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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

There Is Still Time to Register for Episode 22 of Season 2 of the Cancer Conversation

Join us Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST

Join hosts Dr. Daniel Roney and Dr. Natalie Greenberg as they walk us through the downsides of heavy metal toxicity and all the sneaky symptoms and how mineral deficiencies lead to a host of health problems. Learn all about the cutting-edge diagnostic tool we are using at the Cancer Center for Healing to discover these tricky conditions and safe and effective treatments and solutions. As always, you will also have a chance to ask your health questions LIVE!

Cancer Conversation LIVE Webinar Series Episode 22

Diagnosing Heavy Metal Toxicity, Mineral Deficiencies,
and More with Oligoscan

Date: Tuesday, November 14, 2023, at 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST

Why are Heavy Metals Problematic?
Heavy metals—particularly mercury, lead, aluminum, cadmium, and arsenic—are known to be toxic to humans, especially in large quantities. The problem is that we are constantly bombarded with them. They are in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil our food is grown in, and the cosmetics and products we put on our skin.

As heavy metal burdens increase, a variety of symptoms and issues can arise. Here are just a handful of potential health problems linked to heavy metal toxicity:
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability
  • Dizziness
  • Ringing in the ears
  • Balance problems
  • Numbness and tingling in the extremities
  • Hypertension
  • Memory problems
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Muscle pain
  • Skin problems
  • And many more!

Mineral Deficiencies Can Also Lead to Health Issues
Our bodies rely on minerals to function properly. When levels of these essential minerals and trace minerals fall short, symptoms start showing up. For example, not getting enough calcium can result in weak bones and teeth. Iron deficiencies can lead to anemia. Low levels of magnesium can leave you tired and cause muscle cramps. And the electrolyte mineral potassium plays a crucial role in heart, nerve, and muscle function.
Oligoscan: Cutting-Edge Diagnostic Technology

Oligoscan is one of the latest and most advanced diagnostic tools we use at the Cancer Center for Healing. This innovative medical device quickly—and painlessly—detects heavy metal toxicity and mineral deficiencies using certified spectroscopy technology. No more waiting for blood or urine tests…results are INSTANT.

Register now for the “Diagnosing Heavy Metal Toxicity, Mineral Deficiencies, and More with Oligoscan” Cancer Conversation and learn how to rid your body of these problematic heavy metals and shore up your intake of essential minerals.
We’re LIVE this Tuesday
Date: November 14, 2023
Time: 5:00 pm PST / 8:00 pm EST
Register Now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

This was my first article about the WHO takeover and One Health, a year and a half ago, which gives you a good background for understanding what is happening​



Diamond Contributor
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Here is *my chart* of all the ways the globalists are trying to destroy our society, values, norms, traditions

I'm up to 33 ways and asking for more ideas​

NOV 13
I think all of this is calculated and is part of the same project. Do you agree? What am I missing? I wonder: if people put all this together, made the connections, would they then be able to grasp what is happening? Is this type of thing a good tool to use with your friends?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nutrients to Help Make Serotonin to Help Improve Mood and Sleep
Hey Jim,

In today’s blog, I am going to share with you the natural ways to boost your serotonin levels and other alternatives. Let’s talk about nutrients to help support serotonin levels!

>> Click here to check out the blog! <<

Serotonin is a really important neurotransmitter. Its building block comes from protein and amino acids, particularly 5-HTP (5-hydroxytryptophan) but serotonin has a lot of important roles in regards to mood, well-being, sleep, stress reduction, and happiness. All of these things play a major major role in helping you feel good.​

If we have inadequate serotonin levels, that’s going to create a whole bunch of problems. Once you start having sleep issues, mood issues, or stress issues then stress starts to hitch a little more. You don’t quite sleep as well. You don’t adapt to or deal with stress, not quite as resilient as well, and then a lot of times you’re just not going to heal and recover well either.

Learn how to boost your serotonin levels naturally–and sleep & feel better–in today's article!

>> Click here to continue reading <<

Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
If you or someone you know is suffering from chronic disease or inflammation, chances are their first instinct is to go to the doctor.

But the sad thing is that doctors don’t typically give them a long-term solution to their problems.

Instead, they’ll give them a diagnosis and prescribe them some medicines that will ease their pain…

But not get to the root cause of their illness.

As a result, after some time, they get sick again.

Which means another trip to the doctor and more expenses on more medications that may NEVER heal them from their disease permanently.

The worst part?

The prescription medicines are likely to include side-effects, which worsens their condition.

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

You see, there are other effective remedies to chronic diseases that can be cheaper and more effective…

And they can be found in plants, herbs, and natural vitamins and minerals.

Research has found that these can be more powerful than any medicine being promoted by Big Pharma.

And you can learn more about them when you watch Jonathan Otto’s brand new docuseries, Natural Medicine Secrets.

Get F.REE access to watch all 9 episodes here.

Many of the remedies here have shown to be more effective in treating depression, anxiety, inflammation, autoimmunity, memory loss than conventional medicine.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this docuseries:

✅ Natural ways to help prevent and heal from cancer

✅ How essential oils can give you a multitude of benefits

✅ Specific nutrients and herbs that may be the key to unlocking your health issue

✅ How much of what happens in your gut health really affects your brain health and vice versa.

✅ The foods that are rich in natural phytochemicals and antioxidants which help slow the aging process

And a lot more!

Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the natural medicine remedies that can change your approach to healing and unlock the healthier future you deserve.

Access all 9 episodes of Natural Medicine Secrets now.

To healing the right way,

The Cause Health team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Listen Jimi,

You don’t want to step into a doctor’s office to get treatment for chronic diseases and inflammation.

Here’s why…

Once you go to a doctor, any question you might have about your condition gets dismissed, and you will only receive superficial treatment.

You are prescribed a few medicines that can get you out the door as soon as possible - meds that only treat the SYMPTOMS of your disease, and not its ROOTS.

And soon, you notice that these prescriptions are making you feel worse.

You get dizzy, nauseous and exhausted… all on top of the pain and discomfort you’re already feeling due to your sickness.

Long-term use of these meds can lead to more serious issues such as liver and kidney problems.

In short, a visit to the doctor can make you sicker.

The good news is that there is a better alternative than seeking a doctor’s help and getting prescription meds…

And that’s through natural medicine.

Plants and herbs are proven to be more effective at treating chronic illnesses than the remedies that Big Pharma is promoting.

Interested in learning more?

Then you’d love Jonathan Otto’s brand new docuseries, Natural Medicine Secrets.

Get your F.REE access to all episodes today.

Learn about the benefits of natural medicine from more than 55 world experts who have plenty of success stories thanks to the healing power of plants.

Aside from that, here’s what else you can expect from this docuseries:

✅ Natural ways to help prevent and heal from cancer

✅ How to cleanse your body with bentonite clay

✅ Specific nutrients and herbs that may be the key to unlocking your health issue

✅ How your diet controls your hormones and vice versa

✅ How different colors of fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants that will help us detoxify gently and naturally.

If you’re sick and tired of temporary prescription meds and want the best solution to your diseases, this is a must-watch for you!

Watch all episodes now for F.REE.

To keeping you healthy,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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What Can Congress Do?

And what can YOU do? Tell THEM what to do. Over and over. I wrote these.​

NOV 13
1. The International Pandemic Preparedness Act, which was inserted in the 2023 NDAA and passed last December, pages 950-967, was probably not read by most members of Congress, who may not have known it was there. It directs the federal government to comply with the global biosecurity agenda, which presumably means the WHO's pandemic treaty and International Health Regulation (IHR) and its amendments. It directs the US government to support GAVI, a vaccine NGO formed by Bill Gates. There are many troubling aspects to this bill. Congress should ideally revoke it, but at a minimum perform oversight and report on how it is being implemented.
2. Revoke the 2005 PREP Act, which allows experimental products to be used on the entire population, potentially with no testing or minimal testing, and removes liability from the manufacturer, the government, those performing vaccinations and everyone involved. (This domestic law, which created the Emergency Use Authorization, is needed so the WHO can legally order untested drugs and vaccinations on the US population, as specified in the October 2023 pandemic treaty draft.)
3. Revoke all legislation passed in the wake of the 2001 anthrax letter attacks that allowed Constitutional protections to be suspended for emergencies and funded misguided pandemic preparedness efforts. Project Bioshield, etc.)
4. Encourage the states to revoke the Model State Emergency Health Powers Acts and similar legislation that was authored by George Washington Professor Lawrence O. Gostin under a CDC contract, passed by the states, and which has allowed governors to rule by decree during designated emergencies.
5. Exit and defund the WHO--support HR-79.
6. Require Senate ratification of all treaties with the WHO and other UN agencies. The IHRs have been adopted in the US by "executive agreement." According to the Congressional Research Service, "an executive agreement is a type of treaty from an international law perspective..." yet it does not require Senate advice and consent. Congress should demand that the IHR Amendments, as well as the Pandemic Treaty, require Senate ratification. Simply because an earlier version of this treaty was signed by executive branch agreement, there is no reason that massive revisions of the treaty also should evade Senate scrutiny.
In fact, in Article 36 the treaty itself calls on state parties to ratify it.

This is particularly important in light of the WHO's plan to withhold the negotiated IHR Amendments from the public and all member states in January, as required by the IHR, and continue work on them until, potentially, they have been passed by the World Health Assembly in May. At which point, presumably, we will learn what our nations have signed up to after the fact.
7. The negotiations on the IHR amendments are being conducted in secret. A Swedish parliamentarian (Elsa Widding) has challenged Sweden's Health Minister to make the negotiations transparent or resign. Something like this could be demanded of the Biden administration.
8. Withhold all WHO funding in the foreign operations appropriations bill, as did the House in HR-4665.​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Wednesday, 11/15, our 126th episode of With the Wind will be live on at 11:30 a.m. PT.​

Ep. 126 - IG - 1
Click to watch the show!​
In his From the Heart segment, Dr. Paul expresses gratitude for people standing up for those who have no sense of power or hope. Many are risking careers and relationships to do what is right. We need more of this! Whether it is through peaceful disobedience or showing compassion for people who think and feel differently from us. Whatever we do, let us lead with love and stay strong in what we are doing!
This week, we meet Dr. Nathan Riley, an OB-GYN who leads a midwife collaboration program supporting home births. He specializes in high-risk pregnancies and has a home birth C-section rate of less than 5%! They also discuss controversial topics that include HPV prevention and current hospital C-section stats that will shock you.​
Watch the show here!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 345: HOUSE PARTY
What is it like to submit a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Request?; Jefferey Jaxen Reports on the skyrocketing rate of Infant Mortality and the CDC lackluster response, 40 states suing Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta over children’s mental health, and is Nipah Virus the next COVID?; Then, Del welcomes Donnie & Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg to The HighWire Studio for an inspiring and candid conversation about celebrity, activism, integrity, the ups and downs, medical freedom, and so much more. There’s a house party today on The HighWire!
Guests: Aaron Siri, Esq., Jefferey Jaxen, Donnie Wahlberg, Jenny McCarthy Wahlberg​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Too many people feel that more energy is impossible to achieve...

especially when suffering from fatigue and stressful living situations.

Thankfully, this isn’t the case.

Today, I’m incredibly excited to introduce you to an energy researcher Ari Whitten, M.S. and his science-driven eGuide, Energy Breathwork: How to Use Breathing to Supercharge Your Energy Levels and Squash Anxiety in Just 10 Minutes A Day.

You read that right, 10 minutes (and in some studies, even less!) you can experience greater energy, calmness and overall vitality.

Download Your Complimentary eGuide and be amazed at:

  • The simple, and available-anywhere energy practice no one is discussing (other than seasoned researchers)
  • How this solution not only ups your energy but also increases stem cell production to help you reverse the aging process by 50%!
  • The positive effects on energy and your brain function, metabolism, immune system, body composition, and athletic performance.
  • How one easy practice leads to 7 powerful adaptations ... all contributing to more energy than you’ve ever experienced!

As a special gift, Ari is also offering access to his Breathing for Energy webinar when you get this gift eGuide.

In this personalized webinar, you’ll discover exactly how to breathe for vibrancy, longevity, balanced mood, improved metabolism, and better fitness…plus, how to test your current respiratory function and find out if it’s contributing to low energy and chronic disease.

Click here to get your gift Energy Breathwork eGuide - today!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Image item
Good Morning Jimi.

Are you a vocalist, musician, producer or creator ready to bring what you love to the next level but you don't want to rely on other producers or
engineers to do that for you anymore?

Music is one of the most impactful things there are and being able to implement your own musical visions by yourself in high quality is creating the greatest value - not only for you as a creator in terms of fulfillment, financial- and time-efficiency - but for the people around you too.

Imagine reaching and inspiring all those souls that resonate exactly with what you have created! The opportunities that will arise for you when you're getting better and better and you're finally able to collaborate with the artists you have always looked up to or to release with your favorite label!

Join LeftLukas, FREE “Alchemy Artist Training”, Friday, November 17th

The million streamed artist, vocalist & producer LeftLukas is showing you how to get closer to your vision and tap into your full potential as a music creator.

You will learn:
  • what it takes to create high quality songs & music from start to finish fully by yourself
  • how to make yourself independent from other producers or engineers to implement a song vision on an industry standard level by yourself!
  • the exact process used by LeftLukas that lead him to millions of streams and collaborations with worldwide known labels and artists - the process that can be implemented by you too!
  • how to overcome inner hurdles and doubts on the way of reconnecting with your true creator self again
In his 8 years of experience, LeftLukas gained more than 5 million streams on his music on Spotify alone, climbed the iTunes single charts internationally multiple times, worked with worldwide known labels and artists on different projects and created 150+ songs in various genres.

Now he's ready to share his experience with the world and enable you to bring your musical vision to life the way you want to!

You will have a rare chance to be in a virtual room with LeftLukas and ask your questions live!

Grab your free ticket here
Inhale. Exhale. Transform.

Warm regards,

The Breath Source Team​
breathe. create. share​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

If you know someone struggling with addiction, we have encouraging news.

The Weekend University will soon be launching its Holistic Recovery Summit.

This fr-ee online event will provide mental health professionals with strategies and frameworks for mind, body, social, and spiritual approaches to healing addiction.

To help you deepen your learning experience, they have curated a comprehensive reading list. It provides recommendations from 40 of the world’s leading psychologists on their most essential books for understanding and treating addiction:

Holistic Recovery Summit - Reading List

When you download your reading list, you also get fr-ee access to the live event, where you’ll be learning from:

— Richard Schwartz (IFS)
— Janina Fisher (TIST)
— Stephen Porges (Polyvagal Theory)
— Steven Hayes (ACT)
— Iain McGilchrist (Neuroscience)
— Pat Ogden (Sensorimotor Psychotherapy)
— Laurel Parnell (EMDR)
— Anna Lembke (Dopamine)
— Ned Hallowell (ADHD)
— Bonnie Badenoch (Interpersonal Neurobiology).

(And 30 others!)

Given who’s involved, this is a truly unique learning opportunity—particularly for mental health professionals.

If you’re interested, please click the link below to claim your reading list and fr-ee ticket:

Holistic Recovery Summit - Reading List

Best wishes,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Episode 8 is titled, “Reclaiming Your Health: Root Cause Remedies for Autoimmunity”

It’s our last episode and it’s now playing!

Watch Episode 8 here >>

(If the link above isn't working for you, you can copy and paste into your browser)

In tonight’s program, we’ll be covering:

⚔️ The battle of the fatty acids: the pro-inflammatory fatty acids lurking in our modern diet, and their friendly, firefighting cousins

🎓 How to get your cells to like you: or how to teach your immune cells to stop attacking you (Professor Microbiome will help!)

💵 Who said superfoods had to break the bank? Discover budget-friendly options that pack a nutritional punch without emptying your wallet.

😋 A delicious, “comfort food” alternative recipe that’s packed with antioxidants with prebiotics, demonstrated by Chef Camila

+Dr. Ritamarie Loscalzo shares an amazing, real-life story of a patient who managed to overcome intolerances and have off-the-charts test results in just 3 months!

Be sure to tune in and watch tonight’s episode here.

Remember, it’s only up for 24 hours.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Eight items of major concern regarding the proposed WHO treaty and International Health Regulations (IHR) amendments

Use as a handout or for conversation starters, like: "Did you know...?". We will post as a pdf handout at​

NOV 14

1. Biological warfare agent proliferation.​

The treaty and the proposed amendments instruct nations that they must perform surveillance for potential pandemic pathogens, build or maintain sequencing labs, and both share actual specimens with the WHO (where a BioHub has been created for this purpose) and also share the sequences online. This demands the proliferation of biological weapons agents—which I believe is a crime (based on my interpretation of Security Council Resolution 1540 and the 1972 Biological Weapons Convention).
1 a. The June 2, 2023 "Bureau text" version of the treaty also called for nations performing Gain-of-Function research to reduce "administrative impediments" to the work. In other words, restrictions on the research should be relaxed, which would make lab leaks more likely to occur. This paragraph was removed from the October 30, 2023 version of the treaty.

2. Giving the WHO a blank check to create new rules in the future​

The treaty calls for a Conference of Parties and a new WHO Secretariat to be created in the future that will make rules for how the pandemic prevention and response apparatus will work—which provides essentially a blank, signed contract to the WHO to create whatever rules it wants.

3. Liability-free vaccines developed at warp speed will be produced​

The treaty calls for rapid vaccine development /production and shaving time off all aspects of vaccine development, testing and manufacture. This requires vaccines to be used without licenses, and the treaty calls for nations to have laws in place to issue Emergency Use Authorizations for this purpose, and to “manage” liability issues. See “The WHO's Proposed Treaty will Increase Man-Made Pandemics” for more information about this. The US, EU and others have specifically called for 100-day vaccine development and an additional 30 days for production of pandemic vaccines. This would allow for no meaningful human testing.

4. Human rights guarantees have been removed in the new amendments​

The amendments removed “human rights, dignity and freedom of persons” from the existing IHR language. Following complaints, this phrase was later inserted into the Treaty--but the treaty may not be accepted in 2024. Meanwhile, the amendments require only a simple majority to pass, are being written in secret, and so it is likely that the most problematic issues will be found in the amendments.

5. Social media surveillance and censorship of citizens is required​

Both the amendments and the treaty call for nation states to perform surveillance of their citizens' social media, and to censor and prevent the spread of information that does not conform to the WHO's public health narratives. Yet the treaty also calls for citizens to be free to access information, while they are to be protected from "infodemics," which are defined as too much information. Citizens must also be stopped from spreading mis- and disinformation.

6. We may not learn what is in the amendments until after they are passed​

The amendments have been negotiated entirely in secret for the past nine months, while there have been multiple consecutive drafts of the pandemic treaty released to the public during that time. And while the negotiated amendments were to be tabled for public review in January, the WHO's principal legal officer has provided a legal fig leaf to avoid the obligation of making them public 4 months ahead of the vote. Will the public even see the amendments before a vote on them occurs?
Why is there such secrecy regarding the proposed amendments?

7. The WHO Director-General could become your personal physician​

According to the proposed amendments, the WHO D-G would be able to commandeer and move medical supplies from one country to another, decide what treatments can be used, and restrict the use of other treatments.

8. When will the WHO be able to use its newly minted powers?​

The amendments will come into force after a declaration of a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (PHEIC) is made. However, a declaration of a potential PHEIC will also trigger these powers. The powers can be extended even after a PHEIC is over, as we have seen with COVID and monkeypox (MPOX) declarations by the D-G.
The treaty will be in force continuously, requiring no declaration or pandemic to confer new powers to the WHO.

Meryl Nass, MD
November 13, 2023​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Imagine how you feel when you take a shower.
A long, hot shower is one of life’s relaxing pleasures, right?
But, what if I told you that the water in your daily shower might be aging your skin and your hair and posing serious health risks, like cancer?

>> Check out my NEW blog post with critical information about a toxin lurking in your home – and the easy way to make your shower water safe for your whole family.
Yes, it’s concerning that your shower water very likely contains a hormone-disrupting toxin that was even used to create mustard gas poison during World War I.
The toxin in your shower water I’m talking about is chlorine.
You might filter your drinking water to protect yourself from drinking chlorine and other harmful chemicals. (I hope you do.)
But, did you realize that your biggest exposure is shower water, where chlorine is both inhaled – and absorbed through the skin?
To kill parasites and bacteria, governments add more chemical agents, especially chlorine.
I find that people don’t realize that you absorb far more chlorine in one shower than you could drink in a day!
I hope you’ll read my NEW blog post to learn what you need to know to help you prevent cancer and respiratory issues, get your hair and skin looking better, and more!
Because the solution is much easier than you probably think.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Improve your heart’s strength and function
Dear Friend,
For decades, researchers have been aggressively developing treatments for heart disease, from stents and angioplasties to blood thinners and cholesterol drugs. And while many of these life-saving options have helped people live longer, they have not changed the fact that heart disease still kills more Americans than anything else.
What if you could sidestep heart disease altogether or dramatically reduce your risk? It is completely possible — even if you have a family history of cardiovascular problems.
There are many supplements that have been shown to support heart health. One is a standout in my clinical experience. Discover my prescription for protecting your heart and reducing inflammation, including the unique super nutrient I recommend to all my patients (and that I also take myself).​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Top 12 Inflammatory Lab Markers and Optimal Ranges

Are you experiencing fatigue, aches and pains, skin issues, digestive complaints, headaches, or other nagging, chronic symptoms? Chronic inflammation may be the cause.

Chronic inflammation is the root cause of most chronic symptoms and diseases. Testing for inflammation markers can help to find underlying health issues, uncovering the root causes of your problems, creating an appropriate treatment plan, measuring your progress, and regaining your health and vitality.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Leaky Brain Syndrome: Symptoms, Causes and Natural Solutions

Are you experiencing brain fog, fatigue, memory issues, trouble concentrating, headaches, dizziness, depression, or anxiety? You may have leaky brain.

Leaky brain happens when the blood-brain barrier around your brain gets disrupted. This can lead to inflammation, nagging symptoms, and serious brain and mental health issues. The good news is that you can protect your brain through simple dietary and lifestyle changes.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nighttime Leg Cramps: Causes and Solutions

Experiencing pain when you are trying to sleep is not pleasant, to say the least. Nighttime leg cramps are intensely painful involuntary contractions or spasms in your lower leg muscles that don’t let up and may be hard to touch. They interfere with your sleep, energy levels, and overall health and well-being.

It’s time to end these painful nighttime leg cramps and help you improve your health. Discover some natural methods to support your recovery in this article.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Your brain is critical to everything you think, feel, and do.
But more and more people are plagued by brain fog, and they could be laying the groundwork for Alzheimer’s — without even knowing it.
The eminent neurologists Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai don’t want that to happen to you, and neither do I!! So, we teamed up to bring you the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass.
>> Watch it right here, this week — for free.
You’ll learn:

  • The four big brain myths that are causing confusion and fueling dementia for millions of people.
  • How to prevent 90% or more of all cases of Alzheimer’s with the right diet and lifestyle choices (even if it runs in the family).
  • One remarkably simple daily activity that can prevent inflammation in the brain and build new neural connections (make sure you’re doing it right to get the benefits).
  • And MUCH more.
Drs. Dean and Ayesha Sherzai are two of the world’s top neurologists. We’re SO excited to share this Masterclass with you, Jimi.
>> Learn how to protect your brain right here.
To your BEST health,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Don’t delay — you’ll want to take action on what you learn right away! Many people experience more mental sharpness and productivity as soon as they start using the specific sleep, exercise, and food recommendations we’re introducing today.
Find out more and claim your spot, right here.
P.P.S. I’m really excited about this Masterclass, and I plan to share it another time or two in the coming days. If you know you aren’t interested and you don’t want to get any more emails about the Brain Breakthroughs Masterclass, click here.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Hi Jimi,

The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit starts TODAY.

Trust us, you don’t want this opportunity to slip through your fingers. Here are three reasons:

1️⃣ Comprehensive Guidance and Support: Our hosts have specialized in brain disorders for decades. They understand the challenges you face daily. You’ll learn about practical strategies to manage your symptoms and thrive in life.

2️⃣ Access to Expert Speakers: Our lineup of expert speakers includes leading researchers and practitioners in the field. You’ll have the opportunity to learn from their latest findings and treatment options. You can even ask questions and connect with others who understand your struggles.

3️⃣ Renewed Sense of Hope: Parkinson’s can take a toll on you physically and mentally. Our hosts are dedicated to empowering everyone to take an active role in their health journey. You’ll find a renewed sense of hope and motivation to overcome your challenges.


Take advantage of this opportunity to regain control over your life. Register now and join us for The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit. It starts today!


Your DrTalks Family

P.S. Are your symptoms taking away your joys in life? The Parkinson’s Solutions Summit can help you find a path forward. Don’t wait until it’s too late. Join us now!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
A few summers ago, an Ojibwe elder in the backwoods of Wisconsin shared an old Cherokee tale with me that I reflect on to this day. His words illustrate an important choice we all have to make as we walk through this world, and they're particularly handy in times of challenge and doubt.

I hope this teaching serves you as well.

The Two Wolves

One evening an old Cherokee told his grandson about a battle that goes on inside people.

He said, “My son, the battle is between two wolves inside us all.”

“One is Evil – It is anger, envy, jealousy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego.”

“The other is Good – It is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion and faith.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”

The old Cherokee simply replied, “The one you feed.”

Stay curious,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Protecting Your Eyes as You Age

By Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Mike Roizen, MDs

In 2012, actress Dame Judi Dench told the press that her eyesight was failing, and she was unable to read her scripts. The solution? Her daughter and her agent would help her learn lines.

Now in her late 80s, Dame Judi had been diagnosed with age-related macular degeneration (AMD), a common eye disorder that can cause blindness.

Special: The Little-Known 'Blue' Challenge to Your Aging Eyes

By 2050, it’s estimated that nearly 22 million older Americans will have to contend with some form of this condition.

But AMD isn’t the only vision problem that can develop as you get older. The most common are glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, and cataracts.

More than 6 million Americans over age 65 have some type of vision problem. That’s why it’s important to take steps at every age to protect your eyes. Here are a few good ones:

• Eat eye-friendly foods that are rich in nutrients such as beta carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, omega-3 fatty acids, and zinc. That means plenty of orange vegetables such as sweet potatoes, carrots, and squash, as well as cooked tomatoes. Choose dark leafy greens, berries, nuts and seeds, brown rice, and citrus, which also are high in vitamins A, C, D, and E. And enjoy fatty fish like ocean trout and salmon.

• Quit smoking or never start. It’s linked to an increased risk of AMD, cataracts, and optic nerve damage.

• Use sunglasses. Find ones that block out 99%-100% of UVA and UVB radiation.

• Don’t do digital damage. Break up computer and screen time. Try the 20-20-20 rule: Every 20 mi


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

8 Powerhouse Substances to Relieve Mental Fatigue​

When mental fatigue hits you, choose from the most effective natural remedies.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

The Benefits of Fever​

I originally wrote this article 12 years ago. But the topic is so important that I wanted to publish an update spreading the word that, in most cases, there's no reason to fear a fever. Reaching for fever-reducing medications right away is also typically counterproductive and may make it take longer for you to get better.​



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The Benefits of Fever​

I originally wrote this article 12 years ago. But the topic is so important that I wanted to publish an update spreading the word that, in most cases, there's no reason to fear a fever. Reaching for fever-reducing medications right away is also typically counterproductive and may make it take longer for you to get better.​

i would rather take advice from a jungle dweller


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!
I have a new interview for you today with water fasting expert Dr. Csilla Veress!
Dr. Veress works one-on-one with water fasters every day at True North Health Center and over the last 10 years she has assisted thousands of patients in water fasting for up to 40 days!
Dr. Veress is passionate about helping patients achieve optimal health by supporting their innate ability to heal with fasting and whole food plant-based nutrition.
As most of you know, I'm a huge fan of water fasting and started using this ancient healing tool almost 20 years ago. I love water fasting because it's one of the most powerful things you can do to heal your body and it's free!
During a water fast, the body shifts from a state of digestion and energy production from food to a state of rest, repair, recycling and housecleaning. This process allows the body to eliminate toxins, promote autophagy, and offers various health benefits such as improved mental clarity, increased energy, weight loss, hormone regulation, cellular repair, immproved immune function, and much more!
In this new interview, the brilliant Dr. Csilla Veress and I take a deep dive into water fasting and cover some topics I've never discussed before...
Topics include:
-How Dr. Veress became a water fasting practitioner
-The processed food disease epidemic [8:52]
-The lost art of medicine: Investigation [10:53]
-Be prepared to flip your life upside down to heal [13:06]
-The purpose of water fasting [18:11]
-Detoxification through weight loss [20:44]
-Hormesis: the good stress [22:43]
-What to eat before a fast [28:15]
-The consequences of polypharmacy [30:02]
-Water fasting strategies for women [38:57]
-Hormone regulation with water fasting [42:57]
-The good bacteria in raw plant food [52:29]
-And more!
Don't miss this awesome interview with Dr. Csilla Veress. Enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Good day, Jimi!​

10 minutes per day. 2x your energy.

By breathing. And not "deep breathing," but new, next-generation breathing science...

Ari Whitten has partnered with Patrick McKeown to develop a new process of specialized breathing that dramatically increases your body's oxygen-carrying capacity -- adopting the practice for 10 minutes per day could deliver recognizable results in mere weeks!

In fact, Ari says this is "the single fastest method to increase energy levels" that he has found in 25 years of studying health science.

--->>We invite you to save a seat for Ari's webinar taking place November 16th, 7:30pm US Eastern!

During this new event, you'll learn how to use specific breathing practices to:
  • Measure your body’s vitality/energy in 60 seconds
  • Rewire your nervous system out of stress mode
  • Dramatically decrease anxiety levels
  • Improve fitness level and endurance dramatically
  • Increase oxygen delivery to your cells
  • Teach your brain how to do this automatically
  • Improve circulation to your brain
  • Sleep deeper than you have since you were a kid
This is NOT the typical "take deep abdominal breaths and relax" type of stuff.

This is next-generation breathing science to rewire your brain and body for relaxation and energy.

We hope to see you on Thursday!
Because health means everything,
P.S. Save your seat today and we'll see you on November 16th!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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Information on my travels and shows and a worthwhile interview on anthrax vaccine, military mandates, and the evolving legal regime on experimental products and mandates

I will probably not post a lot over the next 3 weeks due to a heavy schedule of events​

NOV 14
Below is a very interesting interview I did for the military/veteran branch of Children’s Health Defense to provides a lot of history on the US anthrax vaccine program, experiments on military servicemembers, and the legal milieu that was created after the anthrax letters. I have not discussed some of this publicly before.
I travel to Europe tomorrow where I will give talks inside the Parliaments of a) Romania with the International COVID Summit #4, b) Croatia and c) Estonia, and also speak in Italy and Belgium.
I will also film a show with James Corbett tonight that will be posted this coming weekend on the CHD-TV site here.
As I come to know where interviews are posted I will list them in the substackover the next few weeks, and try to say whether there is something new in them.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Forwarded this email? Subscribe here for more

Information on my travels and shows and a worthwhile interview on anthrax vaccine, military mandates, and the evolving legal regime on experimental products and mandates

I will probably not post a lot over the next 3 weeks due to a heavy schedule of events​

NOV 14
Below is a very interesting interview I did for the military/veteran branch of Children’s Health Defense to provides a lot of history on the US anthrax vaccine program, experiments on military servicemembers, and the legal milieu that was created after the anthrax letters. I have not discussed some of this publicly before.
I travel to Europe tomorrow where I will give talks inside the Parliaments of a) Romania with the International COVID Summit #4, b) Croatia and c) Estonia, and also speak in Italy and Belgium.
I will also film a show with James Corbett tonight that will be posted this coming weekend on the CHD-TV site here.
As I come to know where interviews are posted I will list them in the substackover the next few weeks, and try to say whether there is something new in them.

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