can be your undoing.

So if you’re ready to safeguard your Thanksgiving and keep the gluten gremlins at bay…

>> Discover the Top 5 Sources of Hidden Thanksgiving Gluten TODAY


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that of the 20 million Americans with thyroid disease, 60% have NO IDEA that they have thyroid problems?
That's a lot of people walking around without an important diagnosis.
For our community, thyroid dysfunction can absolutely impact your skin health...
Low thyroid function can drive or exacerbate issues like eczema or psoriasis.
Overactive thyroid can cause a weird reddish, thick orange peel type rash.
However, one skin symptom is often OVERLOOKED when it comes to your thyroid --
And that's having chronic urticaria, hives or dermatographia.
Plus there's some really great research showing how to quickly get the urticaria rashes under control if your thyroid is involved.
I'm sharing all about this in today's episode!

Watch the VIDEO HERE

And if you use Youtube, subscribe to my channel (it's free to do so!) where I'll share unique content outside of the weekly podcast.





Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How a 3 Day Fast Resets the Immune System

Your immune system is your body’s defense system against bacteria, viruses, parasites, toxins, and other harm. To function properly, your immune system needs your support through a healthy diet and lifestyle – including fasting.

According to research, embarking on a 3 day fast can reset your immune system and make an enormous difference in your health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
H Pylori Protocol: Diet and Herbal Strategies
H pylori is a bacterium that grows inside your digestive tract and can damage your stomach’s protective lining causing chronic symptoms and health issues. H pylori infections are incredibly common.

They are also difficult to eradicate, as they can be resistant to antibiotic treatment. However, with the help of some supplements, nutritional strategies, and lifestyle strategies, you may be able to reduce your symptoms and improve your health.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 12 Cancer Stem Cell Killing Nutrients

Our diets can both feed or starve cancer cells productivity by affecting multiple mechanisms which promote cancer. Cancer cells rely on the ability to multiply, repair, differentiate and evade apoptosis (programmed cell death).

The recent discovery of cancer stem cells has scientists looking at a whole new approach to preventing and treating cancer.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
The Top 7 Foods to Burn Belly Fat
Visceral fat is a fat that accumulates in your abdomen. Visceral fat is not the fat that you can pinch on your belly, but the fat that wraps around your organs inside your abdomen, including your liver, kidneys, and pancreas. Excess visceral fat is a serious problem.

It is linked to obesity, chronic inflammation, insulin resistance, increased risk of heart disease, increased risk of cancer, estrogen dominance, mood imbalances, and increased risk of dementia. Since it’s an underlying root cause of many chronic health issues, it is important that you understand everything about it.

Check out the video and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you. ~ Rumi

Greetings, Jimi​

Do you feel the quiet nudge within, calling you to unveil what’s possible for your life?
If you’ve felt a whisper in your heart to join us, let today be the day you step into action. You CAN do this! and we're here to support you.
Tonight's finale at 5:30 MST is a special opportunity to connect with Master Mingtong Gu… LIVE for an exclusive teaching and Q&A session. You may join the Masterclass HERE.
While our live sessions are coming to a close, it's not too late to immerse yourself in the wisdom shared in the replays. Be sure to watch the replays today before they expire at 6pm Pacific/7pm Mountain/9pm Eastern.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

3 Biggest Toxic Dangers Lurking in Fast Food​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
We’re having a house party TODAY on The HighWire!
First, Del sits down with ICAN lead counsel, Aaron Siri, Esq., LIVE, in-studio to discuss the tsunami of legal wins ICAN’s legal team has under its belt. The duo also discusses how mainstream reporting now regularly refers to ICAN as the gold standard in vaccine-related legal work. Plus, Aaron details the experience submitting FOIA for the Informed Consent Action Network, and other organizations and individuals seeking transparency and truth.
Also, Jefferey Jaxen joins Del LIVE in the studio to break down a critical, developing story. The CDC is starting to recognize America’s infant mortality rate has skyrocketed. With Meta’s platform targeting kids and alleging contributing to mental health issues among those ages, attorneys general in over 40 states are pushing legal action to stop Zuckerberg’s Meta. Finally, Bill Gates has said the next pandemic is on the way and will be worse than COVID. We zero in on a possible candidate that has Ecohealth, Fauci, and the Wuhan lab’s fingerprints all over it.
Then, Del saves the best for last by welcoming LIVE, in-studio, Donnie & Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg to the show. Hear how the juggernaut husband and wife team work together to raise awareness for autism, what brought them together and what sustains their success.
Join the house party - TODAY, 11AM Pacific Time, 2pm Eastern, at The HighWire!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Honey Roasted Butternut Squash Salad​

5 from 2 votes
wooden bowl with spinach, roasted squash, cranberries, shaved parmesan, and more.

Here's the title I would like to give this recipe: Honey Roasted Butternut Squash Salad with Spinach, Cranberries, and Savory Nut Granola, with Warm Browned Butter Balsamic Dressing. I am normally not a salad person AT ALL you guys, but this is a mic drop situation. Make this salad for Thanksgiving or Christmas! You might not even need the turkey after this.


For the savory granola:​

  • ▢1 large egg white
  • ▢1/4 cup olive oil
  • ▢2 tablespoons honey
  • ▢1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • ▢1 teaspoon sage
  • ▢1/2 teaspoon cayenne
  • ▢1 cup walnuts
  • ▢1 cup old fashioned oats
  • ▢1/2 cup shelled pistachios
  • ▢1/2 cup pine nuts

For the butternut squash:​

  • ▢1 (3 pound) butternut squash, peeled, seeded, and chopped
  • ▢2 tablespoons olive oil
  • ▢2 tablespoons honey
  • ▢1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • ▢1/2 teaspoon pepper

Brown Butter Balsamic Dressing​

  • ▢3/4 cup butter, 1 and 1/2 sticks
  • ▢1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • ▢6 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
  • ▢1 small shallot
  • ▢2 teaspoons dijon mustard
  • ▢1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • ▢1/4 teaspoon black pepper, to taste

To assemble the salad​

  • ▢10 ounces baby spinach, or more to taste
  • ▢1 cup dried cranberries, (warmed in the oven with the squash)
  • ▢3/4 cup parmesan cheese, shaved with a vegetable peeler
  • ▢fresh sage, to garnish
  • ▢fresh cranberries, to garnish
Cook ModePrevent your screen from going dark


  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Get out two large rimmed half baking sheets and spray with nonstick spray.
  • Make the Savory Granola: (Note: you can make this granola up to 3 days ahead.) In a large bowl, add 1 large egg white and use a fork to beat it for about 30 seconds, until it is nice and foamy. Add the remaining wet ingredients and spices: 1/4 cup olive oil, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon kosher salt, 1 teaspoon sage, and 1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper. Stir it together again with the fork.
  • Add the dry ingredients: 1 cup walnuts, 1 cup old fashioned oats, 1/2 shelled cup pistachios, and 1/2 cup pine nuts. Stir it all together with a rubber spatula, then pour it onto a greased half baking sheet. (Save the bowl, don't wash it!) Place in the center of the oven and bake for about 20-25 minutes, until the nuts are browning and the smell just about knocks you out.
  • Make the Honey Roasted Butternut Squash: Meanwhile, peel and chop up your butternut squash. See photos in the post. I like to use a canning jar lid to scrape the seeds out, it's so much easier! Chop the butternut into about 1 inch pieces, or whatever size looks good to you for eating in a salad.
  • In the same large bowl that you made the granola in (no need to clean it), add all the chopped butternut squash, 2 tablespoons olive oil, 2 tablespoons honey, 1 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/2 teaspoon black pepper. Stir it together, then add to the other prepared baking sheet, spreading into an even layer.
  • AD
  • Turn the heat on the oven up to 400 degrees F.* Bake the squash at 400 for about 15 minutes, then toss with a spatula to flip each squash. Bake for another 10-15 minutes, until a fork inserted into a butternut slides through easily. The edges of the butternut should be getting golden brown. Total bake time is about 25 minutes or longer, depending on the size of your chop.
  • About 5 minutes before your squash is done baking, add 1 cup dried cranberries to the pan and stir. (This makes them warm and soft for serving)
  • Make the dressing: Add 3/4 cup (1 and 1/2 sticks) salted butter to a small saucepan, and turn the heat to medium. Stir the butter as it melts, and keep stirring occasionally for about 5 minutes. The butter will melt, then start to foam, then eventually turn brown, with little brown bits swirling at the bottom. It should smell nutty and fragrant (not burned or acrid.) Remove from the heat immediately once you see swirls of brown in the foam when you stir. Set aside to let cool for about 5 minutes.
  • In a blender, add 1 tablespoon brown sugar, 6 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 small shallot (roughly chopped), 2 teaspoons dijon mustard, 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt, and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Blend until mostly smooth. Then, with the blender on low speed, add the browned butter in a stream through the jar lid center cap.

    Adjust seasonings to taste, and thin with up to 2 tablespoons warm water, if desired.
  • Leave the dressing in the blender to cool slightly until you are about to serve, whirring it one more time just before scraping it out into a serving dish.**
  • AD
  • Assemble the salad: In a large serving bowl, add about 10 ounces baby spinach. Add a few tablespoons of the warm dressing (not hot! you don't want it to wilt) and toss lightly.
  • Add the roasted butternut squash and warmed cranberries. Add as much of the savory granola as you like (you don't need to use all of it), and toss. Top the salad with freshly shaved parmesan to taste, fresh sage leaves, and a handful or two of fresh cranberries.***
  • Pass the warm dressing at the table for guests to serve themselves.
  • Storage: This salad is best eaten right away! If you don't think you will eat it all, only toss the salad with the amounts of ingredients that you think you will eat right away. Store any leftover dressing in a tupperware, and microwave before using again (it will solidify). Store each salad component separately in a tupperware in the fridge.

    Except for the granola: Extra granola will keep on the counter, sealed well, for about 1-2 weeks.
  • Make ahead instructions:You can make the granola and dressing up to 3 days in advance. Store the granola sealed on the counter, keep the dressing in the fridge. You must reheat the dressing (microwave is fine) before serving.

    You can also make the butternut squash ahead of time: Cook as directed, but leave the squash a little "al dente". Store in the fridge for up to 2 days, then on the day you are serving, spread the squash on a pan and roast at 400 until warmed through, maybe 5-8 minutes.

    Alternatively, you can peel and chop the raw squash up to 3 days ahead of time, storing it well sealed in the fridge. Then add honey and oil to roast on the day you serve, just as instructed. Assemble the salad as usual!


*I know this is unconventional and makes it a little confusing, but I usually add the butternut to my oven while the nuts are still toasting. The butternut needs to roast at 400, so when you turn up the heat, make sure you watch the nuts carefully. You will need to toss them more frequently (I would check them every 3-5 minutes and give them a stir.) If you turn up the heat before the nuts are done toasting, make sure you decrease the bake time a bit. Be careful, burned nuts are the greatest tragedy! If you are nervous, just wait until the nuts are done toasting at the appropriate temperature (350), take the nuts out, and then bake the squash afterward at 400.

**This dressing is made from butter, and so will solidify at room temperature. If it starts to get too thick, simply microwave it for a few seconds until it thins out. But don’t overdoo it, you want to add WARM dressing to your spinach, not hot. We don’t want it to wilt.

***Garnishes are optional of course, but I LOVE the fresh sage leave and fresh cranberries in this salad. It gives the best flavor and crunch!


Calories: 683kcal | Carbohydrates: 35g | Protein: 11g | Fat: 58g | Saturated Fat: 17g | Polyunsaturated Fat: 14g | Monounsaturated Fat: 24g | Trans Fat: 1g | Cholesterol: 52mg | Sodium: 1055mg | Potassium: 479mg | Fiber: 5g | Sugar: 21g | Vitamin A: 4032IU | Vitamin C: 11mg | Calcium: 188mg | Iron: 3mg


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer Conversation Season 2 Episode 21 Full Video​

We know life gets busy and things come up last minute. If you missed the live broadcast, this special replay is just for you. Join Dr. Roney and Dr. Ptak as they answer some of your most pressing questions. A few of the topics covered this week were:

  • Colon cancer runs in my family. I just had a colonoscopy and have polyps that were removed. What can I change in my diet, supplements, etc. to help not getting additional polyps?
  • What are the most promising developments in early detection methods for breast cancer, and how are they improving patient outcomes?
  • What is the role of genetic mutations, such as BRCA1 and BRCA2, in breast cancer risk, and how are they being targeted in prevention and treatment?
  • What are the key differences in treatment approaches for different types of leukemia, and how do they impact patient outcomes?
  • Can we develop more effective and targeted therapies for pancreatic cancer, which is known for its aggressive nature and limited treatment options?
  • What is the role of immunotherapy in treating melanoma, and how has it transformed the prognosis for patients with advanced skin cancer?
  • Hyperbaric oxygen and cancer: I understand that cancer thrives in a low oxygen environment, but I also worry that oxygenating your system could spread the cancer. Can you explain further and how you determine if hyperbaric is good for a particular patient?
For those who were unable to tune in, the entire video is available via the link below.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
It’s time for Episode 4: “A Clearer Mind, Naturally: Root Cause Medicine for Your Brain.

Your 24-hour window starts now...

Watch Episode 4 here >>

(If the link above isn't working for you, you can copy and paste into your browser)

In tonight’s program, you’ll find out:
🥬 Nature’s super-probiotics: fermented foods. How these “living” foods, can help lift brain fog and depression

Why they should be top of your list to dampen the fire of inflammation

🌴 How to best introduce these superfoods to avoid discomfort and gas

🏠 An easy recipe for kimchi pancakes, demonstrated by Chef Camila (you can make these at home!)​
You won’t want to miss this one – watch tonight’s episode here.
If you’d like lifetime access to this session—and every other one in the masterclass—see exactly how to do it here.
See you shortly...
To sharp brains and robust health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Every woman in her mid-30s and above has been there…

Hot flashes, night sweats, bloating, feeling tired and moody often…

It’s as if the joy and excitement of life gets automatically sucked out of you once you hit this stage in womanhood.

And because these symptoms are common, many medical experts will tell you that it’s normal.

They’ll say that with a few pills, you should minimize these symptoms and you’ll feel better soon.

But what if we tell you that they’re wrong?

Hormone imbalance and its symptoms get normalized so much today but the truth is that it can be fixed.

And you don’t need to take a trip to the doctor to do so either.

Renowned hormone expert, Dr. Michelle Sands, will show you how in her F.REE Hormone Restoration Masterclass.

Reserve your spot for the masterclass now.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you tuned in to this event to learn about cardiovascular health, you may be wondering why you should care about lung health.

It's because your heart needs the help of healthy lungs to move oxygen to every cell in your body.

(It's also because our lungs are constantly challenged with highly contagious respiratory diseases.)

If you haven't had a chance to watch it yet — this is the perfect time to watch the replay of...
Click here to start watching the Best of Lung Health


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
I am gonna post this again because I feel it's that important

I want to share something with you all. With the holidays comin up and all the toxins in our everyday life I would like to share my favorite homemade Liver detox. Your Liver has to process everything you eat, touch, or breath in so it just makes sense to take care of this vital organ. this cocktail kinda tastes strong but it works great, just chug it like a 21 year old chugs a shot of whiskey.
Give your Liver a break someday you might be very thankful

This detox is done once a day for 20 days, you'll feel cleaner.

In a 10 oz glass combine
the juice of an Organic Lemon, definitely get organic on this one
2 ounces of GOOD EVO
4 ounces clean (filtered) of warm water
Just as much organic cayenne pepper

Stir well and chug er down ;)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
1. Favorite Recipe We Tried This Week
7 Delicious Low-Carb Thanksgiving Recipes (keto approved)
Thanksgiving, believe it or not, is less than two weeks away. Although some family traditions and celebrations are likely to be influenced by the current public health landscape, menus must still be planned. After all, you gotta eat, right? You might as well do it up right. And along those lines, when I say Coach Cristina has your back with an entourage of delicious, healthified recipes, that might be the understatement of the week. With that in mind, please direct your attention -- and taste buds -- to 7 Delicious Low-Carb Thanksgiving Recipes (keto approved), 6 Healthy Thanksgiving Sides Recipes Your Family Will Love and 4 Healthy Thanksgiving Food Swaps (cut calories, not taste). Bon appétit!
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Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Grab your boots, your water and a healthy snack (see below) because next Friday (11/17) is National Take a Hike Day, which encourages you to get outside for scenery and exercise by tackling America’s 60,000 miles of trails. Among the many health benefits of hiking, it’s a great way to get that heart pumping while you breathe in pristine air. If hiking isn’t your cup of tea -- or simply isn’t an option -- get outside and take a walk; a 30-minute walk is loaded with many benefits of its own. If you’re looking for a snack to fuel your adventure, skip the store-bought trail mix and try one of these 7 tasty and healthy hiking snacks instead. Here’s to exercising in the great outdoors!
The Many Health Benefits of Hiking


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
eat of the following plant-based foods to gain access to 20 grams of protein,

  • 1 cup of lentils (40g carbs—230 cals)
  • 1 can of chickpeas (61g carbs—720 cals)
  • 2 ½ cups of quinoa (97g carbs—221 cals)
  • 1 cup pumpkin seed (34g carbs—570 cals)
  • 1 cup of peanuts: (12g carbs—451 cals)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Did you know that up to 70% of women have PCOS and don't even know it?

If you experience fluctuating weight, trouble falling pregnant, constant fatigue, acne, and feelings of anxiety or sadness, you might be part of that 70%. PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) is a hormonal condition that has many layers of complexity. That's why if you've been diagnosed with it or think you may have it, the PCOS SOS Summit is going to be invaluable for you.

CLICK HERE to save your spot to the PCOS SOS Summit. >>

The team at Dr. Talks have partnered with Dr. Felice Gersh, a well-known women's health doctor, who knows PCOS inside and out because she has it too.

This summit will help you understand PCOS better and find solutions for your health. It’s a chance to get answers and maybe even help a friend going through the same thing.

You don't have to do this journey alone, and by joining this summit, you will be able to take the first steps towards learning how to handle this health condition.

You can save your seat here. >>

In good health,
Kill your sons


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
What It Takes To Be A Good Functional Medicine Patient And Get Great Results!​
Hey Jimi,

Functional medicine is revolutionizing healthcare, shifting focus from disease-centered treatment to patient-centered care. However, the journey to optimal health in this framework requires you, the patient, to actively participate.

Engaging fully in your wellness journey can significantly impact your results, emphasizing the importance of being a ‘good' functional medicine patient.

>> Click here to learn more! <<

Imagine setting out on a journey. You've got a map, the vehicle, and the destination. However, you decide to ignore the directions and drive randomly instead. Would you reach your destination? Probably not. This happens when there's a lack of compliance in a patient's health journey.

Remember, the journey to optimal health starts with a single step. If you're ready to take that step, I'm here to walk with you. Let's sit down for a consultation and start charting your personalized path to wellness. Together, we'll craft a plan that aligns with your lifestyle and fulfills your health goals. Don't let another day go by feeling less than your best. Let's begin your journey to optimal health together!

>> Click here to learn more! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improving Memory and Cognitive Function with Functional Medicine

In this episode with Evan Brand we talk all about improving memory and cognitive function with function medicine. The health of our brain has a direct impact on the health of the rest of our body, and vice versa.

Evan Brand and I also dive into related health problems such as blood issues, hormones, toxins and a lot more– as well as teaching you about the supplements and key nutrients to focus on.

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Do you experience symptoms like gas, bloating, leaky gut, constipation, or diarrhea?

These digestive issues not only affect your well-being, but they may also lead to other health issues in the body and the brain. By focusing on creating optimal gut health, you can not only improve your digestive issues, but also enhance all facets of your health and wellbeing. All you need is the right tools and information to make this happen.

CLICK HERE to learn more in the free and online Gut Reset Summit: Your Journey to Empowered Health. >>

John Dempster, ND, has gathered an outstanding lineup of 36 health and wellness experts who are going to provide education on state-of-the-art, evidence-informed tools, tips and practices to help get your gut health (and overall health) into the best shape possible.

This summit is full of information that you can start applying in your life immediately, and best of all, from November 27 - December 3, you can access it for free!

Save your spot HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

A cancer diagnosis no longer defines who you are.

You can win this.

If you’re seeking healing through alternative and effective therapies, don’t miss out on the amazing Cancer Breakthroughs Summit.

Due to popular demand, we’re celebrating an encore weekend! This is your final opportunity to access the wealth of resources that will empower you to thrive through your treatment.

Discover the comprehensive guidance and support you need to navigate this path. You’re not alone. Let’s fight this thing together.


There’s so much to learn! These are some of the solutions available to you today:

📚 Knowledge is Power

Understanding cancer and its treatment options will empower you to make informed decisions about your health journey.

🌱 Physical Wellness

Learn strategies to manage treatment-related physical symptoms and side effects, enhancing your overall well-being.

🌟 Emotional Resilience

Find emotional support and tools to navigate fear and uncertainty, fostering emotional strength during your cancer journey.

🌄 Holistic Lifestyle

Embrace healthy lifestyle changes that complement medical treatments, contributing to your overall healing.

🤝 Supportive Community

Connect with experts and fellow patients for guidance, creating a network of strength and shared understanding.

And so much more!


And at the end of this summit, Jimi, you’ll be able to go through life fearlessly.

You no longer have to be a prisoner of your symptoms.

Because at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, you’ll have the tools and resources to win this battle for yourself and your family.

Register now before it’s too late. Your journey toward healing starts here.

We’ll see you there,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dr. Joel Kahn, MD - Improve Your Cardiovascular Health

Get ready to uncover the startling facts about heart health in this episode featuring Dr. Joel Kahn, renowned as America's Healthy Heart Doc. We delve into the depths of heart disease, exploring far beyond the conventional wisdom about cholesterol. Dr. Kahn, a board-certified cardiologist, shares his invaluable insights, including the often-overlooked issue of insulin resistance.

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cancer Breakthroughs Summit Weekend Replay Available Now
Are you scared of the uncertainty that comes with a cancer diagnosis?

Tired of the lack of knowledge about alternative and integrative treatment options?

If so, then I have some great news for you. Welcome to the encore weekend of the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit!


Here are some things you’ll learn during the encore weekend:

✅ Different paths to face cancer head-on.
✅ The crucial role of understanding cancer in overcoming it.
✅ A wealth of resources and choices available to those battling cancer.
✅ A welcoming community ready to stand by you on your cancer journey.
✅ How your emotional and mental well-being matters just as much as your physical health.

Don’t miss out on this opportunity to learn from some of the leading experts in the field.

-->> Go here for the free weekend replay.

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