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Cranky Old Fart
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Cranky Old Fart
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‘Chair Care’: New Mexico hairstylists being trained under CDC-funded program to push COVID, flu shots​



Cranky Old Fart
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The Cromwell

I am a BOT
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I was willing to roll the dice on the new MRNA based covid vaccines back when the strains of covid were pretty deadly. But now with current covid strains being more like a cold or moderate flu I am no longer willing to take the vaccine which I consider a higher risk. I am NOT an anti vaxer, however this year lots of valid data has come out about the risks of myocarditis with the covid vaccines. And besides the covid vaccines although getting full approval by the FDA has NOT completed the full acceptance testing requirements required for other vaccines, but got approval anyway. Lastly MRNA vaccines are too new to fully understand all the complications.


Squonk 'em if you got 'em
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I was willing to roll the dice on the new MRNA based covid vaccines back when the strains of covid were pretty deadly. But now with current covid strains being more like a cold or moderate flu I am no longer willing to take the vaccine which I consider a higher risk. I am NOT an anti vaxer, however this year lots of valid data has come out about the risks of myocarditis with the covid vaccines. And besides the covid vaccines although getting full approval by the FDA has NOT completed the full acceptance testing requirements required for other vaccines, but got approval anyway. Lastly MRNA vaccines are too new to fully understand all the complications.
Long time no see Cromwell. Womp on.


Diamond Contributor
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Cancer Conversation Season 2 Episode 22 Full Video​

Wow! Who knew that so much information could be gleaned painlessly and instantly from the palm of your hand?! If you missed Dr. Roney and Dr. Greenberg’s insightful and educational webinar on mineral deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, and the latest technology we’re using at the Center for New Medicine and the Cancer Center for Healing to detect and monitor these conditions, don’t worry. We have you covered. The entire video is available via the link below.


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Top 4 Hers to Reduce Inflammation

Herbs are powerful healing tools when used to help balance the body. Inflammation is your body’s way to protect itself from injury, infections, and other pathogens. While inflammation can be beneficial when it comes to acute injuries and illness, if it turns chronic, it can also become harmful to your health.

Chronic inflammation can last for months or years. It is the underlying reason for almost every major health condition and disease.



Diamond Contributor
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Rising to the GMO 2.0 Challenge: Tame the Tech​

Protect Nature’s Gene Pool


Genetic engineering technology can rewrite the life code of anything with DNA. This brings an unprecedented threat of widespread corruption of nature’s gene pool.

Shockingly, in the U.S., gene-edited organisms can be created and released without safety checks and the current regulation does not cover GMOs created with GMO 2.0 technology.

That’s why IRT is taking the lead to force effective policies governing all of the new genomic techniques that we call GMO 2.0. While the tech can alter anything with DNA - including plants and animals in our food system - we are starting with the most dangerous organisms to alter and release: microbes.

These tiny organisms can rapidly cross borders and encircle the globe. Countries spend fortunes trying to remedy the introduction of invasive species, but once GE microbes are released, no policy can stop them.

We can’t back down now.


Diamond Contributor
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GE Soil Microbes Are New Targets for Agrichemical Companies​


Biotech companies, including the largest agrichemical corporations—Bayer-Monsanto, Syngenta, and BASF—are developing genetically engineered (GE) microbes (bacteria, viruses and fungi) for use in agriculture. Millions of acres of U.S. farmland are already seeing the application of this technology. The release of live GE microbes in agriculture represents an unprecedented open-air genetic experiment.

So risky, so arrogant - knowing the many roles that microbes have played in the emergence of life and their huge importance everywhere, from our guts to all ecosystems. And we don’t yet understand a fraction of it! Yet, the technology keeps developing, in pursuit of the almighty dollar.

Where is the testing?

Where is the regulation?

These questions without good answers compelled us here at IRT to launch a new campaign that we are announcing today. And you can help.


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Good Morning Jimi,

December 13th @ 8am PST

Join our collective of expert breathing instructors as they unite their diverse expertise to craft an immersive class. Together, we'll guide you through a transformative session designed to celebrate the joy and serenity of the holidays.

This unique collaboration blends various breathing techniques, styles and philosophies, creating a symphony of breathwork that fosters inner peace, revitalization, and a deep sense of connection. As the class progresses, you'll feel the collective energy rise, elevating your awareness and unlocking new dimensions of connection with your breath. Prepare to ride the wave of energy as we ascend to invigorating heights, exploring the expansive potential of conscious breath. Then, with mindful guidance, gracefully descend into a serene and grounding state, allowing the collective wisdom of our instructors to nurture and restore.

REGISTER NOW to experience this collective breath journey and embrace the spirit of the season in a unified and uplifting experience. Join us as we weave a tapestry of breath, LIVE music, unity, and festive joy, bringing you a holiday celebration unlike any other.

Appropriate for ALL levels of experience. Instructors include:
  • Travis Steffens
  • Jason Campbell
  • David Florence
  • Kiya Knight
  • Cat McElveen
  • Ed Harrold
  • Joely Franklin
  • Ryan Bean
  • Jen Broyles
If you can't join us LIVE, don't worry. All those who register will receive a copy of the class within 24 hours for your ongoing enjoyment.

Inhale. Exhale. Transform.

Warm regards,

The Breath Source Team
breathe. create. share


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Next Tuesday at 9am Eastern!
Hi Jimi,

Most integrative healthcare providers are telling me that cancer rates are set to explode around the world. Too many toxins, stress and a lack of education about anticancer protocols have made this a top threat to human health.

This is why I'm thrilled to offer you an opportunity to discover the very best anticancer protocols used by many of the best integrative cancer specialists in the world.

For more than 35 years, I’ve been working in the natural health industry alongside hundreds of the brightest minds in natural health and science … helping people to overcome a cancer diagnosis.

And I would like to offer YOU the gift of health and share the answers to STOP CANCER with you.

Starting on Tuesday, November 28th at 9:00 am Eastern, I'm going to give you access to the entire Stop Cancer Docu-Class!
We have so many great presentations to share with you - all focused on helping you understand how to avoid and even overcome a cancer diagnosis.

And I can promise you that you're going to discover things about cancer that you've NEVER heard before.

Remember to watch your inbox on Tuesday morning at 9:00 am Eastern when I'll be sending you a special link to start watching Episode 1.

I hope you enjoy the gift!


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Emotional eating has been receiving a lot more attention lately in the media – and we’re loving it!

It makes our team here at the Institute really happy to see this eating challenge getting the attention it deserves.

But with so many experts speaking up about emotional eating, there are some myths and misinformation that are important to be aware of.

Which is why Marc David sat down with Dr. Mark Hyman on his podcast, The Doctor’s Farmacy, to explore, “The 3 Biggest Myths About Emotional Eating.”

They discuss three of the biggest myths around emotional eating, and Marc will lead you through an empowering framework that you can use to reframe your mindset and emotions around an eating habit that so many of us are wrestling with.

Watch these two old friends – Marc and Dr. Hyman go back 30 years to their days working together at Canyon Ranch – have a great time giving you the ins and outs of how to heal from emotional eating, and create a nourishing and natural relationship with food.

Don’t miss this wonderful interview!

Go here to listen to Marc on The Doctor’s Farmacy….



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Do you dread the cold, flu, and/or allergy season because despite your best efforts… you always come down with whatever is "going around"?

With so much uncertainty in the world right now, it's more important than ever to prioritize your health and well-being.

One of the best ways to do this is by taking care of your immune system!

When it comes to daily immune protection, the last thing you want are herbs that can overstimulate the immune system (we’re looking at you, echinacea!).

You want something designed to balance and naturally enhance the function of your immune system, so it is neither over nor underactive.

What if you could make your immune system so smart that it became a genius at protecting you, working even better than it did when you were in your 20s and 30s?

The good news is there is a NATURAL solution, and it was prized above gold and silver in ancient societies, so much so that it was reserved for royalty!

So, what is this secret?

--->>You may be surprised to learn that it’s Medicinal Mushrooms!

Mushrooms are nature's smartest healers, they work like no other living thing to enhance immune function.

Mushrooms break down decay like dead trees and recycle their environment. Through this process, they are exposed to pathogens. That’s why they develop extremely strong immune systems — to survive this exposure. And when you consume mushrooms, they supercharge your immune system too.

Medicinal Mushrooms can change your life if any of the following applies to you:

  • You’re over 40
  • You’re overworked
  • You’re tired all the time
  • You’re under stress
  • You don’t get enough sleep
--->>Click here to learn more about medicinal mushrooms and how they can become your immune system's best friend!
Because health means everything,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

What does it take to be called the "greatest genius in medical history" by a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate? Enter Dr. Max Gerson and his extraordinary protocol, the Gerson Therapy.

In this talk, Patrick Vickers, DO, dives deep into the history and science behind Gerson Therapy. Vickers is the founder of the Advanced Gerson Therapy Clinic in Rosarito, Mexico. He specializes in the natural treatment of cancer and advanced diseases.

1️⃣ Uncover the fascinating connection between food, detoxification, and cancer remission.

2️⃣ Learn how this century-old therapy has influenced holistic medicine worldwide.

3️⃣ Discover how this holistic alternative compares to conventional approaches to cancer.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years

Your body’s survival response plays a pivotal role in the progression of cancer. When you break out of survival mode, you unlock your body’s infinite healing potential.

Join Isaac Eliaz, MD, MS, LAc, in this fascinating talk about the relationship between the survival paradox, cancer, and metastasis.

1️⃣ Dive deep into the survival paradox and its implications for cellular metabolism.

2️⃣ Understand how our innate survival response can also fuel cancer.

3️⃣ Uncover the importance of integrative medicine in cancer detoxification.


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Did you know that there are natural ways to attack cancer cells?

Sylvie Beljanski has spent most of her life studying and educating people about breakthroughs in integrative medicine. In this talk, she shares findings from her cancer research foundation that could change your life.

1️⃣ Understand how to activate and protect your immune system during oncology care.

2️⃣ Discover powerful supplements formulated to support the growth of healthy cells.

3️⃣ Delve into the latest findings in cancer research from the Beljanski Foundation.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Preventing Deadly Blood Clots

By Chauncey Crandall, M.D.

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) is a condition in which blood clots occur in a deep vein in your body (usually the legs). If that clot travels to the lungs, it can cause a deadly pulmonary embolism.

Travel is one of the major factors that can contribute to DVTs, because sitting still for hours — whether in a car, train, or plane — can cause the blood to pool in your legs, and lead to the formation of clots.

Special: Coronary Heart Disease: 5 Tips to Reduce Your Risk

When you travel by car, it is imperative to take advantage of every rest stop you come across to get out and stretch your legs. And if you’re on a train or plane, you need to get up and walk around frequently.

This sounds simple, but it’s your best protection.

If you’ve experienced any type of blood clot in the past, talk to your doctor about special precautions to take, such as wearing compression stockings.

In addition, taking aspirin during your trip can help prevent blood clots. Discuss that option with your physician before you set out.


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Do you dread the cold, flu, and/or allergy season because despite your best efforts… you always come down with whatever is "going around"?

With so much uncertainty in the world right now, it's more important than ever to prioritize your health and well-being.

One of the best ways to do this is by taking care of your immune system!

When it comes to daily immune protection, the last thing you want are herbs that can overstimulate the immune system (we’re looking at you, echinacea!).

You want something designed to balance and naturally enhance the function of your immune system, so it is neither over nor underactive.

What if you could make your immune system so smart that it became a genius at protecting you, working even better than it did when you were in your 20s and 30s?

The good news is there is a NATURAL solution, and it was prized above gold and silver in ancient societies, so much so that it was reserved for royalty!

So, what is this secret?

--->>You may be surprised to learn that it’s Medicinal Mushrooms!

Mushrooms are nature's smartest healers, they work like no other living thing to enhance immune function.

Mushrooms break down decay like dead trees and recycle their environment. Through this process, they are exposed to pathogens. That’s why they develop extremely strong immune systems — to survive this exposure. And when you consume mushrooms, they supercharge your immune system too.

Medicinal Mushrooms can change your life if any of the following applies to you:

  • You’re over 40
  • You’re overworked
  • You’re tired all the time
  • You’re under stress
  • You don’t get enough sleep
--->>Click here to learn more about medicinal mushrooms and how they can become your immune system's best friend!
Because health means everything,
so called natives in the jungle without modern medicine have been doing this for centuries. they live until very old. with medicine we dont. whose right?


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
i wonder how much cancer puts into the economy? drugs. treatments,cures.
It's the BIGGEST money maker they have.

Little be known to most cancer patients is that the Oncolegist reaps 6% of the total Chemo bill as a bonus for prescribing it, this comes from the drug company to help the doctors sleep at night after they see what chemo does would be my guess, the average chemo patient uses 1 to 2 million in chemo, that's a pretty hefty bonus.


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Dear Jimi,
We’re making progress against cancer — nearly 17 million cancer survivors in the U.S. are living proof. However, overcoming cancer isn’t easy. Cancer behaves on its own, with stealthy survival mechanisms to resist treatment and hide from immune cells.
To prevent cancer from growing and spreading, we must outwit it at every opportunity. Since cancer acts with its own intelligence, we must be smarter, stronger and more strategic.
More than 30 years of clinical experience treating cancer has shown me that integrative medicine offers some of the greatest chances for optimal outcome. A key principle involves highly individualized treatment plans that blend therapies from different medical systems — conventional, complementary, Eastern, and others — to create a broad-spectrum protocol.
There are some powerful, and extensively researched integrative treatments and approaches that offer important benefits against cancer and metastasis. These select compounds and therapies form the foundation of a successful program for many types of cancer treatment and prevention.​


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Member For 5 Years
If you want to be healthy and look your best, you might want to double check what you’re putting on your skin.

As the body’s largest organ, our skin is also very absorptive… which means anything that you apply to it gets soaked up and enters your body very quickly.

But what if you happen to apply toxic chemicals on your skin?

Because guess what…

You may have been doing that for years!

Recent research has shown that many of your favorite cosmetic and personal care products carry toxic chemicals that can lead to long-term health problems.

We’re talking about issues like gastrointestinal issues, vision problems, lung and breathing problems, brain problems, and even depression.

That’s why we highly recommend you check out this f.ree report by Brian Vaszily on The Top 17 Cosmetic & Personal Care Products To Beware of Most.

Download your F.REE copy of this report here.

You’ll be surprised that a lot of the products you’ll find here are SEEMINGLY HARMLESS, but in reality contain a lot of toxins that can poison you.

Here’s what you’ll discover in this f.ree report:

❌ The common skin products that include PTFE – the very same "Teflon" ingredient linked to severe health risks

❌ Makeup items that might contain LEAD + 8 other toxic heavy metals

❌ A cosmetic component permitted in the U.S. but red-flagged in Europe due to its carcinogenic nature

❌ The skin irritant and allergen so many people are rubbing into their skin these days

❌ The 4 ingredients to be especially wary of in perhaps the most popular personal care product of all

And a lot more that can open your eyes to the reality of your favorite cosmetic products.

If you really want to protect yourself from harmful chemicals that may invade your body without you even knowing it, we can’t stress enough how important this report is.

Start being aware of what you’re really allowing inside your body so you can take action as soon as possible.

Get your copy of this essential report for F.REE.

To keeping you toxin-free

The Conquering Cancer team


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Nowadays, more people are looking far older than they should for their age.

This is due to several reasons, from the stresses of everyday life to excess toxins and a poor diet.

If you’re feeling uncomfortable in your own skin because it is stiff and dry…

The good news is that you can turn that around, reclaiming your vibrant, healthy looking self!

And it’s simply by eating the right foods.

Research has shown that the skin is receptive to the right changes as long as you’re enjoying the most beneficial fruits, vegetables, spices, nuts, and drinks.

What exactly are these foods that help restore your skin?

You can learn all about them in this F.REE report…

Send me a copy of this F.REE report now.

Here you’ll find the best evidence-based and easily available foods that can lead to your youngest-looking skin.

You’ll also get key insights on why these foods are so effective for you and how to consume them to get the best results.

Not only that, but you’ll also learn what foods to avoid if you’re tired of having wrinkled, overly-aged-looking skin.

These changes can be simple, leading you back to feeling confident again and proud of the person you see in the mirror.

You just need the right resources to guide you on what you should do.

And that resource is this 35-page report which is completely F.REE.

To a more radiant-looking you,


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Take a look at this information here, at the Natural Medicine Secrets docuseries.
Unfortunately, your doctor won’t be sharing this information with you…

But the good news is you can see everything that Jonathan has uncovered plus much, much more in his groundbreaking docuseries Natural Medicine Secrets.

Claim your FREE viewing pass for the Natural Medicine Secrets docuseries, airing November 27-December 6.

To better health,
The GreenMedInfo Team​


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25 Immune-Boosting Natural Medicines: Nature’s Remedies for Keeping You Healthy​
Promising research shows that certain kitchen spices might prove helpful against viruses. One all-time Italian favorite spice has been proven to fight against colds and flus, and even reduce the severity of the symptoms.

In times like these, we couldn’t be more happy to present you the latest findings: 25 Immune-Boosting Natural Medicines: Nature’s Remedies for Keeping You Healthy

This eBook is exclusively created by our friend and investigative journalist Jonathan Otto and his team of medical researchers. These renowned health experts have uncovered more foods and nutrients that have immune-boosting properties.​


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Natural Solutions to Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and PMS

In this episode of Beyond Wellness podcast, I am tackling some of the most common menstrual issues my patients face, including: menstrual irregularities and heavy menstrual flow, symptoms, what your cycle should look like, looking at hormones, when to best test, triggers of irregular cycles, and some tips for helping regulate menstruation.

Most women cope with PMS and irregular cycles like it’s a normal thing, but in reality a heavy menstrual flow is often a sign of something deeper.

Heavy menstrual flow can cause: fatigue, lethargy, mood issues, irritability, brain fog, hair loss, and most importantly low iron. It can also drive anemia and cause low iron, which can then it can take weeks to replace-at which point the cycle starts all over again. What can we do? Check out the podcast to find out!

>> Click here to check out the episode! <<
Natural Solutions to Heavy Menstrual Bleeding and PMS - Podcast #299
In this episode, we cover:

Menstrual Issues and Terminologies
11:12 Social Isolation, Supplements and Herbs
15:10 Tests for Menstrual Irregularities
17:44 Fasting as Stressor
20:16 Diet Restrictions

>> Click here to listen to the show! <<
Yours in Health,
Dr. Justin Marchegiani​


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Member For 5 Years
Before I Became Plant Based
I was sick, homeless, and nearly dead

This is just 1/1000th of my story so far, but if I can do it, so can you!

Before I became plant-based, I was sick, homeless, addicted, and nearly dead.

Life was rough.

But now, it's 10,000 times better.
—>> Watch the 2 minute video here


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Member For 5 Years
Bill Buvens - Healing Stage 4 Cancer Holistically
In today's video, we sit down with Bill Buvens. In March 2001, Bill was diagnosed with stage 4 colon and liver cancer and was told by doctors he'd be dead within six (6) months if he didn't comply with the doctors' recommendations of surgery, chemotherapy, and possibly radiation. Doctors went on to say that even if Bill did comply, the chances of him surviving five (5) years were still less than 20%.Bill decided to research the metabolic cause(s) of cancer and in doing so was able to formulate and implement a protocol to avoid chemotherapy and radiation and has remained cancer-free since 2001.

-->> Watch or listen here


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hey there,

What are you eating to stay healthy and age gracefully?

Are you maxing out on the protein your body needs to build muscle? Hitting the natural plant-based fats hard to feed your brain? Rocking the antioxidants from fruits and veggies?

The best way to live a long, healthy life is to make certain you’re getting as broad an intake of nutrients as possible from a wide range of food sources. And, of course, making sure to include nutrient-rich, complex “superfoods” into your diet.

Here are the five green superfoods—aka, “supergreens”—that will give your body a fighting chance at staving off age-related deterioration and help you enjoy a longer, healthier life:

1. Spinach – Spinach is a truly “super” food. It’s loaded with Vitamin A to protect your eye cells from deterioration, Vitamin C to boost your immune response, Vitamin E to improve your heart and skin health, and Vitamin K to improve blood clotting in response to wounds. It’s also rich on magnesium, lutein, and highly bioavailable heme iron. The high fiber content makes it excellent for digestion and it’s packed with antioxidants to combat free radical damage and prevent oxidative stress from prematurely aging your body. Eat more of this nutrition-improving, inflammation-fighting food and you’ll never regret it.

2. Kale – Kale is the sharper, pepperier-tasting cousin to spinach, packed with many of the same nutrients but (some) in higher quantities. For example, kale contains more immune-boosting, skin-improving Vitamin C, as well as more calcium to strengthen your bones. It’s also rich in selenium, a potent antioxidant that plays a significant role in combatting biological aging. One truly amazing benefit of kale is that it contains cholestyramine, which bonds with cholesterol and encourages its removal from your body. It’s even more heart-smart than spinach, and has a lot more zing in flavor, too.

3. Broccoli – Broccoli is a cruciferous veggie, which while different from the leafy green family kale and spinach belong to, makes it beneficial for your body in a number of ways. First off, it’s packed with sulforaphane, a sulfur-containing compound that is known to have potent anti-cancer effects, as well as a compound called indole-3-carbinol that can combat tumors. The calcium and collagen in broccoli benefit your bones, teeth, fingernails, hair, and skin, and the high Vitamin C content improves skin health as well as immune function. Best of all, the fiber in broccoli is a powerful digestive aid that can not only prevent diarrhea and constipation, but also lower your risk of colon cancer.

4. Watercress – Watercress may not look like much, but you’d be surprised by just how nutrient-dense it is. It contains an impressive range of vitamins—including A, C, E, and B vitamins—as well as calcium, manganese, potassium, and phosphorus. Watercress has potent antiseptic properties that can protect your skin, and it is known to increase circulation so your skin cells receive more nutrients and energy. Thanks to the high antioxidant content of watercress, you can combat free radicals and oxidative stress, particularly in your skin—leading to reduced wrinkles and age lines (aka, the visible signs of biological aging).

5. Brussels sprouts – Brussels sprouts belong to the cruciferous vegetable family like broccoli, which means it’s also loaded with many of the same sulfur-containing compounds that make broccoli such a potent supergreen. It’s also rich in Vitamin C and Vitamin K, folate, iron, potassium, magnesium, and thiamine. The high fiber content of Brussels sprouts make them amazing to improve your digestion and clear up intestinal issues so your digestive system is better-able to absorb nutrients from the food you eat.
Add these five supergreens to your diet every single day and you’ll give your body what it needs to enjoy a longer, healthier, more energetic life.​
Yours in good health,​


Diamond Contributor
Member For 5 Years
Hi Jimi,
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving in the United States. And some lucky plates will feature turnips.
While turnips don’t have the best reputation, these remarkable root veggies are in the same family as kale and broccoli and can be great for gut health, detoxification, and blood sugar balance. They can also bring down inflammation, and even help to prevent cancer!
Get the whole story, and find out how to prepare turnips so they taste great, right here.
Yours for getting back to our roots,
Ocean Robbins
P.S. Turnips are sometimes seen as a not-so-tasty side dish. But their health benefits could have you putting them in the middle of your plate when you know how to prepare them. Find out why, here.

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