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Jimi's Daily Health Articles


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What is Lifestyle Medicine?
Learn how lifestyle choices like better nutrition, sleep, and social connection can help improve your lifespan and healthspan.


How to Get More Deep, Healing Sleep

8 Ways to Feel Happier Every Single Day



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi, do you like dessert?

That's a silly question, I know, which is why I'm sure you're going to love...

The new 22 Sugar-Free Desserts: The Tastiest Way to Great Health you're getting free right here today!

Health researcher Jonathan Otto and his team of nutritionists created this new collection of easy-to-make, dairy-free, sugar-free, wheat-free, nothing-artificial and scrumptious recipes to provide healthier dessert alternatives.

Yes, you get your guide immediately after free sign up, no waiting...

And when you do, take a quick scroll through it and you're certain to see several recipes (at least!) that you'll want to try, such as...

  • Chocolate Mousse
  • Raspberry Peach Breakfast Squares
  • Healthy Gelato (3 ways -- Cherry Vanilla, Strawberry Coconut, or Chocolate Hazel!)
  • Apple Blackberry Crumble
  • Chia Pudding
  • Fig Cheesecake Slices
  • Chocolate Peanut Butter Bars
  • Vegan Brownies with Chocolate Glaze
  • Coco Bliss Energy Bars
  • Papaya Boat
  • And many more!
(BE CAREFUL, just seeing these desserts is sure to make you hungry! :) )

Head here right now

Now, are all 22 of these recipes as healthy as eating, say, a great salad?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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I'm at the International COVID (or CRISIS) Summit #4 in Bucharest, Romania

NOV 16
Here is the Program.
November 17 afternoon we have a private conference. I will post my own slides later. I will be discussing founding Door to Freedom, our goals, our methods, our assets, and how we did it! Thank the many very hardworking volunteers! (Secret: we have only 3 part-time employees and look at what we have accomplished! Though we also have a lawyer and accountant to get us our 501c3, then 501c4 status.)
November 18 and 19 a group of experts will give 20 minute talks in the Romanian Parliament, said to be the second largest building in the world, after the first largest, the Pentagon. But much more beautiful than the Pentagon. Constructed during the 1980s during the reign of the dictator Ceacescu. If I finish preparing my talk for the 19th I will get a tour of the building tomorrow am, and will tell you about this wonder of the world. Nov. 18-19 the presentations will stream. You can get the link at the URL above.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

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I am pleased that Brownstone published my recent article about the WHO.

I saw that America's Frontline Doctors also republished it. Hopefully the information is getting around!​

NOV 16
Brownstone Insights
Why is Everyone Concerned About the WHO?
BY MERYL NASS View original article at Over the past two years you’ve probably heard about the attempted WHO power grab. Here’s everything you need to know to understand the status today: Overview: The build-out of a massive and expensive global biosecurity system is underway, allegedly to improve our preparedness for future pandemics or bio…
Read more
13 hours ago · 12 likes · Brownstone Institute and Meryl Nass​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
When was the last time you lit up some fancy candles, put them right up to your nose, sniffed their delightful scent, and thought to yourself:

“Sniff. Ahhhh… There’s nothing like the smell of C-A-N-C-E-R?”

I bet you never thought of it like that, did you?

It turns out that not everything that’s smells of sugar and spice and everything nice is actually good for you…

In fact, it’s extremely T-O-X-I-C!
So much so, that most of the irresistible scents you get from so many candles nowadays, actually creates a dangerous reaction to your body… Like Cancer!

Who knew that scented candles had a “Dark Side?”

There's nothing quite like that perfect aroma in your home to transform your house into a cozy oasis and help you unwind after a long day.

But, brace yourself for a scary plot twist: Some of our beloved candles might actually be a bit... toxic?

More than a bit, actually.

Turns out, most candles are made of paraffin wax, which releases not-so-sweet chemicals like benzene and formaldehyde when it burns…

And these unwelcome guests have been linked to allergies, asthma attacks, cancer and other health problems.

Plus, I mean… breathing formaldehyde just can’t be good, right?

No wonder "candle headaches" are a thing.

And, about those enchanting scents that transport us to a tropical paradise or a flower-filled meadow...

They’re actually created with chemicals that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which can disrupt your hormones and even damage your reproductive system.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Living the Law of Attraction

Day 5 — Effortless Success Basics & Asking, Believing, Receiving Paraliminals
Begins Today at 10:00 a.m. US Central Time.
Click here to listen
Dear Jimi,
LLOA Mindfest seal
Review the Effortless Success Basics and get answers to common questions that help you with Staying Inspired, Keeping Faith, Your Calling, Real Guidance, Finding Purpose, Finding Clarity, and Feeling Good.
Today you can listen to all three of the Paraliminals: Asking, Believing, and Receiving. Simply press play, close your eyes, and be transported into a world of effortless success as you use your subconscious mind to amplify the Law of Attraction.
What others are saying:
I try to listen to the Paraliminals every night before I fall to sleep. I awake with a feeling of purpose and meaning in my life. I have a very stressful position in our family business, and I need the encouragement I get from the Law of Attraction Paraliminals to keep me positive and striving to fulfill my life's purpose.
Jim Maevers from Jackson, Missouri
Upgrade today to listen anytime!
Each Mindfest session is free for you for two days.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
My friend, Kevin Ellis, certified health coach and osteoporosis “thriver,” is offering a FREE Bone Healthy Recipes Guide!

These nutritionist-approved recipes are meticulously crafted with ingredients that provide the building blocks for strong bones and a long, functional life.

>> Click here for instant, free access to Kevin’s Bone Healthy Recipes and enjoy an active lifestyle for decades to come.

To making delicious, healthy choices,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
I want to express my heartfelt gratitude for joining us at the Cancer Breakthroughs Summit, which I had the privilege of co-hosting with Dr. Karlfeldt, ND, PhD.
As I shared during the summit, my journey in treating and researching cancer spans over 30 years, during which I have dedicated myself to the practice of integrative medicine. This approach combines conventional Western medical treatments with complementary cancer therapies derived from diverse medical systems.
I had the honor of interviewing esteemed integrative health experts at the summit. From the renowned naturopathic oncologist Dan Rubin, ND, to the prominent gluten specialist Tom O’Bryan, DC, each discussion left a profound impact on me. I genuinely hope that the connections I experienced with these experts resonate with you as you delve into healing therapies for cancer.
Did you have the opportunity to download and delve into your summit gift, The Ultimate Cancer Prevention and Treatment Companion — Your Roadmap to Wellness? This exclusive three-part eBook is reserved for summit participants and showcases revolutionary treatments rooted in my extensive research and hands-on work with cancer patients.
This fully referenced guide includes:
  • 7 ways to stay ahead of the cancer curve — surprisingly effective strategies to reduce your cancer risk
  • Treatment breakthroughs and clinical insights from a world-renowned cancer doctor
  • How to integrate conventional and complementary cancer therapies
  • Natural approaches that make chemo more effective
  • Supplement safety during cancer treatment — what’s OK to take and what’s not
  • Research-backed ingredients that work on the cellular level to restore balance within the body
  • Designing an anti-cancer therapy that includes IV infusions
  • What is apheresis and how can this next-level therapy help you overcome cancer?

Additional Resources

Mind-Body Healing: A Powerful Companion in Your Cancer Recovery Journey

This guide to healing from the inside out comes from my own daily practice and passion for meditation. You'll learn the science behind meditation, including studies on meditation and specific health problems. Discover how “letting go” helps heal inflammation, disease, and more.
Break Free of Survival Mode & Reduce Your Cancer Risk
Excerpted from my book, The Survival Paradox: Reversing the Hidden Cause of Aging and Chronic Disease, these chapters provide a fascinating overview of how the survival paradox protein, galectin-3, drives cancer and other life-threatening diseases—and what we can do to stop it.
Stay tuned for my weekly newsletters and exclusive invitations to my upcoming webinars on the latest breakthroughs in cancer treatments, personalized advice from leading experts on cancer prevention and treatment, and so much more!​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Secrets to Anti-Aging and Longevity from the Blue Zones
Watch my conversation with Jason Prall as we delve deep into the intricate web of health, longevity, and life's deeper meaning. Gain a profound understanding of the remarkable power within you to transform your health and the world around you. Explore the essence of longevity and discover how your choices impact your well-being and your environment. Let’s unravel the secrets to aging gracefully while maintaining a high quality of life. If you like this episode, don't forget to SUBSCRIBE and ring the notification bell 🔔 to stay updated on our latest podcasts!

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Plant Powered Athlete
Helping You Achieve Your Athletic Potential

Plant Powered Athlete is Empowering people to achieve their athletic potential with passion, purpose and plant based nutrition.

We will build a tribe and support millions of people around the world with the proven benefits of a whole food, nutrient dense, plant based diet while helping them achieve peak performance and higher potential as an athlete and human being.
—>> Check out the new Youtube Channel and Subscribe if Interested



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Powerful Plants that Wipe Out Cancer Stem Cells

Join me as I interview Sylvie Beljanski about these two powerful plants that have been shown to kill cancer stem cells.

Cancer stem cells are at the root of cancer.

Even if you kill cancer cells, often times the stem cells remain behind ready to sprout a new tumor.

-->> Learn about the plants that are killing cancer stem cells.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

We hope this finds you well today!

We’re getting in touch to share something truly remarkable with you…

For the past 12 months, our friends at The Weekend University have been interviewing 40 of the world’s leading psychologists for their:​

This is a FREE online event that provides the latest cutting-edge strategies for mind, body, social and spiritual approaches to healing addiction.

Over the course of 6 days, you’ll learn more about:

  • IFS from Dr. Richard Schwartz
  • Polyvagal Theory from Dr. Stephen Porges
  • Sensorimotor Psychotherapy from Dr. Pat Ogden
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy from Professor Steven Hayes
  • Dopamine from Dr. Anna Lembke
  • Neuroscience from Dr. Iain McGilchrist
  • Trauma from Dr. Janina Fisher
  • EMDR from Dr. Laurel Parnell
  • ADHD from Dr. Ned Hallowell
  • And More!
It’s shaping up to be a once-in-a-lifetime learning opportunity…

--->>Equip yourself with the most effective evidence-based approaches for understanding and healing addiction when you attend this complimentary, online event!

Be sure to mark your calendar for November 27 - December 2, 2023!​
Because health means everything,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Mitochondrial Dysfunction & Other Causes of Chronic Fatigue
Hey Jim,

Welcome to another episode of Beyond Wellness Podcast!

In this episode, I am joined by my buddy Evan to talk about chronic fatigue, a common disorder characterized by extreme tiredness that doesn’t go away, even with rest.

Chronic fatigue can be associated with mold issues and Candida, so we will be diving in deeper to the potential causes of this undesirable condition. I hope this will help many of you get to the root cause of your fatigue!

>> Click here to learn more! <<
Mitochondrial Dysfunction & Other Causes of Chronic Fatigue- Mold & Candida Contribute |Podcast #287

In this episode, we cover:

8:26 Toxins that damage Mitochondria
14:40 Mold Issues
22:22 How Mold and Candida affect Mitochondria
31:05 Nutrients and Vitamins

>> Click here to learn more! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Also reminder Jim that the Beta Glucan early black Friday sale is happening now!

This is one of the most powerful and effective immune modulators I know of, one that’s been recommended by countless holistic cancer researchers, including Chris on that note!

It was one of the first things we put my son on after he was diagnosed, and remains a staple in our immune support rotation to this day…

And right now is the BEST time of the year to stock up (we certainly do)! :)
AMAZING conversation with my friend Chris Wark, a beacon of hope in holistic approaches to cancer.

Chris shares his personal victory over stage 3 colon cancer through plant-based nutrition and non-toxic therapies, rather than traditional chemotherapy.

We delve into the following topics that could greatly benefit anyone on this journey:

  • Plant-Based Nutrition: How a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables can be your ally against cancer.
  • Emotional Balance and Forgiveness: Understand the profound impact of emotional well-being and forgiveness in healing and recovery.
  • Integrative Healing: Explore the synergy of conventional and naturopathic medicine, and the importance of a supportive healthcare team.
Three key takeaways you won’t want to miss:
  • Chris’s "20 Questions for Your Oncologist" guide, a vital resource for navigating cancer treatment.
  • The significant role of exercise in activating cancer-preventive genes.
  • The importance of gratitude and how it transforms your outlook on life.
Head to the website for the full summary or watch/listen to the full interview!

Chris’s insights are a testament to the possibility of thriving against the odds, providing practical and heartening guidance for those facing cancer.

-Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
PCOS is a bit of a medical mystery.

Doctors often don’t know why it happens or all the different ways to help their patients through lifestyle modifications, natural remedies, and hormonal treatments. They might just suggest birth control pills. If you're looking to approach PCOS without getting prescribed birth control, or know someone else who is, then I highly recommend you tune into the PCOS SOS Summit.

CLICK HERE to save your spot. >>

The team at Dr. Talks is hosting this summit with Felice Gersh, MD, and you will hear insights from over 40 experts in various fields, including nutrition, sexual health, mental health, endocrinology, gut health, and more.

This special event will delve into the roots of PCOS, its various symptoms, and the latest treatment options. It’s all about offering better solutions and understanding PCOS more deeply.

If you have PCOS, think you may have it, or know someone with it, you really can't afford to miss the information that is shared in this summit.

Save your spot HERE. >>

In good health,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Biophotons: The Human Body Emits, Communicates with, and is Made from Light​

Increasingly science agrees with the poetry of direct human experience: we are more than the atoms and molecules that make up our bodies, but beings of light as well. Biophotons are emitted by the human body, can be released through mental intention, and may modulate fundamental processes within cell-to-cell communication and DNA.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Image item
Good Morning Jimi!

For many of us, next week we're celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday with our families and friends. No matter whether you live in an area around the globe who celebrates Thanksgiving or not, we've got your breathing practice covered with some LIVE classes!

If you're traveling, you can always pick from our collection of wonderful classes on the App to help you stay grounded and present in all the hustle and bustle.

See ALL the classes we've got scheduled for the remainder of year including our FREE Holiday Event Class December 13th​

To help us continually improve the quality of our services and instruction, we invite you to participate in a brief online survey. Your insights are invaluable in shaping the future of our breathwork classes and ensuring we meet your expectations. Upon completing the survey, you will receive an access code for a FREE class as our way of saying thank you.​
breathe. create. share​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi!
I have a new interview for you today with water fasting expert Dr. Csilla Veress!
Dr. Veress works one-on-one with water fasters every day at True North Health Center and over the last 10 years she has assisted thousands of patients in water fasting for up to 40 days!
Dr. Veress is passionate about helping patients achieve optimal health by supporting their innate ability to heal with fasting and whole food plant-based nutrition.
As most of you know, I'm a huge fan of water fasting and started using this ancient healing tool almost 20 years ago. I love water fasting because it's one of the most powerful things you can do to heal your body and it's free!
During a water fast, the body shifts from a state of digestion and energy production from food to a state of rest, repair, recycling and housecleaning. This process allows the body to eliminate toxins, promote autophagy, and offers various health benefits such as improved mental clarity, increased energy, weight loss, hormone regulation, cellular repair, immproved immune function, and much more!
In this new interview, the brilliant Dr. Csilla Veress and I take a deep dive into water fasting and cover some topics I've never discussed before...
Topics include:
-How Dr. Veress became a water fasting practitioner
-The processed food disease epidemic [8:52]
-The lost art of medicine: Investigation [10:53]
-Be prepared to flip your life upside down to heal [13:06]
-The purpose of water fasting [18:11]
-Detoxification through weight loss [20:44]
-Hormesis: the good stress [22:43]
-What to eat before a fast [28:15]
-The consequences of polypharmacy [30:02]
-Water fasting strategies for women [38:57]
-Hormone regulation with water fasting [42:57]
-The good bacteria in raw plant food [52:29]
-And more!
Don't miss this awesome interview with Dr. Csilla Veress. Enjoy!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
AMAZING conversation with my friend Chris Wark, a beacon of hope in holistic approaches to cancer.

Chris shares his personal victory over stage 3 colon cancer through plant-based nutrition and non-toxic therapies, rather than traditional chemotherapy.

We delve into the following topics that could greatly benefit anyone on this journey:

  • Plant-Based Nutrition: How a diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables can be your ally against cancer.
  • Emotional Balance and Forgiveness: Understand the profound impact of emotional well-being and forgiveness in healing and recovery.
  • Integrative Healing: Explore the synergy of conventional and naturopathic medicine, and the importance of a supportive healthcare team.
Three key takeaways you won’t want to miss:
  • Chris’s "20 Questions for Your Oncologist" guide, a vital resource for navigating cancer treatment.
  • The significant role of exercise in activating cancer-preventive genes.
  • The importance of gratitude and how it transforms your outlook on life.
Head to the website for the full summary or watch/listen to the full interview!

Chris’s insights are a testament to the possibility of thriving against the odds, providing practical and heartening guidance for those facing cancer.

-Ryan Sternagel & The Anti-Cancer Revolution Team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

There are 3 things that every cancer survivor knows...

1️⃣ How to harness food as medicine.
They starve cancer with nutrition and use techniques such as fasting-mimicking diets and nutrient timing.

2️⃣ How to empower their mind.
By cultivating a cancer-conquering mindset they harness the power of positive mental fortitude.

3️⃣ How to never give up.
They stay active while maintaining good sleep hygiene.

And oddly enough, this 3-step “triad” of diet, mind, and movement is exactly what prevents up to 90% of cancers from happening in the first place.

So whether you’re currently navigating a diagnosis, or wanting to prevent cancer or its recurrence...

Don’t miss your opportunity to learn all about these secrets to help ensure you either become or remain cancer-free.

Click here to learn the 3 simple secrets that every cancer survivor knows.

In this interactive presentation, you’ll also discover:

  • How to shift your focus from disease to health, empowering you to be proactive instead of reactive
  • How genetics and epigenetics play a pivotal role in prevention and healing
  • How to assess your cancer risk and status with precision
  • The little-known secrets for a toxin-free lifestyle
  • How to supercharge your immune system and energy
And last but not least, a Q&A session with me where I’ll answer your most burning questions on becoming cancer-free.

This event is poised to be a game-changer, providing you with practical knowledge and actionable steps to embark on your healing journey and I can’t wait to see you there!

Secure your spot NOW and embark on the path to a cancer-resilient body now and for many years to come.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Cranberry Almond Chia Pudding
Chia Pudding is a fantastic, quick-to-prepare, and highly customizable breakfast or snack option. With cranberries, cinnamon, and orange zest, we'd even consider this recipe as a holiday dessert!
Enjoy its' delicious creaminess and brain-boosting chia seeds, which are high in fiber, support gut health, and help keep you full.
Yield: Two Servings

  1. Flavor Variations: Experiment with different flavors by adding a dash of cocoa powder or a tiny pinch of nutmeg.
  2. Nut Butter Swirl: Drizzle nut butter on top for an extra creamy boost and added protein.
  3. Protein Boost: Mix in a scoop of hemp powder to increase protein content.
  4. Coconut Cream: For a dessert touch, drizzle with coconut cream.
  • 1/4 cup chia seeds
  • 1 cup unsweetened nut milk
  • 1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 8 drops Sweet Leaf English Toffee Organic Sweet Drops
  • 1/4 cup fresh cranberries, blueberries, or raspberries
  • 2 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup almonds, pecans, or walnuts, chopped (optional)
  • Orange zest (optional)
  1. Mix the Base: In a bowl or glass measuring cup, combine chia seeds, almond milk, vanilla extract, and English Toffee drops. Stir the mixture well to distribute the chia seeds evenly. Cover and refrigerate for at least two hours or overnight. Stir occasionally during the first 30 minutes to prevent clumping.
  2. Serve: When the pudding has reached your desired consistency (thicker is creamier), remove it from the fridge. Give it a good stir to make it smooth.
  3. Heat: You can have this breakfast hot or cold. If hot, put coconut oil into a small saucepan and heat on low to melt. Add fruit and stir. Add refrigerated chia pudding ingredients and stir until heated through. Alternatively, if you'd like to serve it cold, please look at step four.
  4. Top with Fresh Berries: Spoon the chia pudding into serving cups. Top with the fresh berries.
  5. Garnish (Optional): For an extra dessert touch, sprinkle a small amount of unsweetened shredded coconut, sliced orange or orange zest, and a dollop of coconut cream.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Winter is known for being hard on your skin…

Your face is the only part of your body which is often exposed to the harsh winds, weather and climate of the cold months.

The past few weeks we’ve seen and heard a lot about natural, organic skin care techniques to take better care of your skin and leave it nourished and refreshed.

…but have you ever looked into products you should NEVER put on your skin?

We recently published an article with a dermatologist talking about 8 products you should NEVER use on your skin.

Click here to read it on our website now (#5 surprised me)

Most of these products are everyday items that you likely have around your home…and likely use on your face daily.

Avoiding these products and keeping your body healthy with plenty of water and nutrients will go a long way to keeping healthy, beautiful skin!



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Good news, Jimi...

95% of all cancers are preventable.

And it all comes down to what you consume.

There are foods that can increase your risk of getting diseases like cancer…

And then there are foods that can help prevent it so you don’t have to worry about expensive chemotherapy later on.
You’ll learn all about these in the e-book: 21 Natural Medicine Protocols for Cancer.

Grab your F.REE copy here.

Here’s what you can expect from this e-book:

✅ Which everyday foods can help prevent chronic inflammation that can lead to the DNA changes and gene mutations that trigger cancer

✅ Which ingredient — that you likely consume several times a day — feeds cancer cells, which use 200 times more of it than healthy cells

✅ Which vitamin known for boosting the immune system and is scientifically proven to decrease the risk of cancer

And many more!


When you download your copy, you also get F.REE access to Jonathan Otto’s latest docuseries, Natural Medicine Secrets.

Hear from 55 renowned medicine experts as they give experience-backed insights about the power of various plants and herbs in fighting chronic diseases and inflammation.

If you’re looking for safer, cheaper and more effective alternatives to heal and ensure a pain-free life for yourself and your loved ones…

You wouldn’t want to miss this.

So what are you waiting for?

Download the e-book + watch all episodes of Natural Medicine Secrets for F.REE.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Season Two of Too Cool For Midlife is now a wrap! Thank you to everyone for your feedback and love. ❤️

I will be back for Season Three in January.

In the meantime, if you need some listening recommendations here are the top three fan favorite episodes:
#1 - Tell Me What You Want, What You Really Really Want
#2 - Bringing Sexy Back And Ending Low Libido
#3 - Using Ritual To Light Your Midlife Fire

One of MY favorites was my conversation with David Mehler, How to Move From Feeling Trapped And Unfulfilled to a Man on FIRE.

What I will be up this holiday season:
I have always had an interesting relationship with alcohol. So, as of the moment I hit "send" on this email, I have decided not to drink any alcohol this holiday season. I don't like the term "sober curious," but I guess that applies for now. More to follow.

If anyone wants to join me, a terrific book I highly recommend as a companion during your sober journey is Quit Like A Woman: The Radical Choice To Not Drink In A Culture Obsessed With Alcohol by Holly Whitaker.

And lastly, I want to share a short piece I wrote a few years back...that is still one of my favorites DRUNK, FAT, BITCH.

Happy Happy Holidays,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Casseroles can be a great way to save time and money, use up leftovers, be creative, and feed a crowd.
But can you make them delicious without loading them up with ground meat, covering them in cheese, or topping them with crushed potato chips or Ritz crackers?
Get the whole casserole story and some amazing recipes that you’ll love, here.
Yours for nourishing and delicious foods,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Once you understand the basic building blocks of a casserole, you can construct your own healthy, plant-based version from whatever you’ve got in the kitchen and pantry. Here’s what you need to know about casseroles.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,

Today I'm excited to share a delicious condiment idea with you. This simple recipe is not only a family favorite - handed down from my Italian grandparents - but it also includes one of the most powerful herbs on the planet.

An herb that has been used for thousands of years to enhance flavor, as well as treat a variety of ailments.

I'm talking about GARLIC!

We love garlic in my house - not just because it tastes good and makes the house smell wonderful, but because it's nature's medicine.

I've shared the recipe for our homemade garlic & olive oil topping below, but first let's dive into some of garlic's superpowers...

Garlic is part of the Allium genus which includes onions, shallots, and leeks. Its major active component, the amino acid allicin, is enhanced when garlic is either crushed or chopped. It's also what gives fresh garlic its pungent, mouth-watering aroma.

Allicin from garlic has proven to be antibacterial and antiviral, making it a natural remedy that wards off all types of germs. It increases the production of white blood cells - the very cells that fight off infections. This alone makes garlic perfect for keeping the immune system strong and healthy during the wintertime (or really any time of the year).

And on top of its immunity-boosting benefits, garlic has been shown to kill certain types of cancer cells, including lung and prostate. It's also proven to be effective at preventing and treating heart disease -- specifically helping people lower cholesterol and blood pressure.

It makes you wonder what this little bulb can't do...

Continue reading this article and the RECIPE on our blog


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
How to Lower Blood Pressure in 2 Weeks

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Changing lifestyle factors such as diet and exercise can slash blood pressure in only 14 days, says a recent study presented at the annual meeting of the American Society for Nutrition.

In fact, the lifestyle changes lowered blood pressure as effectively as medication. On average, participants in the study saw their blood pressure drop 19 points after taking part in the Weimer Institute Newstart Lifestyle program for just 14 days.

Special: Heart Surgeon's Secret to Healthy Blood Pressure

Other studies have shown that a blood pressure reduction of this significance can cut the risk of heart disease or stroke in half.

People participating in the Newstart Lifestyle program follow a vegan diet, walk outside daily, drink substantial quantities of water, get adequate daily sleep, and participate in optional spiritual activities.

The program's vegan diet consists of foods such as legumes, whole grains, vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, olives, avocados, soymilk, almond milk, and whole-grain breads.

For the study, the researchers evaluated data from 117 people with high blood pressure who had participated in the Newstart Lifestyle program at the Weimer Institute for 14 days. After two weeks, half of the participants achieved a systolic blood pressure below the recommended 120 mmHg.

The program lowered blood pressure effectively in different types of individuals, including otherwise healthy men and women with diabetes, people who were obese, and those with high cholesterol levels.

The reduction in blood pressure was equivalent to using three half-dose standard medications for blood pressure. In addition, 93% of the participants were able to either reduce the dose (24%) or eliminate their blood pressure medications (69%)


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

GreenMedInfo Research Dashboard: Green Leafy Vegetables​

Discover results-driven, evidence-based natural medicine research on the health benefits of leafy green vegetable in the GreenMedInfo database.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Nearly 1 in 3 COVID-19 Vaccine Recipients Suffered Neurological Side Effects: Study​

The people included in the study suffered from headaches, tremors, muscle spasms, insomnia, sleepiness, vertigo, and difficulty in concentration.​



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Healthy Kidneys: Best Foods and Natural Strategies
The kidneys are two bean-shaped organs that perform important functions in our bodies. Each kidney acts as a filter, helping the body get rid of waste products and excess fluid.

The kidneys balance your body’s electrolytes and acidity, help control blood pressure, and produce hormones. In this article, you will discover the major causes of kidney problems and the best foods and natural remedies to heal your kidneys.



Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
7 Strategies to Heal Fatty Liver
The liver is your body’s workhorse. It performs many functions including converting food to fuel, filtering harmful toxins, making proteins that help blood clot, and producing bile. Unfortunately, this powerful organ is susceptible to a potentially dangerous condition called fatty liver disease.

In this video, I go over the best strategies to heal fatty liver naturally. Check out the video and be sure to subscribe to my YouTube channel here



Diamond Contributor
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15 Zinc Deficiency Symptoms and Best Food Sources
Zinc deficiency is a common problem throughout the world that contributes to many unwanted health problems. Zinc is a foundational mineral that is essential to human and animal growth patterns and has an essential role in the development of hormones and immune molecules.

Zinc is one of the best mineral supplements to boost and balance out a tired and over stimulated immune system. This article goes into detail on 15 zinc deficiency symptoms and best food sources.


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